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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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AeronFarron said
"A veteran, as a person, as the Hollow you also are?" she shrugged a little bit. Alucard gave a small growl but didn't move from his position. She thought on some ideas for training with Hikari so as the maximize her potential. "I read somewhere about this...kido slash hakuda hybrid that was developed a long time ago. In addition to Bankai, that technique--Shunko, I believe--is my goal. I have good control over my spiritual power, but...kido is annoying. Too much memorization." she pouted. "I want to learn how to harness my spiritual pressure for Shunko, and devote my time to that, not necessarily learning Kido I'll never really use, y'know?"

Hikari shrugged, "Haven't really thought about it, but I wouldn't consider myself a veteran. I've only had about one or two years of expirence within the Gotei thirteen, maybe someone like Captain Kuchiki could hold the title of veteran....But I'm just a Lieutenant who seemingly has Hollow powers, that's all I can really say for myself." He listened to her speak about her goal, to gain Shunko. That was a pretty good technique, one that Tabo had beat him up with....While naked, he managed to stop himself from shivering. He then spoke, "Sadly I'm pretty useless when it comes to the field of Kido, I can't do one bit of it. But what I can help you with are the incarnations of them, I know pretty much all of them. Even though you won't use most Kido in your average day fight it's still useless to know them, trust me I know many sword styles that I won't necessarily use....But they'll come in handy when you least expect them to. I could probably get Tabo to help you with the Kido side of things, I can help you with the Hakuda side. Hype seems to be Hakuda focused, so sparring with him could help you immensely. As for harnessing your spirit energy then I could help with that as well, I have pretty good control over mine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
Takara who had been petting a bunny while the two had their little moment, which of course Takara listened in on, he was giving plently of things to tease him about, like how he was acting all lovey dovey, hugging this girl a lot despite his harsh attitude.Really everything was Un-Kenta like. Takara then dropped the bunny when Kenta blantly said her name to Rio, which made Takara look at Rio and stand there in silence, before shunpoing back to the base quite quickly. Fast enough that she even got there first yet didn't go in. Instead she was waiting by the door, so when she saw Kenta, she could shoot him for telling the fucking lieutenant of her old squad she was around.

As he left Rio his smile dropped as he resorted to walking, he put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. Someday Rio, just...Not today, Kenta thought with a sigh as he continued to walk. He really did have much to do, but most of those things weren't necessarily the most important. Mostly taking Keina to Squad Ten and taking down Tenchi, and Kenta wasn't really the type to just sit around and do nothing so he had to find more stuff to do. Once he had the hideout in sight he walked into the clearing before he saw Takara at the door which caused him to pull his hood on, turn around, and start walking away again as he remembered he told Rio about Takara. He knew she was probably pissed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This might have been the first Tkaar has ever waited really, she waited for as long as it took, and when she saw a glimpse of him, who instantly pulled his hood on and turned around walking away from her. She couldn't help but be speechless by an attempt to avoid confrontation. Mostly when its obvious that the other person just saw you. She then shunpoed off and caught up to him where she jumped on his back so he couldn't just run off. "Heyyyy Kenta. I want to ask you a question. Does Rio know where that hideout is?" Takara said staring at him, not even teasing in the slightest at this point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

AbigailTenshi said
One knock and the door shot open, a gust of wind bursting towards her, blowing her hair back. Nishiki being Nishiki just stood there, shell-shocked as a random man that she had never seen before appeared, sporting some stitches on his, , body. The guy was hanging upside-down before swinging towards her, already laughing before she even had the time to think about what the hell had just happened. Instead, Nishiki just blinked, unable to register what a correct response would be. The guy then calmed himself before holding up the basket she swore she was still holding. Looking down, she found that he had in fact swiped her muffins without her even noticing. Nishiki then looked back up at him as he spoke, still blinking and looking surprised. After talking, the guy then rubbed the back of his neck before turning around, placing the basket on Hikari's desk before covering himself with a Haori... Wait- Nishiki blinked a few more times before stepping in. After a moment of just looking at the guy, Nishiki suddenly started jumping up and down and clapping excitedly at his unexpected performance. She giggled before calming herself. Nishiki smiled before continuing to speak. She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly with a slightly nervous chuckle.

