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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Sieg heard the mans comment yet stuck with his smile as he watched the mans movements perfectly and even let him trust his sword at him, that however was where you would hear no tearing whatsoever. To this Sieg just looked at the blade poking him and then at the man and grinned. "Whats this little boy? You are going to need way more power and killing intent if you want to do damage! I'll show you how to really do damage!" Sieg then pushed the man back and grinned as he held his sword out to the sky and let it change to its shikai form while his skin turned coal black and various other changed one being his hair setting on fire. He then looked at the boy and laughed. "Truly all i needed was my sealed state, didn't even need my demon form nor my shikai, but I wanted to show you something, this isn't even as far as my power goes. I still have Bankai and I still have my true demon form, you had a zero shot at winning. Now struggle, struggle for that's all you can do. Sieg then appeared to the mans side swinging the blade right for the mans legs.
"No way....." Koatsu's eyes widened greatly in shock as his blade did nothing...nothing at all. His mind fell into a state of great depression while the man pushed him back and began going into Shikai. I put my all into that thrust and it did absolutely nothing except piss this guy off even more. So what am I supposed to do now!!!? I'm out of ideas against someone this strong so I guess you can have your crack at him because I quit. His Reiatsu became blue as the man finished his transformation. Despite only going into Shikai, the man's appearance drastically changed with him resembling that of a demon. The man began to boast In what seemed like an attempt to bring Fenrir/Koatsu down but he was unfazed. "Hmph, your arrogance has blinded your actions. You noted that you were once a Captain but you decided to instead let your strive for power turn you into what you were once fighting against." He Shunpoed downwards in an attempt dodge the coming blade before falling onto the ground. The man's blade had deeply cut through his left leg to the point that it was only hanging on by a mere thread. Fenrir/Koatsu could no longer stand but despite all that, his face could never be happier. "I can no longer stand which means I'm no longer capable of even attempting to evade your attacks which means you'll soon be the victor...but not yet." A long blue katana made of pure Reiatsu soon appeared in his spare hand. "Not until I've finally taken my last breath in my life-long attempt to purge impurities such as yourself from this plane...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sieg noted the change in ht mans spiritual energy not that it mattered as he managed to cut almost straight through his left leg, if it wern't for him moving he would probably have lost both legs. The man was not grounded and made a blue katana out if his reiatsu, while Sieg simply landed in front of him. "I let my strive for power turn me into what I fought? If you mean what I look like now, I always had this, ever since birth. The Oda clan can do this, you see we have demon blood running through our veins, and there is even seperate categories for us to. The pure blood, the ones with two parents with demon blood which is what I am. And then the lesser demons where one parent has the blood but the other parent doesn't. I don't know why I'm telling you this, you will just forget it when you die. yet lets see how strong your will to live is." Sieg said jumping a good three meters away and pointed the sword at him. The inside of the blade began to charge up something, which fired off a few seconds later into a giant spiral of flames, hot enough that it was about to instantly burn some trees within range to ash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
"Understood, I'll set out for whatever you ask me to do." He spoke with such eagerness, his chance to show that he is capable of handling a mission on his own. Zheng watched her as she went silent, wondering what she was doing until she told him about the hollows and an ex-shinigami in that area. "Sounds like a good mission. I shall see you soon Himeko, goodbye." With a bow, he turned and walked out of the room and decided to head straight towards district 13 to go and take down his targets.

Once Zheng got there he would notice some guy with a bandanna on with a red pole, pointing to various places which caused Hollows to jump to those places attempting to attack some people and destroy a few buildings. The man had seemed so full in himself that he didn't notice the Shinigami arrive, of course it gave Zheng more than enough time to wipe out the Hollows in the area before taking out the man (You can RP taking out the hollows then say the man noticed you....Then the real fight begins).

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
"Hehe, well I would have asked for a nuke, but that seemed like i would have been insulting her, but it's just some little things, that might make a difference." Takara said, then catching him looking at her hips with made her laugh when he commented about them. And eh seemed to predict what she was going to do as he told her to dont even try pretty much, which made her pout at him. "Ahhh you're no fun." Then Kenta did another thing and they were back at the hideout, where Takara casually walked in.

