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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio side stepped the energy blast, "so thats why" he mumbled. Gio lunged forward " lightening inhale" as his blade began to glow with an electric tint. There was something he needed to see. Since his inhale ability basically charged energy into the his rapier would the mysterious man's knife be able to absorb that energy as well. More importantly was it only the blade? Gio stabbed at the man several times before launching a horizontal slash. It was a simple set up, and the instant he made contact with the mans sword he would have his answer. Gio, however wouldnt make the mistake of believe that to be his only ability. There was clearly more, if he was causing this much trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tiz again watched the man tossing his knife in the air as he waited, he heard him say something which made him smirk, yet he watched as the man attempted another form of strategy. This involved thrusting his sword at him which Tiz dodged easily enough then blocked one horizontal strike. This was when Tiz would start laughing. "I see you are trying to figure out if my zanpakuto absorbs energy. Did you know almost anything is energy though?" Tiz exclaimed and brought up his right leg and kicked Gio back, while Tiz held up his Knife which opened up and began sucking in the air. Instead of firing out. Tiz instead made his blade much longer, long enough that it came out four feet. Four feet which was extending out towards Gio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio was more shocked by the mans perception than anything else. when he was Kicked back he fired off a Shakkaho like a curve ball. So that it flew at the man away from his sword as he was sucking in the air. "everything" Gio started but had to pause to deflect the incomeing energy sword "is made of reishi in the souls society. But know thats not what I was trying to figure out" Of course Gio wasnt going to tell him exactly what he was trying to figure out. instead he closed the distance again, noting that this was the mans second linear attack. His blade glowed a it brighter as he let off another stabbing assault, but faster this time, leaving little time for retaliation. without much warning, he took a risk at this close range. He held out his free hand "hado 58, Tenarn" instantly a widening tornado blast from his hand, with an Upstroke from his hplade he lauched a Sokatsui. The flame was caught in the whirlwind and ignited outward. at this close a rage even if the man could absorb energy chances were he wouls still be at least burned from the explosion. but because he now had no visibility Gio jumped backwards keeping his senses focused on the mans spiritual pressure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The man dodged his attack again, and Tiz just stood there and dispelled the energy his balde ate and it reverted back to a knife, which was perfect timing as the man tried thrusting a bit faster, only for Tiz to block the shots some more, before he did a fancy trick which mad Tiz sigh as he held up the knife again which sucked in the kido once more leaving no trace of it anywhere. " You really are a bore. But hey congratz on living the longest." Tiz said as he pointed the blade close range at Gio and the blade began to open up to send out all the energy it ate in the form of a giant beam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio had jumped back. so he was far enough away to see the attack coming, as well as sense it. it barely took an instant to gauge the blast's strength. "Danku" HE put up the barrier behind him mostly to prevent as much collateral damage as possible. Then he used the energy he had been gathering from 'inhale' to erect his shikai barrier around him. he had enough energy stored to survive the attack. his barrier should be able to withstand the brunt of the blast before breaking. He raised his sword defensively as the blast struck his barrier with a massive force. The barrier maintained for a moment but was ultimately shattered and Gio was pushed back into the Danku barrier he put up. HE was pretty hurt, but very much alive. He leaned against the Danku and dissipated it as he stoop up. Gio had more than enough answers, now all he had to do was survive long enough to report them. He let himself float into the air, noting that it was yet another Linear attack. flying would give Gio more mobility to dodge the mans attacks. As well as a wider view and well needed distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This time however Gio put himself in a barrier which shattered then went into another one before suffering serious injuries, which made Tiz yawn as he watched Gio fly in the air. Tiz jumped on the ground and simply went in a shop and came out with an elixir of sorts, then waved at Gio. "Go home small fry, I'm bored killing you weaklings, next time have those corrupt shinigami send someone better. Like a squad eleven guy, at least then I will be given a challenge, unlike with those that rely on kido and all these fancy tricks that I can just drain." Tiz then sheathed his knife and shunpoed off into the distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Caius just stood there and smirked when Hikari tried to attack him again backing the strike up with some of his spiritual energy. Caius just smirked and held up his blade stopping the attack, while barely being pushed back. "Ahh, I hope you weren't thinking that I thought I was stronger based on my swords size. That is not the case. I'm stronger, for the single fact that I'm just better than you. And you were correct a level four won't do much, so lets bump it up to level 90." Caius said as he then appeared all around Hikari which they would all hold their hands out. "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!" They would all chant together. "Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi!" Then the famous hado itself would begin forming around Hikari in attempt to effectively take him out, but truly Caius wasn't even witht he group of his clones, he was watching from the distance to see how this would pan out.

