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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zane620 said
Aya looked at him and did a devilish smile. "Ahh but being sneaky is much more fun, and I also took some of the captains coffee. So that will make for a fun episode when he gets back. And I don't know, you thought Chie was older than me, and she is few years younger, so maybe you just had a big old brain fart, yet something else..." Aya said mumbling as she put on a serious face and thought really hard, getting nowhere. Fumio then changed his mind and agreed to the deep sea adventure. He also suggested bringing Souta which amde Aya grin. "Ooooh Cherry, has to come. It'd be funny watching him deny, only for me to drag him in anyways!"

Fumio rolled his eyes at Aya with a slight smirk. "Well, I guess you're right there, sneaky is indeed more fun~ And I see, well I know to blame you when he asks me what happened to his coffee~" Fumio chuckled a little before continuing to listen to Aya. "Or more I just feel like I'm younger than you all... or , I guess I had a erm... 'brain fart'" Fumio watched Aya's expression change before she settled on grinning when he decided that he wouldn't mind going on that little adventure of hers. After all, maybe Aya needed something like that.... It had been quite a while since they last saw Hozumi... Hopefully he was still alive, but in a world like this, chances of that would be slim. "Well I doubt Souta would ever say no to you~" Fumio chuckled as he was reminded of something Souta had told him a long while ago to do with Aya but soon quietened himself down. "Anyway, we can organise this trip for another time, I'll see if I can get Chie to come~ But as for now, I don't feel like doing anything so I'm just going to go back to my room in the mean time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kagiko sat in Zero's office then nodded as he took a deep breath then exhaled "Well that's that done. Now...I wonder how the Head Captain will react to this..." Kagiko stood up from the chair then began walking towards the door before closing it behind him as he made his way out the Squad 12 barracks and to the Squad 1 barracks. After a lengthy walk he arrived at the Squad 1 barracks then looked at the guards as they asked him what his business was here "I have some news regarding the 12th division Captain...." the guards looked at eachother then allowed Kagiko into the barracks. Kagiko then made his way to the Head Captains office then knocked on the door and spoke "Head Captain is Kagiko the Squad 12 Lieutenant, I have some unfortunate yet interesting news to deliver..." Juki looked up at the door then spoke "Enter" Kagiko opened the doors then closed them behind him as he walked into the center of the large room and bowed before speaking "The Captain of the 12th division has lost his life..." Hearing this caused Juki's eyes to widen as he then spoke "Are you certain? how do you know this?" Kagiko took his hat off then held it at his chest as he spoke "I had been investigating the Squad 12 Captain ever since I entered the Gotei 13, I always felt there was something rather unusual about him...and so I pursued with my investigation gathering small bits of evidence to see if my suspicions were true. I however was finding it difficult to pin down some solid evidence...it was proving difficult and so I got closer to him, however I do admit to tampering with the records about myself to test a theory of mine...I made it so I wasn't as great as first thought and that I was more so lacking, as a cause of this Zero grew closer as he felt he could trust me more due to me not understanding things he was doing but of course I understood fully...I believe what truly settled things for me was when he began working on these Arrancar...it seemed he was trying to make it so they'd obey him and follow his every command...this was all well and true...he may have used them for good however it seemed he was trying to do something more odd with them...I was still unsure at this point and so I further investigated...I went into his records and found he had narrowed down the existence of your room you used to train Shiro Sora...I have recently destroyed such information as that is something no Shinigami should know about so you needn't worry...but it seems he was also developing a Kido to try get into the room...I could only assume things would become bad but what truly did it for me was when I noticed he was sending false signals from that far out village Kurisa Kuchiki went to, it was then he told you and of course the only one who would agree to a mission alone would be Kurisa, more so...he'd likely be the only one to be offered the mission. Of course the case was just this, I then gave Kurisa Kuchiki a device to seek out any disturbances and it seemed it worked well...he caught onto this and acted but the enemy knew Kurisa wouldn't harm the villagers and planned to use that against him, thankfully he was smart enough to notice something was wrong and managed to free them...after that two strong figures showed up...one an unidentified Arrancar with a great deal of power and the other Shinji....it seems odd that Zero was the one to set the trigger off and then ask that a Captain be sent to deal with it isn't it?...I felt that all the confirmation needed and so recently I approached the 11th division captain and examined his Zanpakuto...I was interested in what you had done, it seems everything was just natural process...however I did notice the odd killing intent coming from the Zanpakuto...the intent to kill Zero. Thankfully I looked into the past records of the Kenpachi's and noticed one had been sealed away within a Zanpakuto...back then he was one of the only people who stood against a rather dangerous group...so even in his spirit form he wanted revenge...I felt that it would be helpful to Shiro if he was able to do this...in the end it turned out Zero was under the command of Shinji...countless times he allowed him to slip in...If this isn't the signs of a traitor then I do not know what is...all I know is that he is apart of something larger..." Juki listened to Kagiko speak then nodded before speaking himself "I see...well...this is...unfortunate. We must move on quickly though...he has been properly dispatched of then?" Kagiko nodded before Juki continued to speak "Well then...it seems that you've shown great skill leading up to your Captains death, do you believe you can take his place? " Kagiko nodded then spoke "I believe I can take his place and surpass anything he ever did...he was nothing more than a being programmed to do as he was ordered...he had no free thinking, I however do...that was his biggest downfall...However..I do understand that Captains must have a Bankai...so...do you wish to see mine in action Head Captain?" Kagiko then smiled at Juki

