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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

AeronFarron said
She listened with a wide grin, "Thank you! I'll take all of the help that I can take. I sooo want your job." she smirked at the man, somewhat serious. "Tabo isn't gonna want to be a Captain for long. I wanna see if he can teach me Shunko without the BS that I may or may not need to pull outta my butt at a random time." she rolled her eyes.

Her irritation, however playful, morphed into happiness when their food was set ub front of them. She squealed happily and gave a little clap before she practically snatched the food from the laughing man. "Itadakimasu~" she said before she broke her chopsticks

"Maybe you will get my job one day, like you said, Tabo doesn't want to be Captain for long....So if I'm lucky enough to take his place, well, maybe you can fill in my position. But who knows? Maybe you'll blow Tabo out of the water and take it yourself," Hikari said chuckling, "But sadly Tabo is all about the BS, he'd train you but he'd make you do allot of extra stuff...Probably unnecessary stuff, but it might help. We'll see."

Once their food was set in front of them Hikari gave a nod in thanks before picking up his own chopsticks and began eating right away, stopping with a piece of meat hanging from his mouth as Haruka spoke, "Itadakimasu~" He forgot his etiquette! He quickly slurped up the piece of meat and looked into his already half eaten bowl, "U-Uh...Itadakimasu!" he said nervously with a small nervous laugh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki sat in her office waiting for someone to come in and sure enough Lolo was the first to enter, this caused her to throw the paper plane at her and when it hit her Miyuki instantly began laughing, Shortly after Lolo came in Ryozo arrived and then a bit later Enji arrived, Miyuki still laughing as she clutched her chest, she then wiped a tear from her eye then calmed herself down, letting out a little chuckle every now and then before stopping completely "No I didn't throw that, must have come through the window" Miyuki then coughed "Uhm...so now down to business. You three will be going on a mission to the human world...I think I will be sending you to~" Miyuki pulled out a map then laid it down on her desk and then pointed to a place in Japan "Naruki City! I want you to do a clean up of hollows in the area and I also want you to try scout out what is attracting so many of them to this city. If you encounter any hollow with unusual powers or stronger I want you to retreat immediately! Are we clear on this? So head on out!"(I'll try play some part in this mission in which I will throw a post in there perhaps showing a clue of some sort, the rest is straight forward...I also may play a random hollow with unusual powers...I don't want to make this mission to long but I will try interact within it ^.^ )

He had come into the office, worried that the captain would be angry, but instead came to see her laughing and saw the paper airplane resting on the floor and guessed she had something to do with it. Probably a small a harmless prank and gave a small smile waiting for the captain to calm down as he glanced at Megumi and Ryozo for a moment then turned his attention back on Miyuki. Paying close attention as she explained the mission they would be doing involving hollows gathering to Naruki city for some reason and it was their job to find the cause. The specifics of the mission followed by a warning to retreat if they came across any hollows deemed to dangerous for the three of them to take on and had to admit he was a bit nervous, but at least it would be the three of them and not just one going alone.'Yes captain!'Bowing his head and waited in case the captain had anything else to add.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
As Gio took in the all to familiar scenery something didn't. from the corner of his eye he caught a gimps of something astounding. A beautiful flower, as he got closer to it he could hear a soft ringing. As he reached down to touch its crystalline frame the wind blew, shattering it. But the shards did not fall to the ground, they began to swirl around him, multiplying filing the air with a strange scent. As he became overwhelmed by the petal like shards he closed his eyes to keep from being blinded. suddenly he felt....different. he cracked his eye open to see that he was no longer where he once was. he opened both his eyes in shock and confusion as the scene before him captivated him. But the hand on his shoulder made him jump and reach for his bade. That is, untill he saw the face connected to it..."captain Viole....but...how?"

