Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AeronFarron said
"Would you? Thank you, I can use some better training. Fighting dummies doesn't really do it when they break under a punch." Alucard snorts at that and looks up at her. "What?" Alucard just lays back down and huffs. "Gotta sense of humor eh?" she flicked his ear gently, but he didn't even flinch. "Yep. He is adorable. I bet if he weren't a dog he'd be the perfect man my family would want: doesn't say much, is obedient--ow." Alucard had nipped her knee. "Jerk. Sorry, sorry." she sighed. "Well, you get the idea. My family...I'm too headstrong. They would rather me marry a man that obeys and doesn't talk much as a way to shackle me. Since the male represents the cell's interest, my opinions would be disregarded. And, if my husband doesn't have a backbone, he'd be too worried about familial approval to dare speak against the clan council." she rolled her eyes. "I'm newer than you. So you better take responsibility for the rookie." she joked gleefully.

"I think everyone could use better training honestly, besides, it takes more than a punch to break me. If you manage to succeed doing that, then my position is all yours," Hikari told her while flashing a grin. He then laughed at the scene with Haruka and Alucard, he guessed taking her on that mission wasn't bad at all, she had gotten a new friend and....Well, they had freed Alucard from those hollows, so it was good overall. "But who wants a husband with no back-bone? Of course, I understand why your family wants that....But wouldn't that be a bit...Boring and unsatisfying for the woman? But I guess the women's opinions aren't taken into account there. It's bullshit, of course."

"You're in good hands, don't worry," Hikari joked back with a chuckle.

(Shit post v.v)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

samreaper said
Who knows when Captain Miyuki would return or when she would take them out on their first mission and felt it was best to use this chance to rest and regain his strength. He didn't expect praise from Megumi and Ryozo, especially as he rarely ever even got as much as a thumbs up.'N-no its nothing. I'm just jumping around striking at puppets...in a real battle the enemy won't just sit and wait for you to attack.'Rubbing at the back of his head as he fought back a panic attack; hating how nervous he got around new people and took a gulp of air.'Megumi's dancing..that was really amazing and Ryozo..your zanpakuto..terrifying and who knows what else those coffin contain.'Talking helped keep him calm as he wanted to get along with his fellow squad mates and possible friends who he'll be working and fighting alongside with, though afraid he would only be a hindrance with the way he was.

"I know what you mean, its a little hard to be one hundred percent serious when we are striking cut outs and dolls, and only the black one should be considered terrifying, the white one is the nice kind one. I believe the saying is, where there is death, there is life?" Ryozo said as he looked at Megumi who wandered off to a corner and was doing some sort of dance again which made Ryozo speechless for a bit, before shrugging and looking at Enji. "Well I'm sure we have some time before we go out on that mission. So how about a celebration drink?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Prince and charming are two words that should never used when describing me," Kenta said although he knew she was just teasing, of course she would be. He expected nothing less from her. He watched as she made a firing motion with her handle which made him give a little smirk, obviously not one to smile much or show enjoyment, atleast not for long. As he said, boring and rude, that was him. "But laws are still laws, whether you decide to follow them or not. And you're Squad Two, shouldn't it be your job to figure out what I do? Of course it'd more so be my job to know who you are." Kenta gave a small chuckle.

Himeko was sitting in her office drawing a detailed picture of Tenchi, one for Hikari for when he got back from....Wherever he was. She was almost finished but was interrupted when she heard a knock at her door. Telling them to state their business she was told which made her sigh and stand up, Haruko was...Away. So that meant she was in charge....Alone.....Which she didn't necessarily like, but she'd do her job while she was there anyway. She stepped out of her office and walked out to the gate seeing some guy, walking up to him she asked, "Are you looking to join?"

"Ahh who says that? Obviously you are one, saving me from the woods, when i was all wet bleeding and unable to defend myself. Yet you decide to save my life, a true prince charming, just a robotic one." Takara said smirking, and then listened to him some more, frowning slightly at the law comment, then him saying she was squad two so it should be her job to figure out what he does. Almost instantly she had a line for this, and of course she had to say it. She was going to get a funny reaction from him one way or another. "Ooooh? Is that your way of saying I should watch you more closely? My, my you are quite the bold one."
Blue waited a bit outside, waiting patiently for whoever it was that would come and test him. A minute or so passed when a woman came outside, not looking the happiest of all people, but he truly didn't give a fuck about her being thrilled or happy right now. So when she asked the obvious question, he nodded . "That is correct, I felt this would be the perfect place to join, and before you ask I'm not giving away my name. So just call me Blue if you will."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
"I know what you mean, its a little hard to be one hundred percent serious when we are striking cut outs and dolls, and only the black one should be considered terrifying, the white one is the nice kind one. I believe the saying is, where there is death, there is life?" Ryozo said as he looked at Megumi who wandered off to a corner and was doing some sort of dance again which made Ryozo speechless for a bit, before shrugging and looking at Enji. "Well I'm sure we have some time before we go out on that mission. So how about a celebration drink?"

Intrigued with Ryozo's brief explanation of his zanpakuto and would smile a bit when he spoke of the saying about life and death, an aspect that was a very big part in a shinigami's job. Still, after seeing those skeletal arms and couldn't help wonder at what other terrible things the coffins hid inside as he saw Ryozo glancing in Megumi's direction to see her dancing and thought two things. She could really dance and she truly did have odd hair, but he wasn't one to judge with an odd quirk of his own and the rumor that this squad attracted oddities was truthful in the manner.'A drink? Uh..I suppose a quick drink wouldn't hurt. Should we ask if Megumi wants to come?'Arching a brow as he briefly watched her dance, thinking Ryozo was the normal one so far or at least that's how it seemed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When he asked if they should invite Megumi, he looked at her once again yet decided that it was probably for the best to not disturb her at all. That and he felt she might end up breaking something if she randomly started dancing again. "I rather not disturb her. That and she might possibly break something if she started dancing again." Ryozo said with a shrug as he started walking out of the room leaving Megumi to her little dances
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The girl smiled at Alucard, happy that they found him. When the man came back to order their food, she ordered the "normal" and a side meat platter for Alucard. She waited for the lieutenant to order before she replied.

"That's the kicker, they could care less about the state of my life. It is that way with every woman that doesn't conform. Many don't because the council can order that the cell kicks her out if she is not open to reason." she sips her drink. "They tried to pull that with me, but I--and my father--made the argument that my training is good for family business. If nothing else, it ups my "breeding score"." She used air quotes for the name of the practice. "And gives me freedom. Once I'm a third or pretty high up in Seating, I'll make a case to replace the familial council. Or at least to give the women more freedoms. But we'll see. Maybe Alucard can give em a good scaring." she said before ruffling his fur.

"Heh. I hope so. So...officially speaking, what are you?" she asked in curiosity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A powerful force sent Hozumi flying away from the Gates of Hell as they faded, along with his consciousness "I have...to stay.....awake" His hair wavered in the wind as he went flying towards the large group of Kushanada. His strength had all been taken from him when he put his hands through the Gates. The skin on his arms were mostly missing, blood pouring out of his arms. The Kushanada all reached out towards him, all aiming to grab him. Lucy jumped towards him, extending her arm out towards him "Bakudo 9 Horin! The rope extended out and wrapped around Hozumi. Lucy smiled and yanked Hozumi. Before she could pull him in more, a Kushanada appeared from below, its mouth wide open. With one large chomp, it closed its mouth and swallowed Hozumi whole. Lucys eyes opened wide "HOZUMI!!!!! This warmth...where have I felt this before
-About 6 Months Earlier-
Forest Of Menos
Hozumi was in a massive crimson space, nothing around him but the color crimson and bubbles. Hozumi was once again a child, his small body in the massive ocean of nothing. Hozumi didn't know what was going on, but couldn't help feeling content despite having no idea where he was. He felt warm, both outside and inside It feels so warm...am I dying again? No, it feels different. It feels good, it feels as if...as if I'm back in my mothers womb. I wish I could stay here forever Are you sure child? If it is your wish, then I can give you this warmth forever. However, are you willing to do this? Do you think this warmth comes from nothing? Do you think this massive crimson pool comes from nothing? Something cannot come from nothing boy. The warmth you feel comes from the dead bodies which will die in the future. This ocean is filled with the blood of those you let down, close ones and innocent humans. Are you truly selfish enough to let all of that happen, just for your own nostalgia desires? You are no longer a baby. You belong in the world, not in this illusion of safety ....I don't know...I don't know what to do! I'm just a kid, how am I supposed to do anything!

But why are you weak? Because that is what you are told? Because you were raised to believe that children will always be hopelessly weak? The only thing is making you weak is yourself boy. Perhaps you should stay here, maybe the world would be better off without a whiny child like you. Who does nothing but complain and blame others for his own weakness. It probably would be better off if you just die now. Who cares if everyone dies kekeke...

Hozumi gritted his teeth "Shut up!" He yelled out loud "You're wrong! I'm not weak!" He clenched his fist, remembering the words of his father "I'm strong" A massive grin formed in the liquid "Then prove it" A massive, skeletal like finger formed in thin air. It moved forward, placing its very tip on Hozumi's forehead "Prove me wrong child" Hozumi began to release a massive amount of his reiatsu, changing the color of the crimson color into the color of his reiatsu "I will! I'll prove it right now!!!" The massive grin chuckled as Hozumi continued to release his reiatsu. Suddenly, something ticked in his head. Ahh, what is this feeling...its so weird...its like everything is coming to me all at once His eyes began to intensely glow as the entire realm began to shake. "I'll kill you and anything that gets in my way! Whether it's Hueco Mundo, the Spirit King or even death itself!" The massive grin bursted into laughter "Finally!! I have waited many years for you boy! More than you can imagine! Now go and get strong, because I look forward to that day! The day when the child becomes a man!" The voice yelled, once again bursting into laughter. The laughter began to echo out as another voice began to go through his ears. A massive white orb formed deep within the black ocean, growing into the size of a planet. It engulfed Hozumi, his body sinking into the white orb as he stared in awe.

