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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Seeing Rio enter Kaizo couldn't help but smile a little, however he soon wiped this smile off his face as his expression turned back to normal. He watched Rio bow then listened as she spoke, before he could reply however she mentioned his arms and body that were bandaged up, Kaizo continued to look at Rio however as he then spoke "I'm glad you made it back, I knew you wouldn't fail the mission I set you...as for my current condition I am fine, nothing I cannot handle. There was no attack...the Head Captain had myself and another Captain attend to some business..." Kaizo knew mentioning what had happened was off the table, mostly because Juki didn't want people to know what he was doing...most likely because people would start to complain and it'd only cause arguments knowing one Captain defeated another, causing unnecessary rivalries between Squads...there was that but also Kaizo knew Rio was close to Kurisa as he was her former Captain, but fighting him did knock sense into Kaizo...he was lacking still so much...despite being a Captain. "And what of you Rio? are you injured at all? also something seems to have changed about you...well...I suppose you'd tell me of this in your report correct? that is unless you changed your mind..."

Rio nodded as Kaizo answered her question with a slightly vague answer, however Rio wasn't going to ask any further questions as her Captain was right... It didn't look like anything he couldn't handle. "Okay Captain." Rio gave him a little bow before looking to the floor as Kaizo asked about whether she was injured and her report. She closed her eye for a moment, taking a deep breath before looking up at Captain Kaizo. "Captain, I hope you don't mind if I give you a verbal report on what happened now? Might as well let you know while it's fresh in my head... Plus there are certain things that happened that I do not wish to include in a written report." Rio looked down once more before taking another breath and beginning to talk. "As you are my Captain, I trust you so I have not changed my mind about telling you what happened... So, here I go... To start with, I've already told you that I belong to a Clan; the Hari Clan. As the Kanji for Hari means Crystal, that is the Clan's main power. I myself possess the Clan's attribute power also, along with another within the Seireitei and one that did reside within the Seireitei but chose to stay with the Clan, surely I've told you about that aswell. Anyway, the main reason myself and the other two journeyed back to the Clan was to confront the Head of the Clan. Her name was Ursula Urochi and she had became corrupt with power, abused it to unnecessary proportions and such. What she did greatly involved my family... " Rio took a moment to take another breath since now, due to her mother's memories, she knew alot more about what happened than originally. "Basically.... My father was beheaded... while taking the place of the father of Kazuhiko Hari... My family and Kazuhiko's were close. With what was happening, mine and his family came up with a plan to escape... but that plan backfired due to a simple miscalculation... My mother wanted to stay and help Kazuhiko's parents escape, but my father told her to leave with me.... he then took the place of Kazuhiko's father since the two of them looked almost identical... He wanted to make sure that me and Kazuhiko had atleast one parent to watch over us.... So basically, me and the other two chose to settle things. The fight was tough but we survived... It was all thanks to my mother.... who is no longer with us...." Rio closed her eye before finishing her verbal report. "In the end, I managed to defeat Ursula.... and acquire an extension to my power in the process... My memories are still lost to me, but I do know of my past through my mother.... She gave me this information before she... she sacrificed herself." Rio took one last deep breath before opening her eyes, trying her best not to cry from the painful recent event while she looked at Kaizo with as much confidence as she could muster. "I hope now you'll be able to see why I'd prefer to give a verbal report on this... I don't believe I'd be able to produce a written report of what happened..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
While Ryozo simply chuckled at Enjis reason fro getting milk he could understand it as well. So he didn't argue on something so simple. Yet when Enji asked about why he choose Squad thirteen while his shikai had a squad twelve feel to it, made Ryozo look at Enji quite seriously. "No it's quite all right. You see Squad thirteen to me resembles peace in a way. So I want to be apart of something that can cause it. As for my shikai, I can understand what you mean, the black one is meant to be creepy or have a spooky vibe to it. It resembles death at its finest. The white one however resembles life at its finest, as its more attuned to helping people than hurting them, again the quote of where there is death, there is life comes into play. As that is what my zanpakuto is meant to be."

Relieved that Ryozo wasn't mad for asking a bit of a personal question and would shift his gaze to him while drinking his milk. LIstening to his reasoning for choosing squad 13 and had to admit it was a good one.'Hm, that really is an interesting zanpakuto..one for offensive and harming, while the other is for support and healing? That's definitely a useful zanpakuto you have.'Taking a sip of his milk then wiped off the milky mustache.'As for me..I was recommended to the squad and hearing that squad 13 was nicer and more accepting of people..especially those with strange quirks and we get to travel to the human realm which is a nice bonus.'He chuckled a little at that and asked for another glass of milk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

After a shower Sinai found herself without anything to do yet again. She was too tired to train anymore, she didn’t even bother going near the training rooms. Instead she went outside, climbed a tree and thought of her poetry as she just stared into the sky. It was always easy for her to get lost n the sky. Immersed in the azure expanse. “azure winds that paint the skys with clouds of white. Whipping out the hues of dusk and dawn. But in the ebony night, among the stars the moon claims the sky. Its silver light casts my shadow, dimly on my stony path. Rocks hidden in darkness, sleeping snakes among the grass. But soon across the azure sky will be another, new dawn” she whispered to herself as she watched the clouds passing by
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said

