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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sessamaru
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Sessamaru The Grumpy Hermit

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Sessamaru
Race: Dearmadta

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Occupation: Wandering Swordmage

Sessamaru is a kind and compassionate youth, revering all forms of life with a sense of joy. Comfortable as a wanderer, he does not let his own personal baggage weigh down his steps and he never looks back on the pain brought upon him. The swordsman tends to be polite and well-mannered, despite being an easily distracted goof. Sess, by his very nature, prefers his own personal freedom and despises oppression, whether it's directed at him or at someone else. Easy-going and lax, it is difficult to anger the young man and even more difficult to coax him into a fight. He is quite clever and intelligent, which he uses to his advantage in order to avoid harming or killing those who happen to force him into a fight. He hates the idea of killing others, though he is quick to protect anyone in need of help.

Sess is renowned for his modesty and lacks pride, though he does have a realistic view of his own power when up against an opponent who either underestimates or overestimates his abilities. He is unwilling to take credit for anything that he has done or in things others believed that he has done, and is quick to give credit to someone else, especially if it gets him out of an unwanted bind. However, in serious matters, he will not allow anyone to be judged or punished for crimes that they have committed, never once speaking out about it, giving his opponents a chance to atone for their sins and wrongdoings.

Sympathetic, the Dearmadta is ruled by his own emotions, whether for a goofy act or for serious matters. He refrains from acting on his anger, keeping a cool head in the heat of battle. Regardless of all his upcomings, his greatest downfall is his appetite and curiosity. He tends to eat multiple meals in a single sitting, as though his stomach was a black hole. In truth, he eats, not only out of pleasure and the scarceness of food in his travels, but because of the amount of energy he tends to expend during his "meditations" and "training" in the wee hours of the morning and the coming of twilight. His curiosity, too, tends to get him into trouble, often entering disputes and forced to resolve them, and then some.

Sessamaru is heavily androgynous, though he leans more towards female in appearance than male, as evident by how often he is mistaken for a young girl. He has an oval face with prominently high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes, his thick mane possessing a sharp widow's peak, and his brows are slender and have a slight arch to them. He's very human-looking in appearance, though his lupine ears are the only thing separating him from the rest of mankind.

Body build: Slender, athletic
Hair: Long; high horse tail
Hair color: White
Skin color: Alabaster
Eye/Iris color: Green
Height/Weight: 4'11"; 100 lbs
Notable Features: His glowing eyes

Clothing Description
Sessamaru wears an amalgamation of traditional clothing from Japan and China, giving him the appearance of an expert martial artist.
Arms/hands: Yellow Kote
Torso: Green Changshan
Waist: Yellow Obi (a sash/belt used for kimonos)
Legs: Yellow Changshan pants
Feet: White Tabi (socks), waraji



Unique Abilities


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kokushi
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Kokushi Friendly Lycanthrope

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Alicia Nightwing

Race: Shifter

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Occupation: Mercenary

Alicia is typically Sarcastic or completely serious, sometimes it can be hard to tell. If she does not know someone, she keeps her words short and clipped, not wanting to waste any more time with them than she must. The only person she ever shows any semblance of kindness to those that she may call friend, giving advice when asked and distributing punishment when told.



Body build: Athletic

Hair: Hip Length

Hair color: Red

Skin color: Pale

Eye/Iris color: Honey

Height/Weight: 5’8 - 150lbs

Notable Features: Scar over her left eye

Clothing Description:
Other than the clothing in the photo, Alicia enjoys wearing black leather pants and a Leather half-jacket with a fur hood, her chest covered by nothing but bandages. As she rather not sacrifice comfort, she alternates between wearing a pair of black sneakers or a pair of black shit kickers depending on how she is feeling that day.


Dagger x2

Unique Abilities


Swordsmanship (Mostly self trained), Dagger throwing, Archery, Gymnastics, Animal Shifting

Having grown up in a Patriarch home, Alicia was used to her brothers always getting what they wanted as she rarely got what she needed. When it came to the home schooling that her race had as a requirement once they became of age, her brothers always got the best teachers, while the women were only allowed to know the basics of Wind magic. More often then not, Women were only taught how to use the healing properties, and she was placed under the same requirement, though she always studied in secret.

She was caught one night with one of her brother's study books at the age of eight by her father and was beaten severly for her clear defiance of the rules he had set down. Though she was clearly afraid to be beaten again, Alicia never stopped studying and never stopped practicing the type of magic she truly wanted to do, no matter what her father said or did. Eventually, seeing that he would never be able to sway her or even physically stop her from learning as she wanted, he allowed her to attend the same 'classes' as her brothers.

At the age of nine, Alicia experienced her first shift, which was a miracle all on its own, as the average Shifter does not experience his/her first shift until their mid-teens. Seeing that she had potential, Alicia's father began to train her himself, which included both fighting and magic. As the years went on, it became apparent that Alicia was a rare form of Shifter, as the moment she saw a new animal, she could immediately take its shape with ease.

