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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

samreaper said
First time inside a squad barracks and couldn't believe he was actually here after years of struggling as his lacking in confidence was one such cause. For a brief moment, all fears and anxiety melted away and was replaced with pride; proud of himself for completing the academy and now on his way to becoming a full fledged shinigami so that he could protect others and to grow strong. It wasn't strength in power he aimed for, but to build his mental state and confidence, both had always been weak. Closing his eyes to inhale slowly as his body welled up with elation; exhaling slowly before continuing on as he was curious of where the captain's office was and soon saw two others who looked to have recently left the academy themselves. Not expecting to see them and would stand back a little as he grew nervous once more as Enji was never good with meeting new people, but would jump a bit from the sudden appearance of another women who had a look of excitement and had asked each of their names. It was then that he noticed that she had to be the captain, for he could easily sense power emanating from her, which felt as if it was going to crush him.'U-Um..I'm..Enjiru, but most call me..Enji.'He nearly spoke in a whisper before bowing his head to show his respect, that, and to avoid showing his face for he was sweating anxiously now.

Zane620 said
As the two waited, another male soon showed up who Ryozo met with a simple nod of the head, while Megumi waved at him. Again they waited and soon enough were meet by a woman who they assumed to be the captain as the woman then asked them their names in order by their hair color, which made Megumi look at her "odd" hair. Once the man gave his name, Ryozo bowed at the captain. "My name is Ryozo Saigo" The man said as he stood up straight while Megumi looked at her hair again then at the captain. "My name is Megumi Lo..." She said although she doubted she would be called that by any chance.

Miyuki looked at the three and then the boy named Enjiru as he spoke, Miyuki nodded and noted that he appeared quite shy yet he showed respect, the next person to introduce themselves was the man named Ryozo then the woman with the odd hair spoke. Once she had finished Miyuki nodded then spoke "So we have Enji, Ryozo and Lolo" Already Miyuki came up with a nickname for Megumi, after all Megumi was no fun, Lolo sounded much better "Well welcome to Squad 13, here you will go on all sorts of adventures to the human world, a truly interesting place. Some say the jobs in this Squad are cushy..." Miyuki then frowned as she then spoke in a more serious tone "Well they are wrong...you will be dealing with hollows face to face, unusual hollows...maybe even hollows that have never been heard of...the hollows you face will vary greatly...and you may even find yourself fighting Gillian, armies of hollow...your life is at constant risk...but for those who want to become strong and make a name for themselves then this is the Squad for you! Now that you are standing infront of me there is no turning back...I will turn you into elites, the second you step out of line and start slacking...then you can expect that your life will end soon after. We had a Shinigami recently that did this...they did not listen, they took the job lightly and do you know what happened to them?" Miyuki then leaned forward looking at Enji as she finished speaking "Hollows tore him apart slowly, limb by limb...feasting upon his flesh and causing him to scream in pain and beg for help...but there was no one to help him..." Miyuki then stood up straight again and spoke "And that is the most important thing. When you go to the human world...you will likely be by yourself...and so you must be strong enough to defend yourself...back up is a long way away...so...shall we get started?" Miyuki suddenly turned cheery as she smiled at the three then turned "To the training grounds!" Miyuki then began walking off down the hall expecting the three to follow her to the training grounds
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki looked at the three and then the boy named Enjiru as he spoke, Miyuki nodded and noted that he appeared quite shy yet he showed respect, the next person to introduce themselves was the man named Ryozo then the woman with the odd hair spoke. Once she had finished Miyuki nodded then spoke "So we have Enji, Ryozo and Lolo" Already Miyuki came up with a nickname for Megumi, after all Megumi was no fun, Lolo sounded much better "Well welcome to Squad 13, here you will go on all sorts of adventures to the human world, a truly interesting place. Some say the jobs in this Squad are cushy..." Miyuki then frowned as she then spoke in a more serious tone "Well they are wrong...you will be dealing with hollows face to face, unusual hollows...maybe even hollows that have never been heard of...the hollows you face will vary greatly...and you may even find yourself fighting Gillian, armies of hollow...your life is at constant risk...but for those who want to become strong and make a name for themselves then this is the Squad for you! Now that you are standing infront of me there is no turning back...I will turn you into elites, the second you step out of line and start slacking...then you can expect that your life will end soon after. We had a Shinigami recently that did this...they did not listen, they took the job lightly and do you know what happened to them?" Miyuki then leaned forward looking at Enji as she finished speaking "Hollows tore him apart slowly, limb by limb...feasting upon his flesh and causing him to scream in pain and beg for help...but there was no one to help him..." Miyuki then stood up straight again and spoke "And that is the most important thing. When you go to the human world...you will likely be by yourself...and so you must be strong enough to defend yourself...back up is a long way away...so...shall we get started?" Miyuki suddenly turned cheery as she smiled at the three then turned "To the training grounds!" Miyuki then began walking off down the hall expecting the three to follow her to the training grounds