Rio nodded as Kaizo answered her question with a slightly vague answer, however Rio wasn't going to ask any further questions as her Captain was right... It didn't look like anything he couldn't handle. "Okay Captain." Rio gave him a little bow before looking to the floor as Kaizo asked about whether she was injured and her report. She closed her eye for a moment, taking a deep breath before looking up at Captain Kaizo. "Captain, I hope you don't mind if I give you a verbal report on what happened now? Might as well let you know while it's fresh in my head... Plus there are certain things that happened that I do not wish to include in a written report." Rio looked down once more before taking another breath and beginning to talk. "As you are my Captain, I trust you so I have not changed my mind about telling you what happened... So, here I go... To start with, I've already told you that I belong to a Clan; the Hari Clan. As the Kanji for Hari means Crystal, that is the Clan's main power. I myself possess the Clan's attribute power also, along with another within the Seireitei and one that did reside within the Seireitei but chose to stay with the Clan, surely I've told you about that aswell. Anyway, the main reason myself and the other two journeyed back to the Clan was to confront the Head of the Clan. Her name was Ursula Urochi and she had became corrupt with power, abused it to unnecessary proportions and such. What she did greatly involved my family... " Rio took a moment to take another breath since now, due to her mother's memories, she knew alot more about what happened than originally. "Basically.... My father was beheaded... while taking the place of the father of Kazuhiko Hari... My family and Kazuhiko's were close. With what was happening, mine and his family came up with a plan to escape... but that plan backfired due to a simple miscalculation... My mother wanted to stay and help Kazuhiko's parents escape, but my father told her to leave with me.... he then took the place of Kazuhiko's father since the two of them looked almost identical... He wanted to make sure that me and Kazuhiko had atleast one parent to watch over us.... So basically, me and the other two chose to settle things. The fight was tough but we survived... It was all thanks to my mother.... who is no longer with us...." Rio closed her eye before finishing her verbal report. "In the end, I managed to defeat Ursula.... and acquire an extension to my power in the process... My memories are still lost to me, but I do know of my past through my mother.... She gave me this information before she... she sacrificed herself." Rio took one last deep breath before opening her eyes, trying her best not to cry from the painful recent event while she looked at Kaizo with as much confidence as she could muster. "I hope now you'll be able to see why I'd prefer to give a verbal report on this... I don't believe I'd be able to produce a written report of what happened..."

