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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~In the human world~

Above all the fighting were three hollows, bat like as they flew in the sky looking down at the three Shinigami, as they watched the hollows numbers drop, their eyes began to glow brightly, three Garganta's opening up as more hollow flooded out of them towards the three. As this happened a being hidden on a roof, out of sight from the three looked up at the hollows in the sky, watching what they did...and to see if the Shinigami would notice this at all...the Shinigami would end up hollow food if more kept flooding out like this, after all they were only weak Shinigami
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ryozo who was being pushed back a bit by the numbers catching up to him, was smacking Hollows away one by one with the coffins, as he was doing this, he felt like there would always be a sudden jump in the numbers that came at him, before trickling down, then going up again. As he looked around out of the corner of his eye did he spot something close in the sky, which had some flying hollows circling, plus some hollows falling to the ground. As he tapped on the black coffin, the skeleton hands shot out and began grabbing some of the hollows and ragging them into the abyss of his zanpakuto. "Hadō #31. Shakkahō" Ryozo said as he hurled the bright red ball into the sky, not aiming to hit, more so to give the other two a heads up. He really couldn't go and deal with it anyway. As he was once again being beset with waves of Hollows, which made Ryozo sigh as he ran at them. Megumi who was being stopped every so often by some Hollows which for some reason was able to distract with a simple dance, saw a bright light in the sky near a few flying hollows, which made her shrug as she was about to use a byakurai only to remember that was the retreat sign. She then had this idea of using a bakudo and her shikai to her advantage. "Show them your moves, Sonohoka no tokuchō pīkokku! Saying this made her katana change to a large green pole with two metal points at the bottom and top. "Bakudō #9. Hōrin!" She said wrapping it around her own shikai in which she shunpoed in the air, and proceeded to swing the pole around before letting it fly right at one of the bat like Hollows, with the pole piercing right through its head, causing it to descend to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
Ryozo who was being pushed back a bit by the numbers catching up to him, was smacking Hollows away one by one with the coffins, as he was doing this, he felt like there would always be a sudden jump in the numbers that came at him, before trickling down, then going up again. As he looked around out of the corner of his eye did he spot something close in the sky, which had some flying hollows circling, plus some hollows falling to the ground. As he tapped on the black coffin, the skeleton hands shot out and began grabbing some of the hollows and ragging them into the abyss of his zanpakuto. "Hadō #31. Shakkahō" Ryozo said as he hurled the bright red ball into the sky, not aiming to hit, more so to give the other two a heads up. He really couldn't go and deal with it anyway. As he was once again being beset with waves of Hollows, which made Ryozo sigh as he ran at them. Megumi who was being stopped every so often by some Hollows which for some reason was able to distract with a simple dance, saw a bright light in the sky near a few flying hollows, which made her shrug as she was about to use a byakurai only to remember that was the retreat sign. She then had this idea of using a bakudo and her shikai to her advantage. "Show them your moves, Sonohoka no tokuchō pīkokku! Saying this made her katana change to a large green pole with two metal points at the bottom and top. "Bakudō #9. Hōrin!" She said wrapping it around her own shikai in which she shunpoed in the air, and proceeded to swing the pole around before letting it fly right at one of the bat like Hollows, with the pole piercing right through its head, causing it to descend to the ground.

Enji couldn't believe the number of hollows there were and wondered what could be so alluring to bring all of them here. From the corner of his eye did he see a glimpse of red light and turned his head to see the red ball that was around Ryozo's area; hoping he was alright and heard growls from above and looked up to see a garganta with hollows spilling forth with no sign of stopping along with a flying hollow. He gulped, thinking this really was starting to become too much for them, but they had to keep trying a little more and moved into his batting stance. One thing he needed to do was take out one of the flying hollows and take away their scouting. Gripping the bat firmly as the glove formed a red baseball and threw it at him with a speed of 120 mph as its power would be 1.5 times stronger than last time as it made impact with the bat.

