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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime sighed in relief when Keisa didn't want to use hers either, which Rio assured them they would be doing that privately due to theirs being a tad special. This made Nohime look at Keisa with a smile knowing that there was someone else that didn't like using their shikai just as much as her. When Rio began walking, Nohime followed behind her and with a few minutes of walking they appeared in a field area inside he forest, which made Nohime look around. They were going to have to be extra careful in case a hollow showed up. after a good bit of training, Nohime panted a bit as she wiped the sweat from her head. She was a bit sore, but otherwise fine. "nnnnnnNNNNNEEEEEEIIIIIIILLLLL BBBBOOOOOOOOMMMMBBB!!!!!" Hearing this made Nohime look up as a man suddenly crashed into the ground making Nohime fall back from the shock of the impact. She then looked up and u and up as the giant figure of the man before her which made her blink twice before hiding behind Keisa, while Neil stood there holding a box and then walked up to Rio and held it out. "I forgot i got these three months ago. You know when I blew your eye patch away with my winds of justice!! Anyway, that box contains about fifty altogether, that way you never have to worry about losing another one. Unless of course they all fall victim to my wind again." Neil said laughing quite loudly, which attracted a Hollow, which made Neil shunpoed above it and grab its head and slamming it right into the ground shattering its head. neil then walked back over and just smiled, while Nohime now hide fully behind Keisa.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

Kurisa said
Once they arrived at the training hall Miyuki walked to the centre of the training hall then placed her hands on her hips then spoke "Right, the rules are simple. I want you all to show me what you can do, there will be various targets around the room in which you can use your skills on and don't worry about breaking anything, this room was specially made. So I want to see exactly what you can do...we have targets that vary from ring targets, to wooden dolls to massive flat wooden pictures of hollows, just so you can practice cutting their masks, however this is only useful if you have to face a hollow head on...the rule of defeating a hollow is to usually attack it from the back of it's neck and mask and cut it there so you do not discover it's identity...who knows...the hollow may have been someone you knew and the last thing we need are shocked Shinigami...so unless you have any questions. You may start"

He arrived at the training barracks shortly after everyone else and once there, would take a moment to look the training grounds over. There he would see ring targets, wooden puppets and wooden cutouts of hollows scattered throughout the large room. Taking the chance to study them, while Captain Miyuki explained the training they would do while here, hearing her tell of the proper way to attack hollows. What she said made sense, for any hesitation during battle meant life and death and even a single moment can cost you or your allies their lives.

At least the test was simple; simply show what they could do and would glance at the training equipment, thinking that his zanpakuto was perfect for destroying hollow masks without knocking them off. Still, he was hesitant to use his zanpakuto since it was a simple training exercise; that and that with how his was, most would find it unorthodox and an unlikely weapon. Taking out his short sword and gazed it over as he contemplated on whether to release shikai or not, especially as Enji never really liked using swords that were solely made to kill. Frowning for a moment as he knew being a shinigami meant killing and was glad his was the way it was, even if others wouldn't see its usefulness at first. He decided he would use the short sword and his speed for now and unsheathed the sword and crouched a little into an offensive stance then took a deep breath to help settle his nerves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

With the sudden appearance of another man, Sinai wasnt sure of what was going on. this mysterious red head had killed the silver haired one, but was not taking he same thing the silver had came to take. It was frustratingly confusing. She looked up at the Captain that kidnapped her and he seemed to want them to stop him. "bakudo 4. Hainawa" attempting to grab the arm that was holding the bag. she had her doubts on how effective the move would be but it was the first thing that came to her mind. She snatched her arm back hoping it would pry the bag out of the mans hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