"HOZUMIIIIII!!!!!" Hozumi's eyes slowly opened, feeling nothing around him but the wind. His clothes and hair wavered in the wind. "What the" He said, having no recollection of what happened. He looked around, only seeing a blur. It took him a second to realize that he was freefalling, but for how long "HOZUMI!! YOU MORON, LOOK UP!!" Hozumi moved his head to look up the massive pit. Lucy was a distance away, falling down towards him at the same speed. Thats right! I was fighting that hollow and chased it until...that man came...no that monster. And then...mom! He looked both below and above him, but no sight of his mother "HEY YOU IDIOT! HOW LONG ARE YOU JUST GONNA DAZE OUT FOR!" Lucy's yell shook Hozumi out of his trance. There was nothing he could do now and had to regroup with Lucy. But how. At the speed he was falling, grabbing onto the walls could be fatal. He moved his body and opened up his arms, using his clothes to gain some wind resistance. It was strange, but Hozumi was calm. It was as if he knew what to do.

His speed began to slow down, Lucy catching up in no time. She extended her hand out to him "Hozumi, grab on!" Quickly extending his hand, he grabbed onto Lucy as they locked arms. They pulled themselves together as Hozumi tightly grabbed Lucy. She smiled and patted his head as they kept on freefalling "Don't worry, its going to be fine now that I'm here" Hozumi shook his head "No...he's coming" They both looked up, the small dot of light now covered in a veil of darkness. The same being that brought Hozumi in the pit was now flying towards them with tremendous speeds. Lucy gritted her teeth "Shit this isn't good, even in his weakened state, he's still tremoundsly powerful What can I do" Hozumi looked down at the bottom of the pit, as if he could see something in the pitch dark. He looked back up at Lucy "We can only go down"

Lucy looked at Hozumi, surprised. She surprised at both his answer and how calm he was. But the look in his eyes, it was strange. She smiled, an old memory coming back into her head "Just trust me and everything will be fine, I'll protect you" Hozumi said with a smile. The nostalgia nearly made Lucy cry. The same thing had been told to her decades ago, by the same child's father. She nodded "What should I do?" He looked up at the being who was gaining more and more speed, but luckily the length of this pit was immeasurable. "Point one of your arms up and cast Hado 58. The speed should speed us up enough to reach it" "Reach what?" "Our only hope, now hurry!" Lucy smiled and nodded, aiming her palm into the air above "Hado 58 Tenran!"

Lucy fired off a tornado from her palm, increasing their speed as they plummeted downwards. But it wasn't enough, the being was still catching up. It would only be minutes before it caught up. Hozumi quickly grabbed her arm which casted the kido as his eyes began to glow. Lucy's eyes were wide, in awe as she witnessed the child manipulate her own kido through her body. He channeled his reiatsu into her Kido, the magnitude of the Tenran significantly increasing along with their speed "Here it comes!" "Here what comes?" Lucy asked, slightly worried. Hozumi laughed nervously "Actually, I don't know" Lucy's eyes widened "W-WHAT?! DAMMIT, WHY DID I LISTEN TO YOU!" Hozumi laughed, despite the situation they were in. Suddenly, sparks of red lightning began to surround their body. The lightning tore their body apart, piece by piece. But yet, no pain could be felt "Here we go!!" Soon after, the amount of lightning significantly increased until nothing but darkness was left. Meanwhile, above the massive hole, the giant trees had collapsed to cover the hole and made a ruin around it.

Hozumi came flying out of thin air as he body was one once again. He plummeted, but this time in a massive new world. This world, however was disturbing. Its very essence sent chills down Hozumi's spine as he could feel as if the place was trying to consume him. Lucy came out of thin air as well, slightly above Hozumi. She looked around. This place may of been foreign to Hozumi, but it wasn't to her. It was home.

Hozumi plummeted downwards, not sure what was going on. All he knew was that he would die if he hit the ground at this speed. Lucy took a deep breath, facing reality. As much as she didn't want to be there, she was. But that didn't matter, she had to protect Hozumi. From her finger tips, Bakudo 4 Hainawa extended and wrapped around Hozumi's leg. She yanked him towards her, wrapping her arms around him once again as they fell. They were in the same predicament, but this time they weren't as hopeless. She swiped her hand, a blue disc made of reishi forming below them. She landed on it, the disc cracking from the pressure. They floated downwards towards the ground "Damn, I guess that hole really did lead to Hell. Now what" She sighed to herself, Hozumi hugging her tightly and looking around. The blue disc which they floated on began to slowly lower down, until it finally hit the ground. Lucy looked at Hozumi and smiled "See nothing to worry abou-" Her eyes quickly widened as she tossed Hozumi to the side. He turned his head to look at her, his eyes wide. A black beam pierced her chest, blood coming out her mouth. Her body dropped to the ground, a faint black smoke coming out of the hole. Hozumi turned, his teeth sharpened. He knew what it was, the same monster that sent them down the hole

He sat on a rock, his smile grim and twisted, yet his eyes emotionless. "Welcome young child, to my domain. Her death was inevitable the instant she entered Hell." Hozumi ran at him "Liar!! She's not dead!!!" He jumped in the air and kicked towards the mans face. But instead, Hozumi was sent flying back and covered in lightning, not even able to touch the being. He crashed next to Lucy, tears coming out of his eyes "Lucy, please wake up" "Didn't you hear me? She's dead. But don't worry, she'll be back. This is Hell afterall. After a few decades of torture, she'll be back" He said with a raised eyebrow as Hozumi got on his knees next to her. The rocks around him began to levitate as his spiritual pressure began to increase. "No, she's not gonna die. I won't allow it!" He put his mouth over the wound and sucked out the black smoke from the wound. The being grabbed the back of Hozumi's head and pulled him away from Lucy's body. "Fool, you would of died if you kept on doing that. And I can't have you die, your body is important to me" Hozumi turned his head towards the being and spewed out the black smoke from his mouth, engulfing it. The being tossed Hozumi into a rock, his body stuck. Hozumi coughed out a large amount of black blood as tears began to come out of his in large quantities. The being chuckled "I told you it was dangerous. Its a miracle you didn't die" As he finished speaking a massive electrical beam came from his side and hit him, generating a massive explosion and powerful winds. Lucy was standing, heavily panting with her palm pointing at the being. She grinned "He's weak" The being came out of the smoke and appeared in front of Lucy, his palm smashing her head into the ground. Her pupils dilated, before fading slightly to show she had passed out. "Stay down for good" His eyes began to glow as he prepared to fire off a beam to kill her.

Out of the blue, a random foot came from the being's right and hit him in the face, sending the being crashing through multiple mountains. An old man with messy black hair, a white rob and 5'oclock beard appeared. He was scratching his chin "She's right, you've grown weak...Tartaros" The being appeared behind the old man. Its expression was once again emotionless and his body unscathed despite the destruction dealt on the surrounding lands. "Is that so? Why don't I show you the power that gave me the right to rule Hell" The old man smirked "Its been overdue hasn't it" Suddenly, a massive dome of energy formed as the two connected blows. That was the last thing Hozumi had saw, before his consciousness faded.

- 1 Day Later -
Hozumi's eyes slowly opened, seeing the same old man heavily panting as he leaned against a wall. His left arm was missing and blood was dripping down all over his face. The old man coughed out blood, dropping down to his knees. Hozumi tried to get up but winced at the pain. The old man turned to Hozumi and chuckled "To think you're awake after one day...amazingg" The old man said as he collapsed to the ground, blood pouring out of his left arm. Hozumi got up, ignoring the pain and going up to the old man "Old man, you can't die" Hozumi said as he placed his arms on him "I won't let you" A blue glow surrounded the old man as Hozumi's hair began to rise. The blue glow intensified at the open wound as it began to cauterize. The bleeding eventually stopped, Hozumi sighing in relief after he had closed the wound. "Wait" He looked at his eyes, surprised "How did I do that?" He asked to himself, not even thinking about it. He just knew what to do, it was strange.

He looked around in the small cave, seeing a sleeping Lucy and the knocked out, beat up Old Man. Hozumi sat down and leaned his back against the walls "Not again" Once again, he was alone. No one to help him in this foreign land. He began to cry as he dropped his head on his knees, glaring at the ground as tears came out of his eyes. He couldn't stop crying, as much as he hated to cry. But he just felt so helpless. So weak and minuscule. All he wanted to do was go home. Suddenly, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. He looked up, teary eyed, to see Lucy smiling down at him. Her body was weak at the moment, but her smile reassured him that everything would be fine. He put his head on her chest as he began to cry without holding back "I want to go home!" He said as his cried. Lucy just smiled, patting his head "There there Hozumi. Let it all out. I'll always be here. Together, we'll get out of here" She said as Hozumi did nothing but cry his heart out

- 1 Day Later -
The two woke up, Hozumi's head resting on Lucy's lap. The two looked around, wondering where the old man went. "Finally you're awake" The old man said, drinking out of a cup with his left arm. Hozumi's eyes nearly popped out of his head "W-wait huh?! Your arm was missing just yesterday! But now, it's there?!"[/u] Lucy was just as confused, but remained silent. The old man chuckled, putting the stone cup down on the floor by a fire which formed as he put the cup down

"This isn't exactly my arm. I borrowed it: The old man said, with a mischievous smile.

Hozumi's eye twitched "How do you just borrow an arm?! Its not like they came out of thin air!"

"Well its simple...." The old man took a pause, taking a sip of his drink and setting it back down. He looked back up at Hozumi "I borrowed it"

"How, what, huh?!" The old man chuckled at the baffled Hozumi "Why don't you open your eyes and think logically. Your pretty lady friend has already figured it out, haven't you?" The old man asked with a raised eyebrow. Lucy scratched her red cheeks and nodded "You used Seido, correct?"[/u] The old man smiled and nodded

"Correct, but how did you know? Less than a handful amount of people know of the techniques, and even less call it by Seido" [b]"Well I was taught it by my former sensei, Jyu Viole Grace. But he's known to be called Lessa"
The old man's eyes widened "That crazy coot actually took a student?! BUAHAHAHA!! I'll believe it the day his son shows up in front of me!"