Hikari put his blade onto his shoulder as the clones surrounded him and held out their hands. Hikari looked around slightly hearing the incarnation, knowing what was to come next. Although he couldn't perform Kido he still took the time out of his day to memorize the incarnations, numbers, and figure out what Kido did what. Although some may have thought it to be useless, Hikari simply found it useful to know allot of things....Even if they seemed pointless, like in this case. He knew that a Hado #90 was coming and knew the amount of damage it did from training with Tabo. If anything Hikari knew he could probably survive an attack from this Kido but would come out with major injuries, and he only took attacks when there was a chance he could get one off on the opponent or if he knew they wouldn't affect him much. Right before it formed Hikari jumped back at an incredible speed letting the Hado hit nothing. He looked at all the clones then around at the surrounding area, "You claim you're stronger but let clones do your work. How about you save time and come out to fight me on your own, or are you just going to hide and shoot Kido this whole time?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio was really geting sick of being waved off, but the retreat of his opponent was a relief. Gio had expected that the man possessed an impressive speed, and his exit proved him right. but what the man probably didnt know was that Gio could track him. He never questioned why Gio put the Danku behind him instead of in front of him. Minimizing collateral damage was one reason but the other was the same reason he defended the attack head on instead of moving the hell out the way. Even though the blast was made up of energy that he absorbed it still contained his own energy. Most would have a lot of trouble disseminating the spiritual pressure from the blast but Giovanni Cain was not most people. The lingering energy was easy for him to sense, and pick up on the mans spiritual pressure. He could use that to track him with a Bakudo but at this point there was no point. Gio knew at the beginning of the fight it wasnt a fight he could win, he damn near died trying to just get answers. He would be able to pass on the information to someone capable of ripping the bastards spine out his ass. And Gio would be content just knowing he tracked him.

Gio flew back to the seirietei, and didnt land untill he got to the gate. it gave him enough time to tend to his more major wounds. When he landed, he found it hard to stand but managed to make it to the squad 5 barrack anyway. he could have gone to squad 4 but squad five had quite afew skilled healers from the kido corps who he could see after he spoke with the captain. The captain would, presumably, want a report so he rent to render one verbally. he would submit a written one of course but... some things were worth putting on the table right away to he knocked on the captains door
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mok again almost finished with his ranking sheet, looked at the door and sensed who it was which made him sigh a bit, yet went to the door and opened it. When he did he looked at Gio and snickered a bit. "Looks like someone got their ass kicked." Mok said before scratching his head. "However i assume this means he got away, or are you just that fast?" Mok said going back over to his desk sitting down in his chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

"ass kicked is putting it mildly. " Gio grunted " everything will be in my report but he took something from one of the stores. it looked like some kind of Elixerish. oh and he called us all corrupt" As he said he would put the rest in the written report. especially the part about the mans fighting style and his energy absorbing bullshit. along with the part about wanting to fight someone from squad 11 to fight. With that out of the way he waited to be inevitable dismissed yet again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Meh you are alive, so it's all good." Mok said as he listened to the little report and simply nodded. " I see, well he must of been a shinigami who rebelled during the time Shinji was head captain, so we very well can't change his thinking. Yet an elixir is good to know about. I can get into contact with the shop about what kind it was. Very good, good job coming back alive. You are dismissed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio bowed and left. Before he had got the mission he had a dream that a tree fell on him. now he felt like a tree fell on him. coincidence? probably not. he had intended to write the report write away. He even sat down to start it. He got to the part about his barrier breaking when he pass the hell out. He hadn't been to get healed yet so he was going to be immeasurably soar in the morning. Thankfully he had an outline to make sure he didnt forget anything important. But this sleep, came fast, hard and unexpected. He literally slammed his head against the desk and didnt feel a thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Hikari put his blade onto his shoulder as the clones surrounded him and held out their hands. Hikari looked around slightly hearing the incarnation, knowing what was to come next. Although he couldn't perform Kido he still took the time out of his day to memorize the incarnations, numbers, and figure out what Kido did what. Although some may have thought it to be useless, Hikari simply found it useful to know allot of things....Even if they seemed pointless, like in this case. He knew that a Hado #90 was coming and knew the amount of damage it did from training with Tabo. If anything Hikari knew he could probably survive an attack from this Kido but would come out with major injuries, and he only took attacks when there was a chance he could get one off on the opponent or if he knew they wouldn't affect him much. Right before it formed Hikari jumped back at an incredible speed letting the Hado hit nothing. He looked at all the clones then around at the surrounding area, "You claim you're stronger but let clones do your work. How about you save time and come out to fight me on your own, or are you just going to hide and shoot Kido this whole time?"