He was unsure of what to think about the captain having just met her along with Ryozo and Megumi or Lolo as Miyoko had called her and was glad he wasn't the only new recruit here. Hearing Miyoko start to explain what squad 13 was about with talk of the human world and had a look of fascination in his eyes, but would be replaced with dread. His forehead grew wet with sweat as she spoke of hollows and the dangers their job carried, though most squads would fight hollows, yet, with squad 13 venturing to the human world meant higher confrontation rates. When Miyoko leaned towards him, he would lean back a bit as she talked of a previous squad member being mutilated and would gulp while his body shook a bit. Enji had known the risk of becoming a shinigami and even if he was afraid, he wouldn't stop here and just had to bear through it, though was relieved that the captain was finished with her explanation and let out a soft sigh. Only to hear her mention training hall and could already tell this was gonna be bad, but having no choice and followed after her along with the other two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo closed his eyes as he listened to Rio speak then opened his eyes once she had finished, he then looked down to her and spoke "Well then that will be your mission...to return alive...so I will be expecting this mission to be complete just like any other. If you need the help then contact me...it wont take me long to get to wherever you are" Kaizo then looked up to the house then took a deep breath, then exhaled before speaking "I think we best head back, no doubt people will be wanting us....sadly...however this is what we do for a job and it must be done. Hopefully one night soon we can spend our time here...it will be nice to get away from the Seireitei..."

Rio turned her body towards Kaizo, face straight as he stated that her mission was to return. Deciding it was best not to speak further on the subject, Rio simply nodded before listening once more. "Okay Captain. And maybe one day we will; once all of these issues are resolved and Akihiko and the traitors are brought to justice, then we may be able to enjoy some peace for once" Giving Kaizo a smile, she walked in closer before wrapping her arms around his torso, resting her head against his chest in a hugging fashion. After quite a few seconds of silent embrace, Rio pulled back and stepped back before turning towards the way to the Seireitei. "Let's get going Captain." She then waited until Kaizo started walking before she would walk behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
After the game had finished the woman then ran out shouting for two people by the sounds of it...well Kagiko knew who they were, he knew every Shinigami in the Seireitei by record. After all that was one of the things he dealt with...the records. However he played everything off as if he never knew a thing about these people. Kagiko looked to Souta then rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled "I know but I didn't want to hurt her feelings, this must be one of the few things she is good at and takes pride in and well...I just worked hard is all, it does help that I have an interest in what I do." Kagiko continued to rub the back of his head as listened to Souta before replying "Well I am glad I've helped to make your day an enjoyable one, it makes me happy to hear that. And well...when people hear you are from Squad 12 they tend to keep their distance so I never really get to know anyone"

