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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

When Kenta left Hikari was about to get to work again until Tabo came walked in slightly snapping his fingers, "Yo, Hikar-o!" Tabo called out smirking. "Hi...Karo?" Hikari asked with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head, "What is it Tabo?" Hikari asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against his desk. Tabo walked up to Hikari, lifted Hikari up with a single finger on the collar of his Shihakusho and then placed him outside of the room, "What the hell Tabo!?"

"You need a day off," Tabo said as he began reaching under his hat looking up curiously as he pulled out a piece of paper looking back at Hikari, "You're too stressed. So go out, actually try to be serious picking up ladies. Then have a nice and looooooong time out!"

"Be serious? You know I only do it for the amusement, I'd rather be working honestly," Hikari said as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Besides, there are ladies in the Squad....Why not be serious mission wise? That's something actually productive, especially with the rank of Lieutenant I stopped the female chasing a long time ago."

"Boy you better not be talkin' back to me, I'll ground your ass so fucking fast," Tabo said as he turned Hikari around and kicked him forward, "Well anyways, do whatever you decide to do, as long as it takes the stress off. Also I just put a Reiatsu blocker on your door, so no one besides me can come in. Huh, I'd like to see that Squad twelve Captain try and get past this.....Anyways, if anyone tries to come in here their hair will turn green and well....They simply just won't be able to come in. But while you're out, if you see Hype-city and Haruka-money then inform them of this." Tabo then gave Hikari the piece of paper before slamming the door with a peace coming from his mouth.

What was that all about? Ah, well, whatever. You learn not to take Tabo lightly with this sort of stuff, so it's best to go try and do stuff that'll help me relax. Hikari took a breath before beginning to walk off thinking about what he should do. But as he thought of it, nothing really came to mind.....He'd pretty much been working non-stop for a year and three months, ever since the last battle with his elder. The only times he'd stop working was to rest, eat, and use the bathroom. The things he did for fun? Well he did the spa peaks with Shiro, and flirted with women. But those days were over for him, and he was sure with being Kenpachi those days were over for Shiro too.....Maybe not the last bit though, but he couldn't be too sure.

He hadn't noticed where he was walking as he was lost in thought but soon realized he was at the training grounds. A small smile appeared on his face as he saw Haruka, it was good to see that she was working hard.....And that she still had Pup, whom name was apparently Alucard now. He walked over to Haruka, "Hey Haruka," he greeted with the smile still on his face, "Tabo wanted me to inform you that you've been promoted up to seventh seat. Apparently you show allot of skill for an unseated....Though I guess you are seated now, so congratulations."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Kenta had done enough searching to know when to call it a day, he ended up walking and circles and.....Well, he'd go back when members could give him better information on where Rio was. No one even knew where Kaizo, which didn't make it better for him. He left the barracks and then the Seireitei, he'd check back another time. Kenta began whistling softly, heading into a forest. He didn't exactly feel like going back home yet, once he set out to do something going back to where he originally was really wasn't appealing so he figured he would stay out for a while.

As he walked he saw a girl heading towards him with no arm.....Wet and bleeding.....Well it was another girl. Walking closer Kenta snapped once causing a ring of reiatsu to wrap around her missing arm, he then snapped other times with those rings wrapping around her other wounds. Most healed instantly, though some of the rings stayed like the one around her shoulder. He walked up to the girl, "Are you alright?...As in are you going to die or not?" Obviously the woman wasn't ok. He hoped she wouldn't pass out or anything since he didn't want to carry her or something, even though he was never one to leave others for dead when he could obviously help. He could get stories later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Not sure how long she had been passed out she awoke with her upper half of her body on the ground and lower have in the water. Instantly however she felt a tremendous amount of pain which made her yelp and grab where her missing arm was. Well at least she knew now why the water was pretty much red. Taking her pink head band off she folded it into a pad and pressed against the wound, as she stood up a little wobbly, she noticed some minor injuries, obviously her biggest one being her detached limb. Maybe By chance she could run into a squad four person, one of those guys hated movement maybe he could sense all the way out here. And with that she took off walking not sure how long, only that her pink hairband was now red.