Viole chuckled, seeing the shock of Gio when he saw his face. He smiled, turning his attention back at the beautiful view "Since you're seeing this, then I'm already dead. Well dead isn't the right word, but passed on from the Soul Society. However, before my death I left a series of messages for varioius people I came across during my journey in your world. These people each have their own unique prerecorded message, depending on who the person was and what their circumstances. Gio, when I first met you, you were lost. You were looking for a place in the Seireitei. I'm sure by now that you already have by now, but if you haven't. You must remember Gio, you don't have to find a place because you already found it. The Soul Society, that is your place. Your Squad doesn't define nor does your rank. But rather who you are, that's why I decided to leave you these skills. So you can never stray from the path you have made. You have the option to each these skills to others if you wish, but please. Do your best to protect the Soul Society and cherish it. Because even a place as beautiful as this or the Soul Society" He said, his eyes slightly radiating "Can change to this" The beautiful scene that was there was now replaced with horror. The skys were pitched black, the oceans tainted with blood. Geysers of lava shot up around them and the trees were now withered and dead, instead corpses hanging from them rather than leaves. Farewell Gio, I hope this had an effect on you" He looked at Gio, his eyes filled with sadness but his smile as soft as ever. Now...its time for you to wake up Gio" He said as Gio's vision began to blur. Suddenly, Gio would wake up and realize he had fallen asleep. Naturally, most people would think of it as a dream or nightmare. But beside Gio was a notebook, with a poorly drawn chibi version of Viole holding up a peace sign. On the front of the page was a note from Viole


You may ask yourself why many of these pages are blank. That is because your eyes are not ready to see them yet, along with other things which you will experience. In order to see what they hold, you must first learn and master the basic skills on the front pages. Be patient Gio, they will come to you in time. Just as everything else will. I wish you luck on your journey and never forget...LOVE AND PEACE!! WAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!


The next page contained the first skill

Hado 2 Kone - The antithesis of Sho, by using the fundamental forces of Sho you can attract rather than repel. Days to learn: 1-2.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Phobos said
Mukei chuckled "It was merely a joke Zheng" He said, patting his back. Mukei also got serious "I know you well enough that you wouldn't want to take the way I'm taking, and I suppose I envy you for that. Able to go out there and fight, with no regrets. I'm not able to do that, I don't have a strong body. I don't have high spiritual power. I hardly have a zanpakuto, just this tanto. All I have are my smarts" He said, laughing at how ironic it was "But ohhh well!!" He said, his expression going back to his cheerful self as he slurped down some noodles and chugged the sake "Ahh. Sake always makes you forget your problems" He said with a chuckle as he poured himself more. He ate some more of the meat, finally finishing it and only having the noodles left. He ate them as Zheng spoke and finished them as he was done speaking "Kinda fishy if you tell me. Wasn't there a few defections before we graduated?" Mukei grinned once Zheng had asked "Well I can't get into the specifics, since this is all based on hypothesis. But if the hollow bait happens to attract a large amount of hollows, it obviously must have something that attracts these hollows and probably makes them go mad. If I can just isolate whatever it is that does that and convert it to a spray, we could use it on our opponents so that these hollows could attack whoever I wish. However" He said as his grin grew wider "What I really would like to do is adjust this solution so that eventually I could even subjugate the hollows and make myself an army of-" He cut himself off, realizing how lost into thought he was going. He rubbed the back of his head and laughed "Sorry, I often get lost in my own thoughts when I start speaking about my ideas"

He sighed at his friend's dismay and pat his back, "Your path requires your smarts and honestly that is something I don't have. If I had your smarts I think I would be able to become even stronger, but alas, all I have are my fists." He chuckled and quickly finished his ramen and sake with great gusto. He placed down the bowl rather roughly, causing some clatter on the counter and pat his stomach contently. "Now that is good stuff man, goooood stuff." Zheng arched his brow and looked over at Mukei when he mentioned the defections. "Yeah, I heard something like that. The times we live in are crazy. You don't know who could turn on the Soul Society." He scratched his head. He couldn't help but wonder why people had been defecting and betraying the Soul Society. So far with all of his missions, he seemed to be dealing with traitors in one way or another. It was slightly disturbing to think that so many had it in for the Soul Society though he didn't know the dark secrets that were involved with them. The uncomfortable feeling of his friend going crazy again made Zheng feel quite awkward though he chuckled sheepishly at his friend's apology. "It's okay, I'm rather used to your tangents by now." Smirked the young man as he said that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gio listened to Viole. he didnt understand where he was, how he got there or how the man was speaking to him...but he listened to his words. the Affirmation as well as Violes apparent admiration for the soul society. He never let Viole out of his sight, until the scenery changed to at apocalyptic reality. It was quite terrifying. pitch lack Skies, Oceans of blood, Geizers of Magma, trees with bodies that hung as fruit. He looked back at the former Captain sad to see him go.

