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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Kenta slowly shut Keina's door and continued walking with his hands in his pockets, he didn't have anything to do so he would wait until Keina woke up to take her to the Seireitei. Of course he could work on the case with Tenchi and the experiments, but he could wait until Hikari had gotten more information. Another thing always at the back of his mind was why he was experimented on, but that was thrown out of the window since he had killed the guy who knew why. He looked up seeing Takara whom grinned causing him to take a rather wide step back as he listened to her speak. After she spoke he ran a hand through his hair, "Well either you need to increase your memory bank to remind yourself not to kill yourself, or need training with that arm. I'd be willing to help if you'd like." He doubted she'd hold back on the teasing him, highly doubting it, but he thought it would be fair to tell her....It was also something he was thinking about not too long ago, though he just shrugged. "I'll keep it short. I was experimented on for whatever reason, got new arms by the same guy who experimented on me then I killed him. I then blew up the place he worked in, possibly killing innocents. It's not exactly something I like to think about because I didn't have a clear head, but that was law number seven I broke, murdering. After that I went to the human world and stayed with Tae, that was for three months. Law number ten broke, Shinigami aren't allowed to stay in the human world longer than a certain time limit, and I'm pretty sure I was never permitted into the human world in the first place. And although I haven't necessarily used them, I do know how to use some forbidden level Kido. Law number three broken, no using forbidden Kido."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara listened to his story of what happened and his various laws that he broke, although one is uncertain if any were innocent people. Well at least she couldn't be accused of doing worse as she only broke one law. When he finished she looked at her arm and shrugged. "Well I know how to use it, but come on man it's only been a day, and well I simply forgot mine could shoot bullets. and I'm certain others know forbidden kido, think its more along the lines you can't use it. So think you really only broke two laws. And one of them are stupid. I don't see nothing wrong with being in the human world, if anything you are more ready to protect people from any dangers there. So really you only broke one law. Yet that means you were a shinigami, so what rank were you? I was fourth seat of squad two before I kind of ya know. Got blown up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

- Hari Clan Rebellion Part Two: No Going Back -

"What the-"
The ground beneath Ursula and Fumio shook violently, giving Fumio a chance to roll out from under Ursula's foot while she tried to regain balance. "What is the meaning of this!!" Looking around, Ursula spotted a Spiked hammer before noticing that it was Souta who caused this. With a smirk set upon her face, Ursula looked into Souta's angered eyes. "Do you really believe you stand a chance against me Fushimaru? Kazuhiko couldn't even scratch me so what makes you think you can?" Fumio lifted his head to look up at Souta, annoyed that he had gotten involved since he didn't want him to yet... "I don't give a fuck about Kazuhiko not being able to scratch you! I'm not going to watch any more of this shit!! Kazuhiko needs to realise that we work best together." Ursula couldn't help but chuckle at Souta's attempt to stop her, meanwhile Souta held his hammer up. "All Of This Shit Stops HERE!" Bending his knees a little, Souta jumped forward into a sprint in which Rio followed suit, both Zanpakutos drawn but still sealed. Souta slowed down a touch, letting Rio run in front while looking at her as she passed. She looked back at him before both of them nodded their heads and focused back on Ursula. Ursula, on the other hand, just stood still and watched the two with a smug look painted on her face, deciding to humour the two by giving them her attention. Fumio also watched Rio and Souta, his eyes slightly wide before concentrating on lifting himself off of the floor and trying to stand.

Once Rio was close, she jumped high in the air, gaining Ursula's attention as the woman continued to smirk. Souta then jumped and slammed his hammer into the ground with intense force, causing the area to vibrate rashly. This threw Ursula off balance again, but it also resulted in Fumio falling back down onto the floor. While Ursula was trying to catch her footing, Rio held both of her Zanpakutos parallel while flying towards Ursula. In one swing, Rio cut across Ursula's cheek, chipping away a little more of the crystal. Landing, Rio hurriedly released her Zanpakutos. Ursula glared at Rio, swinging her sword aimlessly to cut the girl, however Rio dodged by jumping out of the way and high in the air. This gave Souta the signal to jump himself and slam his hammer into the ground once again, this time in a different area than before to throw Ursula even more off balance. "Dammit..." Ursula struggled to stop herself from falling since she paid too much attention to Rio to even notice that Souta had moved.

While in the air, Rio held her Kunai behind the hole of her Ninja Star, creating a pillar of crystal that grew out of the other side of the hole before she released it, sending the pillar heading straight for Ursula who was currently kneeling on the floor to keep her balance. As the pillar headed for her, Ursula lifted her left hand, her palm facing the point of the pillar before she caught it. The pillar had completely stopped moving at this point so Ursula leaned back and kicked it, causing the pillar to shatter upon contact.

Shunpo'ing to the floor, Rio watched Ursula with her one eye but didn't show any shock or surprise, unlike Souta. Once the millions of crystal shards had landed, Ursula leaned back up before standing. "Are you two finished?" The woman held a toothy, devilish grin while chuckling as she slowly began walked towards both Souta and Rio, dragging her blade across the floor behind her. The two prepared themselves as she began closing in. "That was more of an annoyance than anything that could cause damage!" Yelling as she was getting closer, Ursula swung her sword up, about to bring it down onto the pair just as Fumio appeared in front of them, causing Ursula to pause before chuckling once again. "You just don't give up, do you Prince? YOU WON'T STOP ME!" Resuming her attack, Ursula swung her sword down onto Fumio, however the latter blocked it with his own blade. Once the sound of clashing swords was heard, Rio jumped up and over the two as Souta lifted his hammer. Fumio then increased the amount of pressure he was pushing against Ursula's sword, trying to hold her attention to distract her away from the others, meanwhile Rio swung the chain of her Shikai over Ursula's face, bringing it to her neck before immediately pulling back in a bid to strangle the woman with it.