The old man raised an eyebrow "What is it?" Hozumi spoke up "I'm his son" The old man turned to Hozumi, his expression serious "I don't care if you're just a boy. I'll chop you in two if you use that man's name in vain" Hozumi looked into the old man's eyes, his expression serious "He is my father" The old man eyed Hozumi suspciously "I'll be the judge of that"

Hozumi and the Old Man sat down, legs crossed and facing each other. The Old Man had his eyes closed, speaking in an unknown language. Hozumi sat down patiently, staring at the Old Man. Lucy watched from the entrance of the cave, arms crossed and leaning against the walls He's so calm, I guess letting all of that out made him feel better. Maybe, this old man should be the one teaching him...not me

The Old Man opened his eyes, a bright blue glow coming out of them. All features of his eyes were gone and were replace with a bright blue glow. Suddenly, he fired off a ray from them which shun onto Hozumi. Hozumi's shadow was different from before. Both an outline of Aya and Viole were standing behind him, their backs turned towards Hozumi. Viole's shadowy figure turned around, his ripple like eyes glaring into the Old Man's. Then an apparation of Viole's eyes came towards the Old Man and pass him, sending the Old Man flying and flipping back. He landed on his feet and skidded to a stop. He glared at Hozumi as both of his parent's faded away "By god, you weren't lying....haha...hahaha....BUAHAHAHAHA!!!! THAT OLD COOT WOULD GO OFF AND KNOCK UP A DEMON! TO THINK, A CHILD LIKE YOU IS OUR LAST HOPE!"

Hozumi stared at the old man, confused and off put "Uhh, so what does that mean?" The Old Man grinned "Boy, would you like to become greater than your father?" Hozumi's eyes lit up "Is that possible?" The Old Man chuckled "Boy, if you set your aim on it, there's nothing you can't accomplish. Whats your name?" "Hozumi Indra Oda!" Hozumi said as he sat upright "And what about yours girly?" The Old Man asked Lucy, who was about to leave the cave. She rubbed the back of her head "Does that really matter The Old Man nodded "Of course, as of today, you are now both my students. Rest, you're gonna need it for tomorrow" He said with a wide grin. The two gulped, not sure what to expect

- The Next Day -
"Gaah...dammit....aahh...some help....please?" Hozumi said, holding onto the edge of a cliff for dear life. Attached to his legs were 2 large rocks, dangling in the air and adding weight to his body. The Old Man sat down on the edge of the cliff, drinking out a stone cup. He raised an eyebrow "Help? Why do you deserve help when you don't even know the 3 most important things in life. Whether its every day life or fighting" Hozumi was drenched in sweat, his arms shaking "Uhhh...is it fight hard, never give up and kill?" The old man whipped the top of Hozumi's head three times, leaving a bump as Hozumi resisted to touch it. His eyes watered from the pain "Uhh...is it never give your opponent the chance to att-" The Old Man struck his head again "Gaah! How am I supposed to know when you never told me?!" The old man raised an eyebrow and looked at Hozumi. A few seconds later, he whipped the top of his head again

"My my, your head really is THAT thick" Hozumi scowled the Old Man, causing him to whip Hozumi in the head again "Owww!! What was that for?!" The Old Man took a sip "I didn't like the look in your eyes" "Thats so stup-" The Old Man raised an eyebrow Fricking Old Man, I'll get you back for this The Old Man whipped his head again "Yeow!! I didn't even say anything!" "I know...but I could tell you were spiting me in your thoughts" Hozumi's eyes widened, not speaking since it was true. "W-why isn't Lucy doing this?" The Old Man chuckled "She's already done the basics, plus what she's doing is much worse compared to your regime. Don't worry though, you'll be joining her soon" He said, with a mischievous grin. Hozumi gulped and muttered under his breath "Crazy old man" The old Man whipped Hozumi's head again "I heard that" Hozumi bit his tounge, his eyes getting watery once again.

The Old Man sighed, standing up and grabbing Hozumi's shoulder. He lifted him up, slicing through the ropes with his finger tips and tossing Hozumi on the flatside of the cliff. Hozumi lied down, panting heavily and covered in sweat "I should might as well tell you, you'll never get it on your own. The 3 most important things in life is...breathing properly, eating properly and walking properly. I suppose sleeping properly could count, but it doesn't matter as much for now"

Hozumi's eye twitched "You're kidding me right?" THe Old Man whipped the top of Hozumi's head "I've never been more seriously in my life" The Old Man stood up, dusting off his white coat "And we have to change your clothes. I can't train you with such dirty clothes" Hozumi loked at his clothes "But" THe Old Man looked down at Hozumi, his eyes cold "Hozumi...you can only move on if you let go of the ties which connected you to your past. If you cannot do that, then I cannot train you. Make your choice Hozumi"

Hozumi looked down, his eyes full of sorrow "I don't know" The Old man kicked Hozumi, sending him flipping across the cliff top "Do you think your opponent will give you time to think!! Make the choice Hozumi!! The Old man appeared to the right of Hozumi, kicking him again and sending him skidding towards the edge. Hozumi barely stopped, standing up and panting. The Old Man walked towards him "There's no point of having that blood in your veins if you can't put it to use" He said with a cold expression, appearing behind Hozumi and slapping his head into the ground. Hozumi coughed out a mix of spit and blood. The Old Man grabbed and lifted Hozumi by his hair. Hozumi turned, his eyes that of a wild animal and his teeth sharpened. He sent a kick towards the Old Man's arm, the Old Man letting go and jumping over Hozumi and landing a small distance away. He smirked.

Hozumi ran towards him "I CHOOSE BOTH!!" He sent a flurry of punches and kicks, each aiming for a vital pressure point. The Old Man grinned, slapping each of Hozumi's attacks like nothing as the two fought on the top of the cliff. Hozumi sent a punch towards the Old Man's face. But before it could land. the Old man caught it "Let us see if your answer will be the same...in 3 months" He said, kicking him in the stomach and knocking him out "There will be a day Hozumi...when you can only choose one. When that day comes...I hope you choose the right thing" He said, looking out at Hell as a terribely hot wind passed

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" Hozumi woke up screaming and covered in sweat. He was panting heavily as Lucy ran towards him and hugged him "Hozumi its fine, it was just a bad dream" Hozumi hugged her, his body shaking in fear "I-it felt so real" "I know....it always does" This isnt good, a child shouldn't have to experience these nightmares....stay strong Hozumi She said, rubbing Hozumi's head to relax. His body still shook violently

"Sooo on the first night,
a pebble falls to the earth from somewhere

Sooo on the second night,
The pebble's children hold hands and sketch a waltz"

Lucy's voice was soothing and peaceful, perhaps the only serene and incorruptible thing in the entire Hell hole. Hozumis shaking slowed down as he partially moved his head up to look at Lucy. She was staring out of the entrance of the cave, her emerald green eyes letting out a slight sparkle.

"Sooo on the third night,
The children of the waltz cause ripples on the face of the world

on the fourth night,
the children of the waves spray the shore"

Hozumos shaking stopped, Lucy's beautiful voice taming his wild mind and causing him only to focus on the words she sang.

"Sooo on the fifth night,
thos shards strike the face of the earth over and over

on the sixth night,
those signals bring travelers together"

The song made him forget about his pains, his worries and his thoughts. He forgot that he was in Hell for the time she sang. It felt as if he was back home, when he used to sleep in the arms of his mother. He knew there was a chance he may never experience such a thing again, but he had to fight crying. Right now, her song was all that mattered to him, the shaking stopping as a result. Lucy smiled, happy to feel him calm at last

"So...on the seventh night,
a weightless ship races to the sky

on the eighth morning,
a song from somewhere reaches my earss

Well then...a song that has recorded everything echoes to the new sky"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
Avatar of samreaper

samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
When he asked if they should invite Megumi, he looked at her once again yet decided that it was probably for the best to not disturb her at all. That and he felt she might end up breaking something if she randomly started dancing again. "I rather not disturb her. That and she might possibly break something if she started dancing again." Ryozo said with a shrug as he started walking out of the room leaving Megumi to her little dances

Even when he asked, he felt that they shouldn't interrupt Megumi who seemed so focused into her dancing that he couldn't help but agree with Ryozo.'I guess you're right. We can invite her to celebrate after a successful mission..if it goes well that is.'Giving a weak chuckle as for a brief moment the thought of none of them coming back popped into his head, but shook his head; not wanting to think about that and let it ruin his happiness at joining a squad.'Ryozo was it? Looks like we'll be working together often from now on.'Following after him, hoping she wouldn't be mad that they left her, though wondered if she would even notice by the time they returned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

- Hari Clan Rebellion Part Three: What's Done Cannot Be Undone -

"I said NO! If anyone's going to be dying today, it's going to be me!... I'm going to save her, even if that means I won't be able to save myse-" Fumio threw his body towards Souta, placing a hand on his arm and squeezing it gently before looking up at the fruity top. "Souta" Fumio began gritting his teeth, looking angrily at the guy. "Just Fucking Kill Me!" Souta looked back with a stern expression, ripping his arm out of Fumio's grip. "Fuck yourself Kazuhiko. Why the fuck would I do that? Why would I kill the person I care about the most? Ever fucking ask me to do that ever again and I'll beat you so near death that you'll think you're dying but you won't be. You're not dying on my watch asshole." Souta spoke with a calm but deadly serious tone; a seriousness that Fumio had never heard come from him before... Watching as Souta began pushing himself off of the ground, turning his will-power into strength to force himself up, Fumio sighed before turning his face sharply towards Ursula and Rio. "As you wish then asshole." With little to say, Fumio stayed quiet,not happy at all... He thought at that moment that Souta was truly an idiot.... still trying to keep Fumio alive despite everything he had done, despite all of the people he had killed and all of the stuff he tried to make Souta do... He couldn't understand why Souta was like this, surely any other sane person would of taken Fumio's life without a second thought if they had the chance... However, this wasn't the time to procrastinate, this was the time for actio-

"Are you two finished? Ready to watch the death of Umeko?~" Ursula spoke up, the other two momentarily paralysed by the sound of her voice. Ursula smirked at their reaction, swinging her blade back before the blade headed for Rio. Souta inched forward but it was already too late. "HUERONA!!!" "N-NO!! HUERONA!" The two yelled, wide-eyed as the blade was practically a centimetre away...

