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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo looked at Rio as she covered her eyes, this made him smile as he then began leading her through what seemed like a forest, it was a little bit of a walk but eventually Kaizo halted, he then put his right arm around Rio as he guided her to take a few more steps forward then he spoke "You can open your eyes" He may have said eyes but this if anything showed he thought of Rio no differently with her eye patch...the crystal was still an eye after all. When Rio would open her eye she would see that they were in the bamboo forest she first met him in and the hut that had been destroyed was entirely rebuilt...but much larger, a great deal larger...it was more of a house now than a hut and outside were Onmitsukido guarding it "So what do you think? this is our own little place...away from the Seireitei. I built it with my own two hands" Kaizo didn't mention the few failed attempts where he was almost crushed by it falling down but these mistakes only taught him what to do and how to do it perfectly

Rio continued to walk through the dirt path, trying not to trip over branches and such as both of her eyes were covered. It was quite a bit of a walk, however she didn't mind since it was just nice to just be with Kaizo without having to worry about what Squad members might of thought as she felt that if their relationship was more openly shown, there would be members speculating about whether she had actually worked for her position or was just given it due to her being in a relationship with the Captain. Whether or not people would of actually thought that, Rio wasn't going to give anyone a chance to as she felt it would end up in Squad members not taking her seriously or mocking her authority due to her relationship. Anyway, the walk in itself was nice and her eyes being covered made it even better as she had a reason to depend on Kaizo, giving Rio an excuse to lean her head against his chest when he wrapped his arm around her as they walked at a comfortable pace. A few more steps later, Kaizo told Rio that she could open her eyes. Standing straight, Rio moved her hands and opened her left eye. Her mouth gently feel open as she stared at the building with a widened eye. She then looked around her, instantly recognising the area. Closing her mouth, Rio smiled widely, joy showing in her eye and she listened to Kaizo. "Oh Kaizo, it's perfect~" She looked up at him, just about to lean in but then remembered that they weren't alone so she just looked back at the building. "I can't believe you finally did it heheh~ I had no idea that you were still working on this~ I guess things haven't changed too much" Rio just couldn't describe how happy she felt, mainly because looking at the building reminded her of the first conversation her and Kaizo had... It was so long ago, however Rio could remember it crystal-clear. "I just don't know what to say~ This is a truly beautiful building~... Thank you for showing me Kaizo"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Expllo said
"What do you you're doing, eh!?" Keng yelled at Zheng as his fingers wrapped around his pole tightly, "You dare destroy my Hollows! You dare interrupt the path of Chaos!" Keng aimed his pole at Zheng and then threw it, firing at a great speed. Though once it began getting closer Zheng would notice that it wasn't thrown, rather the pole was extending towards him aiming to hit his stomach. Keng smirked confidently, "You aren't worthy of these eyes watching your death," Keng said as he looked away, full of himself yet again.

"Path of Chaos?" Repeated to himself before the pole came flying at him, thinking that it was going to be thrown at him but in reality this thing was extending already. 'Shit,' Zheng thought to himself, 'This guy is already using his shikai!' With great and precision and skill he jumped right onto the pole and shunpoed over to Keng, sending a hook punch to the man's temple. It probably wouldn't kill Keng in one punch but it would've been enough to cause intense pain and severe disorientation if it hit, even blindness and consciousness if he had put just the right amount of power into that punch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Hikari kept silent as he watched the interaction unfold, holding back a laugh as the man let out a high pitched scream, even to the point he looked as if he didn't find any of what had happened funny at all. "So...table for one, yes?" Hikari heard the man asked Haruka while staring directly at him, that caused his eyebrows to raise a bit as he placed his hands in the opposite sleeve. Benji offered a hand after Haruka told him to play nice. He slipped a hand out of his sleeve firmly taking the hand with a shake. "Benji," Hikari replied and then looked over at Haruka, "It's nice when the waiters greet you at the door, isn't it? Fast service is a good one." He then gave a small smirk before looking back at Benji, releasing the grip on his hand and letting his own go back into his sleeve.

