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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Good to know, Ill try not stepping on him then..... Or be around Deuce when he needs blood." She said then heard his comment of her being fit so she could work it off, which would of made her smack the back of his head with her good arm, if it wasn't detached from her body. So she let it slide as she followed him to wherever the destination was which led to some woman's house that had the smell of food in it she couldn't help but take in the smell as they talked, eventually sitting next to Kenta in the living room. The woman then referred to Takara as Kenta's date which made her blink as she listened, well more so watched Kenta try and deny it yet was told she could speak for herself which made Takara smirk at Kenta. "Oh what a meanie he is, takes a peek at my body and then doesn't even admit to it, how rude." Takara said clearly teasing him again, as it was quite clear by her suppressing her laughter. "Oh my apologies for being rude though. I am Takara Asuhara."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka stared at Alucard for a few minutes before she heard Hikari. She smiled at the man before she took the paper. She squealed happily and jumped up to hug him, Alcuard and all. "Thank you!!" she says before she clears her throat. "Sorry I uh...right. Seventh seat." Alucard licks her cheek in congratulations. "Hey, we should go out and grab a bite to celebrate."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Kenta has always been sort of a pervert believe it or not, but what a nice name Takara. My name is Tae~" Tae said with a smile. Kenta just glanced between the two, having a feeling that they'd get along well....Just well. Kenta sighed, taking his eyes off Takara letting them sit on Tae, "Well anyways, we're here about a problem of hers. No arm, need an arm, all that jazz....Think you can do something about that?" Kenta asked. Tae nodded as she slightly tapped her knee, "Yeah, I could do that. Though might take a while depending on if she wants anything extra with it like I did with yours. So Takara, anything you'd like implemented into your arm? And don't hold back, I can pretty much do anything you'd like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
Haruka stared at Alucard for a few minutes before she heard Hikari. She smiled at the man before she took the paper. She squealed happily and jumped up to hug him, Alcuard and all. "Thank you!!" she says before she clears her throat. "Sorry I uh...right. Seventh seat." Alucard licks her cheek in congratulations. "Hey, we should go out and grab a bite to celebrate."

When Hikari gave her the news he gave a smile as she jumped up and hugged him, though she pulled away before he could return it. She then apologized in which he raised an eyebrow but chuckled, "Don't be sorry Haruka, it's a good thing, so don't feel sorry for showing happiness alright?" he then thought about the celebrating part. Well, he still needed to tell Hype about his promotion, but Tabo did say only tell them if he saw them. Plus told him to go out and have a nice time, so of course he had to accept. "That sounds good, Haruka....But where exactly?" Hikari asked rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The pup clamored onto her shoulders then her head to growl at Hikari in warning. "Alucard." The dog stopped his adorable growling before she plopped himself down on her head. He still glared at Hikari. "Please forgive him. He holds grudges." she rubbed Alucard's ears until he calmed down. "As for where...I know this little shop. Best gyoza and tempura I've ever had. The rice is usually cooked perfect, and the veggies aren't mushy. You in?" she asked him with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hikari gave a nervous chuckle as Alucard growled at him though was calmed down by Haruka, "I'm truly sorry I hurt you pup, I just thought you were an enemy." When Haruka told him about the shop he thought for a second. He was usually a meat bowl and ramen kind of guy, and really only ate vegetables when Tabo forced him to. But there was no shame in eating healthier, plus it'd build his strength up more and make his body better. So he was down, probably was down no matter how it went though. He nodded, "Yeah, I'm in. You just lead the way and I'll follow suit."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka smiled softly at him and nodded, "Great. This way." she turned and pulled Alucard off of her head. 'Be nice, Mk? He said he was sorry. And he means it." the pup looks between them both before huffing. Her climbed onto her shoulders and balanced well enough to curl up there for a nap. She began to walk and talked to Hikari about the restaurant. She started at the meat bowls, into the triple meats and veggies (her personal favorite) and ended with dessert: flan, cakes, mochi ice cream, and cookies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Keisa continued to walk toward the far corner, glad that two of the current occupants of the training room had left, however Sinai was still there and now another person made himself known and spoke to her.... Suddenly, Keisa stopped walking and just stood still for a moment, her face still showing no emotion. Then, jumping into the air, Keisa swung her body around along with a kick, continuing to throw many fast kicks and punches in front of her. She then launched herself forward into the air, seemingly grabbing something as she rolled across the floor, rolling into a kneeling position before standing and holding up her fists. This would of been viewed as training, practising her fighting styles and tactics perhaps? Quickly shunpo'ing to the left, Keisa punched the air, only to stumble forward a little, as if what she was trying to hit had moved from that space. Steadying herself, Keisa turned around, fists still held up as her face displayed nothing.

