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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Summary: When returned back to their living quarters the group gives Kenta and Keina a room alone.
Kenta then visits a place of the past, and tries to visit old friends

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime who had waited ever so patiently for everyone to leave the training room as she wanted no part in training near any male individual, was finally blessed with a free training room which she was able to utilize by practicing her hakuda for a good half and hour when suddenly she heard something terrifying behind her. She turned her head speechless and with a terrified look as the man came closer asking where Rio was, and while she didn't want to, she soon found her hand swinging towards his neck in hopes of breaking it. Again she found herself in this state, Rio would be angry with her....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Once the girl turned around he saw the terrified look on her face then came a swing to her hand that was slow, atleast to him it was. He probably just startled her, he was known to be pretty silent and could disappear even when people were looking directly him. He knew swatting her hand away could probably hurt her hand, and grabbing it to stop it probably wouldn't have been better, even though past him would have grabbed her wrist and flipped her then stomped on her chest....Her face if it were one of those types of days, even if it was a startle. Though instead of doing any of those he just held his hands up letting the attack hit his neck, it seemingly didn't affect him and if anything probably hurt her instead. Kenta jumped back a few distance keeping his hands up, "I'm sorry if I startled you, I didn't mean to....Honestly. I just need your Lieutenant."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Surprisngly the man held up his hands and let her hit him, although it bruised her hand a bit as she rubbed it a bit and listened to him, and was about to lower her hands when she shook her head and glared at him. "Lies! All men are nothing but filthy liars! They never do anything truthful at all! They are just scumbags that deserve nothing but death!" She yelled rushing at him again, aiming a kick this time towards his next. While her fist aimed at his chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Once the girl finished Kenta somewhat understood now, it wasn't because he startled her it was because she hated men. It hopefully didn't take a genius to figure out she had bad experiences with men, either that or she just really hated men. When she aimed the kick Kenta dropped his hands and shunpo'ed behind her and had his finger up to the back of her neck on her spine, probably doing all this before she even noticed. "Look, if I wanted to hurt you then I could have easily sent a Byakurai through the back of your neck. If not killing you then immobilizing you, but I'm not so calm down! I wouldn't waste my time." Kenta spoke a bit harshly but wanted to get this girl to stop before he ended up hurting her or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Sinai continued to train and focus. drills that she dreaded growing up would probably be the things that kept her alive for a while. at least until she got more training as a member of squad 2. When she was done beating the dummy to a pulp she took a moment to rest. Sitting in Lotus position she recited a poem in her head focusing on her breathing. she could probably use the same method to focus on her spiritual pressure since she would have to work on masking it. Slowly she rose and took a light stance. 'the dragon of butterflies' she whispered to herself as she shifted her stance into a lower one. the next 47 movement went perfectly with her original poem. a graceful ferocity that ended with a powerful, concentrated strike

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime missed her kick well more so he dodge her kick, and he then appeared behind her with his fingers to the back of her neck in which he spoke, all while she froze up terrified. At this point she just curled up in a ball and hide her face. "She should be in her room. Just.... leave me alone. Go away, I can't control myself when Im near men, so just go see her." Nohime said while crawling towards the corner in which she hide her face, almost like a child would who thought that if they cant see you, you cant see them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

When she told him where Rio was he shrugged and put his hands in his pockets then began walking towards the door. He looked back seeing her crawling towards the corner then looked forward again reaching for the door. He sighed as his hand dropped. Great, Kenta...Kenta thought as he turned around walking back over to Nohime. Once she reached the corner he sat beside her, though gave her room.

