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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

- 3 months ago -

"Don't worry Tasa, we're almost there..." Kareta said gloomy like while grasping onto Rinkei's body tightly. The Captain's hair had turned white during what seemed to be the aftermath of an intense battle. She was badly wounded as well and began slowing down because of it. Landing down in a forest, she placed his body next to a tree before falling to her knees. "I'm sorry but this is as far as I can go...""Then that means you two will an easy brunch for us then eh?" A voiced echoed throughout the forest as a large spiritual proceeded to reveal itself along with it's vicious pack of Hollows following beside him. Without a moments notice, Kareta quickly pushed of the ground, pulled out a broken Zanpakuto and launched at the one speaking aggressively. "You won't be getting near Tasa. NOT NOW...NOT EVER!!!!" The Hollow raised it's arm up the moment she decided to swing at him, easily stopping the broken blade in its tracks.

She retailiated with a swift powerful kick which sent the Hollow flying a short distance away. The leader's follows attempted to attack in response but produced no results. Kareta split the first fool that came her way in half while using her spare hand to take off her left sandal before performing her version Super Harisen Slipper on the next challenger. Having it's mask badly crack upon impact, the Hollow smacked by the sandal crashed into the other ones in a bowling ball type manner. The obessessed woman dropped the sandal and aimed her palm at the entire group. "Hado #32 Oooookaaaaasennnn!!!!" A yellow beam of energy was then discharged from that palm and soon obliterated the leader Hollow's henchmen all in one go.

The main Hollow resurfaced in front of her instantly with an already charged Cero, releasing the beam right after. The Cero sent Kareta flying through a flock of trees before seemingly knocking her unconscious. Seconds later, her eyes shot up, quickly noticing the leader prepping another one. "It seems death's is approaching, must get up or Tasa will die..." She spoke softly, forcefully getting back on her feet despite the pain. "Scum like you don't deserve to live. They deserve to become a part of something greater, as in me!!!!" The beast fired off another Cero in the female Shinigami's direction. "Hado #27...Sokatsui!!!!! Kareta shouted at the top of her lungs with her body soon being enveloped the monster's beam. "I've been out for less than two weeks and you're already screwing up with your incantations? Outstanding..." A man said sarcastically.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

A wall; Hours of walking and again Enjiru had come unto a wall for the sixth time and would rub at his head of spiky black hair in annoyance.'Gah! Come on damn it!'Throwing up his arms in exasperation then started pacing back and forth nervously.'Oh man oh man oh man! I was told to head to the 13 squad barracks and now the captain will be mad at me for being late.'Enji, the man currently in a panic was fresh out of the academy, having finally graduated after several long harsh and grueling years and had been recommended to squad 13. Who wouldn't be excited to officially be a shinigami or be able to join a squad? Anyone would be elated at such a proud and opportune moment in their life, but it seemed they had forgotten to mention one thing to him; the seireitei was basically a massive maze!

Enji, who was filled with excitement and eagerness, had been replaced with nervousness and fear; fear at never finding his way out of this maze and even worse, the anger of the captain for making him or her wait. Hanging his arms and head as tears spilled heavily down his cheeks.'What am I gonna do. All my years of hard work and fighting off bullies only to what? die out in this maze like city? and before I ever joined a squad!?'At that he started to have a panic attack followed with hyperventilating and gripped his chest trying to catch his breath. Unable to calm down or catch his breath and would hit his forehead against the wall, hoping the impact would snap him out of it, while sweat formed and dripped down his face.

Two more times he had to hit his forehead against the wall before finally calming down and would take a deep breath to help settle his nerves. Doing so had caused a drop of blood to trickle down his face; closing his eyes as he felt the faint warmth of it as it seemed to help relax his shaking body and took the chance to try and clear his head so he could think properly.*Ok..ok. Now that I stopped....I just need to find someone. Ask for directions to the squad 13 barracks....*He thought to himself and stood there for a moment before letting hsi head hang with tears.*for the fifth time* Four times he had asked shinigami members for directions as three of them refused to help and the fourth had probably given him false directions to mess with him.

It seems the shinigami's didn't think much of newbies or enjoyed messing with them, that or felt that newbies had to learn their own way of how things worked as a way of initiation or something like that. If it was true then Enji felt as if he truly was one of them now, though if not then it'd be no different than how he always lived with people walking over him or abusing his kind nature.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as he rested his forehead against the cool cement of the wall; working to gather his thoughts so that he may figure out what to do next. For wandering around without any help or directions like this would never get him anywhere. Still, Enji wouldn't give up, not after everything he worked for to get to this point and after a brief break, would prepare to search his way to squad 13.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske scratched the back of his head, looking at the wooden dumby which was cleaved in two "This is getting me nowhere. I need to work on my strength, not my form" He said to himself as he sheathed his zanpakuto. He looked around, looking at all of the wooden dummies he had cut in half and sighed "There has no be another way" He walked out of the training grounds and barracks, wondering of what he could do to increase his strength. Ofcourse physical training was always an option, but usually took too long. There has to be a shorter and more efficient way.

