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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio only closed her eyes as she heard Kaizo speak, taking solace in the sounds of his voice. He cared so much for her, that much was obvious, however Rio was too used to doing things alone that she failed to notice that she wasn't anymore... She didn't need to be afraid to ask for help, or to just be with someone and be happy without worrying when they'd eventually leave.... The first time Kaizo left her, that year was one of the most difficult ones she had even needed to endure.... It was one thing to be alone, but knowing what it was like to have someone... To be happy with someone just for them to leave was a completely different story.... As her eyes were closed, Rio thought about this but then spoke up after Kaizo spoke the first time. ".... But I'm glad you didn't join me.... The last thing I'd want is for you to be mixed up in something that I had no idea about.... besides.... I had to do this.... She had done so much to my family.... It wouldn't of been right if I didn't fight the battle they couldn't finish.... I-I just.... didn't think... that would happen...." Kaizo then broke the hug so Rio got a good look at his face.... While she managed to calm herself in Kaizo's embrace, Kaizo was far from calm.... '... I-Is he.... crying... for me?' She watched, her tears had stopped their descend but left their marks on her face.... all she really needed was to just be with Kaizo, to realise that she wasn't alone in all of this.... Looking down as he spoke, his words plummeted to her heart as if he spoke directly to it. Rio then looked back up at him, watching his tears quietly, her head beginning to hurt due to her emotions welling up inside her.... After Kaizo pulled her into another hug, Rio pulled back, just looking up at him before lifting both of her hands to his face, gently wiping the tears away with her thumbs. Her face had became straight at this moment, the emotion she felt unrecognisable as her body moved on it's own accord, leaning forward before her lips were placed on his... The kiss she gave him was gently and tender but mostly, loving... After a few seconds, Rio leaned her body back, a smile now on her face. "Kaizo.... I love you too.... thank you... for everything... I wish to do the same for you////" She whispered while smiling softly up at him.

Kaizo continued to hug Rio until she pulled back causing his eyes to widen a little when she then wiped his tears away with her thumbs, he noticed Rio was no longer crying anymore then his eyes widened further as she kissed him on the lips, this caused Kaizo's eyes however to return almost back to normal. When she leaned back again he noticed her smiling, this surprised him a little. Was she really this happy just because she was with him? Kaizo listened to her words then looked down a little, a small smile forming on his face as he then spoke "I love you to Rio...just remember you never have to do anything alone...I'm here for you, always..." Kaizo said, a smile forming on his face as he then wiped his face with his left sleeve "Heh, Look at me...the Squad 2 Captain crying. If my Squad members saw this they'd likely lose respect for me." Kaizo then gave a light chuckle as he stopped rubbing his eyes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nishiki skipped back to Squad Eleven, still ecstatic over her promotion while sporting hair green hair as bright as a neon club sing at midnight. She was still unaware of this since no one she passed bothered to tell her, instead they snickered while her back was to them. Nishiki didn't question the snickering though, too drugged up on her own happiness to even bother to care, not that she ever would care about people laughing at her anyway.

Stepping inside the Squad Eleven gates, Nishiki headed straight to Shiro's office. As his newly appointed Lieutenant she planned to impress Shiro by doing her job better than he would expect her to, after all, Nishiki had always tried to excel and do things that her Captain wouldn't expect to surprise him in good ways. It was in her nature to always want to impress her superior anyway, the one who she wanted to follow and assist instead of the one she was made to follow. "Oh Cap'aiii-... Hm?" Opening Shiro's door, she noticed that his office was missing a pretty important piece; Shiro. 'He must be out training, I guess I'll just keep an eye out for his Spiritual Energy~' Shrugging, Nishiki closed Shiro;s office door before prancing off to her own office to get to work on brain-storming what Lieutenants do. As she approached, Nishiki wondered whether or not she should go to the other Lieutenants of other Squads to see what they do, just to make sure she'd get it right. Opening her own door, she immediately looked at her desk, spotting a foreign piece of paper that she didn't remember leaving out. After closing her door, she walked forward and picked up said paper, a smile on her face as she recognised the writing immediatly.

