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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Megumi continued moving straight with her zanpakuto drawn, she would have released her shikai but its more for certain situations. She still noted the Hollows going for Ryozo, while some lingered around by themselves. So she took the opportunity to shunpo behind ones head and thrust her blade through it, and watched it crash to the ground and vanish. Her first true kill, it helped ease her a bit, and to motivate her as well. If Ryozo could be handling all of these guys at once then she could try and finish the mission.

Meanwhile with Ryozo, he swung his white coffin bashing a Hollow into another one, while he slammed the black coffin down on ones head then blocked a swing from a hollow with the white coffin, raising his right leg he kicked the coffin up, tripping the hollow up a bit, which allowed Ryozo to swing the black coffin, cutting its mask in half. He got punched by one which made him skid back a bit, before he slammed the black coffin down and tapped it twice. This caused black mini arcs to shoot out in multiple numbers tearing through some of the hollows. It lowered the number, but the mob that ran towards him only grew larger and larger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Keisa's eyes were still wide as she watched Rio be pulled away. Pushing herself to a seated position, she looked up to Nohime just before the woman shunpo'ed, which she wasn't really bothered about. Her face returned to it's usual straight expression while she looked at the palm of her hands before standing up, dusting the dirt off of herself. She wasn't angry at Rio, only confused... 'Hopefully she'll explain herself when she returns.'

Expllo said
Once he had pulled her a good distance away from the other two he looked over his shoulder to see Nohime shunpo'ing away, while the other girl stated there, he assumed recovering? From what he saw in Nohime's eyes, and the way the other girl got beat down....He had his doubts that this was just any normal ol' spar, he wasn't sure what he had walked into but he was sure he stepped in at the right time. He looked back at Rio crossing his arms, "I came to talk to you before I took a small trip away....But first tell me what the hell that was about."

"It was..." Rio trailed off before looking away and crossing her own arms. "Just a spar. I had more faith in those two to be able to handle themselves against me." She didn't look back at Kenta, mainly thinking about what he had just said.... causing her heart to sink. "Small trip?... You're not going to be coming back soon after you leave, are you?" Rio asked, her voice growing quiet as she still didn't look at Kenta. ".. H-HNn... a-again... so... soon" Rio suddenly reached a hand to her head once more, but she suppressed her feelings, stopping her pain from showing on the outside, however it was definitely there....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Kenta sighed at her words, "Rio you can't expect two unseated level seeming Shinigami to keep up with a Lieutenant of Squad Two, it just doesn't work that way. Just ease up on them alright?" Kenta said as he looked behind him once more then to Rio once again, "Seriously, from the look on Nohime's face she lost control. Like she does when she see's men...As for Keina, I mean, obviously she was shocked by what you did. Hard training is good, but...Not too hard. And this is coming from the guy who tore himself up day and night, in and out." He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "There's just...Something I have to go take of alright? I won't be gone too long, but it will be a while before I get back. Mostly because of the travel, that's al-...A-Are you alright Rio?" he asked as she reached a hand to her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fuma knocked on his captains door and when allowed entry he walked in, yet he happened to be carrying a towel this time. Placing it on the table he backed up a bit and bowed. "I wish to show you something." Was all he said, when all of a sudden he took out a knife and stabbed himself in the chest four times before dropping the knife on the ground, while his blood gushed out of his body. Holding his hands together in a prayer like state and keeping a calm expression despite the fact he was probably losing a shit ton of blood. "Ten haaku" All of a sudden, two giant glowing hand appeared out of thin air cupping around him, they then vanished and his stab marks were gone and he was no longer bleeding. "It heals major injuries, but doesn't heal minor injuries it doesn't consider life threatening, like paper cuts." Fuma said as he grabbed the towel on the desk and then wiped the floor splattered with his blood, clean. Standing up with a now red towel that was once white. "To use it, you have to put forth a decent bit of your energy and hold your hands like I did. Almost like you are pray for this to go away, and then the hands form, and pretty much you hope it heals, as if it finds it non life threatening, it will drain much of your energy. I consider this a sign that, it's telling you to not waste your energy on small wounds when you could use it on major ones. Anyway that was all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
A bead of sweat dropped down when he realized how tipsy Mukei had become. They had gotten drunk together multiple times though it always ended up with Mukei getting drunk way before him, often passing out and finding himself in the weirdest places though that was on Zheng's part. Zheng chuckled as he himself downed another cup of sake seeing that he may as well join Mukei in on the fun. "Well the Seireitei may have a dark past from before? I mean we still don't have much of a clue what the Seireitei did in the past due to the knowledge being destroyed a long time ago." He shrugged as he thought about it. It was a topic he didn't want to get too in deep in though it was certainly an interesting topic. "You sure know how to put those away." Zheng commented on his friend's constant drinking.

