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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Harsh Light of Day

Centuries ago, vampires ruled over the human populace. They feasted on humans, and they even turned some to their cause. The status quo was left unchanged for a while. The vampires would cull the human populace, and those lucky to be untouched would be left that way. It was their idea of mercy, but had they known the leftover humans would build weapons and ultimately bring their reign of terror to an end, perhaps they would have feasted on them as well.

The human survivors began to liberate their brethren, building their army, while systematically slaughtering their vampire overlords. Too little was done to stop this, and soon the vampires found themselves on the brink of extinction.

One purebred vampire decided to create "The Society", in order to let his people survive. The Society set strict rules on vampire activity. For example, one could not feed on a human unless it was on private property, and the body would have to be disposed of properly in order to deflect attention from human law enforcement. This society succeeded into letting the majority of humans think they had defeated their foe. Vampires became folklore.

Those who knew the truth, the Hunters, were seen as insane and cast out. Hunters are now drifters, who still hunt down vampires, but are shunned by humanity as a whole. They are also usually hunted down by law enforcement, as they murder vampires regularly.

This Society has succeeded into the present day, but now finds itself in jeopardy. A vampire, or vampires, have broken the most important, and first rule of The Society. Never feast on your fellow vampire. Why? It dramatically increases the chance of a vampire going feral, which would normally even only become a possiblity with extreme age, potentially exposing "The Society."

This has The Society even desperately propose an alliance with a few hunters who would hear them out. Whether the threat will be contained is yet to be seen...

The Society

The organization known as "The Society" was originally founded by a single purebred vampire, their name forgotten among the chaos of that time. The society became progressively more popular over the course of several years, which, by now, has hundreds, maybe even thousands of purebreds sworn to its oath.

Under The Society, vampires became heavily restricted in their contact with humans. They could not just drain and kill in droves, as they once did. Vampires began to congregate in cities, rather than spreading their broods across the continents. Soon, a council of 8 members was formed to regulate vampiric actions, and act as a sort of government for the legions of vampires now sworn to The Society. Only one member of this council has ever revealed their identity, as the rest would rather keep their identities hidden for protective reasons.

The Council, commonly known as Octus, has never been located in a single place, but they are known meet every 3 months in Washington DC. The goal of Octus and The Society is to preserve both vampires and humans.

The Laws of Octus

1.The word of Octus is final.

2.All cases that do not fall directly under the laws of Octus may be sent in for review and to be judged by Octus.

3. Thou shalt not reveal thine self as a Vampire to humans, no matter the circumstances.

4. Massacre, hereby defined as the act of killing more than five individuals in cold blood, shall be met with execution.

4-1. The mass infection of any group of humans shall be treated as massacre.

5. Any act that would perpetuate the idea that Vampires exist is hereby outlawed

6. The consumption of Vampire blood is hereby outlawed. Such actions will be met with execution

7. Sexual relationships between a vampire and a human will be met with execution.

7-1. Any offspring resulting from such relations will be cast out from Society.

8. Enslavement of any individual will be met with execution.

9. The murder of any Purebred is to be met with torture and execution.

9-1. The hiring of an individual to commit the murder will be treated similarly.

10. The killing of any humans found to be hunting or killing vampires is both allowed and encouraged.

10-1. Any hunter that Octus has agreed to ally with has immunity from law 10.

10-2. This alliance dissolves upon the hunter commiting the murder of any non-feral vampire.

Player Rules:

- Mods are Kidd, Nyte, Vari, and Grey. Ex is your local Hunter expert.
- The basics: no GMing, powerplaying, Mary Sues, etc.
- There is a limited amount of spots for Hunters and Purebred vampires and we want very well written characters for these limited spots. If you get turned away as a Hunter or Purebred, you can try for a vampire spot instead. Pro-tip: PM the mods before you post a sheet for these.
- The age cap for normal vampires is 1,000.
- No humans other than Hunters UNLESS you check with the mods and are able to have the human contribute to the plot in some way.
- No half vampires.


