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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Angelo watched what happened to their second in command and Angelo was unsure of what happened completely he just needed to leave right now. Angelo left the training room and he decided to go get something to drink, Angelo left and decided to go and relax with some tea. Angelo went to his room in the barracks waiting to be called on for a job or gets the chance to talk to the head captain about a way to improve his training regiment. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Hearing Rio's reaction made him smile, he was glad she liked it. Kaizo then looked to her to see her physical reaction, his smile growing wider "I'm glad you like it. Remember when I told you this represents something and that as I grow it to will grow? well it has done just that...but now it represents the both of us...it stands strong and it'd take the strongest of storms to break it but even then it will be rebuilt...never will it fall to the ground as if it never existed in the first place...no matter what. I will make sure this house remains perfect, that goes for us to...I want you to know that I am here for you Rio, as your partner and Captain...I will go through hell and back if it means you stay in my arms. If it weren't for you I would never have had a reason to keep going...all those times I could have gave up I didn't because of you...so this house...means a great deal to me. It is our home...I hope one day we can retire and live here happily together..." Kaizo then closed his eyes as he thought for a moment, a smile still on his face

Rio couldn't explain the rush of emotions currently surging through her... They were all good but there were just too many to describe just how happy she felt. "I remember that very well Kaizo~ And... I know... Thank you so much for including me... I know I may not be the most affectionate partner in the world... but I want you to know that I truly do care about you Kaizo, which is why I never left you alone, I took you with me because I care and now look at you. You're a Captain with great strength and have gone through so much and prevailed.... I'm so proud of you Kaizo, and quite surprised with how far we've come as a couple. But none-the-less I'm entirely grateful~ And I... em... you know I... I love you... Right Kaizo?" Rio looked down as she started blushing quite a bit. Clearly she still wasn't used to moments like this but that didn't mean they didn't make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

When Gio woke up he was extremely confused. He wasn't at his desk. He wasn't even in his barrack. He was in the squad four barrack. He groaned as he tried to sit up but a firm hand pushed him back down. The pain it invoked was barely bearable.

"Dont move" a soft voice demanded. One he recognized and made him grin.

"Hello beaut..." His greeting was met with a slap on a bruise. "What was that for?" He finally turned and looked at nurse flawless.

"For talking. Lay down. And shut up"

Gio started to say something about bedside manner but he found himself laying silently instead.

"One of your squad mates brought you here" she began to explain. " they said your spiritual pressure suddenly dropped while you were at your desk. When they check on you you were unresponsive. Alive but unresponsive. Oh and injured. "

Gio started to say something but she raised her hand to hit him again so he stayed quiet.

"Your energy has been slowly coming back up, which is why you are awake now. But you shouldn't move or try to talk for a while. Then you can tell me what you remember"

Remember? What did he remember? He remembered getting blasted, he remembered the whole fight. He made it back to the captain… then…then…

The nurse touched his hand, which caused him to look at her “over working your head isn’t advised either. Just try to relax” that might have been the first bedside manner-ish thing she ever said to him. “you should be able for me to look at your wounds now.” She held her hands lightly on his chest and they began to glow green in a healing kaido. The pain in his body began easing away slowly.
“your beautiful” he said
“yeah you keep telling me that” she blew off his compliment and put a hand hard on his stomach. “do you feel that?”
“you pressing? Yeah” he groaned
“no, the knot in your spirit energy.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sinai wasnt sure what to do now. With the captain and the Lieutenant gone she couldnt ask for a mission. She didnt know any of the seated officers or who they even were for that matter. the only person she did know technically as Kiesa and she didnt want to bother her after what happened. The training hall was a common destination however she didnt want to spend her life there. She wanted to do something but pretty much couldnt so she found herself going bck to the training hall anyway. This time she did more stretching and moving instead of striking. simple things to stay agile without using shunpo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Whenever he's had a long day, Zheng would always buy a coconut and drink the contents of it until there was nothing left. It was relaxing, drinking a fresh, cold coconut while lying under a tree, the leaves offering shade as a gentle breeze blew past him gently, rustling his hair. He took a long sip out of a straw and gulped the coconut milk down and sighed contently. Laying the drink next to him gently and balanced it so it wouldn't roll and spill the milk out, he closed his eyes and rested his head behind his arms that were crossed. Yes this was surely what he needed after the exciting events that had happened today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Ever since the second Swarm attack, Kirishin's been extremely busy trying to help heal the many wounded that fail in their attempt to push past their previous limits. Maybe it was the betrayal of the Head Captain or the rise of replacement captains that some were eager to impress but it didn't matter. Understanding other people's agendas was outside of Kiri's job description and he rarely strayed from it. In his Division of choice, he had to make sure those injured in their training could survive long enough to successfully achieve their desired results in order to protect the Seireitei with better efficiency.  Not to mention, progressing himself even further in order to make light work of the difficult task; along with being prepared to be a war medic when the time was at hand. Well the days were rough while the nights were long but no one said fixing up patients in times like this would be easy. 

