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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko chuckled as he listened to Souta speak "I wouldn't be in Squad 12 if I didn't know how to do that, or should I say I wouldn't be the Lieutenant. I don't think I'm anymore interesting than anyone else...we are all interesting in one way or another. Well you may need to contact me through hell butterfly otherwise you will have a bunch of mad scientists trying to experiment on you" Kagiko chuckled a little at this then heard Souta suggest a game of cards "Sure thing, I don't mind having some more fun..." Kagiko then tapped his head with his index finger on his right hand then nodded "Seems everything is working right..."

Souta took another sip of his drink while listening to Kagiko, his eyes forward however he did occasionally look over at Kagiko every now and then to show him that he was listening. "Hmm, good point. Well, out of all the people I've met you're... actually, you're probably right there too, I have met alot of people but you're all interesting to me honestly... well how 'bout that" Souta smirked while taking another sip of his drink, feeling quite relaxed at the moment. "Heh, wouldn't be the first time but Okay, butterfly it is... hmm, butterflies...." Souta looked down, reminded of his sister's old butterfly/crystal Zanpakuto before she was stripped of it and turned into-... Souta sighed, not wanting to make himself upset and bum Kagiko out. Instead, he just took a longer sip of his drink. "Well alright then smarty pants, let's go" Souta stood from his seat, bringing his drink with him while smiling at Kagiko. "Follow me" Souta then turned his face around and walked towards the woman sat at the booth.

"Hello Miss, my friend here was wondering if he could have a game with you?" Souta held a polite, small smile and gestured to Kagiko as he spoke to the woman nicely. The woman in question possessed ruby-red eyes and spiral black hair. Her name was unknown since she hardly gave it out to anyone, but giving names was just a formality not needed for card games only between two people, especially in a bar, that was what Souta thought anyway. The woman only looked up at Souta and into his eyes silently, watching them for a moment which made Souta feel a little uncomfortable but then again his eyes were the first thing people tended to notice about him. After the silent moment had passed, the woman looked at Kagiko and then at the seat opposite her, signalling him to sit before she got to work shuffling and sharing out the cards. "I'm assuming poker." She finally spoke up, her voice sounding monotonous however her eyes keep on the cards in front of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Zane620 said
The silver haired man who was lugging around a bag suddenly heard an incantation which made him look to see a girl flying at him with a clear kick aimed at him, which made him blink and side step the kick causing her to crash into the ground. The man then finished the incantation which made the silver haired man tense up a bit. He looked around and saw the man which made him grit his teeth as he slowly raised his arm at him. "Hado number four. Byakurai." Lighting then shot out of his finger towards the man, while he also kept an eye on the girl that tried to kick him earlier. He then finally shrug off the Geki and then swung his sword right towards the female.

The man dodged her drop kick which caused sinai to slam into the ground. It didn't hinder her at all however. It would have been amazing if the other guys Bakudo had paralyzed him so her attack connected. But she could still take advantage of it. Just as the man slowly raised his hand to fire off a hado sinai drew her blade from the small of her back and cut at the man's throat in one swift motion just when the hado fired. She followed with a kick to his side trying to take full advantage of his temporary paralysis. The time between the first cut and the kick was less than the time it took for the hado to reach the other guy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio looked up at the house and quietly listened to Kaizo talk, finding his voice comforting. "Well, likewise eheh.... And you do know me well, atleast you know as much about me as I do" Rio gave a little nervous chuckle of her own as she continued to listen to Kaizo, nodding as he spoke. "Indeed we have.... And yes, I do know that" Rio looked off into the distance away from Kaizo, mainly to hide her blush as it brightened a little more however she managed to make it disappear soon enough. "Erm... Kaizo... I need to tell you something so might as well tell you know before I forget. Soon I'm going to be heading to my Clan with two others, mainly just to sort out some things... I won't be gone long though so it hopefully won't conflict with my duties as your Lieutenant. I'll make sure to sort everything out as soon as possible and let you know what happened when I return, if you'd like to know that is..." Rio then looked back at Kaizo, giving him a small smile before looking back at the house. "Are you Okay with this?"

