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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~ Hari Clan Rebellion: The Beginning of the End ~

After leaving the others, Rio promptly returned to her humble abode; her room at Squad Two. Placing the newly acquired box of eye-patches on top of her desk, Rio took a quick look through it, discovering that there was practically an eye-patch for any and every outfit possible. This did make Rio smile, matching eye-patches with her outfits was ideal for her since it'd make her eye-patch become more of a part of her outfit and not just an odd piece of clothing that would attract attention, which was the last thing she wanted... Searching deeper into the box, she found a nice silver one with black detailing that seemed fitting for the current occasion, in her opinion. Taking off her current purple eye-patch, she replaced it with the silvery one before closing the box and throwing her purple eye-patch into her dirty laundry basket. Rio then proceeded to place her box within her wardrobe before returning to her desk, sitting down to write a note.

'To whomever is reading this note, I suggest that you are looking for me as you've came to my room.
I'm going to out for a while, ahead of agreed schedule, but I should be returning before the day is done, if not then I will return tomorrow...
Please ensure that the Captain is informed of my absence, unless it is the Captain that is reading this then I haven't forgotten the mission you gave me. I will see to it that I complete it.

Yours faithfully,
Squad Two Lieutenant Rio Darishimo.'

After writing the note and making sure her handwriting was as eligible as possible, Rio raised from her seat and walked over to her door. Opening it, Rio's eye widened for a second as she had found that Keisa was on the other side of her door. "Keisa why are you here?" Rio asked, puzzled as she opened her door a little wider to stick her note on the front of it. "I saw you come in and was wondering whether you wanted to talk about those who attacked me since I only gave you brief details.... Wait, what is that?" Keisa leaned closer to Rio's door, reading the note from behind Rio's shoulder. "I will discus that with you once I return... But I'm glad you came actually, I'm going to be out for today, make sure you inform anyone looking for me. Tell them that I will tend to them once I've returned." Keisa leaned back after Rio spoke, watching silently while Rio closed her door and dusted herself off. "Yes Lieutenant, I'll do that for you... Nice eye-patch by the way." Despite Keisa's chilled tone of voice, her face stayed the same, almost making her seem sarcastic. Rio knew that Keisa wasn't being sarcastic however and so smiled at the compliment. "Thank you. I will speak to you another time Keisa." "See you later then Lieutenant." Keisa waved as Rio made her way to the balcony steps and then continued to exit the barracks. Keisa watched Rio leave for a moment before turning her head and walking off.

Fumio stood in a chequered hallway, staring out of one of the large windows that lined the wall on the left of the never-ending corridor. His Zanpakuto spirit stood beside him, leaning on the windowsill with both forearms resting on top of the sill while his hands dangled off of the edge. "Kazuhiko..." His Spirit looked up at Fumio, speaking his real name in a tone to suggest that he was listening. Fumio was quiet for a moment, only staring out at the contrasting weather outside of the window. Quite literally half of the world outside of the constrained corridor was raining while the other half was bright, however a think fog continued to stretch across the whole of the world, making it impossible to see where the rain landed and the rays of the sun hit. "I want to... apologise... for all of the pain I've put you through" Fumio's eyes kept on the world outside however his words were aimed directly at his swords spirit. Gaishō's eyes were on Fumio for an extra minute after the guy finished speaking before they drifted outside. "There is no need to apologise. We are one Kazuhiko, therefore our pain is shared. Our emotions are tied together, remember that" Gaishō spoke in a soft voice, the sound comforting to Fumio as when he had no one to turn to, Gaishō would always be there for him. Fumio looked down before sighing but then chuckled. "Heh, I know Gaishō... But still, I'm the one on the outside with the most influence, although sometimes I wish we could switch places, even if it was only for a short amount of time..." Gaishō lifted off of the windowsill while hearing this, looking at Fumio with a straight face. "You've got to stop this. Stop wanting to trap or lock yourself away Kazuhiko. That may of been your childhood but that's over, soon you'll be completely free and yet I know you don't want to break free... Soon you'll finally realise... I can't tell you anything more though, you've got to figure it out on your own...." Gaishō turned his vision back to the outside world. "Just look, what is it you see outside?" Fumio lifted his eyes up to Gaishō before looking outside. "I see conflicting weather covered by thick fog" He answered. "Wrong. What you're looking at is the inside of your being, your current emotions and thoughts within a manifestation.... or more our current emotions and thoughts. We're confused and unsure whether or not to be happy or upset. All we can do is look from the inside in" Fumio looked at the spirit, confused at how he worded the last part of his sentence. "From the inside in?" He asked so Gaishō nodded. "Yes, but I can't tell you anything other than that. Like I said before, you have to figure it out yourself. Only then will you be able to..." Gaishō glanced at Fumio one last time as he abruptly stopped himself from saying anything else before going back to leaning on the windowsill. "I see..." Fumio looked down once more. "Well, hopefully I'll figure it out... but first, I have to deal with Ursu-" Fumio's eyes widened a little as he thought he had saw something outside the window, but he wasn't going to look, he didn't want to know what it might of been... "Goodbye Gaishō" Fumio then closed his eyes and exited his inner world.

"Hehehe~ You're not dying on me~"