As she ranted Hikari sat there calmly with his hands together on the table, he watched and listened hearing the anger and annoyance in the tone of her voice. He raised an eyebrow as her energy began raising, watching as the dark silver aura raised up. He'd let her continue though, it was better to get those sort of things out, and as long as she wasn't hurting anyone then he wouldn't stop her. Though he knew he would have to if it somehow got out of control. Once she finished ranting she decided to answer what he had previously said, he figured she was trying to calm herself down. "Don't be sorry, Haruka. You should talk about these things, it's better to get them off your chest in the long run, and if ranting helps then do that. And if you need any help then don't be afraid to ask me, I'd be more than happy to help," Hikari spoke calmly then gave her a light smile, "For a second there I thought you were going to suggest for me to eat a Hollow, and to that I would have gave a no thank you....But I won't go off the deep end, atleast try alright?" He gave a small chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After they arrived at the room, both Ryozo and Megumi looked around the room at the various targets that littered the room. That was when the captain gave her speech on what they would be doing which seemed simple enough, even recommended attacking the hollows from behind as the hollow could be someone they knew and if they attacked from the front, they might chicken out of killing it. When she told them they could begin, Megumi looked around at what she could do first, maybe capture some of the rings with a bakudo? The other guy also seemed to be thinking which asured her she wasn't the only one thinking about what to do, while she noticed Ryozo had already cut through the mask of two of the Wooden hollows mask, and caught him just intime to see him shoot a byakurai through one of the wooden dolls which just vanished upon hitting the walls. Megumi got caught up in watching that,which she had to shake herself out of the trance, in which she used a bakudo number four to swing a the rope through the ring and around it and pulled it over to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zane620 said
The woman swinging her sword a bit earlier then him and a kick as well made him from as he jumped back avoiding the attacks, then got jabbed in his ribcage by the other male which made him flinch a bit as he looked at the guy. "Little shit! I'll teach you to h-" The mans words were cut short by a hand piercing through his chest, who then picked up the bag that fell to the ground. Pulling his hand out of the man, he looked at the two and grinned. "Well look what we have here. Two little kids that are playing hero for the will of the corrupt. Do you guys think that your precious little Soul society will truly survive? Oh well, I'll be taking my leave with this bag now." The man said starting to walk off with blood dripping from his hand from killing the silver haired man. While Mok stood up on the roof and looked at the man, then at the other two. As if telling them, that he was taking evidence.

"What is with bosses killing their subordinates today...?" Zheng asked himself, referring to his previous mission earlier in the day. He was rather at a loss of what was going on. Who was this man and why in the world did he kill this man rather than just back him up if he could so easily dispatch them like he did to that man. All he knew was that he didn't need any command to know to get that bag and possibly apprehend the mysterious man. He saw that Sinai used Hainawa to try and pull the bag away from the man. He would perform the same bakudo though this would be aimed at the man's ankles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The mans as he walked away felt the bag be tugged from his hand followed by the same bakudo to his legs which however didnt budge him at all. Instead he broke right out of it and appeared infront of Sinai witht he bag once again in his hand. "Little girl, I gave you two a chance to run away, yet you choose to fight someone much stronger? I think your choices have some consequences to them, and what do you know." The man stopped and pulled out a pill and grinned, as the Captain started shunpoing over before the man broke it. Then all of a sudden the ground began shaking as Hollow began to rush towards the district. "Thats right. What will you do, follow me and let the people die? Or let me go and kill the hollows, saving the day?" The man laughed as he shunpoed off, while Mok appeared in front of the two. "Crap, okay you two defend the left side of the district and i'll defend the right side. I'll send a kido clone back to the squad so some others can come and help you guys out. Understand? Now move out and be careful!" Mok said shunpoing right towards the right side.

(You can control the hollows, but stop posting after each of you both post three times, line up is the same Nic the Kuro.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Nohime sighed in relief when Keisa didn't want to use hers either, which Rio assured them they would be doing that privately due to theirs being a tad special. This made Nohime look at Keisa with a smile knowing that there was someone else that didn't like using their shikai just as much as her. When Rio began walking, Nohime followed behind her and with a few minutes of walking they appeared in a field area inside he forest, which made Nohime look around. They were going to have to be extra careful in case a hollow showed up. after a good bit of training, Nohime panted a bit as she wiped the sweat from her head. She was a bit sore, but otherwise fine. "nnnnnnNNNNNEEEEEEIIIIIIILLLLL BBBBOOOOOOOOMMMMBBB!!!!!" Hearing this made Nohime look up as a man suddenly crashed into the ground making Nohime fall back from the shock of the impact. She then looked up and u and up as the giant figure of the man before her which made her blink twice before hiding behind Keisa, while Neil stood there holding a box and then walked up to Rio and held it out. "I forgot i got these three months ago. You know when I blew your eye patch away with my winds of justice!! Anyway, that box contains about fifty altogether, that way you never have to worry about losing another one. Unless of course they all fall victim to my wind again." Neil said laughing quite loudly, which attracted a Hollow, which made Neil shunpoed above it and grab its head and slamming it right into the ground shattering its head. neil then walked back over and just smiled, while Nohime now hide fully behind Keisa.