Kaizo continued to look at Rio as he listened to her speak "Well that certainly makes me feel better..." Kaizo then saw Rio look off then he listened as she spoke. Kaizo closed his eyes then took a deep breath before re-opening them "I see...I'm sure you've mentioned your clan before so this sort of thing doesn't come as a surprise to me..." Kaizo thought back to when Rio told him about her eye, this made him slightly angry however he hid this completely "As long as you are not gone for long and come back I will be fine with this, I think I can handle a small while, while you sort this clan business out...And when you do return I would like to know if you are okay with telling me. I will be worried but I am okay with this...if you need any help at all then do not be afraid to contact me, I am here to help you as your partner and Captain...if I cannot do that then I am failing in both things I hold so proudly..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta took another sip of his drink while listening to Kagiko, his eyes forward however he did occasionally look over at Kagiko every now and then to show him that he was listening. "Hmm, good point. Well, out of all the people I've met you're... actually, you're probably right there too, I have met alot of people but you're all interesting to me honestly... well how 'bout that" Souta smirked while taking another sip of his drink, feeling quite relaxed at the moment. "Heh, wouldn't be the first time but Okay, butterfly it is... hmm, butterflies...." Souta looked down, reminded of his sister's old butterfly/crystal Zanpakuto before she was stripped of it and turned into-... Souta sighed, not wanting to make himself upset and bum Kagiko out. Instead, he just took a longer sip of his drink. "Well alright then smarty pants, let's go" Souta stood from his seat, bringing his drink with him while smiling at Kagiko. "Follow me" Souta then turned his face around and walked towards the woman sat at the booth.

"Hello Miss, my friend here was wondering if he could have a game with you?" Souta held a polite, small smile and gestured to Kagiko as he spoke to the woman nicely. The woman in question possessed ruby-red eyes and spiral black hair. Her name was unknown since she hardly gave it out to anyone, but giving names was just a formality not needed for card games only between two people, especially in a bar, that was what Souta thought anyway. The woman only looked up at Souta and into his eyes silently, watching them for a moment which made Souta feel a little uncomfortable but then again his eyes were the first thing people tended to notice about him. After the silent moment had passed, the woman looked at Kagiko and then at the seat opposite her, signalling him to sit before she got to work shuffling and sharing out the cards. "I'm assuming poker." She finally spoke up, her voice sounding monotonous however her eyes keep on the cards in front of her.

Kagiko listened to Souta speak then nodded when he asked him to follow him, Kagiko did this and was lead to a table where a woman with ruby eyes and black spiralling hair sat, her look was rather odd and her eyes seemed to carry almost no emotion, a constant poker face? probably why she was so good at this game...then again, the people she probably faced were clueless...Kagiko could see her emotionless expression being a weakness...he would have to make sure to exploit this. Kagiko then took a seat as the woman began dealing out cards, Kagiko smiled at the woman as he picked up his cards, still smiling, yet he never laid his eyes on his cards and just looked at the woman, he then set his cards face down, still smiling

-A few minutes later-

Kagiko had played the game with a smile and yet never seemed to look at his cards, at least it appeared that way...his eyes were always set on the woman but he could see his cards. A simple eye trick in which Kagiko focuses on using the entirety of his vision as opposed to focusing it on a single point while blurring the rest out. So it may have come as a surprise when Kagiko won the came, doing this made him chuckle as he put his hands behind his head "Well now that I wasn't expecting, I guess I got lucky" Kagiko said with a chuckle as he then smiled at the woman
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to look at Rio as he listened to her speak "Well that certainly makes me feel better..." Kaizo then saw Rio look off then he listened as she spoke. Kaizo closed his eyes then took a deep breath before re-opening them "I see...I'm sure you've mentioned your clan before so this sort of thing doesn't come as a surprise to me..." Kaizo thought back to when Rio told him about her eye, this made him slightly angry however he hid this completely "As long as you are not gone for long and come back I will be fine with this, I think I can handle a small while, while you sort this clan business out...And when you do return I would like to know if you are okay with telling me. I will be worried but I am okay with this...if you need any help at all then do not be afraid to contact me, I am here to help you as your partner and Captain...if I cannot do that then I am failing in both things I hold so proudly..."