She couldn't very well go back to the Seireitei either, even if it was so she could become the next leader of her clan so she could prevent these dumb games, she still tried to take an ally's life. Well if she was gonna die at least it was due to blood loss, and not drowning. Oh how that would be ironic. Suddenly she spotted someone up ahead, yet they didn't appear squad four material. Then she found a ring around her missing arm and other wounds. and they didn't seem to be hurting, if anything the blood stopped pouring from her arm, which made her sigh in relief, and the first question the man asks upon seeing her. is if she was okay. "Oh yeah, missing an arm.... that's a sure sign.... that people are fucking okay. Any chance that thing can grow limbs....." She trailed off to his arms and sighed again. "Never mind." She said leaning against a tree breathing heavily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"If it could then I would have grown mine back a long time ago," Kenta said though that's when he noticed she looked at his own arms speaking never mind. He let out a breath before walking over to Takara and lifting her up off her feet carrying her in a bridal manner, "Look, you obviously don't have much strength left to walk, and I'm not gonna leave you here to die. Even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to....My sister would chew my ass out." Kenta then began walking back from which he came, funny because he was just stating how he didn't want to go back. "My name is Kenta Makoto," he told her as he began walking towards him and the group's home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As she was picked up she just looked at him and smirked. "Sounds like a tough girl.... Place needs more of the...... Besides, not like I can resist.... I'm pretty sure I turned a good portion of water red." Takara said enjoying the fact she wasn't walking, due to the fact it was exhausting as hell to do so, it was also painful as hell, mostly exhaustion as that was probably death creeping up on her. The man then told her his name, which mad her look at him silently , thinking that she heard that name before. "Mine is Takara Asuhara, and where exactly are we going?" She asked yet didn't last long as she passed out again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

After she finished telling him her name she asked where they were going in which all he could say was, "We're heading to-" before she passed out. Oh goddammit! Kenta thought as he released the rings from her wound he spoke, "Sentan Hakuja." the white cloth wrapped around them and once they went away they were in the house. Kenta laid Takara down and began healing her.

After he finished he knew Takara would live, atleast Tae taught him well. Though when she'd waken up she would find that all her wounds were healed, and there was no longer an open wound where her arm used to be as he had healed it with the help of Leon. Though Leon had fallen asleep soon afterwards. Takara was laid down on a bed with the covers pulled over her. Beside her on the table was a warm meal Kenta had cooked.....He was a pretty good cook. Speaking of Kenta he was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyes closed waiting for Takara to wake up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara unaware of what was happening woke up to trying to rub both eyes yet was only able to rub one which made her grumble. At least she wasn't going to bleed to death, at firs glance she could tell she wasn't in squad four, room looked much different. She also couldn't see her zanpakuto anywhere so maybe she lost it when she fell in the river. She noticed food on the table next to her, so she casually pointed at her and when kenta nodded, she took a bit, and then smiled quite widely and finished the food rather quickly despite having only one arm to do so. Standing up she stepped on a man on the ground which made her look down at the man before looking at Kenta. "Well thanks for healing me and all that... So where are we again, I kind of passed out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

He couldn't believe it, he finally had graduated from the academy after so many long years. No more classes, no more teachers, or their long and boring lectures. Now he is able to put what he learned to use and become a shinigami to be respected! Ai Zheng Rui couldn't contain his excitement and pumped his fist into the air and laughed with joy as he entered his new stage of life. What kind of people will he meet? What kind of adventures will he have? The thought excited him to no end though for now he would have to keep it in for now as he would try to enter Squad 7 for the first time so he wanted to leave a good first impression.

