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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio kept still, not even moving a single muscle as she purely focused on what Kenta was saying. It initially shocked her at how open he seemed to of become, how despite all of this time, he is able to let out his emotions so easily... Her eye stayed wide as he spoke before becoming half-lidded as more tears started the flow down her cheek, her eye-patch becoming soaked with blood from her crystal eye's tears, however it wasn't noticeable due to the fact that she wore a red velvet eye-patch at the moment. Her lips parted while she took shallow breaths... As Kenta pulled away, Rio looked at him... finally able to see Kenta's face.... Her eye squinted a little as more tears threatened to spill, it was almost like every word he spoke touched her heart... She continued to look at Kenta, noticing the fake smile and his tears but was currently speechless due to the knot in her throat.... An extremely short silence passed after Kenta had finished talking.... Rio just couldn't hold back anymore, she couldn't fight her tears back any longer... She ran forward, back into Kenta's arms but this time hugging him tightly, burying her face in his chest for a moment before leaning back to look up into his eyes with her tear-stained face. She leaned into him again, resting the right side of her head against his chest, her voice softening. At this point, Rio started to sob into Kenta's shirt, overwhelmed with emotion due to her already weakened emotional state.... After a moment of just sobbing, Rio eventually calmed down however she never let go of Kenta.... Rio hugged him a little tighter before taking a deep breath and letting him go, wiping her left eye.

"I don't care about my fucking shirt, alright? Like you said, I'm just happy I get to see you again....So happy that you forgive me," Kenta said as he rubbed one his left arm giving her a real smile, happy that she had forgiven him, one thing he had been thinking about for two months and more. But that dropped as he rubbed the back of his head looking away once again. "....But I have bad news....I um...I won't be returning to the Gotei 13," Kenta said before looking back at her, "That's not to say I won't visit, because I will! I mean, I hope to talk to you more...And my sister wants to join the Gotei 13, I-I'll tell you about her later....Plus I'm working on something with Hikari, and I still need to meet his sister! And Kaizo, I think I should properly meet him, last time I was sorta of a jerk wasn't I? And I also want to see Captain Kuchiki, s-so there's still some stuff I need to do there but....I just won't feel comfortable going back...Because of some things I did."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Re-edited as I felt this was just awful)

Kaizo sat in his office, his head in his hands as he thought about Rio and the state she was in, it was tearing him up inside...seeing her in that state...he couldn't take it anymore, he just couldn't sit here anymore! he had to go after her, he had to make sure she was okay...if she did something terrible or drastic to herself he'd never forgive himself. Without a moments hesitation Kaizo stood up from his desk and walked around it, heading to his door as he then threw it open, stepped out and slammed it behind him. Kaizo then stormed out of the Barracks, making his way to one of the four exits of the Seireitei. It wasn't long before he reached the exit and the second he got out of the Seireitei he immediately began running to the first place he could think of that Rio would of gone, their home. Kaizo ran through the bamboo forest until he reached the house, he bolted up the steps then threw the doors open as he panted "Rio? are you here?" Kaizo got no response and immediately began running around the house. checking every room to look for her but there was no sign of her, Kaizo ended up back where he started...just inside the house looking outside the doors. He then dropped to his knees and grit his teeth as tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the floor, his right fist then slammed into the floor as he spoke in a sorrowful tone "Rio...please...please don't do anything silly...I'm sorry I didn't follow you sooner" Kaizo then hit the floor again but this time with his left fist and forehead as he sobbed slightly. He couldn't believe in her time of need that he had put his job first...the very position he was in now was all thanks to Rio...the memory of her helped him through that year away, it helped him get stronger...knowing he would return to her....everything he had achieved was because of her and in the time she truly needed him he failed to be there for her...this made his heart sink so low, the pain shooting through it was greater than any other pain he had felt before...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
"I don't care about my shirt, alright? Like you said, I'm just happy I get to see you again....So that you forgive me," Kenta said as he rubbed one his left arm giving her a real smile, happy that she had forgiven him, one thing he had been thinking about for two months and more. But that dropped as he rubbed the back of his head looking away once again. "....But I have bad news....I um...I won't be returning to the Gotei 13," Kenta said before looking back at her, "That's not to say I won't visit, because I will! I mean, I hope to talk to you more...And my sister wants to join the Gotei 13, I-I'll tell you about her later....Plus I'm working on something with Hikari, and I still need to meet his sister! And Kaizo, I think I should properly meet him, last time I was sorta of a jerk wasn't I? And I also want to see Captain Kuchiki, s-so there's still some stuff I need to do there but....I just won't feel comfortable going back...Because of some things I did."