Kaizo listened to Rio, closing his eyes as he did. He then rested his elbows on his desk and clasped his hands together as he held them infront of his mouth while he listened. Hearing that Rio had to fight did make his heart sink a bit, but this was his unprofessional self feeling this, even in the face of the woman he loved he had to act professional. He listened as she explained about what had happened, the people involved and the clans power. Kaizo was sad to hear that Rio's mother lost her life but all Kaizo had was respect for the woman. If he were in the same of similar situation he'd sacrifice his life to save Rio no matter what, not only as her partner but her Captain, his duty was to protect his Squad members, even if the cost be his own life...after all...Shinigami live their lives knowing they could die any day...this was the biggest commitment and those who couldn't make it end up getting no where. Kaizo listened as Rio finished her report then nodded before speaking "I see you seem to have gone through quite a lot, you also seemed to have gained from this and now this is one thing you hopefully may never have to face again. I'm also sorry to hear about your loss...she sounds like an incredible woman...I say sounds because I know she will stay alive in your memory. She was clearly proud of you Rio, I to can say the same for myself...as can anyone else who is close to you. Even Captain Kuchiki would be proud of how far you have come, despite not showing it I know deep down he would be. I'm glad you completed the mission I set you, the verbal report is fine also...it's best I hear it this way anyway. Now Lieutenant...you have no right to question this as it's an order...but...I am telling you now to take the rest of the day off, go get healed, relax and just hang out somewhere you find nice a peaceful...or see your friends, whatever is to your liking. You've just come back from a mission after all..." Kaizo then opened his eyes to look at Rio, he could see the sorrow in her eyes and knew she was nowhere near the right state of mind nor emotion to be doing her job...she needed to take it easy and get through this naturally...her job would only get in the way of this...besides Kaizo could handle her duties as well as his own. It was time that he got more hands on with the Squad anyway...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Juki decided to go out for a stroll towards the Squad 11 barracks, he needed to meet the Kenpachi and ask him something, as well as test something...he knew who he was already after he attacked Juki like a fool but this just meant he was doing his job...the primary attack force was Squad 11 duty and even though Juki was of no threat he did follow through with his duty regardless of the difference between them...although he knew this wasn't an act of bravery, it was just reckless and wanting a fight with someone who could give him a challenge...unfortunately Juki could not give Shiro a challenge as Juki stood in the heavens in terms of power...Shiro stood in hell...the gap between them was immense. However Juki planned to change this...it was no good having one of the strongest Captains much weaker than himself...this was a man who had to lead people into battle against the deadliest enemies and if the Kenpachi alone could not take on 2 or 3 strong enemies at the same time he did not deserve the title. Juki wanted Shiro to the level where he could fight two of those Arrancar at once maybe even three or at least one of the strongest they enemy had to offer. After much thought Juki found himself outside the Squad 11 barracks...it was just a mess, the place had been broken down and built back up then broken down and built back up over and over and clearly by not very good people. Juki let out a sigh seeing this but knew this was best, they'd only go and destroy something nice...it was like buying a child an expensive yet fragile toy, it is truly a waste of money and even effort...they only throw it on the ground and break it...in this case they will throw eachother into it and break it. Juki knew of a certain other person here he wanted to see but he'd refrain from this...it was best he didn't approach them. As Juki thought about things the sun was suddenly blocked out by a rather tall man, Juki looked up seeing the mans large red Zanpakuto and red hair "Ah Kenpachi Shiro...just the man I was looking for" Juki closed his eyes and smiled at Shiro while Shiro looked down at Juki then narrowed his eyes "What do you want with me?" Juki then opened his eyes, narrowing them as he spoke "Now is that anyway to speak to the Head Captain? do you want me to make an example of you infront of your Squad Kenpachi Shiro?" Shiro just looked off to his right "Tch! Whatever...just get to the point already" Juki sighed then scratched his head with the end of his cane before speaking "It's like asking a wall to be polite, I'm going to get nothing from it. Well I will let it slide this time but I do ask that you show more respect to me next time...after all...you wouldn't want to end up nothing more than a forgotten memory now would you? Who would remember such a weak Kenpachi...you'd be forgotten in an instant, you don't want that do you? you want to be the strongest Kenpachi correct?" listening to Juki speak caused Shiro to frown and grit his teeth as he looked down at Juki "You just want me to react badly so you can make a fool of me...nice try but it's not working this time!" Juki chuckled then spoke "If I wanted to make a fool of you I wouldn't have to do much...the very fact that I could send you flying half way across the Seireitei using the weakest Hado is something that'd make you look like a fool. I'd want it so that the Captain of this Squad would laugh at my attempt to do such a thing and take it as if it was nothing..." Shiro raised an eyebrow at Juki then spoke "So you want me to be able to actually give you somewhat of a challenge? oh so how are you going to go about doing that? Head Captain?" Juki chuckled once again then spoke "Well first of all we need you to select a suitable Lieutenant to manage your Squad while you are away, because with the training I have planned for you...well you may be out of action for a few days...I'm going to break you down and build you back up as someone truly worthy of holding the title Kenpachi...afterall...you want to be strong enough to defeat your brother when you eventually find him and issue the challenge for who truly deserves to be Kenpachi..." Juki looked at Shiro with a smile while Shiro's eyes widened "H-How do you know about that!?" Juki chuckled then spoke "I know a lot about you Shiro...I also know your older brother, I remember meeting him in my travels....I also know where to find him...but if you ever want that information then you will do as I say from here on and will train when I tell you to. Are we understood?" Shiro's eyes remained widened for a moment longer before narrowing as he frowned and clenched his fists "Very well Head Captain...when do we start?" Juki nodded then spoke "Tomorrow...so I want you to decide on who will be your Lieutenant today, I'm sure you have a certain someone in mind" Juki then turned and began walking off "I look forward to training you Shiro...by the end of it you will be a truly feared Kenpachi..." Shiro grit his teeth as he thought about his brother for a moment...if Juki had met him then that had to of meant he knew his brother was much stronger than Shiro was...why else would he do this? unless he had his own motives...which was obvious but if this aided Shiro then he'd deal with this seriously...that bastard brother of his had to pay for what he did...and further humiliating him by challenging him for the title Kenpachi would make his death that much sweeter...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo listened to Rio, closing his eyes as he did. He then rested his elbows on his desk and clasped his hands together as he held them infront of his mouth while he listened. Hearing that Rio had to fight did make his heart sink a bit, but this was his unprofessional self feeling this, even in the face of the woman he loved he had to act professional. He listened as she explained about what had happened, the people involved and the clans power. Kaizo was sad to hear that Rio's mother lost her life but all Kaizo had was respect for the woman. If he were in the same of similar situation he'd sacrifice his life to save Rio no matter what, not only as her partner but her Captain, his duty was to protect his Squad members, even if the cost be his own life...after all...Shinigami live their lives knowing they could die any day...this was the biggest commitment and those who couldn't make it end up getting no where. Kaizo listened as Rio finished her report then nodded before speaking "I see you seem to have gone through quite a lot, you also seemed to have gained from this and now this is one thing you hopefully may never have to face again. I'm also sorry to hear about your loss...she sounds like an incredible woman...I say sounds because I know she will stay alive in your memory. She was clearly proud of you Rio, I to can say the same for myself...as can anyone else who is close to you. Even Captain Kuchiki would be proud of how far you have come, despite not showing it I know deep down he would be. I'm glad you completed the mission I set you, the verbal report is fine also...it's best I hear it this way anyway. Now Lieutenant...you have no right to question this as it's an order...but...I am telling you now to take the rest of the day off, go get healed, relax and just hang out somewhere you find nice a peaceful...or see your friends, whatever is to your liking. You've just come back from a mission after all..." Kaizo then opened his eyes to look at Rio, he could see the sorrow in her eyes and knew she was nowhere near the right state of mind nor emotion to be doing her job...she needed to take it easy and get through this naturally...her job would only get in the way of this...besides Kaizo could handle her duties as well as his own. It was time that he got more hands on with the Squad anyway...