The moment the ball made impact with a loud crack would the ball start glowing a dim red as it flew up at the flying hollow too fast for it to avoid it completely. Barely hitting the tip of its wing as an explosion set off taking out its wing and left side of its body and watched it flail to the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Since her captain and Lieutenant were never around Sinai was beginning to question her decision joining this squad. its reputation was impressive and skill wise she would have fell well. Sure she didnt expect to always see and speak to her constantly but shouldnt they at least be around? what really blew her mind was that not one of them were gone but both of them. Sure some of the other squads had no captains and functioned but that was their issue. functioning wasnt the problem. Sinai left the barrack to alleviate her frustration.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

AeronFarron said
She finished off her food then stood with his help. "Jerk." she said as she rolled her eyes. She quickly paid for their meal, plus tip, then scurried out of the restaurant. Alucard was hot on her heels.

"So, what do we do now, Lieutenant?" she asked with a grin.

He chuckled as she called him a jerk, nonetheless she took his hand and accepted his help in which he pulled her up with ease. As she paid for the meal she then rushed out of the restaurant. Hikari smiled watching her as Alucard ran closely by. He pulled out some money as well, putting down the same amount Haruka did all around just out of kindness. "Thanks for the meal!" Hikari called out before he chased Haruka.

Once he caught up, which he did rather fast, she asked what they were going to do now with a grin. He grinned back before looking up at the night sky, it was perfect. He looked down grabbing Haruka's hand before running forward, lightly pulling her as he looked back at her laughing, "C'mon, we can't be late!" he said as he kept his grin.

Hikari had brought her to what seemed to be a small gala. There were lanterns hung up everywhere and shops were open with allot of their items being sold for lower prices than normal, hell even some of them were free. There were even a decent amount of games. "This is the place I wanted to take you," Hikari said smiling at her, not sure if he should still have been holding her hand or not he slowly let it go, "I thought with the gloom in the Seireitei this would be a nice place to get away from it all. Everyone needs a decent day off, one away from training and official work...So this is ours, I hope you like it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

KabenSaal said
Mirja felt her wrists grabbed by Nishiki, who had a very powerful grip. However, she didn't need to worry much about it since the Lieutenant turned around and smiled, letting go of her wrist as she saw it was someone she knew. THen, came the very polite introduction for her, and for the man next to him. It was nice that Nishiki saw this as the analysis it was and not anything else. Mirja nodded, and grinned."I was at 10th. I heard talking and was curious as to what was being said" she told Nishiki, before taking a big breath. "Hello Lieutenant!" She exclaimed with a very broad grin, before turning to Sora. "Hello My Captain!" She exclaimed again, before standing up broadly, obviously displaying herself. "I'm Mirja..." She held the end note for a while, as if thinking about something, and then deflated. "I don't know. I forgot" she said, scratching a half-hidden scar on her forehead. "But, I don't really have any cool titles either, so just Mirja" she finished, in a much less energetic tone. "BUT!" She recovered, Twice as vigorous, as if in response of the momentary loss. "My business here is to throw the Greatest Party in the Universe. And then you'll all be 'wow, Mirja, your so cool, come join us' and then I'll be all 'Aww, I'd love to, thanks' and then we can frollock in the midnight moon!" She explained, clearly having a giant plan.

Kurisa said
Shiro looked at the woman who grabbed his Lieutenants ass this caused Shiro to frown as he, instantly placed his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto when Nishiki then turned around and acted seemingly casual about it, Shiro watched and listened as Nishiki spoke to the person as they then introduced themselves and stated their goal, to be quite honest they seemed like a bit of a joke and Shiro had no time for this. Shiro took his hand off his Zanpakuto then picked up Nishiki and threw her over his shoulder and turned around then spoke "If you want to even get close to joining this Squad you best show me something actually impressive, I suggest you go off and go work on it...I have important training to do with my Lieutenant. However...if you want to touch people up and plan party's you best go join one of the other Squads that are considered a joke...maybe Squad 4...they don't do much fighting and they get to deal with loads of people. However if I see you around here again acting like a perv and trying to plan stupid parties I'll cut you in two. I don't have time to waste with people who aren't serious enough to join this Squad." Shiro then began walking off, Nishiki still over his shoulder "if you follow me then you'll end up cut in two a hell of a lot faster..." Shiro then continued to walk off, leaving the barracks and making his way out to somewhere far off in the distance with Nishiki still over his shoulder "Well you heard what we are going to do, we're going to train...also I don't want to see you letting anyone touch you like that again. Your the Squad 11 Lieutenant, I don't want people thinking they can go around and cop a feel when they want...all it takes is some perv like that to start something and then they all start doing it, even those in our own Squad...I'd rather keep their minds set on training not groping women. We clear on that Nishiki? "