Rio watched the house absent-mindedly, focused on what Kaizo would respond with. She knew that it was in fact a fight she was walking into which didn't frighten her at all despite what Fumio and Souta had told her about the one they were destined to fight. Something about the situation made her feel almost at home... it was weird, why would anyone feel so at-ease knowing that death was a high risk, not just for her but for the others also?... If anything, Rio just felt happy to help out her fellow Clan members and even though she still hadn't re-gained her memories, she was almost certain that she was a Hari... she did belong to something, she had came from somewhere, whether or not it was a good place, it was still somewhere... She wasn't alone anymore. "Kaizo, you need not worry about me... I know that you will regardless of what I say, just like I was when you left me.... but, you still came back... You returned to me, so the least I could do is return to you. It's nothing big anyway so try not to stress yourself out" Rio turned her head to smile at Kaizo, more to re-enforce what she was saying than out of anything else. "However, if it will make you feel better, I'll try to contact you if I need help. Which won't be the case since it's honestly nothing to worry about" Rio added a short chuckle on the end of her sentence to keep the mood light. "So, what would you like to do now Captain?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko listened to Souta speak then nodded when he asked him to follow him, Kagiko did this and was lead to a table where a woman with ruby eyes and black spiralling hair sat, her look was rather odd and her eyes seemed to carry almost no emotion, a constant poker face? probably why she was so good at this game...then again, the people she probably faced were clueless...Kagiko could see her emotionless expression being a weakness...he would have to make sure to exploit this. Kagiko then took a seat as the woman began dealing out cards, Kagiko smiled at the woman as he picked up his cards, still smiling, yet he never laid his eyes on his cards and just looked at the woman, he then set his cards face down, still smiling -A few minutes later-Kagiko had played the game with a smile and yet never seemed to look at his cards, at least it appeared that way...his eyes were always set on the woman but he could see his cards. A simple eye trick in which Kagiko focuses on using the entirety of his vision as opposed to focusing it on a single point while blurring the rest out. So it may have come as a surprise when Kagiko won the came, doing this made him chuckle as he put his hands behind his head "Well now that I wasn't expecting, I guess I got lucky" Kagiko said with a chuckle as he then smiled at the woman

Souta pulled a chair from another table and turned it around, placing it on the end of the table and taking a seat so that he could watch while resting his arms on the back of the chair. Kagiko soon took a seat afterwards, then the game commenced. During the whole time, Souta's eyebrows were raised as he watched the two of them. Kagiko never once looked at his cards, whereas the woman never once looked at Kagiko. Usually during a game, one would scan the other's face to find out what they may or may not of been hiding, however the woman didn't even attempt this once but she was doing quite good which was to be expected. What wasn't expected was how Kagiko had turned the tables on the game within a few moves and eventually won the game.