"What do you want? And I don't need your hel-" Her sentence wasn't aimed at Angelo, more at the empty air in front of her. Keisa gasped as her sentence was cut off by getting a long cut across the right side of her face from the bridge of her nose stretching to just before her right ear. For the first time, Keisa's eyes had actually widened a little as she truly wasn't expecting that. Keisa's blood was seen getting dragged into the air before falling to the floor. Hurriedly covering the cut with both hands, Keisa turned around, her face returning neutral but the tone of her voice sounded almost desperate. "I know what your doing so don't!" Another cut was made across her left shoulder this time, ripping through her clothes. This one was a bit deeper, causing more of her blood to drip down her arm and to the floor. Keisa's eyes widened once more, but this time instead of talking, she turned towards the door and ran, stumbling a bit as she did. Rushing through the door, Keisa's swung it close but then the door opened once more but nothing was seen going through it...

Keisa continued to bolt, but unfortunately due to her refusing to raise her energy, she wasn't fast enough to escape another cut along her back, or more slice. It stretched from the tip of the left side of her spine straight down to mid-way of her back. This made Keisa push herself further to exit the Seireitei and head into the woods, trying her best to escape whatever was following her. She pushed aside branches, weaving her way through trees in order to loose the thing behind her when her luck had officially ran out... she had ran into a field, a rather large field with no way of hiding. Still running, she slowed herself to a stop before turning around, covering her cut on her face with her left hand and the cut on her left shoulder with her right hand. Despite her face still showing no emotion what-so-ever, her voice shook slightly. "L-Leave me alone!" She shouted before her spiritual energy began climbing, meaning that the glow in her eyes began intensifying to the point that they were as bright as light bulbs. Keisa then launched forward, her speed dramatically increased as she only use her legs to throw kicks at the invisible thing. The slice on her back continued to gush blood out but Keisa tried her best to hold her Zanpakuto back as much as possible, she didn't want to use it right now. "LEAVE! NOW!" She almost screamed, landing before kicking more and moving to dodge while lifting up her knees to block, putting as much force into her kicks as possible. It was clear that she was hitting something as her feet would stop when she hit the thing before launching another kick. She then jumped up a little and stood on the thing and kicking it again before stomping and jumping over it, landing on her feet before she darted once more.

After a short while of running, as her spiritual energy was increase, Keisa ran much much faster, become a moving blur as she did which helped her loose her pursuer. Keisa then began slowing down as she had gotten closer to the Seireitei, lowering her energy to stop her eyes from glowing, however at this point all the movement had agitated all of her wounds as more blood had gushed out and soaked the majority of her uniform. Purposely Keisa had lowered her energy and held it there just so her Zanpakuto couldn't form. However, this also meant that exhaustion quickly dawned on her as once she had reached the gate. Keisa then unexpectedly fell to the floor, a puddle of blood forming under her. "... No... don't come out... I won't let you.... I don't need you... yet... dammit.... Rio!" Keisa yelled Rio's name hoping she was near... but with getting no response, Keisa was safe to assume that she was still busy... which didn't help her situation at the moment, but she didn't let herself have the energy to get up and therefore just laid there, hoping her invisible pursuer didn't come back... Throughout the whole time, her pursuer was also invisible to her, but Keisa didn't need her eyes to know who it was or fight as she could feel their energy and therefore fought with all of her senses, including her vision as when they were in the field, she was able to see where her pursuer was by the indentations in the grass beneath and through other small means.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

"what the actual fuck?" was all Sinai could manage to say as the strange scene unfolded in front of her. Kiesa was training, then she was talking to herself. roleplaying perhaps?
and then suddenly getting cut up by ... something. IT became quite evident that there was someone, or something else in the room with the three of them. there was no doubting it after Kiesa ran out of the room, slamming the door behind her only for it to open on its own. Sinai wasnt sure if she should follow, or go tell someone. What the hell would she say? a ghost attacked her? "shit" she had no idea where the captain or Lieutenant was, or who any seated members were. What ever was going on was serious, but Sinai had already been snapped on for butting in before. "Please find the Lieutenant" She asked the the guy who was in the room with them as she rushed out the door. hopefully the man would be able to but Sinai knew that she couldnt do it. she wasnt really sure she could do anything, but her feet were moving anyway.