Caius watched Hikari dodge the attack then call him out which made him clap his hands, as he soon appeared in front of Hikari. "My, my very impressive. I see you exceed the information I currently have on you, well it's always nice to update. Caius said bring his hand up to his face, and forming a mask. Caius then chuckled as the ring staretd spinning while Caius then jumped back and grinned behind his mask, he held his buster sword up which began absorbing heat transferring it right to the blade. Caius absorbed quite a bit before saying something Hikari would probably remember. "Feu!!!!!" He shouted before firing the Reiatsu right at Hikari, and much like Hikari would know. The arc would emit some heat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio only smiled as she sat down, taking the time to straighten her clothes out, fix her eye patch and make her hair as neat as she could before Kaizo returned. Once he did, Rio placed her hands in her lap as she was presented with a covered plate. Then Kaizo lifted the cover to reveal an elegant-looking meal underneath. Rio took a moment to just marvel at the food, almost thinking that she didn't want to eat it purely because it looked really well-presented on the plate. Kaizo then took his seat opposite her. "I'm positive I will enjoy it, it almost looks too good to eat" Rio giggled a little before lifting the correct utensils and giving the food on her plate a taste. "Ummm~ This is delicious Kaizo!" Rio took two more bites before dabbing her mouth with her napkin and smiling at Kaizo. "Honestly I think this is the best food I've ever tasted so far~ I wonder what's your secret to making it taste so good. Is there a secret ingredient?" She asked before taking a few more bites of the food.

Kaizo smiled as he watched Rio's expression, he listened to her speak then chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "Well it'd be a shame if you didn't although I wouldn't really mind" Kaizo said followed by a nervous chuckle he then watched Rio take a few bites then when he heard her reaction to it he let out a sigh of relief "I'm glad...I've been working really hard on this specific dish to make sure it was perfect, I'm so glad you like it. Well it's no secret, I just practised making it a lot. I made so much over the past few weeks I was actually able to give some out to the Rukongai people"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki listened to Shiro, taking note of what he was saying and storing it in her long-term memory bank. "You are right Captain... This is why you're my favourite Captain of them all! I will remember that~ And well, if you believe I can be then I will do it~ Besides, I don't think I can see anyone else being your Luie, but that's my opinion" Nishiki looked around at the other members, wondering if any of them would possibly be compatible with Shiro enough to become his Lieutenant but she couldn't think of anyone. "Ahh, I'm glad you enjoyed them Cap'ain~ I hadn't cooked in a while and just felt like doing it so I thought I'd whip you up a batch~ I should probably do that more often if you like them~" Nishiki grinned at Shiro as she spoke before clasping her hands together. "So! What's your plan Captain? Gunna go do something or chill out? Do you need me for anything? Because if you do, let me know~" Nishiki winked at Shiro after she spoke, smiling happily.

