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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja tried to listen to what the head captain was saying, but he had one of them official voices that where really boring to listen to, and so she found herself scratching her itchy beard. And then realized she didn't have a beard, so the next few minutes where spent wondering where her beard had gone, or if she had ever been bearded in the first place. When she came around to sense again, people where milling around looking very sad, which must have met that the Head Captain's announcement was really sucky and something Mirja should have listened to. Not for the lack of trying, but the words just didn't stick in her head. However, there was nothing she could do about it now, so she looked around, and found the Anti-Party Captain. He had asked for something impressive, which is what drove her to make her yet un-named new technique. But, he was talking to someone else, so Mirja casually walked around and waited for him to move, if he was going back to the 11th, she'd follow him there and then beat up some of the squad people and throw a party. If he wasn't....she'd probably still go and beat some people up at 11th. They made a nice crunching sound when their bones broke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko watched as some people began to slowly disperse this caused him to lift his hat slightly then he walked over to Shiro and stood next to him then spoke "You seem shocked about this news Captain Kenpachi...I would have thought you'd be enjoying the fact you are now the strongest Captain after Head Captain Juki...." Shiro heard someone speak then looked to them to see Kagiko smiling "" Kagiko continued to smile then spoke "Think about it Captain...Kurisa Kuchiki was the strongest Captain after Juki...and after him there was you...so...you've taken your rightful place on the power scale. However that is not why I am here..." Shiro looked up at the sky then frowned "" Kagiko nodded then spoke as he held Shiro's Zanpkuto in his hands "interesting...this is very helpful indeed..." Kagiko then held out Shiro's Zanpakuto to him then spoke "Make sure not to forget your goals Captain...don't ever stop..." Shiro looked down at Kagiko then his eyes widened as he was holding his Zanpakuto, Shiro frowned at this then snatched it back off Kagiko as Kagiko then began walking away "" As Kagiko walked off he spoke "I was merely investigating it Captain...as I said....don't forget your goals..." Kagiko then shunpoed off leaving Shiro pissed as he sheathed his Zanpakuto "" Shiro then remembered something his Zanpakut had asked of him causing his eyes to narrow "" Shiro then shook his head "" he then looked to Nishiki and spoke ""

Nishiki had her fists still clenched and eyes still to the floor... She'd refuse to ever lay eyes upon that man, and so hadn't, even when he first showed up she never looked at him once due to how he treated her Captain. The very sound of his voice scratched at her brain, nothing but an annoyance, and even more so now due to this death... A random man then walked up to her Captain and began speaking. The proximity between this man and her Captain had already called to her attention as her eyes snapped to the Squad Twelve Lieutenant. Nishiki watched their interaction silently, finding this man a little... off. Just by maybe, a centimeter, or a millimetre, but still off none-the-less. But than again, Squad Twelve was off in general, but still, Nishiki didn't judge a book by their Squad, surely he could of been nice... If was just how he was feeling Shiro's Zanpakuto.... After the man took off, Shiro uttered a few words to himself before looking back at her. "Sure, let's go." Immediately Nishiki turned around but didn't move, just waited for Shiro to start walking so she could follow. Nishiki didn't seem as joyful as usual, granted the news wasn't good so that was acceptable... however, in truth, she didn't know Captain Kuchiki enough to care about his death much... She was just pissed off at how Juki could of let it happen, no matter how strong the Captain was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Being pulled off of Hyperion Keina took a couple steps back. Her arms folded over each other as her eyes laid onto the male watching as he activated his Shikai. "Well then. If something shows back up after being ripped in half, the next step is simple. Blowing it up to the point not even dust is left of it." Once he finished speaking Keina nodded rapidly in agreement. Each eyebrow held a funky position on her face as Hyperion began yelling thunder soon furrowing as she titled her head in curiosity. Her eyes widened as he revealed what power it held, the ability was just as weird as he was. The only thing she could comprehend about the ability was Hyperion yelling thunder causing a thunderbolt to strike onto his opponent....or that he was just weird. She didn't mind though. "Ha! Try coming back from Party masta Hypes thunder!!!" She smiled at that. Hyperion then glared at her as she covered her smile giggling quietly as he spoke to her, "You heard nothing!" Her giggling reached a higher volume though she managed to stop when she dropped her hand, she was obviously holding back a laugh. "I didn't hear anything!" She said in a deeper voice to mimic Hyperion. She burst out laughing. Falling onto her back as her hands laid on her gut, she began rolling back and forth. She lifted herself up once she finished laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes soon looking up at Hyperion. "You're funny. I like you, Tiger," she said with a wink before placing her hands on the ground and pushing herself onto her feet with ease. She patted down her backside removing the dust and whatever else may have found it's way onto her clothing. She looked around before scratching her head, "Hm? Didn't you just..." Keina pointed to the top of a cliff where the spider hollow could be made out. It jumped down the cliff landing directly in front of the two female, Haruka and Sinai. It looked battle damaged, presumably by the the lightning bolt, but it didn't look worn out. It began charging read energy in order to shoot another blast. Most would probably assume the hollow didn't have intelligence due to it not taking an easy shot, but most judged too early...."Come on! Let's go!" Keina said as she ran past Hyperion heading towards the location the hollow had jumped down too. She sensed two more people near it which caused her to go faster, hoping Hyperion was close behind.