"N-No... this... this can't be... I... I lost...." The woman continuously looked back and forth between the cards on the table and the cards in her hand, completely flabbergasted. This was a very very unexpected surprise, yet Kagiko played it off as if he was just lucky. The woman then closed her eyes and sighed before gathering her cards in a rush. "AKIRA! ... KOUJAKU!!..." The woman had suddenly raised from her seat, cards falling out of her hands as she didn't bother try to and order them before she ran off, yelling names while sounding mortified, almost as if she was just attacked or something. Souta watched her leave the bar before looking back at Kagiko with a grin. "I knew you could do it! How did you even get so smart? And luck my ass, you knew what you were doing smarty pants" Souta chuckled, drinking more of his beer. "Oh boy, I never thought I'd actually enjoy myself today, but it's all thanks to you. You know, I don't know why you feel the need to look for friends, you're a pretty cool guy, people should be coming to you heh" Souta chuckled once more and shrugged before standing from his chair and stretching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Kurisa said
(Just gonna say you two outside her office cause why the hell not? xD)Miyuki had gone out for a small power walk and was on her way back to the Squad 13 barracks, Miyuki soon arrived back at the barracks and threw the doors open then shouted out "I'm back~ Now what have I missed?" Miyuki looked around seeing basically no one there...no..no one there to greet her, this was because the Squad was lacking in members and what members it had were stationed in the human world, this made Miyuki's head drop as she sighed Miyuki then threw her head up and took in a deep breath then placed her hands on her hips as she spoke to herself "Right! no time to hang around being all depressed! keep working, keep positive! that's the way forward!" Miyuki then walked off into the barracks, making her way towards her office, upon turning the last corner to her office she saw three people standing there, their power levels seemed fairly low so they must have been fresh out the Academy, perfect! More members! and three of them? even better...would repl-this wasn't the time for that sort of thinking! Miyuki approached them then spoke "What do we have here? three new graduates ready to become Shinigami? I'm the Captain of this Squad. You may refer to me as Captain Miyuki~ So, so, so where do we begin? How about I get all of your names first? Sounds like a good idea! So starting with you boy with the black hair, then you boy with the black and red hair and then girl with the hair colour that looks odd" Miyuki awaited their names with a smile. She wondered what people they would be like...hopefully not another Sasha...she could only listen to the girl talk about Potato's for so long before she felt like crying

First time inside a squad barracks and couldn't believe he was actually here after years of struggling as his lacking in confidence was one such cause. For a brief moment, all fears and anxiety melted away and was replaced with pride; proud of himself for completing the academy and now on his way to becoming a full fledged shinigami so that he could protect others and to grow strong. It wasn't strength in power he aimed for, but to build his mental state and confidence, both had always been weak. Closing his eyes to inhale slowly as his body welled up with elation; exhaling slowly before continuing on as he was curious of where the captain's office was and soon saw two others who looked to have recently left the academy themselves. Not expecting to see them and would stand back a little as he grew nervous once more as Enji was never good with meeting new people, but would jump a bit from the sudden appearance of another women who had a look of excitement and had asked each of their names. It was then that he noticed that she had to be the captain, for he could easily sense power emanating from her, which felt as if it was going to crush him.'U-Um..I'm..Enjiru, but most call me..Enji.'He nearly spoke in a whisper before bowing his head to show his respect, that, and to avoid showing his face for he was sweating anxiously now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As the two waited, another male soon showed up who Ryozo met with a simple nod of the head, while Megumi waved at him. Again they waited and soon enough were meet by a woman who they assumed to be the captain as the woman then asked them their names in order by their hair color, which made Megumi look at her "odd" hair. Once the man gave his name, Ryozo bowed at the captain. "My name is Ryozo Saigo" The man said as he stood up straight while Megumi looked at her hair again then at the captain. "My name is Megumi Lo..." She said although she doubted she would be called that by any chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

- A few hours later -

Akuseru made it to his house in the 86th Rukongai district, preparing to make his way Kiesage's funeral after getting cleaned up and ready to go. He quickly entered his home before jumping into the shower. It wouldn't be wise to show up there if his hair was still soaked in blood from some late night activities. Once that was said and done, the silver haired man threw on some formal clothes that he bought for the occasion, the  day earlier before being on his way. The funeral wasn't very far from his house so time wasn't really an issue. Aku made sure to be there late because he didn't really like having to comfort the dead's families. 