"Bah! I bet you thats a lie!" Mukei said in response to what Zheng had said, taking another drink shortly afterwards "There's no way they could lose such important information. You know what, I bet you *hiccup*...what was I saying?" Mukei scratched his head, completely forgetting what he had said. He shrugged it off and drank a few more shots, his vision getting blurry. He turned towards Zheng after he asked him the question and chuckled, patting Zheng on the back "I've learned from the best, trying to keep up with you has made me a better drinker!" He said with a wide grin. It was obvious he was drunk already, but did not slow down on the drinking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

AeronFarron said
"Ugh...I hate cryptic advice and world shattering truths about one's self." she rolled her eyes then checked on Alucard. The dog was still eating although a little more slowly.She continues to eat then settled down to think on those words...again.

"But that makes figuring it out all the more worth it, and enjoyable," Hikari spoke, "But you are a girl who likes to just get right into the action, so it isn't surprising why you of all people would hate them." Hikari finished the rest of his meat bowl and the rest of his drink. Picking up a napkin he dabbed his mouth before crumbling it up and shooting it into the trash can, grinning like the kid he was inside. He noticed soon after that Haruka and Alucard were finished with their meal causing Hikari to stand out of his seat, smiling as he stuck a hand out to Haruka offering to help her out of her seat, "I believe we have a place to visit, m'la-...Haruka," he said as his smile turned into a smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

KabenSaal said
Mirja saw the two still arguing. or talking, or discussing, or plotting world domination with squirrels. So, she put the back of Rice-Cakes away, and Flash Stepped from her position, to Nishiki. While there, she decided to give an indepth analysis the curves of the green-girl's ass with her hands. She didn't see a problem with that, she was just fact-finding. There was nothing wrong with fact finding, and no one could fault her for it. The muffin obsessed Captain was there as well, but he did not have an ass worthy of analysis and so she did not have any future plans for him. She wasn't sure that showing interest in knowledge was the best introduction to The Punchy Squad but Mirja was never good at introducing herself. It was like, Introduction-a-phobia, or something like that. Only with less phobia and more inability to do so properly.

Nishiki continued to smile up at Shiro, really glad he wasn't gone for too long.... Who knows how horribly wrong her attempt at running Squad Eleven would of went. Hopefully she'd never have to find out and would always be near by her Captain. Nishiki had made her mind up a long time ago, ever since the first time she met Shiro. He didn't even acknowledge her presence at first as she watched him from behind the training room door frame at the time, amazed. Within a split second, she had found that he had threw his sword in her direction, startling her. Ever since then, the first time she had saw his focused face, the lust for battle in his eyes and the fire that raged in his heart, Nishiki knew that this guy was definitely something different, someone totally different to what she was used to... It was true think other people within the Squad had the same feelings as Shiro towards battle, but they were nothing compared to Shiro. Even looking into his eyes right now, despite his change of appearance and happy expression, she could see the same focus and love for battle as she always did. She had never took herself for the battle-loving type, but that must of just been a part of her she hadn't discovered until meeting Shiro. All of this, where Nishiki was at now, was by pure chance and for once she was grateful and glad, which was why she had made up her mind to be led by him and stick close to him until the day she died...

But then, Nishiki was ripped from her pleasant thoughts by the feeling of hands on her behind. She grabbed person's wrists with one hand in an instance, knowing that Shiro may not of been impressed if she were to react easy breezy about this... That would not be what he expected from his new Lieutenant. Turning back, a grin raised on her face as she recognised the woman who touched her, letting her wrists go. "Hey, I know you! You were at Squad Ten earlier~ May I ask what your business is here?" She asked in a cheerful tone while still grinning. Nishiki was always known to be friendly, no matter the situation, unless she was in battle.... that was a different story altogether. "And I might as well introduce myself~ I'm Nishiki Kalemoru, Squad Eleven Lieutenant~" She spoke her name and rank proudly before pointing a thumb behind her to Shiro. "And this is my Captain~ Kenpachi Sora~" After looking back at Shiro over her shoulder with a smile, she looked back at the woman. "Who might you be?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
Kenta sighed at her words, "Rio you can't expect two unseated level seeming Shinigami to keep up with a Lieutenant of Squad Two, it just doesn't work that way. Just ease up on them alright?" Kenta said as he looked behind him once more then to Rio once again, "Seriously, from the look on Nohime's face she lost control. Like she does when she see's men...As for Keina, I mean, obviously she was shocked by what you did. Hard training is good, but...Not hard. And this is coming from the guy who tore himself up day and night, in and out." He sighed and rubbed the back of his head, "There's just...Something I have to go take of alright? I won't be gone too long, but it will be a while before I get back. because of the travel, that's al-...A-Are you alright Rio?" he asked as she reached a hand to her head.