"No fun? Well that pretty much about sums me up. Boring and rude, my two main aspects," Kenta replied as he followed her back inside the hideout. He had his Zanpakuto in it's sheath with his hands in his pockets as he walked onto the stairs, he looked over at Takara, "Well I'm going to be training my sister for a while, so you might be alone for a bit. It seems since I was gone and not here to help Deuce then he had to go take care of....A problem, and when that happens Rose and Leon usually goes to make sure he's alright. Or you can watch us, doesn't matter." Kenta then headed upstairs to go get Keina, he knew Deuce and the others were gone because he didn't feel their vibrations, plus it was quiet for once. Once he got Keina he led her downstairs and into what they made their training grounds, which was just a small beat up forest pretty much. (I'm gonna write a long[ish?] training post, but she can still watch)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Expllo said
Once Zheng got there he would notice some guy with a bandanna on with a red pole, pointing to various places which caused Hollows to jump to those places attempting to attack some people and destroy a few buildings. The man had seemed so full in himself that he didn't notice the Shinigami arrive, of course it gave Zheng more than enough time to wipe out the Hollows in the area before taking out the man (You can RP taking out the hollows then say the man noticed you....Then the real fight begins).

He would take out the man later, for now he would have to take out the hollows that were wreaking havoc all over the district.

One hollow was about to devour a woman who had twisted her ankle and tripped as she tried running away from the evil spirit. The woman had stared up at the hollow with tears welling in her eyes as she had finally gave up hope on a savior rescuing them. She had closed her eyes as she didn't want to watch her fate come upon her, until she realized that something else happened. With wariness she opened her eyes and saw Zheng in front of her, using the Hakuda technique Tesho to smash his palm through the hollow's mask, killing it instantly. He quickly turned around by turning on the heels of his feet and held his right arm out with his hand making a gun gesture. "Hado 4: Byakurai!" From his fingers he shot a bolt of electricity from where he was standing at a hollow standing on the roof of one of the buildings, blasting a hole in it through its mask and out of the back of its head.

The woman was shocked that this shinigami had made such quick work with two hollows in such a short span of time. She was about to thank him though he had shunpoed away from his location and appeared right above three hollows and he held his left arm out with his right hand holding it in place. His palm faced the hollows and it began to glow red. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 31: 31 Shakkaho!" He shot a medium sized sphere of red energy right down at the hollows and on contact it explodes with enough force to obliterate all three of them. Zheng landed on a building though that's when the man who had been so arrogant and full of himself that he didn't notice Zheng before hand had caught sight of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Yep, this is it!" she said before she walked inside. The restaurant was quaint and warm, the type that comes with being a family establishment. Her laugh could be heard when a rotund man opened his arms, "Lady Haruka! It's been too long!" His voice was loud and gleeful. Haruka hugged him tightly.

"Benji, you don't have to call me that." Haruka said. Alucard woke with a start when a meaty hand picked him up. "This is Alucard. I found him on my first mission." she introduced before releasing the hug.

The man tapped on his chin as he made a "Hmm" sound. He tilted Alucard this way and that and poked his nose. The man gave a girlish yelp when Alucard bit his finger. Haruka laughed and took the temperamental pooch back into her arms. "He bit meeeee! Reina, Haruka's dog bit meeee!" The patrons already seated and eating laughed, many had watched the exchange while some already knew the two's antics. There was no reply from Reina. "My wife, ladies and gentleman." the man said playfully. They clapped to humor him. The man turned back to Haruka, "So...table for one, yes?" he asked, while staring at Hikari.

