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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
When she shunpo'ed away Kenta immediately jumped up onto his feet and backed up a bit, he really hated using that ability and hated it even more now that Keina knew the move. Once she used the smoke again he looked around not knowing what to expect, he was decent at predicting but wasn't exactly Hikari level at it. He looked to the right and then found his arm being pulled, attempting to look over at her his face was pushing away by her foot. When she dropped down he felt pain shoot through his head then spine as he fell back, he gave a small shiver that wasn't in his control. He began standing up with his back to Takara, he felt allot of saliva in his mouth which would be assumed to be because of the attack but in reality was him beginning to drool due to the pain. He was getting there...He wanted more....He spat on the ground not letting any of the saliva drip down from his mouth, "Disgusting," he mumbled as he turned back to Takara. "Alright, my turn," Kenta said as his elbows opened up and a stream of blue fire shot out which pushed him forward with great speed towards Takara aiming to punch her in the gut once she stood which would at the least sending her flying through a few trees. If that hit then he would be above her sending down a Raikōhō, she was starting to get him excited evident by the grin on his face.

As Kenta bounced back she jumped up and smiled proudly as her attack has connected, when he stood back up and spit she couldn't help herself but smirk, yet when blue fire shot out of his elbow she look at him confusingly. 'Wait wh-" her sentence cut off after being punched in the gut and sent lying fast enough the go through a few trees in the process. She looked up only to see a Hado coming her way, which made her jump up and run out of the way as it connected witht he ground sending rocks flying, a few of which hit her in the back. Well if they were playing with their arms now who was she to say no, she pointed her hand up but only to fire a shot past his head, what she had planned was to use it as a distraction and shunpo in front of him where she would attempt to grab him with her metal arm, which if it worked would then emit a powerful shock she asked Tae put in. Takara could also see a grin on on his face which made her grin herself. So the man liked battled? Well that was one way to get a grin plastered on his face for more than a few seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Kenta was satisfied that his punch connected and even chuckled seeing her run away from his Hado, even more so running away from the explosion it caused. Once she fired the bullet it was obviously gonna go past him so he didn't even move, though she did shunpo in front of him and grab him. He felt a shock emitting through his body causing him to shiver, though he was shivering in pleasure. How would she know he enjoyed that? By a certain noise he made telling her so, though he kept his grin staring into her eyes. He activated his jet arms again shooting forward with Takara still shocking him, though they both shot forward in which he aimed to slam her through trees and whatever else he could slam her past. He put his hands on her hips with his wrists opening up on his arms in which chains shot out and began wrapping around Takara which he tried using Tsuzuri Raiden with to shock her while she was shocking him. Obviously he wasn't holding back anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Kenta was satisfied that his punch connected and even chuckled seeing her run away from his Hado, even more so running away from the explosion it caused. Once she fired the bullet it was obviously gonna go past him so he didn't even move, though she did shunpo in front of him and grab him. He felt a shock emitting through his body causing him to shiver, though he was shivering in pleasure. How would she know he enjoyed that? By a certain noise he made telling her so, though he kept his grin staring into her eyes. He activated his jet arms again shooting forward with Takara still shocking him, though they both shot forward in which he aimed to slam her through trees and whatever else he could slam her past. He put his hands on her hips with his wrists opening up on his arms in which chains shot out and began wrapping around Takara which he tried using Tsuzuri Raiden with to shock her while she was shocking him. Obviously he wasn't holding back anymore.