There are two ways to be a vampire: you are either born or made. Purebreds are born to either two purebreds. Fertility in Purebreds are extremely rare, however, and they are considered to be at the top of the vampire hierarchy.

To be turned into a vampire, a human must die with vampire blood in their system via injection or drinking it. When they awake, they will be transitioning into a vampire, experiencing anxiety as they do. Once the transition is complete (anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the person), they will crave and need blood in order to survive. Learning to control the bloodlust is something a new vampire will have to be instructed in.

Turned vampires will have an ashen tone to their skin and grow small fangs.

Purebred vampires have more obvious vampiric features in addition to the typical ones:
- Red eyes
- Sharp nails
- Prominent fangs

Vampire Strengths

- Very heightened senses
- Super strength, speed, and reflexes
- Accelerating healing
- Vampires grow stronger with age, and newly made vampires are about as strong as a human in peak physical condition


- Silver (a wound caused by silver will not heal unless the vampire feeds and a wound to the heart will kill one)
- Fire (a wound caused by fire will not heal unless the vampire feeds)
- Decapitation
- In sunlight, wounds will not heal on their own
- Cannot enter a private residence without being invited in

Purebred Strengths and Weaknesses:

Purebred vampires have additional strengths and weaknesses to the ones above:

+ Physically and mentally stronger than turned vampires of the same age
+ Even more accelerated healing
+ Mind control (specific to humans and new vampires)
+ Retractable wings (allow for flight obviously)
+ It's possible for pures to reproduce as they are the only vampires born, but it is very, very unlikely that they are fertile

- Sunlight kills a purebred
- Must feed more often than a typical vampire
- Particularly weak to silver (burns to the touch, and the wounds done by silver heal slowly/naturally even with feeding--may even leave scars)

Drinking Vampire Blood

Due to the feral nature that develops by drinking another vampire's blood, there doesn't iniitally seem to be any benefits to this diet. However, vampire blood is far more potent in power than human blood, giving extra strength to those who drink. Were two vampires of the same age go head to head, the one who has been feeding on other vampires would not only be stronger, but recover from wounds quicker as well.

Notable Vampires

  • Columbus
  • Julius Caesar


Hunters: the human race's modern day defense against the creatures of the night...

They are few and far between, however, and have no official order. It might be in the personality type to be a bit of a loner or maybe there's just too few of them. Still, together they form a community of sorts and experienced hunters become leaders of sorts from region to region.

While this gives them some room to freely work, it gives them less protection. The Society has its claws and influence in human government; without an offical society for hunters, they must work off the grid at the risk of being caught. And since their business deals in killing, getting caught is something they do not want to do.

Notable Hunters

  • Jack the Ripper
  • Abraham Lincoln (credited with creating the 'modern' hunter)

Character Sheet:

First post your sheet in the OOC Tab. Once approved by a Mod, post it in the Characters Tab. If your sheet gets turned down, the mods will have told you why and you're free to fix it up so it meets our standards.


Species:(Vampire or Human--humans must be Hunters unless you explain to us how you can incorporate a non-Hunter into the story. if you're making a purebred or feral vampire, specify that)

Age: (you can add apparent age here as well or put it in the appearance description)

Appearance: (picture and/or words--up to you)


Equipment: (Optional. anything they always carry with them such as weapons or important jewelry)

Background: (brief history of how they got to where they are now)

Extra: (any notable weaknesses, fun facts, and anything else you want us to know about your character)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Maxine “Max” James

Species: Turned Vampire

Age: Appears 21


Personality: Max is a very serious but laid back person. She has a strong drive when in pursuit of knowledge but it takes a lot to upset her. She doesn’t have very many close friends (mostly her sister, Hazel). She will take a leadership role if she feels others are inadequate but would prefer to work independently. She is a very quick learner and has an aptitude for math and science. She is quick witted and can become sharp-tongued and sarcastic if she feels she’s losing the upper hand in a conversation. She is generally accepting of any kind of quirks she sees in others as long as they don’t trample on her.

