Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The 417th Legion


With the new Star Wars movie coming out incredibly soon I have been in the 'mood' for Star Wars like never before. For anyone who knows me you might be surprised that I love Star Wars even more than DC Comics. (Which obviously holds a very dear place in my heart.) In preperation for the new movie I decided to re-watch/read all canon properties of the universe. (Though I need to catch up on the Darth Vader ongoing title. I ran out of money.)

After deciding to skip over the Phantom Menace (beacuse, meh) I watched Attack of the Clones. (My first ever experience with the franchise. Don't hate, I love that movie despite the terrible romance dialogue.) Then I decided to watch the entirety of the Clone Wars cartoon. I now realize that there is no way to finish my self imposed canon 'journey' as I am only on season 2. I'm okay with that though because I am once again hooked! The show focuses mostly on the main characters (Anakin, Obi Wan, Yoda) that everyone knows and loves but also places a pretty heavy focus on the clones themselves. It gives the feeling that the Clone Wars were fought on an absolutely huge scale. Meaning there was no way the show's crew could cover every single unit in the Clone Army. (There were 3 million clones mature and trained to fight in the first couple of months of the war.)

I want us to create our own original Legion/Brigade in the Grand Army of the Republic. That means every character will be original, from the Jedi, to the non-clone officers, to the clones themselves. We might cross paths with canon characters at some point but not very often.

Our Goal

Each clone Legion contained around 9,200 units and were a part of a larger Corps/Sector Army/Systems Army/Grand Army. Wiki page explaining the organization of the Republic Army We will be fleshing out the 417th ourselves including the fleet and Admiral that brings us to battles and fights in space. You can create pretty much any character you want. I will not be playing as any of the Jedi unless I need to. There will be four, one Master who will act as our general and one of the regiment commanders, a Knight who will be second (think Obi Wan being in charge and Anakin being his second as is evidence by the show) and two Padawans. I will be playing as our Clone Senior Commander and our non-clone Admiral however.

Regiments will be divided into two infantry divisions, one artillery/armored division and one fleet division. As will Battalions, though they have to be numbered. Example: 212th Attack Battalion. Companies and platoons will be generic for us. 1st-4th platoon of 1st-4th company of Battalion Name of the 417th infantry/armored/naval regiment. Naval terms might be different than battalions and platoons and such. If you know these terms please let me know.

Players can play however they like. Want to be a fighter pilot and that's it? Great! Want to make a Jedi? Sure! I myself will be taking command of an entire battalion of one of the infantry regiments. This means I will have many characters and will control all of their fates. I encourage players to take this route. Think of this as a mini nation style RP or something. Or maybe a very closely collaborated fan fiction adventure. Let me be clear about this route. You DO NOT have to write a post for every single character in your Battalion. You have your main character and their supporting cast. I will be writing all of my infantry posts with Senior Commander Blue as the main character with a third person perspective. I will also make expendable officers/grunts that will be characters. Write a single post incorporating as many of your characters as you like. You DO NOT have to write a new CS for every new clone you introduce. If you play as a Jedi you will need to write an individual CS.

Also, if you want to play as a unit but don't want to control an entire Battalion you can create a company of soldiers under another player's Battalion. Though we should try to spread this out a little. I don't want four player Companies under one player's Battalion. Platoons are also not available to create as your sole unit as it could get out of hand. Battalion leaders feel free to make up platoons and companies under your Battalion.

The Legion

The 417th Legion is an elite Legion of Republic Clone Troopers. Over the last ten years they have been growing and training on the planet Kamino along with millions of their brethren. The soldiers of the 417th were all picked from some of the highest scoring soldiers in training, because of this they believe they are the best of the best. This has caused a rivalry between their men and that of the 501st who also think they're the best.

The Clones of the Grand Army of the Republic were cloned from the DNA of Jango Fett, a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Fett and thousands of other bounty hunters and mercenaries have been training the men for the last ten years to become the deadliest army in the known galaxy. Through Kaminoan technology and science a clone ages twice as fast as a normal human. At ten years of age the men of the Clone Army have the body of a twenty year old Jango Fett. They were implanted with a biological chip at birth to make them more docile than the original donor but are still encouraged to exhibit free and creative thought.

While free thought was encouraged, individualism was not. The Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su and many of his people often treated clones like nothing more than organic droids often killing or sentencing to maintenance the "failures." Other Kaminoans and many of the bounty hunters saw the Clones as human beings and protected them from Lama Su. Despite individualism being frowned upon by many of the Kaminoans, the clones began giving each other nicknames. Senior Commander Blue was one of the first to be so honored because of the genetic mutation in his eyes. They also began building their own personalities and distinguishing themselves from each other.