"Kiesage was a great man and a promising student. Personally, Kisage was like an older brother to me and I would hate to see him go but...." The teen broke down in tears so he had to be removed from the stage. His face became even more impatient once the brother took the stage. "Such a sad day but Kiesage always wanted to be with his comrades so yeahhhh. I know this might sound all sudden but I've got like to go this instant or else I'll be late." The man called Akuseru up to the stage before walking off. "Finish off for me will ya? You're like the only one I can trust to handle it." "Alright..." Aku turned to everyone as he prepared his speech. 

"Well Kiro-I mean he was great and did very great stuff in the time he was among us so I know how some of you must feel. The thing you must understand though is that he's gone off to another place and would've wanted to keep all the dear memories of his journey in each and every one of you guys. Today isn't a day to be all down in the dumps but a time to strive even forward then before because he'll be wanting to hear the records of your adventures once you ascend as well. With that,  let's honor his soul as his body is buried and leave this sacred place while keeping a shard of his achievements within our hearts." As Akuseru walked from the stage, every silently nodded in response. 

After the funeral ended, he remained there for a little bit with a female coming out of nowhere shortly after. "That was a pretty nice speech you delivered up there." Aku turned to face the woman. "I was just doing someone a favor that's all." She looked at him in wonder. "Ohhhhhh! I thought you was just some ruthless psycho that didn't like lame excuses. But I see that you're more complexed than I thought." His eyes actually seemed shocked for once before reverting back to his average joe look. "Apparently you have nothing else to do if you think stalking someone as boring as me is entertaining. Try at night when I'm actually someone worth stalking now see ya." He said, quickly shunpoing off before she could react.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Hikari stood up straight when Benji also apologized. When he mentioned Haruka being beautiful and headstrong he looked down at Haruka with a small smile as he got a good look at her, "You can't really argue against that one," he spoke softly. . Once Benji led them to the booth he sat on the opposite side of her giving Benji a small nod in thanks. He let Benji, Haruka, and Alucard have their moment. Benji ran off to go get Reina in which he assumed they'd be back soon, but he figured they'd talk instead of being left in silence. "So, Haruka huh? It has a nice ring to it, maybe I should start calling you m'lady," Hikari said with a smirk.

Haruka blushed heavily and cleared her throat, "No uh...that isn't needed. I'm just...Haruka." she smiled at him and rubbed Alucard's ears.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Seeing the redness come onto her cheeks and spread caused Hikari to let out a light chuckle as he continued looking her, clearing her throat and speaking on what to call her before flashing a smile and giving Alucard a rub inbetween the ears. "Alright, Haruka it is then," Hikari said before giving her a light smile before he gently took one of her hands from across the small table, holding it gently in his, "So Haruka....After this you wouldn't mind accompanying me some place, would you? There's a certain event happening, but I want you to see it instead of me telling you." It was his day off and a celebration for her promotion, so they might as well should have continued having a good time even past this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The young woman watched the man quietly, only for him to take her hand in his. Her face darkened even further and she stammered meaninglessly. She managed to gulp down some air before she nodded, "Y-Yeah, sure. We can go after the dinner." she finally said. "Do I at least get, you know, a hint?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hikari's eyes never left her face, even as it darkened more and even as she stammered. His eyes drifted onto hers locking onto them as she gulped down the air which made him chuckle again with his smile becoming a bit wider. After she spoke he replied, "After dinner, of course. It's an important part of the night is it not?" His eyes drifted down to their hands before going back up to her eyes, "A hint? Hmmm...Well there's a food, lights, there are people. Designs of course." Of course that could have been anywhere, which was the point of his choice of words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Her eyes lit up when she heard she was getting a hint. When she was given the information though, the happy glint was replaced with a pout. "Oh come in...that's meaaaan." she whined playfully before she looked at their joined hands. "Er..." she began to pull her hand away, "I...dont want you to get in trouble, y'know?" she didn't want anyone to see them and get the wrong impression. Who knew what would happen in the new regime if anyone saw them and reported it. Hikari is too kind...I don't want anything to happen to him. Rumors ruin career faster than any injury. She licked her lips, "I've been training a lot. To get better so I won't be so useless in the next mission. Alucard's been getting restless though, so I'll start to train him soon." The pup's ears twitched at the sound of his name, though didn't wake from his nap on her lap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