Ursula only kept her eyes on Fumio, her sword held in place due to Fumio's force while the chain stayed around her neck. "Prince, watch this~" She suddenly spoke, holding a smirk which confused Fumio for a second, but then... she let go of her sword with both hands. As her sword dropped to the floor, Fumio fell forward, his eyes wide as he aimed to cut through Ursula's crystal-coated shoulder, however he was stopped in his tracks when Ursula plunged her right hand forward and wrapped it tightly around his neck. "UNG!" As she began squeezing Fumio's neck with her right hand, she moved her left to her neck and grabbed the chain before ripping it forward and pulling Rio along with it.

Everything moved too fast for Souta to follow, leaving him frozen and unsure of what to do. Looking at Souta while he stood there, Rio yelled as she was being pulled. "DO IT SOUTA!" Souta promptly snapped back to reality, quickly jumping into the air while Rio swung her legs forward to land on Ursula's back, wrestling with the woman to pull her chain back. Meanwhile, Fumio had lifted his left hand onto the hand on his neck, trying to pry it off as he the life chocked out of him.

Souta then slammed his hammer into the ground, hoping this would work... however Ursula jumped. "That won't work anymore." Smirking, she suddenly forced Rio's chain forward. Due to Ursula jumping, Rio lost balance instead, ending up smashing head-first into the back of Ursula's crystal-covered skull. Once she felt Rio's impact, Ursula swung the chain along with Rio's body up and over herself and Fumio, smashing Rio straight into the floor. "H-Hue... ro... na" Fumio chocked out as Ursula landed onto the floor softly. Bringing Fumio's head closer to her's, Ursula looked him in the eye before using her free hand to once again grab and pull his hair, she knew he hated the feeling of getting is hair pulled since she used to do it alot. "She's nothing more than a traitor Kazuhiko. I told you, forget about her, forget about the both of them.... You should of obeyed me, then they both wouldn't of had to die." Taking her hand off of Fumio's neck, causing him to gasp for air, Ursula held him up by his hair alone. "You should of done as I said Princ-NN!" A sudden kick to her face made Ursula release Fumio. As the latter dropped, Rio caught him, looking up at a Crystallised Souta. "ENOUGH!" Souta yelled as he landed while Ursula rolled across the floor. Souta only stood there and watched her roll until she stopped; crystal spikes covering parts of his body, his eyes a cloudy silver and his voice gaining a demonic undertone.

Ursula leaned up on both of her elbows, not recognising the voice. Lifting herself to her feet with a straight face, she dusted herself off before actually looking at who interrupted her.... Visibly, her eyes widened from the sight but soon shrunk back to normal. "And what is this monstrosity?" She asked with a look of disgust before smirking in amusement at Souta's new look. Souta wasn't amused in the slightest, which showed when he didn't answer her question and just looked at her with anger. Within the next second, Souta abruptly sprinted for her, shunpo'ing left then right then left again before appearing right in front of her and throwing a crystal-covered fist towards her face, which she blocked with her left forearm. Souta then pulled his fist back and proceeded to throw fast punches at Ursula, with her blocking and dodging all of them. This only made Souta angrier, increasing his speed and extending small spikes out of his knuckles. Eventually, Souta managed to land a spiked punch on Ursula's stomach, cracking the crystal a tiny bit. Never lighting up, Souta started to throw spiked kicks to her stomach, landing the first one which caused her stomach to crack a little more before she jumped out of the way, avoiding all of the other kicks he threw, however he never stopped, only continued to get fast and stronger while adding more force to each and every movement, managing to get a few more hits in but not enough to start actually effecting her.

While Souta was holding his own against Ursula, Rio looked at Fumio who landed on her back when she caught him. Sitting him down gently, Rio turned to face him. "You Okay?" She asked as Fumio rubbed his cracked throat, the crystal that covered it had began falling off, revealing his bruised skin underneath. "I'm fine, thanks" Rio observed Fumio a little longer with a quiet grunt before looking at her Shikai, choosing to seal her Zanpakutos. 'She is crystal, therefore only stronger crystal attacks would effect her.... There's no point in relying on mine.' Looking back up, Rio noticed Fumio's eyes widen. Raising her eyebrow, she looked in the same direction as he did. "Oh no..." She gasped. "SOUTA!" Fumio yelled just as Rio took off, leaving him behind.

Ursula and Souta had continued to exchange blows and block each-other before Ursula unexpectedly grabbed under Souta's right arm, avoiding the spikes that lined the top as she sent a punch to his face, one with enough force to send him flying back. As Souta flew through the air, Ursula ran beside him, lifting her right elbow before elbowing him hard in the stomach, causing him to crash down in the floor. A crater formed under Souta as rubble covered his body. Ursula had jumped into the air and landed once the crater had finished forming, walking over to Souta to grab a handful of his fruity-coloured hair. She then threw him out of the crater, only to walk back over to him and grab his hair once again before lifting him up and wrapping her left arm around his neck to choke him, being mindful of the spikes that covered his back.

Instinctively, Souta raised both hands up, grabbing onto Ursula's arm to try and pull it off, however this was proving difficult... even more so when Ursula grabbed one of the spikes on his back and broke it off. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Souta screamed, making Ursula chuckle before growing intrigued. She originally snapped off the spike because it was too close to touching her, but it seemed Souta could feel these spikes. "Oh so that hurts? Hmhmhm~" Hearing Ursula's voice made Souta squirm, attempting to wriggle his way out out this hold, but then Ursula grabbed another one of his longer spikes and snapped it off. "FUUUCCCK!!! STOP!!!" Souta growled, continuing to yell and scream as Ursula continued to break off more of his spikes one by one which was excruciating to him... All the while, Ursula couldn't help but chuckle darkly, enjoying the cries of pain coming from Souta.