'So Captain's going to be gone for a while? I wonder why? Oh well, I guess this is a good thing! He's trusting me to take care of the Squad while he's gone! My chance to prove myself!' Grinning, Nishiki placed the note into the top draw of her desk. "But first! Must make muffins!" Nishiki then darted out of her office for her room, ignoring the muffin baskets she had already made. She'll give those out later but now it was time to make the most delicious muffins she had ever made in her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Miyuki sat in her office folding up some paper to make some origami animals, she was bored and needed something to do and paperwork was just far to boring to do right now. She looked over to her left looking at the massive stack of it then sighed "Why is there so much paperwork?" Miyuki then began making a paper plane and planned to throw it at the first person who walked through her office door however no one came...she waited hours...and no one? Hmm...not good. Miyuki then sent out a hell butterfly to Enji, Ryozo and Lolo so she could assign them a mission to do...or more importantly to throw this paper plane at someone! She requested that they come to her office immediately as it was important business
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki skipped back to Squad Eleven, still ecstatic over her promotion while sporting hair green hair as bright as a neon club sing at midnight. She was unaware of this since no one she passed bothered to tell her, instead they snickered while her back was to them. Nishiki didn't question the snickering though, too drugged up on her own happiness to even bother to care, not that she ever would care about people laughing at her anyway. Stepping inside the Squad Eleven gates, Nishiki headed straight to Shiro's office. As his newly appointed Lieutenant she planned to impress Shiro by doing her job better than he would expect her to, after all, Nishiki had always tried to excel and do things that her Captain wouldn't expect to surprise him in good ways. It was in her nature to always want to impress her superior anyway, the one who she wanted to follow and assist instead of the one she was made to follow. Opening Shiro's door, she noticed that his office was missing a pretty important piece; Shiro. Shrugging, Nishiki closed Shiro;s office door before prancing off to her own office to get to work on brain-storming what Lieutenants do. As she approached, Nishiki wondered whether or not she should go to the other Lieutenants of other Squads to see what they do, just to make sure she'd get it right. Opening her own door, she immediately looked at her desk, spotting a foreign piece of paper that she didn't remember leaving out. After closing her door, she walked forward and picked up said paper, a smile on her face as she recognised the writing immediatly. Grinning, Nishiki placed the note into the top draw of her desk. Nishiki then darted out of her office for her room, ignoring the muffin baskets she had already made. She'll give those out later but now it was time to make the most delicious muffins she had ever made in her life.

A Messenger from Squad 1 had been sent out to find Nishiki to deliver her some news, it took him awhile to find her but once he got word of her sudden and drastic change of hair colour it was easy to find her, he got a few directions and eventually found her and the second he saw her hair he couldn't help but hold back a laugh, however he quickly regained his professional posture as he then approached Nishiki "Lieutenant of the 11th Division. I have some bad news for you. This comes from very high up." The man then coughed and closed his eyes as he then took in a deep breath before re-opening his eyes and speaking "Kenpachi Shiro, Captain of the 11th Division has lost his life...he was sent out on a mission which was and still is considered confidential. He however sadly lost his life while in battle...I'm sorry for the loss of your Captain Lieutenant..." The man then bowed and once up-righted looked down at the floor. He hated this job...giving bad news to people, he had been tasked with this though...he had to watch people break down time and time again, in truth it made him want to cry sometimes...it was just unfortunate this world was so cruel...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
"Actually my squad doesn't even have a captain. The highest ranking member is the third seat so far though I hope I can surpass her at some point." His order would soon arrive and with a big goofy grin on his face, he began to chow down voraciously. The noodles were just the right texture; they were just perfect for slurping and they tasted amazing. "I fought her in order to get into my squad and man, even though I didn't use my zanpukto she had me beat in hand to hand combat." With his chopsticks he grabbed a big piece of fatty pork and bit down on it. The taste was divine and he let out a sigh of content. "Good stuff." He muttered to himself before taking another bite and swallowing it down. "I don't even know the captain that made me do the mission. I was just relaxing and the next thing I know I woke up on his shoulder as he carried me and Sinai. And no, there wasn't any bait left though it must've been strong."