Eventually, Alicia snapped and ended up killing her father for all the abuse that he had put her through and left her home, no longer wanting anything to do with them. No one tried to stop her, her mother cursed her and her brothers were terrified of her, but she just could not bring herself to care.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oz
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Oz Ya Boy Oz

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Neve
Race: Yokai - A class of demons that tend to take on animal characteristics. They all tend to have supernatural abilities, with the most common being the ability to shapeshift.
Gender: Male
Age: Appears to be early twenties
Occupation: Traveler/merchant

Hero/Villain: Hero (kind of?)

Neve is a clever and devious creature. He's a quick learner, and has expertise in magical and herbal fields. Over the course of his travels, he's obtained a great deal of knowledge. He's also rather intuitive, and has almost perfected the ability to read others accurately. Despite all of his intelligence, Neve is a pessimistic yokai, who tends to create more trouble and mischief than he does good. He's quick to lie whenever it'll benefit him, and he's an incredible actor, who knows how to fake his emotions whenever necessary. He claims to dislike most of humanity, and rarely makes acquaintances, much less friends. He has a harsh wit, often using sarcasm when speaking with others. He's quite good at provoking others and he has thick skin. He doesn't get offended easily, and is honestly a good sport about most jokes, even those made at his expense. Oddly enough, he doesn't hold grudges for a long time at all. He believes most humans to be petty, only hearing what they want to hear, and being relentlessly greedy.

Neve, while cold and sarcastic, is also rather generous in his own way. He will save defenseless civilians from muggers (although he'll kill the muggers, and steal whatever they have on them), and he'll be rather generous with beggars. He recognizes those less fortunate due to the fact that he was once poor. He tends to extremely dislike aristocrats and royals, especially their spoiled children, who will never know what it feels like to starve. He also hates parents that do not properly look after their children. Neve actually does not have much of a purpose in life, besides surviving while traveling all around. He simply roams to roam. Not having a specific goal in mind frustrates him, so at times he'll take it out on others. He's been known to attack mercenary groups as well as bandit groups, just beating them in order to release his frustrations. Neve is a merciless and vicious creature, who doesn't hesitate to kill others when he sees fit.

Neve is not well-disciplined. He's quite indulgent and doesn't follow a specific moral code. Still, he is not arrogant and has an average amount of self-confidence. Neve is sociable when he wishes to be. Despite being brutal and sarcastic with his words at times, Neve is actually quite good with his words and at persuading others. He has a logical mind. Although he is snide, he is down-to-earth and able to easily solve puzzles using clues he's obtained in the past. He isn't someone who is idealistic, and he prefers to follow concrete principles. He dislikes those who believe too much in dreams and ideas. Neve is a diligent worker. He's someone who very deeply believes in working to earn his keep, and that's exactly what he does. A large amount of time is devoted to bettering his position in society and attempting to make himself more wealthy. He dislikes money, as he believes it a symbol of greed. But he knows he cannot get rid of it. Therefore, if you can't beat them, join them.

Body build: Neve has a tall build, standing at about 6'2". While on the thinner side, he is well-muscled. But he tends to be more agile than he is strong. There isn't a ton of raw, physical power within him. But he is speedy. His muscle tends to be lithe, from acrobatic maneuvers and such.
Hair: His hair is rather
Hair color: A pale lavender color
Skin color: His skin is rather pale, and he has a healthy complexion
Eye/Iris color: His eyes are a deep, brick red.
Height/Weight: 6'2"/166 lbs

Clothing Description
Neve, most of the time, has a rather large coat with furred sleeves over his form. Underneath it, he wears a form-fitting, black shirt alongside looser black pants, with a brown belt. Neve also has many silver rings with rubies that he wears almost all the time.



Unique Abilities
Enhanced senses--due to his yokai status, he has enhanced hearing and sense of smell. He also has the ability to see clearly at nighttime, no matter how dark it is.

Foxfire--Neve uses powerful, purple fire to fight his foes. He can summon very large blasts of it to kill his enemies.

Life-Force Absorption--Neve can also take the life-force from others, and use it to replenish his own health. He can heal his wounds and increase the power of his attacks. Unfortunately, he cannot end someone's life with this power, and can do little more than heal some wounds with it.

Acrobatics and swordplay


Neve was born as a yokai many years ago. His mother and father lived in the human world, in a small cottage outside of a human town. His parents loved him very much, and as soon as he was able to learn, they began teaching him how to read, and write. Unfortunately, they were very poor, not having much money to their name. Most of their food came from the nearby forest, as his mother was skilled with picking out the right plants and herbs, and his father could hunt. His mother taught him everything she knew about herbs, such as their uses and which ones were poisonous. His father taught him how to hunt. Although they were poor and almost starving, Neve loved his life and his parents very much. He had no friends his age, however, as any other nearby children were human children. His parents knew that humans disliked yokai, and they forbid him from going anywhere near the village.