Suddenly, Shoske came across a man who seemed to be in distress. Shoske silently walked by him, not wanting to deal with the man who was slamming his head into the wall. Probably a Squad 12 member. It wasn't until he saw a tear fall from the mans face that mad Shoske stopped. He walked over to the man who's head was resting on the wall "You know, you shouldn't cry. Us Shinigami don't have the right to cry, we are supposed to be role models and the guardians of the Soul Society. What would a Rukon district resident think if they saw their saviors cry?" Shoske rubbed the back of his head, realizing how rude that could of been "But it's obvious something's wrong, so would you like some help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Double post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Enji exhaled slowly, still trying to figure out what to do when hearing footsteps from behind and soon heard the man speak about how we shinigami shouldn't be crying. The stranger, though a bit harsh, was right as crying was not the kind of image they should have or show and started to lift his head when the urge to sneeze suddenly came up.'o-oh no.'He muttered just before sneezing and his once brown eyes changed to purple.

He turned to the man with a calm expression at first, but soon smiled with tears in his eyes before grabbing hold of the stranger's hand.'T-thank you! a savior has finally come and shown kindness. Not only did you speak to me, but..gave such...such aspiring words! Truly the words of a wise shinigami, while everyone else simply ignored this fool. You must think me pathetic seeing me in this state.'Falling to his knees still clasping the man's hand with both of his own.'Forgive me for besmirching the seireitei...I am unworthy to stand in your presence.'Tears spilled anew, acting as if he was some king of savior, clearly overreacting to what was said, but Perry couldn't help but be impressed and ashamed at the same time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske raised an. Eyebrow, hearing the man say "oh no" before he sneezed. Shoals noticed the change in eye color but before he could say anything, the man bursts into a play like monologue. The entire time, Shoskr watched with a disturbed expression as his eye twitched every now and then Is this guy fucking serious? Definitely Squad 12 Shoske wasn't entirely sure whether this guy was yanking his balls or actually serious. Regardless, he was making a scene and drawing the attention of other shinigami.

He lifted the man by his back collar and stared in his eyes "I don't know whether you're fucking with me or not, but I assure you I am not the model shinigami. I'm not wise. Hell, I hardly know shit besides fighting and eating. But you're causing a scene so cut the crap" Shoske said, trying to make the guy crack and reveal how he really was, assuming that this guy was messing around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

He would simply blink at the man after being lifted by his collar and look at the man in confusion for a moment.'F-fucking with you? b-but I would never...how could you think that.'He sniffled, on the verge of tears once more.'You hate me! I knew it! I really have no right to be a shinigami and after you tried to help me.'Shaking his head as he hung there; fighting to keep from crying again.'I j-just wanted to find...squad 13 b-b-but I just..keep being t-trouble for everyone I..run into.'Burying his face in his hands hating that he was a hindrance to the one person who tried to help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Shoske was genuinely surprised by the mans reaction, speechless at first. Oh shit, this guy is actually serious A bead of sweat went down the back of his head after he realized that this guy was serious. He gently set him down and let go of his collar, rubbing the back of his head "Listen I don't hate you, I jut barely met you so how could I. Sorry, I kinda assumed you were a Squad 12 member, who love to mess with us Squad 11 members. To make it up to you, how about I take you to Squad 13?" Shoals said with a smile, trying to make the guy feel better
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Enji or Perry at the moment felt himself being lowered till he was standing once more as the stranger mentioned how he thought Perry was a sq. 12 member, but what really got his attention was the fact the man before him was from squad 11 and that he was willing to help.'Really?! I'm glad you don't hate me?'He gave a genuine smile then quickly wiped off his eyes drying them.'You're from squad 11? I've heard many tales of how that squad was nothing but brutes and animals, but I always admired their bravery and tenacity.'Nodding as he grabbed hold of the man's hand and shook it a bit too eagerly.'You know where sq. 13 is? cause I've been lost these last few hours and could really use help. Oh! sorry, my name's Perry.'Giving his hand another shake before finally letting go, glad to meet someone willing to help and someone from squad 11 of all people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

- Koatsu Eight Years Ago -

"Tch, how the hell will someone like me be able to beat this many Hollows!!!!?" His face turned a bit pale as his voice echoed throughout the cavern. Tons of Hollows were laid out right in front of the Shinigami, sleeping happily until one of the beast's eyes slowly opened. "Uhhhh you can go back to sleep bat hollow thingy. I was just scouting the area and I came acro-food!!!!" Koatsu quickly severed the Hollows head before it could mutter another word. "Phew, thought I was a goner for sure but time for my quiet voice." He said, slowly taking steps back while glowing balls of lights began forming in the cave.