"Hmm really? I suppose there a number of squads who don't have a captain" He said as the bowls arrived. He clasped has hands together, as if praying, and closed his eyes "Itakadimasu" He said, before opening his eyes and finally chowing down. The savory and delicate noodles nearly brought a tear to his eyes as he devoured the nooedles. He looked over at Zheng, his mouth partially full "Oh really? You know" He said, slurping down some noodles first and then speaking afterwards "I could always make you stronger" He said, nudging Zheng and raising his eyebrows multiple times "Just a little studying of this 3rd seat, and I could make improvements to your body to whoop his or her ass in no time!" He sighed "But I'm sure you would wanna do things the honorable way, am I right?" He asked with a smirk. He also took a bite out of the meat, this time a tear coming out of his eye "Delicioussss" He said before eating some more of it, turning back to Zheng once again "Strange, it's rather weird that a captain was following you in the first place. But how disappointing" He said with a sigh, hearing there was no bait "I could of used that for biological warfare" He ate some more noodles. Eating out like this was rare for him, so he was going to take as much of an advantage as he could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
They do, all the time. So much I have to kick them away by the dozens" Takara said teasing along with him, then nodding when he said he would be back. In which when he came back down, would spot Takara standing on Leon seemingly counting how long he was just ignoring this. "Wow a minute and hes not budging. He is alive right?" Takara said now poking him, but bounced off him when Kenta came back down. "So today was quite interesting, food, more food such good food. And like I said I have to work that weight off, and you shall be my sparing partner, and you shall choose if it will be simple fist to fist or if we will allow our zanpakutos!"

"I hope he's alive," Kenta replied with a shrug as he watched Takara poke him and then bounce off of him, all Leon did was turn around and used his own hair as a pillow. He continued looking at Leon until Takara began to speak again, which was her pretty much telling him that he would spar with her. He had nothing better to do, so he shrugged and went along with it. "Fists, I don't really like Zanjutsu and my Shikai isn't for sparring matches. Plus you work with your body more," Kenta said as he patted her hips before walking out to the back so they could spar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Megumi being in the training room, never really have moved in the slightest since everyone left, saw a butterfly fly around her before giving her the message. Shrugging she ran to the office and upon opening the door got pelted in the head by a paper plane, which made Megumi look down and pick it up gazing at the captain with a curious look on her face. Soon afterwards Ryozo came behind her and bowed before the captain. While Megumi still looked at the plane then at the captain. "Ummm did you throw this Captain?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
A Messenger from Squad 1 had been sent out to find Nishiki to deliver her some news, it took him awhile to find her but once he got word of her sudden and drastic change of hair colour it was easy to find her, he got a few directions and eventually found her and the second he saw her hair he couldn't help but hold back a laugh, however he quickly regained his professional posture as he then approached Nishiki "Lieutenant of the 11th Division. I have some bad news for you. This comes from very high up." The man then coughed and closed his eyes as he then took in a deep breath before re-opening his eyes and speaking "Kenpachi Shiro, Captain of the 11th Division has lost his life...he was sent out on a mission which was and still is considered confidential. He however sadly lost his life while in battle...I'm sorry for the loss of your Captain Lieutenant..." The man then bowed and once up-righted looked down at the floor. He hated this job...giving bad news to people, he had been tasked with this though...he had to watch people break down time and time again, in truth it made him want to cry sometimes...it was just unfortunate this world was so cruel...

Nishiki was on her pursuit to her room when she was unexpectedly stopped. She was about to tell the person to find her later since she had important business to attend to, Shiro wanted muffins waiting for him and therefore she must make him muffins to fulfil his muffin-fix. However as she turned to look at the guy, she chose to just hear him out since he looked serious. After hearing that the message was from high up, she assumed from Squad One since she doubted any of the other one of the Squads would refer to themselves as ' very high up' compared to Squad Eleven. Crossing her arms, the second he mentioned Shiro...was dead... Her eyes shot wide. "... Wh-what?" Nishiki asked, seeming upset but soon that turned into anger. "... My Captain isn't dead.... TELL ME WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, stepping a little closer to him while her face grew with noticeable rage. "Don't give me that 'confidential' shit either!... Actually, better yet, tell me who sent you, they're from Squad One aren't they?!" She continued to yell and would not believe her Captain was dead... Never... There was no chance in hell of that happening! And whoever sent this guy to tell her such a thing was asking for death... How dare they tell her such a thing....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
Avatar of Kurisa

Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki was on her pursuit to her room when she was unexpectedly stopped. She was about to tell the person to find her later since she had important business to attend to, Shiro wanted muffins waiting for him and therefore she must make him muffins to fulfil his muffin-fix. However as she turned to look at the guy, she chose to just hear him out since he looked serious. After hearing that the message was from high up, she assumed from Squad One since she doubted any of the other one of the Squads would refer to themselves as ' very high up' compared to Squad Eleven. Crossing her arms, the second he mentioned Shiro...was dead... Her eyes shot wide. "... Wh-what?" Nishiki asked, seeming upset but soon that turned into anger. "... My Captain isn't dead.... TELL ME WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED RIGHT NOW!" She yelled, stepping a little closer to him while her face grew with noticeable rage. "Don't give me that 'confidential' shit either!... Actually, better yet, tell me who sent you, they're from Squad One aren't they?!" She continued to yell and would not believe her Captain was dead... Never... There was no chance in hell of that happening! And whoever sent this guy to tell her such a thing was asking for death... How dare they tell her such a thing....

As the messenger listened while still looking down, the response he got was one that was shocking, instead of getting upset she got angry, this caused his eyes to widen as he looked up to see her step closer to him, this caused him to lean back a little as he spoke nervously "I-I'm sorry I don't k-know w-what happened, I-I was just told t-to deliver t-the bad news. H-Honest! I-I also can't tell you w-who sent me! " He knew Squad 11 was filled with crazy people but he didn't think they'd be THIS crazy! denying what she just heard? he was just delivering the news he was ordered to. A hand would then rest on Nishiki's left shoulder as a familiar voice then spoke "Calm down Nishiki, I sent him..." when Nishiki would turn she'd see Shiro yet he would appear different, his massive Zanpakuto gone, replaced by a standard sized Katana strapped next to his left hip, his hair shorter and now black and a Tattoo of what looked like lightning going from ear to ear across his face, he also now had various piercings. "Here I was thinking you'd cry, I guess your more Squad 11 than I thought...that makes me proud" Shiro said a wide grin forming on his face, he then looked over to the messenger and spoke "You can leave now...you've done what you were paid for" Without a word the man ran for his life out of the barracks. no doubt what Nishiki heard would confuse her but it was all set-up by Shiro...he just wanted to see how she would handle such news...clearly she had a lot of faith in the fact he'd live through anything...this made him sure of his choice to choose her as his Lieutenant
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Enji was so enthralled in his celebrating that he barely missed the hell butterfly hovering above him with its wings giving off a soft flapping sound. He stopped in mid-stride of his cheering and blinked up at the butterfly and now that he calmed down, was able to receive the message. The faltered smile widen anew at the thought of his first mission and tried to get up, but his legs felt like jelly still and required to rest another ten minutes. Easing himself up before stretching his legs a bit to test them, assured that the feeling in them returned and set out to the captain's office where he could see that he was the last to arrive with both Ryozo and Megumi already there.'S-sorry for being late captain. Got a bit too absorbed into training.'Making his way inside then bowed his head apologetic while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"I hope he's alive," Kenta replied with a shrug as he watched Takara poke him and then bounce off of him, all Leon did was turn around and used his own hair as a pillow. He continued looking at Leon until Takara began to speak again, which was her pretty much telling him that he would spar with her. He had nothing better to do, so he shrugged and went along with it. "Fists, I don't really like Zanjutsu and my Shikai isn't for sparring matches. Plus you work with your body more," Kenta said as he patted her hips before walking out to the back so they could spar.