Eventually, Neve started to explore the area around the cottage. He found that he loved the forest. His parents taught him about wildlife, but they also began teaching him how to use his powers. Neve was rather talented with magic. He would often go foraging and hunting when his parents were busy. He found both tasks quite enjoyable. The forest was where he felt most comfortable. But what was beyond the forest? He would wonder that every day. Until, he daringly adventured out of the forest. He eventually arrived in a clearing, where he happened upon several human children, who were curious about him, but otherwise friendly. He made several new friends that day, and promised to come back. He eventually befriended a human girl, but another boy grew jealous of their relationship. After learning how much his village hated and feared yokai, the boy informed his parents that there was a yokai family living in the forest.

With that, the villagers attacked Neve's cottage. Neve was the only one who survived. After that, he remained asleep for several days, collapsed in the middle of the forest, before he woke up in agony. Eventually, he set forth and attacked several travelers, before leaving the forest that had always been his home. He traveled through many places, but never stayed in none place for too long. Many times he attracted unwanted attention due to his species. After traveling for awhile, he met a noblewoman who took an interest in him. She was a kind and motherly woman. Eventually, he lived with her after she chased several muggers away from him. Over the next two years, he was introduced to her allies as "her amazing son". They eventually grew to have a close relationship, until she was murdered by an ex-husband. Neve, upon finding her corpse, almost died himself, before locating her ex-husband, who was still in the mansion, and killing him.

The villagers believed the truth when he told them what had happened. He inherited her wealth and business, and took over where from she had been. After strengthening her company for many years, he grew tired of remaining in the same place, and began traveling once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 15 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Katherine Valkya
Bounty Hunter

Katherine serves herself and only herself. Everything else is secondary, in her eyes, when it comes to her actions. She's a bounty hunter because it pays the bills, she brings you back dead instead of alive cause its a hell of a lot safer than trying to capture you. Only making friends if they serve a role or purpose, never just to "be friends". In other words, she's a cold, selfish person at the very core of her being. Now, notice the specification on the "core" part. On the outside, it all depends on who you are. Katherine can be deceptively friendly or cheerful if it means furthering her own goals, which, might I add, includes stabbing you in the face if need be. Very few know of this, however, as most end up dead before it's too late.

Details of Appearance:
Typical Outfit (Disregard the gun, of course.)
Body build:
Meduim- Not to muscular, not to lean.
Cut just about the shoulders, somewhat messy, but never left to grow to long.
Hair color:
A mat grayish white.
Skin color:
Pale white
Eye/Iris color:
An icy Blue
Stands at around 5'7 with a fairly normal weight.
Notable Features:
Two dark grey, triangular cheek marking, mostly likely involved in her magic. Her right eye carries a blue flame when she uses her magic. Large amounts of scaring on her back and lower front body.

-Smoke Bombs-
-Magnanese Bombs-
-Spring-loaded "Far Runner" Leggings-
(A crude exosuit like equipment for her lower body that allows her to jump super human heights and run for longer, but not faster.)
A double edged, Carbon Steel Shortsword infused with a magic lining that can be charged by the user's magic.
Around seven different fixed blade knives as back up weapons
A compact, single handed crossbow with bolts for "discreet" take downs.

Unique Abilities
-Battle Mage-
Katherine is a rare variation of the traditional mage. Instead of having to hide behind their armored buddies, battle mages are right there on the front lines with their fellow swordsmen, often hacking away just as much. They use a combination of the right combat spells that flow smoothly with their own normal style of fighting. Often they are focuses around two or three key spells, then small variations of said spells. For Katherine, it she focuses on two core spells.

A Cold Face
A good example of what it's like.
(Oh and for spoiler reasons, don't watch past the initial attack!)
She can summon three variants of these creatures. They are floating heads of a skeleton like creature that fire beams of magic. First are two large heads, that fire large, powerful beams before fading away. Second, and most common, four watermelon sized heads that fire powerful beams before fading away. Finally, the third, can be a swarm of small headed ones, firing smaller beams, often to keep a target off balance and moving.

The Impalication
She can summon spears of pure magical energy to attack her opponent. She can either summon them into her hand, launch them, or even summon them at the ground of her target. However, the last option is not often used, as it gives off a blue glow on the ground before appearing, allowing it to be easily dodged. Still, it's useful for keeping opponents on their toes when yur tryin to shank em!

Very fast and agile. Dodges like a pro and loves to get all close and staby before her opponent can react. That said, she's also not one to take heavy hits, so this makes it even more so important to remain on her toes. Her perception is also very good, both in and out of combat. This allows her to guess her opponent's moves and plan in advance. Now, don't take this as being able to predict the future. This is much more like the idea of chess applied in a fight. The more skilled the opponent, the harder it is to figure out the counter move before they even think of the move itself.

All and all, a skilled fighter who focuses on agility and perception to win her battles.

Would rather it be revealed through time. For now, let's just say...

She's had a real bad time.
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