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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki rubbed the back of her head as she yawned then she heard Ryozo ask a question "I don't know, the numbers keep going up and down...all I can say is proceed with caution, keep the fighting away from city area's and keep it in the open so you don't get cornered...although in the open you may get surrounded..." She said rubbing her chin "Ah you'll all be fine! so go! just don't die on your first mission, I just got you replacements for the last three..." She said with a smile, almost intentionally trying to freak them out

The way the captain acted seemed to show she was rather bored, that and the paper air planes on her desk. Seeing that there was nothing else needed and was about ready to set out, but what she said at the end suddenly made him nervous.'We'll...ensure this mission succeeds Captain.'Giving a small nod and left the room where he would exhale heavily trying to calm himself down before Megumi and Ryozo would come out.'So, um should we decide a team leader or set out separately to scout out the area?'He thought it best they plan on what to do before heading to the human realm since they were most likely gonna end up fighting hollows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo looked down as Rio spoke before slowly looking up at her as she wiped his face "I can say the same about you..." a small smile formed on his face "I wouldn't be to worried...I'd remind them why I was their Captain if need be" Kaizo then felt Rio grab his right hand and tug it a little "I-I don't think I'm going back yet...I need a little time to myself, to get my mind back into shape. You go on ahead, I'll be there soon" Kaizo said with a soft smile

Rio continued to smile softly at Kaizo as he spoke, letting out a short chuckle noise when he said that he'd remind them why he was their Captain if need be. "Okay Kaizo, Captain. I'll be waiting for you to return so take as much time as you need, let me know if you need any help with anything" Rio gave Kaizo a bow before fully turning towards the Seireitei and walking off, her long hair swaying from left to right behind her with each step she took.

After her little calm and relaxing walk back, Rio stepped into the Seireitei's entrance before making her way to Squad Two. "Hnn" As if a spike was suddenly impaled through Rio's head, a sharp pain shot through her mind before quickly subsiding into a throbbing headache. Rio was at the gates of the Squad when this happened, immediately holding her left hand on her head before stopping her movements and squeezing her left eye closed. "Lieutenant are you Okay?" A guard asked, which Rio opened her eye, acknowledging them. "I'm fine." She looked at the guard in her usual professional manner. The guard nodded his head before returning back to his post, watching as Rio began walking away. The headache hadn't completely disappeared, however it did slowly fade, as usual... 'Dammit, they're getting even more painful now... I can't ignore them anymore, I've got to do something about it... later' Regaining her professional composure, Rio continued to walk confidently up the stairs of the barrack's balcony before making her way to her room and found- "Keisa? Why am I not surprised." Said woman was leaning against Rio's door with her eyes closed, clearly waiting for Rio to return. Opening her eyes and pushing herself off of the door, Keisa looked to Rio, her face just as straight as the woman's. "Hey Rio, I was waiting for your return so that we could train." Sounding happy, despite not looking it, Keisa stated her purpose. "I see. Well come with me, I will fetch Nohime and we can continue with the training I've planned for the both of you." Rio turned and walked as she talked, Keisa following behind and keeping quiet. After a very short walk, Keisa spoke up again. "Since we have a small portion of time before reaching Nohime, I was wondering what you'd like to do in regards of those who attacked me? Rio." Once Keisa stopped speaking, Rio stopped walking suddenly, which confused Keisa however she didn't show any emotion. Turning her head around to the left, Rio looked over her shoulder at Keisa with a blank expression, however it seemed to be tinted with a harsh bluntness. "Stop referring to me by my name. It's Lieutenant to you. Rune." Rio's voice sounded a little deeper as she spoke bluntly. Keisa looked at Rio, slight confusion showing in her face as she continued to eye Rio. "Don't ever refer to me by my name again." Rio continued before facing forward and walking off while Keisa kept quiet, stood still as she watched. '... Huh?' Keisa titled her head to the right, confused by Rio's sudden change in tone. Straightening her head, Keisa began catching up to Rio, this time staying as quiet as a mouse while watching Rio from behind.