Hyperion sighed knowing far well she would always bring it up, yet when he began to say something, that most likely related to the spider, his eyes widened and looked at the top of the cliif. "Ripped in half hit by thunder, and you are still alive? I call hacks!" Hyperion shouted only for it to jump down which made Hyperion glare in the distance. "Running ain't going to save you, You insulted my warrior code. I have to kick your ass now." Hyperion mumbled to himself. When keina spoke to him, she didn't even need to tell him in order for him to agree. He took off with her suddenly sensing two others. one being Haruka and the other which was unfamiliar to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

samreaper said
Enji was on his last leg as he was growing exhausted from all the running around and searching futilely for the source and thought that at this point it was too late. He gasped heavily to catch his breath and turned in order to fire the signal, but saw there was no need as he spotted the byakurai high in the sky from Megumi and Ryozo's direction. It seemed one of them had the same idea and had no choice but to give up on the mission and started making his way back, though had to be careful to avoid any groups of hollows for his body wasn't in a good state to battle. They simply weren't ready to handle something of this magnitude and was glad the gillian was gone, however it was taken out.Fifteen minutes passed before he finally reached them and was relieved to see both of them; Ryozo was in a bad state, but still alive.'Megumi..I'll..carry him. You should try to keep the way clear for us.'He panted while speaking and knelt down besides Ryozo to check him over as he could see just how bad a state he was in and required immediate medical attention.'Its..too much...for us anyway. We'll retreat and report to the captain.'He grit his teeth as he draped Ryozo as gently as he could over his shoulders and stood up with a faint grunt as he nearly stumbled a bit with his breathing ragged and legs weak and trembling. Still, they had to get moving or be surrounded with no chance of escape and lifted Ryozo as much as he could.'O-ok..lead the way.'He nodded to Megumi then glanced at Ryozo; hating to see him like that and wouldn't let this be the end for neither of them.

Luckily for her Enji came along and decided to carry Ryozo for her, which was for the best, as she wouldn't be able to move him properly due to the wight and height disadvantage. So she knelt down and picked up Ryozo's zanpakutos and nodded when told to lead the way, so she took off shunpoing. Shooting a byakurai at a hollow that tried to lunge at them every so often, and once out of the city. she opened up the Senkaimon and walked through it, waiting for Enji to carry Ryozo through before closing it. "We should drop Ryozo off at squad four first, then go and report back."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Fumio would open his eyes. Aya who was hiding in a kyyoko, watched with devious intention, then finally... she burst out of the kyyoko and tackled him, lifting him in the air and bear hugging him. "Femme!!! Why have you been avoiding me! I wanted to go on like deep sea adventure with you, but I coul never find you. I heard from Chie that you went all stabby stabby on this cranky woman. Boy if thats all you needed to do, then you should have brought some demons to the party. e wreck stuff on a aily basis, I'll have you know I once wrecked an entire gang and wiped them right the fuck out, I left no trace..... So whatca doiiiiin, you seem more mature.... still look like a girl, but a more mature girl. you also seem stronger...." Aya finally stopped talking, and slowly reached for her sword giving Fumio a devious grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
Luckily for her Enji came along and decided to carry Ryozo for her, which was for the best, as she wouldn't be able to move him properly due to the wight and height disadvantage. So she knelt down and picked up Ryozo's zanpakutos and nodded when told to lead the way, so she took off shunpoing. Shooting a byakurai at a hollow that tried to lunge at them every so often, and once out of the city. she opened up the Senkaimon and walked through it, waiting for Enji to carry Ryozo through before closing it. "We should drop Ryozo off at squad four first, then go and report back."

Enji's progress was a bit slow with carrying an injuired Ryozo and he himself was close to exhaustion and swore that if they survived this mission, that he would work on improving his stamina. At times he nearly stumbled, but quickly righted himself as he kept his left hand on Ryozo's back and the right hand draped over Ryozo's while gripping his bat firmly. The glove floated above him; ready to strike at any hollow who got too close as Enji looked ahead at Megumi who fought off the hollows.*Just a little more...we can't stop now.*Thinking to himself, trying to motivate himself and pushed onward to follow Megumi as fast as he could, while his breathing gradually grew heavier and face drenched with sweat and dust and was glad for any cooling breeze for they felt soothing and helped.

