Can the head captain respond to me and Gustav
DeathstrokeSW said
And Kaien. He basically barrelled over the two mentioned above but he's wanting to join Squad 11. Don't take it personally.
DeathstrokeSW said
And Kaien. He basically barrelled over the two mentioned above but he's wanting to join Squad 11. Don't take it personally.
DeathstrokeSW said
I plan to do both. Violence and Captain appointment. First I gain captain approval; next I head down there, find a random dude, and beat the living shit out of him to my initiationEdit: Expllo do you control the 3rd seat?
DeathstrokeSW said
Well I Re edited my post so that I'm at Squad 11's barracks instead. Is it perfectly acceptable to use Shikai and "accidentally" kill a squad member to take his place? And what is this 3rd Seat's name?
AbigailTenshi said
You have to be accepted and work for your seat oxo No skipping
DeathstrokeSW said
I basically plan to walk in, ask to join, and then once that conversations over with, beat the crap out of the nearest squad eleven member or a mission to prove my worth, thus joining and getting seated simultaneously. Hopefully
DeathstrokeSW said
I basically plan to walk in, ask to join, and then once that conversations over with, beat the crap out of the nearest squad eleven member or complete a mission to prove my worth, thus joining and getting seated simultaneously. Hopefully
DeathstrokeSW said
OK then. Because Squad 11 is my favourite I will settle for just being in the squad for now. But trust me when I say I'll do ANYTHING for Squad 11
Phobos said
Would you commit Seppuku for Squad 11?