Rio's eye fell to the floor as she listened to Kaizo. It boosted her spirits a little as Kaizo tried to comfort her, which did work until she thought about who he was talking about... He then told her that she had no right to question his order, which was to take some time off. Opening her mouth and about to object, Rio just closed it without a word, looking down before taking a breath. She would of been able to fulfil her duty as Lieutenant and put her feelings aside... but eventually her thoughts would start eating away at her and effect her performance... she didn't want that. "Yes Captain...." Rio bowed without looking back up at Kaizo before quietly leaving the room, closing Kaizo's door behind her. After a short moment of thought, she lifted her hands to look at her palms, finding marks from the cuts she gained when she caught Ursula's sword before it reached her eyes.... She then took off and left the barracks, deciding to take a stroll through the woods to just set her emotions free without worrying about being seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Juki decided to go out for a stroll towards the Squad 11 barracks, he needed to meet the Kenpachi and ask him something, as well as test something...he knew who he was already after he attacked Juki like a fool but this just meant he was doing his job...the primary attack force was Squad 11 duty and even though Juki was of no threat he did follow through with his duty regardless of the difference between them...although he knew this wasn't an act of bravery, it was just reckless and wanting a fight with someone who could give him a challenge...unfortunately Juki could not give Shiro a challenge as Juki stood in the heavens in terms of power...Shiro stood in hell...the gap between them was immense. However Juki planned to change this...it was no good having one of the strongest Captains much weaker than himself...this was a man who had to lead people into battle against the deadliest enemies and if the Kenpachi alone could not take on 2 or 3 strong enemies at the same time he did not deserve the title. Juki wanted Shiro to the level where he could fight two of those Arrancar at once maybe even three or at least one of the strongest they enemy had to offer. After much thought Juki found himself outside the Squad 11 barracks...it was just a mess, the place had been broken down and built back up then broken down and built back up over and over and clearly by not very good people. Juki let out a sigh seeing this but knew this was best, they'd only go and destroy something nice...it was like buying a child an expensive yet fragile toy, it is truly a waste of money and even effort...they only throw it on the ground and break it...in this case they will throw eachother into it and break it. Juki knew of a certain other person here he wanted to see but he'd refrain from this...it was best he didn't approach them. As Juki thought about things the sun was suddenly blocked out by a rather tall man, Juki looked up seeing the mans large red Zanpakuto and red hair "Ah Kenpachi Shiro...just the man I was looking for" Juki closed his eyes and smiled at Shiro while Shiro looked down at Juki then narrowed his eyes "" Juki then opened his eyes, narrowing them as he spoke "Now is that anyway to speak to the Head Captain? do you want me to make an example of you infront of your Squad Kenpachi Shiro?" Shiro just looked off to his right "" Juki sighed then scratched his head with the end of his cane before speaking "It's like asking a wall to be polite, I'm going to get nothing from it. Well I will let it slide this time but I do ask that you show more respect to me next time...after all...you wouldn't want to end up nothing more than a forgotten memory now would you? Who would remember such a weak Kenpachi...you'd be forgotten in an instant, you don't want that do you? you want to be the strongest Kenpachi correct?" listening to Juki speak caused Shiro to frown and grit his teeth as he looked down at Juki "" Juki chuckled then spoke "If I wanted to make a fool of you I wouldn't have to do much...the very fact that I could send you flying half way across the Seireitei using the weakest Hado is something that'd make you look like a fool. I'd want it so that the Captain of this Squad would laugh at my attempt to do such a thing and take it as if it was nothing..." Shiro raised an eyebrow at Juki then spoke "" Juki chuckled once again then spoke "Well first of all we need you to select a suitable Lieutenant to manage your Squad while you are away, because with the training I have planned for you...well you may be out of action for a few days...I'm going to break you down and build you back up as someone truly worthy of holding the title Kenpachi...afterall...you want to be strong enough to defeat your brother when you eventually find him and issue the challenge for who truly deserves to be Kenpachi..." Juki looked at Shiro with a smile while Shiro's eyes widened "" Juki chuckled then spoke "I know a lot about you Shiro...I also know your older brother, I remember meeting him in my travels....I also know where to find him...but if you ever want that information then you will do as I say from here on and will train when I tell you to. Are we understood?" Shiro's eyes remained widened for a moment longer before narrowing as he frowned and clenched his fists "" Juki nodded then spoke "Tomorrow...so I want you to decide on who will be your Lieutenant today, I'm sure you have a certain in mind" Juki then turned and began walking off "I look forward to training you Shiro...by the end of it you will be a truly feared Kenpachi..." Shiro grit his teeth as he thought about his brother for a moment...if Juki had met him then that had to of meant he knew his brother was much stronger than Shiro was...why else would he do this? unless he had his own motives...which was obvious but if this aided Shiro then he'd deal with this seriously...that bastard brother of his had to pay for what he did...and further humiliating him by challenging him for the title Kenpachi would make his death that much sweeter...

