The Harsh Light of Day

Centuries ago, vampires ruled over the human populace. They feasted on humans, and they even turned some to their cause. The status quo was left unchanged for a while. The vampires would cull the human populace, and those lucky to be untouched would be left that way. It was their idea of mercy, but had they known the leftover humans would build weapons and ultimately bring their reign of terror to an end, perhaps they would have feasted on them as well.
The human survivors began to liberate their brethren, building their army, while systematically slaughtering their vampire overlords. Too little was done to stop this, and soon the vampires found themselves on the brink of extinction.
One purebred vampire decided to create "The Society", in order to let his people survive. The Society set strict rules on vampire activity. For example, one could not feed on a human unless it was on private property, and the body would have to be disposed of properly in order to deflect attention from human law enforcement. This society succeeded into letting the majority of humans think they had defeated their foe. Vampires became folklore.
Those who knew the truth, the Hunters, were seen as insane and cast out. Hunters are now drifters, who still hunt down vampires, but are shunned by humanity as a whole. They are also usually hunted down by law enforcement, as they murder vampires regularly.
This Society has succeeded into the present day, but now finds itself in jeopardy. A vampire, or vampires, have broken the most important, and first rule of The Society. Never feast on your fellow vampire. Why? It dramatically increases the chance of a vampire going feral, which would normally even only become a possiblity with extreme age, potentially exposing "The Society."
This has The Society even desperately propose an alliance with a few hunters who would hear them out. Whether the threat will be contained is yet to be seen...
The Society
The organization known as "The Society" was originally founded by a single purebred vampire, their name forgotten among the chaos of that time. The society became progressively more popular over the course of several years, which, by now, has hundreds, maybe even thousands of purebreds sworn to its oath.
Under The Society, vampires became heavily restricted in their contact with humans. They could not just drain and kill in droves, as they once did. Vampires began to congregate in cities, rather than spreading their broods across the continents. Soon, a council of 8 members was formed to regulate vampiric actions, and act as a sort of government for the legions of vampires now sworn to The Society. Only one member of this council has ever revealed their identity, as the rest would rather keep their identities hidden for protective reasons.
The Council, commonly known as Octus, has never been located in a single place, but they are known meet every 3 months in Washington DC. The goal of Octus and The Society is to preserve both vampires and humans.
The Laws of Octus
1.The word of Octus is final.
2.All cases that do not fall directly under the laws of Octus may be sent in for review and to be judged by Octus.
3. Thou shalt not reveal thine self as a Vampire to humans, no matter the circumstances.
4. Massacre, hereby defined as the act of killing more than five individuals in cold blood, shall be met with execution.
4-1. The mass infection of any group of humans shall be treated as massacre.
5. Any act that would perpetuate the idea that Vampires exist is hereby outlawed
6. The consumption of Vampire blood is hereby outlawed. Such actions will be met with execution
7. Sexual relationships between a vampire and a human will be met with execution.
7-1. Any offspring resulting from such relations will be cast out from Society.
8. Enslavement of any individual will be met with execution.
9. The murder of any Purebred is to be met with torture and execution.
9-1. The hiring of an individual to commit the murder will be treated similarly.
10. The killing of any humans found to be hunting or killing vampires is both allowed and encouraged.
10-1. Any hunter that Octus has agreed to ally with has immunity from law 10.
10-2. This alliance dissolves upon the hunter commiting the murder of any non-feral vampire.
Player Rules:
- Mods are Kidd, Nyte, Vari, and Grey. Ex is your local Hunter expert.
- The basics: no GMing, powerplaying, Mary Sues, etc.
- There is a limited amount of spots for Hunters and Purebred vampires and we want very well written characters for these limited spots. If you get turned away as a Hunter or Purebred, you can try for a vampire spot instead. Pro-tip: PM the mods before you post a sheet for these.
- The age cap for normal vampires is 1,000.
- No humans other than Hunters UNLESS you check with the mods and are able to have the human contribute to the plot in some way.
- No half vampires.
There are two ways to be a vampire: you are either born or made. Purebreds are born to either two purebreds. Fertility in Purebreds are extremely rare, however, and they are considered to be at the top of the vampire hierarchy.
To be turned into a vampire, a human must die with vampire blood in their system via injection or drinking it. When they awake, they will be transitioning into a vampire, experiencing anxiety as they do. Once the transition is complete (anywhere from a few hours to a few days depending on the person), they will crave and need blood in order to survive. Learning to control the bloodlust is something a new vampire will have to be instructed in.
Turned vampires will have an ashen tone to their skin and grow small fangs.
Purebred vampires have more obvious vampiric features in addition to the typical ones:
- Red eyes
- Sharp nails
- Prominent fangs
Vampire Strengths
- Very heightened senses
- Super strength, speed, and reflexes
- Accelerating healing
- Vampires grow stronger with age, and newly made vampires are about as strong as a human in peak physical condition
- Silver (a wound caused by silver will not heal unless the vampire feeds and a wound to the heart will kill one)
- Fire (a wound caused by fire will not heal unless the vampire feeds)
- Decapitation
- In sunlight, wounds will not heal on their own
- Cannot enter a private residence without being invited in
Purebred Strengths and Weaknesses:
Purebred vampires have additional strengths and weaknesses to the ones above:
+ Physically and mentally stronger than turned vampires of the same age
+ Even more accelerated healing
+ Mind control (specific to humans and new vampires)
+ Retractable wings (allow for flight obviously)
+ It's possible for pures to reproduce as they are the only vampires born, but it is very, very unlikely that they are fertile
- Sunlight kills a purebred
- Must feed more often than a typical vampire
- Particularly weak to silver (burns to the touch, and the wounds done by silver heal slowly/naturally even with feeding--may even leave scars)
Drinking Vampire Blood
Due to the feral nature that develops by drinking another vampire's blood, there doesn't iniitally seem to be any benefits to this diet. However, vampire blood is far more potent in power than human blood, giving extra strength to those who drink. Were two vampires of the same age go head to head, the one who has been feeding on other vampires would not only be stronger, but recover from wounds quicker as well.
Notable Vampires
- Columbus
- Julius Caesar
Hunters: the human race's modern day defense against the creatures of the night...
They are few and far between, however, and have no official order. It might be in the personality type to be a bit of a loner or maybe there's just too few of them. Still, together they form a community of sorts and experienced hunters become leaders of sorts from region to region.
While this gives them some room to freely work, it gives them less protection. The Society has its claws and influence in human government; without an offical society for hunters, they must work off the grid at the risk of being caught. And since their business deals in killing, getting caught is something they do not want to do.
Notable Hunters
- Jack the Ripper
- Abraham Lincoln (credited with creating the 'modern' hunter)
Character Sheet:
First post your sheet in the OOC Tab. Once approved by a Mod, post it in the Characters Tab. If your sheet gets turned down, the mods will have told you why and you're free to fix it up so it meets our standards.
Species:(Vampire or Human--humans must be Hunters unless you explain to us how you can incorporate a non-Hunter into the story. if you're making a purebred or feral vampire, specify that)
Age: (you can add apparent age here as well or put it in the appearance description)
Appearance: (picture and/or words--up to you)
Equipment: (Optional. anything they always carry with them such as weapons or important jewelry)
Background: (brief history of how they got to where they are now)
Extra: (any notable weaknesses, fun facts, and anything else you want us to know about your character)