~will skip to the part after the test~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Miyuki was sat in her office looking at the freaky girl opposite her "Well it seems you have the skills to be in the Squad...I just ask you don't kill anyone unless they are hollow or a criminal...not saying that you will Shizuka...it's just you know...you seem to like...killing...A LOT..." the girl looked that Miyuki then spoke "okay...." Miyuki then rubbed the back of her head with her right hand when she heard a knock on the door which caused her to look up "THANK THE SOUL KING! ENTER!" Miyuki was just glad someone else was here so she didn't have to talk to this girl anymore, she was just plain freaky...even as a Captain she was freaked out by this girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

" I know, but denial wont work against me, I throw denial right over the edge, and then do the Aya victory shuffle! So he has no choice but to come, and if you can persuade Chie to go near the ocean then by all means try. You might get burned in the process." Aya spoke giggling, smiling and nodding when he said they would do the event later but for now he was going to go to his room and what she could only assume would be resting. "Okay, well enjoy your rest! And one day... I will fight your bankai. AND IT WILL BE AWESOME!" Aya said pumping her hands in the air and shunpoing off
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kurisa said
Miyuki was sat in her office looking at the freaky girl opposite her "Well it seems you have the skills to be in the Squad...I just ask you don't kill anyone unless they are hollow or a criminal...not saying that you will Shizuka...it's just you know...you seem to like...killing...A LOT..." the girl looked that Miyuki then spoke "" Miyuki then rubbed the back of her head with her right hand when she heard a knock on the door which caused her to look up "THANK THE SOUL KING! ENTER!" Miyuki was just glad someone else was here so she didn't have to talk to this girl anymore, she was just plain freaky...even as a Captain she was freaked out by this girl.

Megumi after being allowed entry in a more thankful way, she opened the door and looked at the girl in the room, feeling instantly creeped out then looked at her captain before bowing. "R-right. I'm sorry to say this.... but our mission ended in failure. It was going fine at first, yet it all went south when a gillian showed up. Ryozo got badly injured, but is alive. Yet someone else killed the gillian. They did it in one shot too, it was a single blue arrow, and then the figure left after killing it. It was then, that after examining Ryozo... I decided that if we continued searching Ryozo would have died, so we retreated without finding the source that was causing the hollows. I'm apologize."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Zane620 said
Hyperion sighed knowing far well she would always bring it up, yet when he began to say something, that most likely related to the spider, his eyes widened and looked at the top of the cliif. "Ripped in half hit by thunder, and you are still alive? I call hacks!" Hyperion shouted only for it to jump down which made Hyperion glare in the distance. "Running ain't going to save you, You insulted my warrior code. I have to kick your ass now." Hyperion mumbled to himself. When keina spoke to him, she didn't even need to tell him in order for him to agree. He took off with her suddenly sensing two others. one being Haruka and the other which was unfamiliar to him.