"Fists it is then! And hey now, you will get plenty of time to try and touch my hips." Takara said placing her zanpakuto on the table and following behind him to the back where she did a few stretches to loosen up. "Ready or not. Here I come!" Takara said before taking off in a run, in which she then started shunpoing all around him. Granted she knew he could probably keep up with her speed, but it was more so to make him wonder when she would strike. She did plenty of fake outs, then finally took a shot by aiming a punch to the right side of his face, yet also aimed a left kick to his ribcage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Phobos said
"Hmm really? I suppose there a number of squads who don't have a captain" He said as the bowls arrived. He clasped has hands together, as if praying, and closed his eyes "Itakadimasu" He said, before opening his eyes and finally chowing down. The savory and delicate noodles nearly brought a tear to his eyes as he devoured the nooedles. He looked over at Zheng, his mouth partially full "Oh really? You know" He said, slurping down some noodles first and then speaking afterwards "I could always make you stronger" He said, nudging Zheng and raising his eyebrows multiple times "Just a little studying of this 3rd seat, and I could make improvements to your body to whoop his or her ass in no time!" He sighed "But I'm sure you would wanna do things the honorable way, am I right?" He asked with a smirk. He also took a bite out of the meat, this time a tear coming out of his eye "Delicioussss" He said before eating some more of it, turning back to Zheng once again "Strange, it's rather weird that a captain was following you in the first place. But how disappointing" He said with a sigh, hearing there was no bait "I could of used that for biological warfare" He ate some more noodles. Eating out like this was rare for him, so he was going to take as much of an advantage as he could.

He shot Mukei a rather serious, stone cold glare at him at his suggestion. "There's no respect in becoming strong by body modifications. If I'm going to become strong then it will by my own merit, not by a chemical that I don't understand or robotic limbs. I'm going to become a captain not through short cuts, but through will and hard work." Zheng downed the sake in one gulp and poured himself another cup before going back to eating his ramen, the noodles seemed to flowing into his mouth like a river and then downed that cup of sake again. If it was just a stranger watching him eat they would wonder where in the world he is packing all of that food because of his incredibly toned and muscularly lean body. Once he placed his chopsticks down he said, "Yeah, I never really got how that guy found me at all. I guess he was just looking for anyone at that point though weirdly enough me and that woman are both unseated in our squads." He grabbed a piece of meat from his bowl and took a large bite of it and said with his mouth full, "Biological warfare? How so?" Zheng asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
As the messenger listened while still looking down, the response he got was one that was shocking, instead of getting upset she got angry, this caused his eyes to widen as he looked up to see her step closer to him, this caused him to lean back a little as he spoke nervously "I-I'm sorry I don't k-know w-what happened, I-I was just told t-to deliver t-the bad news. H-Honest! I-I also can't tell you w-who sent me! " He knew Squad 11 was filled with crazy people but he didn't think they'd be THIS crazy! denying what she just heard? he was just delivering the news he was ordered to. A hand would then rest on Nishiki's left shoulder as a familiar voice then spoke "Calm down Nishiki, I sent him..." when Nishiki would turn she'd see Shiro yet he would appear different, his massive Zanpakuto gone, replaced by a standard sized Katana strapped next to his left hip, his hair shorter and now black and a Tattoo of what looked like lightning going from ear to ear across his face, he also now had various piercings. "Here I was thinking you'd cry, I guess your more Squad 11 than I thought...that makes me proud" Shiro said a wide grin forming on his face, he then looked over to the messenger and spoke "You can leave now...you've done what you were paid for" Without a word the man ran for his life out of the barracks. no doubt what Nishiki heard would confuse her but it was all set-up by Shiro...he just wanted to see how she would handle such news...clearly she had a lot of faith in the fact he'd live through anything...this made him sure of his choice to choose her as his Lieutenant