Keisa had her sword drawn as she panted after the training she had just undergone with Nohime. Rio, on the other hand, had both swords drawn however didn't seem out of breath at all. She only stopped to let the other two have a break but she was planning to resume training once more until a man seemed to drop out of the sky and crash into the ground. Rio eased up a little, her attention quickly switching to this person before she recognised it to be Neil. Raising her eyebrow, she watched as Neil walked towards her, holding out a box. Rio then sweat-dropped as Neil spoke about his 'winds of justice' before taking the box. "Well, thank you for this Neil.... I certainly wasn't expecting this... Now if you don't mind, I'd like to conclude this session. Girls." Rio sheathed both of her blades before looking at Keisa and Nohime with a small smile. "You two have done really well, however I think that's enough for today. If you two wish to continue training, there are plenty of Hollows around us that should suffice." Just as she finished speaking, Neil killed one of them, which Rio watched with a straight face. "Yes Lieutenant." Keisa looked at Rio after she had observed the guy's interaction with the woman. She then looked behind her to find Nohime hiding. Obviously Keisa had learned about Nohime's reaction to men during training. "Chill out Nohime, he won't hurt you, he's only here to give Rio something then he should go away." Keisa then looked back up to Rio, who looked back. "Keisa is right. Now you two can continue your training or return to the Seireitei. I'm going to make a quick detour, I'll be back within the Squad barracks some time later." Giving a little wave, Rio began walking away, something else was on her mind right now... something she was suddenly reminded of and couldn't believe she had almost forgot about....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Zane620 said
The mans as he walked away felt the bag be tugged from his hand followed by the same bakudo to his legs which however didnt budge him at all. Instead he broke right out of it and appeared infront of Sinai witht he bag once again in his hand. "Little girl, I gave you two a chance to run away, yet you choose to fight someone much stronger? I think your choices have some consequences to them, and what do you know." The man stopped and pulled out a pill and grinned, as the Captain started shunpoing over before the man broke it. Then all of a sudden the ground began shaking as Hollow began to rush towards the district. "Thats right. What will you do, follow me and let the people die? Or let me go and kill the hollows, saving the day?" The man laughed as he shunpoed off, while Mok appeared in front of the two. "Crap, okay you two defend the left side of the district and i'll defend the right side. I'll send a kido clone back to the squad so some others can come and help you guys out. Understand? Now move out and be careful!" Mok said shunpoing right towards the right side.(You can control the hollows, but stop posting after each of you both post three times, line up is the same Nic the Kuro.)

"oh shit" Sinai gasped as the man appeared in front of her. She instinctively took a step back away from him. She watched carefully as the man pulled out a pill and crushed it. Suddenly all hollow hell broke loose. the numbers were massive, and spontaneous. When the captain started barking orders about defending the lives and fighting the hollows she just attacked. Shunpoing underneath one of the hollows and Kicking it in to the air she punched another that lunged at her, dead in the face,cracking its mask. Hakuda after all was her strength. As the airborn hollow its way down back to earth She rainbow kicked it into the hollow she punched. As the slammed together she shunpo's toward them to cut deliver the finishing blow with her Zanpakuto. with those two out of the way she held out her blade "Spread your Wings. Cho Seji. " He blade Glowed purple and 12 butterflies shot out of the light. She sheathed her zanpakuto and dashed toward more hollows, surrounded by butterflies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
As she ranted Hikari sat there calmly with his hands together on the table, he watched and listened hearing the anger and annoyance in the tone of her voice. He raised an eyebrow as her energy began raising, watching as the dark silver aura raised up. He'd let her continue though, it was better to get those sort of things out, and as long as she wasn't hurting anyone then he wouldn't stop her. Though he knew he would have to if it somehow got out of control. Once she finished ranting she decided to answer what he had previously said, he figured she was trying to calm herself down. "Don't be sorry, Haruka. You should talk about these things, it's better to get them off your chest in the long run, and if ranting helps then do that. And if you need any help then don't be afraid to ask me, I'd be more than happy to help," Hikari spoke calmly then gave her a light smile, "For a second there I thought you were going to suggest for me to eat a Hollow, and to that I would have gave a no thank you....But I won't go off the deep end, atleast try alright?" He gave a small chuckle.