At this point Takara began to realize what was going on when she shocked him, instead of pained sounds she heard something more like he was being pleasured with made a faint blush appear on her fore he rocketed away slamming her through various trees in the process which he followed up by grabbing her hips and then found her self being wrapped in chains, then found herself being shocked by her own attack. She quickly dropped it while trying to escape the chains. However she came up with a better idea in which she wrapped her legs around his waist then bite his shoulder as she arched her body back to propel both of them to the ground head first. although he would soften the fall for her a bit as her head was a bit down due to biting him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Despite his attack Takara had wrapped her legs around his waist then did something he didn't expect which was bite his shoulder then arch her back causing them to fall downwards. Once they fell Kenta kept his arms on her, holding her closer as he let out more pleasurable noises. He had fell on his back with Takara still on top of him even as they skid a bit. Kenta let out heavy pants that hit her neck, "You're...Amazing," Kenta said as he closed his eyes with them secretly rolling to the back of his head. He didn't know he could enjoy it that much, he hadn't really enjoyed it since that spar with Rio but that was nothing compared to this. His eyes widened a bit as he felt a problem which caused him to quickly push Takara of him as he sat up, he rubbed the back of his head, "U-Uh sorry....About that, it's been a long time since I've been in that good of a spar....Kinda lost control...Didn't really think that that would happen....again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Despite his attack Takara had wrapped her legs around his waist then did something he didn't expect which was bite his shoulder then arch her back causing them to fall downwards. Once they fell Kenta kept his arms on her, holding her closer as he let out more pleasurable noises. He had fell on his back with Takara still on top of him even as they skid a bit. Kenta let out heavy pants that hit her neck, "You're...Amazing," Kenta said as he closed his eyes with them secretly rolling to the back of his head. He didn't know he could enjoy it much, he hadn't really enjoyed it since that spar with Rio but that was nothing compared to this. His eyes widened a bit as he felt a problem which caused him to quickly push Takara of him as he sat up, he rubbed the back of his head, "U-Uh sorry....About that, it's been a long time since I've been in that good of a spar....Kinda lost control...Didn't really think that would happen....."

Yeah it became quite obvious that he was a masochist. She has never know anyone to be fine with being bite and then slammed to the ground, but he seemed fine with it, even said she was amazing as he blushed again looking down at the chains around. She herself was quite bruised and sore, but she wasn't sure if he was. And as she thought she felt something, she was pushed off quite quickly, although he did jump back up, to hear him say sorry about what she could only assume was how he acted during the spar. She just waved it off even leaned in towards him a bit and smirked. "Oh its quite fine, just caught me a bit off guard was all. I'll be much more aggressive next time~ However, I am exhausted. That seemed more dirty near the end than anything else, I probably lost more than ten pounds with how you acted. Well I'm going to take a nap, my aggressive prince charming." Takara said giggling a bit as she walked towards the house, to indeed go take a nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Mhm, yeah....Yeah you do that," Kenta said as she finished speaking and walked away to go take a nap. Kenta then fell back on the ground closing his eyes not exactly happy that he let himself lose control like that. It didn't help that she was going to be more aggressive next time....But he wasn't sure if that was a tease or not. He put his hand over his face letting out a sigh before he drifted off into his thoughts, not having the ability to sleep himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to hug Rio until she pulled back causing his eyes to widen a little when she then wiped his tears away with her thumbs, he noticed Rio was no longer crying anymore then his eyes widened further as she kissed him on the lips, this caused Kaizo's eyes however to return almost back to normal. When she leaned back again he noticed her smiling, this surprised him a little. Was she really this happy just because she was with him? Kaizo listened to her words then looked down a little, a small smile forming on his face as he then spoke "I love you to Rio...just remember you never have to do anything alone...I'm here for you, always..." Kaizo said, a smile forming on his face as he then wiped his face with his left sleeve "Heh, Look at me...the Squad 2 Captain crying. If my Squad members saw this they'd likely lose respect for me." Kaizo then gave a light chuckle as he stopped rubbing his eyes