Nishiki narrowed her rage-filled eyes at the messenger cowering before her, but then her teeth visibly grit when he refused to tell her who sent him. "If you don't start talkING RIGHT NOW I'LL FUCKING TEAR YOU TO SHR-!..." A hand was suddenly placed on her left shoulder, if anything this only made her even more angry since someone was trying to get her to calm down. As she was just about to turn her angry eyes towards this person, a voice snapped her out of her anger completely. Now with her eyes widened a little, she finally turned around to see who it was. "Ca... Captain?" At first sight, not only was Nishiki shocked but she was rather confused by the situation and by his change of appearance, however she chose to stay quiet and listen to him. When he mentioned that he thought she'd cry after hearing that message, she pouted a little, however that pout vanished once he said that he was proud of her. Nishiki then just watched as he sent the messenger away, narrowing her eyes at the man running for his life... 'Such a coward.' Nishiki then looked back up to her Captain before jumping back and flailing her arms, squeezing her eyes closed while blushing slightly. "Why'd you do that Captaiiiiin?!!!! That's Meannn!!!" She pouted before shaking her head and opening her eyes. "Pfft, I knew you weren't dead, my Captain cannot and will not die. It's a simple fact that everyone should know.... You could of picked a more cuter guy to play messenger though instead of a coward" She giggled a little to herself, already over her anger while ever-so obviously looking Shiro from bottom to top, checking him out. "What the hell happened while you were gone? And what's with the new look?~ Not saying that I don't like it~ Actually, if you did ask your trusty Lieutenant for her opinion, she'd say 'HumunaHumuna~ Hello Sexy Kenpachi Shiro Sora~' and wink~" Giggling a little more seductively, Nishiki wriggled her eyebrows at Shiro before suddenly taking on a shocked expression. "Oh no!! I didn't bake the muffins!!! This is inexcusable!!! Fucking hell stupid me!!! I spent too much time at Squad Ten to bake them!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Hikari shrugged, "Haven't really thought about it, but I wouldn't consider myself a veteran. I've only had about one or two years of expirence within the Gotei thirteen, maybe someone like Captain Kuchiki could hold the title of veteran....But I'm just a Lieutenant who seemingly has Hollow powers, that's all I can really say for myself." He listened to her speak about her goal, to gain Shunko. That was a pretty good technique, one that Tabo had beat him up with....While naked, he managed to stop himself from shivering. He then spoke, "Sadly I'm pretty useless when it comes to the field of Kido, I can't do one bit of it. But what I can help you with are the incarnations of them, I know pretty much all of them. Even though you won't use most Kido in your average day fight it's still useless to know them, trust me I know many sword styles that I won't necessarily use....But they'll come in handy when you least expect them to. I could probably get Tabo to help you with the Kido side of things, I can help you with the Hakuda side. Hype seems to be Hakuda focused, so sparring with him could help you immensely. As for harnessing your spirit energy then I could help with that as well, I have pretty good control over mine."

She listened with a wide grin, "Thank you! I'll take all of the help that I can take. I sooo want your job." she smirked at the man, somewhat serious. "Tabo isn't gonna want to be a Captain for long. I wanna see if he can teach me Shunko without the BS that I may or may not need to pull outta my butt at a random time." she rolled her eyes.

Her irritation, however playful, morphed into happiness when their food was set ub front of them. She squealed happily and gave a little clap before she practically snatched the food from the laughing man. "Itadakimasu~" she said before she broke her chopsticks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
"Fists it is then! And hey now, you will get plenty of time to try and touch my hips." Takara said placing her zanpakuto on the table and following behind him to the back where she did a few stretches to loosen up. "Ready or not. Here I come!" Takara said before taking off in a run, in which she then started shunpoing all around him. Granted she knew he could probably keep up with her speed, but it was more so to make him wonder when she would strike. She did plenty of fake outs, then finally took a shot by aiming a punch to the right side of his face, yet also aimed a left kick to his ribcage.