"Benji, be nice. Hikari, this is Benji. He and his wife, Reina, used to cook for my family. Benji, this is my squad's lieutenant, Hikari." Benji's eyes narrowed even further until they were nearly closed. He offered a hand to shake. "Lieutenant."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Phobos said
Shoske chuckled seeing the man so happy after something so small. There was no way this guy was from Squad 12. Shoske nodded to his questions, with a smile"Yeah, I've been a member for actually a year now. Kinda weird though, it doesn't really feel like it's been that long but I think people just often exaggerate the tales of Squad 11. Its true that the majority of us love to fight, but not all of us are brutes or animals. We're just mostly battle hungry looking for a good fight" Shoske laughed at the guys enthusiasm and shook his hand in return "Well hate to disappoint, but you've been going the wrong way. Squad 13 is that way" He said, pointed the exact opposite way of the dead end wall "But I could just take you there, luckily you're not too far. Also, the name's Shoske. Nice to meet you Perry" Once the guy let go his hand, which took a little too long, Shoske began to walk off towards the Squad 13 barracks. He rubbed the back of his head "Well I've been told I'm not your ideal Squad 11 member. I do enjoy a good fight, but I've learn to control my bloodlust as weird as it sounds" He said, laughing at the end knowing how crazy it sounded "So why Squad 13 Perry?"

Perry nodded with a look of interest as the man named Shoske speak about squad 11 and that they weren't all blood thirsty brutes. This man, Shoske was proof of that as he seemed more in control and calm compared to the general members from that squad. He would frown when being told that he had been going in the complete opposite direction of squad 13, which made him feel stupid, but his smile returned when the man offered to help take him there.'You really are my savior this day for if not for you..I'd be wandering these pathways for hours..even days.'A worried look on his face when thinking the captain might get mad since he didn't know much about the squad.

Following alongside him, happy that he might of just made his first friend, and on his first day out of the academy no less as it made tears of happiness form in his eyes. Remember what Shoske had said and quickly blinked them away before hearing his question and was about to speak when his head was pushed back some with a sneeze; eye color changing back to brown and would look around briefly with a confused glance.*Ugh just my luck... perry of all people to come out. This shoske probably thinks I'm a freak.*Sighing inwardly as he sniffed.'Why? uh..well I had been told that squad 13 was open and very accepting to those with..quirks and I was recommended to it.'He nodded with a small smile, trying to avoid showing any real changes as he had learned to avoid letting people know about his multiple personality disorder since most just thought of him as a freak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Sieg noted the change in ht mans spiritual energy not that it mattered as he managed to cut almost straight through his left leg, if it wern't for him moving he would probably have lost both legs. The man was not grounded and made a blue katana out if his reiatsu, while Sieg simply landed in front of him. "I let my strive for power turn me into what I fought? If you mean what I look like now, I always had this, ever since birth. The Oda clan can do this, you see we have demon blood running through our veins, and there is even seperate categories for us to. The pure blood, the ones with two parents with demon blood which is what I am. And then the lesser demons where one parent has the blood but the other parent doesn't. I don't know why I'm telling you this, you will just forget it when you die. yet lets see how strong your will to live is." Sieg said jumping a good three meters away and pointed the sword at him. The inside of the blade began to charge up something, which fired off a few seconds later into a giant spiral of flames, hot enough that it was about to instantly burn some trees within range to ash.
"I wasn't referring to your demonic exterior but your lack of ablility to differentiate between right and wrong which will soon end in your demise. And, that's a nice little excuse but genetics don't make the warrior, you do, so stop blaming your heritage for the way you are and let's get this over with already!!!!" Fenrir/Koatsu yelled, forming a large ball of ice in front of him before chopping it up into small pieces and propelling them at the spiral of flames that was coming his way soon after. This, was probably the most fun I've had in years...hehe....so thanks for being nice enough to hand your body over to me for this last bout...Koatsu....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ahhh well then, its quite simple. I don't car. I do things my way, and I will make them become a reality. So as I can see it, you are just something I can test to see if you shinigami have a chance, and so far you are boned my friend. And who says I blame my heritage, if anything. I pity them, they were weak so I had to purge them, I will make the oda name one that it was meant to be. A feared one." Sieg watched the man make a giant ball of ice and proceeded to propel shards at him, which most just got melted by the spiral of fire which made Sieg shake his head appearing being Koatsu and putting the kid in a full nelson. As the spiral grew closer. "A pity you wern't on my side, I would have taught you to be a real fighter. but from corruption you were born, it shall be cleansed in fire."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
After Rio had swallowed a few more bites, she looked up at Kaizo and smiled once again. "Don't be ridiculous, I love anything that you spend time and effort on~ The thought in itself already makes me love it, no matter what it is~" Rio closed her eye while smiling for a moment before opening it and returning to her food, eating the rest of it as she listened to Kaizo talk once again. Gently placing her knife and fork down on top of her empty plate, Rio dabbed her mouth with her napkin before looking up at Kaizo again, giving him an expression to show how she felt touched by what he said. "You gave some out to the Rukongai people? That's really thoughtful of you Kaizo~ It truly touches my heart... I actually can't believe that I didn't think of doing something like that myself..." Rio's touched expression raised into a gentle smile as she watched and waited for Kaizo to finish eating. "That was a delicious meal~ Thank you for making that for me Kaizo~ Looks like your practising paid off~"