Rio continued to smile softly up at Kaizo, happy to see he was calming down. "I know Kaizo... you're the only person who has kept me sane and grounded so I know that you're here for me, as am I always here for you.... Besides, you know me.... You know me very well... That fact alone is enough to keep me from spinning out of control..." She took a step back to give him a little room while giggling a little as he wiped his face with his sleeve. "Heh, I could say the same for myself. I wouldn't be taken seriously anymore if they saw" Rio then snook her right hand into Kaizo's left, intertwining their fingers together before turning away and looking back at him from over her shoulder with the same soft smile while tugging Kaizo a little. "Let's head back Kaizo, surely I've taken up a little too much of your time. There's probably a long line of Shinigami outside of your office waiting by now" Rio chuckled a little more before letting go of Kaizo's hand, waiting from him to start walking so she could follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The second Fumio had closed the door of his room, he stripped, throwing his ruined clothing straight into the bin while walking towards his bathroom. He didn't want anything that'd remind him of Ursula or any remnants of Ursula to be anywhere near him. She was dead and Fumio could honestly say that he had never felt any happier in his life to witness her death. Once inside his bathroom, Fumio took a thorough shower, allowing the warm water relax all of his muscles. The wave of Ursula's power that had been released upon all Hari Clan members, thanks to Souta, made him and all of the other members feel rejuvenated. All pain and aching had disappeared, leaving behind only scars and blood in memory of those wounds. As he washed, making sure to clean his hair first, Fumio noticed many bruises and scars on his chest, neck and back. Even though he could of easily gotten them heal, he chose not to, finding the marks more of a memory of the day he was freed rather than just a mark, therefore he chose to keep them, including his brand. "Goodness me~ I never thought that I'd feel this good once she was finally dead~ Oh my~" Fumio hadn't stopped grinning since he stepped foot into the Seireitei. He felt as if he could do anything, achieve anything, be anything he wanted to be, it was so invigorating. Once he was out of the shower, he dressed himself before stretching. He wasn't tired despite how hard he fought, just energised, another effect of gaining power from another Hari.

Fumio then stepped outside of his room, closing the door behind him before shunpo'ing onto the roof, looking over the entire Seireitei with a grin. Wind winded itself through his hair, causing it to gently sway in which Fumio just closed his eyes and breathed, enjoying this feeling so much. 'Finally.... I can be my own person.... I don't have to look into those condescending eyes anymore... I will never hear her voice or feel her presence.... I will never have to obey her or be punished by her ever again.... Oh man, I feel so.... I just can't explain how I feel, but I know it's a good feeling, a really good feeling~' As Fumio thought, his grin softened into a content smile. He looked happy, genuinely happy for once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja skipped soundly to the 11th division in time to hear shouting coming from the barracks, and threats of someone being torn to shreds. It wasn't exactly normal for this place, but she had come to accept it more than any other division. She couldn't hear exactly what was being shouted, so she got closer, still nibbling on her Rice-Cake. However, as she started to walk into the barracks, she nearly got knocked over by some guy fleeing for his life, probably from the shouty man. All this was curious, and so she was interested in what was going on. And, she needed a division soon, 2nd was cool but they where all so up-tight. So, casually, she entered into the barracks, making her presence known and looking around in a very looky sort of way. It wasn't hard to find the lieutenant she had seen earlier, with Neon Green hair. It was like a beacon of attraction. That and her shapely body, but that was a different type of attraction.

Mirja stood in the courtyard, very obviously not fitting in but wanting to talk to someone, and waited, wondering how long it would take before she was noticed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
He sighed at his friend's dismay and pat his back, "Your path requires your smarts and honestly that is something I don't have. If I had your smarts I think I would be able to become even stronger, but alas, all I have are my fists." He chuckled and quickly finished his ramen and sake with great gusto. He placed down the bowl rather roughly, causing some clatter on the counter and pat his stomach contently. "Now that is good stuff man, goooood stuff." Zheng arched his brow and looked over at Mukei when he mentioned the defections. "Yeah, I heard something like that. The times we live in are crazy. You don't know who could turn on the Soul Society." He scratched his head. He couldn't help but wonder why people had been defecting and betraying the Soul Society. So far with all of his missions, he seemed to be dealing with traitors in one way or another. It was slightly disturbing to think that so many had it in for the Soul Society though he didn't know the dark secrets that were involved with them. The uncomfortable feeling of his friend going crazy again made Zheng feel quite awkward though he chuckled sheepishly at his friend's apology. "It's okay, I'm rather used to your tangents by now." Smirked the young man as he said that.