Souta looked down at a seated Kagiko while leaning against the chair he was just sat in, swigging more of his beer. "Well maybe she's just not used to loosing. You are the first person, that I know of, that has even beaten that girl heh. And hey, don't feel bad about it, think of this as more... Helping her improve. If she's used to winning, she'd think there'd be no reason for her to improve so if anything you just gave her a reason to get better and that's always a good thing. Unless it's at something bad, then it's a bad thing, but you get my point" Souta chuckled also, finishing his drink and placing the empty bottle on the table. "Ahh, I see. Well that's their loss, they're loosing out on hanging out with a cool guy. And maybe, if you really wanted to make friends, you should wait until you and that person had hung out for a little before saying that you're from Squad Twelve then they most likely wouldn't care" Shrugging, Souta yawned a little before speaking up again. "So is there something else you'd like to do or do you wanna head back now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo nodded when she called his name while Megumi sighed as her correct guess, they listened t the captain explain what exactly squad thirteen did, which involved going to the human world a bit, they both understood what even being a shinigami meant so the dangers didn't really faze them. The captain then leaned in towards the one that seemed panicky and told them about this one man that got mutilated ever so slowly, with no way of helping them. This time Megumi felt a little nervous, while Ryozo still kept a calm exterior and interior. The captain then proudly told them to go to the training halls, where Ryozo walked behind the Captain, while Megumi just blinked and shrugged as she followed as well, She did look at the other two while a little behind. One seemed to be too calm for his own good, and the other seemed more normal than the other two at least. So she still had chance at being called her actual name and not Lolo, even though it was catchy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Well, even if you weren't going to challenge him there's nothing wrong with still being better with your words. Atleast striving to be, nothing wrong with a bit of flaunting here and there," Hikari said with a grin, the tricky side of him showing. He saw nothing wrong with bragging for the fun of it, atleast at the right time. Though it was something he did much, but he didn't really do much anyways except for work. Once she spoke her next words he was going to answer until Genji came back asking what'd they like to drink. He let her order, then just ordered the same thing. Once Genji walked off Hikari looked back over at Haruka.

"No, a Hollow just doesn't leave a scar.....Well, atleast not all the time. But gladly the Gotei thirteen accepts us now, really kind of have no choice. But I know I'm not the only one like me, outside and inside the Gotei thirteen I have a few friends and associates like me including my father, so I'm not exactly alone in this," he said before pausing for a few seconds. He then continued with a small smile and a chuckle, "Sorry, I think you mistook what I said.....he was the one who summoned the Hollows, I'm not exactly sure how it worked but it was apart of his Bankai. Though, summoning Hollows could be something I can try to do, would be a neat advantage...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After shunpoing away from ST. 10, he quickly lowered his Spiritual pressure in order to lose her for good.. "If I'm going to be hanging out here for awhile, I might as while see if I can a Squad. Plus graduating that academy would be for nothing if I spent years in there just to be roaming around until my next assignment. " Akuseru took a moment to think before considering his options out loud. "Squad Eight is a definite no no until I can kill that guy so that's out of the question. ....what about Squad two? Word has it that the current Captain of that squad was once a traitor but proved some sort of innocence once the Head Master turned out to be the actual traitor. Or could it be the other way around? Well I'll know once I get there so no biggi-hm?" He turned to see a Shinigami looking in his general  direction. "What's up yo? I got something on my face? Am I wearing the wrong kind of attire? You have some problem with me yo?" The man spoke up surprisingly fast.

 "No it's just not very often that I see people talking to themselves." Aku laughed sarcastically. "Well you must not get out much do ya? People's been talking to themselves like this for ages. In fact, how did you think Termuzla managed to get out of the spiral abyss huh huh? He used his mind along with his outward brainstorming to do it so if this seems weird to you then you might want to get out more." Akuseru noted. "Actually Termuzla's planned failed and no one ever find him until 3,000 years after he was swallowed by the black hole. No your history...yo!!" "Tch, the moral is that if he hadn't brainstormed outwards, he'd never almost escaped in the first place." He said, shunpoing away before the man had a chance to reply. Aku reappeared with a small grin on his face as he approached the guard. "I've come to gain an audience with the Captain of this Division and I don't need an escort reaching him or her but if it is mandatory then you may lead the way..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 1 mo ago