Shortly, Fumio opened his eyes to find himself seated on the floor within the Seireitei near the west entrance. Standing up, Fumio dusted his clothes off before looking at Souta, still sitting next to the opposite wall with his eyes closed. "Must still be within his inner world~" Fumio took to leaning his back against the wall close to the entrance, waiting quietly.
"Ahh, you've done well Souta! You'll be fine" Souta dropped to the floor, holding his hammer/mace while panting lightly. "Heh, you think so? Well, thank you for the support Himawari" Souta grinned a little at his Zanpakuto spirit who smiled back, waving his hand to dismiss the comment. "Oh don't be stupid idiot, there is no need to thank me, of course I'm going to support you! Have you forgotten who I am?" Himawari laughed a hearty laugh while Souta just chuckled. "Heh, I haven't but I guess you're right. But I'm still going to thank you whether you like it or not" Himawari only shrugged at this, chuckling himself. "Whatever floats your boat Cherry" Souta's eyebrow furrowed at the use of that nickname. "Hey! It's Souta to you!" He playfully yelled as Himawari continued to chuckled. "I prefer Cherry and Imma call you that whether you like it or not" The spirit grinned at Souta as the boy narrowed his eyes. "Fine, have it your way" Souta then looked down at his now crossed arms, his playful look slipped off of his face as he frowned slightly. "Souta stop doubting yourself. Ursula isn't indestructible... believe in your abilities dammit" Himawari straightened up, his face resting into a neutral expression while Souta sighed. "Okay Himawari... I just can't help but worry... It's mainly Kazuhiko I'm worried about, I think he's trying to get himself killed, or going to atleast...." Souta's eyes scrolled to the left as he spoke, still on the grassy floor. His spirit just simply looked at him, silent for a moment. "Well, if you disagree, don't let it happen." As Himawari spoke, Souta looked up at him. "But I know Kazuhiko, if he wants to do something, he'll do it... I've seen it countless times" "So? I know you Souta. If you want to do something, you'll do it. I've been there and watched you. You're stronger than you think... Kazuhiko depends on you yaknow? I don't think you've noticed, but you really do have a strong influence on him. You may think he's stronger than you physically, but mentally he's dependant on you. It's pretty clear to me that he can't stand being alone, hence why we are where we are today. He could of easily killed you that day, he could of easily killed Huerona too but you stopped him. He could of easily killed Ronda, but again, you showed up. Are you really not noticing the pattern here?" Himawari pulled a confused face at Souta, really not understanding why the boy couldn't see this. "Yeah but Tatsuki... I couldn't stop him that time..." Himawari sighed before shaking his head. "Whatever Souta, looks like you're too focused on the bad things he does to realise but I'm not here to point out that shit. I'm your Zanpakuto, not Kazuhiko's" Souta looked down once more before suddenly grinning sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Eheheh, you're right again Himawari, sorry... Now anyway, I guess I should get going" Souta chuckled nervously before Himawari chuckled himself. "Probably. But Souta, for the love of the Soul King believe in yourself dammit! Or atleast believe in me" Himawari grinned. "Yeah yeah, I do Himawari heh" "Good. Now go!" "Alright! I'm going! Sheesh!" Souta laughed before closing his eyes, letting his body fall back, but as it fell, it never hit the ground. Instead, Souta opened his eyes to find himself back within the Seireitei.

"Ulgh, how long was I out?" Souta chuckled as he looked up at Fumio while lifting himself off of the floor. "Long enough." Rio's voice sounded from the left of Souta as she stood with her arms crossed and her right foot impatiently tapping the floor. "Eheh, my bad" Souta sheepishly rubbed the back of his head while grinning at Rio. Fumio just couldn't help but chuckle at this. "Well then, ready to get going Hari's?" Fumio asked. "Yep" Souta chirped. "Let's get this over with." Rio spoke up afterwards, her face dead-straight as she uncrossed her arms and walked closer to the pair. "Good~ Now let's leave~" With that, Fumio began walking out of the west entrance, followed by Souta, then by Rio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo had been called to Squad 1 by Juki himself and so like any sensible Captain he went immediately, upon arriving at Juki's office he knocked upon the door then spoke "Head Captain, it was understood that you requested my presence" Kaizo then heard Juki's voice "No I didn't" Kaizo blinked a bit then spoke "Are you sure Head Captain? I got a message that this was quite important..." Kaizo then heard Juki speak once again "Nope, nothing important" Kaizo shrugged then turned only to hear the door open behind him as a hand gripped onto the back of his Haori and dragged him in, once in Kaizo saw Juki had dragged him in "Head Captain? I don't understand..." Juki let go of Kaizo then sighed "My jokes are never funny anymore...even Kurisa didn't laugh" Kaizo looked over to the center of the room where Kurisa stood, seemingly un-amused by Juki's really quite poor joke "It's fine Head Captain, I don't think Captain Kuchiki laughs much anyway..." Juki sighed then walked over to his desk and sat down, Kaizo then walked to the center of the room and stood next to Kurisa and spoke "So what is this about Head Captain? what was so urgent?" Juki looked at Kaizo as he spoke then nodded before speaking "Straight to business then. In short I want to see what both of you are capable of...I want to see you fight, Bankai an all..." Kurisa looked at Juki then spoke "Are you sure that is such a good idea Head Captain? after all, a senior Captains Bankai against a low level Captains is hardly fair" Before Juki could speak Kaizo looked over to Kurisa then spoke "Oh is that so? want to put that Bankai where your mouth is? cause you know I'm feeling quite up to this challenge now! just so I get a chance to hit your smug ass!" Kurisa then made a slight chuckle, very little of one...hardly a chuckle at all before he spoke "You believe you have a chance against me? I out match you in every area, my Zanjutsu is far superior to yours, my Kido far greater than yours and my Hoho a great deal better than yours...as for your Hakuda...you wont ever get close enough to use it...on paper you stand no chance...." Kaizo then began to laugh before he spoke "Oh is that so? then we best see who is better then shouldn't we!?" Juki through out the time was trying to get a word in then sighed before he actually got to speak "This isn't a case of seeing who is better, or who's Bankai is better...I just want to pit Captains against eachother in order to train them for actual strong enemies that may share similar skills, then when you face said enemies you have the skills to deal with them...now shall we get started?" Kaizo looked over to Juki then raised an eyebrow "Here?" Juki then nodded, as Kaizo turned his head a hado 4 shot past it, barely missing it.

Key = Kaizo - Normal, Kurisa - Bold

"WHAT THE HELL!?" "Never take your eyes off your opponent" "WE ONLY JUST STARTED YOU MAD MAN! YOU KNOW WHAT SCREW THIS! BAN-KAI!" Kaizo had unsheathed his Zanpakuto and immediately gone to Bankai not wasting any time "You ready to get your ass handed to you Kuchiki!?" Kurisa said nothing and only activated his Shikai "Fighting you with my Bankai would be an insult to it...I doubt you will even get past my Shikai..." Kaizo frowned as petals then flew towards Kaizo, he then disappeared and re-appeared infront of Kurisa, his fist already slammed into Kurisa's stomach sending him flying back across the room, Kurisa held himself up as he skidded back before coughing "What sort of Bankai is this? he moved so fast that my eyes had trouble to even follow him...no...I could see him...I couldn't sense him, why? has his Spiritual pressure dropped? as reckless as it is I may have to take more hits in order to understand the nature of his Bankai" "Is that all that Bankai has? I'm disappointed 2nd Division Captain...I would have thought your Bankai would be far more deadly..." Kaizo chuckled then spoke "You've seen nothing yet..." Kaizo then waited for a moment before he used shunpo, appearing behind Kurisa. Kurisa then turned aiming to cut Kaizo however he was met with a voice from behind him "Where are you looking Kuchiki?" As Kurisa turned, his eyes widened as his face was met with Kaizo's right fist sending him flying towards the wall, however he was stopped by what appeared to be some sort of barrier, almost a rubbery one as it absorbed the impact of Kurisa against it. Kurisa then dropped down to the floor then narrowed his eyes "That is an interesting Bankai you have there...it seems truly fitting of a Squad 2 coward..." Kaizo chuckled then spoke "Big words for a man who excels in the art of running away...perhaps you should put it to good use and try using it to get close to your opponent..." Kaizo then heard a voice from behind him "Like this?" Kaizo grinned as he turned and caught Kurisa's incoming blade with his right hand, this then caused his blade to crack which made Kurisa's eyes widen as he made his petals dash for Kaizo who let go of Kurisa's Zanpakuto, Kurisa then shunpoed back and looked at his Zanpakuto and narrowed his eyes "What sort of power is this? how was able to effortlessly stop my Zanpakuto? even go to the point of causing it to crack.." Kurisa then looked up at Kaizo as his petals closed in on him, Kaizo however was grinning as he then slammed his right fist into the ground releasing a massive shockwave that threw the petals away "You may want to use your Bankai Captain Kuchiki...because these petals will never reach me...nor will you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