Shiro nodded then spoke "I believe you can do it...but do you? Well you best keep working hard then shouldn't you? I can see great things coming from you Nishiki...you just need to fight harder to get there..." Shiro then adjusted his Zanpakuto slightly as he then replied to Nishiki about the muffins she made "They were very good...I hope you make some more, they get me in the mood for a good fight..." Shiro then yawned before looking down at Nishiki and speaking "I don't know...may go take a nap, I'm not to sure...I may swing by and grab you later for some fun" Shiro then grinned before turning and walking back to his...pretty destroyed office "Keep up the good work Nishiki...who knows...you may get a nice reward out of it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta gave a sigh of relief after Kagiko finished talking. "Phew Okay, good to know. I'm just a little oblivious to the rules here, hence why I generally stay within Squad Eight. But anyway, just let me know if I'm doing something wrong, I don't want to accidentally offend anyone or show any disrespect eheh... But yeah, my Clan do things... differently...Not majorly differently but yeah... So, lets go in then shall we" Souta started walking forward, entering the bar then taking a seat where there were two free next to each other. As he sat, he waved for Kagiko to sit next to him before ordering himself a drink, just a light beer.

Kagiko smiled once again as he listened to Souta speak before replying himself "It's fine don't worry about it, we all do things differently...not everyone is going to respect me just because I am a Lieutenant." Kagiko then nodded and followed Souta into the bar and then sat on the seat next to him, Kagiko then ordered a large bottle of Sake and the second that got to him he chugged it down and ordered another as he then looked to Souta "This is going to be fun..." Kagiko then chuckled as his next bottle of Sake arrived "Keep em coming!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

It only took getting lost 3 times for Sinai to get the lay of the land. There wasnt much to it and yet it was all so confusing. maybe it was just because she was new and not used to it yet. She remembered feeling the same way about the Shino academy when she first got there but she figured it out within a couple days. But now she went back to the training room since there were a few things she wanted to work on. She set up on of the practice dummies and hit it a few times, nothing fancy. just simple minute drills followed. how many left jabs in a minute, right jabs. one-two combos. left kick, right kick. one-two kick combos. She went through this routine twice before moving on to more complicated drills. she moved from drills she learned in the academy to drills she grew up learning, which were a bit more difficult. 'Tempo' as it was callled, required her body to be on one rythme while her strikes were on another. in music terms her body would move in a 4/4 tempo while she attacked at the pace of a 16th note. having the body moving at different speeds was more a mental process than physical, it just happened to train the body as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo walked the pathway of the Seireitei to the squad he found to be most interesting when in the academy, that being squad thirteen. Truly Ryozo could be good enough for a vast majority except squad two and eleven, considering his shikai isn't exactly sneaky nor squad eleven appropriate, well the look might be for squad eleven, but not the way it worked. He soon found that their was a girl with watermelon colored hair going in the same direction, she also seemed to notice this as he looked up at him. "Squad thirteen?" She he asked with the hint of an Australian accent. To this he simply smiled and nodded, as they both made i to their destination and were let in quite peacefully surprisingly, and eevn led to the captains office, where Ryozo knocked on the door, awaiting to see if the captain was even in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lotte Brunhild sat in her office with only one niggling question in her mind... concerning one of the members of the Squad. Banging a fist onto her desk as a Shinigami spoke to her, startling them while they were giving her a report, which she wasn't listening to as she already knew, Lotte looked to them with a pissed off expression, the only expression she tended to give now-a-days.

"Enough of Z'hat Shinigami! Now, I'd like for z'ou to bring me Fuma. I have an issue I'd like to discuss v'ith him."

The Shinigami, still startled, nodded her head before rushing out to give Fuma the request. It certainly was no secret that Lotte was not impressed by how Fuma had been behaving towards her within the past few weeks. Whether it was because he had an attachment with the previous Captain, she didn't know. But what she did know was that she just about had enough of his disrespect and was about to make it perfectly clear that changes had to be made. Depending on how Fuma would act towards her would decide whether or not she would allow him to stay any longer within this Squad. All of the other members atleast gave her respect, whether they liked her or not was none of her concern. She wouldn't kick out a person with skill for no reason but if they wouldn't even listen to their Captain, how could she trust them with giving help and heal where's needed....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fuma who was in the middle of healing a grouchy squad eleven member, was suddenly tapped on the shoulder and told the captain wanted to see him, well more so discuss an issue. Fuma looked at the squad eleven member wondering if the issue could wait, yet in the end left the member who told him the issue to heal the squad eleven member. Fuma then casually walked to the captains office, knocking and saying it was Fuma. He then entered closing the door behind him, giving the Captain a little bow, before peering at the Captain with his emotionless expression. "Yes? What seems to be the problem?" Fuma asked, while he could practically feel the injured people moving around.
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