Rio sniffed while continuing to wipe her eye before looking back up to Kenta, feeling as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders as she was able to cry. She listened to Kenta, smiling softly. "I don't know why you'd think I wouldn't forgive you... If anything, I should be the one begging for forgiveness... I'm sorry about everything Kenta." Rio looked down and let her smile slip before listening to the rest he had to say. Waiting until he was finished, Rio looked back up at him, speaking up while smiling once more. "I understand Kenta. You didn't leave the Seireitei to just return again, besides, I'm pretty sure that whatever reason for this is a good one. It's your life Kenta, do what you feel is best... As long as I get to see you when you visit and speak to you, I don't care where you are.... Just, be careful.... I hope you haven't been falling into some bad areas while you were away... I would like for you to tell me some time, I have much to share with you also.... And your sister?-Um, Okay" Remembering when Kenta talked about his arms, the ones he left on the clone, Rio shook her head. She didn't want to spark any bad memories for Kenta so she would avoid asking those type of questions for now, plus he did say he'd tell her about his sister later anyway. "Well make sure you let your sister know that when she does join us, she can always come to me for help, no matter what Squad she joins. I see, I didn't even know Hikari had a sister... And you should definitely see Kaizo, don't worry about what happened last time, that's in the past. Also, just to let you know, Captain Kuchiki had picked a new Lieutenant... Originally, he asked me to take your place, but then Kaizo became a Captain and asked for me to be his Lieutenant.... I couldn't take your place.... However, the Captain's son did and well, he's not the most... erm.... politest person in the world, but I find him Okay." Rio closed her eye for a moment, making a small chuckle noise before opening it again, placing a hand on his shoulder while smiling. "Kenta, we don't think of you any differently than before. Whatever you did doesn't matter... I understand that there are certain things that one must do in certain... dire situations. It's been around over three months now, we have a new Head Captain and things have changed, as you may know. Don't feel that you're unwelcome, because that's certainly not true.... However, if it's a personal thing then Okay, but you'll always be welcome at Squad Two atleast. I know you spoke to Nohime... Thank you for that" Taking her hand off, Rio continued to show her smile, crossing her arms. "I see that you've changed alot Kenta, especially appearance-wise. I had no idea of what you were hiding under that hat of yours, but I must say you're hair looks more prettier than I expected heh heh.... But, you're not the only one who's been changing" Rio chuckled to herself before sighing and looking off to the right. "I'm glad you chose to see me... I really needed this...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"Uh--About bad areas...I haven't really been in the best ones while in the human world, I sorta...You know what? I think we can talk about what happened with each other through those three months another time. I'd rather not have our bonding time be in a forest, you know? Just doesn't feel right, so....Later, yeah?" Kenta said as he continued rubbing his arm. He then gave a chuckle, "Rio....I'm not the politest person in the world, I'd like to think that I've loosened up a bit but....I'm still not exactly Hikari nice here, so I think I'd be able to handle others with a shit personality like man."

"No need to thank me about the thing with Nohime, I was just doing something nice I guess? She honestly looked like she needed a good talk, and I thought I could help....Just uh, give her my best next time you see her alright? Make sure she's ok for me?" Kenta asked with a small smile, then gave another chuckle when she mentioned his appearance, "Yeah, I usually kept it shaven, I never really tried growing it out. I let it keep growing though since I couldn't really cut it, never thought it'd fit me....But I see your hair has also gotten longer. You're still truly beautiful..."