'Ho hum, alone again... I can't just stay here, I need to do something, anything...' Looking down at the fresh batch of laundry she had just finished drying, Miwa frowned an unsatisfied frown. She had been feeling this way for a while now... Feeling useless within the walls of the Kuchiki manor. She hardly left the estate since she didn't want to cause any trouble for her family. Even during the unfortunate times of her son having to leave home and her daughter-in-law coming down with an illness, she was utterly useless. The most she could do was to try her best getting Kurisu's fiancée through the illness alive... but she had failed miserably. It should of been her.... or so that was what Miwa told herself. But then she would be reminded of the one point in her life where it was close to being her... She hadn't told anyone about it but she nearly died of the same illness centuries ago, however she survived somehow. Then decades later when she had built up a family with Kurisa, her daughter-in-law came down with near enough the same thing... It must of been stronger this time or had grown a resistance to medication which ended in an unfortunate tragedy... "Ulgh! No! I need to get out of here!" Miwa yelled to herself before standing up. She placed the basket of clean clothes on top of the dryer before running off to her room to get changed into something more different than she was used to.

"Hm, so this is what they all wear huh? Feels roomy, I could get used to this. Now where did I hide that thing?" Miwa turned her body in the mirror, taking a look at every aspect of the shihakushō she 'borrowed' during her last visit to Squad Six. There was one other thing she was currently missing, which she had to get on her hands and knees to find. Looking under the bed her and Kurisa shared, Miwa pulled out a long, black box and sat back on the floor, re-adjusting her glasses. Opening the box, she read the label inside the top of the box with a smirk. "I hope Squad Six won't miss this Asauchi hmhmhm~ I should fit in nicely now." Miwa stood, taking the sheathed Katana out of the box and attaching it to her left hip. Once secure, Miwa hid the box back in the same place as before.

After one last look in the mirror, Miwa smiled before running out of the room and leaving the manor.

Three kids, two boys and one girl, past Miwa as she walked, all wearing shihakushōs. 'Perfect' She walked into the Seireitei through the west entrance and looked around, acting as natural as possible and hoping she wouldn't bump into her husband or son. 'Now, if I remember correctly, Squad Twelve shouldn't be too far from here.' Walking deeper into the Seireitei, she soon found herself asking a random Shinigami for directions even though her thoughts of where the Squad Twelve barracks was located were correct. "So here it is." Standing at the entrance, Miwa entered, observing the place as she ventured deeper to find the Captain or Lieutenant. She had already formed a plan within her head of how she'd be able to spend time here without the other two finding out. Since they were a Lieutenant and a Captain, they tended to come home at late times. Miwa had already kept in mind the earliest time either of them had came home and set that as her curfew, and so she'd have to make sure she's home before that deadline every day. Looking around, she continued to walk throughout the outside of the barrack building, looking for a Shinigami to talk to and ask for where the Lieutenant or Captain might be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kurisa and Kaizo's training session continued on, Kurisa had eventually decided to use his Bankai and as cause of this Kaizo had been put in a pretty rough state, his own Bankai was shredded and torn, his body cut a thousand times over, the blood dripping from his arms down to his finger tips onto the floor however Kaizo refused to give up, Juki then spoke "Kaizo...do not take this any further...this training session has already gone far enough..." "No...No...I wont lose to him, I wont lose to you Kurisa Kuchiki!" Kaizo looked up, blood dripping down his face as he shouted at him "I wont lose to you!" Kaizo then took off running towards Kurisa "How foolish, to think you could ever defeat me" Kurisa then appeared behind Kaizo, his Zanpakuto dripping with blood as Kaizo stopped, blood shooting out of his right shoulder "This fight is over...." Petals then began rushing towards Kaizo who could no longer move his body "Move! move! move! MOVE!! I CAN'T LOSE! NOT TO HIM!" as the petals closed in they were suddenly stopped which caused Kurisa to look over his right shoulder, his eyes widening at the sight of Juki stopping his petals with his bare hand "This Bankai is blunt Kuchiki...it is very effective on beings with less power but what good is it against someone who is stronger? did you think you two were the only ones who were learning from this? I have learnt that Kaizo has the strength to fight people far above his tier however he lacks strategy and rushes in recklessly and you Kurisa...you analyse your opponent which is very well and good...but you take to long doing it, Kaizo may not have seen it but I did...not all enemies will be like Kaizo and once the enemy knows you are analysing them they will feed you false information about themselves and throw you off...your greatest skill is also your weakest...This session is over..." Kurisa sealed his Bankai as Kaizo then dropped to his knees and slammed his right fist into the ground "Dammit!...I wanted to win..." Kurisa then turned and began walking off towards the balcony of the Squad 1 office "Hmph..." Kurisa then disappeared with a use of his shunpo. Juki then looked down at Kaizo who was still hitting the floor "Take this as an experience Kaizo...you got to fight someone stronger than you and live...when the enemy comes you may not be so lucky...so take this defeat as something to learn from, you do see how much more you must do correct?" Kaizo grit his teeth then spoke "Yes...Head Captain" Kaizo then stood to his feet and turned away "I am going back to my Squad...they must be wondering where I am...." with that Kaizo shunpoed off, however in truth...not heading to his Squad at all...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Within the Human world~