Zheng stood outside the gates of Squad 7 and felt his mouth go dry from nervousness and excitement at the same time. He walked in and observed that there were other shinigami training together with their zanpuktos, all sword types. A shudder went through him as he remembered how naturally unskilled he was at the blade, so unskilled that he was incapable of using a sword or any melee weapon of that matter. If it wasn't for his natural talent for Hakuda and his knack for Kido he may had not been able to graduate. But now was not the time to think of it. Zheng wondered who he would have to talk to about joining since this squad still does not have a captain yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Takara unaware of what was happening woke up to trying to rub both eyes yet was only able to rub one which made her grumble. At least she wasn't going to bleed to death, at firs glance she could tell she wasn't in squad four, room looked much different. She also couldn't see her zanpakuto anywhere so maybe she lost it when she fell in the river. She noticed food on the table next to her, so she casually pointed at her and when kenta nodded, she took a bit, and then smiled quite widely and finished the food rather quickly despite having only one arm to do so. Standing up she stepped on a man on the ground which made her look down at the man before looking at Kenta. "Well thanks for healing me and all that... So where are we again, I kind of passed out."

Kenta gave a small smile once she did after tasting his food, he took that as an it was good. Minori and Tae were both good cooks, so he decided to blend their styles acting as his own, the gang seemed to like it. Takara seemed to like it, he thought it was decent, so he guessed he did a good job. He was impressed by how fast she ate, her and Keina were both pretty fast eaters which he found amusing. He watched as she stepped on a sleeping Leon, though Leon didn't budge, something he expected. He wouldn't let such a small thing wake him up. Once she gave her thanks and asked where she was he replied, "Kind of passed out, we'll go with that....But you're welcome. As for where we are, well think of it as a hideout, a bit ways away from the Seireitei. Now time for my question, who or what kicked your ass exactly? And don't worry if you broke the law or whatever, we're all something like outlaws here."

hatakekuro said
He couldn't believe it, he finally had graduated from the academy after so many long years. No more classes, no more teachers, or their long and boring lectures. Now he is able to put what he learned to use and become a shinigami to be respected! Ai Zheng Rui couldn't contain his excitement and pumped his fist into the air and laughed with joy as he entered his new stage of life. What kind of people will he meet? What kind of adventures will he have? The thought excited him to no end though for now he would have to keep it in for now as he would try to enter Squad 7 for the first time so he wanted to leave a good first impression. Zheng stood outside the gates of Squad 7 and felt his mouth go dry from nervousness and excitement at the same time. He walked in and observed that there were other shinigami training together with their zanpuktos, all sword types. A shudder went through him as he remembered how naturally unskilled he was at the blade, so unskilled that he was incapable of using a sword or any melee weapon of that matter. If it wasn't for his natural talent for Hakuda and his knack for Kido he may had not been able to graduate. But now was not the time to think of it. Zheng wondered who he would have to talk to about joining since this squad still does not have a captain yet.

Seeing Zheng pass the gates Himeko begin looking left and right to see if Hakuro was in sight, although she had gotten better with talking to people with the help of Hakuro and Hikari....It didn't exactly mean she wanted to, or liked to. When she didn't see him she sighed as she began walking towards Zheng whom had been watching others train, her fingers played with each other behind her back as she walked up to him, "Excuse me....Are you looking to join the Squad? I'm Himeko, 3rd seat of this squad shared with Hakuro. Currently the highest ranking members, if you're looking to join, well...Here I am." A light flush spread across her cheeks as she spoke to the man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I see." Takara said sitting down on the bed as he asked her something which made her rub the back of her head. "Well I have this clan, that was decided by my ancestors that every one hundred years the younger people would compete to see who would become the next leader of the clan, however the thing is, we can't just lie and say we won, they need proof, that being this tattoo on my hip. It gets bigger the more members you kill, how it does that is beyond me. And I so happened to be born during the time. Its a dumb thing though, yet I tried to win so I could get rid of the damn thing. So I confronted one, she also happened to be apart of the Seireitei, and well. I got out smarted, and blown off a cliff. And a while afterwards I met you." Takara said looking at him as she scratched her head and looked down at Leon. "Another question.... The fuck kind of gang is this? Oh and did you happen to see a sword one with a pink hilt?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Expllo said
Seeing Zheng pass the gates Himeko begin looking left and right to see if Hakuro was in sight, although she had gotten better with talking to people with the help of Hakuro and Hikari....It didn't exactly mean she wanted to, or liked to. When she didn't see him she sighed as she began walking towards Zheng whom had been watching others train, her fingers played with each other behind her back as she walked up to him, "Excuse me....Are you looking to join the Squad? I'm Himeko, 3rd seat of this squad shared with Hakuro. Currently the highest ranking members, if you're looking to join, well...Here I am." A light flush spread across her cheeks as she spoke to the man.

