can someone tell me if I have missed anything since the duel ended with me and ben? I was busy with finals and now I want to get back into the rp
Name: Nova Supplier
Level: 4
Attribute: LIGHT
Monster Type(s): Fairy
Effect: If this card is Summoned, you can add one "Nova" or "Parshath" Spell/Trap card from your deck to your hand, except "Stellarnova" cards. If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, this card can be treated as a Tuner monster for the Synchro Summon of a Fairy-type monster.
ATK/DEF: 1500/1000
Card Name: Standerdize
Trap Type: Normal
Effect: Negate the effects of all monsters lower than level/rank 3.
Name: Nova Supplier
Level: 4
Attribute: LIGHT
Monster Type(s): Fairy
Effect: If this card is Summoned, you can add one "Nova" or "Parshath" Spell/Trap card from your deck to your hand, except "Satellarnova" cards. If "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, this card can be treated as a Tuner monster for the Synchro Summon of a Fairy-type monster.
ATK/DEF: 1500/1000
OK, this is almost definitely the last Nova/Parshath card I'll make. At least, the ones for the main deck. And certainly the last I'll make for a while.
So... how's the collab coming along?
Also, this:
Name: Facade
Spell type: Normal
Effect: Banish one monster from your hand or deck face-up, then target one face-up monster you control. Until the End Phase, the targeted monster's name is treated as the banished monster's name.
Name: Fresh From the Armoury
Spell type: Continuous
Effect: Once per turn when you Normal Summon a Monster, target one monster you control: that monster gains 500 ATK until the end phase.
going to wait on your post