Nishiki held a grin, trying to shrug off the touching of her bottom. She didn't particularly mind, or more wouldn't of if her Captain wasn't standing right in front of her when it happened. Instead of bringing light to the action, Nishiki chose to ignore it instead since that was the easiest option here, or more so that's what she thought. "Hello Mirja, it's nice to meet you!" She exclaimed in a happy tone, grinning widely. It was always nice to meet new people, however when Mirja said what her business here was, Nishiki couldn't help but sweat-drop while rubbing her right temple with her right index finger in a confused fashion, still grinning. "Erm eheh... I don't think Squad Eleven is the place for you th-" Before Nishiki could finish her sentence, Shiro picked her up onto his shoulder. "Wooe!" Her eyes widened a little at first as she tried to get used to being in this position, looking at Mirja when Shiro turned around. She kept quiet, thinking that this girl must be lost or something because Squad Eleven is far from the place to throw parties.... Now, if she wanted to fight then that would of been another story. After Shiro spoke and began walking off, Nishiki called back to Mirja. "Or you should go back to Squad Ten! The Captain there might like you since he's playful!" And with that, Nishiki was carried away, slumping down Shiro's back before sighing and closing her eyes while Shiro walked.

They had gotten a far enough distance away from the Seireitei before Shiro spoke up, immediately waking Nishiki up out of her light nap. She pouted as Shiro spoke, not really seeing what the big deal was at first until he mentioned what her rank was now and why he didn't want her to act the way she did.... Looking down, Nishiki continued to pout, upset now knowing that she had already annoyed Shiro as his Lieutenant. "Yes Captain... I'm sorry..." She watched the floor while still being carried, keeping quiet yet still pouting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo continued to wipe his forehead when he then heard Rio speak which caused him to look over to her, a puzzled look on his face as he saw her blank expression "You wanted to see me? A-Are you okay Rio?" Kaizo continued to look at Rio, he couldn't quite pin point what was wrong with her but she seemed really...angry almost, he was unsure of this. Kaizo walked towards Rio, now showing a look of concern as opposed to a puzzled look

Rio looked back at Kaizo, her face seeming calm but her eye still holding a red glint until it began shaking a little, looking upset all of a sudden as the glint disappeared. "K-Kaizo... I..." She looked down, taking a breath before her eye returned to it's blank stare, regaining the red glint. "I don't want to rely on anyone anymore." Rio stated, her voice sounding a little deeper, flat once more until her face then dropped into a frown, her eye shaking with the upset emotion once again and the red glint disappearing as she looked up at Kaizo. "I c-can't keep trying to stay close with people anymore... I can't... I just... I saw Kenta... h-he left... He came to me to say goodbye... leaving again... But I don't want to feel this way about it.... I don't want to be upset with him... My emotions just got the best of me and I said so many things... I couldn't stop myself.... I don't know, I was just emotional, just like how I used to be but I'm different now... I just need to stop it...." Rio frowned as she spoke, however her face soon straightened up, blank again, the glint returning with a vengeance. "I'm done with this. I'm done with all of you." She then stepped forward but stopped looked down again, sighing as the look in her face returned to being upset once again, the glint fading but didn't return this time. After just staring at the ground, Rio looked back up at Kaizo. "I think... I'll go back to the Squad... I just wanted to forget about what just happened... So I was looking for you to ask if there is anything I can help you with? An errand perhaps? Or anything to do with the Squad of other Squads?" A small smile spread across her lips as she continued to look at Kaizo, seeming not so upset anymore, or more she just pushed that feeling away and returned to normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki held a grin, trying to shrug off the touching of her bottom. She didn't particularly mind, or more wouldn't of if her Captain wasn't standing right in front of her when it happened. Instead of bringing light to the action, Nishiki chose to ignore it instead since that was the easiest option here, or more so that's what she thought. She exclaimed in a happy tone, grinning widely. It was always nice to meet new people, however when Mirja said what her business here was, Nishiki couldn't help but sweat-drop while rubbing her right temple with her right index finger in a confused fashion, still grinning. Before Nishiki could finish her sentence, Shiro picked her up onto his shoulder. Her eyes widened a little at first as she tried to get used to being in this position, looking at Mirja when Shiro turned around. She kept quiet, thinking that this girl must be lost or something because Squad Eleven is far from the place to throw parties.... Now, if she wanted to fight then that would of been another story. After Shiro spoke and began walking off, Nishiki called back to Mirja. And with that, Nishiki was carried away, slumping down Shiro's back before sighing and closing her eyes while Shiro walked. They had gotten a far enough distance away from the Seireitei before Shiro spoke up, immediately waking Nishiki up out of her light nap. She pouted as Shiro spoke, not really seeing what the big deal was at first until he mentioned what her rank was now and why he didn't want her to act the way she did.... Looking down, Nishiki continued to pout, upset now knowing that she had already annoyed Shiro as his Lieutenant. She watched the floor while still being carried, keeping quiet yet still pouting.