As she spoke Tabo bit his lip to keep from laughing at her neon green hair, he promised himself that if he laughed then he would tell her, otherwise she'd have find out on her own. He mentally calmed himself and released his lip before speaking with a smirk, "Yeah, I know who you are Nishiki. Hikari told me about you, like, a year ago? Sorry you couldn't see him, I recently just sent him out. You see he's been stressed lately so I told him to go out and relieve it whichever way he could." Tabo closed his eyes then put one finger in front of his face sensing before he chuckled opening his eyes, "Looks like he's with that pink haired girl. Score Hikari, score." He said with a chuckle before he pointed his finger forward sending a blue lightning bolt forward that shot past Nishiki in a blur and hit the Rice-Cake Mirja was eating causing it to explode.

"Your business here?" Tabo asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
As she spoke Tabo bit his lip to keep from laughing at her neon green hair, he promised himself that if he laughed then he would tell her, otherwise she'd have find out on her own. He mentally calmed himself and released his lip before speaking with a smirk, "Yeah, I know who you are Nishiki. Hikari told me about you, like, a year ago? Sorry you couldn't see him, I recently just sent him out. You see he's been stressed lately so I told him to go out and relieve it whichever way he could." Tabo closed his eyes then put one finger in front of his face sensing before he chuckled opening his eyes, "Looks like he's with that pink haired girl. Score Hikari, score." He said with a chuckle before he pointed his finger forward sending a blue lightning bolt forward that shot past Nishiki in a blur and hit the Rice-Cake Mirja was eating causing it to explode."Your business here?" Tabo asked

Nishiki looked at Tabo and listened. "Huh? Hikari talked about me? Well, must not of been anything good I'm guessing hehe" She chuckled a little before completely straightening herself out, unaware of the new neon green hair-colour she sported. "It's fine, no biggy, I wasn't going to stay long anyway, just wanted to drop off the muffins I spent a while making heh... I wanted them to be perfect, hopefully he'll like them~ If you see him, tell him that I stopped by and that maybe we can catch up sometime~" Nishiki smiled genuinely before Tabo mentioned where Hikari was. "Ooo~ He's with a girl? I knew he wasn't gay! But he could still be Bi but wait... that means he truly didn't ever like me in that way... Oh well, can't be attractive to everyone unfortunately~" She chuckled once more before Tabo shot a Hado past her and hit something behind her. Looking over her shoulder, Nishiki spotted a woman she had never seen before. Smiling, Nishiki waved, as friendly as usual. "Hey there~!" She held a happy grin to welcome the newcomer before looking back at Tabo. "Well, I'd best be on my way~" She did a curtsey to Tabo before turning to leave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio continued to stroll through the forest, again letting her feet take her wherever they wanted to go. The small smile she held from seeing Kenta faded with time as her thoughts tried to attack her again.... She tried her best to focus on her surroundings, listening to the faint sound of the wind blow while watching her feet crush the leaves under her once more. Sighing, Rio closed her eye for a moment before opening it again. 'For goodness sake.... I don't want to deal with this right now... not now.... not after everything....' Her eyelid slipped down a little, only lidding her eye half-way as she watched the floor with a saddened expression. '.... Why didn't I try harder to save my mother?... Why did I treat her so harshly when she came back to me?.... Why have I failed in regaining my memories?.... I was certain that I'd find myself.... but instead I'm even more lost.... since I know now exactly what.... wh-what I've lost.....' The more she spoke within her mind, the sadder her expression became, to the point where both of her eyes started watering again.... 'I'm all.... all alone.... My f-father... d-daddy....' Her mother's memories directed Rio's thoughts to her father... It was as if she was watching as the child version of herself playing with her joyful dad. Out of both of her parents, her father was certainly the more playful, happy and excitable one, whereas her mother was always the strong, stern but extremely caring one. The worst thing about this was, since she was still missing her own memories of that part of her life, she couldn't remember how she felt at that moment.... she could only see the happiness that showed in her eyes, but not able to experience it.... 'D-daddy...wh-why... Why?!....' "... wh-why?...." Tears began falling again.... Feeling vulnerable once more as she mourned her father for the first time despite the fact that he died just over 100 years ago.... It felt as though it had just happened earlier today.... Shaking her head viscously, Rio squeezed her eyes closed as she began running. She just ran with no where in mind, quietly sobbing to herself.... However as she continued to travel, she found herself within a recognisable forest.