"Alright, I've healed you up so you should be good to go but don't push it you hear? The miracles you might think we do here won't work on a body as exhausted as yours without enough rest." Kirishin noted as the healed individual nodded before taking his leave. "That was a bit harsh don't you think?" "Yes but it was indeed true, youngins think they can take on the world and get a free revive every time. Well those free revives cost time and effort that could be used for sleeping." Kiri explained as the other Shinigami smiled. "Sounds like someone didn't get a good nights sleep last night." "I only get three hours after my shift ends which I spend sleeping before I have to get back here to work for the next 72 hours. " The female Shinigami prepped herself for surgery. "Well you might need to start sleeping between shifts but I've gotta go. This woman somehow managed to get three large shards of her own Zanpakuto embedded in her skull and we have to take it out without her becoming brain dead so chao." Kirishin sighed as the woman left. "But I want to perform brain surger-sir!!!" Two men appeared before him with sweat rushing down there heads.

"A large boulder has crushe-inform while you lead the way!!" Kiri said, randomly pointing at three other Shinigami respectively. "You three, with me, let's go!!" He spoke before following    the two men. "Ok, shoot away." One of the men choked in embarrassment so the other spoke in his stead. "Well a large boulder fell on top of one of our men, seriously injuring him while hollows are attacking more aggressively than usual." Kirishin patted the top of both their heads as if they were children. "So in short, the others are too focused on repelling the enemy threat and you guys lack the skill to heal that degree of a wound. You both decided to leave off on your own while the others weren't looking in order to gain assistance from a superior officer. If that about sums it up, then you know that you two will probably be considered cowards by the ones you abandoned despite possibly doing the smart thing; if there's anyone left when we get there of course." Both of the Shinigami soon formed depressed like faces before speaking at once.

"Sorry but we didn't know what else to do." "Don't apologize to me but your comrades because you never know what might've happened while you were away. Hopefully for your sakes though, they're still alive so their deaths won't be forever stained on your consciousness. But hey, you have gain to experience from somewhere. How far is it?" Kirishin asked, unsheathing his Zanpakuto right after. "Not far now, just a little bit past the Greyashi Valley." They replied before coming to a stop. Upon reaching the destination, everything seemed quiet but a couple of bloody foot steps doused by a small stream of blood led a trail to a nearby village. Kiri knelt down beside the bloody trail and touched it in order to familiarize himself with the texture of it. "Hmmm, the blood hasn't began coagulating yet so this trail must be fresh. Follow behind me everyone!!" He said as he quickly made his way into the village. 

Within the village, nothing could be heard but the trail  led toward a house near the entrance." Kirishin wasted no time in rushing to the house to see the villagers' attempting to patch up a few of the Shinigami's wounds. "Thanks for the help but we'll take it from here." Kiri alerted, needlessly pushing them out of the way.  He began working on healing the most injured Shinigami while his three little munchkin began healing the others. After awhile of intense healing and reconnecting some of the injured men's fractured limbs, they were good to go. "Phew and with that, you guys are good to go. Nice work everyone, now we'll all head back in a few hours once they regain there strength back." Kirishin rested his back on one of the many couches. "Oh and we'll rest here if that's alright with you guys..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