After walking a bit longer Shiro then set Nishiki down then looked her in the eyes and put his left hand on the top of her head then spoke "Don't you go getting upset now! I brought you out here for some private one on one training, how can you be upset? I know you may like that sort of thing where people are a bit touchy and flirty with you but you're a Lieutenant now, people should show you respect and it's your job to make sure they do. You may think it'd be more lenient in Squad 11 but if anything it's more strict...I want to make sure that if the worst happens to me the Squad will follow and respect you without question. We are in charge of a Squad filled with mad men and women so it's important they know their place or they will go out of control. I may be asking a lot of you Nishiki but I wouldn't ask you this if I didn't think you could handle it...hell, if you manage to do good work I may even reward you...in more ways than one....you could call it Lieutenants benefits" Shiro then chuckled and grinned "So start smiling! The Nishiki I know doesn't get depressed and upset about anything! especially infront of her Captain!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said

Rio looked back at Kaizo, her face seeming calm but her eye still holding a red glint until it began shaking a little, looking upset all of a sudden as the glint disappeared. "K-Kaizo... I..." She looked down, taking a breath before her eye returned to it's blank stare, regaining the red glint. "I don't want to rely on anyone anymore." Rio stated, her voice sounding a little deeper, flat once more until her face then dropped into a frown, her eye shaking with the upset emotion once again and the red glint disappearing as she looked up at Kaizo. "I c-can't keep trying to stay close with people anymore... I can't... I just... I saw Kenta... h-he left... He came to me to say goodbye... leaving again... But I don't want to feel this way about it.... I don't want to be upset with him... My emotions just got the best of me and I said so many things... I couldn't stop myself.... I don't know, I was just emotional, just like how I used to be but I'm different now... I just need to stop it...." Rio frowned as she spoke, however her face soon straightened up, blank again, the glint returning with a vengeance. "I'm done with this. I'm done with all of you." She then stepped forward but stopped looked down again, sighing as the look in her face returned to being upset once again, the glint fading but didn't return this time. After just staring at the ground, Rio looked back up at Kaizo. "I think... I'll go back to the Squad... I just wanted to forget about what just happened... So I was looking for you to ask if there is anything I can help you with? An errand perhaps? Or anything to do with the Squad of other Squads?" A small smile spread across her lips as she continued to look at Kaizo, seeming not so upset anymore, or more she just pushed that feeling away and returned to normal.