He let out a breath holding his smile before pulling Rio in close again, "Yeah, I needed this too...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gio found it very difficult to take it easy. He was always so used to moving, and doing things and being busy that this taking it easything was hard to do. To avoid doing anything overly stressful, like train or try a mission he left the barracks yet again. Simply content to take a walk. It was really the only low energy thing he could think of. he remained within the seireitei as he simply roamed. He knew it well enough but there were probably places he still hadn't seen. But his mind wandered to the places he had been and he directed his paths accordingly. His first stop was the quad 1 barracks. he didnt go in he just kind of stared at it for a while, remembering all the time he spent there with the last head captain trying to join and change the kido corps. He even remembered when he had gotten when the corps was finally combined with Squad 5. that was actually one of the last times he spoke to the man. looking back he remembered sensing a strange...depth to the man. He remembered using that word to describe it after the kido corps ran him through the Tunnel. It was intersting that Shinji had been the only captain back then to really speak with gio, even if just for business related things. But even with that in mind Gio felt little to nothing for the Traitor. Gio turned away from the squad one barrack and started walking elsewhere
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio looked back at Kenta, raising an eyebrow as he mentioned that he wasn't in the best of places while in the human world. She kept quiet however, nodding when he suggested that they'd bond another time. This did make her hum a little chuckle as she continued to listen, giving a small smile. "Heh, well I guess that is true, but as usual I don't see it. You've always seemed charming to me." Rio looked down for a moment, her eye drifting to his right arm unintentionally before looking back up at Kenta. "Ahhh, I see. Well, I'll do that and I'll make sure she is, after all she is in my Squad, I have to make sure all the members are Okay." Rio chuckled a little, noticing how different Kenta spoke and realising just how much he had changed. "I think it suits you well, I do like the new look." Rio blushed at the next thing Kenta had said, mainly at the compliment. "Why yes, my hair has grown quite a bit. And um... Thank you for the compliment handsome, I'm glad you think so" Rio couldn't help but giggle a little before Kenta pulled her closer, into another hug which she gladly returned with a content sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sinai was drawn out of her daze by a rumbling growl. At first she didnt even realize it was her own stomach. She placed her hand on her stomach trying to remember the last time she ate. It was most likely before her graduation so she was due a meal...or three. She hopped down from her perched position and went in search of a marketplace. Sure she could have just went inside the barrack for food but she still needed to get the lay of the land. That was also why she didn't ask for directions. She was determined to Find it on her own. and eventually she did, and rewarded herself with a delicious and wonderful meal. Afterall it was her graduation day. She had to treat herself to something, its not like anyone else would. Suddenly it dawned on her how alone she was now. Maybe thats why she found herself looking for friends...Maybe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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The Seiretei is a god damn maze! It took Zheng forever to find the Squad Twelve Barracks, where he would be looking for a friend from the academy. He wanted to ask him a big favor that would benefit his own training though he knew that he may had to offer something in return. Lord knows what that guy will want in exchange. For all he know he would have to offer himself up as a test subject for him though hopefully he can get off scot free of body modifications because the last thing he wants is to wake up and find that his legs were replaced with metal legs.

Zheng finally entered the barracks and looked around in search to find his friend. He knew that he was going to join squad 12 though the problem now is that he has no idea where in the world what part of the building he was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"That's seriously the second time I've been called charming today, I just don't see it...The same with the handsome part, you, Minori, and Takara just see something I don't I guess," Kenta said as he let out a breath, and he wasn't just being humble there, he seriously didn't see it. Mostly the charming part, but it was their opinion, but he did gave a small laugh as Rio giggled. After a few seconds of enjoying their embrace he let go and took a step back, "So I should probably let you continue on what you were, I should go check back up on Keina....It was nice seeing you again, and look forward to seeing me soon. I'll try to visit when I bring Keina to Squad Ten." He then turned around and began walking again with a slight wave, but before he got out of sight he quickly turned around and called out to Rio, "Oh yeah! Tell Kaizo I said I guess he really wasn't weak after all!" He said as he remembered that was pretty much the first thing he said to Kaizo, that he looked weak. Nothing he had really meant, it was just him being him. A laugh was the last thing heard from him before he shunpo'ed away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
The Seiretei is a god damn maze! It took Zheng forever to find the Squad Twelve Barracks, where he would be looking for a friend from the academy. He wanted to ask him a big favor that would benefit his own training though he knew that he may had to offer something in return. Lord knows what that guy will want in exchange. For all he know he would have to offer himself up as a test subject for him though hopefully he can get off scot free of body modifications because the last thing he wants is to wake up and find that his legs were replaced with metal legs. Zheng finally entered the barracks and looked around in search to find his friend. He knew that he was going to join squad 12 though the problem now is that he has no idea where in the world what part of the building he was in.