"Let him go." Rio appeared in front of Ursula and Souta, narrowing her eye dangerously at Ursula. Ursula looked up at her, moving her arms and hands from Souta's body before grabbing his hair and standing. Souta was unresponsive at this point, all of the pain throbbing throughout his whole body. "If you insist traitor~" Ursula then chucked Souta's body so he landed near Fumio, which Fumio then hurried to his side. Ursula would of been lying if she said that she wasn't having fun with these three, which is why she did as Rio said. "I guess I can prolong his death, after all, might as well deal with the weakest first~" Ursula chuckled before continuing to speak. "Your parents were cowards, weren't they~? But I must say, I would of thought they'd raise you with enough sense to know not to return here~ You've literally walked right into your death~" Rio didn't care for anything Ursula had to say and so ignored her, shunpo'ing before reappearing right in front of her face. Rio then kicked her right across her face, landing to Ursula's left. The woman turned her head to look at Rio with a grin before throwing a punch at the girl, in which Rio retaliated with pointing her right index and middle fingers at Ursula's hand. "Hadō #4. Byakurai!" Just as the pale blue orb charged, Ursula opened the palm of her hand, creating a crystal ball within the second Rio had fired, absorbing her attack. Rio wasn't shocked at this at all, in fact, she expected this reaction and so released her Zanpakutos quickly before standing still, completely still. "Ahh, I've been waiting for one of you idiots to fire something~ Here, have it back Umeko" Rio didn't move an inch as Ursula jumped back and threw the Hado orb at her. Seeing this, Fumio stood but then saw Souta's Crystallised form retract within his body. Souta wasn't able to move due to the pain, eventually passing out. Gritting his teeth, Fumio started to run towards the pair but it was too late to stop the orb.

Once Rio was hit with the orb, a large explosion consumed her whole body. This made Fumio halt his running, watching in horror. "AHAHAHAHAHAH!!! You're an idiot Umeko!" Ursula laughed at the scene, until a voice from behind her made her stop instantly. "Oh am I?" Rio was stood close behind Ursula, her right middle and index finger extended once more but this time pointing to Ursula's back, preforming a Tsukiyubi on her. Once Rio's fingers had made contact, Ursula went flying forward through the air with tremendous force. Immediately, Rio shunpo'ed into the air, an eye on Ursula's moving body while she spoke an incantation. "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws. Hadō #33. Sōkatsui!" As Rio spoke, she held out the palm of her right hand, both Zanpakutos sealed and sheathed, aimed at Ursula as she generated a torrent of blue energy. Ursula's body had already rolled across the floor to a stop with her laying on her back, facing up to a large, pale blue torrent held by Rio before the woman fired it. Ursula watched Rio's attack close in, laughing madly.

Fumio had returned back to Souta's side and continued to watch Rio fight, however when Ursula began laughing as the Hado was fired at her, Fumio couldn't help but be confused since he knew that this attack was too strong for her to absorb... or more it used to be. "I WAS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME! YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT UMEKO!!" Ursula yelled as the Hado hit her, however instead of exploding, her whole body seem to of adsorbed all of the Hado... This made Rio's eye widen dramatically while Ursula continued to chuckle, still laying on her back while glowing a bright blue. "YOU DIDN'T THINK THAT MY BODY COULD ABSORB SUCH A STRONG ATTACK WITHOUT EXPLODING, DIDN'T YOU? AHAHAHAH! I'm at my peak! The most advance level of Crystallisation one could only ever dream of getting to! Hence why I'm stronger than you ALL!!" A layer of Ursula's body began pealing off, bending inwards and forming a medium-sized, glowing blue ball hovering over the middle of her torso. "HERE! HAVE IT BACK!" The ball shot at Rio, too fast for her to evade so instead Rio lifted up her arms, blocking her face with her forearms.

Rio was hit head-on by her own Lieutenant level, with the incantation boost, Hado which, as to be expect, caused a horrifyingly large explosion in the air... After some time, the explosion had expired, leaving behind a huge, thick cloud of smoke. Shooting out of the smoke clouds was Rio's body, falling and crashing into the floor. Instantly rocks and ruins around her fell on top of her.

After watching Rio crash into the ground, Ursula stood up, a toothy grin on her face as she stepped out of the hole her body had made. Making her way over to Rio, Fumio ran in her way. Ursula then stopped walking, her grin disappearing as she looked at Fumio. "Move." She commanded while staring straight into Fumio's eyes with an intimidating expression. Fumio only ignored her, his teeth grit and eyes glaring back at her as he lifted his sword, swinging it toward her chest. Ursula simply jumped back, dodging his further swings before sending punches to his already cracked torso. Growling, Fumio swung at her head, which Ursula dodged by ducking before grabbing his right wrist and swinging his body over her head then straight into the floor.