- Few hours later -

Kirishin eyes opened before quickly getting back on his toes. The ones he happened to drag along with him had been taking a nap as well, while the other Shinigami were wide awake. "Ok, everyone get on their feet because it's time to go!!" Kiri noted as he stormed outside the house. All the other Shinigami came out soon after, with the stabilized injured being kept on a few of the mens' backs. "Alright, here's the plan. Our objective is to safely escort our own injured back to the Seireitei which isn't far from where we stand.  Sunlight is fading fast so time is of the essence. As some of you may know, it will be way harder to transport the injured when it becomes black as night. If by some chance we come in contact with any Hollows, I'll proceed to eliminate the enemy while those who aren't carrying anyone will form a perimeter around those that are. Like I said, we don't have very much time on our hands so I won't be able to go over things again. Now everyone on me!!!" Kirishin said before taking leave from the village.

Things were looking as they were on the way, no Hollows, no renegade Shinigami or no other monstrosities of any kind barred the roads. Not a single Hollow? This day is turning out to be quite the wonder but something's just not right. Playing escort has never been this easy so what's the catch?" Kiri's body soon stopped in a weird position. "Perimeters up!!!" He fired a Sokatsui directly in front of him, revealing the near invisible spider webs he had just got tangled in before being released. A large shadow appeared right overhead causing him to Shunpo backwards while everyone else moved farther back. "Remember the plan everyone!!!" Kirishin pulled out his Zanpankuto. "Prelude To Perdida..." His Zanpakuto formed into something very close to that of a Rubix cube as the Zanpakuto changed shape once again. However, this time around, it transformed into two razor boomerangs rather than another variation of a cube. 

The shadow turned out to be an armored giant arachnid like creature with dark red glowing eyes. The spider like Hollow made no brash attempts to attack as it seemed to be assessing the situation. "Ughhh, out of all the ones, we just have to encounter one that actually decides not to attack right off the bat at a time like this." One of the Shinigami blurted out. "Focus!!! The ones that can think actually no what they're doin-ahhhhh!!!" Kiri quickly turned around. "What's the matter??" "Look up above!!! There's baby crawlers everywher-ahhhh!!!" The Armored arachnid appeared behind Kirishin in a quick attempt to split him into with it's steel legs but luckily he was able to block in time. "You move 87% more faster than I had previously predicted." "But I'm only getting started..." The Hollow noted as it's other limbs prepared to come into play. 
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Well, even if you weren't going to challenge him there's nothing wrong with still being better with your words. Atleast striving to be, nothing wrong with a bit of flaunting here and there," Hikari said with a grin, the tricky side of him showing. He saw nothing wrong with bragging for the fun of it, atleast at the right time. Though it was something he did much, but he didn't really do much anyways except for work. Once she spoke her next words he was going to answer until Genji came back asking what'd they like to drink. He let her order, then just ordered the same thing. Once Genji walked off Hikari looked back over at Haruka. "No, a Hollow just doesn't leave a scar.....Well, atleast not all the time. But gladly the Gotei thirteen accepts us now, really kind of have no choice. But I know I'm not the only one like me, outside and inside the Gotei thirteen I have a few friends and associates like me including my father, so I'm not exactly alone in this," he said before pausing for a few seconds. He then continued with a small smile and a chuckle, "Sorry, I think you mistook what I said..... was the one who summoned the Hollows, I'm not exactly sure how it worked but it was apart of his Bankai. Though, summoning Hollows could be something I can try to do, would be a neat advantage...."