Sinai didn't get an answer to her question. A giant spider like hollow landed in front of them before Haruka spoke. "Holy hell that's a big spider" she stopped in ther tracks as to not run right into it. A spider was NOT the form she was expecting, she hated spiders. While she wasn't afraid of them she did have the urge to burn them on sight. This time was no different, but she didn't have a big enough flame. She reached for her zanpakuto but hesitated to release it. Spiders had webs and it wouldnt be good if her butterflies got caught in one."Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 33 shakkaho" she blasted a red fireball at its face while jumping backwards. It looked like it had already been in a fight already, it couldn't have been the same hollow hit by the lightning bolt from earlier. The answer to that came in the form of a man yelling at the hollow. Sinai drew her zanpakuto holding it in a reverse grip style keeping her eyes on the hollow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Zane620 said
" I know, but denial wont work against me, I throw denial right over the edge, and then do the Aya victory shuffle! So he has no choice but to come, and if you can persuade Chie to go near the ocean then by all means try. You might get burned in the process." Aya spoke giggling, smiling and nodding when he said they would do the event later but for now he was going to go to his room and what she could only assume would be resting. "Okay, well enjoy your rest! And one day... I will fight your bankai. AND IT WILL BE AWESOME!" Aya said pumping her hands in the air and shunpoing off

"I see, well Okay then. I'll see what I can do~ And I don't mind being burned~ A little heat may hurt but that's a good thing~" Fumio chuckled before Aya spoke once. Shaking his head, Fumio replied. "I will~ And that isn't happening" Aya then left before Fumio began walking back into the barracks, his smirk fading as he sighed. 'This is ridiculous... It's like as though I'm my old self again when I talk to those Oda's.... I need to go kill something.' Instead of going to rest, Fumio made his way out of the Seireitei, deciding to play Hollow hunt, rules being that only the use of his sealed Zanpakuto and low-level Kido's are allowed, Hakudo and Hoho could be used, but to a limited extent. Fumio's mischievous grin would strike fear into the mind's of Hollows, he'd make sure of that by torturing those unfortunate to cross his path... Oh the thought of it gave him shivers or pleasure... fighting, killing and taking pain were certainly the most pleasurable things life could offer him and thus Fumio would embrace them and re-claim his murderous nature, the nature that had been tamed during his time within the Seireitei.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Gio left the scene as others started to leave as well. It was safe to assume that his day of relaxation was over. As he walked he wondered what kind of training captain Mok would have them doing. Gio had only received a small lesson from the man, one that he hadn't quite mastered as of yet honestly but that wasnt all that long ago. What really bothered him was training, naturally he was primarily concerned about kido, especially with the kido he found in the archives and Violes book in his possession. since Mok was captain of squad five and subsequently kido corps it was likely that there would be a lean towards zanjutsu as well. That would be all well and fine since the kido corps had really been drilling zanjutsu since they were merged. But Gio had another idea. If they split the training, Gio and the captain, and instructed based on their specialties perhaps that would be effective. only issue was he knew nothing about the captain. he should probably fix that one of these days.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Phobos said
Mukei finally made it to the crowd with Zheng, listening to the news about a captain dying. His face remained the same. He knew of Captain Kuchiki but that didn't matter to him. All he did was let out a sigh "How disappointing" He said to himself as he turned to Zheng "Now do you see what's happening Zheng? We're at war...and we're losing." He said before turning back to the Head Captain. He didn't show emotion the entire time, rather he didn't know what to do. Why were people getting so upset over a death? Emotions. He never really quite got them. But he played along with everyone else and showed some sign if regret and sadness.

For only that period of time Zheng had nothing to say to his friend. It was frustrating not because they had lost an important ally, but because of how powerful he was. Losing a captain such as Kurisa only meant that there are enemies out there far more powerful and far more cunning to defeat him. It was unsettling to say the least.

Two days later the young shinigami arrived back at squad 12 barracks. They were supposed to make their little exchange for their deal. He would get his mod soul training partner and Mukei would have his way with his zanpukto's ability of becoming apart of him, which is unusual to say the least. He wandered down the halls in search for him though he ended up just getting lost. "God dammit...just where the hell is that guy?" He asked himself out loud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
For only that period of time Zheng had nothing to say to his friend. It was frustrating not because they had lost an important ally, but because of how powerful he was. Losing a captain such as Kurisa only meant that there are enemies out there far more powerful and far more cunning to defeat him. It was unsettling to say the least. Two days later the young shinigami arrived back at squad 12 barracks. They were supposed to make their little exchange for their deal. He would get his mod soul training partner and Mukei would have his way with his zanpukto's ability of becoming apart of him, which is unusual to say the least. He wandered down the halls in search for him though he ended up just getting lost. "God dammit...just where the hell is that guy?" He asked himself out loud.