... Within less than a second it would of been all over for Rio... Would of been....

"UNN!" Ursula's blade stopped moving, mainly because of the hands that suddenly caught it before it could reach her face; Rio's hands. "I... will n-not.... Give UP!" Rio yelled, pushing the blade back as much as she could, buying herself a little more time. Her hands were getting severely cut since she grabbed the cutting edge but that didn't bother her... She refused to accept this as her fate. "I will... NOT let you... WIN!" She grit her teeth, raising whatever little spiritual energy she had left to continue to stop the blade from reaching her eyes, wrestling with the Ursula's sword.

Ursula looked down at the girl before abruptly bursting into a fit of laughter. "I SEE THE GIRL HAS A LITTLE MORE FIGHT LEFT IN HER!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! GIVE UP!" The woman yelled, equally pushing her sword towards Rio. It didn't take long before Ursula's sword began closing in on Rio once more, getting too close for comfort... 'No.... I have so much to live for now.... Kaizo, Sho..... Kenta, Captain Kuchiki..... The whole of Squad two... Everyone who'll ever need me! I can't let them down!!! I WILL NOT!' Despite her utmost effort being sliced through little by little, Rio still never gave up... The last time she had given up, ready to be killed and have her life taken from her, she regretted it instantly.... She was lucky that time, however she knew it was only a matter of time before her luck would run out, but until then, she'd keep fighting.... Not for herself, but for the ones she loved.

Even more of Rio's blood added to the gathering puddle beneath her. The puddle soon grew to surround Ursula's feet, however the woman didn't care for that, still trying to push her sword towards Rio, when a strong force relieved it from her hand....

Ursula's blade flew through the air, spinning before landing in a large, upright stone, seemingly a part of a wall from a building that used to stand there before Ursula destroyed it. The sword's impact caused cracks to spread almost instantaneously to the outer edges of the wall before suddenly smashing and burying the sword within a stone tomb.

Rio's eyes were wide, her crystal eye showing much more now, utterly confused. Ursula simply looked at her hand, a raised eyebrow in confusion until a certain smell of apple-wood drifted throughout the air, catching Rio's attention.

"Confused?... Ursula." A new voice was added to the scene, one with a mature, female tone. A smirk hopped onto Ursula lips but just as she was about to turn her head towards the cloaked figure, a punch was sent straight to her face, one which force carried Ursula through the air, causing her to unintentionally let go of Rio as she flew to the right. Just as Rio was released from Ursula's grip, she was caught again but by the cloaked figure. They had both of their arms out in which Rio laid across them.

"H-huh?..." Rio breathed out, unable to really say much. The figure flicked their hood back, revealing flowing, long black hair tied up in a pony and purpley-plum eyes, a little darker than Rio's own. "I'm proud of you Huerona... Or should I say Rio" Rio's eyes couldn't get any wider, which made the woman smile, the first proper smile she gave in near enough 100 years. "M-mom" Was all Rio could push out, feeling as though their was a knot in her throat, not to mention the pain that lingered from Ursula's crushing grip.

Ronda hummed a chuckle as she carried Rio over to where Fumio and Souta were. "I'm sorry I didn't join in sooner... I wanted to see whether or not you three were strong enough to finish Ursula without my help... I was wrong, my apologies..." Rio continued to stare up at Ronda before looking down while she was sat down near the other two but not exactly next to them. "I'm going to take over for a little bit sweetie, however be prepared to end this Okay? Use this time to gather your strength... And... I want you to remember.... Your mother and father love you so much and always will" Ronda kissed Rio on the forehead before standing. Rio kept quiet, not really knowing what she should say at this point... She would of tried to stop Ronda, but clearly they needed as much help as they could get if they planned on surviving this battle.... Ronda looked down at Rio, noticing her saddened expression. "Don't worry Huerona, Rio... Everything will be fine... Me and your father are ever so proud of you honey.... so don't let us down and don't ever give up no matter what..." Ronda's eyebrows screwed together as she tried to prevent herself from getting upset but the reality was... she already knew how this was going to end, she just hoped Rio would be able to handle it...

Souta and Fumio were both flabbergasted... Souta was glad though, however Fumio didn't know whether or not to be happy.... He was happy that Rio was still alive... but Ronda and him weren't exactly on good terms, due to what she did years ago that resulted in the deaths of his parents.... Ronda turned towards the two of them, her face reverting back to it's usual straight expression. The resemblance between her and Rio was truly uncanny.

Ronda then turned towards the spot Ursula crashed into, taking a step forward before Souta suddenly shouted towards her. "I'll Help Yo-" As Souta spoke, Ronda lifted her left hand and shook her head, signalling for him to stay put. "No. Both of you should use this time to gather your energy also..." She dropped her hand before just looking over at the both of them, noticing Souta's reluctant expression before she began speaking once more. "Also... Thank you both for protecting my daughter.... But, this threat isn't dead yet. Gather your energy and don't let your guards down.... Rio may need your help later, but after that, she'll take care of the rest." Souta stood straight, however was confused at the last part of what Ronda had said, but before he could question it, Ronda had already began making her way towards the enemy.

Ronda took a few more steps forward before coming to a stop. Ursula had already gotten up and was currently stood with her arms crossed, however amusement was certainly evident in her face. Ronda kept quiet, watching her with a stern stare.

"Hmhmhm, look who we have here~ What a pleasant surprise to see you again Ronda~" Ursula smirked whereas Ronda just continued to look at her with a face of stone. "And how unpleasant it is to see you again Urochi." Ursula laughed in response to this, calming herself down before talking once more. "Oh how it's been so long since I heard my last name~ I almost feel honoured that you remembered Umeko~ However, it'd only make sense if you did, we were close back in the day, before I killed everyone but chose to keep you alive~" Ursula began grinning deviously while Ronda's expression never changed. "It's amusing at how close we were back then compared to now. Seeing Fushimaru and Kazuhiko together reminds me of us~ But what happened Ronda? What turned us into this?" Ronda's expression still didn't change, however she did respond this time. "How could you ask me such a question with an obvious answer. You know what happened.... Ursula. Today we both will die and with that will be an end to all of this. An end to everything you've caused." Ursula continued to grin throughout the whole of Ronda's speech however the three spectators were thoroughly shocked, unable to grasp what they were hearing.

"Heheh, Oh that's just like you, always making statements that never come true. Whatever happened to 'you will escape with Kazuhiko and his family' huh? If I recall, I killed them~ Therefore your statement that became invalid. You, your daughter and Fushimaru will be the ones dying today." Ronda clenched her hands into fists while gritting her teeth, a crystal-looking smoke began swirling around her hands. "You're an idiot. A pathetic idiot." Ronda stated harshly. "Enough. Let's get this over with, shall we Sister?~"[/b] Ursula straighten her right fingers and held them together. As she did this, crystal grew off the tips of her fingers and over her hand, creating a casing over her hand that moulded into the end of an extremely large Kunai with both sides sharp. While watching, Fumio glared daggers at Ursula, finding how she spoke infuriating since it sounded just like him...

"Very well Murderer." Ronda kept straight, watching as Ursula made a blade out of crystal covering her right hand before bending her knees a little to get into a stance. Meanwhile Ursula pointed the tip of her bladed hand downwards, much like Fumio would do with his sword.

Ursula made the first move, speeding towards Ronda with a grin unlike one she had shown so far. This one was like a sadistic-looking mask shielding something underneath, however as she had gotten closer to Ronda, her grin slowly began dropping to a look of intense anger... Ronda just stood still, no more emotion displayed on her face as she waited for Ursula to get closer. Ursula lifted her bladed right hand, swinging at Ronda once she was close enough, however the woman side-stepped it. Ursula then swung at her again, with more force this time, but Ronda once again side-stepped and dodged it. The woman then swung around five more times, Ronda dodging each one but with a sixth swing, the black-haired woman had gotten cut deeply along her upper left arm. Immediately jumping back, Ronda grabbed under the cut with her right hand, gritting her teeth a little in annoyance. Letting go of herself, Ronda brought her fists up. Just as Ursula tried to swing the flat side of her make-shift blade towards the woman, Ronda turned towards the crystal blade and punched it dead-on which caused the blade to shatter completely, leaving only her hand.

Ursula gave a look of shock at first but before she could retaliate, Ronda landed a punch in her stomach. The force was enough to actually make Ursula double-over before Ronda sent multiple punches to the woman's gut, growing faster while gaining power the more she landed hits. A crack soon appeared on Ursula's torso, causing concern for Ursula which then made her grab both of Ronda's wrists in an instant, pulling the woman towards her before kneeing Ronda in the gut. The latter's eyes widened as she was kneed, doubling-over herself before Ursula let her go and gave her a vicious kick in the chest, making the woman fly and crash into the Clan Leader's building.

"Well... That was disappointingly short.... Now back t-" "I don't think so." Ronda was stood behind Ursula, bending down a little before sending a bone-crushing punch to the middle of Ursula's spine, causing the woman to fly forward, skidding across the floor as she swung her body around to face Ronda before eventually stopping, dust lining her path. "My my, someone's improved their speed~ But you're still not fast enough." Ursula sprinted towards Ronda once more, aiming to punch Ronda in the face with her left hand, however Ronda merely moved her head to the left so Ursula's fist moved passed her face. While it did, Ronda kneed Ursula hard in the stomach, hard enough for Ursula to almost choke on air. "I'm fast enough to fight you." Ronda looked down at Ursula blankly while the woman looked up at Ronda with severe hatred. Ursula then lifted her left hand and grabbed Ronda by the throat. Ronda could of easily dodged, however she didn't for some reason...