"So weak...you taste dreadful, I hate weak tasting creatures like you..." a cloaked man stood up from what would appear to be a hollow, the man raised his right sleeve to his mouth then wiped the blood from it as he then let out a deep breath into the cold air "It was far from enjoyable, but was filling enough..." The man then sniffed the air then turned slightly as he looked to a being who stood at the end of the ally way he was in, their silhouette the only thing that was noticeable, no features were obvious "I didn't know this was a thing, how disgusting..eating hollow? that's something reserved for us to do...[b]" The man lifted his hood up slightly revealing a glowing red eye "Oh~ what have we here? a nice powerful one...you certainly seem like a tasty one...mhmhmhmhmhm~" "[b]Tch, you make me sick...what the hell do you even get from this anyway?" "What do I get? I get to end your kinds pitiful and wasteful existence in a way you are all to familiar with...you ruin lives by killing humans and souls alike, yet it's always the innocent you pray on...so I pray on your kind, I beat them slowly, torturing them and making them scream~ oh the screams! HAHHAHAHAHAHA! The fear in their eyes! it's such a pleasurable sight~ their screams are music to my ears~ oh~ how I do enjoy it...then...once I grow tired of playing with their lives I eat them...making sure they die in as painful of a way possible..." "You sick freak!" A bright red orb then formed from the right palm of the being that then fired it towards the cloaked man causing an explosion as it hit "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA TAKE THAT YOU TRASH!" "So full of yourself aren't you~?" The being then turned to look behind him only for a blade to pierce through his chest and out his back, this caused his eyes to widen drastically as he looked forward to the cloaked man "What's the matter?" The being then began to scream as his hands held his head as he began to shake it violently "STOP! PLEASE STOP! I-I'M SORRY! STOP!" "Oh I forgot...you're locked in your mind aren't you? it's breaking...though...you want out don't you? is it to much for you to handle...Arrancar~" The cloaked man then pulled his blade out from the Arrancars chest as it then fell to it's knees, a blank expression on it's face as it's eyes grew dull, The cloaked man then walked past the arrancar "Enjoy~ if the Shinigami don't get you...well...the other hollows will...see you~ mhmhmhmhmhmhm~" The cloaked man then disappeared leaving the arrancar in the same position

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Looking down at the fresh batch of laundry she had just finished drying, Miwa frowned an unsatisfied frown. She had been feeling this way for a while now... Feeling useless within the walls of the Kuchiki manor. She hardly left the estate since she didn't want to cause any trouble for her family. Even during the unfortunate times of her son having to leave home and her daughter-in-law coming down with an illness, she was utterly useless. The most she could do was to try her best getting Kurisu's fiancée through the illness alive... but she had failed miserably. It should of been her.... or so that was what Miwa told herself. But then she would be reminded of the one point in her life where it was close to being her... She hadn't told anyone about it but she nearly died of the same illness centuries ago, however she survived somehow. Then decades later when she had built up a family with Kurisa, her daughter-in-law came down with near enough the same thing... It must of been stronger this time or had grown a resistance to medication which ended in an unfortunate tragedy... Miwa yelled to herself before standing up. She placed the basket of clean clothes on top of the dryer before running off to her room to get changed into something more different than she was used to. Miwa turned her body in the mirror, taking a look at every aspect of the shihakushō she 'borrowed' during her last visit to Squad Six. There was one other thing she was currently missing, which she had to get on her hands and knees to find. Looking under the bed her and Kurisa shared, Miwa pulled out a long, black box and sat back on the floor, re-adjusting her glasses. Opening the box, she read the label inside the top of the box with a smirk. Miwa stood, taking the sheathed Katana out of the box and attaching it to her left hip. Once secure, Miwa hid the box back in the same place as before. After one last look in the mirror, Miwa smiled before running out of the room and leaving the manor.Three kids, two boys and one girl, past Miwa as she walked, all wearing shihakushōs. She walked into the Seireitei through the west entrance and looked around, acting as natural as possible and hoping she wouldn't bump into her husband or son. Walking deeper into the Seireitei, she soon found herself asking a random Shinigami for directions even though her thoughts of where the Squad Twelve barracks was located were correct. Standing at the entrance, Miwa entered, observing the place as she ventured deeper to find the Captain or Lieutenant. She had already formed a plan within her head of how she'd be able to spend time here without the other two finding out. Since they were a Lieutenant and a Captain, they tended to come home at late times. Miwa had already kept in mind the earliest time either of them had came home and set that as her curfew, and so she'd have to make sure she's home before that deadline every day. Looking around, she continued to walk throughout the outside of the barrack building, looking for a Shinigami to talk to and ask for where the Lieutenant or Captain might be.

Zero walked down the halls, Kagiko by his side as he spoke "Kagiko, I'm going to the human world to investigate this...an arrancar appearing like that is never any good" Kagiko nodded then spoke "Understood Captain, is there anything you want me to do while I am here?" Zero continued to look forward as he then spoke "Yes, keep an eye on the other cities...I don't want anything else like this happening, if it does contact me immediately. Squad 13 should be handling this but I'd rather leave them out of this...if there is an Arrancar I want them for my experiments...so this is strictly off the records...." Kagiko nodded then stopped walking as Zero left the barracks. Kagiko then noticed a face he didn't recognise, one that wasn't on the records. Kagiko approached the woman then spoke "Hey there, how are you? I'm sorry I don't think I've ever seen you around before. My Name is Kagiko, I am this divisions Lieutenant" Kagiko smiled as he extended his right hand out to woman for a handshake
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Zero walked down the halls, Kagiko by his side as he spoke "" Kagiko nodded then spoke "Understood Captain, is there anything you want me to do while I am here?" Zero continued to look forward as he then spoke "" Kagiko nodded then stopped walking as Zero left the barracks. Kagiko then noticed a face he didn't recognise, one that wasn't on the records. Kagiko approached the woman then spoke "Hey there, how are you? I'm sorry I don't think I've ever seen you around before. My Name is Kagiko, I am this divisions Lieutenant" Kagiko smiled as he extended his right hand out to woman for a handshake

Miwa wondered around for a good few minutes, unable to find anyone. 'Are they all inside or something?' She stopped wondering, tapping her chin while momentarily getting distracted by a butterfly. 'How pretty...' She watched as it landed on top of a near-by tree, it's wings moving slowly as the creature sat on the branch before the sound of voices reached her ears. 'People?' Miwa couldn't make out what they were talking about but before she could make her way over to them, she noticed a green-haired man leaving through the entrance wearing a Captain's Haori. 'Dammit, I wish Kurisa would of talked to me more about the Gotei 13... Luckily I did my research or else I wouldn't know any names at all.' Pouting ever-so-slightly so that is wasn't noticeable, Miwa just watched as the Captain left. 'It's probably better not to bother him since he must be going out for business reasons. From what I've found out, his name must be Zero... hmm, weird that he doesn't have a second name....' As Miwa thought, she didn't notice a man approach her until he spoke. The moment a sound was made by his mouth, Miwa snapped back to reality, immediately putting her guard up but not making it noticeable that she was. The man then introduced himself and held his hand out for a handshake. Miwa gladly shook his hand. "Ahh, Lieutenant Kagiko, just the person I was looking for." She grinned a little before standing straight in a professional manner. "That'd make sense since I'm new around here. I'd like to enquiry whether I'd be able to join this Squad? My name is Miwa Ringo... yeah, I'd prefer to be referred to as Ringo if that is Okay with you?" Miwa gave a polite smile as she released Kagiko's hand, unintentionally looking down to spot that she had forgotten to take off her wedding ring. 'I knew I would forget to do something...' Balling her left hand in a fist, Miwa hid it under her left sleeve while still smiling at Kagiko.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Summary: Kenta and Keina train…Yep