Gio awoke with a start, back on the lush hill. Panting he put a hand to his chest to feel his rapid heart beating. he looked around for the flower but instead found a journal full of plank pages. only the first couple pages had been written on it. When he read the first page he couldnt believe his eyes.It as from Captain Viole. "love and peace' he whispered to himself as he turned the page revealing the first Kido. "...thank you Captain" he stood up and Went back to the barrack. He held the book tightly as he went. Once there he went to the Captains office. "Captain. I'd Like to speak with you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
He didnt seem to fazed by her fake outs and even caught her leg in the process. And while she managed to connect with a right punch, he also manged to connect with an elbow and then sent her over his head. She planted her hands when getting to the ground and pushed off her hand back to her feet, in which she quickly retaliated by trying to hit his right side now with her right elbow. Yet at the last second vanished in a poof of black smoke reappearing ti his left side with a right high kick aimed to the back of his head. Obviously she had used one of her Tattoo powers, something she was sure she mentioned to Kenat before, just never said what it was she could do.

Her next attack had seemed like a simple one, just trying to hit him with her elbow. Nonetheless Kenta got into the position to grab her attack and flip her again, something he seemed to be doing quite a bit...That was until she disappeared into a poof of black smoke causing him to straighten himself in confusion, he was then hit in the back of the head causing him to push forward but he quickly halted himself but pushing his feet hard into the ground. Was that a Kido he didn't know about? Or was that related to the tattoo she told him about? Kenta didn't think much on it as he did a back-flip. Instead of landing behind her he began spinning downwards with his leg stuck out planning to plant his foot hard down onto her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"...How did you eat half a bowl in like...a minute and a half?" she asked incredulously. She looked at her own, untouched bowl them at Hikari's like she was trying to figure out a riddle.

"Uh...anyway..." she began to eat, showing signs that she had been of some type of noble birth. She ate with a grace so few had seen. The ease of which she'd slipped into old habits offered a sort of clue that something was...off. "Tabo. He seems like a good man, but one that gets bored very, very easily. I couldn't take his place, not yet anyway. If one thing that I retained growing up, it's that I have an ambitious streak." she continued to eat before she stopped again.

"I don't mind it if I am doing something. Anything. I just...books don't do it for me. It's like...giving a gay man a video of lesbian porn. He's going to look at it like "What am I supposed to do with this??". I am the same way with books. They're just...words on a page." she said coolly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Gio listened to Viole. he didnt understand where he was, how he got there or how the man was speaking to him...but he listened to his words. the Affirmation as well as Violes apparent admiration for the soul society. He never let Viole out of his sight, until the scenery changed to at apocalyptic reality. It was quite terrifying. pitch lack Skies, Oceans of blood, Geizers of Magma, trees with bodies that hung as fruit. He looked back at the former Captain sad to see him go. Gio awoke with a start, back on the lush hill. Panting he put a hand to his chest to feel his rapid heart beating. he looked around for the flower but instead found a journal full of plank pages. only the first couple pages had been written on it. When he read the first page he couldnt believe his eyes.It as from Captain Viole. "love and peace' he whispered to himself as he turned the page revealing the first Kido. "...thank you Captain" he stood up and Went back to the barrack. He held the book tightly as he went. Once there he went to the Captains office. "Captain. I'd Like to speak with you"

Mok who had been doing paperwork for various hours, was still at it. "God dammit, whats with all this shit, god damn you for not taking this job N-" He then heard a knock on his door followed by Gios voice which made him jumped up and open the door looking at Gio. "And what would that be about Lieutenant? Oh and good to see you are no longer looking like some red head kicked you several times in the face." Mok said chuckling a bit before motioning him him, where Mok took a seat at his desk looking at Gio for him to say his piece.
Expllo said
Her next attack had seemed like a simple one, just trying to hit him with her elbow. Nonetheless Kenta got into the position to grab her attack and flip her again, something he seemed to be doing quite a bit...That was until she disappeared into a poof of black smoke causing him to straighten himself in confusion, he was then hit in the back of the head causing him to push forward but he quickly halted himself but pushing his feet hard into the ground. Was that a Kido he didn't know about? Or was that related to the tattoo she told him about? Kenta didn't think much on it as he did a back-flip. Instead of landing behind her he began spinning downwards with his leg stuck out planning to plant his foot hard down onto her head.