Haruka winced at the man as Benji went silent. "Benji, it isn't like that--"

"A...waiter? Is that honestly how you speak to the part owner of this establishment?" the man's face darkened, "We don't need your money badly enough to be disrespected in such a way. You can show yourself the door, Lieutenant." the man said. Haruka shot a glare at Hikari before she tried to make amends.

"Jiji, he didn't mean it like that. I'm sure it was just a very, very bad joke...right, Lieutenant?" she looked at Hikari and urged him to just play along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
"Path of Chaos?" Repeated to himself before the pole came flying at him, thinking that it was going to be thrown at him but in reality this thing was extending already. 'Shit,' Zheng thought to himself, 'This guy is already using his shikai!' With great and precision and skill he jumped right onto the pole and shunpoed over to Keng, sending a hook punch to the man's temple. It probably wouldn't kill Keng in one punch but it would've been enough to cause intense pain and severe disorientation if it hit, even blindness and consciousness if he had put just the right amount of power into that punch.

Once Zheng sent the punch Keng wasn't paying attention therefore got hit and was sent flying. Before he could slam into a building a man dropped from the building his was about to slam in and caught Keng's head in his hand squeezing tightly. "T-Tenchi!" Keng said as blood shot from his mouth. "You're so arrogant, you ignore orders, you are of no use." Tenchi said simply. Tenchi held Keng up pointing a finger at him.

"S-Sir I'm sorry! I'll do better next time! I! I-"

"Do better next time? You're working in a district next to where these Shinigami operate, one of the largest mistakes. And now you can't even take out one Shinigami. It's bad enough that we have Squad ten on us, we don't need another Squad," Tenchi said, "I'm talking too much, your service was never appreciated."

Tenchi then shot a black beam of energy out of his finger that hit Keng, he then threw Keng into the air as the black energy wrapped around Keng and then swallowed itself leaving no trace of Keng. Even his Shikai disappeared, as if Tenchi erased him from existence. Tenchi pointed a finger towards Zheng, "You have two choices, leave right now or fight me. Both choices have one thing in common, not catching me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
Haruka winced at the man as Benji went silent. "Benji, it isn't like that--" "A...waiter? Is that honestly how you speak to the part owner of this establishment?" the man's face darkened, "We don't need your money badly enough to be disrespected in such a way. You can show yourself the door, Lieutenant." the man said. Haruka shot a glare at Hikari before she tried to make amends. "Jiji, he didn't mean it like that. I'm sure it was just a very, very bad joke...right, Lieutenant?" she looked at Hikari and urged him to just play along.

Looks like the guy can dish it out but not take it, typical, Hikari said as the man continued talking. They obviously didn't need nor want his money in the first place if the first impression he gave was acting as if Hikari didn't exist, so his words didn't faze him in the slightest. The man obviously disrespected him first, it was like someone stabbing you then getting upset because you stabbed them back. Of course it was a bit childish the back and forth, but Hikari was never really known to be mature on off time either. He saw the glare Haruka gave before she began speaking, obviously trying to make peace. Hikari rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous chuckles, "Uh, Y-Yes, a bad joke! I'm terrible with them, Haruka knows that. They either come off too serious, or I joke about the wrong things. Apologizes if I offended you, it was never my intention." Hikari then gave a bow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Expllo said
Once Zheng sent the punch Keng wasn't paying attention therefore got hit and was sent flying. Before he could slam into a building a man dropped from the building his was about to slam in and caught Keng's head in his hand squeezing tightly. "T-Tenchi!" Keng said as blood shot from his mouth. "You're so arrogant, you ignore orders, you are of no use." Tenchi said simply. Tenchi held Keng up pointing a finger at him."S-Sir I'm sorry! I'll do better next time! I! I-""Do better next time? You're working in a district next to where these Shinigami operate, one of the largest mistakes. And now you can't even take out one Shinigami. It's bad enough that we have Squad ten on us, we don't need another Squad," Tenchi said, "I'm talking too much, your service was never appreciated."Tenchi then shot a black beam of energy out of his finger that hit Keng, he then threw Keng into the air as the black energy wrapped around Keng and then swallowed itself leaving no trace of Keng. Even his Shikai disappeared, as if Tenchi erased him from existence. Tenchi pointed a finger towards Zheng, "You have two choices, leave right now or fight me. Both choices have one thing in common, not catching me."