The two soon reached Nohime's door before Rio knocked and looked back at Keisa. "I've had some thought, but I think the best course of action is to be cautious and stay here. Don't venture out of the Squad alone and make sure if anything happens, you contact me Okay?" Rio's tone of voice had change back to it's usual professional tone. Keisa simply kept her lips pursed while just nodding her head. "Good. Don't worry about it Keisa, we'll get to the bottom of this. I won't allow any of my subordinates to get injured." Rio gave her a small, reassuring smile before looking back at Nohime's door. Despite Keisa's confusion, she shrugged it off, maybe Rio just didn't appreciate being treated as a friend rather than a Lieutenant, which she thought made sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

samreaper said
The way the captain acted seemed to show she was rather bored, that and the paper air planes on her desk. Seeing that there was nothing else needed and was about ready to set out, but what she said at the end suddenly made him nervous.'We'll...ensure this mission succeeds Captain.'Giving a small nod and left the room where he would exhale heavily trying to calm himself down before Megumi and Ryozo would come out.'So, um should we decide a team leader or set out separately to scout out the area?'He thought it best they plan on what to do before heading to the human realm since they were most likely gonna end up fighting hollows.

Ryozo took note of this and nodded when he was no longer had any questions. He didn't seem that fazed by her statement while Megumi rubbed the back of her head, and walked out the door. Megumi listened to Enji's question and shrugged. "I think I'll let you two be in charge, I doubt I'll give many good ideas." Megumi said while Ryozo seemed to think about something. "Well if we separate we have more chances of being caught off guard, but that might have to be the case in order to find this source that's attracting the hollows, but I do have an idea. From outside the city I'll raise my spiritual energy to draw in the hollows as much as I can while you two search for the source. My shikai works better when I don't have to worry about hurting allies in the process. So that should buy you two some time to locate the source and eliminate it without much worry about hollows attacking you. Of course if we are in desperate need of aid we can always retreat like the captain said to do. Do you have any ideas Enji?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime sat in her room alone scribbling on a piece of paper, not really have done any missions so this was more so doodling. A few seconds alter she heard a knock on her door, which made her place the paper down on the table and walk to the door, she open it slowly at first, yet when she saw Rio and Keisa she swung it open and smiled. "Oh, hi. Umm are you here to help train me? ...... That big giant guy isn't going to be there again is he? He was much to big and terrifying to do anything."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio stood with her arms crossed as Nohime swung the door open. Keisa just looked at the girl before back at Rio as the Lieutenant spoke. "Yes. That is why I'm here and don't worry about Neil, he shan't be joining us. I apologise for the last time, I was not expecting his sudden interference." Rio sighed as she spoke, happy to of seen Neil but unhappy at the fact that it caused Nohime distress. "Anyway, let us three get going." Rio turned and started to walk but suddenly stopped as a voice entered her mind. She then looked back over her shoulder at Nohime with a small smile. "I almost forget to mention, I met up with Kenta. He wishes you his best and hopes you're Okay. Thank you for telling me he came by the way." Rio's voice was a little more happier than what others would of been used to as she spoke that sentence, however those who truly did know her would recognise this tone. Facing forward, Rio continued to walk, expecting both Keisa and Nohime to follow her.

She took the two of them to another spot outside the Seireitei, a different one this time but the look was pretty much the same; a small patch of field surrounded by foliage. Rio stopped in the middle of the patch before turning to both girls. "As usual, we will only train with our sealed weapons. Considering the fact that both of your Zanpakuto's are unique in a more destructive way, it would be best to work on fighting with a sealed state for now. For today, I'd like the both of you two to spar, I'll watch to spot out any points for improvement that we can work on for the rest of today." After Rio briefed the two, she took a few steps back to give them more space. "I will say when to stop now start." She stood and watched, just like she would for any other spar between members.