By her movements and choices of words, Hikari had studied her for a few seconds before noting what she was possibly thinking. "Trust me there won't be any troubles regarding it. It'll be fine, I promise you that," Hikari reassured her before listening to her next statement, possibly trying to change the subject? "I've noticed your progress, it's good that you've been working to improve yourself and good that you're taking responsibility over Alucard," he said as he looked down at Alucard with a light smile before it dropped and he looked back at Haruka with a rather serious expression that turned to curious towards the end of his next statement, "But we can talk about those things when the time comes. Off-duty isn't that time....Though I am curious as to what it was like for you before deciding to join the Gotei thirteen, it doesn't seem like you've had prior training in combat before the academy but you're awfully skilled..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She remained quiet for a few minutes. "My full name is Haruka Katsuye, the eldest of the Katsuye clan. My parents are not happy of my choice to become a shinigami, but are supportive. As you may know, then Katsuye clan is a...political one. It holds a decent amount of political power and sway in non-Gotei 13 matters. You may also recognize that none of the envoys and representatives are women." she gave a sardonic snort. "The men we marry become our representatives. I didn't want that. So, I studied in the Academy, and refined my hand to hand skills with my attendant's brother, whom was in Squad 2. From there, I helped however I could during the betrayals. Which meant hiding out basically...the council didn't want such "prized breeding material" to go to waste, even if I am more headstrong than they'd like." She closed her eyes before she looked up, "Er...sorry, I didn't mean to talk so much. I really shouldn't be discussing it..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"N-No it's fine, really....You can go on for as long as you'd like," Hikari told her with concern, that didn't sound look the best place to grow up for her...Or for a woman period if all they were thought of was as breeding material, who couldn't even work there. Granted his clan was also male dominant, but not because of what seemed to be sexism, but because there were simply more males. "It's good that you followed your own path, Haruka, you become what you wanted instead of what they wanted. That's something I can respect....Though since I've asked of your path and you told me, I think it's fair that I do the same atleast. My full name is Hikari Shinrai, one of the few surviving members of my clan after a massacre. When I was younger I was locked away from all the other kids because of my spirit energy, because it uh....It killed my mother while she was giving birth to me. So I spent most of my days locked away reading, eventually I decided to leave where I was locked from. Because of my energy I had attracted a Hollow, hence the scar on my eye....I managed to survive after it was killed, then put to train to prevent another situation like that. So I trained for years, with my father even....And to keep the long story short, I was taken to the academy after I killed the man who massacred my clan by summoning hollows while most were at rest...."

(Was gonna edit and stuff but I'm tired as shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I wasn't going to let them. I'm wasn't some princess. I had an attendant, but she was my age. We played all of the time until I went into the academy. She met a guy and they're expecting a child in a month or so." she said with a happy smile. "It was hard. My younger brother is...gifted in politics. A con artist really. It was always hard, I was better with a sword and a scowl. Him? Honeyed words and lies were his weapons. But, he never bore ill will towards me. He just understood that I wasn't going to challenge his right as heir. I wasn't a threat. But I was his older, stronger, sister. One whom had no qualms about...being honest with her fists." she smirked before she listened with rapt attention. His story was sad, immensely so, but even through all of that...he was still so kind.