Fumio's back whacked the floor hard, however Ursula didn't let him go, instead she grabbed his sword with both hands, holding him down with her left foot on his right shoulder. Fumio tried to ignore his pain and moved his left hand to grab her foot, attempting to pull it off of his shoulder. "I've had enough of your misbehaviour. At first it was enjoyable, but now it's just annoying. You'll have to pay for your insolence with the deaths of Fushimaru and Umeko. Once they're dead, I'm going to start from the very beginning with you and permanently change you into what I want my personal guard dog to be." Ursula then began pulling, causing Fumio to grunt, trying to grip his blade's hilt tighter. Ursula only continued to pull, eventually breaking the sword out of Fumio's hand, which was joined to his body through a crystal casing over his hand and the hilt of the blade, practically fusing them together. Tossing Fumio's Zanpakuto aside, Ursula moved her foot from his shoulder to hover it above his stomach. "Learn from this Kazuhiko. You will learn from the deaths of your friends, just like how you learned from the deaths of your parents." With that, Ursula pounded her foot down, shattering the crystal covering almost instantly before her foot embedded itself into Fumio's stomach, causing him to cough up quiet a bit of blood. Ursula then proceeded to repeatedly stomp on Fumio's stomach, kicking him in the face every now and then. Blood streamed down the corners of Fumio's lips as well as more down his forehead.

"Remember Prince, you are under me and will always be under me. I'm giving you this one last chance. Disobey me again and I will not hesitate to kill you." Ursula kicked Fumio one last time in his right side, sending his body flying before it skid across the floor, stopping near Souta. His body was curved inwards when he had stopped skidding.

"... K-Kazu...hiko?" Souta whispered, opening his eyes. His vision blurred at first but soon focused as he looked over at Ursula smirking at someone beside him. Looking to his right, Souta found that she was smirking at a beaten and bruised Fumio. "Kazuhiko?!" He exclaimed in a panicked voice, dragging his body towards the guy.

"Well, now that he's been put down and I don't expect for him to get up again, time to dispose of the pest~" Ursula looked over to where Rio had landed, noticing that the girl hadn't gotten up yet, however she was moving so Ursula had to get to her soon before Rio had a chance to regain her energy. While walking towards Rio, Ursula held a smug smirk.

Rio groaned, pushing the various rocks that had fallen on her out of the way as she lifted the top part of her body. "Dammit.... I didn't know she could do tha-Unn..." Clutching her head with both hands, Rio was suddenly struck with a headache, her worse one yet... 'Fuck...' Throughout the three months, Rio's headaches continued to gradually grow stronger and come more frequent, however she managed to ignore them or atleast not let them effect her... Although this one wouldn't be so easy to shrug off... And before she could even try, Ursula's leg was heading right for her face. Reacting quickly, Rio jumped out of the way, glaring at Ursula as she launched for the woman when-"U-U... N-nn...".

Souta watched, eyes wider than ever before as he saw blood pour down Rio's body and onto the floor. "Huh?!... HUERONA!!!" He yelled from the top of his lungs.

"Having a rest, were we~?" Rio looked up, glaring at Ursula as her own teeth were grit. It turned out that when Rio launched for Ursula, aiming to kick her cracked torso, Ursula pierced her left hand into Rio's stomach. Rio lifted both of her hands and grabbed Ursula's to stop her from moving her left hand any further, coughing up quite a bit of blood in the process. Ursula just looked at her, moving her right hand to Rio's neck and squeezing it tightly before ripping her left hand out of Rio's body. Rio tried her best not to let any tears fall due to the pain she was put in, not to mention her headache growing even worse due to all of this movement.... Ursula only continued to watch Rio with a grin before turning around to face the other two and turning Rio in her hand so that the girl faced them also. Looking at the two boys sprawled across the floor, Ursula began walking towards them, holding Rio in place while the girl grabbed her hand again to attempt to loosen the hold while silently whimpering.

Ursula stopped walking once she had reached her blade, picking it up with her left hand before speaking to the two boys. "I think it's time to make an example out of the traitor, wouldn't you two agree~?" Souta only glared at the woman, his teeth grounded together with pure rage, meanwhile Fumio didn't response or even twitch. Ursula continued to grin regardless. "Heh, I'll take the silence as a yes~" Ursula squeezed her hand tighter around Rio's neck, causing the girl to struggle even more for air.

Ursula then lifted her blade up, the cutting edge eye-level with Rio. She titled the blade so that she could see Rio's reflection. "Ohh, I didn't even notice that your eye-patch is missing~ So that's what you've been hiding underneath it. Fushimaru's too soft to stab a crystal in your eye sooo~" Ursula looked up to Fumio. "I can only see Kazuhiko doing such a thing~ I would of been happy if he had finished the job. Looks like I'm going to be the one doing that." At this point, Rio couldn't struggle anymore... She let her body go limp in Ursula's hand, but she wasn't dead yet just trying to conserve as much energy as possible.... She refused to accept this as her fate. 'No... I must... find a way out of this.... K-Kaizo.... I have to complete the mission.... I have to see Kenta again....'. "K-Kai...zo... K... Ken....ta.... I... .... I'm... so... sorry" Ursula titled her sword again, ready and waiting to close in on Rio's face. "The traitor has friends huh? I'll remember that." Rio didn't stop her tears this time, letting both clear and bloody tears fall down her cheeks....

"...S-Souta" Fumio suddenly whispered, coughing up blood as he opened his eyes and looked at the guy. Souta moved his head to look back at Fumio, a faint smile on his lips. "Kazuhiko, you're alive, good.... but... Huerona" "I know.... I heard... Souta... my time has come" Fumio smiled weakly at Souta, however the statement confused the latter. "....What do you mean by that?" Raising an eyebrow at Fumio, the latter simply continued to smile weakly. "Kill me Souta... " Hearing this shocked Souta... Both of his eyebrows shot up before they dropped as he narrowed his eyes. "No." Souta's response was stern, straight to the point... Although Fumio continued to smile. "You have to Souta.... It's the only way... to save Huerona... and.... I want you to..." Souta shook his head. "Shut up! I'm not doing it, I'm... I'm thinking of something so don't distract me. I'll save her... somehow" Fumio chuckled before coughing a little more. "... You can save her by... killing me and taking my power.... You know that's the only way.... So choose Souta, me.... or Huerona...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Enji was busy concentrating to see what the other two were doing, but knew they were doing well and needed to start showing what he could do as well. Unlike others, though had realized he wasn't strong like others and through training to learn his style of fighting was speed and strategy. So, while calming his nerves with slow, steady breathing; his eyes scanned the room to take in the surroundings and the locations of the training equipment for he would need to take in everything and not just his enemy to think up proper strategies. He also knew that in a real battle, at most you would only get, but a moment to scan the surrounding in most fights and would need to hone his sense to do so in an instant, though as this was simple training and was fine to take his time for this time with thoughts of different attacks gong through his head.