Kaizo rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he smiled and chuckled a little "Well I'm glad, at least that would have excused the food if it was bad" Kaizo then watched Rio as she proceeded to finish her food and Kaizo finished not long after, he then dabbed his mouth with the napkin when he heard Rio speak. Kaizo then nodded as he put the napkin down "I did indeed and well I can't guarantee that it was good in taste but at least it put food in their stomach's for awhile. Better than nothing," Kaizo then smiled when Rio spoke about how he had made a delicious meal "Your welcome, like I said before I felt like you deserved it, you needed some time to relax...So...are you ready to see the surprise I have prepared for you? or should I say the other Surprise?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta sat with his light beer in hand, sipping it every now and then as he waited for Kagiko to sit beside him. "Just one more week.... come on Souta, don't be scared, you're stronger now..." Souta whispered to himself, gripping his beer a little tighter as he gave himself a pep-talk. Kagiko then sat next to him and ordered himself a sake, chugged it and then ordered another... Souta turned his head to look at him with a raised eyebrow, not really expecting Kagiko to be much of a drinker. Chuckling, Souta spoke up. "You might want to slow it down a little, you don't want to end up drinking too much too soon heheh" He then took another swig of his beer, not quite bothered whether or not Kagiko would take his advice since it was his choice. All Souta knew was that if Kagiko did get to the point of vomiting, he wasn't going to be the one cleaning it up...

Kagiko continued to knock back the drinks, ordering them one after another however as he did this he heard Souta whispering to himself, something about one more week...Kagiko finished the bottle he was drinking then ordered another. He would keep his eye on this man...even if what was going to happen in one week was good it would pay off if it turned out bad. Kagiko then got another bottle of drink and began chugging that one when he heard Souta speak, this caused him to slam the bottle down then wipe his mouth with his left sleeve "Ah~ that's half the fun Souta! Plus if I'm drunk and someone tries to fight me even while they are sober then they may actually stand a chance, it's a win, win for me...maybe a loss, loss for them but who cares about them" Kagiko then chuckled before finishing the rest of his drink
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he smiled and chuckled a little "Well I'm glad, at least that would have excused the food if it was bad" Kaizo then watched Rio as she proceeded to finish her food and Kaizo finished not long after, he then dabbed his mouth with the napkin when he heard Rio speak. Kaizo then nodded as he put the napkin down "I did indeed and well I can't guarantee that it was good in taste but at least it put food in their stomach's for awhile. Better than nothing," Kaizo then smiled when Rio spoke about how he had made a delicious meal "Your welcome, like I said before I felt like you deserved it, you needed some time to relax...So...are you ready to see the surprise I have prepared for you? or should I say the Surprise?"