The aroma was the first thing that got to her, causing her to open her eye and look around. "... h-here?" Rio didn't know how she ended up here but she didn't care, her mind was now set on running to the house Kaizo had built for the two of them, feeling the need to escape from the eye of the outside world. She still cried on her way while memories of her father wouldn't leave her mind.... almost as though trying to force more emotion out of her, however then a sudden sensation washed over her, causing her eye to widen a little. Rio didn't believe her own senses however, not until she had reached the house and ran in through the gate to find her senses where right. "K-Kaizo?" She pushed out through the knot in her throat as she stood outside the house's front doors to find Kaizo on his knees with his fists and forehead on the floor. 'Wh-what is he doing here? I-I thought...' Her thought trailed off as she just stood there, looking at him with teary eyes and tear-stained cheeks. She didn't want to think anymore.... She didn't want to remember her parents or who she was... it was just too painful to think about it right now... especially when she was alone.

Kaizo continued to clench his fists as the tears rolled down his face still and onto the floor Why the hell didn't I go after her! What the hell is wrong with me! Kaizo then smashed his right fist into the floor again as he continued to curse himself for being such a fool. Kaizo then heard a familiar voice that carried sorrow which caused his eyes to widen as he lifted his head from the floor to look up to see Rio, tears streaming from her eyes. Kaizo immediately got to his feet and the very second his left foot was flat on the ground he ran to Rio, wrapping his arms around her, his left hand on the back of her head as he pulled her closer. Tears of his own rolling down his face as he spoke "Rio...I-I'm so sorry I didn't come find you earlier, I'm so sorry! I don't know why I chose my duty over the woman I love, I-I'm just glad you're okay...I was so worried"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The situation was starting to get, amusing. Mirja was wondering if they girl had always had neon green hair, or if it had changed suddenly, but couldn't remember. Her mind was always going dodgy like this. And then the captain blew up her Rice-Cake like a big meanie. None of the dust got in her eyes, and so she brushed what got onto her clothes away, and pulled out a second Rice-Cake, nibbling on it before waving at the green-haired girl with a smile. She seemed to be leaving, so that was that. Conversation over, nothing interesting left to do here. Mirja would look at the Rice-Cake murderer with half closed eyes and shrug.
"Nothing" she muttered, before turning to continue her trek down to the 11th division. Or though, this captain clearly wasn't the 11th, or he was a radical new captain, since she heard they really didn't like Kido. For whatever stupid reason that was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to clench his fists as the tears rolled down his face still and onto the floor Kaizo then smashed his right fist into the floor again as he continued to curse himself for being such a fool. Kaizo then heard a familiar voice that carried sorrow which caused his eyes to widen as he lifted his head from the floor to look up to see Rio, tears streaming from her eyes. Kaizo immediately got to his feet and the very second his left foot was flat on the ground he ran to Rio, wrapping his arms around her, his left hand on the back of her head as he pulled her closer. Tears of his own rolling down his face as he spoke "Rio...I-I'm so sorry I didn't come find you earlier, I'm so sorry! I don't know why I chose my duty over the woman I love, I-I'm just glad you're okay...I was so worried"

Rio stood still, watching Kaizo as he moved closer and hugged her. Shaking a little from trying to hold in sobs, Rio lifted her arms to grab the back of Kaizo's Haori, resting her forehead on his right shoulder. "I-it's.... O-kay...." She spoke, trying to stop herself from stuttering as she pulled herself closer to Kaizo, hugging him tighter while turning her head to rest her right cheek on his right shoulder while looking out to the left. Silently, Rio continued to sob while calming herself down, closing her eye to relax herself as she felt Kaizo's comforting warmth. She was silent for a few minutes before speaking up in a quiet voice once her sobs had calmed. "Kaizo... I shouldn't of left your office.... I just... wanted to hug you so badly.... but we were on duty so I'm glad you kept to your role.... I guess... I'm not as strong as I'd like to think I am...." Rio continued to speak softly, holding tightly onto Kaizo, never wanting to let him go. "... I couldn't save my mother.... She died... to save me...." Rio sighed before opening her eye. "I'm sorry for worrying you Kaizo.... but there is no need to be worried about me.... as long as I have you, I'll be fine...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
"Always got a nose in a eh Mukei?" Zheng joked with the Squad 12 member. He heard that Squad 12 had always seemed to attract the weirdos of the Soul Society though he never really thought Mukei was too weird. Rubbing the back of his head, the young man chuckled and responded with, "Sorry but I'm already in Squad 7. I'm here to ask you a favor." He began to pat his pockets as if he was looking for something until he pulled out a folded sheet of paper. "I need your expertise with inventions, if you can handle it that is." He said with a playfully challenging tone.