Zheng turned around to see that Himeko had confronted him, asking him if he wanted to join their squad and introducing herself. To him it was odd that she was blushing like this though he just thought she was just shy. "Yes'm, I'm here to join Squad 7." He bowed to her politely and out of respect since, his braided pony tail slid over his shoulder as he did that. He stood straight back up and grinned at her excitedly to finally have a chance to join this squad. "My name is Ai Zheng Rui, squadless and recently graduated from Shino Academy. It's a pleasure to meet you Himeko." While not showing it on purpose, he somehow exuded an ecstatic aura that he just couldn't contain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
"I see." Takara said sitting down on the bed as he asked her something which made her rub the back of her head. "Well I have this clan, that was decided by my ancestors that every one hundred years the younger people would compete to see who would become the next leader of the clan, however the thing is, we can't just lie and say we won, they need proof, that being this tattoo on my hip. It gets bigger the more members you kill, how it does that is beyond me. And I so happened to be born during the time. Its a dumb thing though, yet I tried to win so I could get rid of the damn thing. So I confronted one, she also happened to be apart of the Seireitei, and well. I got out smarted, and blown off a cliff. And a while afterwards I met you." Takara said looking at him as she scratched her head and looked down at Leon. "Another question.... The fuck kind of gang is this? Oh and did you happen to see a sword one with a pink hilt?"

"Huh....That's some clan. You know, you and Hikari would get along. You're both from a clan that kills people," Kenta spoke, but from the tone wasn't clear if he was actually serious or sarcastic. Though the last part was all the real, them getting along, well Hikari got along with most people he met so it wouldn't be a surprise. "Question one, not necessarily a bad one nor a good one. We just do what we do....And a sword with a pink hilt? Not here, but I think I remember seeing it back at that river. I assume you want it, so I won't waste time." Kenta then used Sentan Hakuja again to teleport them back to that river, or atleast near it. "I think it was towards the rocks over there," Kenta said as he pointed.

hatakekuro said
Zheng turned around to see that Himeko had confronted him, asking him if he wanted to join their squad and introducing herself. To him it was odd that she was blushing like this though he just thought she was just shy. "Yes'm, I'm here to join Squad 7." He bowed to her politely and out of respect since, his braided pony tail slid over his shoulder as he did that. He stood straight back up and grinned at her excitedly to finally have a chance to join this squad. "My name is Ai Zheng Rui, squadless and recently graduated from Shino Academy. It's a pleasure to meet you Himeko." While not showing it on purpose, he somehow exuded an ecstatic aura that he just couldn't contain.

When the man's pony tail slid over his shoulder when he bowed it somehow reminded her of Hikari....For whatever reason, she thought he had gotten a hair cut anyways? So why'd she think about him with long hair? She didn't care so she pushed the thought away. Once the man introduced himself she nodded, "I see, Ai Zheng Rui. Well follow me and we'll get you started." Himeko then led Zheng into an emptier training room.