"Going to try to make this quick since you're obviously afraid of men from what I assume are from bad past experiences, and atleast I'll be taking a heavy burden off my shoulders....And possibly helping someone in the process," Kenta said with a sigh, "It was around the time I was put into the Shinrai clan, maybe a week or few months after? Don't matter. There were some bad people there, and long story short I was taken and taken to some....Place, I'm not quite sure where. Buuuuuut I...Was raped and beat there by a single man. I won't go into detail, but I killed the guy a few days later and was taken back to the Shinrai clan. I was a bit shaken up about it, but happy that he was gone....But the point ain't that I was happy killing the guy, the point is that I stuck around the male dominant clan. I didn't get upset at every man I saw, just got mad at the bad people."

Kenta stood up and looked down at Nohime, "I guess it's a bit different with you though. Whatever expirence you had with a man, let it be rape, abuse, whatever....Just know that there are some men who has went through that too. Not every man hurts a woman, but every has been hurt by men....That's the saying right? Or something like that. You have all right to be cautious around every male, but attacking them is a different story. You just need to learn how to control that...."

Kenta let out a breath as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah, that all seemed easier in my head.....But I wish you luck on that, Starfire or whatever your name is, alright? Yeah...." Kenta then began walking towards the door again, if the girl wanted to say anything then the time was now. He atleast got a relief of telling someone that, it was really never brought up in his mind until that one time with Minori. Repressed memories he guessed, but that never really got to him like the other events did, probably because all his care went to other people and little to himself.

(lazy poosteh)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Sinai called it quits after her last few drills. She didn't want to run herself into the ground just yet. She never knew when she might be sent on a mission so it was good to be ready and able. As she left the training room she was in she glanced in others as she passed them by. In one she saw man walking away from a woman who was balled up in a corner.

"What the hell is going here?" She barged in to the room glaring at the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime just sat in her ball, even though she felt his presence sit next to her. It was times like this she wish she could be invisible. Yet she never expected him to just outright say what he did, it was enough to make her raise her head and look at him, unsure if he was lying or not. Most males don't really admit to something like that for fun anyway. So when he finished his story and was walking away telling her what she should do, then proceeded to give her a name of his own reason. she smiled a bit, then saw some random woman burst in and glare at the man, which made her blink, as she held up her hand. "Ummmm I'm at fault really, hes just looking for Rio... Whatever your name happens to be." Nohime said standing up still keeping her distance a bit, yet seemingly calmed down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo smiled as he watched Rio's expression, he listened to her speak then chuckled and rubbed the back of his head "Well it'd be a shame if you didn't although I wouldn't really mind" Kaizo said followed by a nervous chuckle he then watched Rio take a few bites then when he heard her reaction to it he let out a sigh of relief "I'm glad...I've been working really hard on this specific dish to make sure it was perfect, I'm so glad you like it. Well it's no secret, I just practised making it a lot. I made so much over the past few weeks I was actually able to give some out to the Rukongai people"

After Rio had swallowed a few more bites, she looked up at Kaizo and smiled once again. "Don't be ridiculous, I love anything that you spend time and effort on~ The thought in itself already makes me love it, no matter what it is~" Rio closed her eye while smiling for a moment before opening it and returning to her food, eating the rest of it as she listened to Kaizo talk once again. Gently placing her knife and fork down on top of her empty plate, Rio dabbed her mouth with her napkin before looking up at Kaizo again, giving him an expression to show how she felt touched by what he said. "You gave some out to the Rukongai people? That's really thoughtful of you Kaizo~ It truly touches my heart... I actually can't believe that I didn't think of doing something like that myself..." Rio's touched expression raised into a gentle smile as she watched and waited for Kaizo to finish eating. "That was a delicious meal~ Thank you for making that for me Kaizo~ Looks like your practising paid off~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro nodded then spoke "I believe you can do it...but do you? Well you best keep working hard then shouldn't you? I can see great things coming from you Nishiki...you just need to fight harder to get there..." Shiro then adjusted his Zanpakuto slightly as he then replied to Nishiki about the muffins she made "They were very good...I hope you make some more, they get me in the mood for a good fight..." Shiro then yawned before looking down at Nishiki and speaking "I don't know...may go take a nap, I'm not to sure...I may swing by and grab you later for some fun" Shiro then grinned before turning and walking back to his...pretty destroyed office "Keep up the good work Nishiki...who knows...you may get a nice out of it"