The punch connected! It sent Keng flying through the air as if he was weightless though before he would collide with one of the buildings he was caught by a strangely dressed person. This man was merciless. He didn't show Keng any mercy, hell he didn't even pretend that he was going to forgive him. This Tenchi character just killed his subordinate without any second thoughts though to say he killed Keng was an understatement; that man's entire existence was erased. 'What a frightening power.' Zheng though to himself as he witnessed this senseless killing.

Zheng grinned at Tenchi's challenging words. "Unfortunately I can't allow you to do that just yet Bovine." The bangles on his wrists shook around and shimmered all of a sudden. "Along this road goes no one this autumn eve, Tenzai." The two bangles suddenly dissipate into golden light and appear as if they disappeared. Other than that there was no change in Zheng's appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Benji stared at the man for any signs of falseness or hidden motives. When he found none he gave a quick nod, "I am sorry as well. It is a habit." he ruffled Haruka's hair, which pulled an indignant squeak from the girl. He snickered. "She is a beautiful young lady. Headstrong. She needs to be looked after, no?" he addressed Hikari. "You never know when some young punk might try to cash in." he said before he motioned for them to follow him.

"I can handle myself." the young woman reassured him. Benji offered her the booth for them and she slid in gracefully with an offered 'Thank You'. Alucard yipped and licked her chin, paws on her collarbone. "And Alucard can be quite the guardian himself." she says with a laugh.

"Of that, I have no doubt. I'll tell Reina you're here. She'll want to see you." the man's eyes shimmered with happiness before he left them two menus and hurried off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

- Later that night -

His eyes shot up, waking to the full moon hanging over the night's sky which was a sign to began the operation. "Suffer the wraith of a true swordsman, Sukurīmingu ōshan." Weird shaped clouds soon formed over the entire bandit base and shrouded the cloud's moonlight. The man summoned a flock of ravens that soon combined into one big raven right after. He jumped on the back of the winged beast and the winged creature took flight. "Rave, drop me down over there, then you can do your thing." The bird made a light sound in agreement as it headed in its  master's desired destination. The place it flew over looked like an abandoned castle with a portion of the ceiling missing; allowing any trespasser the ability to peek into the new owners affairs easily. That trespasser was him, Akuseru Hitomishu, an elite assassin for hire that only accepted jobs from a secret organization called Serpents Tail that was one of the best assassin orginazations out there, if not the best. 

"Thanks, now go enjoy yourself but don't die to quick." Akuseru noted, jumping off the large Raven before silently landing on the castle's rooftop afterwards. He peeked through the portion of the missing ceiling and it seemed like he was right on time. "How can we make preparations to launch an assault on the Seireitei within a three days time? We barely survived against that last Hollow onslaught." " Which is why we need to attack them now or else we won't survive the next. Plus, if those Shinigami are doing as bad as they say, then we'll have a higher chance to get in and get out without ever being caught. So do it or I'll ration your supplies out to someone who's more eager to achieve the given task." One of the speakers left the room angrily while the other speaker who seemed to be the one calling the shot left as well.

- Near the castle courtyard -

"So I said to this guy, "Where ya going pal?" and he was like ahhhhhhh!!!" A large raven quickly scooped up one of the guards patrolling the courtyard with its razor claws before applying enough pressure to crush his chest.  "Oh shit!!! Everyone,  our hideout's been breached!!!" Hundreds of able bodied bandits rushed to his aid. Once the reinforcements had arrived, the bandit that alerted the others was having both eyes plucked out by the deadly raven. "Soya!!!" The bandits pulled out their choice of weaponry before charging at the bird.