"A Hollow doesn't leave just a scar...does it?" she asked quietly. She'd felt something odd in his spiritual energy, other than the careful abundance that could be found in nearly any Captain or Lieutenant. Her own was growing by leaps and bounds, but it was a cherry seed in comparison to the Oak tree that was Hikari's spiritual energy. "So, can you actively summon Hollows for your personal use or is it a byproduct of your spiritual energy?" she motioned discreetly for him to wait for his answer as Genji came back for their drink orders. She ordered a water, no ice with a little sugar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio watched the house absent-mindedly, focused on what Kaizo would respond with. She knew that it was in fact a fight she was walking into which didn't frighten her at all despite what Fumio and Souta had told her about the one they were destined to fight. Something about the situation made her feel almost at home... it was weird, why would anyone feel so at-ease knowing that death was a high risk, not just for her but for the others also?... If anything, Rio just felt happy to help out her fellow Clan members and even though she still hadn't re-gained her memories, she was almost certain that she was a Hari... she did belong to something, she had came from somewhere, whether or not it was a good place, it was still somewhere... She wasn't alone anymore. "Kaizo, you need not worry about me... I know that you will regardless of what I say, just like I was when you left me.... but, you still came back... You returned to me, so the least I could do is return to you. It's nothing big anyway so try not to stress yourself out" Rio turned her head to smile at Kaizo, more to re-enforce what she was saying than out of anything else. "However, if it will make you feel better, I'll try to contact you if I need help. Which won't be the case since it's honestly nothing to worry about" Rio added a short chuckle on the end of her sentence to keep the mood light. "So, what would you like to do now Captain?"

Kaizo closed his eyes as he listened to Rio speak then opened his eyes once she had finished, he then looked down to her and spoke "Well then that will be your mission...to return alive...so I will be expecting this mission to be complete just like any other. If you need the help then contact me...it wont take me long to get to wherever you are" Kaizo then looked up to the house then took a deep breath, then exhaled before speaking "I think we best head back, no doubt people will be wanting us....sadly...however this is what we do for a job and it must be done. Hopefully one night soon we can spend our time here...it will be nice to get away from the Seireitei..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta pulled a chair from another table and turned it around, placing it on the end of the table and taking a seat so that he could watch while resting his arms on the back of the chair. Kagiko soon took a seat afterwards, then the game commenced. During the whole time, Souta's eyebrows were raised as he watched the two of them. Kagiko never once looked at his cards, whereas the woman never once looked at Kagiko. Usually during a game, one would scan the other's face to find out what they may or may not of been hiding, however the woman didn't even attempt this once but she was doing quite good which was to be expected. What wasn't expected was how Kagiko had turned the tables on the game within a few moves and eventually won the game.

"N-No... this... this can't be... I... I lost...." The woman continuously looked back and forth between the cards on the table and the cards in her hand, completely flabbergasted. This was a very very unexpected surprise, yet Kagiko played it off as if he was just lucky. The woman then closed her eyes and sighed before gathering her cards in a rush. "AKIRA! ... KOUJAKU!!..." The woman had suddenly raised from her seat, cards falling out of her hands as she didn't bother try to and order them before she ran off, yelling names while sounding mortified, almost as if she was just attacked or something. Souta watched her leave the bar before looking back at Kagiko with a grin. "I knew you could do it! How did you even get so smart? And luck my ass, you knew what you were doing smarty pants" Souta chuckled, drinking more of his beer. "Oh boy, I never thought I'd actually enjoy myself today, but it's all thanks to you. You know, I don't know why you feel the need to look for friends, you're a pretty cool guy, people should be coming to you heh" Souta chuckled once more and shrugged before standing from his chair and stretching.

After the game had finished the woman then ran out shouting for two people by the sounds of it...well Kagiko knew who they were, he knew every Shinigami in the Seireitei by record. After all that was one of the things he dealt with...the records. However he played everything off as if he never knew a thing about these people. Kagiko looked to Souta then rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled "I know but I didn't want to hurt her feelings, this must be one of the few things she is good at and takes pride in and well...I just worked hard is all, it does help that I have an interest in what I do." Kagiko continued to rub the back of his head as listened to Souta before replying "Well I am glad I've helped to make your day an enjoyable one, it makes me happy to hear that. And well...when people hear you are from Squad 12 they tend to keep their distance so I never really get to know anyone"
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