Equipment: cell phone, headphones

Background: Max was born the second daughter of two very loving and involved parents. Although they weren’t wealthy, she never felt as though she wanted for anything. Her older sister, Hazel, is her idol and best friend. Her father is a piano teacher ( whom her love of music originated from) and her mother is a personal assistant for a wealthy business mogul. She attended the local public school before she was accepted on a full ride science scholarship for a state college. The move across the state was hard on her but she keeps in contact with her family on a daily basis. Her sophomore year of college, Max was attacked walking home alone from a sorority party. She woke up in a dark bedroom with a man who stayed in the shadows. Over the next week, he revealed to her that she was experiencing a change - a change into a vampire. She never managed to see the man and still wonders to this day who he was and what really happened to her. She hasn’t told anyone (including her family) what happened to her but being alone in a city of thousands helps her to keep her secret.

Extra: She’s a chain smoker and has only been turned about a year. She’s constantly wondering about the man who helped her through her change and debates whether she should tell anyone. She works at a local bar (where she picks off drunk, sleezy men for food) and has an obsession with all types of music.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@BreakingMe You might want to explain how she's been hiding the fact that she's a vampire for about a year. Where is she getting the blood? Is she drinking from the vein? Also, you can delete anything I gave you in parenthesis such as "(any notable weaknesses, fun facts, and anything else you want us to know about your character)" so it looks cleaner.

Fix that up and you should be good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BreakingMe
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BreakingMe My whole existence is flawed.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


@BreakingMe You might want to explain how she's been hiding the fact that she's a vampire for about a year. Where is she getting the blood? Is she drinking from the vein? Also, you can delete anything I gave you in parenthesis such as "(any notable weaknesses, fun facts, and anything else you want us to know about your character)" so it looks cleaner.

Fix that up and you should be good.

Done - I added that she moved across the state for college so she doesn't see her family and she feeds off of pricks from the bar :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@BreakingMe Alright, looks good. You're free to add her to the Character Tab whenever you'd like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll try to have my CS up before I go to work tonight.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Azreil "The Branded" Icor

Species: Vampire

Age: Appears to be nineteen, he has forgotten his real age as counting became boring. He does know that he is two centuries south of a millennia.

Appearance: With a wedge shaped face, stocky frame, and short cropped hair Azreil is not quite considered handsome by most. More generic as his type goes, his most promenant features include a deep amber set of eyes that seem to be always watching others and thinking. A scar on one lip that seems to curve into a crule smile when stationery, a wide yet still mouth, jet black hair, as well as the look of a short powerhouse.

Personality: Quiet, pensive, and slow to action are his general traits. He however recognizes that to be in the moment to act when, and where is important. There fore before taking action he gathers needed information on a situation he gauges quickly and then corrects what things seem to be to what they are. He likes a good challenge and thrill if only it will not kill him. His loyalty knows few bounds, but to be loyal to a lost cause he considers to be foolish. Well he may just be foolish at times.

Equipment: A cane that is equipped with a silver cap at the bottom, as well as a bastard sword. He wears a raw ruby ring on his left hand to signify his fealty to an eternally sleeping pure bred vampire.

Background: Azreil refuses to remember his past names, as the one he totes around is the second to last memorabilia of his late master. His angel of death, as he had been the executioner dog, he was so called. No place had been too far, no mountain too high, and no cliff too steep. He is now branded a wanderer and peacemaker of sorts. Upon hearing rumors of feral activity he shakes off the dust of the mantel bestowed upon him to carry out justice under the words of the nobility of the afflicted area. If they would have him.