- Inside the abandoned castle -

While the raven was killing the guards, Akuseru jumped through the broken part of the ceiling. Security was a bit low with all the commotion going on outside which made things more quicker but if push came to shove, he was well prepared to take em all on. He silently made his way through the castle, navigating through many walkways before finally stopping at what looked to be the throne room. The doors pushed opened as Akuseru quickly entered. "So you're here for my famous necklace as well?" His attention quickly turned to a man with blue short but spiky hair that was sitting on the throne. "As well? Who else was here?" The blue haired man stood up. "Some girl who refers to herself as ST 10. Does that name ring any bells ?" The deadly assassin aimed his Zanpakuto  in the man's general direction. "No, now hand over the necklace and I might let you live." Weirdly  enough, the man tossed him the necklace with a smile appearing over Akuseru's face. 

"Smart man, now tell me where this ST 10 is being held." The blue haired man laughed, walking over to the man as his body slowly started to become more muscular.  "See things can never be that easy now can it? I gave you what you wanted and now you want more so I'll have to kill you." The bandit leader pulled back his right arm, enveloping it in huge amounts of reiatsu before Aku(For short) swiftly sent his cutlass straight through the  man chest. "It seems we have a misunderstanding if you thought this exchange was being run by you. I'll request one more time for the girl's location or consider your life forfeit." The man coughed up blood which happened to stain the assassin's clothing. "Out this door, take a left and down four large staircases. That's where you'll find her, now off you go."

- Near the castle courtyard - 

The raven flew frantically in the sky, trying to shake some freeloaders off it's back before eventually crashing down on the courtyard. "One of it's wings has been severed sir, now we can finally finish it!!" The grounded winged beast struggled to get back on it's feet as many soon guards cornered it at every angle. The beast knew it's end was near, purplish blood dripping profusely from where one of it's wings was once at, it was time to make it's last stand. The raven shrieked off one last loud cry before engaging the men in battle.

- Inside the castle -

After killing the leader for not telling him sooner, Akuseru made his way to the girl soon after. Down the third staircase, a loud bird cry had reached his ears that wasn't far away. "Hmph, it's that time already?" He upped his descent upon hearing the sound before reaching a cell. A girl could be seen inside the cell, sitting down patiently while waiting around for something. "I wasn't expecting someone as strong as you to be interrogated so easily...ST 10." She quickly jumped up and took a few feet away from the bars. "You're the eighth right? Why did you come?" Based on the tone in her voice, she didn't seem happy. "Well I was doing something and I heard that you were here so I came down to check to see if the rumors were true. Not many times you get to see one of your own the other end of steel bars ya'know." Akuseru said jokingly, cutting through the bars before back to the stairs.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
The punch connected! It sent Keng flying through the air as if he was weightless though before he would collide with one of the buildings he was caught by a strangely dressed person. This man was merciless. He didn't show Keng any mercy, hell he didn't even pretend that he was going to forgive him. This Tenchi character just killed his subordinate without any second thoughts though to say he killed Keng was an understatement; that man's entire existence was erased. 'What a frightening power.' Zheng though to himself as he witnessed this senseless killing. Zheng grinned at Tenchi's challenging words. "Unfortunately I can't allow you to do that just yet Bovine." The bangles on his wrists shook around and shimmered all of a sudden. "Along this road goes no one this autumn eve, Tenzai." The two bangles suddenly dissipate into golden light and appear as if they disappeared. Other than that there was no change in Zheng's appearance.