Mukei nodded when Zheng only said he had his fists and Mukei only had his brains. He finished up the ramen and drank the sake "Screw it, I need a break from my duties. Let's get drunk!" Mukei yelled, obviously feeling the alcohol already. He was a light weight and hardly drank, but today he felt like letting loose. He killed himself another cup and drank it all in one gulp. "It's rather pointless to be honest *hiccup* the Seireirei has plenty of knowledge here. But who knows, maybe they've seen the darker side of the Seireifei?" He shrugged and grabbed the sake bottle, drunkly pouring himself another shot. He laughed at what Zheng said "sorry *hiccup* I've been told I go on tangents too often" He gulped down the sake right after speaking
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Phobos said
Mukei nodded when Zheng only said he had his fists and Mukei only had his brains. He finished up the ramen and drank the sake "Screw it, I need a break from my duties. Let's get drunk!" Mukei yelled, obviously feeling the alcohol already. He was a light weight and hardly drank, but today he felt like letting loose. He killed himself another cup and drank it all in one gulp. "It's rather pointless to be honest *hiccup* the Seireirei has plenty of knowledge here. But who knows, maybe they've seen the darker side of the Seireifei?" He shrugged and grabbed the sake bottle, drunkly pouring himself another shot. He laughed at what Zheng said "sorry *hiccup* I've been told I go on tangents too often" He gulped down the sake right after speaking

A bead of sweat dropped down when he realized how tipsy Mukei had become. They had gotten drunk together multiple times though it always ended up with Mukei getting drunk way before him, often passing out and finding himself in the weirdest places though that was on Zheng's part. Zheng chuckled as he himself downed another cup of sake seeing that he may as well join Mukei in on the fun. "Well the Seireitei may have a dark past from before? I mean we still don't have much of a clue what the Seireitei did in the past due to the knowledge being destroyed a long time ago." He shrugged as he thought about it. It was a topic he didn't want to get too in deep in though it was certainly an interesting topic. "You sure know how to put those away." Zheng commented on his friend's constant drinking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshiThatdayumfinegurl said
Nishiki narrowed her rage-filled eyes at the messenger cowering before her, but then her teeth visibly grit when he refused to tell her who sent him. "If you don't start talkING RIGHT NOW I'LL FUCKING TEAR YOU TO SHR-!..." A hand was suddenly placed on her left shoulder, if anything this only made her even more angry since someone was trying to get her to calm down. As she was just about to turn her angry eyes towards this person, a voice snapped her out of her anger completely. Now with her eyes widened a little, she finally turned around to see who it was. "Ca... Captain?" At first sight, not only was Nishiki shocked but she was rather confused by the situation and by his change of appearance, however she chose to stay quiet and listen to him. When he mentioned that he thought she'd cry after hearing that message, she pouted a little, however that pout vanished once he said that he was proud of her. Nishiki then just watched as he sent the messenger away, narrowing her eyes at the man running for his life... 'Such a coward.' Nishiki then looked back up to her Captain before jumping back and flailing her arms, squeezing her eyes closed while blushing slightly. "Why'd you do that Captaiiiiin?!!!! That's Meannn!!!" She pouted before shaking her head and opening her eyes. "Pfft, I knew you weren't dead, my Captain cannot and will not die. It's a simple fact that everyone should know.... You could of picked a more cuter guy to play messenger though instead of a coward" She giggled a little to herself, already over her anger while ever-so obviously looking Shiro from bottom to top, checking him out. "What the hell happened while you were gone? And what's with the new look?~ Not saying that I don't like it~ Actually, if you did ask your trusty Lieutenant for her opinion, she'd say 'HumunaHumuna~ Hello Sexy Kenpachi Shiro Sora~' and wink~" Giggling a little more seductively, Nishiki wriggled her eyebrows at Shiro before suddenly taking on a shocked expression. "Oh no!! I didn't bake the muffins!!! This is inexcusable!!! Fucking hell stupid me!!! I spent too much time at Squad Ten to bake them!"