Kaizo looked at Rio and listened to her speak, her attitude seemed to change almost dramatically from being upset to be angry. It went back and forth which confused Kaizo a little, although what she said did hurt him...he wasn't sure why she was saying some of these things however as it was very unlike her and so it really was confusing...Kaizo then noticed a glint in her eye as she then spoke about how she was done with everyone then seeing her sigh, he noticed the glint faded and with what she said next, it was a complete change of attitude. Kaizo wasn't sure of what the hell was happening but he'd have to look into this further. Kaizo rubbed the back of his head as he then spoke "Well it seems like you've been through a lot and got a lot on your mind, I recommend relaxing for a bit Rio...get some rest, the Squad aren't in need of anything to urgent right now. We will return later, perhaps do some more things together as Captain and Lieutenant...I'd like to get more involved anyway and see how well you're doing" Kaizo then smiled at Rio. He had been meaning to do this anyway but now he had more of a reason. It was just odd how she suddenly began acting so cold then went back to normal...was she doing this a lot? all this made Kaizo wonder was what the hell else happened when she left to deal with her clan's business...were the memories affecting her? something was different...that was for sure
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai went back to the place where she had been swarmed by hollows. She wasnt entirely sure why she had come all the way out there but it was where she wound up. The area was secure now, but real banged up of course. As she looked around she tried to remember what had happened. it was a pretty vivid memory, 5th squad captain snatching her off the street and sicking her on someone like a dog. She would have taken offense to that if it wasnt her life story. That was how she spent most of life even before joining the gotei 13. she was a mercenary, an attack dog, and expendable asset. She kind of expected that to be different this time around, but deep down she knew it wouldnt. she was starting at the bottom and no one really cared about the foot soldiers and thats all she was so far. so far. it wouldnt stay that way though, she assured herself. 

She kept moving through the area and eventually left it going further from the seireitei. She often forgot how young she was and why traveling alone wasnt smart for normal girls her age. Her path was blocked, not by hollows but my men. hopefully someone was praying for them because if she heard on cat call at least one of them wasn't making it home.

"Hey sweetheart, it's not safe for pretty little girls like you to be out here all alone" one of them called to her.

"Get out of my way" was Sinai's response.

"Ooooh she's fiesty." A voice came from behind her. She didn't look back but she pretty much surrounded. "Shes a shinigami too, how adorable, she even has a little sword too"

Sure she could just shunpo away, and leave them in the dust but she was leaning more and more towards laying the out. Especially when one grabbed his crotch and said "you want to see a mans sword?"

He first strike wasn't even to the deadbeat that grabbed his crotch. Nope it was the one behind her. A back kick straight to his stomach that hunched him over.

"Little bitch" another yelled. Normally she would have cut him off with a strike to the throat but she had some frustrations to work out. More than she had realized. They all rushed her at the same time. Sure she could have reached for her sword but instead she stepped forward grabbing the first Comer and pulling him in front of the rest causing them to collide. Pissing them off further.

Moments later she walked away from them, leaving them all moaning on the floor. That was all to common In her life. Everyone used to underestimate her because she was a girl. As well as because she was so young. She was looked at like a piece of meat more than she was looked at as a person. And her family and clan exploited that. As a mercenary who was better to accomplish something than the least expected? How better to insult your enemies than by hiring a little girl as a body guard. She kicks ass and looks goods on their arm. God help the next person who tries to put her in a dress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja pouted as the captain told her off. Why kind of mad-man didn't like parties? It was obscene! Illogical! And the getting cut in half part was also a bit scary, so Mirja decided not to press the point. But something impressive, she could do. Flash stepping away from the barracks, and indeed most of the Seretei, she reached the outer gates, where a calm, small collection of trees stood.It was nice. and quiet. Perfect for what she needed. And what she needed was for her sword to start doing that thing where it became something else.
"Ok, we are going to sit down and be all 'ammm' and shit until you are working, ok?" She asked, taking her sword out and placing it across her lap, before breathing deeply, and then exhaling, trying that 'calm' that people so often enjoyed. It was hard for her, and it took nearly an hour before anything started to happen, but it did start to happen and Mirja could feel the sword more clearly, as if she could slip into the world that was inside the sword and converse. Or though, she was never the best with talking, and what if it was a really nice girl? THat'd just be awkward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
After walking a bit longer Shiro then set Nishiki down then looked her in the eyes and put his left hand on the top of her head then spoke "Don't you go getting upset now! I brought you out here for some private one on one training, how can you be upset? I know you may like that sort of thing where people are a bit touchy and flirty with you but you're a Lieutenant now, people should show you respect and it's your job to make sure they do. You may think it'd be more lenient in Squad 11 but if anything it's more strict...I want to make sure that if the worst happens to me the Squad will follow and respect you without question. We are in charge of a Squad filled with mad men and women so it's important they know their place or they will go out of control. I may be asking a lot of you Nishiki but I wouldn't ask you this if I didn't think you could handle it...hell, if you manage to do good work I may even reward you...in more ways than one....you could call it Lieutenants benefits" Shiro then chuckled and grinned "So start smiling! The Nishiki I know doesn't get depressed and upset about anything! especially infront of her Captain!"