"Ahhh!! Perfect!!" Nishiki held up a basket of fresh muffins, each one with their own flavour. "Shiro should definitely like these~! There's the chocolate one, the blueberry one, the lemon one, the mango one, the strawberry one, the fudge one, the tomato one, the potato one annnnd, last but not least, the carrot one!" Grinning widely, Nishiki placed her basket on top of her counter before looking behind her, finding nine trays of muffins since she cooked each type of muffin in batches and picked out the best muffin to place in Shiro's basket. "Hmmm, now what do I do with all of these muffins?.... I know! I'll give them out to the other Squads! I heard someone in Squad Thirteen likes potatos~ But first I should stop by Hikari's place and give him a batch as a late 'congrats on making Lieu~' gift" Giggling to herself, she made baskets out of the rest, putting one of each flavour within each basket so that those who she gave them to would have a variety of muffins to choose from. Once that was done, she placed them all on her table before walking back to her counter, picking up the perfect basket she made for her Captain before leaving her room.

While following Shiro's spiritual energy and humming a tune, Nishiki found her Captain talking with someone else... That other person seemed to of said something to upset her Captain by the looks of things so she narrowed her eyes at their leaving form, disliking this person more as she walked up to Shiro. "Cap'ain, what was that about? What was he doing here?" She spoke hatefully as she referred to Juki. "Whatever it was, ignore him. He's nothing compared to you. Now, these should cheer you up~" Walking around him to face the tall Kenpachi, Nishiki held out her offering. "Since you like muffins, I thought I'd try something different and make a variety of muffins for you to try and tell me which ones you like and don't like~" Nishiki grinned at Shiro as she held out the basket for him to take.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Once Takara made it out Kenta had put on a cloak and pulled the hood over his head. Hearing her come out he looked back at her, "I don't have any secrets, just things I decide to keep to myself. But if you wanna know something then you can just ask," he said as he gave her a weak smile before he turned away and began walking. He walked into the woods, not exactly sure where he was headed though, but he needed some air. He continued walking for a bit, listening to the cracks of leaves under his foot....Until he realized some of them weren't his, nor were they from Takara. He stopped immediately and put his hand on the handle of his Zanpakuto, half drawing it. No one would go near the hideout unless they were looking for a fight....But that's when he remembered that he'd been walking a while and must have traveled a long ways away from the hideout. He slowly walked in the direction from where he heard the noise with his hand still on the handle of his half-sheathed Zanpakuto. He then noticed a figure heading towards him in which his eyes widened, she probably couldn't see who he was due to the hood though. He let his Zanpakuto escape his grip causing it to quickly slip down the sheath with a small clanking noise. He quickly walked up to the figure, tossing his hood back once he got close and not giving her a chance to react as he pulled her into a tight hug, "Rio!" he said in a quavery voice as his eyes teared up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
After Haruka ordered her food Hikari did so afterwards, ordering whatever sounded healthy....Which was mostly a beef bowl, but who said those weren't healthy? Besides the people who said that of course. After he left Hikari listened to Haruka speak anymore before replying, "Well hopefully with my training and a few more missions you can get a higher seat. Of course hearing this makes me want to train you more, to help you accomplish that for Clan....Or like you said, Alucard can scare 'em. Sounds just as good."Once she asked the last question he shrugged, "What do you mean exactly? Like a...Veteran or something?"(Here, have another shit post v.v)

"A veteran, as a person, as the Hollow you also are?" she shrugged a little bit. Alucard gave a small growl but didn't move from his position. She thought on some ideas for training with Hikari so as the maximize her potential. "I read somewhere about this...kido slash hakuda hybrid that was developed a long time ago. In addition to Bankai, that technique--Shunko, I believe--is my goal. I have good control over my spiritual power, but...kido is annoying. Too much memorization." she pouted. "I want to learn how to harness my spiritual pressure for Shunko, and devote my time to that, not necessarily learning Kido I'll never really use, y'know?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Expllo said
Once Takara made it out Kenta had put on a cloak and pulled the hood over his head. Hearing her come out he looked back at her, "I don't have any secrets, just things I decide to keep to myself. But if you wanna know something then you can just ask," he said as he gave her a weak smile before he turned away and began walking. He walked into the woods, not exactly sure where he was headed though, but he needed some air. He continued walking for a bit, listening to the cracks of leaves under his foot....Until he realized some of them weren't his, nor were they from Takara. He stopped immediately and put his hand on the handle of his Zanpakuto, half drawing it. No one would go near the hideout unless they were looking for a fight....But that's when he remembered that he'd been walking a while and must have traveled a long ways away from the hideout. He slowly walked in the direction from where he heard the noise with his hand still on the handle of his half-sheathed Zanpakuto. He then noticed a figure heading towards him in which his eyes widened, she probably couldn't see who he was due to the hood though. He let his Zanpakuto escape his grip causing it to quickly slip down the sheath with a small clanking noise. He quickly walked up to the figure, tossing his hood back once he got close and not giving her a chance to react as he pulled her into a tight hug, "Rio!" he said in a quavery voice as his eyes teared up.