She laughed happily at him, "Remember that you offered." she said. "I wouldn't think that Hollows taste good" she said before sippih at her drink as it was set in front of her. She smiled at the man, "So...How are you liking Squad 10?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Depends on what you eat them with," Hikari joked before taking a sip of his drink as it was placed. When she asked how he was liking Squad ten he smiled and chuckled, "Well considering I'm pretty new I don't have a full opinion about the Squad. But thanks to my beautiful higher up-which is you by the way-I think I'm starting to like the Squad a bit more. That Hyperion warrior guy is sort of funny too, maybe he can teach me a few things." Hikari gave a small laugh. "But seriously? I think the Squad fits me, I like being tactical, atleast most of the times. The members are nice, and they're pretty easy to work with. Of course there's you....I guess Hyperion too," he added him in there, "You two make it less....Boring from what I've experienced atleast." He gave a rub to the back of his neck as his eyes drifted away a bit. "So...What about you? I hope you're liking it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant." she laughed softly and put teasing emphasis on the title. "I'm no higher than anyone else. Unless something changes within the clan. THEN you'll be my man slave." she jokes and looks over the menus that were left behind. She looked up at him briefly at the second personal mention of her then the addition of Hyperion...like an afterthought. Her bangs fall into her eyes, but she doesn't brush them away. "I am enjoying the squad. The tenth seat will give me crap for jumping above him so quickly, but we'll laugh it off and then spar. I've been...frustrated lately. As has Alucard. Restless, y'know?" she sighs. "I have grown a lot in the squad. And I think my skills will be put to much better use here than in Squad 11 or Squad 2. I just wish I wasn't still so...weak." she shakes her head. "And there IS this cute guy that holds a nice position in the team. Had he been a noble, my grandfather would hump a cactus if it meant pairing him with me." she says idly. The comment was light and teasing, but a gentle test at the same time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

'It's been too long since I've visited this place... Heh, nothing's changed here, it even smells the same'