Tenchi watched as Zheng did what he assumed was activate his Shikai which caused Tenchi to take a step forward. "I see you're choosing to fight. That's brave of you, but awfully stupid. Especially if you think a bracelet will defeat me, this is why I despise you Shinigami." Tenchi's voice was low and held only what seemed to be anger. He appeared in front of Zheng with his knee immediately shooting toward's Zheng's stomach, although he appeared to put little effort into his attack and stance it was powerful enough that small amounts of rocks shot out of the ground from where his foot was placed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
Benji stared at the man for any signs of falseness or hidden motives. When he found none he gave a quick nod, "I am sorry as well. It is a habit." he ruffled Haruka's hair, which pulled an indignant squeak from the girl. He snickered. "She is a beautiful young lady. Headstrong. She needs to be looked after, no?" he addressed Hikari. "You never know when some young punk might try to cash in." he said before he motioned for them to follow him."I can handle myself." the young woman reassured him. Benji offered her the booth for them and she slid in gracefully with an offered 'Thank You'. Alucard yipped and licked her chin, paws on her collarbone. "And Alucard can be quite the guardian himself." she says with a laugh."Of that, I have no doubt. I'll tell Reina you're here. She'll want to see you." the man's eyes shimmered with happiness before he left them two menus and hurried off.

Hikari stood up straight when Benji also apologized. When he mentioned Haruka being beautiful and headstrong he looked down at Haruka with a small smile as he got a good look at her, "You can't really argue against that one," he spoke softly. You really can't. Once Benji led them to the booth he sat on the opposite side of her giving Benji a small nod in thanks. He let Benji, Haruka, and Alucard have their moment. Benji ran off to go get Reina in which he assumed they'd be back soon, but he figured they'd talk instead of being left in silence.

"So, lady Haruka huh? It has a nice ring to it, maybe I should start calling you m'lady," Hikari said with a smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Expllo said
Tenchi watched as Zheng did what he assumed was activate his Shikai which caused Tenchi to take a step forward. "I see you're choosing to fight. That's brave of you, but awfully stupid. Especially if you think a bracelet will defeat me, this is why I despise you Shinigami." Tenchi's voice was low and held only what seemed to be anger. He appeared in front of Zheng with his knee immediately shooting toward's Zheng's stomach, although he appeared to put little effort into his attack and stance it was powerful enough that small amounts of rocks shot out of the ground from where his foot was placed.

Zheng had remained silent to Tenchi's words, believing that the time for talk was over. It was now to let their fists do the talking. In response to Tenchi's knee, with his left hand he would push down the attack to his stomach with his palm, never taking his eyes of the ox headed man, his right hand had gripped into a fist and gathered reaitsu into his fist, the colors seemed so similar to autumn and even beautiful to look at. "Monkey King's Fist!" Zheng performed a quick and yet strong at his target's solar plexus. If it hit his solar plexus then he would've possibly hindered if not stop his breathing but what made this punch even more fierce was that it is his Monkey King's Fist. Even if this punch was blocked he would've forcibly transferred his reaitsu into the criminal, blocking his flow of reaitsu and cutting his attacks' strength by half for however long it does.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
"Ahhh well then, its quite simple. I don't car. I do things my way, and I will make them become a reality. So as I can see it, you are just something I can test to see if you shinigami have a chance, and so far you are boned my friend. And who says I blame my heritage, if anything. I pity them, they were weak so I had to purge them, I will make the oda name one that it was meant to be. A feared one." Sieg watched the man make a giant ball of ice and proceeded to propel shards at him, which most just got melted by the spiral of fire which made Sieg shake his head appearing being Koatsu and putting the kid in a full nelson. As the spiral grew closer. "A pity you wern't on my side, I would have taught you to be a real fighter. but from corruption you were born, it shall be cleansed in fire."
"If you couldn't train your fellow clan members to become real fighters, what makes you think that you could even consider teaching me?" Fenrir/Koatsu questioned as his body was being forced into a full Nelson. The heat from the fire was ever increasing after each word that left the man's mouth. "A shame that I'm forced to watch my cold spirit melt from such harsh flames. You truly are despicable, forcing me to watch my own life fade before my eyes.." Fenrir/Koatsu said with a small grin on his face. And despite how much I hate it, I wouldn't have wanted to go out any other way... He said as his body was devoured by the intense spiral flames that would soon enough turn his remains into ash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"They were my elders. Why would I train them?" Sieg said, yet laughed when he said the way he was using to kill Koatsu was despicable and just laughed further when the flames covered over both of them, with Sieg being perfectly fine and Koatsu being nothing more than ash after the flames subsided. The other two red heads then came down while Sieg reverted back to his regular self. And with no other words they just simply walked off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng had remained silent to Tenchi's words, believing that the time for talk was over. It was now to let their fists do the talking. In response to Tenchi's knee, with his left hand he would push down the attack to his stomach with his palm, never taking his eyes of the ox headed man, his right hand had gripped into a fist and gathered reaitsu into his fist, the colors seemed so similar to autumn and even beautiful to look at. "Monkey King's Fist!" Zheng performed a quick and yet strong at his target's solar plexus. If it hit his solar plexus then he would've possibly hindered if not stop his breathing but what made this punch even more fierce was that it is his Monkey King's Fist. Even if this punch was blocked he would've forcibly transferred his reaitsu into the criminal, blocking his flow of reaitsu and cutting his attacks' strength by half for however long it does.