Mukei walked out of a dark room, yawning and scratching his head. He lost track of time due to working on his theories and ideas to prepare for future experiments. He put his hand over his eyes "Its so bright, how long have I been working for again?" A plain looking man, with only eyes and a mouth but with no hair or ears followed "It's been three days sir" Mukei cracked his neck "Thats it? Its felt like longer" He turned to the side, seeing Zheng walking in his barracks. He sighed, walking over to him "Zheng, you know you shouldn't walk around so casually in the Squad 12 barracks, especially not around the SRDI. Non Squad 12 Shinigamis should be lucky to even be on these barracks, now follow me. Let's take this conversation elsewhere, where we aren't being watched" He said as he walked outside of the barracks, the plain looking figure dressed in shinigami clothes following. Once they were a good distance away, he finally spoke up "Zheng, meet uhhh, whats your name again?" He said looking at the figure "Kamon sir" It said with a monotone. "Ah right, I named you Kamon. Well this is your training partner Zheng, just as promised. His durability is around Lieutenant level while his max strength and speed is Seated Level. I could of pushed it higher, but its best I don't do that. Anyways, he also has Kido based attacks to help you train in your long ranged skills. So, when should we set the date?" He said, looking back at Zheng with a grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Phobos said
Mukei walked out of a dark room, yawning and scratching his head. He lost track of time due to working on his theories and ideas to prepare for future experiments. He put his hand over his eyes "Its so bright, how long have I been working for again?" A plain looking man, with only eyes and a mouth but with no hair or ears followed Mukei cracked his neck "Thats it? Its felt like longer" He turned to the side, seeing Zheng walking in his barracks. He sighed, walking over to him "Zheng, you know you shouldn't walk around so casually in the Squad 12 barracks, especially not around the SRDI. Non Squad 12 Shinigamis should be lucky to even be on these barracks, now follow me. Let's take this conversation elsewhere, where we aren't being watched" He said as he walked outside of the barracks, the plain looking figure dressed in shinigami clothes following. Once they were a good distance away, he finally spoke up "Zheng, meet uhhh, whats your name again?" He said looking at the figure It said with a monotone. "Ah right, I named you Kamon. Well this is your training partner Zheng, just as promised. His durability is around Lieutenant level while his max strength and speed is Seated Level. I could of pushed it higher, but its best I don't do that. Anyways, he also has Kido based attacks to help you train in your long ranged skills. So, when should we set the date?" He said, looking back at Zheng with a grin.

Zheng rubbed the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly at his friend's scolding. "Nothing that a little bribing couldn't do." Truth be told he did bribe the guards so he could walk into SRDI without any trouble. It would've been the only way of him getting in there without shinigami swarming on him. He noticed another figure standing there. The figure didn't have anything unique or out of the ordinary about him, rather it was so plain that it was bizarre though he didn't question it. He didn't want to offend him just in case. Once they were at the proper distance away from the ears of others he was told that this plain man was his mod soul training partner. "Kamon huh? Well he ain't a bottle of sunshine, but I'm not going to feel bad about hurting him. Good job Mukei." He folded his arms as he observed the emotionless modsoul. "I'm ready whenever you are. I'm not on duty right now"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng rubbed the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly at his friend's scolding. "Nothing that a little bribing couldn't do." Truth be told he did bribe the guards so he could walk into SRDI without any trouble. It would've been the only way of him getting in there without shinigami swarming on him. He noticed another figure standing there. The figure didn't have anything unique or out of the ordinary about him, rather it was so plain that it was bizarre though he didn't question it. He didn't want to offend him just in case. Once they were at the proper distance away from the ears of others he was told that this plain man was his mod soul training partner. "Kamon huh? Well he ain't a bottle of sunshine, but I'm not going to feel bad about hurting him. Good job Mukei." He folded his arms as he observed the emotionless modsoul. "I'm ready whenever you are. I'm not on duty right now"

