Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lotte watched quietly as Fuma walked in and spoke. Her eyes on him as she slightly narrowed them towards the boy.

"Z'he problem is z'he sudden stream of Squad Eleven members. I haven't checked v'hy z'hey are here as of yet, but I thought you'd know."

Her eyes scanned over Fuma's form since he seemed to of changed his disrespectful approach this time, but why? Why was it he was suddenly acting as a normal Squad member should towards their Captain?... Something wasn't right, and Lotte was just waiting for him to change back. Just one more time... Be disrespectful towards her one more time and it'd be over. Done. Lotte wasn't going to kick him out for no reason.... She may of been strict but she wasn't petty.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh that. Well the member I was healing said, and I quote him on this. Let me go you white haired freak, I have to go and fight the Captain, and your sick fetish of strapping people gets in the way of that. The man then went into more detail about my fetish, even though its meant to heal people. Then for some reason he made fun of my hair and then did more pointless insults. So my assumption is squad eleven did another brawl, it happens occasionally. Anything else?" Fuma asked her still having his emotionless expression.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie happily licked her ice cream, then looked up at him and casually took a lick of his. "Weird combo..." Chie said to him as she went back to eating her ice cream, when he then asked where she wanted to go next. That was when she heard people talking about an amusement park. "I also want to go to this park of amusement, where can we find it?" Chie asked the teenaged males who snickered a bit, but gave her directions. She then smiled and walked ahead while the males looked at Fumio and gave him a thumbs up sign most likely indicating him having a woman like that. Where Chie turned around and pouted at Fumio. "Hurry up Fumio, you are so slow!"

Fumio continued to walk beside Chie, holding her hand as he did while still licking his ice-cream. Mainly he was focused on eating the ice-cream before it melted at this point as sticky hand weren't something he'd appreciate, but then Chie broke his focus by taking a lick. He looked at her and chuckled. "I know, that's why I like it so much~" Fumio grinned before going back to his ice-cream, screwing his eyebrows together as he licked profusely. Chie then began speaking to strangers again, attracting his attention. As Fumio kept his eyes on his girlfriend, still holding onto her hand as she went to speak, he absent-mindedly continued to lick his ice-cream, eventually getting to the cone which he ate within a few seconds. The cone was indeed a good finish to a delicious ice-cream. Chie then slipped out of his hand and continued to walk. The guys she was speaking to look at him with a thumbs-up, which he just looked at blankly before turning to Chie's direction, reminded of something... Walking a little as Chie turned around and spoke, Fumio stopped as soon as he got to her... "... Chie... I have something to tell you..." His eyes were to the floor as he spoke before they slid up her body and reached her eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie listened to him, blinking blankly, before nodding and sitting down on a bench and finishing off the rest of her Ice cream as she looked up at Fumio and pouted a bit. "If its about work, then I told you, today is our day off. Our squads will not burn to the ground if we aren't there. If anything mine has a better chance of staying very grounded and not a pile of ash, and Aya is more than capable of watching people for a few hours. I already told her to do that anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mukei stood at the entrance for a good hour, his arms crossed and his foot tapping "........how long do they plan onto having me wait?" He said, slightly agitated. Finally the doors opened, a strange and old man behind it with a false smile "May I help you!" "Cut the crap old man, I know you don't want to deal with me and I don't want to deal with you. I want to join, no I will join Squad 12 no matter what it takes. So take me to your captain or I'll find someone who will" The old man chuckled "My my, quite the energetic one aren't you?" He grinned "Follow Me" Without hesitating, he followed the old man into the barracks. He studied his surroundings and began to make a mental blueprint if the barracks. They had finally stopped before an office, the old man knocking three times "Captain, there's a fresh mate- fresh recruit who wishes to join Squad 12"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
"Oh that. Well the member I was healing said, and I quote him on this. Let me go you white haired freak, I have to go and fight the Captain, and your sick fetish of strapping people gets in the way of that. The man then went into more detail about my fetish, even though its meant to heal people. Then for some reason he made fun of my hair and then did more pointless insults. So my assumption is squad eleven did another brawl, it happens occasionally. Anything else?" Fuma asked her still having his emotionless expression.