Rio took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma that welcomed her. Continuing to walk forward, she scanned the area slowly, fully taking in every inch of it while admiring it. A familiar smile brightened her face a touch as she was rushed with memories of this place. 'Ahh, the shack is still here' Reminiscing while walking, Rio stopped next to the shack before placing her right hand on it, smiling at it for a moment before taking her hand off of it and walking deeper into the area. 'Heh heh, the spring is still as clear as I remember' She walked to the edge of the spring, bending down and setting the box she carried down beside her as she leaned forward and placed her fingers into the water. She swirled them around a little before lifting them out. 'Even the water temperature is the same...' Rio looked at the drops of spring water sliding down her fingers, smiling a little more before scooting herself back and laying down on the grass with both hands underneath her head. Looking up at the sky, she watched the fluffy clouds moving at a snail's pace through the blue gradating colour while the sun hid behind the clouds, peaking out ever so slightly. The time may of been slowly ticking by but Rio wasn't planning on going anywhere for a while. Reaching into her inner chest pocket, Rio pulled out Kenta's headphones, placing them in her ears to complete her sense of nostalgia. 'Ahh Kenta, you used to lay in this very spot... I guess after hearing your name today, I couldn't help but come to your not-so-secret hideout heheh.... It really has been too long since I visited here' Rio continued to watch the sky while thinking to herself with nothing but a small smile on her face. 'I still won't believe that you returned... I can't believe it until I see it.... but, surely if it was you, you've gone back by now... I guess I... I-I missed my chance of seeing you again....' She looked down, her smile flipping into a frown. 'It doesn't matter now... You've moved on and so have I... But no matter what, you'll still be my best friend...' Rio sighed before closing her eye. 'What am I thinking? I've got to let it go... You've more likely found someone else by now, heh I hope you have though... I don't like the thought of you being alone... You've probably change to the point that I wouldn't even know or recognise you anymore.... but then again, maybe I have... huu, I don't know...' Suddenly Rio's mind was given a blast from the past as random moments from when she joined Squad Six, when she met Kenta and his old friend and of while she was being trained by and following Captain Kuchiki ran through her thoughts. Rio then took another deep breath, but smiled once more. 'We have both changed so much since then, it's funny how that has happened without me noticing until now.... I know that if I was the same as I were back then, I'd most likely be crying over missing your visit but no... those tears would of been wasted... I'm done crying over what I've lost.' Rio opened her eye once more and observed the sky once again. 'Even if I never see you again, I'll always have our memories... I will never let them go' She continued to smile, silencing her mind as she just watched the sky. Rio wasn't really bothered by how it was soon getting late since she was in no rush to return to the Seireitei any time soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Zane620 said
The mans as he walked away felt the bag be tugged from his hand followed by the same bakudo to his legs which however didnt budge him at all. Instead he broke right out of it and appeared infront of Sinai witht he bag once again in his hand. "Little girl, I gave you two a chance to run away, yet you choose to fight someone much stronger? I think your choices have some consequences to them, and what do you know." The man stopped and pulled out a pill and grinned, as the Captain started shunpoing over before the man broke it. Then all of a sudden the ground began shaking as Hollow began to rush towards the district. "Thats right. What will you do, follow me and let the people die? Or let me go and kill the hollows, saving the day?" The man laughed as he shunpoed off, while Mok appeared in front of the two. "Crap, okay you two defend the left side of the district and i'll defend the right side. I'll send a kido clone back to the squad so some others can come and help you guys out. Understand? Now move out and be careful!" Mok said shunpoing right towards the right side.(You can control the hollows, but stop posting after each of you both post three times, line up is the same Nic the Kuro.)

"This guy..." Zheng cursed to himself when the man broke so easily out the bakudo. If they were to face him dead on they were surely going to die, no question about it. Though rather than fighting the two of them, that man took a pill out and broke it in half and in that moment the earth tremor beneath them. An army of hollows appeared before them and now understood what the pill did. It somehow summoned these hollows as a diversion for that man to escape. If they didn't fight back then everyone in the district would die. "That bastard..." He wanted to chase after the man though he listened to Mok's orders, knowing that the lives of the people here mattered much more than that man.