Mukei sighed "Idiots, fools like them will only end up on the bottom" He said to himself as they walked "Next time request to see me Zheng, you keep doing that and one time you won't ever come back out if Squad 12. There's plenty shinigamis lookinhbfor new material" He chuckled at what Zheng said "Well to be honest, I didn't bother a whole lot on the cosmetics section. Only gave him the bare necessities. You can give him hair and some other stuff if you want, he was just a test subject" He grinned once Zheng said ready when you are "Give me a few days to prepare a few things. I also have to approval of my captain for A couple of things, if not I'd probably get in trouble. In the meantime, train Zheng. I've downloaded various techniques into Kamons database, both Hakuda and Zanjustu. Well have fun with Kamon, I have to start preparing immediately. See ya" He said, waving as he walked away and back to his barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

The Seireitei seemed drowned in gloom as the Head Captain made the announcement of Kuchiki, Kurisa’s death which hadn’t helped on top of recent events with the betrayals. But the announcement was sad indeed. Many people looked up to him in and out of the Seireitei so his death would cause many to be saddened. It filled some with determination though, in which Scarlett saw in that Kenta fellow who they were watching. Scarlett on the other hand wasn’t affected, not that they didn’t care; just that they had no personal connection nor did they look up to Kurisa therefore wasn’t as affected as others. Nonetheless they respected Kuchiki, Kurisa and his death.

Scarlett rubbed her arm and continued walking towards Squad two, the squad he thought would be best for him. Their Zanpakuto and fighting style was perfect for that Squad, not to mention the Squad also helped with what they were trying to achieve. She needed information on a few people, and this Squad would help do so. It was either this or six. She found two was better for her. She knew that she could perform better in that Squad.

Mouth slowly forming an o Scarlett’s tongue laid against the back of her bottom teeth as he then began blowing outwards, whistling a rather happy tune despite the gloomy atmosphere. Hands finding their way into the pocket of their clothing, Scarlett made their way into the Squad Two barracks as the tune they were whistling began fading until it was completely gone. Scarlett looked around, “Huh, I wonder where the Captain and Lieutenant are. I could have sworn I saw one of them head back,” the soft voice spoke. Just like Scarlett’s appearance, the voice was questionable as well. It was soft enough to be a female’s but it could have been heard as a guy with not as much bass.

“Hm, let’s see, let’s see,” Scarlett said as they walked around rubbing the back of their shaved head. Of course most of their hair was hung over their eye, so that was the reason why. They quite liked it though, thought it made them look cuter…Also made them a bit more questionable, but that wasn’t a goal. Coming across the training room, Scarlett stepped in smiling wide with closed eyes. She waved and called out, “Lieutenant Rio-samaaaaa~” to try and gain her attention. Probably wasn’t the best way to go about getting the Lieutenant’s attention, in fact they’d probably get scolded for doing so in that manner, but Scarlett was prepared. As long as it didn’t hinder them joining the Squad then Scarlett would care. Scarlett opened her eyes and scanned everyone inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Expllo said
The Seireitei seemed drowned in gloom as the Head Captain made the announcement of Kuchiki, Kurisa’s death which hadn’t helped on top of recent events with the betrayals. But the announcement was sad indeed. Many people looked up to him in and out of the Seireitei so his death would cause many to be saddened. It filled some with determination though, in which Scarlett saw in that Kenta fellow who they were watching. Scarlett on the other hand wasn’t affected, not that they didn’t care; just that they had no personal connection nor did they look up to Kurisa therefore wasn’t as affected as others. Nonetheless they respected Kuchiki, Kurisa and his death.Scarlett rubbed her arm and continued walking towards Squad two, the squad he thought would be best for him. Their Zanpakuto and fighting style was perfect for that Squad, not to mention the Squad also helped with what they were trying to achieve. She needed information on a few people, and this Squad would help do so. It was either this or six. She found two was better for her. She knew that she could perform better in that Squad.Mouth slowly forming an o Scarlett’s tongue laid against the back of her bottom teeth as he then began blowing outwards, whistling a rather despite the gloomy atmosphere. Hands finding their way into the pocket of their clothing, Scarlett made their way into the Squad Two barracks as the tune they were whistling began fading until it was completely gone. Scarlett looked around, “Huh, I wonder where the Captain and Lieutenant are. I could have sworn I saw one of them head back,” the soft voice spoke. Just like Scarlett’s appearance, the voice was questionable as well. It was soft enough to be a female’s but it could have been heard as a guy with not as much bass.“Hm, let’s see, let’s see,” Scarlett said as they walked around rubbing the back of their shaved head. Of course most of their hair was hung over their eye, so that was the reason why. They quite liked it though, thought it made them look cuter…Also made them a bit more questionable, but that wasn’t a goal. Coming across the training room, Scarlett stepped in smiling wide with closed eyes. She waved and called out, “Lieutenant Rio-samaaaaa~” to try and gain her attention. Probably wasn’t the best way to go about getting the Lieutenant’s attention, in fact they’d probably get scolded for doing so in that manner, but Scarlett was prepared. As long as it didn’t hinder them joining the Squad then Scarlett would care. Scarlett opened her eyes and scanned everyone inside.