Rio folded her napkin and placed it onto her plate before looking up at Kaizo with another smile. "Indeed it is better than nothing" Her eye then widened a little as Kaizo asked if she was ready for another surprise. "Another one? Oh please Kaizo, there's no need to spoil me, it is my job to work hard after all~ As well as it's in my nature, so I honestly don't believe I deserve anything else~ This meal is more than enough~" Rio continued to smile softly before speaking once more. "However, if you insist... I am ready for whatever else you have planned honey~" Smoothing down her clothes and making sure her eye-patch was fixed properly, Rio sat patiently with both hands in her lap, beginning to feel a little nervous now that she knew that he had another surprise for her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio folded her napkin and placed it onto her plate before looking up at Kaizo with another smile. "Indeed it is better than nothing" Her eye then widened a little as Kaizo asked if she was ready for another surprise. "Another one? Oh please Kaizo, there's no need to spoil me, it is my job to work hard after all~ As well as it's in my nature, so I honestly don't believe I deserve anything else~ This meal is more than enough~" Rio continued to smile softly before speaking once more. "However, if you insist... I am ready for whatever else you have planned honey~" Smoothing down her clothes and making sure her eye-patch was fixed properly, Rio sat patiently with both hands in her lap, beginning to feel a little nervous now that she knew that he had another surprise for her.

Kaizo continued to smile as he listened to Rio then he spoke "Well...you will just have to see, I know you will like it." Kaizo then stood from his chair then walked around to Rio and extended his right hand out to her, once Kaizo would have helped her up he would have taken her out of the room and out of the Squad 2 barracks, even now out of the Seireitei "It's a bit of a walk...but in the end...you will like what you see..." Kaizo continued to show her the way and as they got closer Kaizo spoke "Oh I'd prefer it if you closed your eyes...I want you to really feel surprised..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko continued to knock back the drinks, ordering them one after another however as he did this he heard Souta whispering to himself, something about one more week...Kagiko finished the bottle he was drinking then ordered another. He would keep his eye on this man...even if what was going to happen in one week was good it would pay off if it turned out bad. Kagiko then got another bottle of drink and began chugging that one when he heard Souta speak, this caused him to slam the bottle down then wipe his mouth with his left sleeve "Ah~ that's half the fun Souta! Plus if I'm drunk and someone tries to fight me even while they are sober then they may actually stand a chance, it's a win, win for me...maybe a loss, loss for them but who cares about them" Kagiko then chuckled before finishing the rest of his drink

Souta looked at Kagiko with a raised eyebrow, since when did this guy change from being ridiculously friendly to asking for a fight? Looking straight, Souta took another sip of his beer, holding the top of his bottle between his right index and middle finger. "I see, I wouldn't of pegged you for the fighting type" Souta gave a little chuckle while looking down at his drink. "I guess people change under the influence of alcohol... Yet despite knowing this, they still drink their worries away... weird" Glancing back to Kagiko, he noticed the guy finished another Sake. "Well, if you fight then have fun I guess, I'll just be here so yeah, let me know when you want to leave. I don't know how much alcohol effects you but whether it's a lot or a little, I won't feel right letting you go home on your own" He continued to watch Kagiko carefully, noting his movements and comparing them to earlier on just to get an idea of how far gone the man might of been so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to smile as he listened to Rio then he spoke "Well...you will just have to see, I know you will like it." Kaizo then stood from his chair then walked around to Rio and extended his right hand out to her, once Kaizo would have helped her up he would have taken her out of the room and out of the Squad 2 barracks, even now out of the Seireitei "It's a bit of a walk...but in the end...you will like what you see..." Kaizo continued to show her the way and as they got closer Kaizo spoke "Oh I'd prefer it if you closed your eyes...I want you to really feel surprised..."

Rio took Kaizo's hand when he offered and stood from her seat. "Well Okay then Kaizo~" She followed him out closely, keeping in mind that they were still within the Seireitei so she tried to look professional while walking with Kaizo. The two of them then left the Seireitei which made Rio look around her and wonder exactly where they may of been heading to. She then looked back up at Kaizo when he requested for her to close her eyes, which she did while also holding both hands over her left eye and eye-patch to show Kaizo that there was no way of her seeing his surprise. While covering her eyes, Rio followed Kaizo's spiritual energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta looked at Kagiko with a raised eyebrow, since when did this guy change from being ridiculously friendly to asking for a fight? Looking straight, Souta took another sip of his beer, holding the top of his bottle between his right index and middle finger. "I see, I wouldn't of pegged you for the fighting type" Souta gave a little chuckle while looking down at his drink. "I guess people change under the influence of alcohol... Yet despite knowing this, they still drink their worries away... weird" Glancing back to Kagiko, he noticed the guy finished another Sake. "Well, if you fight then have fun I guess, I'll just be here so yeah, let me know when you want to leave. I don't know how much alcohol effects you but whether it's a lot or a little, I won't feel right letting you go home on your own" He continued to watch Kagiko carefully, noting his movements and comparing them to earlier on just to get an idea of how far gone the man might of been so far.