"I want to test your skills before letting you join, so without a waste of time.....Come and attack me," Himeko said as she got into a stance. She wanted to get this over with as soon as she could, and a spar was the quickest way. Maybe give him a mission to get him away, then leave him to Hakuro. She'd promise to do his extra paperwork if he handled this guy and the next few.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"...... I see, well not that I can judge, I'm sure he is good, and this clan..... No bad clan can have a member lazy enough to just sleep on the floor." Then when he had an idea where it was, he wasted no time in transporting over there, where he gave her an idea where it was. She looked over at the rock and did see a pink light near it, she wasted no time in pulling off her top and diving right in, resurfacing later with her zanpakuto in hand. She put her top back on and grinned. "Sweet, I can only imagine the hell shes gonna put me through when i visit her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Kenta's eyes widened slightly when Takara took off her top and dived into the water. It wasn't that he was easily flustered or anything, just that he didn't really expect her to do so with little to no concern with him around. Well, they weren't really anything to hide or keep secret, they were pretty much equivalent to a man's chest right? So it didn't really matter, but with how guys were you would think....He actually disappointed himself that that was the only thing he thought about while Takara was looking for her Zanpakuto. Once she got out of the water he quickly looked away rubbing the back of his neck, he wasn't going to say anything about it though. It wasn't really that big of a deal, because if she wore bandages or something then those would have gotten wet too and.....Yeah.

Looking back over at Takara when she put her top on he let his hand drop as he looked over at her, "I assume she doesn't like wet places?" Kenta asked calmly, then remembered something, "Oh yeah, I was thinking....With one arm missing and all, would you like a replacement? I know someone, it'll feel just like your old one....Though you'll certainty hit harder, may have a few new things too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 42 min ago

AbigailTenshi said
Keisa was currently walking down the Squad two barracks stairs, heading for the training room. Rio didn't come to find her therefore she must of been busy but that didn't bother Keisa since there was always tomorrow. As she made her way, she hoped the training room was vacant since she wouldn't be able to train properly otherwise, unless she was with Rio.Opening the door, she stepped inside. Unfortunately for her, the training room wasn't as empty as she wished. She did spot a familiar face, however the other two were unknown to her, not that she cared to know who they were. Overhearing a part of their conversation, Keisa had heard Rio's name be mentioned. Keisa stated bluntly, her expression her usual neutral face, not happy nor sad. After she spoke, Keisa began making her way to an out-of-the-way corner of the training room, hoping that all three people would leave soon...

Angelo trained just getting used to doing it, training was simple and easy to do if you have done it long enough. Angelo kept slashing at the dummies and using his shunpo to practice slicing on the go before he heard someone say that the captain was busy and said to come back tomorrow. Angelo didn't mind as much but what made it odd was that she stayed in a corner just waiting on them to leave, he wouldn't mind leaving if she was going to clean up or something but to use the place all to herself seemed selfish so Angelo asked " if your going to use this place why don't we train together instead? I could use the practice" Angelo asked wanting to find out why she came here just to tell them to leave...

((sorry if this was to late or I picked the wrong post or something))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Love it, just hates being left in one place, with me leaving her there for hours or minutes, depending on how long I was passed out. I'm sure she will give me a break though. I was bleeding quite badly I assume. I wouldn't know I was out of it for quite a bit." Takara said, then listened to Kenta and looked at his arm, then her missing arm. "Well considering my zanpakuto turns into two shorter swords, I probably will. So yes I will take you up on that offer Kenta." She then looked closely at his face and smirked. "Can I see a bit of blush? Thats adorable." Takara teased him laughing a bit, as she gave him a nudge with her elbow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"About an hour it was, maybe two. You lost allot of blood, I won't go into detail but there was allot of restoration and healing. Back and forth, at times at the same time. Thank Leon when he wakes up, he helped me. Deuce provided some of the blood, don't ask how though. So I'm sure she'll give you a break." When she stated how she wanted the arm he nodded, and immediately pulled out his Zanpakuto opening up a Senkaimon. "Can I see a bit of blush? That's adorable." he heard her tease as she nudged him.

"It ain't a blush, it's just a flush. There's a difference, aight? You just caught me off guard and I-Just get into the Senkaimon!" Kenta said as he stepped into it himself, planning to go to Tae's place wondering what her and Minori was up to for the past couple of days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Expllo said
When the man's pony tail slid over his shoulder when he bowed it somehow reminded her of Hikari....For whatever reason, she thought he had gotten a hair cut anyways? So why'd she think about him with long hair? She didn't care so she pushed the thought away. Once the man introduced himself she nodded, "I see, Ai Zheng Rui. Well follow me and we'll get you started." Himeko then led Zheng into an emptier training room."I want to test your skills before letting you join, so without a waste of time.....Come and attack me," Himeko said as she got into a stance. She wanted to get this over with as soon as she could, and a spar was the quickest way. Maybe give him a mission to get him away, then leave him to Hakuro. She'd promise to do his extra paperwork if he handled this guy and the next few.