It seemed to drag on forever as he forced his legs to move step after agonizing step.'Megumi!..ahead!'He called out to her as they could see that the senkaimon wasn't much further. At that moment a hollow suddenly lunged at the two from the right, forcing enji to knock it away with his bat as the force caused him to lose his balance and stumbled forward to the ground.'Shit...'Glancing at the unconscious Ryozo as he gulped in lungfuls of air and grit his teeth before using all that he had left to get back up with him and haggard the last few steps to the senkaimon; ignoring the sting from his scraped knees and witht he last of his strength, pushed through the gateway.'Y-yeah..we should.'He stood there holding Ryozo to try and catch his breath and looked to her with a small grin.'We made it back....all of us.'Nodding to her as he adjusted a bit and looked ahead to see shinigami officers running to them and was glad cause he could barely walk any more, that and he didn't even know where the squad 4 barracks were.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When the others arrived they were about to help Ryozo when suddenly he was covered in straps which made Megumi jump a little when a white haired male walked up to Ryozo and picked him up. he walked up to Enji and started to arise his hand when Megumi spoke up. "Wait Fuma, we have to report to our captain!" Fuma stopped and looked at Megumi before looking at Enji. "After that, you go to squad four. If I don't see you. I will hunt you down." Fuma spoke and carried Ryozo to squad four, which made Megumi smile. "Thats Fuma. Hes a part of squad four so hes good, but after we report. You really should go to squad four. He's dead serious about hunting you down. And something about a man who won't show emotion hunting you down is kind of terrifying." Megumi said before shunpoing off the their squad and went right to the captains room knocking on the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zane620 said
As Fumio would open his eyes. Aya who was hiding in a kyyoko, watched with devious intention, then finally... she burst out of the kyyoko and tackled him, lifting him in the air and bear hugging him. "Femme!!! Why have you been avoiding me! I wanted to go on like deep sea adventure with you, but I coul never find you. I heard from Chie that you went all stabby stabby on this cranky woman. Boy if thats all you needed to do, then you should have brought some demons to the party. e wreck stuff on a aily basis, I'll have you know I once wrecked an entire gang and wiped them right the fuck out, I left no trace..... So whatca doiiiiin, you seem more mature.... still look like a girl, but a more mature girl. you also seem stronger...." Aya finally stopped talking, and slowly reached for her sword giving Fumio a devious grin.

Fumio was sat on the floor of the Squad Eight's garden, legs crossed with eyes closed. A small smile drifted across his lips, seemingly from whatever was going on inside his mind, well, inner world. The fresh sent of outdoor air filled his senses as he awoke, welcoming him back to reality. It was refreshing, just sitting out here away from other people, only surrounded by nature's beauty, but of course that wouldn't last long... "ULGH!! AYA!! UN-HAND ME!" Fumio yelled after being bear-hugged out of nowhere. Aya soon let him go, speaking as Fumio dusted himself off and straightened his clothing. Looking back at Aya, he narrowed his eyes at her when she called him a girl before she reached for her sword. Fumio looked away sharply once Aya finished speaking... What she had said did grab his interest, demons were interesting to him after all... But at the same time, he didn't want to talk to Aya, she made herself clear on where he stood with her the last time they spoke. Fumio wasn't one who really cared about stuff like that, he just didn't like wasting his time on people that would only change when they're around others. He didn't care for any of that childish behaviour and would much rather just be alone. "A deep sea adventure is out of the question, so you can forget that, or instead go with someone else, such as Kenji for instance. And for your information, I went to settle important business, something a little more than just 'stabby stabby on this cranky woman'. Also, I believe I somehow achieved Bankai... I don't know what it does, but I've got it, so that must be why I seem stronger I guess." As he spoke, Fumio crossed his arms, well aware of Aya reaching for her sword but he didn't feel like humouring her today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya listened to him letting go of her sword to slap his arm and pout at him. "meanie pants, and here I was being much nicer than Chie would have been, she would have said much worse than me, yet you would have smirked and laughed and said only in your eye gemstone or or only you are allowed to say that gemstone. So ruddde. And why not go on a deep sea adventure, its not like we can drown. Can we? Okay we can probably drown but we should go on a deep sea adventure. and Bankai huh? is it a flower? A rock? A crystal rock, crystal flower. I WANNA FIGHT IT!" Aya said without end again grabbing her word once more and looking at him with puppy dog eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