Nishiki beamed up at Shiro as he told her that he believed she could do it. "Yes Cap'ain! And I plan to~" Her grin settled into a smile as Shiro adjusted his Zanpakuto and continued to talk. "Well I know what I'll be doing from now on then~" Her eyebrows suddenly raised a little as he yawed. "Okay Cap'ain! I'll be ready and waiting Sir~ Ooooooo~ a reward~ I wonder what it is~ I guess I'll have to wait and see~" Nishiki wriggled her eyebrows a little at Shiro before he left the vicinity. Once he was out of sight, Nishiki's smile was replaced by an in-though expression. "Hmmm, what to do now? I guess I'll go back to my room and wait" Nishiki tapped her chin for a moment before giggling and skipping back up to her room. Her right ankle and left foot hurt even more as she skipped however Nishiki seemed unaffected by the pain, she believed that all they needed was a little rest to get back to normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Sinai looked back and forth between the two people in the room. It was one hell of a scene. "i, uh... " Sinai had acted on impulse made a bit of an ass of herself. She could see now that the woman was physically unharmed. She rubbed the back of her neck. "sorry, i jumped to a bad conclusion." she said as she looked at the woman. She still had her doubts but would take the womans word for it, at least until the man left. Especially since the woman kept a noticeable distance from them, but she did seem calmer than Sinai had previously assumed so that was kind of a good sign. wow she felt dumb. She stepped out of the way so that the man could pass. She no longer glared at him but still watched him carefully, curiously and still cautiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Keisa was currently walking down the Squad two barracks stairs, heading for the training room. Rio didn't come to find her therefore she must of been busy but that didn't bother Keisa since there was always tomorrow. As she made her way, she hoped the training room was vacant since she wouldn't be able to train properly otherwise, unless she was with Rio.

Opening the door, she stepped inside. 'Wonderful.' Unfortunately for her, the training room wasn't as empty as she wished. She did spot a familiar face, however the other two were unknown to her, not that she cared to know who they were. Overhearing a part of their conversation, Keisa had heard Rio's name be mentioned. "You're looking for Rio? She's busy currently, try again tomorrow." Keisa stated bluntly, her expression her usual neutral face, not happy nor sad. After she spoke, Keisa began making her way to an out-of-the-way corner of the training room, hoping that all three people would leave soon...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

When the little girl walked in and glared at him, Kenta stood calmly about to answer but Nohime doing so first telling the girl it was ok in which the other apologized. She then stepped out of the way for Kenta in which he gave a slight nod in thanks. "No need to apologize, I can see how the situation looked questionable. You essentially did the right thing," Kenta said before looking back at Nohime, "Just so happens my name is Kenta Makoto...Remember what I told ya, aight? Good." Kenta then began walking away, just as he was about to leave some woman stepped in telling him Rio was busy and to try to tomorrow. "Of course she's busy, she's the Lieutenant," Kenta mumbled, wondering if there were going to be anymore females to come in and halt him next. Maybe a male to spice things up a bit.

Just as he stepped out of the room he raised a metal hand with a wave of goodbye before shutting the door. He put his hands in his pockets again as he was already gone, though had no idea where Rio's room was. He would have asked Starfire but he figured her problem with men.....Yeah, wouldn't be good, so he'd find his own way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko smiled once again as he listened to Souta speak before replying himself "It's fine don't worry about it, we all do things differently...not everyone is going to respect me just because I am a Lieutenant." Kagiko then nodded and followed Souta into the bar and then sat on the seat next to him, Kagiko then ordered a large bottle of Sake and the second that got to him he chugged it down and ordered another as he then looked to Souta "This is going to be fun..." Kagiko then chuckled as his next bottle of Sake arrived "Keep em coming!"