- Current Day -

"And that's when they all launched at me before you guys came and saved me. I was scared as shit back then and I probably still am. I know it's not a major improvement or even an improvementnt at all but I won't stop until I get as courageous as you guys. Then I'll come back to tell you guys all about it....until then." Koatsu concluded his speech before walking away from one of many gravestones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sieg who was walking with two red haired individuals seemed a little ticked off about something, which of course made the red haired males accompanying him stand a little further back. And unluckily for an individual, Sieg was walking right along this random mans path. Sieg halted dead in his trail, and held out a hand telling the man to stop. "Hey. I have a question to ask you, on a scale of one to ten. How would you rate yourself on power."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I need to have more confidence in myself so if I wish to get where I want to be Koatsu mumbled on his way out of the graveyard. His face was surprisingly uppity for someone speaking to themselves in a place where dead are buried but that was about to change. He noticed three weird looking people up ahead walking in his direction which made him take a glance at them before until a hand prevented him from proceeding any further. One of the people, who seemed to be the older sibling based off the walking distance of the other two, asked something caused one of his eye brows to raise. "Well weird question to ask someone right off the bat but what the hell? I guess I would consider myself a three but some others would say a seven or an eight I suppo-wait, are you guys my new training instructors?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sieg took note of that, which made him smile, which was a sign for the other two people to back off a bit which Leo looked at Sieg. "Don't go to crazy now dad." While the one next to Leo simply laughed. Sieg then grinned at the man and pulled out a sword with a golden handle. "I do hope you entertain me, its no fun killing my prey when they put up no fight. Now get out your weapon and prepare to fight. i wouldn't try running either. You will never out speed me." Sieg said looking down at the man with his sword gripped in his hand. While the other two red heads were standing quite a ways up in the air looking down at the scene.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Sieg took note of that, which made him smile, which was a sign for the other two people to back off a bit which Leo looked at Sieg. "Don't go to crazy now dad." While the one next to Leo simply laughed. Sieg then grinned at the man and pulled out a sword with a golden handle. "I do hope you entertain me, its no fun killing my prey when they put up no fight. Now get out your weapon and prepare to fight. i wouldn't try running either. You will never out speed me." Sieg said looking down at the man with his sword gripped in his hand. While the other two red heads were standing quite a ways up in the air looking down at the scene.
Koatsu jumped a few feet backwards before unsheathing his Zanpakuto. "I see what you're doing, putting on an act in order to scare me. Well these kind of tests are meant to instill fear into people like me but not today." He raised his wooden like Zanpakuto in a defensive stance. Well maybe he's not joking based on the look of his childrens' faces. Come to think of it, they kind of look like a bunch of psychos. Tch, if they are, then I'm actually going to get slaughtered once those other two decide to jump in. His face turned a bit blue. "Before we start this fight to death session, I have one question of my own. Are you serious about killing me because I won't hold anything back once I get up to speed. Even if it means beating you all to the brink of death."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

(Double Post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When the man drew his weapon Sieg started to walk forward yet stopped when the man asked him a question, which caused Sieg to look up at the two then laugh. "Oh you think they are going to help me? Boy I'm stronger than both of them combined fifty times over. Yet to answer your question. Yes I'm going to kill you, hell I'll be impressed if you are able to draw out my shikai, yet I wouldn't think about it. I was a captain back way in the past. So don't get to excited thinking you are going to win. You are just a way for me to get some stress out." Sieg then appeared instantly in front of the man with his right knee already about to connect with the mans chin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
Haruka smiled softly at him and nodded, "Great. This way." she turned and pulled Alucard off of her head. 'Be nice, Mk? He said he was sorry. And he means it." the pup looks between them both before huffing. Her climbed onto her shoulders and balanced well enough to curl up there for a nap. She began to walk and talked to Hikari about the restaurant. She started at the meat bowls, into the triple meats and veggies (her personal favorite) and ended with dessert: flan, cakes, mochi ice cream, and cookies.

Hikari gave a small smile at Alucard as he curled up on Haruka's shoulders and took a nap. Haruka and him then began walking, heading out of the barracks and towards the place Haruka had suggested. On the walk there Haruka and him had a nice little chat, and by chat meant Haruka telling him about the restaurant. She told him about the meat bowls, veggies, and a bunch of other stuff. Though his mind was just tramped on the meat bowls, probably the only thing he really liked eating....Well, not really, but he really liked meat bowls. As they came across their destination Hikari looked over to Haruka, "This the place I'm assuming?"