Keisa listened quietly, her mouth still pursed since earlier when Rio told her off in a sense. The woman nodded at Rio before walking to the middle of the field, unsheathing her Katana and looking at Nohime while she waited to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja saw the two still arguing. or talking, or discussing, or plotting world domination with squirrels. So, she put the back of Rice-Cakes away, and Flash Stepped from her position, to Nishiki. While there, she decided to give an indepth analysis the curves of the green-girl's ass with her hands. She didn't see a problem with that, she was just fact-finding. There was nothing wrong with fact finding, and no one could fault her for it. The muffin obsessed Captain was there as well, but he did not have an ass worthy of analysis and so she did not have any future plans for him. She wasn't sure that showing interest in knowledge was the best introduction to The Punchy Squad but Mirja was never good at introducing herself. It was like, Introduction-a-phobia, or something like that. Only with less phobia and more inability to do so properly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh that's good, I didn't even know people came in that height." Nohime said with a nervous chuckle stepping out of her room and closing the door behind her, they walked a few steps before Rio stopped and said that Kenta wished her the best, this made her shuffle her feet. A little happy about it, but the idea of a male wishing her the best wasn't one of her fondest moments. When she said that she continued walking with the two, eventually leading them to a different clearing that the other one, though the changes didn't look different at all. Rio gave the two a run own that it was sealed only as shikai were a more personal thing, she mentioned destructive, which really wasn't Nohime's case, but she didn't comment on that.

When she finished she told the two to start, where Keisa drew her zanpakuto, Nohime simply got into a combative stance, taking a deep breath in before releasing. Most would think Keisa had an upper hand due to the fact Nohime had no blade of her own. Nohime however knew this disadvantage and shunpoed in front of Keisa, and tried to fake her out with a jab, but at the last second crouched down and swung her leg around to the back of keisa legs in a attempt to sweep her off her feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Keisa watched Nohime. She thought Nohime would of brought a standard sword with her but apparently she didn't.... this was good for Keisa. Throwing her sword aside so it landed sticking into the ground, Keisa noticed Nohime was suddenly right in front of her, seeming as though she was about to throw a jab. The woman readied herself to block the jab, however this meant she fell for the fake out and so Nohime landed her kick. However, instead of being swept off of her feet, Keisa's knees only buckled before she reached down behind her to grab Nohime's leg and hold her in place. If she had grabbed her, Keisa would then quickly aim a kick with her heel to Nohime's chest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
Ryozo took note of this and nodded when he was no longer had any questions. He didn't seem that fazed by her statement while Megumi rubbed the back of her head, and walked out the door. Megumi listened to Enji's question and shrugged. "I think I'll let you two be in charge, I doubt I'll give many good ideas." Megumi said while Ryozo seemed to think about something. "Well if we separate we have more chances of being caught off guard, but that might have to be the case in order to find this source that's attracting the hollows, but I do have an idea. From outside the city I'll raise my spiritual energy to draw in the hollows as much as I can while you two search for the source. My shikai works better when I don't have to worry about hurting allies in the process. So that should buy you two some time to locate the source and eliminate it without much worry about hollows attacking you. Of course if we are in desperate need of aid we can always retreat like the captain said to do. Do you have any ideas Enji?"