"I probably could stand to say more around the compound...but I fond that my words are wasted. My brother at least considers my counsel. Even if I were to brag--which I have before--I usually get told that I should just stop. Stop trying to outdo your brother, stop trying to put yourself above your future clan head, tch." she clicked her tongue and looked away in irritation. "Protect your brother, he doesn't need to fight--his mind is worth more than your stupidity. His hands shouldn't be scarred to prove a point, Haruka you prove it for him. Haruka, take care of him. Better learn now so that whatever man decides to tame can at least expect a hot meal." her jaw clenched as she lost herself in her memories. Her spiritual energy spiked dangerously high, which she hadn't even realized. "He always has the last word, he was the one that said it was ok for me to leave the compound. He was the one they turned to when I wanted to go my own way. He is is smart and calculating. He is planning something and I just can't figure out what." she managed to hiss the last sentence out. Alucard nipped her chin to get her attention, the fur on his neck was raised.

She was startled from her thoughts by the nip and closed her eyes. "Right...um..." she tried to calm her mind as she listened to the man. "Oh, uh...sorry. but yeah, you should look into it. If Hollows get stronger by eating and absorbing other Hollows and spirits, who is to say that you wouldn't be able to at least attract them? Maybe if you show your strength, you can subjugate one or two for your personal use? Just...don't go off the deep end, yeah?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The next time Nurse Flawless checked on Gio a couple hours he had remembered everything that had happened and was able to finish his report. Now he was staring at the cieling bored senseless. He turned to her when she entered the room.
"you have been cleared to leave. but take it easy for a bit" she explained to him.
"what causes the Knots? did you find out"
"yea, strain for spiritual exertion. pretty much you've been pushing yourself way to hard. everyone around here has honestly. a lot of the healers get them but not as tight as yours. all of our jobs are hard work and I would never tell you to stop. But be mindful of it. "

Gio nodded as he slid out of the bed and stretched his shoulders. "I will" He left squad four, and went back to squad 5 only to leave his finished copy of his report on the captains desk before going to the Kido corps HQ. IT was starkly empty these days since most lived in the squad five barracks now. But there were always a few people who refused to leave. Gio went down into the research library to do a bit of studying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Walking up the Squad Two balcony steps, Rio held her silence. She placed a hand over her eye-patch with a sigh once she reached the top. Her hand then slid down her face a little before dropping by her side. '... I hope Kaizo won't be mad after I tell him everything once I return.... Ulgh, I just have to get this done and over with... There is no reason to let Ursula live any longer without paying for what she has done to our Clan...' Continuing to walk, Rio was in view of her room but then noticed an unexpected woman standing outside. Once she had gotten a little closer, Rio had noticed that the woman's eyes were closed and her arms were crossed, however she seemed to be waiting outside her door.