"Ready or not. Here I come!" He heard her call out then watched as she began using shunpo all around him, possibly to distract him or trick him. He didn't even flinch when she did her fake outs, he knew between a real attack and a fake one, but he wasn't one to flinch even when it came to real attacks. He saw her leg fly at him in which he caught it and pulled her closer though soon found her metal fist colliding with his right cheek causing him to skid back though still holding her leg. He smirked as he aimed his elbow at her gut, or atleast a bit lower than her abdomen so she didn't throw up or anything. If he got the attack off he would have lifted her with his elbow then slam her over his head, on his opposite side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Gio's next location wound up being the base of sogyoku hill. He used to train there when he first got out of the academy. While he had trained plenty of places since then this one always stood out to him. It was where Sorareo-o first hinted at not being at full power. The spirit had with held its full name and limited its power, to the point where Gio couldnt even draw his sword from the sheath without releasing its shikai. Back then the zanpakuto's biggest ability had been helping Gio control his spiritual energy which provided him one of 2 edges in the art of Kido. But Gio learned to master his own energy on his own, fulfilling the swords requirement and being given its actual shikai name. He had to be able to draw the sword on his own by harmonizing perfectly with the blade. He wasnt able to do it untill after the Kido corps Tunnel bullshit that helped him focus. This place marked the beginning of his days as a real shinigami in his eyes. The kind of Shinigami that raises his sword for the sake of balance. The only next Logical step was bankai, Though while he worked on it achieving it presented its own difficulties. But he was convinced that Sorareo-O was just being extremely difficult on purpose while he thought up some ridiculous challenge for Gio to have to overcome to achieve bankai. after all subjugation is a vague process for a reason.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gio would notice a radiating Geranium flower, standing out among all of the other weeds and flowers around it. Rather than its usual red hue, it was crystal like. Each of the petal appeared to be like the night sky, each petal just as beautiful as the other. The stem contained an indigo and white spiral, going downwards into the ground. It was diamond like and extremely sturdy, not moving in the wind as all of the others shook. It was letting out a soft but ringing noise, that could only be heard by Gio. A sudden strong gust of wind passed, the stem of the plant shattering. The petals then flew towards Gio, encircling around him and growing in numbers. They let off a delightful but strange aroma. The petals began to float by his eyes, causing Gio to close his eyes momentarily. Once Gio opened them, he was no longer on the hill which he held dear. Rather, he was standing on a towering stone, overlooking a majestic land with white deserts, pure blue oceans, forests with pink, blue, black, and red leaves all reaching great lengths. But none were as tall as the tower which Gio stood on. Suddenly, a hand was placed on Gio's shoulder "Its beautiful isn't it" When Gio would turn, his eyes would meet Viole's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Phobos said
Out of the corner of his eye, Gio would notice a radiating Geranium flower, standing out among all of the other weeds and flowers around it. Rather than its usual red hue, it was crystal like. Each of the petal appeared to be like the night sky, each petal just as beautiful as the other. The stem contained an indigo and white spiral, going downwards into the ground. It was diamond like and extremely sturdy, not moving in the wind as all of the others shook. It was letting out a soft but ringing noise, that could only be heard by Gio. A sudden strong gust of wind passed, the stem of the plant shattering. The petals then flew towards Gio, encircling around him and growing in numbers. They let off a delightful but strange aroma. The petals began to float by his eyes, causing Gio to close his eyes momentarily. Once Gio opened them, he was no longer on the hill which he held dear. Rather, he was standing on a towering stone, overlooking a majestic land with white deserts, pure blue oceans, forests with pink, blue, black, and red leaves all reaching great lengths. But none were as tall as the tower which Gio stood on. Suddenly, a hand was placed on Gio's shoulder "Its beautiful isn't it" When Gio would turn, his eyes would meet Viole's.

As Gio took in the all to familiar scenery something didn't. from the corner of his eye he caught a gimps of something astounding. A beautiful flower, as he got closer to it he could hear a soft ringing. As he reached down to touch its crystalline frame the wind blew, shattering it. But the shards did not fall to the ground, they began to swirl around him, multiplying filing the air with a strange scent. As he became overwhelmed by the petal like shards he closed his eyes to keep from being blinded. suddenly he felt....different. he cracked his eye open to see that he was no longer where he once was. he opened both his eyes in shock and confusion as the scene before him captivated him. But the hand on his shoulder made him jump and reach for his bade. That is, untill he saw the face connected to it..."captain Viole....but...how?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
He shot Mukei a rather serious, stone cold glare at him at his suggestion. "There's no respect in becoming strong by body modifications. If I'm going to become strong then it will by my own merit, not by a chemical that I don't understand or robotic limbs. I'm going to become a captain not through short cuts, but through will and hard work." Zheng downed the sake in one gulp and poured himself another cup before going back to eating his ramen, the noodles seemed to flowing into his mouth like a river and then downed that cup of sake again. If it was just a stranger watching him eat they would wonder where in the world he is packing all of that food because of his incredibly toned and muscularly lean body. Once he placed his chopsticks down he said, "Yeah, I never really got how that guy found me at all. I guess he was just looking for anyone at that point though weirdly enough me and that woman are both unseated in our squads." He grabbed a piece of meat from his bowl and took a large bite of it and said with his mouth full, "Biological warfare? How so?" Zheng asked curiously.