"Tsugi no," Tenchi uttered when Zheng used his technique to attack him. Once the attack hit it seemed Tenchi was unaffected by the hit. Tenchi grabbed Zheng's hand and turned into dark energy that wrapped around Zheng's hand and glowed slightly, obviously about to burst into the same thing that destroyed Keng. Though before it destroyed, Himeko jumped beside Zheng and grabbed onto the dark energy able to easily take it off. She then jumped high into the air as it destroyed her instead of him.....

....Himeko then appeared beside Zheng with her arms crossed, "Dark energy, good thing my Zanpakuto is energy based otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take that off." Himeko then looked forward at the real Tenchi. The good assumption was that the Tenchi that turned into dark energy was just a clone, like the Himeko that took off the dark energy and got destroyed. "I came over here when I sensed the dark energy, so what's up with this guy? What did he do?" she asked. Tenchi just stood there looking at the two as if he had no worry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Expllo said
"Tsugi no," Tenchi uttered when Zheng used his technique to attack him. Once the attack hit it seemed Tenchi was unaffected by the hit. Tenchi grabbed Zheng's hand and turned into dark energy that wrapped around Zheng's hand and glowed slightly, obviously about to burst into the same thing that destroyed Keng. Though before it destroyed, Himeko jumped beside Zheng and grabbed onto the dark energy able to easily take it off. She then jumped high into the air as it destroyed her instead of him.........Himeko then appeared beside Zheng with her arms crossed, "Dark energy, good thing my Zanpakuto is energy based otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take that off." Himeko then looked forward at the real Tenchi. The good assumption was that the Tenchi that turned into dark energy was just a clone, like the Himeko that took off the dark energy and got destroyed. "I came over here when I sensed the dark energy, so what's up with this guy? What did he do?" she asked. Tenchi just stood there looking at the two as if he had no worry.

Zheng couldn't believe that his attack didn't even effect him. It hit him dead on, a move that back in the academy had crippled his opponents during their spars. Could this man be so strong that even his own attacks had no impact on him? He tried to pull his arm back from Tenchi's grasp but he soon saw that the man turned into dark energy and wrapped around his arms with the intent of consuming him like it did to the other man. That's when Himeko came in and tore it off his own arms before it covered her. She leapt into the air and it soon destroyed her. "Himeko!" Zheng shouted in panic as he realized that it was his fault that his superior was killed...then he realized that she reappeared right next to him. "I owe you one Himeko."