Rio looked up at Kenta, her face straight, blank. "I obviously wasn't using all of my power. I lowered myself to the level of a low-level seated member since the both of them are unseated. Do you not know what is going on Kenta? We are in the middle of a war. Times may be peaceful at the moment but who's to say that won't change in a blink of an eye. I'm trying to prepare them for fighting those of a higher level than them so that they could work on their techniques and realise that they need to train harder if they want to achieve higher." Rio continued to listen to Kenta, realising even more just how different he was now.... It was as if the roles had been switched, now she knew how Kenta must of felt when she used to question him about his harsh methods of training. "Of course she did, I was counting on that to happen. Obviously Keisa would of been shocked, it was an unexpected attack that I didn't inform them on. And well, what has that training done for you know? Just look at you, you're clearly much more stronger than before..." She looked away, hoping Kenta would just drop the topic and realise that she was doing it for their own good. "I see. I glad to know that you have given me a chance to say goodbye this time..." She looked down and sighed, closing her eye. "I'm fine Kenta." Rio dropped her hand, in thought for a moment...

"... Kenta, whatever it is you're doing just know that.... I'll be here and if need be I will help." Looking back up to Kenta with her one eye, the expression she held showed that she was completely serious. "So far it has come to my attention that you are different... and I hardly know the new you. You've been too wrapped up in your own business, which is understandable, but... we're both different now and I feel the Kenta I remember is but a memory now, therefore the Kenta standing before me is someone completely different." Rio took a step forward, closer to Kenta while still looking him in the eye. "I see you're more open to show what's on your mind now, whereas I'm not anymore. I see that your arms have returned, but they can't of been your real arms because your real arms have tallies scattered all over them. I know you left a note explaining everything, but I didn't read it all. I wanted to see for myself and hear it from your words... I don't know your relationship with Takara or how you even know her. Why hasn't she came back and talked to me about her situation? Does she feel that I am too inadequate to help? Does she just not want to tell me of what's going on with her because it's too personal? I assume she's not going to return seeing as you're not and she's with you. I don't even know where you live now, who you've met or anything... I don't know anything about this new life of yours. The only thing I know is that you're Kenta Makoto, ex-Squad Six Lieutenant that went through... very bad experiences... But that's another thing. Do you feel I'm too inadequate to help you? Do you think keeping me in the dark is the best choice? Do you think I prefer to know absolutely nothing about my best friend! I understand we haven't had a chance to talk fully, but there, another thing, you're leaving already! Kenta, for goodness sake, Tell me if you don't want... to be close with me anymore..." At this point, Rio spoke her thoughts, feeling a emotional which caused her head to hurt again since she refused to show it. "I don't... even know you any more... Takara probably knows more about you now! Do you not see how that makes me feel?! Of course not because you're ALWAYS LEAVING ME!" Rio didn't understand why she couldn't stop herself... she didn't want to say anything to hurt Kenta or upset him but after all of this time waiting, believing he'd never come back and finally making herself accept it... he returns... Just as she was ready to resume her friendship with him, get to know him more, create more memories with him as they bonded... he leaves again! It may of not been for a long time, but as a Shinigami, you never know when your life would come to a sudden stop... Death looms over them all, around every corner, within the face of all enemies... It was a part of their job to know that they could die at any time anyway.... That didn't make it easier to accept it though.... Rio's hands clenched into fists before she ripped her gaze away, turning around since she just couldn't look at Kenta right now, her shoulders visibly beginning to shake. "How could you be so secretive... keeping everything from me... and here I thought we told each-other everything.... Here I thought you cared about me, like I care about you!.... Do you just not want me in your new life? Does looking at me remind you of the old you so much that you don't want to associate with me anymore or something?.... The year with the clone... then three months of nothing from you! Your headphones and the memories we made the only things reminding me that you did exist! You did care!.... And now this.... Kenta, all I've wanted was for you to be happy, for you to be able to enjoy your life... but I guess it would be better off without me... I'm just useless, pathetic, weak, unable to help anyone I care about! Kept in the dark about everything! I couldn't save my mother! I couldn't save my father! I couldn't save those who were murdered in my Clan! My childhood friends! I couldn't even save my memories! And now.... I can't even try to save you.... Who's next? Captain Kuchiki! Kazuhiko and Souta! My entire Squad! And then... Kaizo.... I'm tired of relying on others, believing that you won't all leave me like my parents and entire Clan did.... I had to endure a year without Kaizo then to find out that when you went looking for him, you were kidnapped and what did I do? Nothing... I couldn't do Anything..." Still holding back her tears, Rio sighed to try and calm herself down... After just taking a few breaths, she spoke up again. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you... I'm sorry I can't help you.... I'm sorry that you've got so much to take care of and I'm too useless to even know about any of it.... I'm glad you found your sister Kenta, I'm glad you've built up a new life for yourself, I really am. But I'm not stable Kenta... I rely on Kaizo to keep me ground, but what happens when I can't rely on him... I really am pathetic if I can't even take care of myself.... All I'm going to ask of you is this.... Just... don't die.... Even if we drift apart, don't die... I will never forgive you if you ever let that happen." Crossing her arms, Rio returned back to her calm self, hiding her anger and sadness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai dreamed peacefully until she rolled over. Rolling over of course made her come crashing out of the tree. “crap that hurt” she sat up rubbing her head . When she looked up several others were looking at her. She let out a yawn before asking “is the captain or lieutenant back yet” They told her that the lieutenant had come and gone yet again. But they weren’t sure about the captain, “of course” she jumped to her feet and brushed herself off. But people were still looking at her. “what?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Well, fair enough, I have no say so in what you do with your Squad members. Just...Nohime...It isn't healthy for her being put into that state...But like I said, your Squad your rules," Kenta said, though dropping it seeing as how she wanted to, "As for my training, well, Tai doesn't like her methods being stated. Atleast not when there's more than a few people around...." As she spoke about him letting her have a chance to say goodbye this time, a pain shot through his heart as he looked down at the ground with his hair falling in front of his face. He already regretted that whole thing, lost nights of sleep because of it, hated him because of it....But Rio probably lost more than that. As she went on her rant Kenta rubbed his left arm the whole way through, at some points squeezing his arm in anger, he would have popped a few bones if he had some.

