Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Ciel frowned and looked at the students who were all close to panicking. He looked At Haruhi. "Haruhi...has this ever happen during school hours...someone going missing" he asked.

As Sebastian walked around close to his classroom. He found so,e students standing near a bathroom door pale as a ghost. The bathroom door was covered in human blood and was almost coaxing the floor inside.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi shook her head, texting the rest of the club members quickly. "No...it hasn't. I hope the others look at their phones...I need to know who it was. One of the guys in the club has been keeping track of those missing. He has been trying to find a pattern. One thing he found was that all the girls missing are all guests of the club. Now, I'm not sure its a reason or not but..." She stared at her phone, praying that the others would text her back.

Sebastian walked over and rested his hands on two of the girl's shoulders and said "Why don;t you head to the medical office...make sure none of you are hurt or anything...but first can any of you tell me what happened here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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He narrowed his eyes storing that into his head. "And this guy is Kyoya Ootori correct" he said remembering the research he did in this host club.

"W we do don't know we c came to t the bathroom and found it like this. We a also found this" one pulled out a very expensive pink diamond bracelet that had a name Amethyst on it. "It belongs to our friend Amethyst"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi looked up and said "how did you know it was kyoya? Did I mention already"

Sebastian took the bracelet and said "thank you, now head to the nurses office and make sure your alright?" When they left Sebastian thought to Ciel *it was a girl named amethyst that was taken...it looks like a blood bath here...I'm going in to see what else I can find...*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"I tend to do my own research" Ciel said very coolly not to give anything away.

'Do so. We need to find out what happened to the girl. She must be very injuries or dead if it was a blood bath inside"0' Ciel thought
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi frowned but didn't ask more, waiting for someone to text her back. She was starting to get worried.

Sebastian opened the bathroom door and walked inside, not leaving any foot prints behind. The bathroom was worse then the hallway, blood everywhere. Sebastian frowned and muttered "none of the other scenes had this kind of bloodshed....why is this different..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Her phone vibrated and them tofu at ion screen had a text received from Kyoya Ootori that said "No need to panic right now. I will let you know when more information is open to me" Ciel glanced at it before Haruhi picked it up.

Something glimmered on the floor in the blood. It was a single diamond that had fallen from the bracelet but it was connected to something darker than the blood and diamond but it was very thin so it could be missed by human police men
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi texted back quietly "Was it anyone we know? Are the others alright? Your the only one that has answered back" She was starting to get worried, knowing at least Tomaki and the twins would have answered her by this point.

Sebastian knelt down and picked up the small piece, looking at it carefully. "Interesting...I sense dark energy from this black stuff...I will have to get a better look at it later." He stood and heard steps outside the door. He paused when he heard a gasp and then someone grabbing someone else. "Let me go! I promised her I would keep her safe! I have to get in there!" A young mans voice said "Megumi no, you have to let the police do their jobs" The girl's voice said "You and I both know the cops can't stop this..." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, the young man's voice soundly familiar. He thought to Ciel. *One of the host club boys are outside the bathroom...I am not sure which one...but they seem to be trying to comfort a young lady...its odd. She said something about she promised the latest target she would protect them...*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Kyoya texted back just minutes after she sent the text. "It seems our recent new customer Amethyst never returned to class. She might have been the one to vanish" the text said. Ciel glanced at it and frowned. Kyoya already knew that much already in just a short period of time.

Sebastian frowned deeply and walked outside the bathroom wondering how here are people wondering the hallway with the school being under lock down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi thought for a moment then looked around and texted back "Kauro never came back from the bathroom wither...his brother looks worried. Which one of us was the girl following?"

Out in the hall was a tall young man trying to hold onto a young lady with amburn hair, her face in his chest. Kauro was rubbing her back and saying "it's not your fault, Megumi...there's no way you could have known..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"No idea. I am trying to get a hold of Kaoru and Hikaru but neither are answering my texts. Perhaps they found the scene of the crime. Tamaki is still with me and he is too busy freaking out to really touch his phone" the text said.

Sebastian looked at the two. "You two should be in your classrooms...there might be someone still on the premises" Sebastian said looking at the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi shook her head and texted back "tell him hikaru and I are fine...then smack him for me. That should shut him up" she looked at ciel and said "my friends are okay...for the most part"

Kauro looked up and said "sorry professor, we ran into each other outside when the alarm went out....we were heading back to class now..." Megumi looked up and her eyes were silver, and Sebastian felt something he hadn't felt in years. Holy energy. She wiped her eyes and said "sorry professor..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Ciel nodded even bought he did not tell her he read the entire conversation from his desk. Kyoya texted back saying. "I did that and he is calmer than before. But I'm afraid this calls for an emergency meeting again after school. Host club will not be open today" it said

Sebastian gulped mentally at the feeling of it. He nodded hiding it. "Please go on you two before you get in trouble" he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Haruhi sighed and texted back "sounds like a plan...I have someone you will want to meet...I ha e a feeling his here because of all of this"

Kauro nodded and put an arm around Megumi and lead them back to the classroom . Sebastian thought to ciel "we may have a much bigger problem..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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He texted aback a few seconds later. "Is that so. We will be expecting him with you" Ciel narrowed his eyes. He could tell from it that Kyoya was suspicious of him already and the two haven't even met yet.

'And that is Sebastian' Ciel answered back irritated.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Sebastian walked back thinking "we have holy energy here...in human form. This is going to be one of those days I guess...."

Haruhi looked at ciel, eye brow raised. "Don't worry, he is nice...when it shuts him"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Ciel nodded listening to her as he heard Sebastian's answer. Ciel frowned deeply even more. 'Hmm holy energy...this is going to make this mission even more difficult..did you find anything' Ciel asked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Sebastian sighed and siad "A clue I believe...but I will show you after the day is done...I need time to study it more closely..."

Haruhi put her phone away and the door opened to show Kauro, Megumi and Sebastian walk in. Class went on, Megumi not looking up from her desk top the whole period. Kauro kept looking over at her, looking worried.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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"Do it during your prep time then...make sure no one sees you do it...we don't need to be asked questions about it.. ' Ciel said to Sebastian. Ciel looked at the girl and sensed the holy energy himself. He frowned and looked forwards trying to ignore the feeling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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After class Haruhi stood up and watched Megumi leave the room quickly. She said "I think she is one of the guests..." The twins walked over and Haruhi asked "Kauro, how. Do you know Megumi?" He sighed and said "we grew up with her. She has been in our class forever. She is a guest as well, normally goes to see Tamaki. But I ran into her outside when I saw her crying. I couldn't leave her alone" Haruhi nodded and looked at ciel. "Oh, guys, this is Ciel. His new here from England. Ciel, this is Kauro and Hikoro"
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