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While the two fought valiantly against the hollows, the numbers just kept increasing around them. Soon they would find themselves almost utterly surrounded by hollows. Thats when From afar a blue little bolt struck one of the hollows in the head. Several more bolts struck other hollows in the head, and instead of dying a blue shield then formed around them and several other hollows who tried getting out but to no avail. The hollows then struck by the blue bolt would begin shaking before exploding killing the hollows in the shields that held them there. This process repeated again, which must of made other hollows catch on as they turned around and started running away. Mok then appeared near the two with a Sniper rifle, and this times fired a shot into the air, which split into nearly a hundred several tinier bolts and struck the fleeing Hollows in the heads. As Mok leaned the sniper on his shoulder, multiple squad five members shown up which made Mok glare at them. "Took you slowpokes long enough! Well you missed the hollows, yet I want half and half to guard the perimeter of this district, in case more hollows show up." Mok then looked at the two he dragged her and smiled. "You guys id good, i'll let your captains know how well you did." Mok said as his sniper rifle turned into a sword which he sheathed and then shunpoed back to the Seireitei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sinai kept fighting up until the captain appeared next to her with a gun. With the hollows now on the retreat she could breath easily. He convergance dissipated as she sheathed her actual zanpakuto. she never even got a chance to figure out who the hell this captain was. It wasn't until just than that she noticed the squad number on the back of his captains jacket. And Just like that, he was gone. he barked out some orders to his men, said something to her and the other guy and shunpo's off. at this point she really didnt even care. She looked at the other guy who was dragged along with her to make sure he was still in one piece. "i dont think i caught your name" she spoke to him. He was alive which counted for something, sadly she didnt get to see him fight. she was too busy trying to stay alive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nicias Askani said
Sinai kept fighting up until the captain appeared next to her with a gun. With the hollows now on the retreat she could breath easily. He convergance dissipated as she sheathed her actual zanpakuto. she never even got a chance to figure out who the hell this captain was. It wasn't until just than that she noticed the squad number on the back of his captains jacket. And Just like that, he was gone. he barked out some orders to his men, said something to her and the other guy and shunpo's off. at this point she really didnt even care. She looked at the other guy who was dragged along with her to make sure he was still in one piece. "i dont think i caught your name" she spoke to him. He was alive which counted for something, sadly she didnt get to see him fight. she was too busy trying to stay alive.

He never felt so exhausted in his life. Every muscles in his body ached from the intense fighting he had been put through in his first day as a shinigami. Never would he thought would he be put in two missions that would've been this life threatening at least on his first day, but relief had suddenly spread through him. He survived this ordeal and would live to see another day. The two bangles that served as his zanpukto reformed onto his wrists, the golden bands shimmered slightly in the light. He turned to look at the woman who asked for his name and responded with, "My name is Ai Zheng Rui. I just graduated from the academy today." Zheng smiled at her in a friendly and then said, "And may I catch your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Sinai couldnt help but chuckle "my name is Sinai...today is my first day too" she explained. Imagine that two new recruits dropped in a cluster fuck like this. She wouldn't have believed such a thing was even allowed. But then again she had heard that they were raising the bar in the seirietei for all shinigami. "what squad are you in. I gather you aren't from the same squad as that captain" Sinai took a seat on the ground right where she stood. Standing was too much of a struggle at this point. there was always the chance that she wouldnt be able to get back but at this point...she didnt care
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nicias Askani said
Sinai couldnt help but chuckle "my name is Sinai...today is my first day too" she explained. Imagine that two new recruits dropped in a cluster fuck like this. She wouldn't have believed such a thing was even allowed. But then again she had heard that they were raising the bar in the seirietei for all shinigami. "what squad are you in. I gather you aren't from the same squad as that captain" Sinai took a seat on the ground right where she stood. Standing was too much of a struggle at this point. there was always the chance that she wouldnt be able to get back but at this point...she didnt care

Zheng sat down across from her and stretched his arms high into the air for a moment. "I'm in Squad 7, we don't have a captain currently." He leand back against a wall he sat in front of him and grunted slightly from the discomfort his muscles gave him. "I already had a mission today so this was just over kill on my body." He chuckled to himself at the thought he had been working overtime on his first day as a shinigami though it was exciting to say the least. However he could live with a day off from his many near death experiences in one day. "So, what squad are you in Sinai?" The young man asked the woman, hoping to learn about the other shinigami that he would be working with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Squad seven, interesting, the other squad that was supposed to be good at hakudo. She held up to fingers in response to his question "squad 2, just got tested today" and spent the rest of the day training and other random shit "I'm really not sure about it though. But I'm not really sure what I'm looking for anyway" she explained with a strange amount of honesty. She really didn't know what she was looking to get out of her experience in the gotei 13. Sure getting stronger and maintaining that balance of souls but those were responsibilities not ambitions. she grinned "are aiming to be squad sevens captain on day?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nicias Askani said
Squad seven, interesting, the other squad that was supposed to be good at hakudo. She held up to fingers in response to his question "squad 2, just got tested today" and spent the rest of the day training and other random shit "I'm really not sure about it though. But I'm not really sure what I'm looking for anyway" she explained with a strange amount of honesty. She really didn't know what she was looking to get out of her experience in the gotei 13. Sure getting stronger and maintaining that balance of souls but those were responsibilities not ambitions. she grinned "are aiming to be squad sevens captain on day?"

"I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for at some point." Zheng smiled at her and rubbed the back of his sore neck. He knew what he wanted to get out his time in the Gotei 13; he wanted to become a captain though he knew he would have many adversities to face if he was going to meet his goal. It was never going to be easy and to be honest if it was easy then he wouldn't even dare think about becoming a captain. It would've held no meaning for him to become a captain if it didn't challenge him at all. "Isn't it the aim of every shinigami to become a captain one day? I'm pretty sure that I'm one of those dreamers that strives for that position." He chuckled at the thought of him becoming a captain, which did seem very far away after witnessing Mok's power. "However, I'll fight whoever I have to if I want to become a captain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"i guess its a common goal. so that will be a lot of fights" sinai smiled. At least he knew what he wanted, and knew how to get there. She was still trying to figure out what she wanted. She stretched out her arms "who knows maybe i'll be on that list one day" she joked. Of course it was a possibility but she had no real intentions of signing up so to speak. But fate had a funny way of doing things, and the future, especially hers, remained an eternal mystery. All she had to do solve the mystery was live. And by live we mean survive bullshit clusterfucks. "do you think all the missions we get as shinigami will be that...screwed up?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

- Hari Clan Rebellion Part One: The Battle Begins -

After a rather lengthy walk, Fumio found himself in front of a large brick arc. This was the only entrance into the Clan's grounds from the floor which meant that this area was under constant surveillance by guards... Although there didn't seem to be any around... Stretching off in both the left and right of the entrance was a tall brick wall that surrounded the entire Clan. It was almost impossible to climb... Although the arc-way looked passable, there was actually an invisible barrier that only Hari's could pass through, anything else would be repelled and the same goes for the top of the wall. Even if someone were to climb the wall or try to land into the Clan's area, they'd be repelled if they weren't a Hari.