Kagiko listened as Souta spoke then chuckled and smiled "I don't want a fight, not at all..I was just saying that if any of them want to have a go then I wont turn them away. Oh I don't change that much so don't worry about it" Kagiko said with a smile "I Have no worries at all and as I said I'm not looking for a fight, I am just prepared..." Kagiko continued to smile then knocked back another drink "Get me another!" the man behind the bar sighed then spoke "Sir I don't think you should have anymore.." Kagiko smiled at the man and spoke "You may be right, I may have had to many however I do wish to have another. Are you really going to turn away a paying customer? Also I'm from Squad 12, I'm as sensible as Shinigami can get so you can trust me, Don't worry" Kagiko gave a light chuckle as the man then sighed and got Kagiko another drink hoping Kagiko wasn't lying but mostly he did this because the guys smile was freaky and along with him being from Squad 12...well...he didn't need to think about what could become of him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio took Kaizo's hand when he offered and stood from her seat. "Well Okay then Kaizo~" She followed him out closely, keeping in mind that they were still within the Seireitei so she tried to look professional while walking with Kaizo. The two of them then left the Seireitei which made Rio look around her and wonder exactly where they may of been heading to. She then looked back up at Kaizo when he requested for her to close her eyes, which she did while also holding both hands over her left eye and eye-patch to show Kaizo that there was no way of her seeing his surprise. While covering her eyes, Rio followed Kaizo's spiritual energy.

Kaizo looked at Rio as she covered her eyes, this made him smile as he then began leading her through what seemed like a forest, it was a little bit of a walk but eventually Kaizo halted, he then put his right arm around Rio as he guided her to take a few more steps forward then he spoke "You can open your eyes" He may have said eyes but this if anything showed he thought of Rio no differently with her eye patch...the crystal was still an eye after all. When Rio would open her eye she would see that they were in the bamboo forest she first met him in and the hut that had been destroyed was entirely rebuilt...but much larger, a great deal larger...it was more of a house now than a hut and outside were Onmitsukido guarding it "So what do you think? this is our own little place...away from the Seireitei. I built it with my own two hands" Kaizo didn't mention the few failed attempts where he was almost crushed by it falling down but these mistakes only taught him what to do and how to do it perfectly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
He would take out the man later, for now he would have to take out the hollows that were wreaking havoc all over the district. One hollow was about to devour a woman who had twisted her ankle and tripped as she tried running away from the evil spirit. The woman had stared up at the hollow with tears welling in her eyes as she had finally gave up hope on a savior rescuing them. She had closed her eyes as she didn't want to watch her fate come upon her, until she realized that something else happened. With wariness she opened her eyes and saw Zheng in front of her, using the Hakuda technique Tesho to smash his palm through the hollow's mask, killing it instantly. He quickly turned around by turning on the heels of his feet and held his right arm out with his hand making a gun gesture. "Hado 4: Byakurai!" From his fingers he shot a bolt of electricity from where he was standing at a hollow standing on the roof of one of the buildings, blasting a hole in it through its mask and out of the back of its head. The woman was shocked that this shinigami had made such quick work with two hollows in such a short span of time. She was about to thank him though he had shunpoed away from his location and appeared right above three hollows and he held his left arm out with his right hand holding it in place. His palm faced the hollows and it began to glow red. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 31: 31 Shakkaho!" He shot a medium sized sphere of red energy right down at the hollows and on contact it explodes with enough force to obliterate all three of them. Zheng landed on a building though that's when the man who had been so arrogant and full of himself that he didn't notice Zheng before hand had caught sight of him.