Rio stood near the door of the training room, most of the members of Squad Two were lined up as she looked out at all of them before splitting them into a few groups. Once she had, she commanded each group of 3 to 5 members to spar with the members within the group only, testing them to see how most of them would fare against multiple enemies at once. These group were organised so they weren't random groups. Rio had information and watched each member of the Squad so she tailored the groups accordingly. Some were doing well, others were doing bad, whereas the majority were doing as expected.

"KEISA! KEEP THOSE ARMS UP! HIARO REMEMBER TO DODGE, DON'T FOCUS ON PURELY ATTACKING! QUINTON THAT STANCE IS WEAK! STRENGTHEN IT BEFORE YOU ATTACK TO PREVENT FALLING LIKE YOU JUST DID! THETEMINE AIM! DON'T JUST SWING YOUR BLADE AROUND CARELESSLY!!" Rio paid close attention to each members, yelling to them when she spotted a mistake as she weaved her way calmly through the groups. Stopping at a spot near the front wall where the door was situated, Rio crossed her arms and watched, scanning the groups while making mental notes. 'Next up will be dodging exercises, then team building and core strengthening sessions. They will all become highly valued members by the time I'm finished with them. I seek a few missions in the future would help.' As she thought, a voice called out to her, an unfamiliar one. 'Rio-Sama?' Rio turned around to spot a new face at the training room's door. Luckily for them they had referred to Rio by her rank also or she may of scolded them for the unprofessional greeting. Waking over to the person, Rio scanned over them as she did, trying to figure who they were. Stopping near them but not too close, Rio spoke up, her face neutral. "Yes?" Rio held her professional aura as usual as she looked at this person, holding eye-contact with her uncovered eye.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Wow, they’re really being worked up. I wonder what the training is like within other Squads, Scarlett thought as they watched Rio shout at the squad members whom were training. What idiot didn’t aim before swinging? Squad eleven then came into his mind causing a small giggle to erupt. If everyone was like that in this Squad then no wonder the Gotei 13 was taking a beating. Of course Scarlett could improve on a few things themselves, mainly speed, but atleast they aimed when attacking. If someone didn’t do that then a transfer was in order. Scarlett didn’t notice Rio had walked up to them until she spoke, "Yes?" while holding a neutral face. No interest, no disinterest, just neutral. Scarlett stood on the tip of their toes so they were now an inch higher looking right into Rio’s face. Scarlett hated looking up at people, no matter how much.