Rio continued to wonder aimlessly. She didn't care where she was heading or how far she was from the Seireitei, she just wanted some time alone... Lost in her mind, she didn't pay any attention to her surroundings... Only watching the floor as she walked, watching the leaves beneath her feet being crushed under her weight. Rio tried her best not to focus her thoughts, still not wanting to think about the events that had recently occurred... however that didn't stop her eye from watering a little. '.... I don't think.... I'll ever-' "Hn?" Throughout the silence of the woods, a small clinking noise reached her ears, immediately putting her on alert and stopping her dead in her tracks. Turning towards the direction she heard the noise come from, Rio didn't even have a chance to ask who was there before being pulling into a sudden tight hug. At that moment, her heart felt as though it had stopped for a second.... "Kenta?..." She whispered, her left eye widening gradually before a tear slipped out. "I-Is... Is it... r-really you?" She continued to whisper, even though it was obvious this guy was Kenta, she just couldn't believe it for a short moment... "K-Kenta..." Rio's own voice shook as she bit her lip to prevent it from quivering, however she just stood there and let herself be hugged....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
"Ahhh!! Perfect!!" Nishiki held up a basket of fresh muffins, each one with their own flavour. "Shiro should definitely like these~! There's the chocolate one, the blueberry one, the lemon one, the mango one, the strawberry one, the fudge one, the tomato one, the potato one annnnd, last but not least, the carrot one!" Grinning widely, Nishiki placed her basket on top of her counter before looking behind her, finding nine trays of muffins since she cooked each type of muffin in batches and picked out the best muffin to place in Shiro's basket. "Hmmm, now what do I do with all of these muffins?.... I know! I'll give them out to the other Squads! I heard someone in Squad Thirteen likes potatos~ But first I should stop by Hikari's place and give him a batch as a late 'congrats on making Lieu~' gift" Giggling to herself, she made baskets out of the rest, putting one of each flavour within each basket so that those who she gave them to would have a variety of muffins to choose from. Once that was done, she placed them all on her table before walking back to her counter, picking up the perfect basket she made for her Captain before leaving her room.

While following Shiro's spiritual energy and humming a tune, Nishiki found her Captain talking with someone else... That other person seemed to of said something to upset her Captain by the looks of things so she narrowed her eyes at their leaving form, disliking this person more as she walked up to Shiro. "Cap'ain, what was that about? What was he doing here?" She spoke hatefully as she referred to Juki. "Whatever it was, ignore him. He's nothing compared to you. Now, these should cheer you up~" Walking around him to face the tall Kenpachi, Nishiki held out her offering. "Since you like muffins, I thought I'd try something different and make a variety of muffins for you to try and tell me which ones you like and don't like~" Nishiki grinned at Shiro as she held out the basket for him to take.

As Shiro watched Juki walk off he then heard Nishiki call out which caused him to look at Nishiki as she spoke "It's fine, he just asked me to pick my Lieutenant...it's a rather simple choice, nothing I have to think hard about. He didn't say anything bad so don't worry..." Shiro didn't want to tell Nishiki the truth about what he said, it'd only upset her and get her angry he then looked down at the basket of muffins then grinned "Ahh they look amazing Nishiki! I can't wait to try them!" Shiro took the basket of muffins and without a second thought grabbed one of the muffins and began chomping away at it "I know I'm going to like them all! after all you did bake them yourself!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
As Shiro watched Juki walk off he then heard Nishiki call out which caused him to look at Nishiki as she spoke "It's fine, he just asked me to pick my Lieutenant...it's a rather simple choice, nothing I have to think hard about. He didn't say anything bad so don't worry..." Shiro didn't want to tell Nishiki the truth about what he said, it'd only upset her and get her angry he then looked down at the basket of muffins then grinned "Ahh they look amazing Nishiki! I can't wait to try them!" Shiro took the basket of muffins and without a second thought grabbed one of the muffins and began chomping away at it "I know I'm going to like them all! after all you did bake them yourself!"

Nishiki watched Shiro as he spoke, smiling when he said Juki didn't say anything bad. "Good! Because if he did then he's lying! So don't listen to the shit he sprays. Anywho, Oooooo~ You know who you'll pick?~ Seki maybe? Or ragdoll?~" Nishiki giggled at the end of her sentence before Shiro took the basket out of her hands, causing a pale pink blush dust across her cheeks when he complimented her muffins. "Heheheh~ I'm glad you think so~ And I hope you do! If there's any that you don't like, let me know so then I know not to make them for you again~ And be honest, it won't 'hurt my feelings' if you happen to dislike a few Heheheh~" She giggled again before continuing to speak. "I think the next time I cook, I'll make you some buns~" Nishiki then gave him a wink before giggling and watching him scoff down the basket she made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki watched Shiro as he spoke, smiling when he said Juki didn't say anything bad. "Good! Because if he did then he's lying! So don't listen to the shit he sprays. Anywho, Oooooo~ You know who you'll pick?~ Seki maybe? Or ragdoll?~" Nishiki giggled at the end of her sentence before Shiro took the basket out of her hands, causing a pale pink blush dust across her cheeks when he complimented her muffins. "Heheheh~ I'm glad you think so~ And I hope you do! If there's any that you don't like, let me know so then I know not to make them for you again~ And be honest, it won't 'hurt my feelings' if you happen to dislike a few Heheheh~" She giggled again before continuing to speak. "I think the next time I cook, I'll make you some buns~" Nishiki then gave him a wink before giggling and watching him scoff down the basket she made.