"I'm sorry you feel that way....And I have no real answers for any of those...But please don't act like I wasn't the same way at one point. Things are just starting to look up for me, but I've had to wait over a hundred years for it to even start. Couldn't do anything about my own parents, hell I'm the one who got my sister killed, had to train my ass off and got nowhere! It's only because I've relied on people that I've even gotten this far! You, Captain Kuchiki, Tai, Minori...Hell, without the last two I would still be in a fucking warehouse somewhere sticking used needles inside of myself like a pathetic piece of shit!" Kenta pretty much yelled while throwing his arms out just before letting them drop, "M-Maybe...Maybe I'm just tired of relying on people too....I want to do something on my own for once....Get over my own problems, fight someone with power I've gained myself. Maybe that's why I haven't told you anything yet....I just don't...I just don't want help at the moment, for myself atleast. But I guess I can't even make choices for myself for once in my life without getting people hurt....And it's not even that. I make a choice that'll either make me feel worse or bring me up more, and either way it goes it affects people for the worse. So no, Takara does not know more about me than you at this point. She knows tiny things and that's about it, just like you...As for why she hasn't talked to you then that's her business."

Kenta backed up rubbing the back of his head while looking at the ground sadly, "I guess that woman was right. Bad Luck Kenta is my name, no matter where I go or what I do things just go wrong. I've always wanted to help people but I just end up hurting them....Now I remember why I pushed people away, never let anyone in. Because shit like this happens! Each and every time!...I'm sorry for leaving Rio, but I promise....This'll be the last time. As for not dying, well....I had to learn the hard way that everyone dies." Once Rio turned around she would see that Kenta was already gone, almost as if he was never there at all.

Kenta had gotten far away from that location and was stumbling through the forest again while holding his ringing head, he slammed into a tree but kept on walking. I know what I have to do! I know, I know, I know! Kenta thought before bumping into someone. He backed up looking up to see The Woman.

She placed her fingers on his chin again, smelling that toxic nail polish she wore. She began speaking...Speaking...He saw her lips move and curl up into a smirk, but he heard nothing....Come to think of it he hadn't really heard anything since he left Rio. But something he did hear clearly, reciting in her voice and his. "See no evil," he never saw her face until now, "Hear no evil," he was....Deaf at that moment, "Speak no evil!" her lips then found their way onto his causing his eyes to widen as the smell had gotten stronger. She wore...The poison on her lips too....She pulled away, "You know what you have to do."