It was moments later when he decided on his plan of action and leaned forward before raising his back foot with the heel off the ground as if preparing to jump. Exhaling slowly while turning the sword in his hand till it faced towards him and pushed with his hind foot. The moment before he jumped, his body disappeared with a shunpo and reappeared in front of a ring target as he used it to stand on for but only a moment before dashing to the left as he hooked the ring onto his ankle taking it with him. Dashing to the left towards a wooden puppet and upon reaching it would swipe with his sword to cut a deep gash horizontally in its face; treating it like a hollow's face. Next he would land on the side of the puppet, where in that instant he kicked with his heel to secure the ring on his foot then kicked off to propel himself forward at an angle.

Holding his arm with the sword forward to hook a ring in his path onto it as he was heading towards one of the large hollow cutouts. After hooking the second ring, he would pull the sword back while facing the blade towards and placed his second hand on the butt of its hilt. Upon reaching the hollow, he would push hard; impaling the blade dead center of the hollow's face and used the blade to hold so he wouldn't fall. Giving the hilt a good tug before kicking off the cutout which caused his upper body to spring back and did a flip while flicking his ankle to send the ring up into the air as he landed on the ground in a low crouch. He exhaled while raising the left arm that held the sword and ring to let the second ring land through his arm into place with two rings hooped on his arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nicias Askani said
"im way out of your league" she teased back but thought about what he said. this shit comes with the job. her last job, so to speak, had its own road bumps. A lot of missions had went south back before she joined the academy. she didnt often think of her days before then. she was supposed to be a new person. she spent six years in the academy as a cocoon and graduated into a butterfly. Her catterpillar days were behind her. but she remembered that she can appreciate flying if she forgot what it was like to crawl. The analogy made her smile "yea your right, I guess it does. but we'll get stronger and next time we wont be this tired out"

Zheng chuckled and stood up, feeling his body ache and tell him to relax. "And that's a day I'm looking forward too. For now, I must bid you farewell Sinai. Get some rest." And with that, he shunpoed off back to the Seireitei so he can go back to his barracks and become more comfortable with his new environment. For him, today was his first step into becoming a full fledge shinigami. He only hoped that he would live long enough to actually see his goals come true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo was more of the offensive type as he didn't truly catch the rings, and instead used a bakudo the swing the rings into the cut outs masks, using the rings like a throw able object. He would probably be a bit more defensive but nothing really truly moved, so he didn't have to really worry about being hurt. Really all he could do to show some skills, would be to use his shikai, while he also noticed that the one the Captain nicknamed Lolo was just covered in rigs seemingly doing some sort of dance with all of them, even hitting the dolls and cut outs with the rings. Ryozo then shrugged and activated his shikai which was two differently colored coffins. and upon tapping the black on, several skeleton arms raced out and grabbed several of the cut outs, yet since they weren't life form, the arms simply crushed the cut outs into little pieces.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Enji remained crouched and took a moment to check on Ryozo and Megumi and saw they were making good headway with Megumi doing some strange dance to gather the rings, while Ryozo had released his shikai. Surprised at first to see the coffins where multiple skeletal arms came out to attack the cutouts, though was more surprised at how strange the zanpakuto was and was glad he wasn't the only one there with an odd and unorthodox ability.

Shaking his head as he needed to focus and resume his own attacks to show what he can do. He didn't want to get left behind and quickly scanned the area once more, while being careful not to target any that were near the other two so as not to get in the way or hit and would work on steadying his breathing and crouched forward a little. Having decided his plan of action and trajectory and once again turned the sword around with the blade pointing at him.

Like before he would shunpo moments before leaping forward and disappeared as he grabbed a ring and shunpoed again which made the ring vanish in a blur. Appearing at another ring as he dashed forward without stopping and hooked it on the left arm that now had four rings as he charged towards another wooden puppet with his body halfway from the ground. Once he was a few inches from the puppet he would jump and just as his foot made contact with it; he would slash upward leaving a deep diagonal gash on its face, but he didn't stop there as he quickly kicked off towards another. Having kicked himself high up as he came at it from above and gripped the hilt as he held the blade straight down, where he would land on its shoulders and dig the blade deep into the puppet's head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sinai Bid fairwell to Zheng and forced herself to her feet. She had to do a few stretches before shunpo'ing back towards the seireitei. The squad two barracks once again seemed different to her. As it it was quickly loosing its charm. At the beginning of the day when she first arrived it seemed amazing, now it was only impressive. Her first mission as a shinigami wasnt even with her squad and for some reason that troubles her. She walked in quietly not sure whether to try to socialize or sleep. But what ever she decided, a shower was needed first. a nice Hot shower
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
Takara listened to his story of what happened and his various laws that he broke, although one is uncertain if any were innocent people. Well at least she couldn't be accused of doing worse as she only broke one law. When he finished she looked at her arm and shrugged. "Well I know how to use it, but come on man it's only been a day, and well I simply forgot mine could shoot bullets. and I'm certain others know forbidden kido, think its more along the lines you can't use it. So think you really only broke two laws. And one of them are stupid. I don't see nothing wrong with being in the human world, if anything you are more ready to protect people from any dangers there. So really you only broke one law. Yet that means you were a shinigami, so what rank were you? I was fourth seat of squad two before I kind of ya know. Got blown up."