"Keisa? What are you doing here?" Rio raised an eyebrow and questioned, causing said girl to open her eyes and uncross her arms. Keisa then immediately grabbed Rio's shoulders. "They've found me Rio" Her voice sounded upset and extremely worried, however her face had a look of stone as she stared into Rio's eyes. "Wait who found you?" Rio asked before being shook by Keisa. "They've found me! They're found me Rio! I need your help!" Keisa squeezed her eyes closed while Rio grabbed Keisa's hands. "Okay I remember! Now please stop shaking me!" Growing annoyed, Keisa instantly stopped shaking the woman before removing her hands from Rio's shoulders and placing them over her own eyes. "Sorry... But they're here Rio" Rio dusted her shoulders off before looking at Keisa with a straight face, becoming serious. "What happened?" She asked calmly as Keisa slowly lifted her head up, opening her eyes to look into Rio's. Without another word, Keisa reached for Rio's eye-patch, however Rio quickly grabbed her hand to stop her as a reflex. Looking at Keisa's hand, Rio looked back at the woman and narrowed her eye a little. "I want to show you what happened...." Keisa stated quietly, her face still void of emotion. "I would of preferred if you asked first... But, you can tell me while I'm training you. Now, I need to find Nohime to see if she'd like for me to train her now also. Follow me and talk along the way." Rio released Keisa's hand before turning towards Nohime's room, hoping the girl would be there. Meanwhile Keisa's followed beside Rio, keeping her eyes to the floor as both of them walked while she told Rio what had happened in very brief detail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime instantly burst out her door upon sensing Rio and turned around the corner and just hugged her. "Rio thank god! Today has been so weird! I was in the training room and all of a sudden this man came in looking for you, and I'm sorry I lost my cool and attacked him. Hes okay though, if anything me hitting him hurt me more. I don't know if he met with you though, did a guy with about close to shoulder length brown hair, had metal arms and kind of a rude tone yet sounded kind at the same time, come and see you? Oh yeah he said his name was Kenta." Nohime exclaimed then noticed the other girl and smiled at her. "Oh yeah she was there to, I don't know if he waited though. You were busy at the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I see... So you were attacked while in the training room. Was there nobody present at the time to help you? Did anyone do anything?" "No, not really... There were probably only two other people in there.. I believe Sinai followed me when I left since I sensed her however she wasn't able to keep up with me. Also nobody could of helped me... They both were invisible..." Rio glanced over to Keisa for a moment while they walked before looking forward. "Invisible? Could you see them?" "No, I couldn't, but I didn't need to. You se-" Keisa was cut off when a girl suddenly appeared, hugging Rio unexpectedly. Rio tensed up a little as she wasn't expecting Nohime to run to her and hug her like this, however Rio soon forced herself to relax but just stood still and let herself be hugged. Her eyebrow raised sternly when the woman mentioned loosing her cool and attacking a man she saw. "You attacked him?..." Rio stated with a hint of disappointment in her voice, however she sighed it away as Nohime continued to speak. She then mentioned whether or not Rio knew a guy with shoulder-length brown hair and metal arms. Instantly Rio pulled a curious face, just about to say that she had never met anyone of that description but as she opened her mouth, Nohime said that guy's name.... 'K-Kenta?' Immediately Rio's eye widened, shaking a little. Her mouth was ajar, however she was too shocked to speak as she thought she'd never hear that name again, let alone hear that he was here.... After a moment, Rio shook her head, bringing herself back to reality. "I guess I had forgotten to tell you that. I remember seeing this guy also, he was rather tall." Keisa added, which Rio just looked at her before returning her eye to Nohime. Closing her mouth, Rio quickly re-gained her composure and cleared her thought. "K... Kenta you say? Y-you... Are you sure you didn't mistake this person's name?... I know someone of the name Kenta, but I highly doubt it would be the Kenta I know of.... He wouldn't be here." Rio closed her eye for a second before opening it again. "Did you speak to this man?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime shook her head to douse Rios doubt. "Yeah I'm certain he said his name was Kenta, it would be a tad bit hard to forget his name after what happened. He seemed to sense I was uneasy around males and well tried to help by telling me about something in his past involving males.... He was rather open about it to. He told me I should be suspicious of males, just not attack them outright. Then this girl came in think her name was Sinai, who accused him of doing something as i was hiding in a corner, He looked like he wanted to beat the snot out of her, but didn't. Yet I think I can handle seeing guys, just not doing anything with them. Again im sorry i attacked someone again. I understand if you hate me for it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rio looked to the floor as Nohime spoke once more, unable to believe what she was hearing. Halfway through what she was saying, Rio looked up at her but didn't speak, simply just waited until Nohime had finished. There was a short silence after Nohime spoke, one which Rio broke by placing her right hand gently on Nohime's shoulder. "I see. Thank you for telling me this, however... I..." Rio looked back down at the floor for a second before mentally slapping herself and looking back up at Nohime with a serious facial expression. "What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter. Surely Kenta has returned to wherever he disappeared to now, if this is the person I'm thinking of, however I still doubt it is. Anyway, I don't and will never hate you for that... You can't help what happened to you in the past, no one can, so don't feel that because you slipped up for a moment, I will hate you. I'm here to help you Nohime, the same goes for you too Keisa. You're both in this Squad because I see the potential in you, I want to help you improve yourselves and control yourselves. Now, back to business." Rio took her hand off of Nohime's shoulder before looking at both girls, settling her eyes on Nohime. "I'm going to train Keisa now so I was wondering if you'd like to join us? Since she isn't a male, you shouldn't have any issues in those regards."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime smiled when Rio assured her she didn't hate her, then told her she was going to train Keisa and wondered if she wanted to join as well. Nohime looked at keisa and smiled as this was something she was more comfortable with. "Sure sounds good to me, but are we going to be using our shikai's? If so I don't know if I'll be able to do that, it's a little embarrassing for me to use it, even in the presence of girls."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Zane620 said
The silver haired man who was lugging around a bag suddenly heard an incantation which made him look to see a girl flying at him with a clear kick aimed at him, which made him blink and side step the kick causing her to crash into the ground. The man then finished the incantation which made the silver haired man tense up a bit. He looked around and saw the man which made him grit his teeth as he slowly raised his arm at him. "Hado number four. Byakurai." Lighting then shot out of his finger towards the man, while he also kept an eye on the girl that tried to kick him earlier. He then finally shrug off the Geki and then swung his sword right towards the female.