As the war grew closer the troops began feeling restless. The men, now ten years old, grew tired of training and were itching for a fight. Finally Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi visited Kamino. None of the men knew why he was there but they did know that they would soon be heading off to war. 200,000 of the Phase I Clone Troopers had completed their training and were ready to fight. Another million clones, including those of the 417th, were to be ready within the next couple of weeks. After Kenobi left, Fett disappeared leading many of the clones to wonder what happened.

Not long after another Jedi Master, Yoda, appeared on Kamino and took the first 200,000 clones to battle against the Republic's enemies. The 417th, only one week away from being battle ready, was left behind. When the Yoda and many of the clones returned stories of the Battle of Geonosis against the Separatist Droid army traveled throughout the cloning facilities with tremendous speed. Clones were told that everything they heard about the Jedi was true, they were extremely powerful.

At the request of Master Yoda and another Jedi Master named Shaak Ti, Lama Su allowed the clones to individualize themselves. Within a week many clones had cut, dyed, or shaved their hair, began growing facial hair or received tattoos. Nicknames became ever more common and the troops became more human than they had ever been. Lama Su was startled, within two weeks hundreds of clones had personalized their appearance.

After further Jedi request, the armor of the Clone Troopers was also customized according to Legion or Brigade. The Jedi General in charge of each Legion chose a color for his soldiers. The Officers were the only soldiers actually ordered to customize their armor. Many of the regular troopers still wear plain white or 'shiny' armor.

Two and a half weeks after the Battle of Geonosis the 417th was deployed for the first time. They were given the color maroon as their armor customization and headed to battle. The unit is now deployed over Ord Mantel were a major Banking Clan Separatist droid factory is producing thousands of units for the enemy. Local Republic-Loyalist militia soldiers are fighting back. A mixture of Ord Mantel organic military forces and droid units have been crushing the resistance for three weeks since the Battle of Geonosis. The 417th is here to make sure the planet is brought back into Republic hands.


  • No arguing in the OOC. Take any disagreements into private messages.
  • Everyone needs to post a minimum of once every two weeks. Disappear for too long without explanation and I reserve the right to kill your characters and fill your units with "replacements" (Other Players)
  • This is the Clone Wars, a lot of Clones are going to die. If you make a unit, make expendable troopers. You don't have to kill them left and right but keep it interesting.
  • In IC profanity will be kept to Star Wars profanity. Damn and hell are acceptable, shit and bitch are not. Star Wars profanity includes blast, karabast, blazes, and many others.
  • This is high casual/low advanced. A minimum of four-five well written paragraphs per post is required.
  • Do not post characters, units, or ships in the character section until they have been accepted. Application can either be put in the OOC or sent to me via PM.
  • No super Rambo or Darth Vader characters. We are not canon, we are not invincible. Not even our Jedi Master can take on Count Dooku and an army of droids on by himself.
  • Don't do anything that will drastically alter the plot without my okay. In other words no going "OMG there's General Grevious coming to kill us. Where did he come from?"
  • Other than that have fun. This is going to be a gritty warfare experience. We are going through the entire war guys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Banking Clan Campaign

The Intergalactic Banking Clan (or IGBC) was one of the Republic's most influential commerce guilds. Based on the planet of Muunilinst in the Outer Rim, it was a union of the ruling Council of Banking Clans and several other banking powers. Officially a galactic Mega Corporation the Banking Clan was similar to the Trade Federation in that it ruled entire planets and acted as a legitimate governmental power. The Council of Banking Clans, or the Board of Directors, were the ruling government and placed ultimate power in the hands of the Clan Chairman and was represented in the Galactic Senate. The Banking Clan held a monopoly on all banking operations in the Outer Rim and even had branches on dozens of core planets including Coruscant. It had its own private military made of battle droids and the Iotran Guard. The droid army of the Banking Clan was made up of everything from B-1 battle droids to Trade Federation Droidekas. The Clan itself designed unique units such as Hailfire Droid tanks, IG-100 Magna Guards, IG lancer combat droids, and the Banking Clan Gun Platform.