Mukei chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head "Can't waste anymore time than I already have. Now that I'm finally in Squad 12, I have a large assortment of ideas which I want to test out" He said with a slightly mischievous grin. He heard Zhen state that he was Squad 7, now wondering why he came to Squad 12. However, once he spoke that he had a favor, Mukei couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Ohhh, is that soo Zheng?" He said with a decieving smile "Although we are friends, you must know my services come at a price?" He said, wondering what Zheng would say. But he was still interested so he took the paper with a smile "Of course I can handle it! There's nothing I can't handle when it comes to science!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio stood still, watching Kaizo as he moved closer and hugged her. Shaking a little from trying to hold in sobs, Rio lifted her arms to grab the back of Kaizo's Haori, resting her forehead on his right shoulder. "I-it's.... O-kay...." She spoke, trying to stop herself from stuttering as she pulled herself closer to Kaizo, hugging him tighter while turning her head to rest her right cheek on his right shoulder while looking out to the left. Silently, Rio continued to sob while calming herself down, closing her eye to relax herself as she felt Kaizo's comforting warmth. She was silent for a few minutes before speaking up in a quiet voice once her sobs had calmed. "Kaizo... I shouldn't of left your office.... I just... wanted to hug you so badly.... but we were on duty so I'm glad you kept to your role.... I guess... I'm not as strong as I'd like to think I am...." Rio continued to speak softly, holding tightly onto Kaizo, never wanting to let him go. "... I couldn't save my mother.... She died... to save me...." Rio sighed before opening her eye. "I'm sorry for worrying you Kaizo.... but there is no need to be worried about me.... as long as I have you, I'll be fine...."

As Kaizo hugged Rio he felt her shaking which caused the pain in his heart to increase as the tears continued to flow down his face, he listened as she spoke and hearing what she said only caused him to grip Rio's uniform "it's not right Rio, you shouldn't have had to go off and face this alone...I should have been there...I waited to long like a fool!" Kaizo bit his bottom lip as the tears came on harder "Rio..." Kaizo then broke the hug as he held her by shoulders and looked into her eye "Your the strongest woman I've ever known, you've been through so much...I...I'm proud of how far you've come, your mother...I know she is incredibly proud of you, of how strong you are...she did what any loving mother would have done to save their child...I know she is gone but" Kaizo then swallowed the knot in his throat as more tears streamed down his face "I promise you...I will never leave you, I will never let anything stop me from standing by your side and holding your hand no matter what happens...I will help you achieve any goal you want to attain even if it goes against everything I stand for! I will help you do anything because...I love you Rio..." Kaizo then wrapped his arms around Rio as he continued to cry...this was probably the first time he had cried since that day...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Zane620 said
This might have been the first Tkaar has ever waited really, she waited for as long as it took, and when she saw a glimpse of him, who instantly pulled his hood on and turned around walking away from her. She couldn't help but be speechless by an attempt to avoid confrontation. Mostly when its obvious that the other person just saw you. She then shunpoed off and caught up to him where she jumped on his back so he couldn't just run off. "Heyyyy Kenta. I want to ask you a question. Does Rio know where that hideout is?" Takara said staring at him, not even teasing in the slightest at this point.

Once Takara jumped on his back he didn't even stumble, just kept walking. She was lighter than she seemed, but that wasn't surprising since she was in Squad Two, they were meant to be light. "Heyyyy Kenta. I want to ask you a question. Does Rio know where that hideout is?" He heard her ask, he moved his head upwards a bit letting his hood fall off as they looked at each other, "If you're worried about her talking about you then I'm sure she won't, atleast knowing that we know each other. Obviously you did something bad, so have I. She's my best friend, so if she tells on you then she also tells on me....But to answer your question, no, she doesn't." Kenta then looked forward accidentally walking into a tree. He stayed still for a few seconds before backing away watching as the tree swayed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara listened to him carefully then sighed in relief, was a little startled when he suddenly bumped into a tree which made her giggle, somehow coming up with a tease for this. "Awwww is my prince charming all nervous with me on his back." She said at first before doing a more sinister smile. "Or are you more scared that I might shoot you for saying something like that?" Takara said quickly reverting back to her teasing. "Personally I see the first option being more likely, you just cant peel your eyes off me. Like the time you peeped on me, and then complimented my hips."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"No, you're absolutely right. I am nervous having you on my back, so get off!" Kenta said as he gripped her shirt and tossed her forward off his back. He crossed his arms and chuckled before turning around and walking back to the hideout, he figured Takara would probably make another tease or come after him, whichever it was he ready for it to happen atleast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara was suddenly flipped over him, she landed on her feet but she looked back at him and frowned. She shunpoed beside him and looked upto look him in the eyes. "So is Rio your girlfriend or something? Cause you don't seemed bothered when she touches you. Ahhhhh it's one of those forbidden loves! A woman of high position fell for a rude man who saves people. Yet runs from the law! A love that can only be kept secret!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"What!?" Kenta said looking down at her before shaking his head and looking forward, "No, she's just my best friend. I knew her since graduating from the academy, we joined Squad six together and all that crap. There hasn't been anything romantic between u-" Kenta stopped talking for a second before continuing, "Nothing serious between us, romantic wise. But if anything she has Kaizo now, I don't really know if they have anything romantic going on but...He can atleast take better care of than me, as a friend. Besides, I thought I was your prince charming. What happened?" Kenta asked, now teasing her while holding a smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