Takara's kicked seemed to work out in her favor, he seemed confused on what she did which was great. However him doing a backflip wasn't something she had quite so predicted, and barely avoided the kick to her own head, dodging it by a few inches. She jumped back a bit making sure her head was still in place before speeding off towards him again, this time however she crouch down a bit in order to grab him by the waist, yet instead of doing an attack, she swung her legs up so they rested on both his shoulders where she would then lift herself up , where she would hopefully get off a few punches to his head, before probably getting slammed on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"U-Uh, Shinrai clan members tend to eat allot," Hikari said with a flush of embarrassment, being used to just eating a whole bunch without a second thought alongside Tabo. With the way he was it would make people doubt the clan he was from, or atleast would doubt the way the clan acted. But that didn't matter...Most were dead anyways.

She on the other hand ate with more grace, more neatly....Something his elders would have wanted from him, the way they taught him. He shook that whole thing away, it didn't really matter, or atleast that's what he wanted...It's what he acted. "He is a good man, he's been more of a father to me than my actual own, so atleast I see him as good. As for bored I don't know if he really is, he seems to always have something to do...But being ambitious is good, wanting to succeed is good. It's atleast one of the things I really like about you..."

"Words on a page are very interesting...Maybe it's because those were the only things that kept me company growing up, but, they take you into a different world. Let's your imagination run wild, takes out of the real one for atleast a tiny bit," he responded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She didn't comment on the clan thing, merely nodded and continued to eat. She fed her dog a little of the meat from her bowl, which he ate happily. When his plate of meet came, she set in on the seat beside him and let him have at it.

"You would know him better than me. So I'll defer to your judgment on that." she said with a small grin. She laughed quietly at his last statement but let it pass. He was embarrassed enough, no need to try and make his face any more red than what it already was.

"My imagination needed no help. I always preferred to play pretend. I wanted to be the knight. I often pranced around in a little sheet of foil with a foil hat and a rolled up sword of more foil and a paper towel roll. Words told me what I was thinking, what I was supposed to feel. I wanted my own adventures." she said with a wistful smile, as if recalling the incident. "My mother...indulged me. Spoiled really, but she always said that I was different. I still don't get what she meant..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
Takara's kicked seemed to work out in her favor, he seemed confused on what she did which was great. However him doing a backflip wasn't something she had quite so predicted, and barely avoided the kick to her own head, dodging it by a few inches. She jumped back a bit making sure her head was still in place before speeding off towards him again, this time however she crouch down a bit in order to grab him by the waist, yet instead of doing an attack, she swung her legs up so they rested on both his shoulders where she would then lift herself up , where she would hopefully get off a few punches to his head, before probably getting slammed on the ground.

Damn, she's fast....Damn, Kenta thought as she avoided his kick just by a few inches. He pulled his leg back but stayed still as Takara did....Whatever she did. As she put her legs on his shoulders and lifted he froze with a flush spreading across his face, soon having punches connecting to his head. Something began coming out of him, something he hadn't felt in a while....Since that spar with Rio, something he honestly thought was completely gone, that just spawned from him wanting to get stronger but he guessed it stayed all along. He bit his lip to control himself soon catching both of Takara's fist in his hands while trying to hold himself back, he wasn't going turn their spar into one of those situations....Atleast he'd try. He pulled his head back, next ramming it towards Takara's chest while letting go of her fist trying to cause her to fly off of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zane620 said
Mok who had been doing paperwork for various hours, was still at it. "God dammit, whats with all this shit, god damn you for not taking this job N-" He then heard a knock on his door followed by Gios voice which made him jumped up and open the door looking at Gio. "And what would that be about Lieutenant? Oh and good to see you are no longer looking like some red head kicked you several times in the face." Mok said chuckling a bit before motioning him him, where Mok took a seat at his desk looking at Gio for him to say his piece.