Fine time to remember she wasnt all that good at tracking spiritual pressure, but there was a trail of blood worth following. That she could follow however it was much slower than tracking her spiritual pressure. especially once she got out of the seireitei. Even with her past training she felt like she was taking to long. the process slowed down even more when she got into the forest. she had to stop and look even harder. there was a moment, where she could sense a spiritual pressure raising but it went back down so quickly that she was only able to get the general direction. she wasnt completely sure if it was Kiesa's but she was so far behind her that it really could have been anybody's. but Sinai took the gambit anway, jumping into a tree and heading in the direction. Hopefully Someone found the lieutenant because Sinai had no idea what she was bout to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Kenta has always been sort of a pervert believe it or not, but what a nice name Takara. My name is Tae~" Tae said with a smile. Kenta just glanced between the two, having a feeling that they'd get along well....Just well. Kenta sighed, taking his eyes off Takara letting them sit on Tae, "Well anyways, we're here about a problem of hers. No arm, need an arm, all that jazz....Think you can do something about that?" Kenta asked. Tae nodded as she slightly tapped her knee, "Yeah, I could do that. Though might take a while depending on if she wants anything extra with it like I did with yours. So Takara, anything you'd like implemented into your arm? And don't hold back, I can pretty much do anything you'd like."

"Oh I can believe it. Also nice to meet you Tae, your name is beautiful too." Takara said returning the smile and was about to speak up, yet heard Kenta tell Tae they were here about a problem of hers, that being her missing arm and that she would need one. Takara looked at Tae not really thinking shed be the type to do such things, but hey more this wasn't a problem. Mostly when she said she could do that and even add in another things if Takara wanted. Takara sat in silence before grinning and walking over to her and whispering in her ear what she wanted, as she went and sat back down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fuma after leaving the captains office, for some reason wasn't really in the mood seeing all the injured shinigami, as he would walk by one who had a broken arm, and didn't tell him to lay back down. If anything everyone was more curious as to why Fuma wasn't throwing straps on them. Fuma just decided to take a little break and get fresh air, deciding to calm down, although his face looked more like he need emotion to start with. Yet like a plague no matter where he went he always found someone injured, seeing a girl collapsed in front of the Seireitei gate, he went o move her before stopping in his tracks. He simply sat down not caring about sitting in blood and formed a box around the two, where a red light would then shine down on them. It had powerful healing properties at the cost of his own reiatsu, yet he saw cuts closing so that's all that mattered. Although looking at him, would make others think differently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Fuma after leaving the captains office, for some reason wasn't really in the mood seeing all the injured shinigami, as he would walk by one who had a broken arm, and didn't tell him to lay back down. If anything everyone was more curious as to why Fuma wasn't throwing straps on them. Fuma just decided to take a little break and get fresh air, deciding to calm down, although his face looked more like he need emotion to start with. Yet like a plague no matter where he went he always found someone injured, seeing a girl collapsed in front of the Seireitei gate, he went o move her before stopping in his tracks. He simply sat down not caring about sitting in blood and formed a box around the two, where a red light would then shine down on them. It had powerful healing properties at the cost of his own reiatsu, yet he saw cuts closing so that's all that mattered. Although looking at him, would make others think differently.