Rio, Souta and Fumio watched on, doing as Ronda had told them to by using the time to gather their energy however the three was almost certain that Ronda would finish Ursula off... That was until she let Ursula grab her... "Mother!" Rio leaned forward, about to shunpo and get Ursula off of Ronda but the woman turned her head towards Rio and simply shook it, signalling to Rio to still stay put while smiling at her concerned look.

"Why are you so happy Ronda? Do you not realise that I'm going to kill you!!" Ursula had stood up, staring at Ronda hatefully while the other just hummed a chuckle before looking back into Ursula's eyes. "I'm happy because now I'm certain that you will die, I don't have to worry about my daughter anymore. This Clan tradition will end with the both of us and you don't even realise... it." Ursula began squeezing her hand tighter while Ronda spoke. "Heh, again with this bullshit. It's not happening! And now that I've got you, no one can stop me!" Ursula grinned devilishly before looking back to the group of spectators. "Looks like Ronda will be the first to die!" Ursula began chuckling madly as Fumio, Rio and Souta took a step forward, glaring at the woman and preparing themselves to fight, however Ronda still just shook her head, looking around to the three, then to Rio. "Rio... Don't worry ho-ney... I'm... so proud of you... I know... you... won't... let me down..." Ronda continued to speak even as Ursula attempted to make the woman stop talking by squeezing harder on her windpipe. "Shut Up." Ursula commanded, however Ronda didn't listen. "I... and your dad..... will always... love you.... whether you're Rio... or Huerona..." Rio watched on, her widened eyes shaking as she heard her own staggered breathing... She wanted to stop this! She wanted to do something! But... that wasn't what Ronda wanted her to do.... "B-but... M-Mother!" Rio yelled, unsheathing both of her Zanpakutos with her teeth grit and eyes narrowed, focused on Ursula.

"Just... let it happen Ri-HU-N!....... o....."

Rio froze instantly.... Her eyes widened dramatically once more, along with Fumio's and Souta's.... Ursula had shoved her newly made right hand crystal blade through Ronda's stomach and out of her back.... Ronda's blood dripped off of the tip of Ursula's weapon and onto the floor before the latter slowly pulled it out and threw Ronda over to Rio. "Now you finally shut up trash... Time to deal with the offspring." Fumio and Souta had both stood up at this point, the rest helped them gain back most of their energy. "The only piece of fucking trash I see here is you." Fumio cut in, shunpo'ing over to the other side of Ursula and grabbing his Zanpakuto that had been thrown by Ursula not too long ago. "Ronda was right, you WILL Die TODAY! You Fucking Bitch!!" Souta added, lifting his spiked hammer.

Just as the two darted for Ursula from both sides, Zanpakuto's released and ready to fight, Rio sat in a dreadful silence... She couldn't take her eyes off of the woman laying on the floor in front of her, unable to even blink... She just couldn't stop her tears from breaking free, flowing down her face until her eyebrows shot up in shock... Ronda's body twitched a little before she dragged her fists across the floor, using her strength to try and push the top part of her body up but ended up collapsing back onto the floor. Urgently, Rio darted closer to her mother, dropping to her knees in front of her body. "H-Hue... rona" Ronda moved her head to look straight and then up to find her daughter's teary and bloody face. "M-Mother.... I... You should of let me do something!" Rio started to sob but closed her eyes to try not to cry too much. "Y-you saved me... th-thank you.... Wh-... Why di-didn't you want m-me to save y-you?" She asked, confused and distraught... Her mother may of not been there for the life she remembered, but Ronda was still her mother.... Dragging her hand over to Rio, Ronda placed it on Rio's leg before giving her a sad smile. "Eheh.... d-don't... worry... This.... h-had to happen...." "No! I can still get you help! I-I need to take to you to Squad Four right n- "No honey." Ronda raised her voice to stop Rio from talking further... "N-no?...." Rio looked down, biting her bottom lip to stop it from shaking. Ronda gently shook her head before making a short chuckle noise, continuing to speak after a small silence. "I'm... so lucky.... to of had you.... N-now.... quickly.... L.... look into my eyes... with your right eye... w-with your power...." Rio was taken by surprise by this request... however she just nodded before focusing her right eye, leaning closer...

Once Rio's crystal eye made full eye-contact with Ronda's eyes, Rio let Ronda's memories flow into her. Flashing images scattered throughout Rio's mind, along with memories, voices, names, faces, everything.... The longer Rio had held eye-contact for, the more her mind absorbed... until there was nothing more... Rio sat there with both of her eyes wide, but still held eye-contact with Ronda while the woman smiled, however Rio then heard her voice without the woman opening her mouth.

'"Honey, can you hear me?"' Ronda continued to smile while Rio gasped lightly. 'Yes I can....' She responded in thought, which then the sound of Ronda chuckling was heard. Within Rio's mind, Ronda's voice sounded as though it echoed which must of been an effect of the power... '"Heh, good, I'm glad I was right. So, you know everything now, don't you Rio?"' Rio's eyelids moved down a little over her eyes, however her crystal eye still kept eye-contact with Ronda's eyes. '.... Yes.... I do mom..... but w-why?.... Why do you have to do this?!' Her tears returned with a vengeance, reeking havoc as they spilled out of her eyes, down her cheeks and dripped off of her chin onto her legs and Ronda's hand. Ronda silently pulled her body closer to Rio's, making sure to keep eye-contact as she used her other hand to wipe some of Rio's tears away. '"You know why honey... I want a safe future for you, Kazuhiko, Souta and every other one of us that is still alive... I failed to stop Ursula even though I tried my best... I couldn't save your father or Kazuhiko and his parents.... so I had to leave with you.... I miss your father so much Rio, and now I get to finally be with him knowing that you're safe and strong enough to fend for yourself"' Ronda's smile grew a little more while Rio only sniffed, continuing to sob silently. 'B-But mother... I-I need you!... PLEASE! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!' Rio grabbed both of Ronda's hands, quietly sobbing hysterically as the only words exchanged between the two were the ones in their minds. Ronda lightly shook her head. '"You don't need me honey, you've already proven that. But, I will still always be with you, my spirit will live on in your heart my beautiful daughter~ If only your father could see you now, so big and strong, not to mention a Lieutenant within the Gotei Thirteen~ He'd just be over the moon"'[/i] Tears started to slip out of Ronda's eyes as she thought about the three of them during the times when they were able to be a family... She cried with Rio, wishing this wouldn't of been such a sad goodbye but that was something that couldn't be prevented. 'But... mother... just because I learned to live without you... d-doesn't m-mean....' Rio took a deep breath, unable to even think anymore... she just didn't want her mother to die.... '[/b]"I know honey but don't be scared.... Everything that me and your father have done is for you... We want you to be able to live your life without all of this... We want you to be free to find yourself instead of be constrained to this Clan... You've done this and much much more, which is why we're so proud of you Rio~ Heh, Rio suits you better than Huerona~ I really like the name. Now we don't have much time left... you know what I'd like for you to do next... Goodbye daughter, I wish you the best and will always be with you, inside here"[/b]' Ronda finally broke eye-contact, dragging her body to an upright position before looking back at Rio, placing a hand over Rio's heart. Ronda's wound was worse than Rio had thought... It bled profusely however Rio tried her best not to look at it.

Ronda smiled at her daughter before holding both of her hands out, palms facing upwards. Rio looked down as she lifted both of her own hands, holding her Zanpakutos before placing the hilts in Ronda's hands. "Th-thank... y-you...." Leaning closer to Rio, Ronda kissed her one last time on the forehead before pulling back while Rio's eyes were still looking downwards.

"I-It's all... going to be Okay.... Good bye now, my beautiful d-daughter~" With that, Ronda stabbed herself with both of Rio's blades, raising her spiritual energy as high as possible which was incredibly high. Rio winced as she heard her blades go through before looking up at her mother, even more tears streaming out of her eyes, however she didn't expect to see what came out of the other side of Ronda.... The crystal that came out the other side absorbed every bit of energy Ronda was putting out, she was giving it everything she had and more.... The crystal then turned a thick maroon colour mixed with violet swirls as that was the colour of Ronda's spiritual energy.

Rio could sense her mother's energy quickly depleting at a fast rate, unable to prevent the excessive amount of tears pouring out her eyes at this point.... Crawling forward, she wrapped her arms around her mother, hugging her tightly while squeezing her eyes closed. "I'm sorry mother... I'll always love you too... so... s-so m-much" Rio refused to let her mother go, even after all of the woman's energy had been absorbed by Rio's crystal. With one last breath, loud enough for Rio to hear, Ronda's body fell completely limp on Rio's shoulder...

After a silent moment of just hugging her mother, Rio pulled back, finally out of tears while the crystal retracted back through Ronda's body and into Rio's Zanpakutos.... Wrapping her hands around the hilts of her swords, Rio gently pulled them out before lying her mother down, closing her eyelids softly to hide her lifeless violet irises....

Rio didn't want to think anymore... she didn't want to cry either, she just wanted to finish what her mother had planned... All of this was planned from the start, but that was a story for another time... Right now there was a task at hand and Rio was determined to complete it for her family and all of the other families Ursula had ruined.

Rio looked up at Ursula, void of emotion. She found that Souta had been thrown into a wall, hardly able to move his body however he was still awake while Fumio was once again caught by his neck in Ursula's grip. She was just laughing at him, head-butting him while she spoke. Her words didn't reach Rio anymore... All that Rio could hear was a shattering sound....