After all these exercises and stretches Sinai was pumped...with no outlet. pretty much the only thing she hadnt done was run. And that wasnt true, she rand after keisa earlier but that didnt count. After she got herself some water she left the barracks again for a a run. She didnt have a destination or a route in mind, it was just some cardio exercise. After a whole lot of turns and far to many dead ends she slowed down to take a rest for a couple minutes. Just to catch her breath
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Gio examined his spiritual energy, the nurse was right. there was a knot of spiritual energy in his lower stomach. It was a big tight one too which made things even more confusing. As far as Gio knew, these things didnt happen...ever. He didnt even know what it meant.
"you had more when you got here" the nurse told him
"more? how many more?" he asked.
"three. they were easily unwound, but this last one has proved more difficult. After all your wounds are healed you can try to unwind it yourself but as far as we can tell its not hurting you physically"
Gio laid there for a while longer, being healed. He closed his eyes, Imagining the knot in his stomach as a knot of yarn. a train wreck would have been more accurate but a ball of yarn made it a bit easier. He pulled here and there, trying to to find some where to start but it was wound very tight. The Nurse tried to help him after a while, with a very delicate kaido technique that allowed for fine manipulation of his energy so long as he didnt resist it. Together they made a bit of progress but nothing significant. They had managed to loosen it some but She recommended the rest of the unwinding take place naturally. He was healed, his spirit energy was still not all that high but his body was healed. He just had to lay there for a while to be monitored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Whenever he's had a long day, Zheng would always buy a coconut and drink the contents of it until there was nothing left. It was relaxing, drinking a fresh, cold coconut while lying under a tree, the leaves offering shade as a gentle breeze blew past him gently, rustling his hair. He took a long sip out of a straw and gulped the coconut milk down and sighed contently. Laying the drink next to him gently and balanced it so it wouldn't roll and spill the milk out, he closed his eyes and rested his head behind his arms that were crossed. Yes this was surely what he needed after the exciting events that had happened today.

Nicias Askani said
After all these exercises and stretches Sinai was pumped...with no outlet. pretty much the only thing she hadnt done was run. And that wasnt true, she rand after keisa earlier but that didnt count. After she got herself some water she left the barracks again for a a run. She didnt have a destination or a route in mind, it was just some cardio exercise. After a whole lot of turns and far to many dead ends she slowed down to take a rest for a couple minutes. Just to catch her breath

Mok appeared before the boy and stared at him. he seemed asleep so really only one thing he could do in this situation. He picked up the coconut and proceeded to drink it while slinging the man over his shoulder. "I'll just be borrowing you." Mok said shunpoing off then appearing in front of another person this time a girl, where Mok tossed the coconut in the air and burning it with Haien. He then picked up the girl and started shunpoing off. "Don't blame me, blame Gio for get his ass beat." Mok then stopped on a roof where he dropped the two, and then pointed at a man with Silver hair. "You see that man, hes breaking all the rules. So stealing and assault and probably other various crimes. So go stop him. I'll be right here enjoying this moment." Mok said waving at the two as he sat down on the roof.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Sinai was too confused to process what had just happened. she was pretty sure she just got kidnapped, definitely sure. But he was wearing a captains jacket so it had to be some kind of important. When she and another person were dropped the captain the man explained what the hell was going on. someone was doing something somewhere was what it translated to in her head but he expected her to stop this random menace. what really didnt make sense was that he, a captain, wanted her, a fresh out of school shinigami, to do anything. She took the order even though she knew the rules. She turned and looked at the silver haired man in question. She jumped into the air before coming down in an Axe kick. no warning, no announcement. just a silent dropkick to this mans head with enough force to crack the ground below.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zane620 said
Mok appeared before the boy and stared at him. he seemed asleep so really only one thing he could do in this situation. He picked up the coconut and proceeded to drink it while slinging the man over his shoulder. "I'll just be borrowing you." Mok said shunpoing off then appearing in front of another person this time a girl, where Mok tossed the coconut in the air and burning it with Haien. He then picked up the girl and started shunpoing off. "Don't blame me, blame Gio for get his ass beat." Mok then stopped on a roof where he dropped the two, and then pointed at a man with Silver hair. "You see that man, hes breaking all the rules. So stealing and assault and probably other various crimes. So go stop him. I'll be right here enjoying this moment." Mok said waving at the two as he sat down on the roof.