Shiro continued to munch on the muffins, tearing through them in no time at all. Shiro then wiped his mouth with his right forearm then let out a breath "Wow those were amazing Nishiki! the only thing I'd ask that you do next time is make much more!" Shiro said with a grin before continuing to speak "Hmm well I look forward to those buns~" Shiro then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he then spoke "Well actually...I don't think either of them are ready to step up to the task..." Shiro then put his right hand on Nishiki's head then leaned down a little and grinned "That's why I'm choosing you as my Lieutenant Nishiki...it's a no brainer for me really..." Shiro then chuckled awaiting Nishiki's reaction
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro continued to munch on the muffins, tearing through them in no time at all. Shiro then wiped his mouth with his right forearm then let out a breath "Wow those were amazing Nishiki! the only thing I'd ask that you do next time is make much more!" Shiro said with a grin before continuing to speak "Hmm well I look forward to those buns~" Shiro then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand as he then spoke "Well actually...I don't think either of them are ready to step up to the task..." Shiro then put his right hand on Nishiki's head then leaned down a little and grinned "That's why I'm choosing you as my Lieutenant Nishiki...it's a no brainer for me really..." Shiro then chuckled awaiting Nishiki's reaction

Nishiki made a short squeaky noise, jumping up and down while clapping excitedly. "Yaaaaay~! I definitely will Cap'ain!" Standing still, Nishiki held her hands together, happy that Shiro enjoyed the gifted she baked him. He then told her that he was looking forward to her buns, in which Nishiki just giggled suggestively. She then continued to listen to Shiro, looking up at him with a huge smile as he placed his hand on her head. "Really?! I won't let you down Captain!" She closed her eyes, smiling widely before her body flung forward, her arms wrapping around Shiro in a hug. "I'm happy you picked me Captain hmhmhm~ I'll be the best Lieutenant ever~" After a few seconds, Nishiki let him go and stood back before saluting to Shiro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki made a short squeaky noise, jumping up and down while clapping excitedly. "Yaaaaay~! I definitely will Cap'ain!" Standing still, Nishiki held her hands together, happy that Shiro enjoyed the gifted she baked him. He then told her that he was looking forward to her buns, in which Nishiki just giggled suggestively. She then continued to listen to Shiro, looking up at him with a huge smile as he placed his hand on her head. "Really?! I won't let you down Captain!" She closed her eyes, smiling widely before her body flung forward, her arms wrapping around Shiro in a hug. "I'm happy you picked me Captain hmhmhm~ I'll be the best Lieutenant ever~" After a few seconds, Nishiki let him go and stood back before saluting to Shiro.

Shiro chuckled as Nishiki made a little squeak noise "Good! cause I need more muffins!" Shiro then grinned as Nishiki giggled then seeing her smile and ask really he nodded as the then hugged Shiro causing him to grin as he put an arm around her before she let go "I know you will, that's why I chose you Nishiki. I want my Lieutenant to fun in general and fun to fight with in battle!" Shiro then chuckled before turning and looking back at any of the members who had been watching, glaring at them as if to say that only Nishiki gets the special treatment and that they are all just punching bags to him
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"Rio, I-I-" Kenta pulled her closer while hugging her tighter, his face was now in her shoulder as he sobbed. This was probably the only other time she saw him cry, the first being in their early days where he cried about not being able to save those souls from the hollow attacks in the districts. "I'm sorry...I-I was horrible to you...And I know it wasn't your fault, I should have never gotten mad at you and Hikari! I tried visiting you and...And I just want you to know that I'm so sorry! You're my best friend, the only person who made me happy when I was in a dark place...And I love you because of that!" Kenta began shivering, his voice breaking a few times. He slowly pulled away and wiped his eyes once but that couldn't stop the tears, "I hate rain," he mumbled as continued wiping his eyes eventually just dropping his arm with his hair now covering his eyes as he looked down. "....You don't have to forgive me, I understand if you don't. I left you, and blamed you for something that wasn't your fault....B-But h-hey! I heard Kaizo came back and that you're his Lieutenant, so that's good!" Kenta said as he looked up pulling up an obvious fake grin that didn't fit well with the tears so he decided to just drop it and look away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro chuckled as Nishiki made a little squeak noise "Good! cause I need more muffins!" Shiro then grinned as Nishiki giggled then seeing her smile and ask really he nodded as the then hugged Shiro causing him to grin as he put an arm around her before she let go "I know you will, that's why I chose you Nishiki. I want my Lieutenant to fun in general and fun to fight with in battle!" Shiro then chuckled before turning and looking back at any of the members who had been watching, glaring at them as if to say that only Nishiki gets the special treatment and that they are all just punching bags to him