He looked at the two as he listened to what they said and what Ryozo suggested was a good idea since his zanpakuto worked better when others weren't around him. He would think to himself for a minute while glancing at Megumi.'Well, I suggest we do something like a pincer attack. With Ryozo set at one end of the city to draw them while Megumi and I would be placed on the left and right and gradually make our way through the city. This way we'll be able to move more easily and take out any hollows that are in the way or within range to help whittle them down for Ryozo.'Unsure of what the other two thought, though with this strategy, Megumi and and Enji wouldn't be too far from each other for in case either needed help or to give a warning to retreat if they came across any hollow deemed to dangerous to continue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Kenta!" Kenta heard his name being called then felt a poke to his forehead causing him to open his eyes, blinking a few times to clear his vision, "Kenta!" The voice called out again, "Did you two really sleep together out here?...Well, not in that way. But if in that way too then fine baby brother, you're growing up, but against a tree? That has to be uncomfortable." Kenta looked up spotting Keina looking down at them, he still wasn't used to her new appearance but he wasn't going to say anything. He looked down seeing Takara snuggled up on him with her in his arms causing his eyes to widen, would he really be doing this? He took a breath as he stood up carrying Takara coming near face to face with his sister who was only about a couple inches shorter than him...She was really tall for a girl while he was about six or seven inches taller than Takara. "You ready to head off?" Kenta asked in which Keina nodded, "Alright, one sec."

Kenta headed inside and walked into the room Takara was staying in and laid her on the bed, pulling the covers over her. He watched her for a bit pulling a small smile over his face before dropping it, "Uuuuh, yeah...This is awkward," Kenta said before quickly making his way out of her room silently shutting the door. He walked over to Keina once outside and nodded, "Let's go."

"Uh no, first you go bathe," Keina said with her hands on her hips watching Kenta with a look of disapproval.

"Not that big of a deal sis, it'll be a quick trip; I'll do it when I get back."

"Not that big of a deal? We've been training for hours straight, you look like you got your ass kicked, and you've been sleeping in the dirt the whole night. You even got dirt and, like, leaves in your hair dude!" Keina said as she reached up pulling chipped leaves from his hair, "Seriously bro, you have really good and pretty hair. You need to take better care of it, don't ruin your handsome self. Besides, your hair is what helps your charisma, seriously."

"First Minori, then Takara, then Rio, now you?" Kenta said as he rubbed the back of his hair looking away, "Seriously what do I not see? Or more so what do you four see?" Kenta mumbled as he walked off to go do as his sister ordered. Once finished he walked past to Keina and had walked to the Seireitei. "You don't need the academy," Kenta said as he took her straight to Squad Ten, "...Atleast not while I'm bringing you."

Knocking on the Captain's office door Tabo soon answered it and smiled up at Kenta and Keina....The guy was five' eight while Keina was damn near six feet, Kenta was six feet. "Oh, Kenta, this must be the beautiful sister Hikari told me about it!" Tabo said causing Keina to blush yet giggle.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get any ideas you old perv!" Kenta said as he crossed his arms.

"Oh I'd never!" Tabo said with a smirk, "But I must say Kenta, you just look prettier and prettier each time I see you. Your hair is more shiny and flow like, you're eyes are so sparkly too!"

"Ok, now you really shouldn't be getting ideas Tabo," Kenta said angrily but let out a small laugh with Keina and Tabo.

"I'll take care of her, introduce her to Hikari as soon as he gets back," Tabo said with a nod.

Kenta nodded and gave a hug to Keina before walking off, though she ran up to him and grabbed his hand pulling him back. "Hey Kenta! Are your favorite creatures still dragons?" She asked which caused him to smile, "Ever since you took me to that dragon festival, yeah...Why?"

"Because I made this before I woke you up," Keina said as she gave him a dragon origami figure.

"I love it....Thanks," Kenta said as he gave her a final hug before she went back to Tabo. Kenta let out a chuckle as he walked out of the Squad Ten barracks. It would have been nice to see Hikari, before he….Well, did what he had to do, which reminded him. Rio, she deserved a final talking to before he…Did it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio continued to watch the two while experiencing another one of her strong headaches. It was stronger than the last one, which surprised her since she wasn't expecting to have another headache so soon.... It was too strong to ignore this time, making it hard to even pay attention. Clenching her head with both hands, Rio grit her teeth and squeezed her eye closed. "Unn... Just... pass already" Rio took deep breaths and waited. After a few minutes, the headache faded away as usual, in which Rio sighed in relief, straightening herself up and dropping her hands by her sides while opening her eye. She watched over the fight once more, calm and level-headed. 'Well, I guess I should of gotten myself some medicine instead of going straight into training.... Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it now.' She took a step forward, crossing her arms. "You two are pathetic." Rio suddenly spoke in the harsh blunt tone from before, catching Keisa's attention. Despite being in the middle of the spar, she couldn't help but look over, no doubt earning a hit as a consequence but that didn't concern her.