Extra: Azreils left knee retains a human injury to always remind him that quick tempers could bring disater, as such he relies on a cane for normal travel on top of confusing any unwary enimies. This by no means makes him slower then most, his weight alone does that for him. Someone who watches movies might call him a short Jason, to which he normally responds to a sound cuffing to the ear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Azreil "The Branded" Icor

Species: Vampire

Age: Appears to be nineteen, he has forgotten his real age as counting became boring. He does know that he is two centuries south of a millennia.

Appearance: With a wedge shaped face, stocky frame, and short cropped hair Azreil is not quite considered handsome by most. More generic as his type goes, his most promenant features include a deep amber set of eyes that seem to be always watching others and thinking. A scar on one lip that seems to curve into a crule smile when stationery, a wide yet still mouth, jet black hair, as well as the look of a short powerhouse.

Personality: Quiet, pensive, and slow to action are his general traits. He however recognizes that to be in the moment to act when, and where is important. There fore before taking action he gathers needed information on a situation he gauges quickly and then corrects what things seem to be to what they are. He likes a good challenge and thrill if only it will not kill him. His loyalty knows few bounds, but to be loyal to a lost cause he considers to be foolish. Well he may just be foolish at times.

Equipment: A cane that is equipped with a silver cap at the bottom, as well as a bastard sword. He wears a raw ruby ring on his left hand to signify his fealty to an eternally sleeping pure bred vampire.

Background: Azreil refuses to remember his past names, as the one he totes around is the second to last memorabilia of his late master. His angel of death, as he had been the executioner dog, he was so called. No place had been too far, no mountain too high, and no cliff too steep. He is now branded a wanderer and peacemaker of sorts. Upon hearing rumors of feral activity he shakes off the dust of the mantel bestowed upon him to carry out justice under the words of the nobility of the afflicted area. If they would have him.

Extra: Azreils left knee retains a human injury to always remind him that quick tempers could bring disater, as such he relies on a cane for normal travel on top of confusing any unwary enimies. This by no means makes him slower then most, his weight alone does that for him. Someone who watches movies might call him a short Jason, to which he normally responds to a sound cuffing to the ear.

First of all, this RP takes place in modern times, so take that into account. Secondly, what type of vampire is this guy? Also, vampire society is assumed to knit much closer together than a bunch of wandering blood-suckers, due to Society and all. Your character seems to have no ties to Society, and no real stake in the situation other than "I shall make peace".

For the moment, I will assume you mean for this character to be turned, so my only advice is to give him some sort of a stance on the rule of Society.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@VarionusNW I will make appropriate edits after this short discussion. First I consider the 6'6" machete wielding zombie to be a modern iconic badass, hence the movies reference. Second he has a tie to the society as being known as "The executioner dog of a dead purebred." Any ties that are made afterward allow myself and any who responds to my post, or vis versa to have a free flow to get to know each other better. My intentions with this character is to be older then some, and thus having an appeal to older speech and reading. Even though I was irked that you did not read the whole thing I sincerely attempted to be nonoffensive in this post. If you do have further grievances about this profile please do expand upon it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@VarionusNW I will make appropriate edits after this short discussion. First I consider the 6'6" machete wielding zombie to be a modern iconic badass, hence the movies reference. Second he has a tie to the society as being known as "The executioner dog of a dead purebred." Any ties that are made afterward allow myself and any who responds to my post, or vis versa to have a free flow to get to know each other better. My intentions with this character is to be older then some, and thus having an appeal to older speech and reading. Even though I was irked that you did not read the whole thing I sincerely attempted to be nonoffensive in this post. If you do have further grievances about this profile please do expand upon it.