Lotte couldn't help but chuckle a little over what the Squad Eleven member had said but quickly composed herself.

"Right. V'well... Gut job Fuma."

Lotte spun her chair away, closing her eyes while sighing openly. How could she of really brought Fuma in here to kick him out? What age was she, 90?... On the inside Lotte was disappointed in herself for letting her hot-headedness get to her head. Even if Fuma was being disrespectful, there must of been a reason, why else would he suddenly change like this?... Lotte wanted to know.

"One more thing. V'hy have you changed z'your attitude towards me? I don't care for pettiness v'ithin our Squad so v'hy did you treat me v'ith disrespect during z'he past few weeks? Have I shown you disrespect?"

Turning her chair around, Lotte looked firmly into Fuma's eyes, wondering what his excuse was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fuma simply nodded and was about to walk away when she suddenly asked another question, which made him look at her before himself sighing. "It's.... not that I hate you or disrespect you, I just find some methods needs to stay the same. It more so has to deal with my past, you see as a child I had this friend, and well.... I made a wrong call. He got badly injured and instead of making him stay still, i had him move. Little did I know that his back...... was cut open, so upon moving him...." Fuma stopped and looked at the ground, clenching his fist a bit. "I killed my best friend, by simply moving him.... So my methods are based on what happened in the past, hence why I strap people, so in case I do have to move them... I won't have to see that mistake I've made in the past."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie listened to him, blinking blankly, before nodding and sitting down on a bench and finishing off the rest of her Ice cream as she looked up at Fumio and pouted a bit. "If its about work, then I told you, today is our day off. Our squads will not burn to the ground if we aren't there. If anything mine has a better chance of staying very grounded and not a pile of ash, and Aya is more than capable of watching people for a few hours. I already told her to do that anyway."

Fumio took a seat beside Chie, facing her and watching as she finished her ice-cream. Fumio's face kept straight as he waited and listened to what Chie said, rolling his eyes once she mentioned Aya but didn't speak on it. "That isn't what I need to talk to you about... but I guess work would also be effected, depending on what happens...." Fumio kept quiet for a moment and looked away, turning his face away from Chie to avoid whatever expression she would make at what he had to say next... He didn't want to be effected by her... "Chie, I'm leaving. Soon.... I don't want you to follow or try to get involved. Me and Souta along with another are going to leave the Seireitei... and there's a chance of none of us returning..." That was it.. Fumio finally let out his thoughts, now was the time to listen to Chie and hear how she would react to this. "... I hope you know what this means... for us"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie listened to him, taking in his words before finally hugging his arm. "Okay, then its simple. You make it so that you do come back alive, I know how stubborn you can be, so it will take more than whatever you are going to fight to kill you. You also don't try and make their death creative mister not enough blood or gouging out of the flesh. And I will only consider what will happen to us, if when you leave, don't come back for an entire year...." Chie said squeezing his arm then looking up at the back of his head. "You can look at me, I'm not angry."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Fuma simply nodded and was about to walk away when she suddenly asked another question, which made him look at her before himself sighing. "It's.... not that I hate you or disrespect you, I just find some methods needs to stay the same. It more so has to deal with my past, you see as a child I had this friend, and well.... I made a wrong call. He got badly injured and instead of making him stay still, i had him move. Little did I know that his back...... was cut open, so upon moving him...." Fuma stopped and looked at the ground, clenching his fist a bit. "I killed my best friend, by simply moving him.... So my methods are based on what happened in the past, hence why I strap people, so in case I do have to move them... I won't have to see that mistake I've made in the past."

Lotte simply kept calm eyes on Fuma as he spoke before she stood from her seat and walked over to the guy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I apologise for causing you to bring z'hat up... I'm sure z'hat v'as a painful memory... I am sorry. Now, you may go off to do v'hatever you need to do."