Zheng let out a loud yawn as he woke up and saw that he was hanging over someone's shoulder who was using shunpo to move around. "Where's my coconut...?" He had asked himself while half awake, unsure if he was still awake or asleep. It was then he realized that this was indeed, not a dream. A captain was carrying him and some woman around for what seemed to be no apparent reason until they were both dropped onto a roof and were told to take down a silver haired man who was in their view. He didn't know why Zheng, a newbie who just graduated was taken to do this but this was his chance to leave a good impression.

The finger tips on his right hand glowed red and he quickly drew a symbol in the air."Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini. Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat. Bakudo 9: Geki." His body began to emit red energy and it suddenly began to appear on the silver haired man and hinder if not paralyze him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The silver haired man who was lugging around a bag suddenly heard an incantation which made him look to see a girl flying at him with a clear kick aimed at him, which made him blink and side step the kick causing her to crash into the ground. The man then finished the incantation which made the silver haired man tense up a bit. He looked around and saw the man which made him grit his teeth as he slowly raised his arm at him. "Hado number four. Byakurai." Lighting then shot out of his finger towards the man, while he also kept an eye on the girl that tried to kick him earlier. He then finally shrug off the Geki and then swung his sword right towards the female.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

samreaper said
Perry nodded with a look of interest as the man named Shoske speak about squad 11 and that they weren't all blood thirsty brutes. This man, Shoske was proof of that as he seemed more in control and calm compared to the general members from that squad. He would frown when being told that he had been going in the complete opposite direction of squad 13, which made him feel stupid, but his smile returned when the man offered to help take him there.'You really are my savior this day for if not for you..I'd be wandering these pathways for hours..even days.'A worried look on his face when thinking the captain might get mad since he didn't know much about the squad.Following alongside him, happy that he might of just made his first friend, and on his first day out of the academy no less as it made tears of happiness form in his eyes. Remember what Shoske had said and quickly blinked them away before hearing his question and was about to speak when his head was pushed back some with a sneeze; eye color changing back to brown and would look around briefly with a confused glance.*Ugh just my luck... perry of all people to come out. This shoske probably thinks I'm a freak.*Sighing inwardly as he sniffed.'Why? uh..well I had been told that squad 13 was open and very accepting to those with..quirks and I was recommended to it.'He nodded with a small smile, trying to avoid showing any real changes as he had learned to avoid letting people know about his multiple personality disorder since most just thought of him as a freak.

Shoske chuckled at what the man said about being lost for days, remembering the first time he looked for a squad "It's no problem. I was a new recruit once after and I needed a lot of help, so I'm sure you can use it" He said with a smile at the end, but then raising an eyebrow when he sneezed "Allergies? Hopefully you don't cause Squad 13 has quite the garden but Bless you" He said as he kept on walking "Ahh I see, well I suppose that's a good reason. Plus I heard if you join that Squad, you get to visit the Human World very often which doesn't sound all that bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Phobos said
Shoske chuckled at what the man said about being lost for days, remembering the first time he looked for a squad "It's no problem. I was a new recruit once after and I needed a lot of help, so I'm sure you can use it" He said with a smile at the end, but then raising an eyebrow when he sneezed "Allergies? Hopefully you don't cause Squad 13 has quite the garden but Bless you" He said as he kept on walking "Ahh I see, well I suppose that's a good reason. Plus I heard if you join that Squad, you get to visit the Human World very often which doesn't sound all that bad."

Rubbing his nose a little as Shoske spoke about how squad 13 had a garden and smiled a bit, glad to know about that.'Hm? ah no, no allergies thankfully. Just one of those random sneeze and I was told about that. That was another reason I chose that squad.'He had always been fascinated by the human realm and longed to go there one day to see all the different foods, games and sports he had heard rumors of and had hoped it true. Ahead, the squad 13 barracks finally came into view as he raised his arms.'Oh praise the lord! I have finally arrived, again thanks for the help. Now I just got to see about being accepted.'Scratching at his cheek as there was an obvious nervousness to his tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

samreaper said
Rubbing his nose a little as Shoske spoke about how squad 13 had a garden and smiled a bit, glad to know about that.'Hm? ah no, no allergies thankfully. Just one of those random sneeze and I was told about that. That was another reason I chose that squad.'He had always been fascinated by the human realm and longed to go there one day to see all the different foods, games and sports he had heard rumors of and had hoped it true. Ahead, the squad 13 barracks finally came into view as he raised his arms.'Oh praise the lord! I have finally arrived, again thanks for the help. Now I just got to see about being accepted.'Scratching at his cheek as there was an obvious nervousness to his tone.