"Hnn... Rio?" Keisa turned her head towards a guy sat beside her. Despite her face being void of emotion, she was rather disappointed that Rio hadn't been the one who came to her aid... None-the-less, she felt her wounds close up despite her blood still staining the floor which was a plus. Once she was healed, Keisa slowly stood up, clenching and unclenching her fists before looking at the guy. "You should of left me." As she continued to look at him, holding eye-contact with him, the puddle of blood beneath them started draining away, of more seemed as though she was sucking it all back beneath her feet. "But thank you anyway." Looking back into the gates of the Seireitei, Keisa turned her body towards it once all of her blood had returned back to it's rightful place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the healing finished with the girl standing up, Fuma also stood up and dimply looked at the girl as she said that he should have left her, yet then thanked him and looked like she was about to leave, when Fuma put a hand on her shoulder to hold her still as he made sure to examine her to make sure she was fully healed. her back being fine, he checked the front where the most damage was done and still examined her. Once he was certain he nodded and looked at her. "Be more careful, if you are hurt then go to squad four, not away from it." Fuma said, although his look suggested he really couldn't care less, while on the inside he did care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Keisa was about to take a step when a hand was placed on her shoulder, causing her to stay still. The man then began looking at her, most likely examining whether or not he had fully healed her. She kept still and only followed his form with her eyes, her face still displaying nothing. Once the man was done, he spoke. "I wasn't hurt, I just had to stay still. However thank you for closing my wounds and for the information." Her tone of voice was just as emotion-less as her face. Once the man would of moved his hand, Keisa would of taken another step, heading for Squad two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Not quite use to hearing that.... More so I say stay still, they don't listen, and then I strap them." Fuma said when suddenly Neil came walking by who Fuma strapped while Neil then struggled immensely then passed out after it squeezed around him. "Like that." Fuma said looking at the ground for..... nothing? Fuma then looked back up at her, making sure he wasn't dreaming, and poked her nose to assure him she wasn't a ghost. "Also the blood..... doesn't really vanish just like that either.....Mind if I ask how you even got hurt to begin with?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Sinai caught up with Kiesa in time to see her getting up and talking to someone. at least she was ok, who ever she was with must have helped her. Sinai didnt approach, she was far enough away to see without being seen. she could be sensed but there was no reason to think anyone was looking for her. She sat beside a tree, and looked up to the sky. 'why am i here?' she asked herself. Sure she got in, but other than that everything has been a shit storm. a fruitless shit storm at that. She thought it would be different. different from where she grew up to be a mercenary. But there really wasn't a difference, job description was basically the same too, except now she had to fight Hollows too. which was bullshit. Her clan only 'let' her leave because her spiritual pressure was drawing hollows to them. Just as easily as she was bought she as discarded, didnt that make a girl feel special. She glanced back and saw Kiesa and the man still there. she would have to wait for them to go before she moved. it would just be awkward otherwise. This clearly wasnt the place for 'friendship.' and even though that wasnt what she joined looking for she knew it was something missing from her life. she would just have to keep looking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The man began speaking once more, causing Keisa to stop again and turn around. She looked at the guy blankly but then he said something that caught her attention. A guy then walked passed her, which she didn't pay attention to until the white-haired guy suddenly strapped them down, causing him to pass out during the demonstration. "I see, looks effective... I'll note that you can strap people down white-haired male." Her eyes stayed on the straps, admiring how tight and restricting they looked, however her face kept blank as usual. The white-haired guy then suddenly poked her nose in which Keisa just stood still and looked up into his eyes with her own as he spoke. "It's gone, that's all you need to know. Whereas, I guess I could tell you that I was attacked by an invisible pursuer... You may want to be mindful of your surroundings, they are strong. And by they, yes there is more than one." Keisa then looked out to the woods, staring at Sinai as the girl sat and seemed to be lost in her own mind. Without a word, Keisa just looked back up at the white-haired guy deciding that she'd speak to the girl later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well it heals them, if they want it or not. And my name is Fuma." Fuma spoke still wondering how blood can just vanish, then when she told him how the injuries happened, and took note of that although being attacked by invisible people sounds skeptical. "I see.. Well if it happens again, go towards squad four, and I'll heal you. Running won't work either, I have a sensor for that type of thing." Fuma said, acting like he was trying to make a joke, while again a blank face, might make people wonder if he was serious or not. "So be careful miss." Fuma said as he began walking away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Keisa only nodded as Fuma finally revealed his name. He then continued to talk, which Keisa then replied. "If I seek healing, I will. If I do not, I don't expect to receive it. And I'd prefer to stay still. If that is so then I'll remember to hide next time." She crossed her arms and watched as Fuma began walking away. "It's Keisa, Keisa Rune." She responded when he called her miss. Once he had walked off, Keisa looked over at Sinai again and wondered whether or not to speak to her now... 'I'll talk to her later, I need to talk to Rio anyway...' Turning around, she finally began walking back to Squad two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Sinai glanced back at the Gate and noticed they were gone. she should get up, she should go back to the barracks but instead she sat there for a few moments longer and just took in er surroundings forming a poem in her head. It was a meditative trick that sometimes helped her relax and put her mind at ease. when she finally stood up and entered the seireitei she felt a bit better than before. She didnt head straight to the squad two barracks. Instead she decided to take a look around the seireitei. she didnt really know anything bout it she knew nobody. one of those two issues she would be able to remedy on her own, the other...would take time. She wondered rather aimlessly never admitting she was lost. lost implied there was a route in mind that she came off of, but she had no route and no real destination. it was amazing how tat very thought seemed to hold true for her life. but somewhere along the way she would find something, a place, a purpose perhaps even a person. At the end of her grand tour of the seireitei she found her way back to the squad two barracks. It seemed amazing the first time she saw it, the second time it seemed different. she wasnt sure how, but it seemed different.
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