While still pouting, Nishiki was sat down as a hand was placed on top of her head by Shiro. She couldn't help but smile due to this, looking up at Shiro as he spoke before pouting once more and looking away. "I only like it from people I know..." She mumbled before quieting herself and looking straight down at the floor between them, listening to the rest of what Shiro said and sighing once he had finished. "You're right Captain... I know better than to let those type of things slide. I won't do it again, sir..." Nishiki continued to keep her eyes to the floor before Shiro began chuckling, drawing her attention. She then shook her head, looking back at Shiro with a bright smile while her eyes closed for a moment before standing up. "Once again, you're right~" She chimed in a slight tune, flicking her green hair while giggling. "Well, Lieutenant benefits won't be necessary~ I want to be rewarded for doing something good, not something I'm meant to be doing anyway. But no worries, I will find out how to do my job properly and won't let you down again~" Silently Nishiki cursed Mirja for acting such a way that Nishiki ended up getting scolded for not reacting the way she should of instead of the way she would do usually... "Now, what training did you have in mind Cap'ain?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo looked at Rio and listened to her speak, her attitude seemed to change almost dramatically from being upset to be angry. It went back and forth which confused Kaizo a little, although what she said did hurt him...he wasn't sure why she was saying some of these things however as it was very unlike her and so it really was confusing...Kaizo then noticed a glint in her eye as she then spoke about how she was done with everyone then seeing her sigh, he noticed the glint faded and with what she said next, it was a complete change of attitude. Kaizo wasn't sure of what the hell was happening but he'd have to look into this further. Kaizo rubbed the back of his head as he then spoke "Well it seems like you've been through a lot and got a lot on your mind, I recommend relaxing for a bit Rio...get some rest, the Squad aren't in need of anything to urgent right now. We will return later, perhaps do some more things together as Captain and Lieutenant...I'd like to get more involved anyway and see how well you're doing" Kaizo then smiled at Rio. He had been meaning to do this anyway but now he had more of a reason. It was just odd how she suddenly began acting so cold then went back to normal...was she doing this a lot? all this made Kaizo wonder was what the hell else happened when she left to deal with her clan's business...were the memories affecting her? something was different...that was for sure

Rio looked down as Kaizo told her to rest, the smile she held dropping from her face. She couldn't rest, she had to do something... if she didn't, she'd get swallowed up by her own thoughts... Wait. '... "Rio, I need you to do something, you know what I want you to do"' While fighting Ursula, her mother's voice echoed through her mind. Indeed she did know what she needed to do, she just had to wait for a little while before having to do what she wanted... Now was the perfect time, while everything was still peaceful. "Yes Captain. I will visit your office some time later and then we could make arrangements." Rio bowed in front of Kaizo before turning around and heading back towards the Seireitei, definitely back to her normal self, or so it seemed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
He chuckled as she called him a jerk, nonetheless she took his hand and accepted his help in which he pulled her up with ease. As she paid for the meal she then rushed out of the restaurant. Hikari smiled watching her as Alucard ran closely by. He pulled out some money as well, putting down the same amount Haruka did all around just out of kindness. "Thanks for the meal!" Hikari called out before he chased Haruka.Once he caught up, which he did rather fast, she asked what they were going to do now with a grin. He grinned back before looking up at the night sky, it was perfect. He looked down grabbing Haruka's hand before running forward, lightly pulling her as he looked back at her laughing, "C'mon, we can't be late!" he said as he kept his grin.Hikari had brought her to what seemed to be a small gala. There were lanterns hung up everywhere and shops were open with allot of their items being sold for lower prices than normal, hell even some of them were free. There were even a decent amount of games. "This is the place I wanted to take you," Hikari said smiling at her, not sure if he should still have been holding her hand or not he slowly let it go, "I thought with the gloom in the Seireitei this would be a nice place to get away from it all. Everyone needs a decent day off, one away from training and official work...So this is ours, I hope you like it."