My apologies. It seems I just misread your character sheet. It seems the other GMs wanted to know if your character had a way to conceal that bastard sword, since you will be in a city of some description. Anyway, your character is accepted.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Update: information about The Society has been added to the OOC post and applicants are encouraged to include their vampires' relationships with The Society and/or Octus in their sheet. It isn't necessary, but it's something you'll want to think about for the IC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Bernard Alexander

Species: Purebred Vampire

Age: 479

Appearance: Bernard appears to be a tall (6’1”), well-built man in his early thirties. Raven-black hair that falls around his ears and shoulders frames the typical red eyes of his kind.Coarse but closely trimmed hair covers the lower half of his face, making the visible pale skin around it stand out more. A scar creates a hairless pink line from above his right eye, across the bridge of his nose, and down to his jawline. The remainder of his features are sharp and reminiscent of predatory beasts.

Preferring understated styles, Bernard usually wears dark t-shirts and similarly colored jeans. He generally wears hiking boots, as well as a black duster-style leather coat.

Personality: Often described as ‘a bear of a man,’ Bernard makes no attempt to act otherwise. His gruff demeanor tends to get most humans to leave him alone, which is what he wants. When passionate or pissed, he tends to lose sight of caution and react violently and without hesitation. Aside from that, he is level-headed and dependable, and his outbursts are tempered from centuries of survival. Thick skin and the obstinance of a bull makes him hard to manipulate unless you push the right buttons.

Equipment: Bernard prefers to rely on his own two hands in a fight, but does carry more than that. An inside pocket of his duster carries a Taurus 4510PD-3SS Revolver.

Background: Though both of Bernard's parents were vampires, he has no recollection of his mother. She would have died during labour because of complications during the birth, but his father, Gerald, did not allow this. Before Bernard was even completely in the world, his mother was drained of her lifeblood.

His upbringing after that was harsh and centered on survival and little else. Bernard’s father was cruel, uncaring about his progeny except that he not reveal them and not get in his way. Blood stained the path they walked, and no survivors stirred in their wake. Eventually, this caused the younger vampire to turn his back on his sire and look for a better way. Turning to the then recently formed Society, he sought a new family.

The rules of the Society became Bernard’s way of life, and its members his family, distant and different as they were. Free of the violent influence, he turned his attention to higher minded distractions of fine art and literature for a time, withdrawing almost completely from the world as a whole. He maintained contact with the Society and those members that were near him, but was rarely seen among humans except to feed.

Even with the companionship of the Society when compared to that of his father, Bernard grew lonely over the years. Recently, in his hunger and despair, he turned a young woman who caught his eye and revealed to her the truth of her new life. For reasons unknown even to him, he has chosen not to reveal his identity to her yet.

Extra: Bernard is the vampire who turned Maxine, and is rather protective of her. Any violence directed toward her by other vampires is met in kind, though out of view of the public.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@FateWeaver Alrighty, looks good. Feel free to post it in the character tab
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nytem4re
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I talked to Kidd and she had accepted my hunter CS, so I went ahead and posted it in the character tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Plus you're a GM. You can do what you want
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I will go ahead and add that the claymore is generally hidden underneath a leather duster, a slight variant of a trench coat and is real, with a detachable gard/hilt. If it is summer time I'll just say that he carries a concealed weapons permit if they is allowable. Also depending on the state country depends on the restrictions of said item. I'm not trying to be a stickler, simply trying to stay in the lines.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Would it be possible for me to make a purebred female vampire? Somewhat young by vampire standards who does sip of vampire blood though in small quantities mixed with wine?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@ViolentViolet Sounds interesting, depending on how you end up playing her. The idea is interesting, but if your sheet doesn't match our expectations for Purebreds, then we're gonna have to turn her down. You're more than welcome to give a shot, though
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@EthTenshi Well, swords don't really fall under concealed carry. You're free to have your character handle this however, but it's up to you how important having this sword is. I personally think the cane is cool and works fine without the claymore (or bastard?) in addition. You've already been accepted, though, so it's all you
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ViolentViolet
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ViolentViolet Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Then I shall, though it may take me a bit to get it done since I was to reach the quality that you would expect of a pureblood vampire. What sort of picture were you looking for? Anime, real life or art type face claims?
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