Nishiki continued to smile, feeling the need to celebrate her promotion. "I'll make you another basket tomorrow~ And hearing that makes me so happy, I definitely wasn't expecting this~ And you're fun too Captain, which is why I love working under you so much~ And being under you~" She giggled before watching as he gave members behind them a glare. As he did, Nishiki stuck her tongue out at them while humming a giggle before returning to normal just as Shiro would of turned back to her. "Welp, I need to deliver some more muffins before the day is done~ I'll visit you later Captain and maybe we could go celebrate my promotion~" She gave him another wink before giggling and turning away, walking off to her room to grab the basket she pulled together for Hikari before running out of the barracks to Squad Ten, planning to go to Hikari's door and deliver him the basket of various muffins. Standing outside his door, Nishiki knocked and waited.... 'Hopefully Hikari's in... I haven't seen him in ages!'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Expllo said
"Rio, I-I-" Kenta pulled her closer while hugging her tighter, his face was now in her shoulder as he sobbed. This was probably the only other time she saw him cry, the first being in their early days where he cried about not being able to save those souls from the hollow attacks in the districts. "I'm sorry...I-I was to you...And I know it wasn't your fault, I should have never gotten mad at you and Hikari! I tried visiting you and...And I just want you to know that I'm so sorry! You're my best friend, the only person who made me happy when I was in a dark place...And I love you because of that!" Kenta began shivering, his voice breaking a few times. He slowly pulled away and wiped his eyes once but that couldn't stop the tears, "I hate rain," he mumbled as continued wiping his eyes eventually just dropping his arm with his hair now covering his eyes as he looked down. "....You don't have to forgive me, I understand if you don't. I left you, and blamed you for something that wasn't your fault....B-But h-hey! I heard Kaizo came back and that you're his Lieutenant, so that's good!" Kenta said as he looked up pulling up an obvious fake grin that didn't fit well with the tears so he decided to just drop it and look away.

Rio kept still, not even moving a single muscle as she purely focused on what Kenta was saying. It initially shocked her at how open he seemed to of become, how despite all of this time, he is able to let out his emotions so easily... Her eye stayed wide as he spoke before becoming half-lidded as more tears started the flow down her cheek, her eye-patch becoming soaked with blood from her crystal eye's tears, however it wasn't noticeable due to the fact that she wore a red velvet eye-patch at the moment. Her lips parted while she took shallow breaths... As Kenta pulled away, Rio looked at him... finally able to see Kenta's face.... Her eye squinted a little as more tears threatened to spill, it was almost like every word he spoke touched her heart... She continued to look at Kenta, noticing the fake smile and his tears but was currently speechless due to the knot in her throat.... An extremely short silence passed after Kenta had finished talking.... Rio just couldn't hold back anymore, she couldn't fight her tears back any longer... "... Oh Kenta!" She ran forward, back into Kenta's arms but this time hugging him tightly, burying her face in his chest for a moment before leaning back to look up into his eyes with her tear-stained face. "I-I never thought I-I'd e-ever see you again!! How could y-you l-leave without saying goodbye!! I was so w-worried! I missed you so much!" She leaned into him again, resting the right side of her head against his chest, her voice softening. "Kenta, of course I forgive you... You were right though, I couldn't believe I didn't point it out.... I just thought.... I was wrong to assume that was you! I've known you for so long! I don't blame you for being upset with me and Hikari!... I j-just.... I-I...." At this point, Rio started to sob into Kenta's shirt, overwhelmed with emotion due to her already weakened emotional state....

After a moment of just sobbing, Rio eventually calmed down however she never let go of Kenta.... "... You always have and always will be my Best friend Kenta.... Without you here, I felt lost.... but Kaizo had helped me with that alot.... he was the only one I had left due to me moving Squads.... He did indeed come back and is now the Captain of Squad Two, making me his Lieutenant.... but that doesn't matter, I'm just... so happy you're back...." Rio hugged him a little tighter before taking a deep breath and letting him go, wiping her left eye. "Ulgh... sorry... for getting your shirt wet...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

samreaper said
Relieved that Ryozo wasn't mad for asking a bit of a personal question and would shift his gaze to him while drinking his milk. LIstening to his reasoning for choosing squad 13 and had to admit it was a good one.'Hm, that really is an interesting zanpakuto..one for offensive and harming, while the other is for support and healing? That's definitely a useful zanpakuto you have.'Taking a sip of his milk then wiped off the milky mustache.'As for me..I was recommended to the squad and hearing that squad 13 was nicer and more accepting of people..especially those with strange quirks and we get to travel to the human realm which is a nice bonus.'He chuckled a little at that and asked for another glass of milk.

"Ahhh i see, well when you think about it every squad is strange, like squad eight, I hear that place is full on strange, a strange captain who obsesses over coffee, and this woman who acts like a child yet is clearly much older than one. Squad four is also a bit strange, has a man that straps people who even sneeze in the building." Ryozo said finishin his drink and standing up. "Well I'm going to get in a bit of practice. See you later." Ryozo said, paying for both of their drinks and then shunpoing off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
"Ahhh i see, well when you think about it every squad is strange, like squad eight, I hear that place is full on strange, a strange captain who obsesses over coffee, and this woman who acts like a child yet is clearly much older than one. Squad four is also a bit strange, has a man that straps people who even sneeze in the building." Ryozo said finishin his drink and standing up. "Well I'm going to get in a bit of practice. See you later." Ryozo said, paying for both of their drinks and then shunpoing off.

What he said about each squad being strange in their own way was probably true, since there were all sorts of people in each squad. Hearing that squad 4 had someone who strapped someone just for sneezing made him really glad he didn't join that squad as he was known for sneezing.'Huh? alright I'll see you later for the mission.'Seeing him leave as he leaned back with a heavy sigh.'Wow..can't believe I held myself up without breaking down like earlier.'Rubbing his eyes, wishing he had more confidence in himself, but for him it wasn't easy to do as he drank the last of the milk and decided he should do a bit of training himself. He got up after leaving a tip and headed out of the bar to make his way back to the squad 13 training grounds so he could train.
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