"...I know," Kenta said as tears poured of his eyes, dropping the blade that had just ripped his stomach open. Kenta fell to his knees, then to the ground, "I knew...I'm s-sorry...Rio...K-Keina...Ever..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
"Well, fair enough, I have no say so in what you do with your Squad members. Just...Nohime...It isn't healthy for her being put into that state...But like I said, your Squad your rules," Kenta said, though dropping it seeing as how she wanted to, "As for my training, well, Tai doesn't like her methods being stated. Atleast not when there's more than a few people around...." As she spoke about him letting her have a chance to say goodbye time, a pain shot through his heart as he looked down at the ground with his hair falling in front of his face. He already regretted that whole thing, lost nights of sleep because of it, hated him because of it....But Rio probably lost more than that. As she went on her rant Kenta rubbed his left arm the whole way through, at some points squeezing his arm in anger, he would have popped a few bones if he had some."I'm sorry you feel that way....And I have no real answers for any of those...But don't act like I wasn't the same way at one point. Things are starting to look up for me, but I've had to wait over a hundred years for it to even start. Couldn't do anything about my own parents, hell I'm the one who got my sister killed, had to train my off and got no! It's only because I've relied on people that I've even gotten this far! You, Captain Kuchiki, Tai, Minori...Hell, without the last two I would still be in a fucking warehouse somewhere sticking used needles inside of myself like a pathetic piece of shit!" Kenta pretty much yelled while throwing his arms out just before letting them drop, "M-Maybe...Maybe I'm just tired of relying on people too....I want to do something on my own for once....Get over my own problems, fight someone with power I've gained myself. Maybe that's why I haven't told you anything yet....I just don't...I just don't want help at the moment, for myself atleast. But I guess I can't even make choices for myself for in my life without getting people hurt....And it's not even that. I make a choice that'll either make me feel worse or bring me up more, and either way it goes it affects people for the worse. So no, Takara does not know more about me than you at this point. She knows tiny things and that's about it, just like you...As for why she hasn't talked to you then that's business."Kenta backed up rubbing the back of his head while looking at the ground sadly, "I guess that woman was right. Bad Luck Kenta is my name, no matter where I go or what I do things just go wrong. I've always wanted to help people but I just end up hurting them....Now I remember why I pushed people away, never let anyone in. Because shit like happens! Each and time!...I'm for leaving Rio, but I promise....This'll be the last time. As for not dying, well....I had to learn the hard way that everyone dies." Once Rio turned around she would see that Kenta was already gone, almost as if he was never there at all.Kenta had gotten far away from that location and was stumbling through the forest again while holding his ringing head, he slammed into a tree but kept on walking. Kenta thought before bumping into someone. He backed up looking up to see The Woman.She placed her fingers on his chin again, smelling that toxic nail polish she wore. She began speaking...Speaking...He saw her lips move and curl up into a smirk, but he heard nothing....Come to think of it he hadn't really heard anything since he left Rio. But something he did hear clearly, reciting in her voice and his. "See no evil," he never saw her face until now, "Hear no evil," he was....Deaf at that moment, "Speak no evil!" her lips then found their way onto his causing his eyes to widen as the smell had gotten stronger. She wore...The poison on her lips too....She pulled away, "You know what you have to do.""...I know," Kenta said as tears poured of his eyes, dropping the blade that had just ripped his stomach open. Kenta fell to his knees, then to the ground, "I knew...I'm s-sorry...Rio...K-Keina......"