Shiro looked down at Nishiki with a grin as he listened to her speak he then chuckled when she asked him why he did what he did "Because, I thought it'd be amusing...you could also say it was a test" Shiro leaned down a little, still grinning at Nishiki as he spoke again "And why would I send some cute guy to give you bad news? I want you to be upset, not trying to sleep with him...sheesh, it's like your Captains good looks aren't enough" Shiro said, the grin growing wider on his face. He then stood back up straight as he watched Nishiki check him out, this made him raise an eyebrow however as she did this he did the same noticing her bright green hair "I could say the same to you, what's with the new hair colour? aint half bad but still...hmm...OH I GET IT! You choose a brighter hair colour so that when you are on the battlefield you attract more attention to yourself! meaning you get more people to fight! Genius Nishiki! this sort of stuff makes me glad I chose you as my lieutenant...may have to do that myself." Shiro then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand before speaking again "My hair got a bit to long while I was away...it was a weird place, don't ask...so I decided I'd get it cut, maybe change my look up a bit since everything else has changed...except my love for a good fight!" Shiro said with a laugh he then leaned down again to look Nishiki in the face as his expression grew serious "Well...play your cards right Nishiki and you may get to have some fun with this sexy Kenpachi" A grin then formed on Shiro's face as he then chuckled, however this was stopped by Nishiki suddenly claiming how she had forgot to make the muffins he requested...Shiro then stood up straight, his face darkening as his eyes glew a bright blood red "You...forgot...to make...the muffins?..." Shiro then let out a breath, and clenched his hands into fists as he then slammed his right fist into the wall "THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE NISHIKI! I'M GOING TO HAVE TO PUNISH YOU FOR THIS!" Shiro then leaned down to Nishiki then grinned "Only joking...instead...you can show me how yo make them...could be some fun don't you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Kenta shivered as images of his time captured flashed through his head, the bright white light shining in his mind as if he was actually looking at it currently. The noises of saws and the slight tapping sounds from when the tools were being sat down drowned in his ears. The feeling of getting his arms torn away from his body, he remembered it as if it was happening all over again. They had given him medicine to slightly reduce the pain, but it was torture the way they kept him awake throughout all the pain. The blades slowly pressing down his eyes, entering his ribcage, even the brain…They were trying to make a clone, obvious answer as to why they experimented but not as to why they kept him awake through it all! Running through his mind was the question of what did he do to deserve any of what had happened!? All he wanted to do was help others, protect people, and what did the universe give him? People taking him, experimenting on him, slicing him open then closing him over and over again like he was their goddamn play toy!

He never expected anything nice in return for being a decent fucking person, but he never expected so much bad shit to happen to him either….Of course people would tell him shit just happened, but this amount of shit was just uncanny, the way that he was feeling was uncanny. He was just at a high point, then what happened? He was just brought back down. He didn’t notice the tears escaping his eyes, running down his cheeks and landing on the ground….Not like it would have mattered if he did….Not like he would have cared.

Before he could do anything else he groaned as his head started ringing which caused him to shoot up onto his knees while holding his head, eyes closed tightly. The ringing bounced around in his head directly into his skull feeling as if someone was beating it with a hammer, just bashing and bashing as hard as they could but trying to hold back to keep it going. He wanted to yell out but knew Takara and Keina were sleeping, even in extreme pains worrying about other people, was it pathetic? No time to think about it. Kenta slowly got onto his feet stumbling forward soon afterwards with the ringing not letting up. He began pushing forward feeling his cold metal fingers push tighter against his head, hair falling down again them. Making his way into the forest and beyond he found he couldn’t keep going resulting in him dropping back to his knees.

“Aaaaaaaaaaagh!” Kenta tried to scream but choked on them. He fell onto his face but still held his head as he began pushing his knees further towards his face. He lifted his head a bit to get his face out of the fucking dirt but still not finding the ability to scream.
Newfound fingers reached under him, grabbing his chin and lifting his head slowly, even the movement in his head hurt….In fact he found a stinging pain strike throughout his body, his bones becoming stiff and achy, the ringing still FUCKING GOING!

He then smelled something, something that made him sick and want to throw up all over the place, something he wanted to get as far away from as possible…Nail polish, but not any nail polish, it was-Before he could finish his thoughts the woman stopped moving his head. How’d he know she was a woman? The cleavage his eyes were directly looking at.