"Well try to remember better for next time, would be a shame if we lost you....Of your own stupidity," Kenta replied as he slipped his hands out of his pockets slowly raising his arms to cross them. No one should have suspected Kenta to be nice for too long, but he gave a small smile that faded quick to show he was at least half-joking. "A law is still a law, no matter how stupid. But I was a 5th seat before I was taken, my clone made it to lieutenant..... But I'd like to think I'm that level now. At the most above it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ohhh my prince charming is a mean one I see." Takara said already going back to teasing him, which was probably known by both, that she wouldn't ever stop. "she then held her hand next to her hand and just laughed as she made the fire motion despite no bullets coming out. yet when he mentioned laws she frowned a bit. "Yeah, and my clans laws allow killing each other to see who will be the next leader, that doesn't mean its a law that should be obeyed. And I see..... We should be fairly close then, although i wouldn't know what you exactly do, hence why us squad two people tend to try and assassinate than straight on confrontations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A man with dark blue hair leaned against a wall shuffling through papers that had details on what all thirteen squads did. he acquired these by once saving members from the squads and claiming they owed him, for their incompetence and weakness. Squad one seemed like something those with an ego would want to be a part of, yet he more so ruled it out due to two reasons. A crazy woman with a frying pan and one he would keep to himself. Squad two was out for obvious reason of him not really being able to conceal his zanpakuto, that and it required trust in his team, and he knew better than that. Squad three he didn't even know what they did, besides a woman who was referred to as a demon. He couldn't heal so four was out. Five seemed annoying as hell. Six seemed uptight as hell. Seven seemed the most decent so far no real concerns there. Eight was bat shit crazy for his own liking. Nine seemed okay not really his thing though. Ten would probably end up with him being denied, as he wasn't a true team player. Eleven was a fuck no. Twelve was a super fuck no. And thirteen had the most random people, and he rather not be pestered by them as he felt they would be to ignorant to even understand him. So really the only one that interested him was squad seven. Tucking the papers away he smirked and walked over to the gate where he was told to wait while he got one of the higher in commands, which was apparently shared with two people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Unlike most of the rest of the people in the kido corp Giovanni didn't get to spend decades and centuries in the research library. So it took him a while to find what he was looking for. But the long silence was welcomed by him. It was a bit of a relief at this point especially surrounded by so much knowledge. all these researched kido and other things that people either forgot of never knew. It was interesting to think about how the 'known kido' circulated among the seireitei. Throughout history Shinigami had created there own and taught others and thats how most got around. Of course the basic ones were taught at the academy but Gio was a bit more interested in something the new head captain had allegedly said.
"if we are so aparenlty week and the previous generations so strong then there should be a record of it" he reminded himself "which means a record here about the scope and scale of their Kido. " thats what he was really looking for. of course it was possible that the kido he was used to seeing was simply watered down versions of older ones. He imagined for a moment Hado 91 originally being numbered 56 as an example. While he was mostly interested in a listing of older Kido classifications anything that caught his interest was taken off the shelf and put on a desk. Most of these books were covered in dust and he nearly choked when he cracked a few open
(each entry is accompanied by a description of the kido, including shape and effect)

Gio try any of the Kido he read about yet. instead he rewrote all of them down on a sepereate parchment so that he could keep it with him and practice them laters. He was intrigued, like a kid in a candy store. there were so many things left burried in this library that he probably wouldnt have minded the Kido corps relcusive nature. ok thats a lie, he really couldnt wait to kill things with these Kido. But some of them looked hard, and he wasnt sure he would be able to actually master all of them. but that definitelly wasnt going to stop him from trying.

He put the books back where he found them, using the dust marks as hints to where he got them from. then he looked over his list and began numbering them in the order of difficulty he perceived they would present. The wind Kido would probably be the easiest, since it was part of his zanpakuto's affinity. then the new fire Kido from the fire kido book. The Oathbreaker wave would definitely be the hardest, hands down so he would wait on that one and practice it in parts. He couldnt wait to get started but he promised Nurse Flawless that he would take it easy so he would just have to wait. He felt like a kid again, having to put off having fun because of something. But he was an adult and he had to take care of himself first and foremost. So he headed back to the Squad five barracks, intent on taking it easy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Miwa wondered around for a good few minutes, unable to find anyone. 'Are they all inside or something?' She stopped wondering, tapping her chin while momentarily getting distracted by a butterfly. 'How pretty...' She watched as it landed on top of a near-by tree, it's wings moving slowly as the creature sat on the branch before the sound of voices reached her ears. 'People?' Miwa couldn't make out what they were talking about but before she could make her way over to them, she noticed a green-haired man leaving through the entrance wearing a Captain's Haori. 'Dammit, I wish Kurisa would of talked to me more about the Gotei 13... Luckily I did my research or else I wouldn't know any names at all.' Pouting ever-so-slightly so that is wasn't noticeable, Miwa just watched as the Captain left. 'It's probably better not to bother him since he must be going out for business reasons. From what I've found out, his name must be Zero... hmm, weird that he doesn't have a second name....' As Miwa thought, she didn't notice a man approach her until he spoke. The moment a sound was made by his mouth, Miwa snapped back to reality, immediately putting her guard up but not making it noticeable that she was. The man then introduced himself and held his hand out for a handshake. Miwa gladly shook his hand. "Ahh, Lieutenant Kagiko, just the person I was looking for." She grinned a little before standing straight in a professional manner. "That'd make sense since I'm new around here. I'd like to enquiry whether I'd be able to join this Squad? My name is Miwa Ringo... yeah, I'd prefer to be referred to as Ringo if that is Okay with you?" Miwa gave a polite smile as she released Kagiko's hand, unintentionally looking down to spot that she had forgotten to take off her wedding ring. 'I knew I would forget to do something...' Balling her left hand in a fist, Miwa hid it under her left sleeve while still smiling at Kagiko.