While the corporation was officially neutral in the Clone Wars, the Chairman San Hill signed the treaty that created the Confederation of Independent Systems and was present at the Battle of Geonosis. The Clan still conducted business in Republic space in a much more limited capacity and charged over 70% interest rates on Republic worlds. All of the Banking Clan's worlds signed the Secessionist Articles and were officially part of the Separatist Alliance. The Banking Clan was the second largest financial supplier of the CIS behind the Trade Federation. (Who had officially separated from the Republic) The IGBC waged war on the Republic throughout the entire conflict under the guise of "a Coalition of Independent Governments" allowing the corporation itself to hold its representation in the Galactic Senate. The only branches of the IGBC that were not actively supplying troops and star ships to the CIS were those on Coruscant and a few other core Republic worlds. The Senate, and Chancellor Palpatine himself, tried to abolish the IGBC's representation but was always turned down by their supporters in the senate. (Most of which were outer rim worlds that were not officially Separatist.)

The IGBC supplied a large number of droids to the Separatist army and hired numerous generals to command their troops. This included a few Muun commanders as well as commanders from other alien species. The Banking Clan even had a hand in the creation of the Kaleesh General Grievous through the schemes of Chairman San Hill during the Huk wars on his home planet of Kalee. Other notable IGBC generals included Caar Damask, a middle ranking member of the clan and the administrator of Mygeeto, San Hill, the Chairman of the IGBC, Kendu Ultho, an Aqualish mercenary, and Dask Gat, a member of the IGBC Board of Directors and apprentice of Count Dooku.

The first battle in what became known as the Banking Clan Campaign during the Clone Wars was fought on the planet Ord Mantell between the occupying forces of Dask Gat, the Black Sun Pirates, a Mantellian resistance movement, and the men of the 417th Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Current Mission

For ten years before the Battle of Geonosis the Intergalactic Banking Clan headquartered on the planet Muunilinst has been trying to spread their influence ever core-ward. One year ago they settled on the planet of Ord Mantell and set up a base of operations. The Clan and the local Black Sun Pirates began a battle for control of the planet. They have since built a large droid factory that produces designs from every major ally in the Confederacy of Independent Systems and have installed Dask Gat, a member of the Banking Clan Board of Directors and unofficial apprentice of Count Dooku, as a temporary planetary governor.

The majority of the Ord Matellian population welcomed the Banking Clan with open arms as the planet has a long history of rebellion against the Republic. About a fifth of the planet's population, under the leadership of a human law enforcement officer named Dar Stochen, began a resistance movement against the Banking Clan about a month ago. As the Battle of Geonosis grew nearer the violence on the planet increased. The Resistance was unable to send for the help of the Jedi due to a planet-wide blockade.

In the three weeks since the war started the Resistance has been pushed back to the city of Garrick, once an ancient fort of the Old Republic. Now not only the CIS droid army, but that of the Black Sun Pirates are fighting the Resistance. The Black Sun pirates have a large base on the planet which they have dubbed Ord Mantell City.

Two days ago a small group of Resistance fighters were able to break through the Separatist blockade and make it to Coruscant. Troubled by what is happening on the planet, the Senate has sent the 417th to bring it back into Republic Hands. Both the Separatist and the Black Sun must be pushed off the planet.


Holding the Line

When news reached the droid armies on other planets that the blockade of Ord Mantell had been broken, the CIS sent a large fleet to retake the planet. Consisting of multiple Dreadnoughts, the fleet outnumbered the 417th Navy substantially. What was once an easy battle for supremacy of the skies quickly became a fight for survival. The 417th Navy either held the line or they, and all the Republic forces on the ground, were dead.
Assigned Units: 417th Navy

Falling Back

After the disastrous counterattack on Fort Garrick by Separatist forces the 417th Legion was forced to retreat to their new headquarters on the planet. The deaths of Jedi Knight Vail Lencer and the command of the 99th Storm Battalion crippled the 417th's morale. Dask Gat and his droid army used this opportunity to attack the weakened clones at the captured facility the used as a base. Dar Stochen and his surviving Resistance fighters were merged into the clone forces. All personnel on the ground were to fall back to the HQ to defend against the advancing Separatist forces. The 417th was surrounded on all sides by seemingly infinite numbers of droids. The units sent to destroy Separatist jamming stations were still in the field and are unaware of the current situation.
Assigned Units: All infantry, Jedi, and Armored units.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Various sheets

Open Slots

Jedi Padawan:2
Infantry Battalions:5
Venator Star Destroyers:3
Artillery/Armor Battalions:3
Acclamator Cruisers:7
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Sheet will be up in a few minutes to an hour, longer if I decide to be lazy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I sent my character to you in a PM. I will complete him with a Bio section tomorrow and post him here, since I need to head off to bed now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sheet will be up in a few minutes to an hour, longer if I decide to be lazy.