Mukei was walking down the hallways, eyes glaring deep into a book of certain theories that he was working on. Once he walked out of a hallway, he saw a figure in front of him and nearly crashing into the person. He jumped back a little and looked up to see a familiar face, a smile coming across his face. He immediatly closed the book "Hey Zheng, what brings you to Squad 12?" He asked with a curious expression. He couldn't remember what squad he wanted to join but knew it wasn't Squad 12 "Hoping to join Squad 12 I see?" He asked with a raised eyebrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gio's next location wound up being the base of sogyoku hill. He used to train there when he first got out of the academy. While he had trained plenty of places since then this one always stood out to him. It was where Sorareo-o first hinted at not being at full power. The spirit had with held its full name and limited its power, to the point where Gio couldnt even draw his sword from the sheath without releasing its shikai. Back then the zanpakuto's biggest ability had been helping Gio control his spiritual energy which provided him one of 2 edges in the art of Kido. But Gio learned to master his own energy on his own, fulfilling the swords requirement and being given its actual shikai name. He had to be able to draw the sword on his own by harmonizing perfectly with the blade. He wasnt able to do it untill after the Kido corps Tunnel bullshit that helped him focus. This place marked the beginning of his days as a real shinigami in his eyes. The kind of Shinigami that raises his sword for the sake of balance. The only next Logical step was bankai, Though while he worked on it achieving it presented its own difficulties. But he was convinced that Sorareo-O was just being extremely difficult on purpose while he thought up some ridiculous challenge for Gio to have to overcome to achieve bankai. after all subjugation is a vague process for a reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
"That's seriously the second time I've been called charming today, I just don't see it...The same with the handsome part, you, Minori, and Takara just see something I don't I guess," Kenta said as he let out a breath, and he wasn't just being humble there, he seriously didn't see it. Mostly the charming part, but it was their opinion, but he did gave a small laugh as Rio giggled. After a few seconds of enjoying their embrace he let go and took a step back, "So I should probably let you continue on what you were, I should go check back up on Keina....It was nice seeing you again, and look forward to seeing me soon. I'll try to visit when I bring Keina to Squad Ten." He then turned around and began walking again with a slight wave, but before he got out of sight he quickly turned around and called out to Rio, "Oh yeah! Tell Kaizo I said I guess he really wasn't weak after all!" He said as he remembered that was pretty much the first thing he said to Kaizo, that he looked weak. Nothing he had really meant, it was just him being him. A laugh was the last thing heard from him before he shunpo'ed away.

Rio giggled once more as Kenta questioned why girls seemed to find him charming. Rio didn't know why she did either, it wasn't something you could pinpoint, it was just a quality Kenta seemed to possess. After a few seconds, Kenta broke away and took a step back before speaking. "Okay. I should return to Captain Kaizo also." Rio then smiled gently up at Kenta. "It was nice to see you too... I will indeed look forward to that and I see." She watched, smiling while Kenta turned and began walking away with a wave before calling out to her. "I will!" She called back, chuckling cheerfully as he laughed before disappearing. For a couple more minutes, Rio just stood there, taking a deep breath before her smile shrunk smaller while she turned around, started to walk back. She certainly didn't expect to have an encounter with Kenta of all people.... it truly did make her happy to know that Kenta was back and Okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

He wasn't sure when exactly captain Miyuki would have them go on this mission she had in mind, so it was best that he only did light training for the time being. One aspect he wanted to work on was his stamina and had decided to simply do some jogging as he stood at the main yard of squad 13 barracks. Seeing that no one else was around and would start doing some stretching by twisting his hips or stretching out his legs; doing so to ease up any stiff muscles as he did the stretching exercise for a few minutes.

