I am indeed the Fuujin to your Raijin.
Expllo said
That's what Chie said.
Zane620 said
She also says I'll shank you >.>
rusty4297 said
Not sure if someone's missing in my roster, but I do remember the order... it started at 12, and following the order it was in, Hikari's 10th seat, and Miyume's 11th seat... Are you remembering something I'm not, or is this just a bit of confusion, Expllo? O_o
Expllo said
Hikari x Chie.
Zane620 said
>.> She will shank you.
Expllo said
Shiro x Chie then, damn gurl <.<
Zane620 said
...... She rather be with Hikari XD
Expllo said
Wait, why? xD
Zane620 said
Shiro much perv. Too violent XD
rusty4297 said
*nods then looks at Zane* Would you prefer I let Julia out? *leans against a door labeled "Julia" that seemed to be locked with multiple locks*
Expllo said
Because Shiro isn't either? I mean, he's not as violent...With Shinigami anyways <.<
Zane620 said
Hikari much docile, very drunk