Gangplank was the first champ I was any good with. I would play matches with him, while You Are A Pirate looped in the background. Granted, this was before I played PVP. If Braum wasn't my IRL main, I think I would have chosen him
Yup same here! Back when ionic spark was around and cleaver still gave armor reduct + atk spd, I'd build him critplank with those two items and enjoy max crit with atk spd. Nothing more satisfying to see his Q kill someone in one shot or hearing the crit effects every auto xD I love the older gangplank and I haven't even touched the rework yet.
Aye. Build em right and you have a guaranteed haymaker every fight. I did nearly 900 damage with him on one barrel explosion. I run crit damage runes on him and Yasuo. 150% damage without IE
I didn't mention anyone but there are a few people in the post of mine. Significant is the healing shrine and the meeps
Yeah I tried him in a custom. Love the barrels and I might learn to play him again. Could always use another top laner in my lackluster inventory anyways!
Should I wait for a couple of posts before posting again?