Lotte's hand slid off of Fuma's shoulder after she finished speaking. The woman then span back around on her heel and head for her desk, sitting in her seat while looking at some paperwork that had been placed on her desk by the Shinigami that was previously in the room. On the inside, Lotte felt ashamed for making Fuma mention his past, but she needed to know why he acted the way he did so that they could do something about it... Maybe she was changing a little too much, maybe certain things were best kept the same, that was the thought going through her head anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie listened to him, taking in his words before finally hugging his arm. "Okay, then its simple. You make it so that you do come back alive, I know how stubborn you can be, so it will take more than whatever you are going to fight to kill you. You also don't try and make their death creative mister not enough blood or gouging out of the flesh. And I will only consider what will happen to us, if when you leave, don't come back for an entire year...." Chie said squeezing his arm then looking up at the back of his head. "You can look at me, I'm not angry."

Fumio kept his face straight but soon found himself surprised... Chie was far more calmer than he expected. He kept an eyebrow raised as she hugged him and spoke, causing him to chuckle at a point. "Heh, don't worry, I plan on being as brutal as possible, creativity isn't important in this situation... And well, I could end up dying... a-and." Fumio stopped himself as he started to stutter, taking a breath before continuing. "... I think it's best to just end us now. If I do come back, then I will try to get you back but you don't have to be with me. It's best if we don't associate with each other, atleast not until I know this person is dead and never coming back." Fumio spoke what he had planed in his mind with a straight face, but then Chie asked if he could look at her... Whether she was upset or not, he preferred not to... just like how he told Souta to forget Aya, Fumio was already working on trying to forget Chie... Just in case he wasn't able to kill Ursula and she finds her.... "I'm glad you're not angry, it just makes this easier..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie listened to him again, and this time pouted at him as he still wouldn't look at each other. Chie now grumbling a bit, grabbed his arm and began pulling him, into this photo booth where she pushed him him first so he couldn't escape since the side he would be on would be against a wall. She then got in and put in a coin and randomly selected an option, as she grabbed his arm and smile, as three flashes went off, and on the last flash, she kissed him on the cheek, which she stood out of the booth, and then handed him some pictures of them. "It's simple then, if you are dead set on.... forgetting everything between us, then rip up those pictures. And I will let you walk away." Chie said staring at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie listened to him again, and this time pouted at him as he still wouldn't look at each other. Chie now grumbling a bit, grabbed his arm and began pulling him, into this photo booth where she pushed him him first so he couldn't escape since the side he would be on would be against a wall. She then got in and put in a coin and randomly selected an option, as she grabbed his arm and smile, as three flashes went off, and on the last flash, she kissed him on the cheek, which she stood out of the booth, and then handed him some pictures of them. "It's simple then, if you are dead set on.... forgetting everything between us, then rip up those pictures. And I will let you walk away." Chie said staring at him.

Fumio's eyes widened as Chie suddenly pulled him into a photo-booth. At first he tried to leave but Chie's grip was quite difficult to break out of. Three flashes then abruptly went off, confusing Fumio for a little before he was pulled out and given pictures. She had kissed him on the cheek... Fumio only stared at the pictures as Chie spoke. 'Rip them up. Tear them to shreds.' A voice went off in Fumio head, his voice of reason... After gulping, Fumio lifted his hands to grip the top and... paused. 'DO IT! TEAR IT! GET RID OF THIS WOMAN ONCE AND FOR ALL!' His own voice yelled at him, but his hands didn't move. Tilting his head down so his hair covered his eyes, Fumio took a breath before, in one swift movement, he tore the picture straight down the middle, in two so that Chie's face was on one side but his was on the other. He the looked up and grabbed Chie's arm slightly roughly, pulling her towards him, her lips falling straight onto his. The kiss was gentle at first but soon Fumio wrapped his arms around her body, kissing Chie with passion... passion he tried to suppress... After a minute or so, Fumio finally backed off, breathing through his mouth shallowly. "Chie..." He whispered. "You have to... forget me..." Fumio's head was still tilted downwards however his arms were still wrapped around Chie's body. "I don't want to be afraid... but I am Chie... I am afraid... of loosing you.. so I have to let you go, and you have to the same" Slowly Fumio unravelled his arms from around Chie's body. "Find someone better... someone who's not a murderer....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie smiled when it seemed as though Fumio wouldn't rip the pictures, yet her face saddened as he did indeed tear it straight down the middle. She was pretty much silent, and was going to honor her word until he suddenly kissed her, much longer than one who wanted to forget would do. So when he finished speaking, she couldn't help but slap him. "Idiot! Fear is reasonable. Yet don't go assuming I can't defend myself from some people. It's sweet that you care about me, but don't go insulting me to think that just because you have memories of me that I could very well die. If that was the case I would have died long ago Fumio. So if you want to forget me thats fine, but don't ask for me to forget you..... And deep down were all murderers.... I think about it all the time, like the time the swarm attacked and I had to burn them all alive in one attack, I couldn't just wait for everyone to get out. I'm sure I murdered an innocent person that day, probably multiple people." Chie said as she took a deep breath and turned around as she closed her eyes. "I'll give you ten seconds, walk away if there is no changing your mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie smiled when it seemed as though Fumio wouldn't rip the pictures, yet her face saddened as he did indeed tear it straight down the middle. She was pretty much silent, and was going to honor her word until he suddenly kissed her, much longer than one who wanted to forget would do. So when he finished speaking, she couldn't help but slap him. "Idiot! Fear is reasonable. Yet don't go assuming I can't defend myself from some people. It's sweet that you care about me, but don't go insulting me to think that just because you have memories of me that I could very well die. If that was the case I would have died long ago Fumio. So if you want to forget me thats fine, but don't ask for me to forget you..... And deep down were all murderers.... I think about it all the time, like the time the swarm attacked and I had to burn them all alive in one attack, I couldn't just wait for everyone to get out. I'm sure I murdered an innocent person that day, probably multiple people." Chie said as she took a deep breath and turned around as she closed her eyes. "I'll give you ten seconds, walk away if there is no changing your mind."