Kagiko shook the womans hand then blushed a little and chuckled when she said he was just the person she was looking for "You were looking for me? I'm flattered...I rarely get anyone wanting to see me" Kagiko said rubbing the back of his head. Kagiko smiled at Miwa as she introduced herself then asked if she may join the Squad "Hmm...well you could join the Squad but I really must ask Ringo...what skills can you bring to the Squad?" Kagiko studied the woman and of course he picked up on her wedding ring yet he decided not to mention it...he would have to careful about things at first until he had done a full investigation on this woman...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Miyuki watched Enji, Ryozo and Lolo and it seemed they would all need work, they all had their own little quirks as well but that wasn't important...as long as they could get the job done Miyuki wasn't worried. Miyuki then clapped her hands twice then spoke "That's enough! I believe I have a good enough idea of what you are all capable of doing. I am glad to say you are all welcomed into Squad 13...however you will have to work extremely hard if you want to stay alive and climb the ranks. You three may rest for now..I shall call on you all soon to do a mission...this one will involve real hollows so use this time wisely to prepare...or slack off...it's your call. Just remember the little story I told you~" Miyuki then smiled and walked off, leaving the training room "Those three could make an interesting team...if I could keep them together that'd be great...but I do need them to be strong as individuals...hmm...I'll have to work it out~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko shook the womans hand then blushed a little and chuckled when she said he was just the person she was looking for "You were looking for me? I'm flattered...I rarely get anyone wanting to see me" Kagiko said rubbing the back of his head. Kagiko smiled at Miwa as she introduced herself then asked if she may join the Squad "Hmm...well you could join the Squad but I really must ask Ringo...what skills can you bring to the Squad?" Kagiko studied the woman and of course he picked up on her wedding ring yet he decided not to mention it...he would have to careful about things at first until he had done a full investigation on this woman...

Miwa giggled a little at what Kagiko had said, spotting the blush that dusted his cheeks. "Well I have looked into the various Squad's within the Gotei Thirteen, to make an informative decision on which one I'd like to join of course, so naturally I would be looking for you, or try to bump into the Captain, either one works" She returned Kagiko's smile with one of her own as she listened to his question. [b]"I believe that the skills I currently posses would be useful for this Squad, such as having attention to detail and the ability to conduct relevant and useful research for current and possible future affairs. I'm innovative with a keen attitude, as well as I am extremely willing to learn and improve my work continuously. I understand that currently my level of skill may be at a beginner to intermediate level, if you will, however I assure you that I am aiming to improve and sharpen these skills whilst within this Squad, as well as aid any Squad members who need help etc.. I am also willing to go on research excavations to gather more primary information. I hope that what I have told you will help you in your decision. If you do choose to accept me, I promise with everything that I have to offer, I will not let you down."[b] As Miwa spoke, her seriousness towards gaining a position showed through her tone of voice and then through her stern-stricken facial expression. Clearly she wasn't messing about at this point. At the end of her speech, she gave Kagiko a bow before raising as a sign of respect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki watched Enji, Ryozo and Lolo and it seemed they would all need work, they all had their own little quirks as well but that wasn't important...as long as they could get the job done Miyuki wasn't worried. Miyuki then clapped her hands twice then spoke "That's enough! I believe I have a good enough idea of what you are all capable of doing. I am glad to say you are all welcomed into Squad 13...however you will have to work extremely hard if you want to stay alive and climb the ranks. You three may rest for now..I shall call on you all soon to do a mission...this one will involve real hollows so use this time wisely to prepare...or slack off...it's your call. Just remember the little story I told you~" Miyuki then smiled and walked off, leaving the training room "Those three could make an interesting team...if I could keep them together that'd be great...but I do need them to be strong as individuals...hmm...I'll have to work it out~"

He was glad to hear Miyuki clapping and telling them that they were finished with the test as his legs were growing numb from doing shunpo three times and two times consecutively. His stamina seemed to be lacking still and knew he would need to work on that next; otherwise his speed would be of no use without the stamina to last as sweat dripped down his face. The news that each of them had passed and were officially members of squad 13 pushed out all thoughts of exhaustion and was was replaced with excitement and couldn't help but pump his fist while muttering yes to himself.

Not only had he graduated, but was now officially a member of a squad and a shinigami, but with this it meant life would be much harder with training and battling against hollows. For the moment, Enji simply enjoyed the moment.'Uh..great job.'He spoke up nervously to Ryuzo and Megumi wanting to congratulate them as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo stopped when he heard the captain clap, while Megumi continued doing her little dance while focusing on the captain however. This caused Ryozo to stand closer to Enji than Megumi to refrain from being hit by a ring. When the captain told them that they were now a part of squad thirteen, Ryozo nodded while Megumi continued dancing. She then stated she would be taking them on a real mission with real hollows so they should prepare for it, which made Ryozo nod in approval as he would get a chance to really demonstrate his skills to its potential. As the captain walked off he heard Enji speak up telling them great job, which caused Ryozo to look at him and smile. "You as well. I can tell you will be a great shinigami one day, I very much hope I can spar with you sometime." Ryozo said while Megumi finally stopped dancing letting all the rings fall to the ground. "I agree your moves are very impressive, you will have to teach them to me sometime, so I can use them with my dances."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
Ryozo stopped when he heard the captain clap, while Megumi continued doing her little dance while focusing on the captain however. This caused Ryozo to stand closer to Enji than Megumi to refrain from being hit by a ring. When the captain told them that they were now a part of squad thirteen, Ryozo nodded while Megumi continued dancing. She then stated she would be taking them on a real mission with real hollows so they should prepare for it, which made Ryozo nod in approval as he would get a chance to really demonstrate his skills to its potential. As the captain walked off he heard Enji speak up telling them great job, which caused Ryozo to look at him and smile. "You as well. I can tell you will be a great shinigami one day, I very much hope I can spar with you sometime." Ryozo said while Megumi finally stopped dancing letting all the rings fall to the ground.