She had stopped his head there on purpose, was she trying to hide her face? She let out a soft chuckle, then began speaking, “Oh Kenta, Kenta~” he felt her lips brush against his ear lightly as she spoke her soft words, “Look at you, pathetic. On your knees submissive to pain of all things, the old you would have just taken it as another challenge, got up, and kept training. Seems to have gotten stronger but ever so weaker~” The woman let out a giggle.

“Get…Out…” Kenta mumbled, mumbling the rest of the words quieter. The ringing and the woman’s words mixing together, yet hearing them both oh so clearly…It just messed up his head more, something he didn’t want!

“I think we should call you Bad Luck Kenta. Every time something good happens you get something much more worse in return. You get to free your sister after all these years; she leaves you. You reunite with old friends, oh but it’s just temporary. You get revenge on the guy who experimented on you but kills him before you can get any answers. You train and become stronger, but oh wait! You’re on your knees wishing the pain would go away. But you see, your pain not only affects you, oh no. You wanted time alone, but you see you made Rio lonely, she missed you and felt guilty that whole time while you were having fun with your little girlfriend and fake aunt. You wanted to protect people but you leaving only resulted in more deaths, so much more you could have prevented! You leave your bad luck everywhere you go, and eventually that’s gonna spread here. Your new girlfriend Takara, that sister of yours, that gang that is damn near at peace land…Then it’s going to go to Hikari, Kurisa, that Kaizo boy you want to mee-“

I SAID GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” Kenta yelled which caused a mini explosion to set off in his head, the ringing burst all over and then separated into a thousand more hammers bashing and banging against his skull. He let out a small groan as the woman let him go causing his head to slam into the ground once again, “Very well, but you know what you have to do~”

The ringing then stopped along with the pain within his body. He let out heavy pants before slowly looking up seeing no one there, not even footprints or a sign that anyone was there…He lifted himself up before stumbling to the side catching himself on a tree soon pressing his back against it and sliding down into a seated position, “I know…” he said with a sigh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki sat in her office waiting for someone to come in and sure enough Lolo was the first to enter, this caused her to throw the paper plane at her and when it hit her Miyuki instantly began laughing, Shortly after Lolo came in Ryozo arrived and then a bit later Enji arrived, Miyuki still laughing as she clutched her chest, she then wiped a tear from her eye then calmed herself down, letting out a little chuckle every now and then before stopping completely "No I didn't throw that, must have come through the window" Miyuki then coughed "Uhm...so now down to business. You three will be going on a mission to the human world...I think I will be sending you to~" Miyuki pulled out a map then laid it down on her desk and then pointed to a place in Japan "Naruki City! I want you to do a clean up of hollows in the area and I also want you to try scout out what is attracting so many of them to this city. If you encounter any hollow with unusual powers or stronger I want you to retreat immediately! Are we clear on this? So head on out!"(I'll try play some part in this mission in which I will throw a post in there perhaps showing a clue of some sort, the rest is straight forward...I also may play a random hollow with unusual powers...I don't want to make this mission to long but I will try interact within it ^.^ )