As Aya spoke, seeming a little frustrated, Fumio couldn't help but smirk, finding her adorable for getting a little worked up over silliness. "Well that's because I like when your sister says stuff like that, I find her oddly charming~ There's just something about how she insults me and talks to me~ Whether it's the bluntness or how she generally is, I don't know, but I find it attractive~ Whereas you're her sister, the bubbly one. I respected you, then you brought Kenji into the picture. I don't care about what's going on between you two, but I'd prefer that you'd be honest and tell me that you'll only talk to me when you're bored with Kenji, instead of leading me to believe that we were... friends... Ulgh, I hate having to say that word. I don't have time to waste on people like that and would much rather just be alone. Whether we could drown or not, I don't care, I refuse to let my hair get wet because of you. But I'll be honest, if your sister asked the same thing, I'd go without a second thought~" At this point Fumio began grinning, wondering whether or not Aya would react badly to what he was saying. "And you're not fighting my Bankai so no." He looked her dead in the puppy-dog eyes, his grin dropping to a straight face. This wasn't going to work on him, not anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya looked at him listening to his every words before dropping her sword, and this time she without warning punched him right across the face, and glared at him. "Don't you dare say that to me! I don't come talk to you cause I'm bored! For a while Is topped talking, cause I knew you would react like this! yet.... it makes me happy you react like that, it's how I imagined what a true brother would react like. Not liking her little sister talking to boys, I never really got to experience what it was like to have a true brother. So seeing you get all mad about me and Kenji, it makes me happy. Cause you see I already consider you my big brother. So don't ever say dumb shit like that again. Cause while you may be older, it won't stop me from beating you up. And of course you rather do that with Chie, shes your girlfriend after all. But for some reason, while she likes the beach she hates the water, she thinks she will burn out or something. geesh you two are weird. One wont get his hair wet. the other is terrified of the ocean." Aya said before hugging Fumio more gently. "Now be a nice big brother..... or I will hurt you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Fumio's grin slowly grew as Aya dropped her sword, but soon his eyes widened a little as a fist flew towards his face. He could of stopped it, but chose not to and just took the hit head-on. His hair fell in-front of his eyes as he stood there, grin none-resistant, he was just quiet. As he listened to Aya, Fumio couldn't believe what he was hearing... He expected her to just go off at him and tell him that she never wanted to talk to him again or something along those lines... but no, instead she said what she saw him as... Turning his face back a little, he looked at Aya, continuing to listen as his face kept straight, stopping himself from showing an feeling. Aya then hugged him gently, but he didn't hug her back, instead just let her hug him as he thought, confused. 'But... no... I wasn't angry at you because of something like that.... was I?.... No, I don't care about Kenji or his bullshit... but, I guess I didn't like the idea of Aya being with that peasant.... Fuck, how'd I get into this situation?... I seriously have a soft spot for Oda's it seems....' Sighing, Fumio placed his right hand on top of Aya's head, closing his eyes. "Why do I care about you Aya?... I blame you, damn bloody adorable demon~" Opening his eyes, Fumio hugged Aya back tightly, not regretting what he said but still, she was right, he didn't want to see her making bad decisions and hang around people that could end up making her do things she didn't want to.... "I dislike caring feeling like this, but I guess I can't help caring about you heh... Little sis... Wait, I thought you were older than me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
When the others arrived they were about to help Ryozo when suddenly he was covered in straps which made Megumi jump a little when a white haired male walked up to Ryozo and picked him up. he walked up to Enji and started to arise his hand when Megumi spoke up. "Wait Fuma, we have to report to our captain!" Fuma stopped and looked at Megumi before looking at Enji. "After that, you go to squad four. If I don't see you. I will hunt you down." Fuma spoke and carried Ryozo to squad four, which made Megumi smile. "Thats Fuma. Hes a part of squad four so hes good, but after we report. You really should go to squad four. He's dead serious about hunting you down. And something about a man who won't show emotion hunting you down is kind of terrifying." Megumi said before shunpoing off the their squad and went right to the captains room knocking on the door.