Rio kept quiet, gritting her teeth as Kenta spoke while her temper raised. "People get hurt, that's a part of life, doesn't mean they stop caring..." Since her arms were crossed, Rio dug her nails into her arms as her shoulders continued to shake. Keeping quiet, Rio didn't interrupt Kenta's speech, but once he was finished, she turned back around, ready to talk but he... disappeared.... This made her heart sink lower as a short moment of silence passed while her expression started to show how enraged this had truly gotten her. "REALLY KENTA?! ARE YOU GOING TO RUN AWAY LIKE A COWARD?!! KENTA!!" Rio then shunpo'ed into the air, standing in the air over the tops of the trees, screaming and shouting as loud as she could, having enough of this. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ACTING SO COWARDLY!! I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU'D RUN FROM ME!!" Despite yelling at nothing, a tear rolled down her cheek while she searched the trees below her. "THIS SHOWS YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME!! YOU LIED TO ME!! IF YOU CARED, YOU WOULDN'T RUN AWAY!! YOU'D FACE ME AND TELL ME IT'S OKAY!! YOU'D TELL ME THAT YOU UNDERSTAND WHY I'M UPSET BUT THERE WOULD BE NO NEED TO BE UPSET ANYMORE!! YOU'D TELL ME THAT YOU'D NEVER LEAVE FOR GOOD!! YOU'D ALWAYS COME BACK!!...." A few more tears rolled down, her heart cracking... " YOU LIIIIIIEEEEEED TO ME KEEEENNNNTTAAAA!!!!!!!!! KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" She began sobbing, feeling betrayed... How could Kenta leave like this?.... How could he leave knowing how she was with her emotions.... She just didn't want to think any more, shunpo'ing back to the floor, her throat feeling sore from screaming so much. Rubbing her eye with her sleeves, she began walking back to the Seireitei, emotionless all of a sudden as her eye gained the red glint from before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo had decided to take the rest of the day off, he felt like he needed a break from everything, he hoped Rio was handling things okay, after all it was her who really deserved the break, however she did make it seem convincing that she was okay...he could only hope she was, if she wasn't then...well he'd feel like a fool for not realising. However to take his mind of the Seireitei he decided to chop some wood as they were beginning to run low on it, and they needed some for when the colder weather eventually kicked in or got worse. Kaizo then stopped chopping the wood for a bit and slammed the axe into the tree trunk as he wiped his forehead with the back of his right hand "Phew, I think that's enough for now. Didn't think I'd have so much wood leftover from the house build." Kaizo then let out a deep breath as he closed his eyes to think for a moment...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki continued to smile up at Shiro, really glad he wasn't gone for too long.... Who knows how horribly wrong her attempt at running Squad Eleven would of went. Hopefully she'd never have to find out and would always be near by her Captain. Nishiki had made her mind up a long time ago, ever since the first time she met Shiro. He didn't even acknowledge her presence at first as she watched him from behind the training room door frame at the time, amazed. Within a split second, she had found that he had threw his sword in her direction, startling her. Ever since then, the first time she had saw his focused face, the lust for battle in his eyes and the fire that raged in his heart, Nishiki knew that this guy was definitely something different, someone totally different to what she was used to... It was true think other people within the Squad had the same feelings as Shiro towards battle, but they were nothing compared to Shiro. Even looking into his eyes right now, despite his change of appearance and happy expression, she could see the same focus and love for battle as she always did. She had never took herself for the battle-loving type, but that must of just been a part of her she hadn't discovered until meeting Shiro. All of this, where Nishiki was at now, was by pure chance and for once she was grateful and glad, which was why she had made up her mind to be led by him and stick close to him until the day she died... But then, Nishiki was ripped from her pleasant thoughts by the feeling of hands on her behind. She grabbed person's wrists with one hand in an instance, knowing that Shiro may not of been impressed if she were to react easy breezy about this... That would not be what he expected from his new Lieutenant. Turning back, a grin raised on her face as she recognised the woman who touched her, letting her wrists go. She asked in a cheerful tone while still grinning. Nishiki was always known to be friendly, no matter the situation, unless she was in battle.... that was a different story altogether. She spoke her name and rank proudly before pointing a thumb behind her to Shiro. After looking back at Shiro over her shoulder with a smile, she looked back at the woman.

Mirja felt her wrists grabbed by Nishiki, who had a very powerful grip. However, she didn't need to worry much about it since the Lieutenant turned around and smiled, letting go of her wrist as she saw it was someone she knew. THen, came the very polite introduction for her, and for the man next to him. It was nice that Nishiki saw this as the analysis it was and not anything else. Mirja nodded, and grinned.
"I was at 10th. I heard talking and was curious as to what was being said" she told Nishiki, before taking a big breath. "Hello Lieutenant!" She exclaimed with a very broad grin, before turning to Sora. "Hello My Captain!" She exclaimed again, before standing up broadly, obviously displaying herself. "I'm Mirja..." She held the end note for a while, as if thinking about something, and then deflated. "I don't know. I forgot" she said, scratching a half-hidden scar on her forehead. "But, I don't really have any cool titles either, so just Mirja" she finished, in a much less energetic tone.

"BUT!" She recovered, Twice as vigorous, as if in response of the momentary loss. "My business here is to throw the Greatest Party in the Universe. And then you'll all be 'wow, Mirja, your so cool, come join us' and then I'll be all 'Aww, I'd love to, thanks' and then we can frollock in the midnight moon!" She explained, clearly having a giant plan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zane620 said
Fuma knocked on his captains door and when allowed entry he walked in, yet he happened to be carrying a towel this time. Placing it on the table he backed up a bit and bowed. "I wish to show you something." Was all he said, when all of a sudden he took out a knife and stabbed himself in the chest four times before dropping the knife on the ground, while his blood gushed out of his body. Holding his hands together in a prayer like state and keeping a calm expression despite the fact he was probably losing a shit ton of blood. "Ten haaku" All of a sudden, two giant glowing hand appeared out of thin air cupping around him, they then vanished and his stab marks were gone and he was no longer bleeding. "It heals major injuries, but doesn't heal minor injuries it doesn't consider life threatening, like paper cuts." Fuma said as he grabbed the towel on the desk and then wiped the floor splattered with his blood, clean. Standing up with a now red towel that was once white. "To use it, you have to put forth a decent bit of your energy and hold your hands like I did. Almost like you are pray for this to go away, and then the hands form, and pretty much you hope it heals, as if it finds it non life threatening, it will drain much of your energy. I consider this a sign that, it's telling you to not waste your energy on small wounds when you could use it on major ones. Anyway that was all."