Fumio could see it coming, and just as he expected, a slap shot across his face. He was used to being slapped so the sting wore off quickly, however the emotion it carried and caused lingered.... Fumio listened to Chie, his eyes to the floor and hair still covering them from sight, however they were growing gently wider as Chie spoke. 'You don't understand... I'm a liar... I'm not innocent... I don't deserve you...' He wanted to say those words aloud but couldn't get himself to interrupt Chie, he only continued to listen... 'I killed for personal gain... but mainly for the thrill... how can you want to be with some like me?.... but how are you making me... feel so much...' Chie then turned around and told him that he had ten seconds to walk away and this was final. Shooting his head up, Fumio looked at the back of Chie's head, watching as wind swept through her crimson locks. His eyes were wide. 'I don't... wan't to... but how can I be so selfish? You're the one person I don't want to hurt or even scratch... I can't protect you... I have to go...' Fumio looked down, about to step away but then a memory passed through his mind, the first time he met Chie, followed by their first kiss... When she tried to punch him, when they were starting to get together... When they worked together, when they went on dates together... when they first got intimate with each other... "This is all... too much..." closing his eyes, before Fumio knew it, his arms had wrapped around Chie protectively... "No... I can't let you go... I won't let her touch you! Even if it fucking kills me, I will protect you.... Against her... against your brother.. against anyone.... I won't let them lay a finger on you." Fumio just let himself talk without thinking, his eyes still closed as a tear slid down his left cheek. As this happened, Fumio tighten his grip on Chie a little, opening his eyes slightly. "I-I... can't... I tried to leave you because of her... because of Ursula... Again and again she won't leave my mind... my mind tells me to leave you but... my heart won't let me...." Fumio whispered, his voice rough with emotion as he gently kissed Chie's cheek. "... I love you Chie... but I don't understand... why do you want me to stay?...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie kept her eyes closed as she counted down only for her to feel arms wrap around her, which made her smile enjoying his warmth, knowing he really couldn't forget her. So when he spoke she turned around to look up at him smiling. "Well then I like your heart much more than your mind. And hey I never said stay, I understand if you have to do something. All I ask is that you don't forget about me, that's what would hurt me most, and besides I love you, and well you helped me greatly where as others would simply run, knowing my brother could have killed you at any time. So I want you around because you actually care about me. So all I have to ask is this, when you go to wherever it is, simply all you got to do is this. Remember me, and I'll be happy. Now one more thing...." Chie said glaring at him down as she had a devilish smirk. "Did you really rip up the pictures? What a mean thing to do! get in that booth again and take more with me, or so help me I will burn you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