Feeling that he had stretched enough with his body nimble enough and took in a slow, deep breath then exhaled slowly to calm and relax his body further. With preparation done, he would set off on a slow trot to get into a set routine so as not to run too fast and waste more energy than needed. He gradually increased his speed until he was jogging laps along the main yard, all while keeping an even, steady breathing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara who had been petting a bunny while the two had their little moment, which of course Takara listened in on, he was giving plently of things to tease him about, like how he was acting all lovey dovey, hugging this girl a lot despite his harsh attitude.Really everything was Un-Kenta like. Takara then dropped the bunny when Kenta blantly said her name to Rio, which made Takara look at Rio and stand there in silence, before shunpoing back to the base quite quickly. Fast enough that she even got there first yet didn't go in. Instead she was waiting by the door, so when she saw Kenta, she could shoot him for telling the fucking lieutenant of her old squad she was around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo sat in his office, his head in his hands as he thought about Rio and the state she was in, it was tearing him up inside...seeing her in that state...he couldn't take it anymore, he just couldn't sit here anymore! he had to go after her, he had to make sure she was okay...if she did something terrible or drastic to herself he'd never forgive himself. Without a moments hesitation Kaizo stood up from his desk and walked around it, heading to his door as he then threw it open, stepped out and slammed it behind him. Kaizo then stormed out of the Barracks, making his way to one of the four exits of the Seireitei. It wasn't long before he reached the exit and the second he got out of the Seireitei he immediately began running to the first place he could think of that Rio would of gone, their home. Kaizo ran through the bamboo forest until he reached the house, he bolted up the steps then threw the doors open as he panted "Rio? are you here?" Kaizo got no response and immediately began running around the house. checking every room to look for her but there was no sign of her, Kaizo ended up back where he started...just inside the house looking outside the doors. He then dropped to his knees and grit his teeth as tears rolled down his cheeks and onto the floor, his right fist then slammed into the floor as he spoke in a sorrowful tone "Rio...please...please don't do anything silly...I'm sorry I didn't follow you sooner" Kaizo then hit the floor again but this time with his left fist and forehead as he sobbed slightly. He couldn't believe in her time of need that he had put his job first...the very position he was in now was all thanks to Rio...the memory of her helped him through that year away, it helped him get stronger...knowing he would return to her....everything he had achieved was because of her and in the time she truly needed him he failed to be there for her...this made his heart sink so low, the pain shooting through it was greater than any other pain he had felt before...

Rio continued to stroll through the forest, again letting her feet take her wherever they wanted to go. The small smile she held from seeing Kenta faded with time as her thoughts tried to attack her again.... She tried her best to focus on her surroundings, listening to the faint sound of the wind blow while watching her feet crush the leaves under her once more. Sighing, Rio closed her eye for a moment before opening it again. 'For goodness sake.... I don't want to deal with this right now... not now.... not after everything....' Her eyelid slipped down a little, only lidding her eye half-way as she watched the floor with a saddened expression. '.... Why didn't I try harder to save my mother?... Why did I treat her so harshly when she came back to me?.... Why have I failed in regaining my memories?.... I was certain that I'd find myself.... but instead I'm even more lost.... since I know now exactly what.... wh-what I've lost.....' The more she spoke within her mind, the sadder her expression became, to the point where both of her eyes started watering again.... 'I'm all.... all alone.... My f-father... d-daddy....' Her mother's memories directed Rio's thoughts to her father... It was as if she was watching as the child version of herself playing with her joyful dad. Out of both of her parents, her father was certainly the more playful, happy and excitable one, whereas her mother was always the strong, stern but extremely caring one. The worst thing about this was, since she was still missing her own memories of that part of her life, she couldn't remember how she felt at that moment.... she could only see the happiness that showed in her eyes, but not able to experience it.... 'D-daddy...wh-why... Why?!....' "... wh-why?...." Tears began falling again.... Feeling vulnerable once more as she mourned her father for the first time despite the fact that he died just over 100 years ago.... It felt as though it had just happened earlier today.... Shaking her head viscously, Rio squeezed her eyes closed as she began running. She just ran with no where in mind, quietly sobbing to herself.... However as she continued to travel, she found herself within a recognisable forest.