There were five hollows coming at him on all of his sides, their mouthes wide open as they shrieked with an eardrum piercing volume. Reaistu covered Zheng's fist and with very quick and precise punches, he sends five fist sized spheres of reaitsu at the hollows around him. "Heaven's Soaring Fist!" The spheres had hit their mark, shattering the masks of the hollows and killing them. He wouldn't celebrate just yet as a Hollow that could fly glided down and tried to bite his head off. Quickly, he jumped into the air and flipped onto the hollow, landing on its back as it flew in the air. The hollow tried to shake him off though it wouldn't get much of chance to do anything else as Zheng punched it's head with enough force to shatter its skull. He quickly jumped off the dead creature's body and landed on the roof of a building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Sinai ducked under yet another hollow as it lunged for her. She Grabbed its tail and slammed it into other hollows before she lept into the air and came down on them with an axe kick, similar to the one she tried to hit the silver haired man with. This one connected, killing the three hollows. The first by shattering its mask on impact, the other two were simply squished by the force of being trapped under the first one. She ducked an attack from behind and did a hand stand kick, knocking the hollow on is ass. As soon as she landed on her feet she used Tessho to shatter its mask.
Her butterflies acted as sensor to the area around her, since she herself wasn’t good at it actively. It allowed her to maneuver more easily in the cluster fuck. The area they didn’t sense well was underground, so when a Hollows arm grabbed her leg from below she was caught off guard. This gave two hollows the impression that she was no easy pray so they lunged at her, mouths wide open. But instead they each swallowed a butterfly first “Shift” the two swallowed butterflies exploded, blowing the hollows head off. When the underground hollow burst out of the ground trying to chomp on her he was met with the glowing blue finger before a “ hado 4 byakurai” tore through its skull.
She freed he self just in time to avoid being a part of a dog pile. Several hollows has pounced at her but it only took a shunpo to avoid getting trampled. She reached for her zanpakuto at her back and drew it again in an arch. This time a blast of spirit energy shot out the power equivalent of an Okasen. That wasn’t the strongest shot she ever fired but since she had yet to learn the name of the technique its power varied. An arm reached out for her on her left side, she leaned back to avoid its clutch but grabbed it with her left hand. She pulled it to the right, drawing the hollow closer to her so she could chop off its head with her sword in her right hand. How many of these damn things were there?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I thought you were here" Rio had her eye closed when a voice resonated from behind her, one that she instantly recognised along with the spiritual pressure alongside it. "What is it you want Kazuhiko? Souta?" Without moving or opening her eye, Rio addressed the two. "Me and Souta were just talking and we were thinking that maybe we should make our move now, ahead of schedule" Fumio spoke with his arms crossed, smiling down at Rio while Souta looked around the area. "Yeah, I want to get this done and over with and since we're all free, might as well get this show on the road" Rio opened her eye after Souta finished talking, just looking up at the two as she thought. "Hmm... We might as well I guess, but first I need to inform my Squad that I'm leaving sooner than expected... How about you two? Are you two returning afterwards?" Rio sat up and spoke while standing and straightening out her clothes, wiping the grass off of them. Both boy's looked at her, thinking for a moment before Fumio was the first to answer, a subtle smile on his face. "I'm not coming back, how about you Souta?" He spoke in a voice tinted with happiness which shocked Souta a little. "Really? Well, I'm not coming back either but there's no reason for me to... What about Chie?" "What about her? You just leave that with me, don't worry about it Souta" "... Well Okay then Kazuhiko" Souta raised an eyebrow at Fumio's slightly cheerful expression but chose not to question him further. Rio had picked up her box before walking pass the two and stopping. "I'll meet you two at the west entrance as soon as I'm done here... Then we can get moving." She spoke without looking back, continuing to walk after she was done. "Okay Huerona, we'll meet you there~ Come on Souta" Fumio waved for Souta to follow him to the west entrance to wait for Rio to join them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

He only just graduated today and he was already facing off giant swarms of hollows and nearly died in one day. This was the exact opposite of what he imagined his first day would be like. He thought that it would've been rather slow and boring as he would be treated like a scrub by senior member's of his squad but instead he was facing hordes and hordes of horrible monsters with a very high chance of dying. He still wouldn't have it any other way. If he was going to get respect as a shinigami then this is the best way to earn it. A real shinigami has to go and face adversities that they themselves must face in order to grow and become a true warrior that his peers could approve of.

Zheng rammed his elbow through the mask of a hollow while balancing on one foot he kicked a hollow climbing onto the roof that he was on, causing it to land on its stomach. His body's movements when observed flowed easily as he moved out of the position he was just in and leapt into the air, performing another flip as he stomped down on the hollow's back when landed, forcing it and pointed his right hand with his index finger pointed at it, glowing with a bright blue aura. "Hado 4: Byakurai." A bolt of energy shot of his finger and blasted through the creatures skull, destroying its mask in the process.

"Just how many of them are-" He was suddenly cut off as a hollow leapt at him from, it's mouth wide open with its fangs ready to sink into his flesh. Zheng's eyes widened in surprise that he made such an error to not notice the creature and he knew didn't have enough time to counter or even dodge. The hollow's fangs sunk into his shoulder; or so it would've thought. It's fangs couldn't even break through the man's skin no matter how much pressure it put on its prey's body. A grin remained on his face as he saw the monster's confusion to why it couldn't harm him. "Tempered Iron Will." He quickly smashed the skull of the hollow with ease, using a back fist to kill the creature.