“My name is Scarlett Narai,” They said, “I’m here to join Squad Two! And since you’re the lieutenant,” Scarlett stopped standing on their tip toes and went back to standing normally with their arms behind their back, “I thought you could help with that!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio kept her arms crossed, unable to help but notice that this person was shorter than her. It was a little odd for Rio to look down to someone else since she was used to looking up at everyone... However this seemed to be a recurring thing at this Squad, most people, mainly females, tended to either be Rio's height or shorter. Stopping her mind from any more pointless wondering, Rio listened to the girl, or was it guy? It was hard to tell... however Rio wasn't going to ask for their gender, that'd be rude. In the back of her mind, Rio thought that this person was rather cute, however she kept up her professionalism and ignored the thought, treating them as she would treat anyone else. "I see. Well Scarlett Narai, what are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you possess that makes you feel this Squad is right for you, or more you are right for this Squad?" Rio's voice sounded stern, clearly showing that she took her job seriously and therefore trying to mess around with her would not be tolerated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"I see. Well Scarlett Narai, what are your strengths and weaknesses? What skills do you possess that makes you feel this Squad is right for you, or more you are right for this Squad?" The woman's tone was kept stern, obviously keeping it serious and professional. It was good to be when as high as Lieutenant, though she seemed like the type to act like this on and off the job. Didn't bother Scarlett though, everyone was different. Scarlett didn't necessarily like the questions being asked as they liked keeping themselves a secret, even Squad Two would have trouble finding out about their past. That's how they liked it, but the questions were necessary so an answer was to. "My strengths are Hakuda and Hoho, and making people scream and beg for mercy until they give all their information," Scarlett looked upwards thoughtfully before their eyes fell back on Rio, "I don't necessarily care for Zanjutsu or Kido, so those are my weakest areas due to not training in them. I think I answered all your questions really. My skills are for gathering information mostly...And I can gather information very well...Would you like to see Lieutenant?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio watched Scarlett's expression carefully as the girl... boy... person, spoke. She couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when Scarlett mentioned that one of her strengths were making people beg and scream for mercy until sh-they got the information they wanted. This made her wonder what kind of fighter this person was... From the sound of it so fair, they seemed brutal, but didn't appear it, which was arguably a good quality. "Hmm, well, some training in basic Zanjutsu and Kido would be useful to you; turn your weaknesses into strengths or atleast make them a smaller weakness. But, since you're offering, I would like to see." Rio stayed mindful of Scarlett since it seemed that they could be rather unpredictable. She wondered whether or not to let Scarlett demonstrate on another member but decided against the idea. The safety of her members were important to her and ever since the incident between Nohime and Eiichi, Rio had become more wary of newcomers. Not for herself, but for her Squad, she knew she could handle whatever was thrown at her, or more she'd prefer to be the one taking the pain than any of her members, the ones she's sworn to protect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mirja wasn't noticed. Lingering in the not-quite-background was a poor way to get noticed, but she thought it was a really serious situation and her personality didn't really match it, and so she didn't want to annoy the Captain any more than he was already annoyed with her. So, she followed though with her thought and walked over to the 11th barracks, where the men where, as always, fighting each other. With sticks, almost Afraid of the purity of Unarmed Combat. But, she stuck around and watched them smack each other with sticks, until one of them men on there won. And then he saw Mirja, watching with her un-impressed facial expression, and so pointed his wooden sword at her.
"Seems I'm boring you. Why don't you join me on this mat, little girl." He taunted, so she rolled her eyes and stepped into the fighting area, to which the man grinned. "Well, fighting such a pretty Soul Reaper. You have made me a happy man" He continued, which elected a smile from Mirja.
"Well then, next I'll make you a Dead one." Mirja replied, making the man scoff angrily and raise his sword up for a strike. Mirja then rapidly Flash Stepped forward, and slipped under his guard, using her momentum and smashing her palm into his chest around the lung-area, before slipping around to his back, and hitting his other lung with her other palm. She then took a few steps back while the man collapsed into a coughing heap of pain. Her new technique was really going well, and she felt confident to show the Captain so he wouldn't hold scorn for her party-making abilities.

However, far from the intended reaction of 'wow you're so cool, lets all plan a party' reaction she was expecting from the audience, the half-evolved monkeys where glaring at her and brandishing their sticks dangerously.
"So...I'm going to go get rice-cakes" she said, backing away to the door, only to find it blocked by a large 11th monkey. "Errr, gulp?" she offered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"Hmm, well, some training in basic Zanjutsu and Kido would be useful to you; turn your weaknesses into strengths or atleast make them a smaller weakness." That part caused Scarlett to shrug with a small nod. They didn't like using either therefore didn't want to train in something they wasn't going to use, but there might be a time where they'd have to use it so they'd accept the training. Once Rio accepted the offer Scarlett grinned with widen eyes nodding. “Control, Katsumi!” Scarlett activated Shikai, the brass knuckles appearing on their hand. Putting the bladed part to Rio's forehead the Shikai began glowing a slight silver. Suddenly a cage formed over the two covering them from the outside world, and covering the outside world from them. If one tried to look into the other, pure darkness....Chains were wrapped around Rio's wrist and ankles, soon more formed around her arms and legs then to the torso. "First hand expirence, give me your full name," Scarlett demanded as the chains began squeezing Rio to the point she'd feel it up to her bone. Scarlett held a sadist smirk, obviously enjoying it before it even started.
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