Awesome, looking forward to it.

I sent my character to you in a PM. I will complete him with a Bio section tomorrow and post him here, since I need to head off to bed now.

Alright, I'll read it when I can. I'll Pm you back soon. Ditto to you @The Survivor
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here is what I've been working on so far. I still want to add the Blue and Pierce's personality and add a few more soldiers but here is an idea of what I'm looking for.

Designation: 117th Attack Battalion
Structure: Infantry Battalion 1st 417th Infantry Regiment. 64 squads, 16 platoons, 4 companies.
Specialty: Front line offensive infantry combat. The 117th is made up mostly of standard Clone Troopers but also includes a squad of Scout Troopers, a few squads of heavy weapons/rocket troopers and about thirty medics. The Battalion is extremely effective in quick offensive maneuvers but can suffer in prolonged defensive battles.


Other Personnel:

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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So I can create my own vessel?

Also if you got questions on the Darth Vader Comics, NuBooks (Aftermath, Heir to the Jedi, Dark Disciple or any of the three kids books... which I read just cause). Let me know, I've read them all. I think I need to buy this months copies though.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

So I can create my own vessel?

Also if you got questions on the Darth Vader Comics, NuBooks (Aftermath, Heir to the Jedi, Dark Disciple or any of the three kids books... which I read just cause). Let me know, I've read them all. I think I need to buy this months copies though.

Yes you can make your own vessel and crew. I encourage it, so far we have a few infantry battalions and a Jedi that have applied.

I'll keep that in mind if I have Star Wars questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

Yes you can make your own vessel and crew. I encourage it, so far we have a few infantry battalions and a Jedi that have applied.

I'll keep that in mind if I have Star Wars questions.

I'm not so interested in going Jedi or infantry. Though if you want a naval man for a Star Wars RP.

I'm on it :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Vandy>

I'm not so interested in going Jedi or infantry. Though if you want a naval man for a Star Wars RP.

I'm on it :P

Awesome! Welcome aboard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vhagar
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Vhagar Dark Lord of the Sith

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm definitely up for this. Which Jedi rank has been applied for? I'd like to have a Jedi character and possibly a battalion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm definitely up for this. Which Jedi rank has been applied for? I'd like to have a Jedi character and possibly a battalion.

@Shard applied for the Jedi Knight. To be honest I think Shard has that one taken. Once that bio is done we'll have our Jedi Knight. The Master and both padawans are still open though. Battalions are always welcome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vhagar
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Vhagar Dark Lord of the Sith

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Master seems almighty tempting. I'll see what I can do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Master seems almighty tempting. I'll see what I can do.

Okay Vhagar, Dark Lord of the Sith. That doesn't seem suspicious at all...

Oh guys, one more thing, we are all rookies in the beginning. So anyone with a scar either won't have it or got it in training. Any personality trait that says "highest kill count" like Pierce does in the 117th sheet will be earned IC. Jedi Masters/Knights excluded of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Vhagar>

Okay Vhagar, Dark Lord of the Sith. That doesn't seem suspicious at all...

Oh guys, one more thing, we are all rookies in the beginning. So anyone with a scar either won't have it or got it in training. Any personality trait that says "highest kill count" like Pierce does in the 117th sheet will be earned IC. Jedi Masters/Knights excluded of course.

What about experienced Captains/Admirals? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Vandy>

What about experienced Captains/Admirals? :P

If they aren't clones. Only one Admiral in the Legion though, and that's me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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<Snipped quote by Sep>

If they aren't clones. Only one Admiral in the Legion though, and that's me.

Doesn't mean a Capital ship can't have a non-clone commander. Unless you plan for there to only be one Venator.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Vandy>

Doesn't mean a Capital ship can't have a non-clone commander. Unless you plan for there to only be one Venator.

I plan on there being about three Venators. Maybe more if there is enough demand. Non-clone naval captains are highly encouraged. It'll give us diversity to our cast of clones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vandy
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Vandy Post Apocalyptic Superman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Update on the 117th

Designation: 117th Attack Battalion
Structure: Infantry Battalion 1st 417th Infantry Regiment. 64 squads, 16 platoons, 4 companies.
Specialty: Front line offensive infantry combat. The 117th is made up mostly of standard Clone Troopers but also includes a squad of Scout Troopers, a few squads of heavy weapons/rocket troopers and about thirty medics. The Battalion is extremely effective in quick offensive maneuvers but can suffer in prolonged defensive battles.


Other Personnel:

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