Gio raised an eyebrow in confusion. Even made a show of looking behind him. "Lieutenant? Sir we dont have one of those unless this is you strange way of promoting me?" Gio was too skeptical to be excited, even though he really wanted to be excited. The thought of him being a Lieutenant seemed long over due in his mind but since his last attempt at the position he had decided to just let the pieces fall as they may. But at the same time if this was some how legit it kind of shat on his plans. "I'd be lying if i said i feel better. physically I'm fine...spiritually lets just say i still have bruises...sir. that being said I was hoping to Take a day or two to make sure these issues dont persist. Because i really don't like waking up in hospitals after falling asleep in my office"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
, Kenta thought as she avoided his kick just by a few inches. He pulled his leg back but stayed still as Takara did....Whatever she did. As she put her legs on his shoulders and lifted he froze with a flush spreading across his face, soon having punches connecting to his head. Something began coming out of him, something he hadn't felt in a while....Since that spar with Rio, something he honestly thought was completely gone, that just spawned from him wanting to get stronger but he guessed it stayed all along. He bit his lip to control himself soon catching both of Takara's fist in his hands while trying to hold himself back, he wasn't going turn their spar into one of situations....Atleast he'd try. He pulled his head back, next ramming it towards Takara's chest while letting go of her fist trying to cause her to fly off of him.

Well she caught a bit of a flush which made her smirk, yet still punched him in the face anyway, it was a spar after all. And t was good to see if her metal arm would hold up in situations like this anyway. He finally caught her fists and proceeded to headbutt her chest letting go of her fist in the process which made her fall to her back before jumping back up rubbing her chest a bit. Despite her not really caring about her chest, she still had to put up with the fact they were sensitive to nearly everything. She then did that shadow like mist again this time appearing above him dropping on his shoulders again hen time from behind, and instead of punching, she tried to flip him, like he flips her, and attempted to make him land on his head, if he failed in this attempt well she could always brace for impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
Gio raised an eyebrow in confusion. Even made a show of looking behind him. "Lieutenant? Sir we dont have one of those unless this is you strange way of promoting me?" Gio was too skeptical to be excited, even though he really wanted to be excited. The thought of him being a Lieutenant seemed long over due in his mind but since his last attempt at the position he had decided to just let the pieces fall as they may. But at the same time if this was some how legit it kind of shat on his plans. "I'd be lying if i said i feel better. physically I'm fine...spiritually lets just say i still have bruises...sir. that being said I was hoping to Take a day or two to make sure these issues dont persist. Because i really don't like waking up in hospitals after falling asleep in my office"

"You heard me correct, I noted your performance and listened to some members, I say you are qualified for it don't expect any special treatment however." Mok said, then listening to what he said next, which made him shrug and pull out a chart scribbling on it. "Okay, allowed. Doesn't harm my routines at all. However, if I see that you only want this break to go flirting, then boy you are going to feel a lot more than a few issues. I will hit you with my bankai so fast, you will see you next life flash before your eyes. Anyway if that is all, you are dismissed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Well that's an interesting take on it, different situations so different thoughts. Different forms of opinions are a good thing, atleast when they aren't hurting anyone," Hikari said before beginning to eat again, though this time not as fast as he were, actually taking his time. He didn't really know why, maybe because he was called out for it? Or just wanted to savor it? He set his chopsticks down and took a sip of his drink before speaking again, "I think it's pretty simple what she meant, but uh...I don't think I can tell you, sometimes it's best to figure out some things on your own. Sometimes it's better that way, and needs to be that way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Zane620 said
Well she caught a bit of a flush which made her smirk, yet still punched him in the face anyway, it was a spar after all. And t was good to see if her metal arm would hold up in situations like this anyway. He finally caught her fists and proceeded to headbutt her chest letting go of her fist in the process which made her fall to her back before jumping back up rubbing her chest a bit. Despite her not really caring about her chest, she still had to put up with the fact they were sensitive to nearly everything. She then did that shadow like mist again this time appearing above him dropping on his shoulders again hen time from behind, and instead of punching, she tried to flip him, like he flips her, and attempted to make him land on his head, if he failed in this attempt well she could always brace for impact.