Shoske raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Enji, noticing the eye change once again. But instead if asking, he just mentally shrugged it off "Yeah, a random sneeze. And ahh I see, that's a good reason. Make sure to bring me back one of those corndogs" He said, always infatuated with Human food. Shoske chuckled as Perey praised The Lord and walked with him up to the front "Don't worry, just be...yourself and don't be nervous. Have confidence and I'm sure you'll get in, well this is where we cross paths. Nice meeting you Perry and good luck!" Shoske said, walking off and waving
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Phobos said
Shoske raised an eyebrow as he looked back at Enji, noticing the eye change once again. But instead if asking, he just mentally shrugged it off "Yeah, a random sneeze. And ahh I see, that's a good reason. Make sure to bring me back one of those corndogs" He said, always infatuated with Human food. Shoske chuckled as Perey praised The Lord and walked with him up to the front "Don't worry, just be...yourself and don't be nervous. Have confidence and I'm sure you'll get in, well this is where we cross paths. Nice meeting you Perry and good luck!" Shoske said, walking off and waving

Gazing at the barracks of squad 13 nervously, worried that he wouldn't be accepted into the squad when hearing what shoske said and gave a small nervous laugh.'Corndog? sure, I'll make sure to remember that..I mean I owe you for helping me.'Giving a small smile then looked to the door as he mentioned needing confidence and being yourself; two things that were difficult for him especially with his condition. Peering back at shoske for a moment with a small wave, then exhaled slowly to settle his nerves and made his way into the barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta looked over at Kagiko, his eyebrow raised once more. "Well, you do know how to thoroughly analyse a situation I see" Souta glanced over at the bartender, chuckling while waiting for the bartender to leave the two of them. "That's quite a brain you've got there. You know, you're a really interesting guy. I like that" Opening his newly delivered beer, Souta began sipping it. "I feel like I could learn alot from you. Maybe some time I'll visit Squad Twelve...." Sipping his beer once more, Souta took a look around him. The bar wasn't empty but it wasn't full either, just as Souta liked it. "So Kagiko, feel like playing some cards?" He asked after noticing a woman with cards sat at one of the booths. He had seen her in this bar a few times before and heard that she was pretty good at card games. However, with witnessing Kagiko's smartness, Souta began wondering whether Kagiko would be able to break that winning streak of hers or not.

Kagiko chuckled as he listened to Souta speak "I wouldn't be in Squad 12 if I didn't know how to do that, or should I say I wouldn't be the Lieutenant. I don't think I'm anymore interesting than anyone else...we are all interesting in one way or another. Well you may need to contact me through hell butterfly otherwise you will have a bunch of mad scientists trying to experiment on you" Kagiko chuckled a little at this then heard Souta suggest a game of cards "Sure thing, I don't mind having some more fun..." Kagiko then tapped his head with his index finger on his right hand then nodded "Seems everything is working right..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio couldn't explain the rush of emotions currently surging through her... They were all good but there were just too many to describe just how happy she felt. "I remember that very well Kaizo~ And... I know... Thank you so much for including me... I know I may not be the most affectionate partner in the world... but I want you to know that I truly do care about you Kaizo, which is why I never left you alone, I took you with me because I care and now look at you. You're a Captain with great strength and have gone through so much and prevailed.... I'm so proud of you Kaizo, and quite surprised with how far we've come as a couple. But none-the-less I'm entirely grateful~ And I... em... you know I... I love you... Right Kaizo?" Rio looked down as she started blushing quite a bit. Clearly she still wasn't used to moments like this but that didn't mean they didn't make her feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Kaizo continued to look down at Rio smiling as he listened to her before speaking himself "Well you are apart of my life, a large part of it and so you deserve to be included. I know you do Rio, I know you well, at least I like to think I do" Kaizo said followed by a nervous chuckle "That I am grateful for...as I said if it weren't for you I wouldn't be where I am now, it's because of you that I got to where I am now. Thank you...it makes me happy to know I've made you proud and we have come far haven't we" Kaizo said as he looked up to the house smiling then looked down to Rio to see her blushing which made him chuckle "of course I know that silly. You do know that I love you also right?" Kaizo said with a chuckle
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