The aroma was the first thing that got to her, causing her to open her eye and look around. "... h-here?" Rio didn't know how she ended up here but she didn't care, her mind was now set on running to the house Kaizo had built for the two of them, feeling the need to escape from the eye of the outside world. She still cried on her way while memories of her father wouldn't leave her mind.... almost as though trying to force more emotion out of her, however then a sudden sensation washed over her, causing her eye to widen a little. Rio didn't believe her own senses however, not until she had reached the house and ran in through the gate to find her senses where right. "K-Kaizo?" She pushed out through the knot in her throat as she stood outside the house's front doors to find Kaizo on his knees with his fists and forehead on the floor. 'Wh-what is he doing here? I-I thought...' Her thought trailed off as she just stood there, looking at him with teary eyes and tear-stained cheeks. She didn't want to think anymore.... She didn't want to remember her parents or who she was... it was just too painful to think about it right now... especially when she was alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki continued to smile, feeling the need to celebrate her promotion. She giggled before watching as he gave members behind them a glare. As he did, Nishiki stuck her tongue out at them while humming a giggle before returning to normal just as Shiro would of turned back to her. She gave him another wink before giggling and turning away, walking off to her room to grab the basket she pulled together for Hikari before running out of the barracks to Squad Ten, planning to go to Hikari's door and deliver him the basket of various muffins. Standing outside his door, Nishiki knocked and waited....

Once she knocked on the door the door randomly shot up pulling a large gust of wind inside the dark room. Tabo then dropped out of nowhere, hanging upside down somehow. His shirt was off revealing some stitches on his body, as he swung towards Nishiki he yelled out, "Boo!" Before she could react he started laughing while holding his gut, falling to the floor. He stood up still laughing while wiping a tear away, "Oh...Oh man, you should have seen your face!" he said, as if he even gave her a chance to react. He calmed himself then held up his hand with the basket of muffins in it, something she most likely didn't notice him take....A few seconds back. "Muffins? For Hikari? Geez, I told the guy to go meet some ladies not go get some muffins, well, I guess both work," Tabo said as he rubbed the back of his neck before he turned around and sat the muffins on Hikari's desk. He grabbed his Haori and put it on to cover his torso before looking back at Nishiki, "Please, come in!" he said grinning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Phobos said
Mukei was walking down the hallways, eyes glaring deep into a book of certain theories that he was working on. Once he walked out of a hallway, he saw a figure in front of him and nearly crashing into the person. He jumped back a little and looked up to see a familiar face, a smile coming across his face. He immediatly closed the book "Hey Zheng, what brings you to Squad 12?" He asked with a curious expression. He couldn't remember what squad he wanted to join but knew it wasn't Squad 12 "Hoping to join Squad 12 I see?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Always got a nose in a book eh Mukei?" Zheng joked with the Squad 12 member. He heard that Squad 12 had always seemed to attract the weirdos of the Soul Society though he never really thought Mukei was too weird. Rubbing the back of his head, the young man chuckled and responded with, "Sorry but I'm already in Squad 7. I'm here to ask you a favor." He began to pat his pockets as if he was looking for something until he pulled out a folded sheet of paper. "I need your expertise with inventions, if you can handle it that is." He said with a playfully challenging tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
Once she knocked on the door the door randomly shot up pulling a large gust of wind inside the dark room. Tabo then dropped out of nowhere, hanging upside down somehow. His shirt was off revealing some stitches on his body, as he swung towards Nishiki he yelled out, "Boo!" Before she could react he started laughing while holding his gut, falling to the floor. He stood up still laughing while wiping a tear away, "Oh...Oh man, you should have seen your face!" he said, as if he even gave her a chance to react. He calmed himself then held up his hand with the basket of muffins in it, something she most likely didn't notice him take....A few seconds back. "Muffins? For Hikari? Geez, I told the guy to go meet some ladies not go get some muffins, well, I guess both work," Tabo said as he rubbed the back of his neck before he turned around and sat the muffins on Hikari's desk. He grabbed his Haori and put it on to cover his torso before looking back at Nishiki, "Please, come in!" he said grinning.