Balling her right fist, Rio jumped from her spot and launched forward towards the two, unclear of who she was aiming to hit so both of them better have their guard up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo nodded. "Sounds good to me." He said while Megumi tapped her chin thinking about it. "Doesn't seem like it could go horribly wrong, so I'm fine with it. Just in case though, as a way to tell each other, we should fire a byakurai off into the sky as a sign to retreat." She suggested in which Ryozo nodded and began walking with Megumi walking behind him. And as they came to the spot, Ryozo told the man what was going on and soon enough an entrance open up in which Ryozo stepped through with Megumi and Enji and came out looking at the city. "I'll give you two some time to get a little bit into the city before I start drawing them in." Megumi nodded and looked at Enji. "I'll take the left side." She stated before shunpoing off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
Ryozo nodded. "Sounds good to me." He said while Megumi tapped her chin thinking about it. "Doesn't seem like it could go horribly wrong, so I'm fine with it. Just in case though, as a way to tell each other, we should fire a byakurai off into the sky as a sign to retreat." She suggested in which Ryozo nodded and began walking with Megumi walking behind him. And as they came to the spot, Ryozo told the man what was going on and soon enough an entrance open up in which Ryozo stepped through with Megumi and Enji and came out looking at the city. "I'll give you two some time to get a little bit into the city before I start drawing them in." Megumi nodded and looked at Enji. "I'll take the left side." She stated before shunpoing off.

Enji was glad they liked his idea for one thing he made up for in his lack of strength or power was strategy as Megumi made the suggestion of a byakurai. He may of not been good with kido, but the least he was able to do was Byakurai and gave a nod before following them to the senkaimon. Taking the time they took to get there and arrive at the town to calm himself and settle his nerves for once they started he couldn't allow any hesitation or nervouness stop him, cause even a single mistake could end up getting himself or the others killed.'Alright..I'll take the right side. Ryozo..if the number of hollows ends up being too much. Make sure to signal us and we'll retreat and regroup...good luck.'With that he did as Megumi and shunpoed to the right part of the city.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime who was pretty much having a stalemate with Keisa, was okay with this, even though she heard Rios comment, she just decide to keep her attention on the fight. That was until she got punched randomly by Rio which sent her flying into a tree. Nohime rubbed her cheek as it did hurt quite a bit, yet this itself brought up bad memories. Although Rio wasn't a guy, the way it happened just made her mind snap as she grit her teeth. She then stood up and started running, not for Keisa but Rio herself. She also had her hand pointed out as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Kenta had asked around Squad Two but everyone had given him the same answer that Rio went out training with other people which caused him to sigh because no one actually stated where. It left him to one last thing, sensing her, something he really wasn't the best at. He had trained of course, but he couldn't sense very far like Hikari or Tabo, but he knew Rio's well. Closing his eyes he took a breath then nodded, and soon he was off.