samreaper said
Gazing at the barracks of squad 13 nervously, worried that he wouldn't be accepted into the squad when hearing what shoske said and gave a small nervous laugh.'Corndog? sure, I'll make sure to remember that..I mean I owe you for helping me.'Giving a small smile then looked to the door as he mentioned needing confidence and being yourself; two things that were difficult for him especially with his condition. Peering back at shoske for a moment with a small wave, then exhaled slowly to settle his nerves and made his way into the barracks.

Zane620 said
Ryozo walked the pathway of the Seireitei to the squad he found to be most interesting when in the academy, that being squad thirteen. Truly Ryozo could be good enough for a vast majority except squad two and eleven, considering his shikai isn't exactly sneaky nor squad eleven appropriate, well the look might be for squad eleven, but not the way it worked. He soon found that their was a girl with watermelon colored hair going in the same direction, she also seemed to notice this as he looked up at him. "Squad thirteen?" She he asked with the hint of an Australian accent. To this he simply smiled and nodded, as they both made i to their destination and were let in quite peacefully surprisingly, and eevn led to the captains office, where Ryozo knocked on the door, awaiting to see if the captain was even in.

(Just gonna say you two outside her office cause why the hell not? xD)

Miyuki had gone out for a small power walk and was on her way back to the Squad 13 barracks, Miyuki soon arrived back at the barracks and threw the doors open then shouted out "I'm back~ Now what have I missed?" Miyuki looked around seeing basically no one there...no..no one there to greet her, this was because the Squad was lacking in members and what members it had were stationed in the human world, this made Miyuki's head drop as she sighed Miyuki then threw her head up and took in a deep breath then placed her hands on her hips as she spoke to herself "Right! no time to hang around being all depressed! keep working, keep positive! that's the way forward!" Miyuki then walked off into the barracks, making her way towards her office, upon turning the last corner to her office she saw three people standing there, their power levels seemed fairly low so they must have been fresh out the Academy, perfect! More members! and three of them? even better...would repl-this wasn't the time for that sort of thinking! Miyuki approached them then spoke "What do we have here? three new graduates ready to become Shinigami? I'm the Captain of this Squad. You may refer to me as Captain Miyuki~ So, so, so where do we begin? How about I get all of your names first? Sounds like a good idea! So starting with you boy with the black hair, then you boy with the black and red hair and then girl with the hair colour that looks odd" Miyuki awaited their names with a smile. She wondered what people they would be like...hopefully not another Sasha...she could only listen to the girl talk about Potato's for so long before she felt like crying
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to look down at Rio smiling as he listened to her before speaking himself "Well you are apart of my life, a large part of it and so you deserve to be included. I know you do Rio, I know you well, at least I like to think I do" Kaizo said followed by a nervous chuckle "That I am grateful for...as I said if it weren't for you I wouldn't be where I am now, it's because of you that I got to where I am now. Thank you...it makes me happy to know I've made you proud and we have come far haven't we" Kaizo said as he looked up to the house smiling then looked down to Rio to see her blushing which made him chuckle "of course I know that silly. You do know that I love you also right?" Kaizo said with a chuckle

Rio looked up at the house and quietly listened to Kaizo talk, finding his voice comforting. "Well, likewise eheh.... And you do know me well, atleast you know as much about me as I do" Rio gave a little nervous chuckle of her own as she continued to listen to Kaizo, nodding as he spoke. "Indeed we have.... And yes, I do know that" Rio looked off into the distance away from Kaizo, mainly to hide her blush as it brightened a little more however she managed to make it disappear soon enough. "Erm... Kaizo... I need to tell you something so might as well tell you know before I forget. Soon I'm going to be heading to my Clan with two others, mainly just to sort out some things... I won't be gone long though so it hopefully won't conflict with my duties as your Lieutenant. I'll make sure to sort everything out as soon as possible and let you know what happened when I return, if you'd like to know that is..." Rio then looked back at Kaizo, giving him a small smile before looking back at the house. "Are you Okay with this?"
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