"what a meal" Sinai sighed as she walked away from her table. It wasn't fun to eat alone but it sure was great to eat. The need for food was a bit burdensome at times but when the food is delicious its ok to need it. Sinai had ate herself full and was re-energized but she had nothing to do. She made her way back to the squad two barracks. At this point she had two choices, climb back in the tree and catch a nap, or do something productive. It was probably best to be productive so she went inside and looked for the lieutenant or even the captain. Both were 'unavailable'. Sinai wasn't sure if they were Still unavailable from before or if they had ever come back and just left again. What ever was going on must really have been important. Again she was tempted to go back to that tree and take a nap, but she forced herself to go to the training hall. Maybe there she could find something to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 23 min ago

Phobos said
Mukei chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head "Can't waste anymore time than I already have. Now that I'm finally in Squad 12, I have a large assortment of ideas which I want to test out" He said with a slightly mischievous grin. He heard Zhen state that he was Squad 7, now wondering why he came to Squad 12. However, once he spoke that he had a favor, Mukei couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Ohhh, is that soo Zheng?" He said with a decieving smile "Although we are friends, you must know my services come at a price?" He said, wondering what Zheng would say. But he was still interested so he took the paper with a smile "Of course I can handle it! There's nothing I can't handle when it comes to science!"

He rolled his eyes at his friend's insincere smile. He knew Mukei all too well and saw this coming so he decided to have some fun with this. "Do you want money or...?" Zheng bit his lip and placed his hands on his hips. "Or do you want my body as payment?" A smirk had crawled upon his face in amusement of what he said. Obviously he was joking though it was always fun to do things like this to mess with people. He recalled doing the same exact thing to a woman in the academy while he was still a student and she fainted with a blood spewing out of her nose. "Anyway, what I am asking you to do is to create a training robot. It needs to be strong enough to take attacks from a lieutenant and it needs to analyze my muscle movement and predict my physical attacks within a short moment of time so it can counter attack." Zheng explained his idea. He knew he would probably have to pay for something though he hoped that maybe Mukei would just do it from the generosity from his heart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Ohhhhh looked like lovers too me, all the hugging and mushy stuff. Thats what forbidden lovers do." Takara said giggling a bit at his his next question, noting that he was able to hold a smirk, but a smile would take more effort. "Ooooh it was horrible, I thought my old superior had stolen my prince charming, but now that he reassured me, I now know that he is without a doubt mine!" Takara said grabbing his arm smirking herself as she looked up at him. If he thought he was going to win this contest, ooooooh was he as wrong as people getting a rainbow Mohawk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"Or it's what's best friends do when they haven't seen each other in three months while both thinking one hates the others," Kenta replied, still holding his smirk as she teased him. Afterwards hit turned into a small smile as he lifted her up off her feet carrying her bridal style, "Of course I'm yours m'lady. Your beauty, smarts, and hips are surely ones that cannot be matched~" he said as he kicked the door open to the hideout stepping inside with Takara still in his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I like my choice better, more likely to happen, since squad two kinda assassinates people like us." She said and shortly afterwards had a tiny shocked expression as he carried her of his own free will. He then spoke again, certain that was meant to tease her. However again, she was the master at this. "Ohhh is that your confession? Oh I don't know what to say, but doesn't you carrying me like this bring back such wonderful memories."
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