Once arriving he saw Nohime fly into a tree and soon shoot off towards Rio. Kenta saw the crazed look in her eye, the one she had when she tried attacking him. He didn't know what happened but he was going to stop it. Shunpo'ing in front of Nohime he held his own hands out and pushed Nohime's back very gently but enough to make her attack stop. He gave her the lightest smile, "H-Hey Nohime...Are you alright?" he asked with a rub to his head, "Sorry for being this close, but I need to borrow Rio for a sec." Kenta then backed away quickly and grabbed Rio's hand, pulling her away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo nodded and waited for them to be out of sight before unsheating his zanpakutos. "Such Bliss, Raionkuraingu" His zanpakuto then formed two coffins and when they did Ryozo took a deep breath in and released, before raising his spiritual pressure quite a bit, enough to the point he could hear rumbling, and quite a bit of Hollows rushing towards him from the distance. "Well this should help those two." Ryozo said as he lifted the coffins up as the hollows got closer to him. While Megumi who kept an eye out for anything odd, saw the hollows begin rushing by and out of the city towards where Ryozo would be. "Yikes! Hope he has a plan for that!" She told herself as she continued searching for something out of place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Keisa's eyes widened as she watched Rio's hand connect with Nohime's skin. She was fast, as to be expected, but she didn't expect Rio's slightly angry eye to turn to her. It seemed to of had a slight red glint to it, something Keisa had never seen in Rio's eye before, granted she had never seen Rio angry. "ULGH!..." Rio twisted her body before using her right fist to send an uppercut to Keisa stomach, causing the girl to cough up blood before being punched in the face, sent flying back into a tree. "Truly pathetic." Rio's eye then turned onto Nohime as the girl currently rushed for her... but was way too slow. "You should of stayed down little girl." Rio was mere milliseconds away from shunpo'ing towards Nohime when Kenta intervened. "Tch... Makot-Kenta?" At first Rio kissed her teeth and whispered with slight harshness but soon immediately changed, her eye widening as her voice had a tone of breathlessness to it, only due to her surprise. As she looked around, she noticed the look on both of Nohime's and Keisa's faces but before she could speak Kenta pulled her away.

Rio followed him, silent as she walked. She didn't know why he was doing this, but wasn't going to question it either, she had enough questions as it was...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nohime was abruptly stopped by Kenta as she was pushed back a bit, yet when she saw Kenta instead of anger it quickly switched to fear as she backed up immensly, justw atching Kenta ask if she was okay, yet all he got was a simple nod of the head before eh took Rio somewhere. Thats when it came to her what she just did, and without warning she just shunpoed away not going back to the Seireitei but more so a quiet spot in the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Standing there in the air above some building as he saw hollows already massing towards Ryozo as he could feel the reiastu that were attracting them. He gulped a bit at the thought of having to deal with these hollows alone and knew that He and Megumi needed to work fast before it became too much for even the three of them to handle and would grip his short sword. Enji was glad that the two had accepted his plan to separate like this cause he didn't feel confident enough to show his zanpakuto to them, worried they would end up mocking or tease him because of strange and unconventional it was, but now wasn't the time to be holding back.

Left hand gripping the sheath and right hand on the hilt and looked into the city, wishing he knew just how many hollows there were as he took a deep breath and unsheathed his sword.'Strike 1! Strike 2! Strike 3..Play ball Akanbo!'As he spoke the release, his sword would dissipate completely while a small burst of white reiastu with two red stripes going down vertically formed around him. If one were to inspect his reiastu would see that it looked like that of a baseball.

In his hand he gripped the formed aluminum bat with a black, sleek color with a big green number five etched into it-

Floating above him was a baseball glove matched the bat's black color with yellow on the tips of its fingers and on the back of it was a counter with the number 5 matching that of the bat.

Enji gripped the bat firmly in his hand while tipping the baseball cap to secure it onto his head.'Alright..lets play.'He spun the bat once in his hand then kicked off into a run with the glove following suit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Once he had pulled her a good distance away from the other two he looked over his shoulder to see Nohime shunpo'ing away, while the other girl stated there, he assumed recovering? From what he saw in Nohime's eyes, and the way the other girl got beat down....He had his doubts that this was just any normal ol' spar, he wasn't sure what he had walked into but he was sure he stepped in at the right time. He looked back at Rio crossing his arms, "I came to talk to you before I took a small trip away....But first tell me what the hell that was about."
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