Several hollows ran at him, their foots steps heavy and caused the earth to tremor. The young shinigami turned to them with his right arm raised in front of them as it glowed bright blue with a fiery flicker. "Hado 33: Sokatsui." A torrent of blue energy was released from his palm, tearing through the area in front of him and obliterating the hollows in front of him. "This surely is one hell of a day..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

After shattering her umpteenth mask Sinai was getting pretty worn out. There were only so many axe kicks, back fist, back kicks, upper cuts, jab crosses, ranbow kicks and tessho’s she could dish out before her body started to get a bit agitated. That didn’t even included the kido she occasionally shot out. She still had ten butterflies left which meant she still had energy left. “alright im sick of this. Converge” All the butteflies shot into her hand and coalesced into a solid form, one similar to her zanpakuto. With both hands carrying a blade she shunpo’s into the hollows, and started skillfully killing the creatures. An amazing combinations of agility, kicks and ninja-esque slashes laid plenty of hollows down for good.

The down side of her convergance ability was that it didn’t allow her to change the constructs shape so she had to choose carefully what she picked. And the number of butterflies also dictated the size and consistency of the construct. With Ten butterflies she would have been able to make a spear but she decided on the ninjato for the sake of balance. It also fit better into her fighting style that was hakuda oriented. With one in each hand, held in reverse grip, she cold dodge, slice and kick at the same damn time.
She lept over an incoming hollow and spun, cutting the thing in two before she even landed. She landed lightly, and kicked another mask to pieces. She rarely ever attacked them first at this point. They would lunge and she would end them. Thankfully the midless beasts never caught on and lept to their doom time and time again without fail. But she was tiring, even with her energy conserving method of killing these bitches she was getting tired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Just how many of them were there? It seemed to him that they just kept coming at him and Sinai. At some point he just lost count of how many he killed though the amount he had killed had taken its toll on him. To continuously fight and kill these things with no break was putting strain on him and at this point he was just running on fumes. He prayed that Captain Mok's kido clone would return with help before they are killed. Zheng didn't know how much longer he could last but he had to force himself to fight or else death would be his reward.

Using shunpo to move around the hollows and quickly, and skillfully began to smash their masks with a variety amount of strikes combining his strength, speed, agility, and extremely accurate movements to fight. He was really putting all he had into these strikes in hope that this would put down many hollow's down. With the added kido thrown in every now and again he was really cutting down the number of hollows though it didn't even seem like it to him. It seemed like they were completely endless and their numbers seemed to be even vaster than the last. He got the feeling that he was going to die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

AeronFarron said
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant." she laughed softly and put teasing emphasis on the title. "I'm no higher than anyone else. Unless something changes within the clan. THEN you'll be my man slave." she jokes and looks over the menus that were left behind. She looked up at him briefly at the second personal mention of her then the addition of Hyperion...like an afterthought. Her bangs fall into her eyes, but she doesn't brush them away. "I am enjoying the squad. The tenth seat will give me crap for jumping above him so quickly, but we'll laugh it off and then spar. I've been...frustrated lately. As has Alucard. Restless, y'know?" she sighs. "I have grown a lot in the squad. And I think my skills will be put to much better use here than in Squad 11 or Squad 2. I just wish I wasn't still so...weak." she shakes her head. "And there IS this cute guy that holds a nice position in the team. Had he been a noble, my grandfather would hump a cactus if it meant pairing him with me." she says idly. The comment was light and teasing, but a gentle test at the same time.

"Well it's good that you're enjoying the Squad, but you aren't weak...Atleast to me," Hikari said before taking another sip of his drink, "I never really went with the whole I'm weak thing....I honestly went with the mentality that I'm stronger than some, weaker than some, and will get better over time. And I did get stronger overtime, thanks to Tabo....But if you do wish to get stronger faster then I can train you....Alongside Hype if he wants. Fact is that our Squad members need to be stronger and smarter, and you two show potential, I'm also not one to turn down help when it's wanted or needed." Once she mentioned the cute guy his eyebrows popped up for a second before he let out a small laugh responding with a joke, "Alucard is pretty cute, isn't he? Though that'd be a little weird, wouldn't it?"
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