Surprised when Ryozo was suddenly covered in straps which made him jump a bit when the white haired man started towards him and for some reason felt fear. It was then that Megumi spoke up about needing to report to their captain which stopped the man named Fuma in his tracks. What fuma said sounded like a threat as Megumi explained about him and that he should take what was said seriously and gulped at the thought of such a man chasing after him.'Uh..yeah...I'll make sure to do that.'He was still panting some when she shunpoed off to their squad barracks and would of done the same, but was still winded and too exhausted to shunpo as he cancelled his zanpakuto and put away the sealed sword.'Yeah I'll..catch up.'Wiping the sweat from his eyes and set off towards the squad thirteen barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya simply grinned when he called her a adorable demon, but then questioned whether he was older than her. "I'm one hundred eighty eight years old, Chie is a few years younger than me, and when i was in the Captains office snooping. I saw your age in this like profile thingy. So you are older. Now! go on a deep sea adventure with me! Or you shall invoke my adorable demon wrath! I shall go full scale angry demon adorable mode, and wreck alll the thing!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Fumio let Aya go and looked down at her, smirking. "If you wanted to know, you could of just asked me, Chie or Souta, no need to snoop hmhm~" Fumio chuckle a little before speaking once more. "But I see, I don't know why I was under the impression that you were older... Heh, Oh well. And that does sound tempting.... But I really would prefer not to get my hair wet~ Why can't we do something else?" Fumio thought for a second but then beautiful underwater landscapes and colourful corals scattered thoughout his mind.... Now that he actually thought about it, maybe getting his hair wet just this once wouldn't be so bad. "You know what, let's go on that underwater adventure~ Maybe I could find some pearls for you and your sister~ And Souta, make him something pretty the bloody bastard hehe~" Fumio chuckled as the thought of Souta wearing a dress and a pearl necklace was rather amusing. "Maybe he should come too~ Up to you though Aya"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said Rio sniffed as Kaizo spoke and broke the hug. She looked up at him, questioning nothing, if anything, she was happy to hear this... Since she too had to choose between being professional and being a girlfriend whenever she was with Kaizo... It had gotten to the point where she just chose to be professional all the time since it was the safest and easiest thing to do to stop their relationship from being discovered. However, this in turn meant Rio had unknowingly distanced herself from Kaizo, something that took her up until now to realise. Considering her personal state and situation at the moment, distancing herself was definitely something she didn't want to do... It wouldn't help at all, if anything it'd make her situation worse and harder to deal with. Kaizo then picked her up, which caused Rio's eye to widen a little from the sudden action, however she just simply smiled at Kaizo, a small but genuine smile. Her head was still throbbing, but she had forgotten about the pain, too focused on Kaizo to notice it. Kaizo had ordered the other Shinigami to train, while Rio gave them a stern look. Even though she was in Kaizo's arms, that didn't mean her professional attitude towards those she worked with had changed.

After Kaizo shupo'ed back to the barracks, Rio looked up to him while he spoke, still in his arms. She looked down when he mentioned Captain Kuchiki... he was right, they couldn't let themselves be dragged down by this, she couldn't let herself either... After closing her eye, Rio sighed. "Don't be sorry... It's the enemy that should be sorry. You're completely correct Captain. I promise you, I won't let Captain Kuchiki down by wallowing in sorrow... I will not stand by and watch anyone else be murderer.... Indeed they have no idea what they've just started... This is more than just a war now...." Rio slid out of Kaizo's arms, standing once again while straightening out her clothes and eye-patch. Looking up at Kaizo, she gave a look of pure determination... She had cried enough, it was time to grow stronger... Not just for Captain Kuchiki, but for everyone she cared about, including for her Captain and partner Kaizo.

Kaizo listened to Rio then nodded "Well they don't know what's coming...well then we best all do Captain Kuchiki proud shouldn't we? Let's get to training. I intend to step up the Onmitsukido's training but putting myself personally into it...they will need to be far more skilled before we go to war...I trust you can handle the rest of Squad 2? It's important we train our Squad and make them stronger as a whole...it's no good just us getting stronger...we have the numbers over the enemy, or so we think...but regardless the stronger the Shinigami we have the better chance we have of winning...it's no good this war being fought by just us Captains and Lieutenants..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki had her fists still clenched and eyes still to the floor... She'd refuse to ever lay eyes upon that man, and so hadn't, even when he first showed up she never looked at him once due to how he treated her Captain. The very sound of his voice scratched at her brain, nothing but an annoyance, and even more so now due to this death... A random man then walked up to her Captain and began speaking. The proximity between this man and her Captain had already called to her attention as her eyes snapped to the Squad Twelve Lieutenant. Nishiki watched their interaction silently, finding this man a little... off. Just by maybe, a centimeter, or a millimetre, but still off none-the-less. But than again, Squad Twelve was off in general, but still, Nishiki didn't judge a book by their Squad, surely he could of been nice... If was just how he was feeling Shiro's Zanpakuto.... After the man took off, Shiro uttered a few words to himself before looking back at her. Immediately Nishiki turned around but didn't move, just waited for Shiro to start walking so she could follow. Nishiki didn't seem as joyful as usual, granted the news wasn't good so that was acceptable... however, in truth, she didn't know Captain Kuchiki enough to care about his death much... She was just pissed off at how Juki could of let it happen, no matter how strong the Captain was.