That's when it came to him. His own attack didn't effect Tenchi because it wasn't the real one; it was a clone made of dark energy. Zheng looked back at his superior and told her, "I already took care of the hollows and was dealing with the guy controlling them. That is until this Tenchi guy arrived and killed him, his own subordinate. Looks like Squad Ten has been after this guy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Squad ten? My brother is after this guy!?" Himeko asked looking at Zheng then turning back to Tenchi again. "Your....Brother? Squad Ten? Ah, now that I think about his picture you two do look similar," Tenchi said as he backed up. He seemed to look around before speaking again, "Now it seems I'm the one with two choices. Kill you both and risk an increase of searching about me plus the wrath of your brother and whoever else you hold close ties with, or escape and just risk an increase of search. Unlike your fanboy here I'll be making the smart choice today."

Himeko held her palms out quickly shooting a barrage of energy balls which upon contact made a small explosions, once the dust settled Tenchi was gone. Himeko looked around a bit before closing her eyes trying to sense the dark energy again but found nothing. She sighed taking a breath, "Well atleast I got to see what he looked like, I can sketch a picture later." Himeko ran a hand through her hair before looking over at Zheng with a light smile, "You did alright, but let's go back..." Himeko then turned and headed back towards the Seireitei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Expllo said
"Squad ten? My brother is after this guy!?" Himeko asked looking at Zheng then turning back to Tenchi again. "Your....Brother? Squad Ten? Ah, now that I think about his picture you two do look similar," Tenchi said as he backed up. He seemed to look around before speaking again, "Now it seems I'm the one with two choices. Kill you both and risk an increase of searching about me plus the wrath of your brother and whoever else you hold close ties with, or escape and just risk an increase of search. Unlike your fanboy here I'll be making the smart choice today."Himeko held her palms out quickly shooting a barrage of energy balls which upon contact made a small explosions, once the dust settled Tenchi was gone. Himeko looked around a bit before closing her eyes trying to sense the dark energy again but found nothing. She sighed taking a breath, "Well atleast I got to see what he looked like, I can sketch a picture later." Himeko ran a hand through her hair before looking over at Zheng with a light smile, "You did alright, but let's go back..." Himeko then turned and headed back towards the Seireitei.

"...Fanboy?" Zheng repeated that word in confusion when Tenchi called him one. He really didn't understand why he got called that but that really isn't what he should be focusing on at the moment. His target had disappeared after a barrage of energy attacks on Himekos part and they were only left with little bits of information that they had gained through the brief mission. A frustrated sigh came from him. He nearly died on his first day as a shinigami against a man who used a clone against him. It was pathetic.

He looked and turned over to Himeko, nodding in reponse. "I don't see a reason why we should be here still." His golden bangles reformed around his wrists again, showing that he had sealed his zanpukto again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigaiTenshi said
Souta watched Kagiko, moving only his eyes as he listened to the man before closing them for a moment and then looking forward. "If you say so... I'll believe you but still, I'm not letting you go home alone while under the influence. I need to make sure you're Okay before I'll be able to go to sleep anyway, whether you're a Lieutenant or not" Taking another sip, Souta watched as Kagiko ordered another drink only for the bartender to turn him down. However, it seemed Kagiko managed to talk his way into getting another drink which Souta couldn't help but give a chuckle at. "I don't know what it is about you but it seems that you're able to talk your way into getting anything by the looks of it. Must be because of that intellect of yours that you have too much of" He chuckled again before finishing his light beer and ordering another one which came the same time Kagiko's drink did.