When she did the smoke thing again he figured it was her tattoo, she didn't show any indication of using Kido. No hand movements, no incarnations, nothing, she just did it. He figured she would try to attack up high again, but she was pretty fast and ended up getting the drop on him....Literally. He didn't really know what she did exactly as she was behind him but found him flipped, now she was doing what he was. He wasn't going to let himself fall though. He put his hands on the ground catching himself and jumping off of them onto his feet. He then dashed towards Takara, "Want to try that again?" he asked with a smirk before he appeared beside her. He quickly ducked down and kicked at her feet with both of his then lifted himself with his hands and began spinning with his legs kicked off. If she jumped to avoid his attack then his aim was to get her legs tangled up in his so she would fall, and if she got hit by the first attempt then she would just get jumbled more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gio couldnt help but to chuckle at that one as he left. He did plan on spending a lot of time with Nurse Flawless but he actually didnt plan of flirting at all this time...maybe once or twice. but his goal was indeed a serious matter that he planned to put a serious effort into. This mean a whole lot of hard work and pushing himself well beyond his limits. He returned to his room to gather a few things. He was a Lieutenant now, but that only meant so much. He still remembered what he had heard the head captain had demanded. that a Lieutenant should be able to fight on the level of a standard captain. and that the captains should be stronger. Gio assumed that Juki picked Mok because he fell in with those standards. By that standard the difference between him and Mok was probably a kin the difference in strength of a 3rd seat and a normal captain. That large a gap between a captain and a Lieutenant wasnt a good thing. Sure Gio was great at managing the squad as a whole but since Mok changed most of it it wasnt really important now. Management wise Gio was a great lieutenant already...but strength and power wise he had a ways to go. And this vacation would be the first step on that journey. Once he had everything he needed, which wasnt much, he headed out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
When she did the smoke thing again he figured it was her tattoo, she didn't show any indication of using Kido. No hand movements, no incarnations, nothing, she just did it. He figured she would try to attack up high again, but she was pretty fast and ended up getting the drop on him....Literally. He didn't really know what she did exactly as she was behind him but found him flipped, now she was doing what he was. He wasn't going to let himself fall though. He put his hands on the ground catching himself and jumping off of them onto his feet. He then dashed towards Takara, "Want to try that again?" he asked with a smirk before he appeared beside her. He quickly ducked down and kicked at her feet with both of his then lifted himself with his hands and began spinning with his legs kicked off. If she jumped to avoid his attack then his aim was to get her legs tangled up in his so she would fall, and if she got hit by the first attempt then she would just get jumbled more.

Managing to flip him made her grin, yet he didn't land the way she wanted, yet upon trying to get up she found herself getting kicked back down shocked while getting kicked to the ground yet that wasnt what shocked her the most. He was doing the Panty flash hakuda move. Perfectly might she add. She had to shunpo back resisting the urge to laugh. The kicks hurt but him doing that move was all to funny for her. "Well I'll leave flipping to you, but kicking however is my thing." She said waiting for him to get back up where she then jumped in place, before doing that shadow thing again, this time only for two seconds and moving literally one foot in front of herself, a different kind of fake out in hopes to make him think she would appear behind or above again, while really she was still in front of him. She then went to grab his arm while lifting her left leg to rest under his chin, if this was successful she would then drop back while holding his arm. Another attempt to cause some more damage to his head at most.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

When she shunpo'ed away Kenta immediately jumped up onto his feet and backed up a bit, he really hated using that ability and hated it even more now that Keina knew the move. Once she used the smoke again he looked around not knowing what to expect, he was decent at predicting but wasn't exactly Hikari level at it. He looked to the right and then found his arm being pulled, attempting to look over at her his face was pushing away by her foot. When she dropped down he felt pain shoot through his head then spine as he fell back, he gave a small shiver that wasn't in his control. He began standing up with his back to Takara, he felt allot of saliva in his mouth which would be assumed to be because of the attack but in reality was him beginning to drool due to the pain. He was getting there...He wanted more....He spat on the ground not letting any of the saliva drip down from his mouth, "Disgusting," he mumbled as he turned back to Takara. "Alright, my turn," Kenta said as his elbows opened up and a stream of blue fire shot out which pushed him forward with great speed towards Takara aiming to punch her in the gut once she stood which would at the least sending her flying through a few trees. If that hit then he would be above her sending down a Raikōhō, she was starting to get him excited evident by the grin on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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