Shiro began walking then suddenly stopped and turned to Nishiki "Actually...there is a change of plan. I want you to gather Squad 11's strongest members...I need to go pay someone a visit. Just tell them we are going on a training trip...so they may want pack a lot of supplies to bring with them...I'll see you back at the barracks once I am done." Shiro then walked to the edge of the cliff and leaped off it, he then landed on the ground below before standing up straight and closing his eyes "I haven't used this skill in awhile...it's better than running all the way there..." Shiro then opened his eyes as he shunpoed off towards Squad 12. After awhile Shiro arrived outside the barracks then rubbed the back of his head "Shit I'm slower than I thought...guess I'll have to put a bit more training into that..." Shiro then looked at the Squad 12 barracks and SRDI. "Now to find you Captain...." Shiro then walked into the Barracks, towering over everyone as he walked around the barracks, he didn't want to ask anyone for directions...instead...he wanted to try sense this freaky bastard...and sure enough he got the trace of the guy.

Zero was underground working on something when he raised his head as someone booted open the door behind him, this caused Zero's eyes to widen slightly as he then turned and narrowed them "What can I do for you? Captain of the 11th Division?" Shiro looked at the man then spoke "I want you to take a walk with me...I need to ask you a few things but I'd rather not in this building...you don't mind that do you?" Zero looked to his work which he had quickly covered then looked to Shiro "Very well then...I believe it's about time for me to take a break. Just give me a second" Zero reached into his pocket then and pulled out a device then spoke into it "Lieutenant Kagiko, Can you report to my lab."

A few minutes later Kagiko arrived, rubbing the back of his head as he yawned "Yah called Captain?" Zero nodded then spoke "Yes...I want you to hold down the fort here while me and the Squad 11 Captain here go discuss some things" Kagiko looked to Shiro then to Zero and spoke "Very well then...enjoy your walk Captain..." Zero walked past Kagiko and Shiro. Shiro then looked at Kagiko as Kagiko looked at Shiro and held out a syringe to him "Have fun Captain Kenpachi...I hope you get what you are looking for..." Shiro just looked at Kagiko then took the syringe then looked to the exit and followed after Zero as they left the barracks and made their way out the Seireitei. Kagiko then looked at Zero's lab and rubbed the back of his head "Suppose I best get used to this sight..."

Zero and Shiro had made their way towards a forest as Zero then spoke "So Captain of the 11th division what is it you wanted to discuss?" Shiro looked at Zero then spoke "I wanted to ask you a few things...some may be a bit personal but I am curious...you're a mysterious man, I and neither do anyone else know much about you...I'm just wondering why are you so secretive? " Zero narrowed his eyes then looked at Shiro and spoke "I'm the Captain of the 12th division...I believe I have a right to be secretive about what I do, don't you? would be worrying if information got out to everyone in the Seireitei and then possibly relayed to the enemy..." Shiro nodded "I suppose that's true....so can you tell me how the enemy have slipped past our defences so easily time and time again?" Zero suddenly stopped as his eyes widened, this caused Shiro to stop. Zero then narrowed his eyes and looked to Shiro "If I didn't know any better Captain, I'd say you were accusing me of allowing the enemy in..." Shiro continued to look at Zero as he then spoke "Perhaps that's what I am doing...or maybe I am asking a genuine question. I just find it odd that the enemy can slip past our defences so easily and the ones who should catch onto it are Squad 12...yet...you never did...in fact...you never even showed up to any battles. Did you think I missed seeing that arrancar you were working on? I suggest you tell me what you are up to and what your plans are or I'll kill you here and now..." Zero smiled slightly then spoke "My, My you aren't as dumb as you look are you Captain? I wonder what Juki did to you in there Or...maybe I should look closer to home...perhaps it's Kagiko who put you up to this...either way you are saying things that really shouldn't be said."

Shiro narrowed his eyes then spoke "Oh? how did you know about my meeting with Juki...more importantly...how do you know about that place? Regardless...I am the one who is curious here..." Zero's smiled faded as he then spoke "Well...I can tell you truth Captain...but it may just kill you to hear it..." Shiro grinned then spoke "Oh? then how about you enlighten me? I'm so very interested in knowing..." Zero narrowed his eyes then suddenly a blade shot out from his sleeve towards Shiro, who then unsheathed his own Zanpakuto and blocked the extending blade with the cutting edge of his Zanpakuto yet he wasn't pushed back at all "You're going to try sneak attacks on me? with a Zanpakuto?...you must not know me at all...I'm the Squad 11 Captain, also known as the Kenpachi...I EXCEL IN ZANJUTSU!" Shiro then pushed back at Zero's Zanpakuto causing it to fly up into the air as Shiro's Zanpakuto then cut across Zero's chest causing Zero to shunpo back and hold his chest with his left hand "What's this? why am I being fed false data about you? Did I just underestimate you?" Zero's eyes then widened dramatically as he spoke "KAGIKO!!" Zero then pulled a remote out his pocket and pressed a button on it "That's enough of that you snake!"