Haruka looked confused when the lieutenant took her hand and dragged her off. She managed to hold off her questions until they got to the gala. Her eyes lit up like a child's and she hugged the man quickly. "Thank you!! I've always wanted to go to one of these!" she said before she released him and then hurried over to a stall. Alucaerd bounced right along, yipping and barking at the lanterns and sights.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The sounds of blades clashing and people screams of pain echoed throughout the Squad 11 training grounds. However, Shoske wasn't in any of the fights. He was standing on a pole on the tip of his feet, meditating and practicing his control over his senses and body. Suddenly from above, a giant spiked fall swung towards him. Without looking, he ducked and dodged the giant ball. Soon another followed, this time aiming for his head. Without hesitating, he jumped back off the pole and landed on another without losing his balance. Soon after, a large number of these spiked balls began to swing all around him, Shoske dodging them This isn't enough, last time my eyes couldn't even keep up with that arrancar, I need to push myself further He thought to himself as he continued to dodge the flails. He designed this training course just for himself, to increase his reflexes. However, by now it was hardly anything to him. He needed first hand fighting experience, someone of equal power. He jumped off the pole while dodging a flail and landed on the ground. He picked up a towel and wiped off the sweat as he watched other members fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seki came back to the squad barracks after spending a bit of time away from it, to train on her own for a bit. She would asked Shiro to train, but he seemed to busy with Nisihiki so she decided not to disturb them again, but she did want to train quite a bit, and she needed someone for that. Thats when she remembered someone who also had a bit of a vendetta against Joker, and he so happened to be in the same squad as her. She walked around the training grounds and then found who she was looking for. She watched him dodge the flails before jumping out and looking at the other members. Seki then walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey Shoske, spar with me for a bit?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Seki came back to the squad barracks after spending a bit of time away from it, to train on her own for a bit. She would asked Shiro to train, but he seemed to busy with Nisihiki so she decided not to disturb them again, but she did want to train quite a bit, and she needed someone for that. Thats when she remembered someone who also had a bit of a vendetta against Joker, and he so happened to be in the same squad as her. She walked around the training grounds and then found who she was looking for. She watched him dodge the flails before jumping out and looking at the other members. Seki then walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey Shoske, spar with me for a bit?"

Shoske was watching and studying the other members, not really finding any of them to he strong enough. He could see all of their movements with ease and knew it would only take minutes for him to beat them. Suddenly, a female voice called his name and asked him to a spar. He smirked and turned, to see the 5th seat Seki. What a perfect coincidence. He tossed the wet towel to the side and nodded "Sure, I've been looking for a good spar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When he agreed to having the spar, she simply nodded and looked around, before scratching her head. "Well it depends now, if were going to spar more seriously. Then we should find a more suitable location, that we don't mind being destroyed. Unless you want to just spar with our sealed states, I doubt we will get anything out of that though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
Avatar of Phobos

Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
When he agreed to having the spar, she simply nodded and looked around, before scratching her head. "Well it depends now, if were going to spar more seriously. Then we should find a more suitable location, that we don't mind being destroyed. Unless you want to just spar with our sealed states, I doubt we will get anything out of that though."

Shoske rubbed his chin, not giving it much thought. Sure spars were regular in Squad 11 but he just didn't want a spar. "Well I would say we could just spar here, but I don't think our captain would like us destroying the barracks" He said with a slight grin "Our best bet would probably be the outskirts of the Soul Society. That way, we can destroy as much as we want and not be disturbed. Sound good to you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow
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