Fumio stopped outside of the entrance, taking a deep breath to physically and mentally prepare himself for what would lay ahead. 'Heh, I'm surprised I'm not nervous~ Well anyway, no point in reminiscing over the scenery, time to finish this~' Stepping forward, Fumio didn't hesitate to walk through the barrier, although the inside was not what he expected... 'Huh... Looks as if a bomb had hit recently... Dammit Ursula.' Fumio scowled at the scene around him. The small park him and Souta used to play at when they were a children was nothing but a muddy crater now.... The wall near the alleyway where Huerona had stopped three bullies from picking on him by beating them up when they were kids had been reduced to rubble.... The school him, Huerona and Souta attended, along with the other Hari's in their generation had also been obliterated... Everything around him had been destroyed, leaving nothing but ruins.... Fumio's face had completely dropped into a straight one, masking his emotions over seeing all of this... Instead he just continued to move forward, making it to the only building still standing; the Head of the Clan's quarters.

Stopping outside, Fumio scanned the pristine rock and giant wooden doors, scanning all the way up to the top. 'Of course this building would look like new... ' Stepping closer to the door, Fumio pushed both of the double doors open, letting them swing all the way as the suns rays coated his body while hitting the floor of the dark room. He stood in the doorway, posture perfect while his face was dead-straight with a tinge of seriousness.

"Prince... So you've returned to me~" The sound of footsteps were heard from within the dark room and judging by how much they echoed, it was safe to suggest that this room was indeed very wide and quite tall. After the owner of the footsteps had came to a halt in the middle of the room, a clap sounded before candle lights from around the room lit up, dispersing a warm, orange glow and revealing the person who occupied the room.

"Ursula." Fumio acknowledged the woman, knowing who it was without even needing to see her.

"Heh, good to know that you remember me Kazuhiko. Now come in and tell me why you've returned." Ursula smirked as she turned to Fumio, crossing her arms while speaking to him in an authoritative tone of voice. Fumio obeyed her order and walked in, both doors shutting simultaneously behind him. Crossing his own arms, Fumio found himself chuckling, a smirk upon is own face also. "I think you know why I'm here Ursula~" His smirk was wide and dark, meanwhile Ursula watched him, letting her own drop to into a tight line. "Foolish boy. Have you not learned anything while I was raising you? Your little plan isn't going to work. I already know everything that you've been up to" Ursula then grinned darkly herself. "I'm going to give you one more chance to turn back and finish what I've started~ If you've forgotten, let me remind you~ Your aim is to kill every Hari member who are marked and absorb their power~ That includes Umeko and Fushimaru. Once you've done that task, then you're allowed to return. Now leave before I change my mind and punish you for this treachery." Ursula's grin left her face as she grew serious while talking, Fumio however seemed amused and simply laughed at her.

"Ehahahahaha~ Oh don't get me wrong, I tried to kill them but couldn't~ You want to know why? It's simple really~" Fumio stared at Ursula with eyes tinted slightly with a certain madness that he'd always show before he killed his opponent. Ursula never thought Fumio would ever be stupid enough to look at her in that way, but after what she had been told, it was only to be expected. Ursula kept quiet however and just watched Fumio before he continued to talk. "The reason I didn't is because they will be the ones who Kill you~ And I wouldn't want to prevent that now, would I Master?" Fumio chuckled, composing himself while Ursula burst out laughing. "Really?! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! THEY'RE THE WEAKEST OF THE CLAN! What makes you think they have a chance against me?! Because they're your friends? Is that it? Pitiful Kazuhiko. I thought I had gotten rid of that part of you a long time ago when I threatened to kill them if you disobeyed me but apparently not. After you've been defeated, looks like I'll have to start with you all... over... again. Hmhm" Ursula smirked. "This little plan to overrule me was already ruined before you could even start it~ Like I've said, I already know everything~ Thanks to-" "Wait there Ursula~" Fumio held out his hand to stop Ursula, which she did while quickly gaining an annoyed expression. "I wasn't finished." "I know, I just want the ones I brought with me to have a gooood view of this~ You two, come on out~" Fumio grinned as shuffling sounds were heard before Rio and Souta emerged from behind two of the many large pillar lining the left and right walls of the room. Both then walked closer to Fumio, standing behind him on either side of the guy. Souta instantly scowled at Ursula while Rio simply watched, her face showing no emotion as her arms crossed. Ursula was surprised at this, but only let it show for a few seconds before letting her face drop. "I don't know how you two got in here without me noticing but that doesn't matter. Looks like all of the traitors are here then, makes things alot easier for me when it comes to disposing of the trash~ Now, as I was saying. I know everything, thanks to this young lady~ PATRIKA!" Ursula yelled, in which Patrika walked into the room through a door in the back . She walked forward a little; in front of Ursula. Both Souta's and Rio's eyebrows raised a touch, Fumio however continued to grin. "Hehe shocked huh? Annnngry? You lot made the wrong decision in choosing me to aid you! I do not help traitors!" Patrika stood in a confident stance with a smug smirk across her lips before narrowing her eyes at Rio. "You worthless little bitch Umeko, you're finally going to die without the help of your stupid friends~ Oh I can't wait unti-U-u.. H-n..." Rio's and Souta's eyes widened considerably at the sight before them while Fumio merely chuckled with amusement.

Blood... Patrika's blood specifically, dripped off of the tip of Ursula's blade and onto the ground. "Ur... su... la?" Life was quickly draining from Patrika's eyes since Ursula had unexpectedly stabbed her through her back. Ursula simply looked at her with a bored expression. "You talk too much. The second you associated yourself with this trash, you became a traitor. This is the reality of things, you can't pick and choose what side you're on when it fits you. Now die." Ripping her sword out, Patrika's body fell limp onto the floor, slowly being surrounded by a puddle of her own blood. Ursula's eyes then drifted to the three, noticing that Rio and Souta were shocked at this, however Fumio seemed to be enjoying himself. Eyeing Fumio the most, Ursula liked seeing his amusement. "Enjoy the show Kazuhiko~? At least not all of my work has been erased~" Fumio looked up at the silvery woman. "What can I say? She was a bother. I had so many chances to kill her-" "Why didn't you? If she was a bother, it shouldn't of been hard." Ursula studied Fumio's reaction carefully but just as he was about to speak, Souta cut in. "He didn't because he's not a monster like you!!"