~At Squad 12~

Kagiko sat in Zero's office on his chair at Zero's computer typing away "Oh~ What's this Zero? you get all your data from everyone with the use of this computer? Impressive...you have everything down here....But that man you are likely fighting now...Shiro Sora...let us change his records...let's make him...average in Zanjutsu, His Hakuda is just awful! His kido is just...well that needn't be changed....and his Shunpo? well...he is oh so very slow..." Kagiko then chuckled a little as he pressed enter changing the records "You shouldn't rely on a computer Zero...it may let you win a fight against anyone but when someone like me comes along and messes things up...oh well that changes everything..." Kagiko then noticed a red light on the roof flashing as thousands of blades flew out of the walls from all directions towards Kagiko "Bankai..." The blades then all suddenly bent and hit everywhere around Kagiko, a scratch not being landed on him "As if I'd fall for such a trick...how silly of you Zero..." Kagiko then continued to type on the computer then began changing various things as he hacked into it. "Now...you're going to try blow up the computer aren't you?" A pop up on the computer then appeared with the words "Remote detonation denied" This then caused Kagiko to chuckle as he could only imagine Zero's face right now..

~Back at the forest~

Zero had pulled out another remote and began pressing the button rapidly "Explode! explode! explode!!! Dammit explode!!! Kagiko!!! what the hell did you do!?...it seems I underestimated you...damn you Kagiko!" Zero then threw the remote at the floor causing it to shatter as his eyes the widened as Shiro towered over him "Whats wrong? Your plans going to shit? He's a smart guy aint he? Let's see just how much damage he's done to you..." Shiro then grinned as he began slashing at Zero, every time Zero went to block he had already be cut, this caused him to use shunpo to get away but Shiro was in his face once again cutting him again. Damn you Kagiko! I should have expected this from you...but you changed your own records...without my knowing...I never thought anything of it...now you're using my own creation against me! I despise you Kagiko...with every fibre of my being I despise you! Zero then shunpoed back again and prepared to release his Bankai when Shiro's Zanpakuto pierced through his chest causing his eyes to widen "Seems he really did a number on you...I don't understand much right now...but I know you were getting your data on everyone from your sneaky little computer...so I can guess he changed shit about me...and you can't help but expect my sword swings to be slower...yet in truth they are so fast you don't know you've been cut until the cut has been completed...So...I think it's time we erase that memory of yours don't you?" Zero's eyes widened as he then went to slash at Shiro only for his wrist to be caught by Shiro's left hand then Zero's eyes widened immensely as he heard his right wrist begin to crack as Shiro's grip tightened, Shiro then slammed his right foot into Zero's gut and pulled Zero's right arm causing it to dislocate as he then tore his Zanpakuto out of Zero and pushed him to the floor with his right foot "It's because of you Kurisa Kuchiki died isn't it?...You were working with those fuckers all along...you knew he'd be the only one to go there and wouldn't work with others...I despise trash like you...I'm going to fucking gut you for the shit you've done to us all..." Zero looked at Shiro weakly then spoke "I do as I'm ordered...Kurisa Kuchiki had to die...he was becoming to strong...plus my Master wanted his Zanpakuto for himself...I only wish I got to relay the data about you...now we have another problem...in fact...we now have a few..." Shiro grit his teeth then rammed his Zanpakuto into Zero's gut "It's because of you I could not earn my way to the top! I wanted to become the strongest by beating Kurisa Kuchiki! I didn't want to earn it because of his death!! You took that away from me you piece of shit!" Shiro then pulled his Zanpakuto out of Zero's gut then pierced it into Zero's left shoulder "It's no fun stabbing someone who feels no pain...you're a bore...I have one thing I need to do before I kill you...." Shiro then pulled out the syringe from his Haori then crouched down over Zero "Even if you do survive somehow...you'll be brain dead..."

~Flashback to earlier~

(This was a part I left out on purpose)

Kagiko handed the Syringe to Shiro, this caused Shiro to look at it then speak "What the hell is this?" Kagiko smiled at Shiro then spoke "Just use it when you get the chance...it's meant for Zero...lets just say he wont remember to much after it..." Kagiko then tapped his head and chuckled "You best go before he get's impatient...oh and...aim directly for the forehead...don't worry...it will go through..."