Zane620 said
"Oh I can believe it. Also nice to meet you Tae, your name is beautiful too." Takara said returning the smile and was about to speak up, yet heard Kenta tell Tae they were here about a problem of hers, that being her missing arm and that she would need one. Takara looked at Tae not really thinking shed be the type to do such things, but hey more this wasn't a problem. Mostly when she said she could do that and even add in another things if Takara wanted. Takara sat in silence before grinning and walking over to her and whispering in her ear what she wanted, as she went and sat back down.

"Why the whisper?" Kenta asked with a raised eyebrow as he watched Takara come and sit back down, his hand in his lap.

"None of your business," Tae said as she stood up and walked into the kitchen. A couple minutes later she walked back out with a large tray of food, sitting it down with the tray covering the whole of the rectangle shaped glass table. "Eat up, I know you two might be a bit hungry. I prepared, for some reason I thought I may have visitors." Tae winked at Kenta before walking down the hallway and walking into a room.

Kenta wasted no time in eating as he hadn't eaten anything in three days, though he took it slow as he wanted someway to pass the time as Tae worked on Takara's arm. He felt Takara teasing him wouldn't do the job very well, it'd do the job though....Just not very well. So atleast he would endure it with the food, though he doubted Takara would even talk to him with all the food in front of them. He saw the way she ate, and would probably eat most of the food in minutes.

About an hour passed before Tae exited the room and walked down the hallway carrying a metal arm. It was the same size as Takara's other arm and looked just like a regular metal arm.....If there were any such thing as a regular metal arm. Just like Kenta's arm she added a sample of Takara's reiatsu into the arms to make sure it worked for her and that'd she know how to use it just by having it on. In truth Tae had finished the arm before an hour, but was a perfectionist and made others copies, tested it.....All that other good stuff that made up most of the time. Though that didn't mean she didn't know she had it perfect on the first copy or that she doubted herself, she was just crazy about that sort of thing. Walking up to Takara she attached the metal arm with no hassle at all, in which the arm would feel like a real one just.....Way lighter, but it would still feel like a real one. "Looks good," Kenta said with a small smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Koatsu laughed,"Then I guess all I have to do is defeat you and I'm in the safe zone." His face turned a bit gloomy after hearing the red haired man's response.. "Should've changed the scenery a bit before deciding to challenge me old man because you're dead...previous captain or not." The man emerged in front of him with a swift knee crashing into his chin before he could even react. His defensive stance shattered upon getting hit by the powerful hit and even caused blood to spew out his mouth from the blow. Even with that, the fight was far from over. Quickly shunpoing back, Koatsu took a half sec breather before shunpoing back in front of the man with a powerful swing aimed his left kneecap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Kenta asked why the whisper, Tae pretty much answered for her which made Takara nod and smirk at him. Tae then walked out of the room then came back with a big tray of food, which made Takara's eyes widen. Tae then told the two to eat up while she went into another room most likely to work on her arm, Takara however wasted no time in eating away at the food, already finished a good bit of it compared to Kenta. When an hour passed Takara had taken a nap after pretty much devouring the entire tray. And when she heard footsteps, she woke right up as if she wasn't sleeping at all. Takara watched Tae walk up to her which prompted Takara to roll up her sleeve while Tae attached the metal arm to her. Takara however expected a more complicated procedure than the simple attachment that happened. that and Takara moved it with ease.

Takara then heard the comment Kenta made and grinned and nodded in agreement. "I agree, much lighter than I thought it would be. Makes me wonder if its even metal at all. Thank you very much Tae, it means a lot to me." Takara said smiling, then smirked at Kenta and held hers near him. "Did you notice we match now?" Takara said giggling again as she kept looking at her new arm, thinking how on eart did Tae implement those things to such a limited space.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sieg knee connected and seemed to deal a bit of damage upon the blood flying from the mans body, he did however quickly shunpo back trying to hit his left kneecap which made Sieg lower his blade and stop the attack dead in its tracks, while Sieg then laughed. "You know, sometimes fighting something so weak can also be amusing!!" Sieg said as he shunpoed in the air pointing his hand at the ground. "Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired, Hadō #91. Senjū Kōten Taihō!" Ten giant pink energy points then floated in front of Sieg before they all fired straight towards Koatsu, while the other two watched from the distance which made the tall red hair laugh. "This poor kid, at least he gets to die near the graveyard." The man said laughing.
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