Lotte Brunhild sat in her office, doing Captain paperwork as every Captain would do when an unexpected knock came to her door. Granting entrance to the one on the other side, Lotte sat back in her chair, looking up to see Fuma. Although slightly surprised, Lotte kept up her serious stare as she watched Fuma's act silently. Once he was done, Lotte spoke up. "I z'ee, I z'ee. Hmmmm, gut idea, I like it. Be sure to teach z'he seated members z'his technique, z'hen you and z'he others can teach z'he rest of z'he Squad." Lotte looked back down onto her paperwork, about to dismiss Fuma when she remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot, I'm promoting z'ou to Third Z'eat of z'his Squad. I v'as going to do z'his a while ago but I had more important z'hings to attend to so I had forgotten. Anyv'ay, you v'ill have alot more responsibility now, however I am confident z'hat you'll be able to handle it. Now, z'ou are dismissed." Once that was said, Lotte returned to her work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo had decided to take the rest of the day off, he felt like he needed a break from everything, he hoped Rio was handling things okay, after all it was her who really deserved the break, however she did make it seem convincing that she was okay...he could only hope she was, if she wasn't then...well he'd feel like a fool for not realising. However to take his mind of the Seireitei he decided to chop some wood as they were beginning to run low on it, and they needed some for when the colder weather eventually kicked in or got worse. Kaizo then stopped chopping the wood for a bit and slammed the axe into the tree trunk as he wiped his forehead with the back of his right hand "Phew, I think that's enough for now. Didn't think I'd have so much wood leftover from the house build." Kaizo then let out a deep breath as he closed his eyes to think for a moment...

Rio was on her way towards the Seireitei but stopped, the sound of chopping reaching her ears. Breaking out of her inner ranting, Rio turned around, looking it the direction of the chopping noise as she felt something familiar. Switching her course, Rio continued to walk towards the chopping, hearing Kaizo's voice as she had gotten close. Emerging from between the trees, Rio stood opposite Kaizo and stopped, her face blank and straight. "I was on my way to see you." She stated, her tone of voice seeming flat. She was still angry, fuming actually as her inner rant only added fuel to her already burning fire, the only way to notice this while looking at her was through the red glint behind her plum eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Lotte Brunhild sat in her office, doing Captain paperwork as every Captain would do when an unexpected knock came to her door. Granting entrance to the one on the other side, Lotte sat back in her chair, looking up to see Fuma. Although slightly surprised, Lotte kept up her serious stare as she watched Fuma's act silently. Once he was done, Lotte spoke up. Lotte looked back down onto her paperwork, about to dismiss Fuma when she remembered something. Once that was said, Lotte returned to her work.

Fuma just nodded at this and bowed before his head suddenly jerked as he felt a disturbance, this made him run out of the room where you would then hear someone scream before they cursed about being strapped. Fuma then walked back and nodded his head at the captain before closing the door to her office. Where more screams would go off then more cursing about Fuma and his strapping people. If only they realized that if they stayed still they'd heal faster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
"But that makes figuring it out all the more worth it, and enjoyable," Hikari spoke, "But you are a girl who likes to just get right into the action, so it isn't surprising why you of all people would hate them." Hikari finished the rest of his meat bowl and the rest of his drink. Picking up a napkin he dabbed his mouth before crumbling it up and shooting it into the trash can, grinning like the kid he was inside. He noticed soon after that Haruka and Alucard were finished with their meal causing Hikari to stand out of his seat, smiling as he stuck a hand out to Haruka offering to help her out of her seat, "I believe we have a place to visit, m'la-...Haruka," he said as his smile turned into a smirk.

She finished off her food then stood with his help. "Jerk." she said as she rolled her eyes. She quickly paid for their meal, plus tip, then scurried out of the restaurant. Alucard was hot on her heels.