Megumi could only just no not wanting to question the captain, although she obviously could. It was clear that she was behind the paper plane incident. Alas when Enji arrived the captain explained the mission and what city they were going to and to be careful and run if any hollows seemed to dangerous. While Megumi nodded at this and was prepared to leave, Ryozo held up his hand. "Any estimates on how many hollows are there? Or should we just proceed with caution, due to the fact something is attracting them?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara who was trying to sleep on the couch couldn't help but toss and turn, although she felt exhausted she really couldn't go to sleep. She knew why to, so she looked back outside seeing Kenta sitting against a tree, where she walked up to him and shuffled her feet a bit. "Hey, you know it really does mean a lot that you saved me and even helped me get this new arm. Most people wouldn't dot hat for a girl who really didn't say much and was bleeding. For all you know I could have been an evil person. Yet you still saved my life so thank you again." Takara said sitting down next to him and snuggling up to him. "And that's why you are my prince charming." Takara said giggling as she rested her head on his shoulder, before she fell asleep there, holding onto his arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Kenta had heard someone walking up to him but didn't bother to check who it was, maybe it was that woman again, maybe someone to come screw up his life more....He thought that until he heard the voice, Takara telling him how much it meant to him that he saved her. It really wasn't that big of a deal, but atleast she wasn't someone to come screw up his life, if anything she was making it better...Even if it was just for the moment. She had given him more enjoyment than he had felt in the past year and more, and that's what really meant a lot to him. Once she sat down next to him and snuggled up to him, he let out a breath and just moved a bit closer. "And that's why you are my prince charming," he heard her speak with a giggle following before resting her head on his shoulder. He was going to reply until he looked over at her soon narrowing his eyes. You can't just say shit like that then fall asleep right after! He thought angrily before a smile appeared on his face while his eyes softened up, something he hadn't done in a long time...And although she hadn't seen the smile he hoped she'd atleast felt good, about saying all that atleast. He let out a breath before wrapping his free arm around her and resting his head on top of hers. But I guess that makes you my princess then, was the final thought he had before drifting off to sleep with Takara in his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"Well that's an interesting take on it, different situations so different thoughts. Different forms of opinions are a good thing, atleast when they aren't hurting anyone," Hikari said before beginning to eat again, though this time not as fast as he were, actually taking his time. He didn't really know why, maybe because he was called out for it? Or just wanted to savor it? He set his chopsticks down and took a sip of his drink before speaking again, "I think it's pretty simple what she meant, but uh...I don't think I can tell you, sometimes it's best to figure out some things on your own. Sometimes it's better that way, and needs to be that way."

"Ugh...I hate cryptic advice and world shattering truths about one's self." she rolled her eyes then checked on Alucard. The dog was still eating although a little more slowly.She continues to eat then settled down to think on those words...again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio continued to smile softly up at Kaizo, happy to see he was calming down. "I know Kaizo... you're the only person who has kept me sane and grounded so I know that you're here for me, as am I always here for you.... Besides, you know me.... You know me very well... That fact alone is enough to keep me from spinning out of control..." She took a step back to give him a little room while giggling a little as he wiped his face with his sleeve. "Heh, I could say the same for myself. I wouldn't be taken seriously anymore if they saw" Rio then snook her right hand into Kaizo's left, intertwining their fingers together before turning away and looking back at him from over her shoulder with the same soft smile while tugging Kaizo a little. "Let's head back Kaizo, surely I've taken up a little too much of your time. There's probably a long line of Shinigami outside of your office waiting by now" Rio chuckled a little more before letting go of Kaizo's hand, waiting from him to start walking so she could follow.

Kaizo looked down as Rio spoke before slowly looking up at her as she wiped his face "I can say the same about you..." a small smile formed on his face "I wouldn't be to worried...I'd remind them why I was their Captain if need be" Kaizo then felt Rio grab his right hand and tug it a little "I-I don't think I'm going back yet...I need a little time to myself, to get my mind back into shape. You go on ahead, I'll be there soon" Kaizo said with a soft smile Why can I see how out of control I would have been without Rio? why can I see it clear as day...is that what I would have become? so hell bent on the thought of killing my father that I would have been so reckless? if I never met you Rio...I can't help but imagine just how different of a person I'd be right now...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Megumi could only just no not wanting to question the captain, although she obviously could. It was clear that she was behind the paper plane incident. Alas when Enji arrived the captain explained the mission and what city they were going to and to be careful and run if any hollows seemed to dangerous. While Megumi nodded at this and was prepared to leave, Ryozo held up his hand. "Any estimates on how many hollows are there? Or should we just proceed with caution, due to the fact something is attracting them?"