"U-ULGH!" Fumio's body shook, his arms were dangling by his sides while his eyes were half open. His face was practically smothered in his own blood as it poured down his forehead. "UG-AHH!" Ursula's hand continued to tighten, dangerously close to snapping Fumio's neck while chocking the life out of him, literally... "You brought this on yourself Kazuhiko~ Stop trying to protect your friend! Fushimaru is going to die no matter what you do so stay out of it! I will deal with you when I'm done with him and that little brat!" Ursula grinned sadistically as she watched Fumio quiver and listened to him choke while trying to scream. "NO! Le...Le...Lea....ve.... S.... S-S...Sou...Souta!!" He tried to talk but obviously he had an issue with doing so.

Rio looked at the scene, watching blankly while something stirred inside her... She let go of both of her Zanpakutos, letting them drop to the floor as she took a step forward, sea-foam green spiritual energy bursting out of her body as she did... She then took another step forward, her Zanpakutos beginning to move, sliding towards her as if they were attracted to a magnet in Rio's lower back... Rio continued to take steps forward, calm and emotionless as she made her way towards Ursula and Fumio. Her Zanpakutos then lifted off of the ground, seemingly going to stab Rio's lower back but instead ending up sinking into it, disappearing without a trace....

"AHAHAHHAHHAH!!" Ursula laughed while Fumio sensed something odd, his eyes following the odd energy that he didn't recognise. It seemed Souta sensed it too since his eyes drifted straight to Rio, watching her walk.... Something was different, but he didn't know what... or more didn't expect it to be what happened next.

"What are you looking at?!" Ursula yelled at Fumio before following his eyes. Since she couldn't sense energy, she didn't think anything changed and so just smirked. "Oh? Is the little girl upset that I murdered her mother? Does she want to hurt me?~" Ursula spoke in a patronising tone of voice, watching Rio. The latter didn't respond at all, she just kept her eyes on Ursula but then something started changing. Rio's usual plum eye started to turn a cloudy colour... a cloudy silver colour....

Fumio's and Souta's eyes widened when they saw this. "I-Is that?..." Souta murmured.

Rio's eye was identical to that of Souta's and Fumio's when they Crystallised, a few more steps further, Five Giant Crystal Fox-tails tore out of her lower back, the ends close together while the five tails fanned out, the tips of them a little bloody, since they tore from Rio's skin, as they all gently swayed in the air, moving in different directions. The feeling of them tearing her skin was painful at first but soon the feeling subsided.

"Wha... What the fuck is that?" Ursula whispered while Fumio faintly smirked, Ursula's grip on him loosening as she was more interested what the hell Rio was doing at the moment and how she achieved such a form. Souta continued to watch, shaking a little... The power Rio was exerting was higher than Fumio's when he was at his peak! How could she get so much power from an incomplete Crystallisation?! Souta's thoughts were scattered with that question.

Rio continued to walk but soon came to a stop, not too close but near Ursula. She silently looked at the woman before her eyes scrolled to Fumio. She had more control of her right eye's power due to her training and work with Keisa so she was able to choose who's mind she'd invade instead of worrying about doing it on accident. However, Rio wouldn't use her power unless she was requested to.

"You want him?" Ursula suddenly spoke up which caused Rio's eyes to return to her. Ursula's grin was wide and toothy while she barked a short laugh. "AHAHA! WELL TOO BAD! DEATH HAS COME KAZUHIKO!" She lifted Fumio higher into the air with her arm, just about to re-tighten her grip and snap Fumio's neck when Rio jumped, sending a flying kick to her stomach while landing immediately afterwards. Ursula let go of Fumio as she was catapulted back, however she was soon stopped in the air by Rio's furthest-right giant crystal foxtail being wrapped around her left ankle. Rio also caught Fumio by gently wrapping her furthest-left tail around his torso. She then shunpo'ed. The wall Souta was resting in collapsed, however Souta was no where to be found, until Rio reappeared.

She softly placed both Fumio and Souta on the ground, unwrapping her tails from around them while tightening the one she had around Ursula's ankle as she held the woman upside-down.
Fumio coughed up blood before rubbing his neck again while Souta just looked up at Rio in shock. Rio looked at them with her crystal and silver eyes, not saying a word before looking back at Ursula. "LET ME GO YOU FILTH!" The woman shouted, bending her body up to try and pull Rio's tail off of her with all of her might. However, Ursula wasn't even able to scratch it. Rio watched her before throwing Ursula high in the air, doing as the woman wished before shunpo'ing and reappearing in the air below Ursula.

Once Ursula began falling, Rio waited for a certain moment before whipping her body and tails around so that all of them would impact with Ursula's body, knocking the woman off course so that she'd fly directly into her own building, destroying it completely. Rio then shunpo'ed once more, landing back onto the ground with her tails swaying in the air calmly again, crossing her arms while waiting for Ursula to reappear.

"Shit..." After a little bit of time had passed, Ursula finally dragged herself out of a pile of rubble, stepping out of the crater she created. Once out, she stared at Rio with rage, cracks all over her crystal body. "THAT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO DEFEAT ME! NOW PREPARE TO DIE!" Ursula yelled from the top of her lungs while Rio just stood still, unaffected by the woman's words.

Ursula then broke into a sprint towards Rio, looking ready to tear Rio's eyes out. The latter watched for a moment before uncrossing her arms and balling both hands into fists, a crystal-looking smoke began swirling around her hands before she bent a little down, bursting into a spring herself. Rio darted towards Ursula, her tails swaying behind her while both herself and Ursula lifted their fist.

Within the next few seconds, the sound of a thunder clap rattled the area, but it wasn't from actual thunder, it was from Rio's and Ursula's fists smashing into each-other. Ursula glared at Rio as she pushed her fist against the girl's whereas Rio kept a calm, straight face.

Both women pulled their fists back before going in for a punch again and again, alternating fists with each meeting hit, causing more sounds of thunder claps to blast through the area. After three more clashing hits, Rio ducked as Ursula threw another fist towards Rio's face, falling forward a little due to the amount of force she had put into the attack. Rio used this opening to uppercut Ursula square in the gut, sending her flying up in the air once again before the girl jumped and shunpo'ed after her. This time, Ursula stopped herself while in the air, throwing more punches at Rio when she approached, however Rio dodged each and every one Ursula threw.

"What Are You?!" Ursula yelled, momentarily loosing focus which was her downfall as Rio landed a hefty punch to her face. However, before Ursula could start flying back, Rio grabbed her neck with her middle-right foxtail, pulling Ursula back before letting her go, only to punch her in her gut with so much force it smashed through a good amount of Ursula's layers, creating a dent in Ursula's crystallised stomach. This made Ursula double-over, coughing as Rio's five tails wrapped around each-other to form one Huge tail. Rio then turned again in the air, whacking Ursula's right shoulder to cause her to crash into the floor once more.

Landing and standing still, Rio's tails separated themselves. The girl then shunpo'ed to the floor, looking back at Souta and Fumio to check up on them.

"Ka-Ka-Kazuhiko... Sh-She's.... She's winning!!" Souta grinned, his eyes glued on Rio and her new form. Fumio blinked, speechless at Rio's power, he never expected anything like this to happen... But he was extremely grateful. Rio continued to look at them, silent before hearing rustling from where Ursula had crashed.

"You.... You th-think you've won?" Ursula lifted out of the pile of stones, once again stepping out of a crater with her vengeful eyes on Rio. Her crystallised form had cracks everywhere, not to mention the large, jagged dent where her stomach was. Rio once again didn't speech, only watched. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME?!" Jumping up in the air all of a sudden, Ursula held both of her palms close together so they faced each-other. "LET'S SEE HOW YOU FAIR AGAINST MY ULTIMATE ATTACK!!!" Clearly getting desperate now, the crystal that originally covered Ursula's hands began stretching forward, meeting in the middle. At this point, her entire crystal form began peeling off of her body, exposing skin underneath. The layers of crystal continued to peel and add to the ball of crystal being made in the middle of her hands. Ursula than began moving her hands apart as the ball grew larger and larger. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS BALL IS INDESTRUCTIBLE!! NO ONE CAN PIERCE OR BREAK IT! ESPECIALLY NOT YOU TRASH!" Ursula's grin was wide and cocky while she laughed and continued to until her ball was complete."Hehehe~ Kurisutaru no bōru~"

Ursula's eyes were on Rio at first, seeming as though she was going to use her attack on her but... they abruptly looked directly at Souta and Fumio. "HERE! THIS IS FOR YOU TWO!" She threw the giant ball as both Fumio's and Souta's eyes widened. "SHIT!" Souta yelled before he prepared himself, Fumio following suit but seconds before the ball could hit, Rio appeared, all tails bent in front of her as the two on both sides caught the ball. She used her middle tail to scoop up Fumio and Souta, wrapping it around them tight enough for them to be secure but not get crushed. Meanwhile, Rio skid back as she tried to slow the ball down, her legs growing a crystal cover to help slow herself down.

Ursula watched from the air, laughing madly as all she could see was her ball moving but then it abruptly stopped. "Huh?" Raising an eyebrow, Ursula watched the ball while the dust around it settle before it was suddenly split in two, straight down the middle. Ursula's eyes widened dramatically as she watched both halves of the ball fall apart before shattering into thousands of millions of shards. Standing on the other side was Rio, her middle Tail raised and pointed at Ursula while Souta and Fumio stood behind her, amazed.

"N-No! This Cannot be!! HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU THIS POWERFUL?!" Panic began setting in Ursula's mind before she blinked, however as she blinked and opened her eyes, Rio appeared right in front of her. Shaking, Ursula leaned back, wanting to move back by was paralyse with fear, still standing in the air. Rio just looked at her, her facial expression had been the same throughout this whole fight; straight and emotionless. "Th-those e-eyes" Ursula looked into Rio's eyes, reminded of Fumio's and Souta's crystallisations, growing terrified.... But then Rio's furthest-left crystal tail pierced straight through Ursula's stomach. "Ulgg......" Ursula doubled over while her blood dripped onto the floor beneath them.