"So, what do we do now, Lieutenant?" she asked with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shiro looked at the woman who grabbed his Lieutenants ass this caused Shiro to frown as he, instantly placed his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto when Nishiki then turned around and acted seemingly casual about it, Shiro watched and listened as Nishiki spoke to the person as they then introduced themselves and stated their goal, to be quite honest they seemed like a bit of a joke and Shiro had no time for this. Shiro took his hand off his Zanpakuto then picked up Nishiki and threw her over his shoulder and turned around then spoke "If you want to even get close to joining this Squad you best show me something actually impressive, I suggest you go off and go work on it...I have important training to do with my Lieutenant. However...if you want to touch people up and plan party's you best go join one of the other Squads that are considered a joke...maybe Squad 4...they don't do much fighting and they get to deal with loads of people. However if I see you around here again acting like a perv and trying to plan stupid parties I'll cut you in two. I don't have time to waste with people who aren't serious enough to join this Squad." Shiro then began walking off, Nishiki still over his shoulder "if you follow me then you'll end up cut in two a hell of a lot faster..." Shiro then continued to walk off, leaving the barracks and making his way out to somewhere far off in the distance with Nishiki still over his shoulder "Well you heard what we are going to do, we're going to train...also I don't want to see you letting anyone touch you like that again. Your the Squad 11 Lieutenant, I don't want people thinking they can go around and cop a feel when they want...all it takes is some perv like that to start something and then they all start doing it, even those in our own Squad...I'd rather keep their minds set on training not groping women. We clear on that Nishiki? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio was on her way towards the Seireitei but stopped, the sound of chopping reaching her ears. Breaking out of her inner ranting, Rio turned around, looking it the direction of the chopping noise as she felt something familiar. Switching her course, Rio continued to walk towards the chopping, hearing Kaizo's voice as she had gotten close. Emerging from between the trees, Rio stood opposite Kaizo and stopped, her face blank and straight. She stated, her tone of voice seeming flat. She was still angry, fuming actually as her inner rant only added fuel to her already burning fire, the only way to notice this while looking at her was through the red glint behind her plum eye.

Kaizo continued to wipe his forehead when he then heard Rio speak which caused him to look over to her, a puzzled look on his face as he saw her blank expression "You wanted to see me? A-Are you okay Rio?" Kaizo continued to look at Rio, he couldn't quite pin point what was wrong with her but she seemed really...angry almost, he was unsure of this. Kaizo walked towards Rio, now showing a look of concern as opposed to a puzzled look
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 7 days ago

Zane620 said
As Megumi continued moving straight with her zanpakuto drawn, she would have released her shikai but its more for certain situations. She still noted the Hollows going for Ryozo, while some lingered around by themselves. So she took the opportunity to shunpo behind ones head and thrust her blade through it, and watched it crash to the ground and vanish. Her first true kill, it helped ease her a bit, and to motivate her as well. If Ryozo could be handling all of these guys at once then she could try and finish the mission.Meanwhile with Ryozo, he swung his white coffin bashing a Hollow into another one, while he slammed the black coffin down on ones head then blocked a swing from a hollow with the white coffin, raising his right leg he kicked the coffin up, tripping the hollow up a bit, which allowed Ryozo to swing the black coffin, cutting its mask in half. He got punched by one which made him skid back a bit, before he slammed the black coffin down and tapped it twice. This caused black mini arcs to shoot out in multiple numbers tearing through some of the hollows. It lowered the number, but the mob that ran towards him only grew larger and larger.

Enji kept running forward as he searched everywhere for any sign of what could be drawing the hollows to this town, but the amassing hollows made it hard to search through them. Suddenly two hollows came into his path and had to skid to a halt before holding the bat at them with both hands gripping it, though at the sight of it, the two hollows would burst into laughter.

Hollow: What's he gonna do with that? swing at us?'The hollow burst into laughter once more

hollow 2: Better watch out before he strikes us out, then we're all dead!

The hollows kept mocking him since this was the first they ever met a shinigami with such a non-threatening zanpakuto as Enji gripped the bat tightly and slid his left foot forward into a batting stance. Eyeing them intently while the hovering glove opened up and at the center of its palm, a baseball formed before the glove closed around it. Reeling back then shot forward throwing the ball which flew at a speed of 100 mph; not at the hollows but at Enji who had pulled his bat back and exhaled slowly.

A loud, shuddering crack filled the air with the bat striking the ball and sending it flying at the hollow with greater force.

Hollow: Oh gonna enterta-' Unable to finish as the ball smashed into his face with such force that his body was pushed back as his face was shattered.

Hollow 2: huh? You bastard!'The second hollow was about to lunge forward, but Enji had shunpoed followed with a jump and appeared in front of him. Before the hollow could follow with an attack, he had swung the bat downward crushing its skull and mask causing the two hollows to disintegrate, while the number on the bat was now level 7 and the glove level 6. Upon landing he would start off into a run once more; having to fight back the urge to cheer at having just killed his first hollow and with a ball and bat of all things and settled with a small grin for now.
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