Mukei chuckled "It was merely a joke Zheng" He said, patting his back. Mukei also got serious "I know you well enough that you wouldn't want to take the way I'm taking, and I suppose I envy you for that. Able to go out there and fight, with no regrets. I'm not able to do that, I don't have a strong body. I don't have high spiritual power. I hardly have a zanpakuto, just this tanto. All I have are my smarts" He said, laughing at how ironic it was "But ohhh well!!" He said, his expression going back to his cheerful self as he slurped down some noodles and chugged the sake "Ahh. Sake always makes you forget your problems" He said with a chuckle as he poured himself more. He ate some more of the meat, finally finishing it and only having the noodles left. He ate them as Zheng spoke and finished them as he was done speaking "Kinda fishy if you tell me. Wasn't there a few defections before we graduated?" Mukei grinned once Zheng had asked "Well I can't get into the specifics, since this is all based on hypothesis. But if the hollow bait happens to attract a large amount of hollows, it obviously must have something that attracts these hollows and probably makes them go mad. If I can just isolate whatever it is that does that and convert it to a spray, we could use it on our opponents so that these hollows could attack whoever I wish. However" He said as his grin grew wider "What I really would like to do is adjust this solution so that eventually I could even subjugate the hollows and make myself an army of-" He cut himself off, realizing how lost into thought he was going. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed "Sorry, I often get lost in my own thoughts when I start speaking about my ideas"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Ready or not. Here I come!" He heard her call out then watched as she began using shunpo all around him, possibly to distract him or trick him. He didn't even flinch when she did her fake outs, he knew between a real attack and a fake one, but he wasn't one to flinch even when it came to real attacks. He saw her leg fly at him in which he caught it and pulled her closer though soon found her metal fist colliding with his right cheek causing him to skid back though still holding her leg. He smirked as he aimed his elbow at her gut, or atleast a bit lower than her abdomen so she didn't throw up or anything. If he got the attack off he would have lifted her with his elbow then slam her over his head, on his opposite side.

He didnt seem to fazed by her fake outs and even caught her leg in the process. And while she managed to connect with a right punch, he also manged to connect with an elbow and then sent her over his head. She planted her hands when getting to the ground and pushed off her hand back to her feet, in which she quickly retaliated by trying to hit his right side now with her right elbow. Yet at the last second vanished in a poof of black smoke reappearing ti his left side with a right high kick aimed to the back of his head. Obviously she had used one of her Tattoo powers, something she was sure she mentioned to Kenat before, just never said what it was she could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Miyuki sat in her office waiting for someone to come in and sure enough Lolo was the first to enter, this caused her to throw the paper plane at her and when it hit her Miyuki instantly began laughing, Shortly after Lolo came in Ryozo arrived and then a bit later Enji arrived, Miyuki still laughing as she clutched her chest, she then wiped a tear from her eye then calmed herself down, letting out a little chuckle every now and then before stopping completely "No I didn't throw that, must have come through the window" Miyuki then coughed "Uhm...so now down to business. You three will be going on a mission to the human world...I think I will be sending you to~" Miyuki pulled out a map then laid it down on her desk and then pointed to a place in Japan "Naruki City! I want you to do a clean up of hollows in the area and I also want you to try scout out what is attracting so many of them to this city. If you encounter any hollow with unusual powers or stronger I want you to retreat immediately! Are we clear on this? So head on out!"

(I'll try play some part in this mission in which I will throw a post in there perhaps showing a clue of some sort, the rest is straight forward...I also may play a random hollow with unusual powers...I don't want to make this mission to long but I will try interact within it ^.^ )
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