Kagiko chuckled as Souta insisted he would help Kagiko get home, he then listened as Souta mentioned about how Kagiko could talk his way into getting anything he wants, Kagiko just smiled at this "I highly doubt that, I just know a few tricks is all. I may be in Squad 12 but that means nothing when it comes to real world issues such as me not being allowed another drink, what I did there was read the situation. By him telling me that I could not have another drink he was expecting me to get angry at start something, that is why he had his hand on a weapon under the bar...and so I did exactly the opposite in order to surprise him and of course, if I act exactly the way he wasn't expecting me to he will be caught off guard...simple really..." The drinks then arrived, thankfully the man hadn't heard anything, he could see this by his cautious approach to Kagiko, if he had heard something he would have put his hand back on his weapon and also been unwilling to give Kagiko his drink
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio continued to walk through the dirt path, trying not to trip over branches and such as both of her eyes were covered. It was quite a bit of a walk, however she didn't mind since it was just nice to just be with Kaizo without having to worry about what Squad members might of thought as she felt that if their relationship was more openly shown, there would be members speculating about whether she had actually worked for her position or was just given it due to her being in a relationship with the Captain. Whether or not people would of actually thought that, Rio wasn't going to give anyone a chance to as she felt it would end up in Squad members not taking her seriously or mocking her authority due to her relationship. Anyway, the walk in itself was nice and her eyes being covered made it even better as she had a reason to depend on Kaizo, giving Rio an excuse to lean her head against his chest when he wrapped his arm around her as they walked at a comfortable pace. A few more steps later, Kaizo told Rio that she could open her eyes. Standing straight, Rio moved her hands and opened her left eye. Her mouth gently feel open as she stared at the building with a widened eye. She then looked around her, instantly recognising the area. Closing her mouth, Rio smiled widely, joy showing in her eye and she listened to Kaizo. "Oh Kaizo, it's perfect~" She looked up at him, just about to lean in but then remembered that they weren't alone so she just looked back at the building. "I can't believe you finally did it heheh~ I had no idea that you were still working on this~ I guess things haven't changed too much" Rio just couldn't describe how happy she felt, mainly because looking at the building reminded her of the first conversation her and Kaizo had... It was so long ago, however Rio could remember it crystal-clear. "I just don't know what to say~ This is a truly beautiful building~... Thank you for showing me Kaizo"

Hearing Rio's reaction made him smile, he was glad she liked it. Kaizo then looked to her to see her physical reaction, his smile growing wider "I'm glad you like it. Remember when I told you this represents something and that as I grow it to will grow? well it has done just that...but now it represents the both of us...it stands strong and it'd take the strongest of storms to break it but even then it will be rebuilt...never will it fall to the ground as if it never existed in the first place...no matter what. I will make sure this house remains perfect, that goes for us to...I want you to know that I am here for you Rio, as your partner and Captain...I will go through hell and back if it means you stay in my arms. If it weren't for you I would never have had a reason to keep going...all those times I could have gave up I didn't because of you...so this house...means a great deal to me. It is our home...I hope one day we can retire and live here happily together..." Kaizo then closed his eyes as he thought for a moment, a smile still on his face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko chuckled as Souta insisted he would help Kagiko get home, he then listened as Souta mentioned about how Kagiko could talk his way into getting anything he wants, Kagiko just smiled at this "I highly doubt that, I just know a few tricks is all. I may be in Squad 12 but that means nothing when it comes to real world issues such as me not being allowed another drink, what I did there was read the situation. By him telling me that I could not have another drink he was expecting me to get angry at start something, that is why he had his hand on a weapon under the bar...and so I did exactly the opposite in order to surprise him and of course, if I act exactly the way he wasn't expecting me to he will be caught off guard...simple really..." The drinks then arrived, thankfully the man hadn't heard anything, he could see this by his cautious approach to Kagiko, if he had heard something he would have put his hand back on his weapon and also been unwilling to give Kagiko his drink

Souta looked over at Kagiko, his eyebrow raised once more. "Well, you do know how to thoroughly analyse a situation I see" Souta glanced over at the bartender, chuckling while waiting for the bartender to leave the two of them. "That's quite a brain you've got there. You know, you're a really interesting guy. I like that" Opening his newly delivered beer, Souta began sipping it. "I feel like I could learn alot from you. Maybe some time I'll visit Squad Twelve...." Sipping his beer once more, Souta took a look around him. The bar wasn't empty but it wasn't full either, just as Souta liked it. "So Kagiko, feel like playing some cards?" He asked after noticing a woman with cards sat at one of the booths. He had seen her in this bar a few times before and heard that she was pretty good at card games. However, with witnessing Kagiko's smartness, Souta began wondering whether Kagiko would be able to break that winning streak of hers or not.
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