A silence weaved through the four of them as Souta's words echoed throughout the room. Ursula looked at Souta with dead eyes, however Souta's scowl didn't falter. "He isn't a monster like me? Interesting... It's clear to me that you're in denial. The person to the right of you isn't sane. He's just as mad as I am, if anything he's worse. I do take pride in my work though~" Souta narrowed his eyes at Ursula before Fumio yawned purposely. "I'm growing tired of this, atleast don't act like I'm not in the room. The bottom line is, what Patrika did, I already knew about. She's a dumb girl. I knew exactly what was going on, I knew she told you and was in contact with you but that doesn't bother me. If anything, you were expecting us, meaning that I could easily get you right where I want you. Now~" Fumio placed his hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto, bending his knees slightly as his grin dropped. "I've had enough of talking to you! Time for you to die!"

Fumio dashed for Ursula, leaving a dent in the stone floor he launched from due to his slightly raised spiritual energy. Unsheathing his Zanpakuto, Fumio placed his left hand at the bottom of the blade before quickly stroking it all the way up and off of the tip, releasing his Shikai quickly through that action before swinging it up only to swing it down at Ursula. Ursula only stood and watched, lifting her sword with just her right hand so that Fumio clashed with it. The guy pulled his Shikai back before swinging it at Ursula again, only for their blades to clash a second time but in a different position. After two more swings and clashes, Fumio and Ursula held their swords against each-other, putting pressure onto their sword to force the other to move, however the amount of pressure was equal. Ursula smirked as she had a clear view of Fumio's face, looking into his eyes. "I can see a part of myself in you Kazuhiko~" She spoke while holding her grin as Fumio looked back at her, his face serious. "I'm nothing like you Ursula so don't flatter yourself.... I'm better than you hmhmhm~" With a chuckle, Fumio pulled his blade back again, swinging it towards her three more times as all attempts ended in clashes. Pulling their swords back, Ursula swung for Fumio this time, aiming to cut Fumio's shoulder. The latter, however, crouched so Ursula's blade narrowly missed his shoulder and instead moved past his face. With a grin, Fumio took this opening to stab Ursula point-blank in her stomach.

But... something wasn't right. Instead of feeling his sword smash through the crystal covering, he felt himself only hit it. Looking down, Fumio's eyes widened as he found that he hadn't even scratched the crystal despite all of the power he had put into this strike. Observing Fumio's shocked expression, Ursula smirked as she had her left hand pulled back and balled into a fist. Fumio quickly looked up before begin punched square in the face which sent him flying back, his body flipping in the air before he hit the floor and rolled, eventually coming to a stop with his face in the ground.

"Kazuhiko!" Souta and Rio took a step forward, both with hands on the hilts of their Zanpakutos but before they could move, Fumio turned his head to them. "STAY BACK!" He yelled, causing both of the two to stop in their tracks and only watch. Souta didn't want this to go on for any longer but Fumio had the both of them promise not to interfere until he said they could so he had no choice but to let what was happening, happen....

Placing both hands on the stone floor, Fumio tried to push himself up but little did he know, Ursula had already walked over to him. Looking down with a wide grin present on her opaque face, Ursula lifted her right foot and stomped on Fumio's mid-back, causing him to fall back to the floor. She then lifted her foot once more and stomped on Fumio again, this time adding more pressure to force Fumio's body further into the stone beneath him. She continued to stomp on him three more times, forcing Fumio's body deeper and deeper into the floor and causing the stone around him to raise. Fumio coughed up some blood once she had stopped, which caught Ursula's attention.

After kicking Fumio's body over, Ursula bent down to grab him by the top of his shirt with her left hand, lifting him up off the floor while smirking at him. "You're not going to let them help you, are you? You'll die before they'll be able to anyway~" Fumio narrowed his eyes dangerously at Ursula, gritting his teeth before lifting both feet up and pushing them into Ursula's torso. He had raised his spiritual energy a lot more so the force behind his feet was immense, enough to make Ursula let him go while skidding back, however she didn't skid back far... Dust drifted around Ursula's feet while Fumio landed onto the floor, his knees bent a little before he stood up straight, chuckling suddenly. "I won't die until I'm sure you're dead~" Chuckling more, the maddened look he held before returned while crystal slowly began sliding up his arm, growing from his blade and covering his whole body. "Complete Crystallisation~" Fumio chimed.

"I see...." Although shocked that Fumio could Crystallise, Ursula didn't let this emotion show, instead she just narrowed her eyes, seeming already bored of Fumio's new form. A large grin was slapped on Fumio's face as he lifted his Shikai up and over his head, holding the hilt with both hands behind him. Without another word, Fumio sharply swung his Shikai forward and down in one fast movement, creating an extremely large, thick arc of crystal from the cutting edge of his blade that tore through the floor and ceiling while it head directly for Ursula. The woman, on the other hand, just stood her ground and held her sword in her left hand while lifting her right. Without a second to spare, Fumio's arc made contact with Ursula's right hand, pushing her through the back of the building and into the outside space. During the whole time, Ursula fought against the force behind the arc, eventually slowing it down to a stop. Once she had managed to stop it, Ursula squeezed the crystal tightly with her right hand, clenching her hand into a fist which caused the arc to shatter almost immediately under her pressure.

As the crystal shards fell, Fumio launched from his spot once again, killing intent evident on his still-grinning face. With one.. no two.. no three more swings landing on Ursula's body, Fumio managed to start chipping away at Ursula's crystal form a bit at a time, however this was obviously not good enough to get anywhere near close to defeating her. CLANK! Ursula clashed swords once more with Fumio after she had swung hers from her right to left. She held Fumio's Shikai to the left side of her since she was holding her sword in her left hand at this moment in time. While Fumio struggled to move his sword, Ursula used her right hand to harshly grab a handful of Fumio's crimson hair, holding his head still to force him to look at her. Fumio grit his teeth at this, reluctantly looking back at her. Ursula's crystal eyes watched Fumio's face closely before she began speaking. "... What happened Prince? What is with all of this emotion? I thought I had gotten rid of all of that bullshit a long time ago. I guess I'm going to have to punish you for allowing yourself to grow weak." Fumio's eyes widened just as Ursula lifted her right knee, kneeing Fumio in straight in the stomach, puling her knee back before kneeing him four more times in the same spot while holding his head in place by his hair. After coughing a little, Fumio finally gathered himself and grabbed Ursula's knee with his left hand after taking it off of the hilt of his sword just before she could land a fifth strike. Looking up at Ursula with furious eyes, Fumio ignored the pain in his head from his hair being pulled and head-butted Ursula with the majority of his strength. Since Ursula didn't expect to be head-butted, she released Fumio's hair while her head flung back. Using this opening to escape, Fumio shunpoed back, standing up straight and wiping his mouth with his right forearm before looking down at himself... frowning.