Miyuki rubbed the back of her head as she yawned then she heard Ryozo ask a question "I don't know, the numbers keep going up and down...all I can say is proceed with caution, keep the fighting away from city area's and keep it in the open so you don't get cornered...although in the open you may get surrounded..." She said rubbing her chin "Ah you'll all be fine! so go! just don't die on your first mission, I just got you replacements for the last three..." She said with a smile, almost intentionally trying to freak them out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro looked down at Nishiki with a grin as he listened to her speak he then chuckled when she asked him why he did what he did "Because, I thought it'd be amusing...you could also say it was a test" Shiro leaned down a little, still grinning at Nishiki as he spoke again "And why would I send some cute guy to give you bad news? I want you to be upset, not trying to sleep with him...sheesh, it's like your Captains good looks aren't enough" Shiro said, the grin growing wider on his face. He then stood back up straight as he watched Nishiki check him out, this made him raise an eyebrow however as she did this he did the same noticing her bright green hair "I could say the same to you, what's with the new hair colour? aint half bad but still...hmm...OH I GET IT! You choose a brighter hair colour so that when you are on the battlefield you attract more attention to yourself! meaning you get more people to fight! Genius Nishiki! this sort of stuff makes me glad I chose you as my lieutenant...may have to do that myself." Shiro then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand before speaking again "My hair got a bit to long while I was away...it was a weird place, don't ask...so I decided I'd get it cut, maybe change my look up a bit since everything else has changed...except my love for a good fight!" Shiro said with a laugh he then leaned down again to look Nishiki in the face as his expression grew serious "Well...play your cards right Nishiki and you may get to have some with this sexy Kenpachi" A grin then formed on Shiro's face as he then chuckled, however this was stopped by Nishiki suddenly claiming how she had forgot to make the muffins he requested...Shiro then stood up straight, his face darkening as his eyes glew a bright blood red "You...forgot...to make...the muffins?..." Shiro then let out a breath, and clenched his hands into fists as he then slammed his right fist into the wall "THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE NISHIKI! I'M GOING TO HAVE TO PUNISH YOU FOR THIS!" Shiro then leaned down to Nishiki then grinned "Only joking...instead...you can show me how yo make them...could be some fun don't you think?"

Nishiki pouted as Shiro stated that he thought sending someone to tell her he was dead would of been amusing, however he then continued to talk, stating it to of been some kind of test. "Hey! I'm Squad Eleven! I don't cry, I fight! And well, there's nothing wrong with just being able to appreciate the looks of a cute guy while he tells me bad news~ I would of still been angry, but the look on his face would of been more bearable than disgraceful~ And it isn't my fault that I appreciate both the male and female form~ Since when was that a bad thing?~" Her pout morphed into a grin within a matter of seconds as she spoke. "... Wait what?" 'I didn't change my hair colour...' Nishiki raised an eyebrow in confusion as Shiro mentioned her hair, which she then lifted her hand up to pull a clip out of her hair that had been holding it up. Shaking her head, Nishiki's eyes widened as she laid her eyes upon the hair that fell in front of her face....'NEON GREEN?! Wha-... HIIIKKKAAARRRIIII!!!' She yelled inside her mind, however covered up her anger with a fake smile and a nervous laugh. "Wh-why yes Cap'ain, I did do it just for that reason! But I don't like this colour anymore so I may change it back shortly." Nishiki spoke her last word in a slightly angered tone. All she did today after seeing Shiro was go to Squad Ten... Her hair was fine then but something must of happened while she spoke to Tabo... in Hikari's office. Shiro then leaned down towards her face, attracting her attention before she smirked seductively. "I see~ And I won't ask then~ Hmhmhmhm~ Well Captain~ Challenge accepted~" She giggled a little after her sentence before jumping in slight shock to Shiro's reaction to her not baking his muffins in time. Her eyes grew wide as he yelled, scaring Nishiki a little since it was unexpected... but then he said he was joking. "MEANY!!" Nishiki yelled with a comical, over-the-top unimpressed facial expression before lightening up and smiling brightly. "Oooo~ You actually want to learn how to? Well, not meaning to toot my own horn but I do believe I am an exceptional cook~ It's one area I excel at~ So if you really wanna, we could hang out some time and bake some~" Nishiki grinned happily at Shiro, not really expecting him to make a request such as that.
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