An update? Well, have fun figuring that out. Of course he knows the improvement speed, but he still has to figure out if that was simply my speed or timing it right. Hikari thought as he watched the man form a mask, he then caused the ring to spin which caught Hikari's interest. When he held the blade out Hikari wondered what was to come, but then felt the heat around him disappeared. His eyes widened for a second when Caius yelled Feu and shot out the red Reiatsu. I see, Hikari thought as he watched the Reiatsu come towards him...He couldn't risk damage to the surrounding area as he knew how far the arc could travel. “Strike and clap, Ken!” Hikari commanded as he released his Shikai, he then used Feu to absorb the heat....Though he didn't shoot it out. "Your ring began spinning right before you used my technique, so let me guess....You're able to steal techniques," Hikari said as he narrowed his eyes, "And it wouldn't be too far off to suggest you can take information with that same ability, huh?" Hikari knew if that was true then there was also a possibility he could also read current thoughts, which is why he didn't think of a plan right then and there, though he already knew what he was going to do....Just needed to wait until.....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caius watched as Hikari absorbed Feu with a Feu of his own, which made Caius nod in approval before Hikari thought of an idea which made Caius shrug to Hikari. "Ahh, you see I'm not an idiot, I'm not telling you anything about what I can do, what imbecile would do such a thing? Truly only an idiot would tell such valuable information, and just before Caius was about to do another attack, Tiz came up to him only an elixir and a test tube of something. "I got my stuff and got what you were suppose to be doing. Oh well, this is like you." Tiz mumbled looking at Hikari, before grinning. "Ah the man who doesn't know Kido, sweet! You wil-" Tiz said being caught off by Caius removing his mask and grinning at Hikari. "I see! this is most interesting, thank you for your time lieutenant! Come Tiz, Sieg awaits us! Also i wouldn't follow survivor boy, unless you wish to die by Sieg Oda himself." Caius said grabbing Tiz and shunpoing off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Chie kept her eyes closed as she counted down only for her to feel arms wrap around her, which made her smile enjoying his warmth, knowing he really couldn't forget her. So when he spoke she turned around to look up at him smiling. "Well then I like your heart much more than your mind. And hey I never said stay, I understand if you have to do something. All I ask is that you don't forget about me, that's what would hurt me most, and besides I love you, and well you helped me greatly where as others would simply run, knowing my brother could have killed you at any time. So I want you around because you actually care about me. So all I have to ask is this, when you go to wherever it is, simply all you got to do is this. Remember me, and I'll be happy. Now one more thing...." Chie said glaring at him down as she had a devilish smirk. "Did you really rip up the pictures? What a mean thing to do! get in that booth again and take more with me, or so help me I will burn you!"

Fumio looked at Chie as she spoke, gently stroking her cheek. "I see... Well, I'm not used to listening to my heart, but.... I'll do that when I'm with you... And no matter how hard I try, even if I did walk away, I know that I could never forget you..." Fumio let his hand drop as he smiled at Chie, looking into her eyes. "Your brother doesn't frighten me, death itself doesn't scare me either since my life has no meaning to it anyway... however, you give me a reason to continue, even after I've settled things... I never want to see you get hurt, you're my most precious Gemstone and I plan on keeping you without a scratch... This... Us... is extremely weird for me... It's been a so long since I've ever felt anything... good... I never want to leave your side Chie...." Fumio continued to smile but then gulped when Chie mentioned about the pictures, frozen still as he expected another slap... however she had a devilish smirk which confused him. After Chie finished speaking, Fumio chuckled. "Gladly my Queen~" Lifting up Chie's right hand, Fumio kissed it gently before putting more coins into the photo-booth and pulling Chie inside it. This time the booth captured Fumio kissing Chie on the lips while embracing her with a gentle hug.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the two left, Hikari could have easily made an attack on them....But he had other things to worry about, like the people who were acting now, like Tenchi. He would fill out out a detailed report on what all happened, the Sieg guy. The two guys who showed up and their appearance, the theory of the man's abilities, the elixir and test tube. And a bunch of other things. Going back to his sealed form Hikari turned away and shunpo'ed off back to the Seireitei and to Squad ten. Now time to focus on what's going on.... Hikari thought.
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