He cursed to himself silently as his incantation caught the attention of the target and ruined the surprise attack. "Note to self...Whisper the incantation." Zheng saw the man dodge the woman's kick though his kido did take effect and hindered his movements. This made it easier for him to be able to see the man's next attack coming. He leapt high into the air to avoid the attack, which would normally leave him an open target for another kido though he had his own trick up his non-existent sleeves. "Along this road goes none this autumn even, Tenzai." The bangles around his wrists dissipated into a golden light, leaving no trace of the two golden rings thus signaling his zanpukto's release.

His reaitsu was gathered to the sole's of his feet and stomped against the air, releasing the reaitsu so that he would "jump" towards the silver haired man. The technique was called Cloud Stroll, a technique that helps Zheng's arial movement and use it to cover distances in the air. While using Cloud Stroll, he used Shunpo at the same time so that he would reach his target faster. He landed to the man's left and sent a straight jab to the man's left ribs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Once they arrived at the training hall Miyuki walked to the centre of the training hall then placed her hands on her hips then spoke "Right, the rules are simple. I want you all to show me what you can do, there will be various targets around the room in which you can use your skills on and don't worry about breaking anything, this room was specially made. So I want to see exactly what you can do...we have targets that vary from ring targets, to wooden dolls to massive flat wooden pictures of hollows, just so you can practice cutting their masks, however this is only useful if you have to face a hollow head on...the rule of defeating a hollow is to usually attack it from the back of it's neck and mask and cut it there so you do not discover it's identity...who knows...the hollow may have been someone you knew and the last thing we need are shocked Shinigami...so unless you have any questions. You may start"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rio was about to talk but Keisa chose to answer Nohime before Rio could get a word in. "I won't be using my Shikai either. I'd prefer not to." Rio looked to Keisa as the girl suddenly spoke up before looking back at Nohime. "You don't have to worry about that, as Keisa said, we won't be using our Shikai's. I'd also prefer to use Shikai's during one to one training sessions since both your's and Keisa's Zanpakuto need extra attention." Rio spoke to reassure Nohime before turning. "We will train outside of the Seireitei to insure that no one interrupts us. Follow me." Rio then began walking once more, expecting both of the girls to follow her while she lead them outside of the Seireitei into a field-like patch within a forest near the outer walls of the Seireitei but not too close.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The woman swinging her sword a bit earlier then him and a kick as well made him from as he jumped back avoiding the attacks, then got jabbed in his ribcage by the other male which made him flinch a bit as he looked at the guy. "Little shit! I'll teach you to h-" The mans words were cut short by a hand piercing through his chest, who then picked up the bag that fell to the ground. Pulling his hand out of the man, he looked at the two and grinned. "Well look what we have here. Two little kids that are playing hero for the will of the corrupt. Do you guys think that your precious little Soul society will truly survive? Oh well, I'll be taking my leave with this bag now." The man said starting to walk off with blood dripping from his hand from killing the silver haired man. While Mok stood up on the roof and looked at the man, then at the other two. As if telling them, that he was taking evidence.

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