"What do you you're doing, eh!?" Keng yelled at Zheng as his fingers wrapped around his pole tightly, "You dare destroy my Hollows! You dare interrupt the path of Chaos!" Keng aimed his pole at Zheng and then threw it, firing at a great speed. Though once it began getting closer Zheng would notice that it wasn't thrown, rather the pole was extending towards him aiming to hit his stomach. Keng smirked confidently, "You aren't worthy of these eyes watching your death," Keng said as he looked away, full of himself yet again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
"Yep, this is it!" she said before she walked inside. The restaurant was quaint and warm, the type that comes with being a family establishment. Her laugh could be heard when a rotund man opened his arms, "Lady Haruka! It's been too long!" His voice was loud and gleeful. Haruka hugged him tightly. "Benji, you don't have to call me that." Haruka said. Alucard woke with a start when a meaty hand picked him up. "This is Alucard. I found him on my first mission." she introduced before releasing the hug. The man tapped on his chin as he made a "Hmm" sound. He tilted Alucard this way and that and poked his nose. The man gave a girlish yelp when Alucard bit his finger. Haruka laughed and took the temperamental pooch back into her arms. "He bit meeeee! Reina, Haruka's dog bit meeee!" The patrons already seated and eating laughed, many had watched the exchange while some already knew the two's antics. There was no reply from Reina. "My wife, ladies and gentleman." the man said playfully. They clapped to humor him. The man turned back to Haruka, "So...table for one, yes?" he asked, while staring at Hikari. "Benji, be nice. Hikari, this is Benji. He and his wife, Reina, used to cook for my family. Benji, this is my squad's lieutenant, Hikari." Benji's eyes narrowed even further until they were nearly closed. He offered a hand to shake. "Lieutenant."

Hikari kept silent as he watched the interaction unfold, holding back a laugh as the man let out a high pitched scream, even to the point he looked as if he didn't find any of what had happened funny at all. "So...table for one, yes?" Hikari heard the man asked Haruka while staring directly at him, that caused his eyebrows to raise a bit as he placed his hands in the opposite sleeve. Benji offered a hand after Haruka told him to play nice. He slipped a hand out of his sleeve firmly taking the hand with a shake. "Benji," Hikari replied and then looked over at Haruka, "It's nice when the waiters greet you at the door, isn't it? Fast service is a good one." He then gave a small smirk before looking back at Benji, releasing the grip on his hand and letting his own go back into his sleeve.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko listened as Souta spoke then chuckled and smiled "I don't want a fight, not at all..I was just saying that if any of them want to have a go then I wont turn them away. Oh I don't change that much so don't worry about it" Kagiko said with a smile "I Have no worries at all and as I said I'm not looking for a fight, I am just prepared..." Kagiko continued to smile then knocked back another drink "Get me another!" the man behind the bar sighed then spoke "" Kagiko smiled at the man and spoke "You may be right, I may have had to many however I do wish to have another. Are you really going to turn away a paying customer? Also I'm from Squad 12, I'm as sensible as Shinigami can get so you can trust me, Don't worry" Kagiko gave a light chuckle as the man then sighed and got Kagiko another drink hoping Kagiko wasn't lying but mostly he did this because the guys smile was freaky and along with him being from Squad 12...well...he didn't need to think about what could become of him

Souta watched Kagiko, moving only his eyes as he listened to the man before closing them for a moment and then looking forward. "If you say so... I'll believe you but still, I'm not letting you go home alone while under the influence. I need to make sure you're Okay before I'll be able to go to sleep anyway, whether you're a Lieutenant or not" Taking another sip, Souta watched as Kagiko ordered another drink only for the bartender to turn him down. However, it seemed Kagiko managed to talk his way into getting another drink which Souta couldn't help but give a chuckle at. "I don't know what it is about you but it seems that you're able to talk your way into getting anything by the looks of it. Must be because of that intellect of yours that you have too much of" He chuckled again before finishing his light beer and ordering another one which came the same time Kagiko's drink did.
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