~Back to the forest~

Shiro then stabbed the syringe into Zero's forehead then injected it causing Zero's eyes to widen the glaze over as Shiro pulled the Syringe out and stood up "You got everything you deserved..." Shiro then rammed his Zanpakuto into Zero's head and then pulled it out as he then began walking off, sheathing his Zanpakuto "I'll see you in hell you piece of shit..." Shiro then began making his way back to the Seireitei, the task done...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya looked at him and did a devilish smile. "Ahh but being sneaky is much more fun, and I also took some of the captains coffee. So that will make for a fun episode when he gets back. And I don't know, you thought Chie was older than me, and she is few years younger, so maybe you just had a big old brain fart, yet something else..." Aya said mumbling as she put on a serious face and thought really hard, getting nowhere. Fumio then changed his mind and agreed to the deep sea adventure. He also suggested bringing Souta which amde Aya grin. "Ooooh Cherry, has to come. It'd be funny watching him deny, only for me to drag him in anyways!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo listened to Rio then nodded "Well they don't know what's coming...well then we best all do Captain Kuchiki proud shouldn't we? Let's get to training. I intend to step up the Onmitsukido's training but putting myself personally into it...they will need to be far more skilled before we go to war...I trust you can handle the rest of Squad 2? It's important we train our Squad and make them stronger as a whole...it's no good just us getting stronger...we have the numbers over the enemy, or so we think...but regardless the stronger the Shinigami we have the better chance we have of winning...it's no good this war being fought by just us Captains and Lieutenants..."

Rio listened to Kaizo, her utmost professional attitude returning as she nodded with a small bow. "Yes Captain. I won't let you down. You can trust me to whip these members into impeccable shape." Rio lifted her head with a small smile. "I'll report to you later, Captain." With that said, Rio turned around and began walking towards the training room to round up all of Squad Two. Rio wasn't going to play nice anymore, now it was time to show what she and the Squad could achieve... starting with briefing the members of the new training method that were to be implemented by her immediately which had already been approved by Kaizo before she left to deal with her Clan business.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Meanwhile at Squad Four.

Lotte sat at her desk, watching as a group of three Squad Four members demonstrated a specific group healing Kido, showcasing it's effects on an additional member that had been injured by accident while trying to keep certain Squad Eleven members from escaping the compound before they were fully healed as Fuma seemed to be out at the time. After the demonstration, Lotte stood up and clapped a few times, her face still serious as usual. "Very Gut. V'e shall v'ork on z'hat technique and improve it further." As she spoke, a knock came to her door, causing Lotte to raise an eyebrow since she wasn't expecting anyone. "V'e v'ill continue later, v'or now, v'ork on it, improve it by making it easier to preform and v'e v'ill certainly use it. You all v'ill get recognition v'or z'his technique, gut v'ork." As the group bowed and opened the door to leave, the visitor waited outside before stepping into the room and looking around.

"There you are, you must be Captain Lotte Brunhild, I've been looking forward to meeting with you." Lotte's eyes glanced at the door as she stood and walked around her desk. Stood in the doorway was a woman with chestnut-brown hair, emerald eyes hiding behind her glasses as she smiled before bowing in respect to the Captain. Lotte turned her body to face the woman, staying quiet as she waited for the woman to introduce herself and state her reason for coming here. "My name is Ringo, I reside within Squad Twelve. It's a pleasure to meet you, I have something to ask." Miwa continued to smile at Lotte, her smile polite. Lotte scanned Miwa for a moment, looking over her before speaking up. "I z'ee. I assumed Squadron Twelve held only.... v'eird members, but you z'eem normal. V'hat v'as it z'ou v'anted to ask?" Miwa simply continued to smile as she listened to Lotte. "I understand why you'd think so, I thought the same when I joined but it's pretty nice there. Anyway, what I wanted to ask was if I could help out here? I've always had an interest in medicine and helping others by creating new drugs, Kido and such to improve their health and heal them. I understand that this Squad heals the injured and deals with the health of Shinigami correct? All I'd like to do is offer a helping hand from Squad Twelve within creation and study." Miwa smiled charmingly as she spoke, hoping Lotte would allow her to help. Lotte crossed her arms, thinking for a moment. "Ahh, I z'ee. V'ell, v'orking v'ith Squadron Twelve v'ould be useful I suppose... Okay z'hen Ringo, I v'ill allow z'ou und z'our Squadron to v'ork v'ith us." The Captain responded while Miwa nodded. "I'm delighted you think so Captain. Now, I believe now is a better start than ever, I'll go and check over some of the more severely injured patients first and gather some research to take with me back to Squad Twelve." Miwa bowed before turning around, just about to leave the room before Lotte stopped her with a hand on her left shoulder. "I v'ill come v'ith z'ou, v'e could discuss possible treatments." Miwa nodded to this, her smile settling to a neutral expression. "Certainly Captain." Lotte moved her hand before watching Miwa continue to walk, following behind her.
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