Souta sat with his light beer in hand, sipping it every now and then as he waited for Kagiko to sit beside him. "Just one more week.... come on Souta, don't be scared, you're stronger now..." Souta whispered to himself, gripping his beer a little tighter as he gave himself a pep-talk. Kagiko then sat next to him and ordered himself a sake, chugged it and then ordered another... Souta turned his head to look at him with a raised eyebrow, not really expecting Kagiko to be much of a drinker. Chuckling, Souta spoke up. "You might want to slow it down a little, you don't want to end up drinking too much too soon heheh" He then took another swig of his beer, not quite bothered whether or not Kagiko would take his advice since it was his choice. All Souta knew was that if Kagiko did get to the point of vomiting, he wasn't going to be the one cleaning it up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

With Kiesa's entrance Kenta was given the answer he had been looking for, At least he was nice about the situation. But that kinda made Sina uneasy about the whole situation again. Of course it was strange having the man looking for the lieutenant just walk around the barracks but it wasnt like she was really in a position to say anything about it anyway. she moved closer to the woman who's name she didnt know. "my name is Sinai.... are you sure you're alright?" she asked her. Now that the testosterone was gone from the room she might be a bit more willing to say what actually happened. Of Course Kiesa was there too but she hadnt said anything to anyone other than Kenta so Sinai temporarily tuned her out. Sinai really just wanted to make sure that the woman was ok.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime watched the man leave, then watched the girl come up to her and ask her again, which made her frown at her. "I said I was the one that started things didn't I? He tried to resolve it peacefully which he did." Nohime said mumbling a bit. "And I'm Nohime." She said shunpoing off heading back to her room, where she just laid on her bed thinkign about what the one called Kenta told her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka growled in frustration at the training dummy. She'd been practicing obsessively over the past few days, but she didn't feel like she was getting anywhere. The pup was watching from nearby and couldn't help but frown. Just yesterday, Haruka had laid out three of her comrades, but that had left her just as frustrated. If he was honest, he wasn't sure what was upsetting her so much.

She was strong, even now it seemed like she was about to break yet another dummy. She was fast, even without that shunpo thing she'd shown him. And both were increasing every day she obsessed over it. What more could she want?

He wasn't stupid. Unnamed, but not stupid. He heard the rumors. For a policing organization, shinigami gossiped like old hags: one part truth, three parts "Shut up and Listen to Me Because My Voice is Amazing." Mostly the unseated ones anyway. The tenth seat had been encouraging, and offered to spar with her often. But, that didn't seem to help the frustration of his owner. Regardless, he was proud to be her pet, but was that enough? Few of these...imbeciles, she worked with were worth their weight in dirt. To him, the vast majority of Squad 10's unseated members were worth their weight in air. The dog laid his head on his paws before looking up at the sound of something shattering.

There goes the dummy.

There was a yell of pure, unadulterated frustration.

And there goes her sanity. He stood up and padded his way over to her. Haruka was sitting down, slumped and with her head in her hands. The dog laid a paw on her face after he managed to climb into her lap. In reflex, she held him securely and brought her eyes to his. You shouldn't look so sad. He dropped his paw and licked her face. She laughed softly and smiled at him.
"Ya little bigger." she scratched his head gently, "What about...Alucard? It's Dracula backwards?" the pup closed his eyes and leaned his head against her sternum. "Alucard it is then."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske finally made it to Squad 11 training grounds, only to be disappointed. He looked around with his hands in his pockets "Dammit" He said, noticing how messed up the terrain was. It was obvious a big battle occurred here recently, and he had missed it "I would miss it, I guess that only shows how weak I am. If I were stronger, I would of been here in no time. That only means one thing...I need more training. And since I'm here, might as well get some training done here" He unsheathed one of his zanpakitos and walked up to a thick wooden beam meant for training. He began to hit it the the back of his zanpakuto, trying to cleave it in two with the dull side of his sword.
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