'C-c-cracks? She cracked Kazuhiko's form?!' Souta thought as his widened eyes were attached to the mess of multiple cracks on Fumio's crystallised torso. Rio scanned Fumio's body from bottom to top while at the vantage point her and Souta had moved to outside of the back of the building. 'This is bad. I can't stand back fo-' Before Rio could finish her thought, Ursula was already in pursuit, darting to Fumio while smirking.

"Surprised Kazuhiko?" Ursula swung the flat side of her blade towards the right of Fumio's body, in which he hurriedly used his right arm and left hand to block. "N-no... I'm not surprised... You've grown stronger than I expected... Good~" A Cheshire cat-like smile stretched across Fumio's face as he pushed against Ursula's sword before shunpo'ing back suddenly. Still facing Ursula, Fumio once again sprinted for her, lifting his Shikai up while holding the hilt with both hands before swinging it down onto the woman... only for her to lift her left hand to catch it after switching hands to hold her sword in her right hand instead. Fumio's eyes widened a touch before growing fierce as he added as much more force behind his blade by increasing his spiritual pressure a little more. Slowly, he managed to lower Ursula's hand, during which Ursula's face became dead straight as she watched Fumio before stiffening her left hand to halt any more movement. With that, Fumio proceeded to try and pull his sword back, only to find his sword stuck. Despite Ursula's iron grip, he continued to try and yank his blade out of her grasp while still holding the hilt with both hands. "I can see it now... You've definitely grown weak Kazuhiko. How could you let this happen? Haven't you been listening to me at all? I'm trying to make your stronger!" Fumio's eyebrows furrowed with anger at what Ursula said. "You were trying to use me!! You knew I was stronger the whole time so you fucking tortured me! Mentally and physically abused me!!... Even fucking raped me!!! I've Had ENOUGH! I'm not your fucking toy anymore!!!" As Fumio yelled, he raised his spiritual energy further and finally broke free of Ursula's grip, however Ursula wasn't going to let this happen... Leaning forward, Ursula quickly grabbed Fumio's blade with her left hand once more but this time she pulled him towards her before delivering a strong kick to the left side of Fumio's torso. Fumio took the hit however, focused on trying to pull his sword back once again. Ursula continued to watch him struggle, void of emotion as she was about to land another kick in the same spot when Fumio took his left hand off of his sword's hilt to grab her leg, only using one hand to pull his sword back. "LET ME GO BITCH!" He shouted in a rough tone which Ursula dropped her sword and leaned in closer to him, using her right hand to grab his hair harshly again and tilt his head towards her to look him dead in the eyes. "You do not speak to me like that. Where are your manners Kazuhiko Hari." Ursula then head-butted Fumio, causing him to screw his eyebrows together before kneeing her with his left knee repeatedly in her stomach until she let go, which she did eventually. Jumping back, Fumio panted while a few streams of blood ran down his forehead... she had hit him harder than he thought...

Standing straight once more, Fumio watched Ursula as she picked up her sword and crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at him. With a straight face, Fumio looked at the other two, noticing Souta's terrified expression while Rio seemed shocked but angry. Fumio then smiled at the two, mainly trying to ensure them that he was Okay in case they tried to join in sooner than he had planned. Turning back to Ursula, Fumio readied himself before running towards her, swinging his sword up once more before back down to clash with Ursula again. He then went for a few more shots in different areas, only to clash again and again and again with Ursula. She then plunged her sword forward, aiming to slice across Fumio's right side, however the guy had jumped up and landed on top of the flat side of Ursula's blade. Fumio then aimed a kick to Ursula's face, which she, unfortunately for him, caught with her left hand, holding his foot before smirking while sneaking her hand further up onto Fumio's ankle before he could react. He almost expected Ursula's next move... She swung him back over her head before throwing him face-fist into the floor. Groaning while covered in rubble, Ursula stomped on the back of Fumio's head, rubbing his face deeper into the concrete. A grin of shear amusement stretched across her face... until she was abruptly thrown off balance...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nicias Askani said
"i guess its a common goal. so that will be a lot of fights" sinai smiled. At least he knew what he wanted, and knew how to get there. She was still trying to figure out what she wanted. She stretched out her arms "who knows maybe i'll be on that list one day" she joked. Of course it was a possibility but she had no real intentions of signing up so to speak. But fate had a funny way of doing things, and the future, especially hers, remained an eternal mystery. All she had to do solve the mystery was live. And by live we mean survive bullshit clusterfucks. "do you think all the missions we get as shinigami will be that...screwed up?"

Zheng smirked at Sinai, as if he was almost challenging her. "Make a crack like that again and I'm sure your joke will become reality." He joked with her, at least trying to get her fired up with what she would want to do with her time as as shinigami. He rubbed his chin as he pondered her question. It wouldn't surprise him that they would have to do things that the academy wouldn't be able to prepare them for no matter how much they taught it. They would have to do things that they aren't proud off for the sake of the Soul Society and that was something that they would have to live with. "Probably, but I guess that comes with the job."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"im way out of your league" she teased back but thought about what he said. this shit comes with the job. her last job, so to speak, had its own road bumps. A lot of missions had went south back before she joined the academy. she didnt often think of her days before then. she was supposed to be a new person. she spent six years in the academy as a cocoon and graduated into a butterfly. Her catterpillar days were behind her. but she remembered that she can appreciate flying if she forgot what it was like to crawl. The analogy made her smile "yea your right, I guess it does. but we'll get stronger and next time we wont be this tired out"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara who pretty much passed put as soon as they got back to the headquarters, woke up yawning as she scratched her head standing up. She then walked around a bit, certain as she was walking that she stepped on that Leon guy. She also almost fired off a bullet in her head, as she forgot that she had a metal arm that could do such a thing. Even though she just woke up, upon seeing Kenta her tired expression quickly changed to that of a grin that would probably cause one to be suspicious of her. "Hey Kenta. I almost shot myself in the head by accident, I really have to get use to the whole metal arm thing." Takara said grinning as she got a little closer. "So you know what i did to kind of be on the run and stuff, but I don't think I know what you did. You don't have to tell me, but if you do I'll hold back on teasing you." Takara said smirking at him, clearly she wasn't going to hold back either way, yet she was curious about what he did to break the law.
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