The woman grabbed Rio's thick tail with both hands, blood dripping down the sides of her mouth as she grit her teeth at Rio, glaring at her. "T-trash... I-I will n-not d-die f-from TRASH!" Rio leaned in closer towards Ursula, catching her eyes with her own crystal one.

'"I'm not trash Ursula."' Ronda's voice travelled into Ursula's mind, making the woman's eyes widen. "R-Ronda? I-I..." '"I will never forgive you for what you did Ursula. You killed the one I loved and tore our Clan apart.... And for that, I will not forgive you. Like I said, today we both die. And with that, the end of the Clan's traditions. These kids will build the Clan back up and make it bigger, better and more stronger than ever before."' Ursula continued to grit her teeth at what Ronda was saying before tearing her eyes away from Rio and screaming. Eventually her screams died down, but just as it did, Rio's tail began absorbing bright blue energy. Seeing this, Rio used her middle and middle-left tails to snap off the one absorbing the power, wincing as they did. Not long after, Rio's furthest-left tail grew back as Ursula's body began dropping.

Rio caught the falling woman by her limp chest, gently placing Ursula's body onto the floor as she landed herself.

Fumio and Souta ran towards Rio before looking at the glowing blue crystal that sucked all of the energy out of Ursula's body. Fumio glanced at Rio with a smile. "You did it, you saved us~ Thank you Huerona" Rio looked at Fumio as the latter bowed. "Yeah! Good Job Rio!!" Souta yelled with high spirits before patting Rio on the back. Rio still stayed silent, merely looking at the two before she smirked, her tails retracting into her body while splitting apart, dropping both of her sealed Zanpakutos. Once they had fully retracted, Rio turned around and picked up her Zanpakutos, sheathing them before finally talking. "Eheh, don't thank me, thank my mother." She blushed a little while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Souta's and Fumio's faces then dropped as they looked over to Ronda's-"... Where did Ronda's body go?" Souta asked, looking around. Fumio raised an eyebrow at this while Rio just shook her head. "Don't worry about that. Now, what do we do with Ursula's power?" Rio nodded her head towards the glowing blue crystal lodged through Ursula's shell of a body. "Well, you defeated her and saved us all so I think you rightfully deserve her powers~" Fumio voiced, while Rio chuckled a little. "It was thanks to all of us, it wasn't just me. I wouldn't been able to kill her if you two didn't ware her down so much and protected me while I was talking to my mother so we defeated her together" Rio smiled at the both of them, feeling that she didn't deserve a reward for what they achieved together. Fumio just blinked before looking at Souta, clueless. "Well Souta? I think you should take it then" Souta smirked before resting his Shikai on his right shoulder and Crystallising.

Fumio and Rio both looked at him with raised eyebrows, wondering what he was up to. Souta only grinned at the two of them before lifting his left arm across his chest, aiming his spikes at the glowing crystal before shooting it, smashing the crystal before the spikes shattered themselves.

A large, blue ring of energy stretched throughout the air, like a visual sonic boom. The rings of energy flew passed the three and continued to spread, however only those who where Hari's would benefit from this since this spread the Head of the Clan's power evenly throughout all of the surviving Hari's within the Soul Society, giving all of them a power boost.

Fumio looked over to Souta with a smirk. "Ahh, so spread it out evenly between everyone~ Of course you'd think of that, heh" Rio turned and smiled at Souta as his spikes retracted and he sealed his Zanpakuto, returning to normal. "Good idea Souta" Rio giggled a little before walking forward, stopping by Ursula's body and looking down. She had no more words left to say to this woman, but she learned alot about her from her mother's memories... Another thing her mother had told her was to make sure Souta and Kazuhiko never turn out like her and Ursula... Looking over to the two, Rio watched as they spoke happily, laughing a little together. 'I'm certain they won't turn out like you two' She smiled herself before looking around, sensing a few people coming.

"Souta, is it over?" A random girl began walking into the area, their eyes cautiously on Fumio despite talking to Souta. Seeing this woman, Souta ran to her and hugged her, which surprised them all at first, however the woman just smiled and hugged Souta back. "Yes, it is over... I never thought I'd ever see you again..." "Yeah well, I'm a tough cookie, plus I chose not to get involved so I avoided everyone heheh. But, I felt Ursula's energy, as if some of it was being given to me? So I had to check it out" Not long after the woman spoke, more people started joining the three, all of them Hari's.

Souta explained what happened to everyone, all of them happy and relieved that Ursula was finally dead. This redeemed Fumio with the majority of the Hari's, but others still didn't like him, which he honestly didn't give a shit about. While Souta began socialising with the Clan members, happy to know that not everyone had been killed, Fumio and Rio waved goodbye and told him that they were going to return to the Seireitei. He was Okay with this and said that he'd visit them sooner of later. And with that, Rio and Fumio set foot back to the Seireitei.

"Why the sudden change of heart Kazuhiko? I thought you wanted to stay with the rest of the Clan?" Rio asked, a little confused. "Heh, well what can I say? I've grown to like it within the Seireitei, plus it's exciting~ I just feel that I'd do better there than back with the Clan. I want to leave Souta in charge there and see how things would go, after all, he was the one who was home-sick. Me, one the other hand, I don't care where I am, as long as I'm enjoying myself~" Fumio chuckled as the two walked together, heading back towards the Seireitei.

"I see."

- And thus, the death of the Hari Clan Leader Ursula lead to the beginning of the Clan's Rebirth.
The Vote for the new Leader was Unanimous; Souta Fushimaru Hari. However, even though the latter agreed to become the next leader, he made it clear that the traditional method of finding the new leader will never be used again. Instead, the next leader would be chosen by everyone within the Clan when the time comes for new Leadership. -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
"Ahh who says that? Obviously you are one, saving me from the woods, when i was all wet bleeding and unable to defend myself. Yet you decide to save my life, a true prince charming, just a robotic one." Takara said smirking, and then listened to him some more, frowning slightly at the law comment, then him saying she was squad two so it should be her job to figure out what he does. Almost instantly she had a line for this, and of course she had to say it. She was going to get a funny reaction from him one way or another. "Ooooh? Is that your way of saying I should watch you more closely? My, my you are quite the bold one."
Blue waited a bit outside, waiting patiently for whoever it was that would come and test him. A minute or so passed when a woman came outside, not looking the happiest of all people, but he truly didn't give a fuck about her being thrilled or happy right now. So when she asked the obvious question, he nodded . "That is correct, I felt this would be the perfect place to join, and before you ask I'm not giving away my name. So just call me Blue if you will."

"I guess I can be your prince charming then....And before you start your little teasing on that statement, no not like that. Only because I helped you out," Kenta said as he shifted his arms. He just stared at her as she teased him more, in which he just walked past her towards the door. "Yeah, come watch me!" Kenta called out to her as he walked outside, not saying anything else but that about her teasing.
Himeko nodded and didn't bother telling him that he technically did give her his name, even if it was an obvious fake one. She wouldn't drag the interaction on longer than it needed to be, she wanted to get back to her own thing as soon as possible. "Follow me then," she said as she turned around and led Blue into the barracks and to the training grounds. She called over a Shinigami and looked at the two, "You two spar, I'll watch." Himeko said as she took a few steps back. (You control the Shanagami, I'm too tired xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

samreaper said
Even when he asked, he felt that they shouldn't interrupt Megumi who seemed so focused into her dancing that he couldn't help but agree with Ryozo.'I guess you're right. We can invite her to celebrate after a successful mission..if it goes well that is.'Giving a weak chuckle as for a brief moment the thought of none of them coming back popped into his head, but shook his head; not wanting to think about that and let it ruin his happiness at joining a squad.'Ryozo was it? Looks like we'll be working together often from now on.'Following after him, hoping she wouldn't be mad that they left her, though wondered if she would even notice by the time they returned.

"Indeed we shall, I look forward to the experience Enji. Can't wait to see how you fight against live targets, I will only warn you, that staying a more than four meters away from me whenever I do anything with the black coffin is probably for the best." Ryozo said giving him his warning in advance. He would let the others know that too if he ever worked with anyone else. Ryozo continued walking with Enji leading them to a nice little quiet bar. In fact it was so qiet that some would probably doubt it was a bar. Apparently that was the point, as this one wanted to avoid doing business with the Squad eleven, as they apparently blew up bars after getting drunk. Sitting down Ryozo ordered himself his drink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AeronFarron said
The girl smiled at Alucard, happy that they found him. When the man came back to order their food, she ordered the "normal" and a side meat platter for Alucard. She waited for the lieutenant to order before she replied. "That's the kicker, they could care less about the state of my life. It is that way with every woman that doesn't conform. Many don't because the council can order that the cell kicks her out if she is not open to reason." she sips her drink. "They tried to pull that with me, but I--and my father--made the argument that my training is good for family business. If nothing else, it ups my "breeding score"." She used air quotes for the name of the practice. "And gives me freedom. Once I'm a third or pretty high up in Seating, I'll make a case to replace the familial council. Or at least to give the women more freedoms. But we'll see. Maybe Alucard can give em a good scaring." she said before ruffling his fur. "Heh. I hope so. So...officially speaking, what are you?" she asked in curiosity.

After Haruka ordered her food Hikari did so afterwards, ordering whatever sounded healthy....Which was mostly a beef bowl, but who said those weren't healthy? Besides the people who said that of course. After he left Hikari listened to Haruka speak anymore before replying, "Well hopefully with my training and a few more missions you can get a higher seat. Of course hearing this makes me want to train you more, to help you accomplish that for Clan....Or like you said, Alucard can scare 'em. Sounds just as good."

Once she asked the last question he shrugged, "What do you mean exactly? Like a...Veteran or something?"

(Here, have another shit post v.v)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"I guess I can be prince charming then....And before you start your little teasing on that statement, not like that. Only because I helped you out," Kenta said as he shifted his arms. He just stared at her as she teased him more, in which he just walked past her towards the door. "Yeah, come watch me!" Kenta called out to her as he walked outside, not saying anything else but that about her teasing.