One knock and the door shot open, a gust of wind bursting towards her, blowing her hair back. Nishiki being Nishiki just stood there, shell-shocked as a random man that she had never seen before appeared, sporting some stitches on his, rather hot if Nishiki said so herself, body. The guy was hanging upside-down before swinging towards her, already laughing before she even had the time to think about what the hell had just happened. Instead, Nishiki just blinked, unable to register what a correct response would be. The guy then calmed himself before holding up the basket she swore she was still holding. Looking down, she found that he had in fact swiped her muffins without her even noticing. Nishiki then looked back up at him as he spoke, still blinking and looking surprised. After talking, the guy then rubbed the back of his neck before turning around, placing the basket on Hikari's desk before covering himself with a Haori... Wait-"You're the Captain?" Nishiki blinked a few more times before stepping in. After a moment of just looking at the guy, Nishiki suddenly started jumping up and down and clapping excitedly at his unexpected performance. "That was Amaaazing!! You're so fast! I'm impressed~" She giggled before calming herself. "You must be called Tabo~ I'm Nishiki, Third Seat-I mean, newly made Lieutenant of Squad Eleven~ It's nice to meet you Captain~" Nishiki smiled before continuing to speak. "Hehehe~ Oh no, these muffins are just a, late, surprise congratulations on making Lieutenant gift. I haven't seen Hikari in ages so I thought he might like some home-made muffins, courtesy of muah~ I wish I brought two basket's now eheh, I would of if I knew I was going to meet you, Sir" She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly with a slightly nervous chuckle. "My apologies Captain Tabo Sir"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja wandered around, until she found herself at the 10th barracks, where apparently, from what she heard, the Captain was hanging from something talking to the Lieutenant, who was very ecstatic to see the Captain. Said Lieutenant looked rather beautiful, and her breasts where nice as well, which put a big grin on Mirja's face. She went around to the 11th to see if she could pick up how her sword worked, but so far she had no idea behind what part of the guy goes into the sword, and the 10th was on the way to the 11th so she got caught up and interested in the conversation. The girl - who named herself Nishiki - seemed very, energetic. Like, really energetic and was from the 11th squad, which was handy. This Captain - who the girl named Tabo - must be very cool, and as obvious with the 11th captain - or at least what Mirja assumed to be the 11th captain, with the Lieutenant getting so worked up about him -, probably pretty strong as well. Mirja didn't say anything, just standing there nibbling on a Rice-Cake and watching the two talk. It was fun, at least in her eyes it was fun. Other observers might think it was less fun than she did though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
Blue simply followed her when she stated for him to do so. Once he was led to a room she stated for a shinigami to come over, and when he did she commanded them to spar. When the man drew his zanpakuto, Blue was already behind him locking him in a sleeper hold. Which he held for exactly 30 seconds which the shinigami stopped flailing his arms and passed out, Blue then dropped the man on the ground and looked at Himeko. "I think I broke it."

As Blue defeated the Shinigami Himeko's eyebrows popped up by how quick he did so, the other guy hardly had anytime to draw his Zanpakuto. Himeko had counted thirty seconds exactly, it took that long to knock the other Shinigami out. "I guess you did," Himeko said as she stared at the Shinigami on the ground before looking up at Blue, "I guess you're in." She didn't really see much, but she didn't really have to. Plus this guy could prove himself on the battlefield, "Complete this by today atleast," she told him as she handed him a document, a mission to clear out some Hollow. They weren't really a threat, atleast not yet, so there was time to wait. Himeko turned around and began walking away, maybe she'd see if Hikari was back soon.
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