Who knows when Captain Miyuki would return or when she would take them out on their first mission and felt it was best to use this chance to rest and regain his strength. He didn't expect praise from Megumi and Ryozo, especially as he rarely ever even got as much as a thumbs up.'N-no its nothing. I'm just jumping around striking at puppets...in a real battle the enemy won't just sit and wait for you to attack.'Rubbing at the back of his head as he fought back a panic attack; hating how nervous he got around new people and took a gulp of air.'Megumi's dancing..that was really amazing and Ryozo..your zanpakuto..terrifying and who knows what else those coffin contain.'Talking helped keep him calm as he wanted to get along with his fellow squad mates and possible friends who he'll be working and fighting alongside with, though afraid he would only be a hindrance with the way he was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Well it's good that you're enjoying the Squad, but you aren't weak...Atleast to me," Hikari said before taking another sip of his drink, "I never really went with the whole I'm weak thing....I honestly went with the mentality that I'm stronger than some, weaker than some, and will get better over time. And I did get stronger overtime, thanks to Tabo....But if you do wish to get stronger faster then I can train you....Alongside Hype if he wants. Fact is that our Squad members need to be stronger and smarter, and you two show potential, I'm also not one to turn down help when it's wanted or needed." Once she mentioned the cute guy his eyebrows popped up for a second before he let out a small laugh responding with a joke, "Alucard is pretty cute, isn't he? Though that'd be a little weird, wouldn't it?"

"Would you? Thank you, I can use some better training. Fighting dummies doesn't really do it when they break under a punch." Alucard snorts at that and looks up at her. "What?" Alucard just lays back down and huffs. "Gotta sense of humor eh?" she flicked his ear gently, but he didn't even flinch.

"Yep. He is adorable. I bet if he weren't a dog he'd be the perfect man my family would want: doesn't say much, is obedient--ow." Alucard had nipped her knee. "Jerk. Sorry, sorry." she sighed. "Well, you get the idea. My family...I'm too headstrong. They would rather me marry a man that obeys and doesn't talk much as a way to shackle me. Since the male represents the cell's interest, my opinions would be disregarded. And, if my husband doesn't have a backbone, he'd be too worried about familial approval to dare speak against the clan council." she rolled her eyes. "I'm newer than you. So you better take responsibility for the rookie." she joked gleefully.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
"ohhh my prince charming is a mean one I see." Takara said already going back to teasing him, which was probably known by both, that she wouldn't ever stop. "she then held her hand next to her hand and just laughed as she made the fire motion despite no bullets coming out. yet when he mentioned laws she frowned a bit. "Yeah, and my clans laws allow killing each other to see who will be the next leader, that doesn't mean its a law that should be obeyed. And I see..... We should be fairly close then, although i wouldn't know what you exactly do, hence why us squad two people tend to try and assassinate than straight on confrontations.

"Prince and charming are two words that should never used when describing me," Kenta said although he knew she was just teasing, of course she would be. He expected nothing less from her. He watched as she made a firing motion with her handle which made him give a little smirk, obviously not one to smile much or show enjoyment, atleast not for long. As he said, boring and rude, that was him. "But laws are still laws, whether you decide to follow them or not. And you're Squad Two, shouldn't it be your job to figure out what I do? Of course it'd more so be my job to know who you are." Kenta gave a small chuckle.

Zane620 said
A man with dark blue hair leaned against a wall shuffling through papers that had details on what all thirteen squads did. he acquired these by once saving members from the squads and claiming they owed him, for their incompetence and weakness. Squad one seemed like something those with an ego would want to be a part of, yet he more so ruled it out due to two reasons. A crazy woman with a frying pan and one he would keep to himself. Squad two was out for obvious reason of him not really being able to conceal his zanpakuto, that and it required trust in his team, and he knew better than that. Squad three he didn't even know what they did, besides a woman who was referred to as a demon. He couldn't heal so four was out. Five seemed annoying as hell. Six seemed uptight as hell. Seven seemed the most decent so far no real concerns there. Eight was bat shit crazy for his own liking. Nine seemed okay not really his thing though. Ten would probably end up with him being denied, as he wasn't a true team player. Eleven was a fuck no. Twelve was a super fuck no. And thirteen had the most random people, and he rather not be pestered by them as he felt they would be to ignorant to even understand him. So really the only one that interested him was squad seven. Tucking the papers away he smirked and walked over to the gate where he was told to wait while he got one of the higher in commands, which was apparently shared with two people.

Himeko was sitting in her office drawing a detailed picture of Tenchi, one for Hikari for when he got back from....Wherever he was. She was almost finished but was interrupted when she heard a knock at her door. Telling them to state their business she was told which made her sigh and stand up, Haruko was...Away. So that meant she was in charge....Alone.....Which she didn't necessarily like, but she'd do her job while she was there anyway. She stepped out of her office and walked out to the gate seeing some guy, walking up to him she asked, "Are you looking to join?"
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