Himeko nodded and didn't bother telling him that he technically did give her his name, even if it was an obvious fake one. She wouldn't drag the interaction on longer than it needed to be, she wanted to get back to her own thing as soon as possible. "Follow me then," she said as she turned around and led Blue into the barracks and to the training grounds. She called over a Shinigami and looked at the two, "You two spar, I'll watch." Himeko said as she took a few steps back. (You control the Shanagami, I'm too tired xD)

Again Kenta beat her too it, which made her pout and stick her tongue out at him, when he passed her and towards the door he stated that yes he should come watch him, which made her grin. "Oooo don't mind if I do. Maybe I'll figure out all your little secrets and." Takara then stopped when he already left the room which made her pout as she ran out the door to catch up to him. "You cannot run from a ninja girl!"
Blue simply followed her when she stated for him to do so. Once he was led to a room she stated for a shinigami to come over, and when he did she commanded them to spar. When the man drew his zanpakuto, Blue was already behind him locking him in a sleeper hold. Which he held for exactly 30 seconds which the shinigami stopped flailing his arms and passed out, Blue then dropped the man on the ground and looked at Himeko. "I think I broke it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Once Rio and Fumio both made it to the Seireitei, they waved at each-other before parting ways. Fumio made his way back to Squad Eight while Rio walked back to Squad two.

Sighing, Rio held her right hand over her right eye as she walked through the barracks, heading up the stairs to the balcony. Only less than a handful of people within Squad Two actually knew about her crystal eye and she preferred to keep it that way. Eventually at the top, Rio took her battered and bruised body to her room, closing the door before leaning against it and releasing a breath, sliding down the door to the floor... She thought about what happened... being back at the Seireitei made it all feel like it was just a dream but she had the evidence to remind her that it did in fact happen.... Not ready to face her thoughts yet, Rio stood back up and walked into her bathroom, taking a shower to calm her aching muscles and wash off all of the blood and dirt that was covering her body before putting on fresh clothes and a fresh eye-patch. She went with a smooth, velvet red one this time, once again mentally thanking Neil for the useful gift... she'd have to visit him some time to thank him properly. "Right. Now to report to Captain Kaizo..." She sighed once more before straightening herself out, putting on a professional front to make her seem back to normal.

Stepping out of her room, she removed the note from the front of her door and binned it before walking to Captain Kaizo's office, giving the door a knock while taking a deep breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Once Rio and Fumio both made it to the Seireitei, they waved at each-other before parting ways. Fumio made his way back to Squad Eight while Rio walked back to Squad two. Sighing, Rio held her right hand over her right eye as she walked through the barracks, heading up the stairs to the balcony. Only less than a handful of people within Squad Two actually knew about her crystal eye and she preferred to keep it that way. Eventually at the top, Rio took her battered and bruised body to her room, closing the door before leaning against it and releasing a breath, sliding down the door to the floor... She thought about what happened... being back at the Seireitei made it all feel like it was just a dream but she had the evidence to remind her that it did in fact happen.... Not ready to face her thoughts yet, Rio stood back up and walked into her bathroom, taking a shower to calm her aching muscles and wash off all of the blood and dirt that was covering her body before putting on fresh clothes and a fresh eye-patch. She went with a smooth, velvet red one this time, once again mentally thanking Neil for the useful gift... she'd have to visit him some time to thank him properly. She sighed once more before straightening herself out, putting on a professional front to make her seem back to normal.Stepping out of her room, she removed the note from the front of her door and binned it before walking to Captain Kaizo's office, giving the door a knock while taking a deep breath.

Kaizo had been sat in his office working a few things out with the Onmitsukido. Recently they had been doing their own thing, sure Kaizo was in proper command but he felt that it needed a bit of re-working. He'd be working closely with the Onmitsukido over the next few weeks and try pick out some of the best to help lead some of the divisions...although the top three would at least remain under the command of the Captain, Lieutenant and 3rd seat of the Squad. As Kaizo was thinking this over he heard a knock at his door. Kaizo had a feeling he knew who it was and let out a sigh of relief, he then looked down at his body and arms which were covered in bandages to cover the many cuts he received due to that damn Kuchiki. Kaizo then took a deep breath and looked up to his door then spoke "Enter" awaiting who he thought to be Rio to enter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo had been sat in his office working a few things out with the Onmitsukido. Recently they had been doing their own thing, sure Kaizo was in proper command but he felt that it needed a bit of re-working. He'd be working closely with the Onmitsukido over the next few weeks and try pick out some of the best to help lead some of the divisions...although the top three would at least remain under the command of the Captain, Lieutenant and 3rd seat of the Squad. As Kaizo was thinking this over he heard a knock at his door. Kaizo had a feeling he knew who it was and let out a sigh of relief, he then looked down at his body and arms which were covered in bandages to cover the many cuts he received due to that damn Kuchiki. Kaizo then took a deep breath and looked up to his door then spoke "Enter" awaiting who he thought to be Rio to enter

Rio waited quietly outside, completing her usual routine of stroking down her clothes to straighten them out while fixing her eye-patch into the correct place and neatening out her hair. She did have quite a few cuts and bruises all over her body but none on her face, which was good. As she waited, she finally heard Kaizo grant her entry and opened the door before stepping in, closing it behind her. Keeping her eyes to the floor, Rio walked over to the position she'd usually stand in before bowing and speaking while bowed. "I have returned and so have completed the mission you had set for me, Captain." Raising up, she noticed Kaizo's arms and raised an eyebrow before just looking up at Kaizo. "Um, Captain, I hope you don't mind me asking but... You're hurt? What happened?" Rio asked while holding eye-contact with him, keeping her face neutral despite being slightly worried. "Was there an attack while I was off?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja was having a stroll though the Seretei. Not that she really cred where she was going, or for what purpose, or what was stuck to her shoe, but she was walking. It might have been a booger. But, couldn't be hers, all her boogers got eaten. Waste No Food, or so her rather newish saying went. She liked making sayings, and also liked stealing other peoples sayings and passing them off as her own. Not that she would ever admit they where stolen, but still. Same with breasts, there was just...something about them so enamouring that she couldn't tear her eyes away from a pair once they had latched on. It got her into quite a bit of trouble sometimes.

With a sigh, she patted her Zanpaktou. Apparently it was with a spirit of something like that, but she hadn't been able to contact it or even bake it some cookies. What kind of person didn't like cookies? It was a terrible world to live in.
"Well, I'll just eat all the cookies to myself then" she giggled, skipping along merrily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio waited quietly outside, completing her usual routine of stroking down her clothes to straighten them out while fixing her eye-patch into the correct place and neatening out her hair. She did have quite a few cuts and bruises all over her body but none on her face, which was good. As she waited, she finally heard Kaizo grant her entry and opened the door before stepping in, closing it behind her. Keeping her eyes to the floor, Rio walked over to the position she'd usually stand in before bowing and speaking while bowed. Raising up, she noticed Kaizo's arms and raised an eyebrow before just looking up at Kaizo. Rio asked while holding eye-contact with him, keeping her face neutral despite being slightly worried.

Seeing Rio enter Kaizo couldn't help but smile a little, however he soon wiped this smile off his face as his expression turned back to normal. He watched Rio bow then listened as she spoke, before he could reply however she mentioned his arms and body that were bandaged up, Kaizo continued to look at Rio however as he then spoke "I'm glad you made it back, I knew you wouldn't fail the mission I set you...as for my current condition I am fine, nothing I cannot handle. There was no attack...the Head Captain had myself and another Captain attend to some business..." Kaizo knew mentioning what had happened was off the table, mostly because Juki didn't want people to know what he was doing...most likely because people would start to complain and it'd only cause arguments knowing one Captain defeated another, causing unnecessary rivalries between Squads...there was that but also Kaizo knew Rio was close to Kurisa as he was her former Captain, but fighting him did knock sense into Kaizo...he was lacking still so much...despite being a Captain. "And what of you Rio? are you injured at all? also something seems to have changed about you...well...I suppose you'd tell me of this in your report correct? that is unless you changed your mind..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
"Indeed we shall, I look forward to the experience Enji. Can't wait to see how you fight against live targets, I will only warn you, that staying a more than four meters away from me whenever I do anything with the black coffin is probably for the best." Ryozo said giving him his warning in advance. He would let the others know that too if he ever worked with anyone else. Ryozo continued walking with Enji leading them to a nice little quiet bar. In fact it was so qiet that some would probably doubt it was a bar. Apparently that was the point, as this one wanted to avoid doing business with the Squad eleven, as they apparently blew up bars after getting drunk. Sitting down Ryozo ordered himself his drink.

Walking with Ryozo, hoping he knew the way to the bar cause he certainly didn't know the way and would listen as he explained that it was best to keep four meters from him when his coffin was out. Making sure to keep a note of that for future instances.'Thanks for the warning.'He gave a small nod as they arrived shortly at this quiet bar, which he enjoyed and decided this would be the place he would do any celebrating at and once at the table would order a simple glass of milk.'Best not to risk any intoxication with an imminent mission coming up.'Was his reasoning for avoiding anything involving liquor; at least until after the mission, though he was a light drinker anyway.'Uh, I'm curious..what made you choose squad 13? cause..your zanpakuto gives off a more..sq 12 kind of vibe?'A bit worried he overstepped his boundaries.'S-sorry..that's none of my business.'Looking down at the table with a nervous laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

While Ryozo simply chuckled at Enjis reason fro getting milk he could understand it as well. So he didn't argue on something so simple. Yet when Enji asked about why he choose Squad thirteen while his shikai had a squad twelve feel to it, made Ryozo look at Enji quite seriously. "No it's quite all right. You see Squad thirteen to me resembles peace in a way. So I want to be apart of something that can cause it. As for my shikai, I can understand what you mean, the black one is meant to be creepy or have a spooky vibe to it. It resembles death at its finest. The white one however resembles life at its finest, as its more attuned to helping people than hurting them, again the quote of where there is death, there is life comes into play. As that is what my zanpakuto is meant to be."
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