Zheng followed her without a word and saw that they arrived in a training room for his abilities to be assessed in some way. He was surprised that she asked him to fight though he was one to comply without hesitation. With a burst of speed, he charged at her and when he got close to her he swung a liver shot; a left hook that if it hit her liver would shock the liver, causing the victim to lose focus if not consciousness, and even may cause the feeling of breathlessness if this punch were to hit. He didn't expect this punch to even connect as he thought she would block it though right now he didn't want to show his cards just yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I bet it was a lot, usually one doesn't go from feeling great to feeling like death is poking you with a stick, and yeah that's quite a while. And I'll make sure to do that. Leon was the one sleeping on the floor right? And Deuce I assume didn't ask for this blood. Oh well, I'm alive so thank you." Takara said watching him open that thing again, and laughed at his excuse which he ended with telling her to get into the Senkaimon, which after laughing she did inded go into it, and then appeared in the human world which made her look at him. "I'm guessing this is where I'm going to gain like 10 pounds?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng followed her without a word and saw that they arrived in a training room for his abilities to be assessed in some way. He was surprised that she asked him to fight though he was one to comply without hesitation. With a burst of speed, he charged at her and when he got close to her he swung a liver shot; a left hook that if it hit her liver would shock the liver, causing the victim to lose focus if not consciousness, and even may cause the feeling of breathlessness if this punch were to hit. He didn't expect this punch to even connect as he thought she would block it though right now he didn't want to show his cards just yet.

"Interesting move," Himeko commented as the man swung at her, though it wasn't a wild one. She could see the accuracy and the spot he tried to hit, he was actually aiming to hit a specific spot. Though growing up to learn about this sort of thing she could tell which spot he was aiming for, and the affect it'd have on her if she allowed herself to get hit. Though now she knew what sort of fighter he was, the type to go for the vital areas and was probably the type to try and end battles quick. Himeko quickly jumped with her gloved hand gripping his wrist, she then aimed a kick towards his face using his arm as support although her weight would probably feel like nothing on his arm, although her attack if hit would probably bruise his nose. She wasn't going as easy as she could have been....

Zane620 said
"I bet it was a lot, usually one doesn't go from feeling great to feeling like death is poking you with a stick, and yeah that's quite a while. And I'll make sure to do that. Leon was the one sleeping on the floor right? And Deuce I assume didn't ask for this blood. Oh well, I'm alive so thank you." Takara said watching him open that thing again, and laughed at his excuse which he ended with telling her to get into the Senkaimon, which after laughing she did inded go into it, and then appeared in the human world which made her look at him. "I'm guessing this is where I'm going to gain like 10 pounds?"

"Yeah, Leon was the guy sleeping.....And I'm sure Deuce asked, probably was just going to take it with a yes or no." As they appeared in the human world Kenta decided not to pay attention to the laugh, although it was a rather nice one. "I'm guessing this is where I'm going to gain like 10 pounds?" he heard her ask. He looked over at her then scanned her body, "You're fit, I'm sure you can work it off."

Kenta then lead her to Tae's place in which they walked in, the smell of food covering the place. "Good to see you're back Kenta, and so soon?" Tae asked. "Well, when you're somewhere for three months it's starts to feel like home, can't really stay away from it," Kenta said with a small smile that soon disappeared.

Tae led them in further into the living room in which she sat down, Kenta sitting down across from her patting beside him telling Takara to sit there. "So Kenta, who's your date?" Tae asked teasingly, though did it only to annoy Kenta. She knew he hated when she said things like that, and that's why she always said things like that. "S-She's no-"

"Kenta, I'm sure the beautiful young woman is able to speak for herself," Tae said in which Kenta just facepalmed seemingly unaffected by the metal.
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