Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Oh come and dance in our ring. Forget your troubles, gladness bring. The mortal world which you have ties. Behind you lies, behind you lies."

People disappear from time to time into the forests or mountains never to be seen again. We just file a missing person report and move on, usually they don't come back, but sometimes they do. They may be found in such a state to be declare mentally unstable, or perhaps they are dismissed as having some 'out-of-body' experience. They talk about spirits and gods, certain they exist or that there is a higher order telling them what to do do. Preposterous right?

But what if there was? We can't see it, we don't believe in it, but it's there and we know it. Through tiny gaps, small little openings in the veil, we can stumble through. A circle of stones or trees, a ring of mushrooms, or perhaps some old ruins. Perhaps we run into something out in the wilderness, confused and begging for help. We agree to something without knowing the price. But what is it? Where is it? The Fae is what and where. The Fae Realm and it's courts. The Fall, Winter, Spring and the Summer Court. The Seelie and Unseelie Courts. Within this realm promises are binding, prices must be paid, iron is a deadly threat, and lying will only cause you more trouble than it is worth. Now, on top of it all, the Fae Courts are readying for a war of intentions and words. The Wylde Hunt darkens the sky.

I should know better than any, the laws of the Fae are iron in their own might and breaking them is far more than foolish. The power struggles are constant and nothing is forgotten, not by the Fae anyways. Who am I? It doesn't matter any more. I am merely a servant of the Unseelie court, someone who watches and serves the true king. I don't even know if I'm human any more, or if I ever was. My name is spun from his lips and I must hasten to do as I am bid, may you never fall into their grasp.

"Grasp the iron that they fear. Raise it high, they won't come near. Flee the forests and keep away. Else with the fairy you will stay."

-More Information on this Realm-

No nicey-nice Fae that laugh and help each other while discovering the magic of friendship. Fae are ancient creatures that are well known for deceit and deception. They all want their lot in life to be the best for them. It's very rare that they will put another before them. However this does not mean they are power hungry. If a Court has a stable Ruler they will keep that ruler so long as the ruler gives them reason to keep themselves in place. Power, prosperity, and politics.

Each Court has their own type of personality, power. To reflect their season. Spring is the most childish and flighty, Summer's energy with Winter's ruthlessness. They are vain, and iron in their will-much like a stubborn child. Summer is hot-headed, vibrant, vain. Honorable and ready to fall for romance (Midsummer night and all). They prefer entertainment to work. Fall is the twilight and the hunt, sneaky and cunning. They are the magic, with All Hallow's Eve. Winter is the cold and aloof season. The firmest and most ridged in it's rule. They are realistic, they dislike distraction to their work.

Fae powers vary but there is a general rule of thumb the old the Fae the more power they have. Survival of the fittest and all.

Names have power and uttering someone full name, given by them allows Fae (and restricts them should a human know it) to control and essential press a life of indenture upon the being whose name is known.

Iron. Cold, pure iron will kill a Fae. If it isn't pure, or flakes of iron it will merely burn a fae. A circle of iron can keep a Fae out or in. Only Gremlins and other Metal-touched Fae are able to shape or even touched iron without pain or death, Gremlins are masters of bending magical property into metal, and are equally talented in dismantling and Repairing machines. They are often killed or bound, due to this fact.

Promises are binding, and breaking a promise is deadly in most cases. If you owe a fae, you Forever owe a fae, and there is a magic in it that they can force you to pay up until debt is payed. Most Fae will speak carefully so such a thing does not happen. Promises and favors are essentially currency in the Fae Realm. Everything must be given with a fair trade- of a sort. Also, Liege Lords are oath bound to fulfill their oathsworn's pact if they cannot.

All Fae have a Glimmer, an outer look, bestowed by magic to make them hard to notice, or change how they look. This is often used in the mortal realm by the more powerful of the Fair Folk.

Also, Never called them faeries. They hate that.

Fae artifact Grow, and EVENTUALLY gain sentience, able to pick its own master, and warps its own magic. The older, the stronger and smarter. Essentially an ancient fae weapon... IS a fae. Touch NOTHING in a fae home.

"DON'T TOUCH IT, DON'T TOUCH IT, DON'T TOU- ooh shiny!" then DEAD - Havok The Foolish (A dear friend and my drafting board for this idea)

Fae and humans may cross to the Mortal and Fae Realm by gates. Ancient pathways the Fae built through their human puppets- such as Stone Henge (locked), the lake of Avalon (Opened during misty days due to the weather factor being required) or the Pyramids (Broken). Some of these gates have been destroy in Fae wars, locked away by their creators, or just not used and sitting there waiting for mortals to wander through without realizing. There are other gates, spawned by the shift of Realms as they touch each other. These may change from time to time.

Also, you must be active and if I say something won't work. It won't. I've tossed a lot about with the Lore and I've finally solidified it. Try talking to a little girl who wants more stories. You get a set Lore fast.


The plot is basic. The Fae Courts are tense and are Gathering in a regular meeting of the Fae leaders. The Wylde Hunt of the Fall King is preparing to ride adding more tensions. As the Hunt will target any and all it comes across once it begins it's ride. Winter and Summer have settled into a tense peace for the Gathering after a time of skirmishes. Spring has been sitting on the fence, balancing debts and favors owed.

Now hopefully you all aren't thrown off because of that detail but I've been tossing this idea about and I wanted to make sure I had all my bases covered. So sorry! But if you have any more questions please ask and I shall answer!

ALSO, I put this idea up before and had to pause it to deal with personal issues (Sorry for ditching anyone who liked this but I needed time to sort out crap). Over the holiday I was telling a younger family member the Lore of my Fae World and then ran out of stories. So, she's inspired me back into more detail and structure. Now who is interested?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yeeeesssss... Count me in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 26 days ago

Seems pretty cool
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Neodraconis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I like this. :) Reminds me of White Wolf's: "Changeling: The Lost". Nice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

Well if anyone has any questions or concerns... Ask them. Types of Fae, Laws I may have not spoken about, or missed. Human interaction, ect.

@Neodraconis Your avatar... I want to hug you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I like this idea. Count me in.

Edit: I do have a question. Would Satyrs/Faun be an acceptable Fae? I'm not sure what season to put them with, but Satyrs are known for their greed and lust or use of those qualities so I was thinking Seelie Faun would be Summer and Unseelie Satyrs would be in the Fall for courts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Necromancy
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Necromancy The Blackest of Arcane Arts

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

House was awesome. I prefer owod Changeling myself, but it's been years.

And as far as questions, @LadyRunic;

1. Which court would be most suitable for a Vodyanoi?
2. What are some spiffy court positions for those of us who are a bit iffy on AC ually being a ruler and maybe want to portray someone a bit less in charge, but still rather high up?
3. Your op mentioned the Unseelie and Seelie courts. Is that off limits to players? Or do they not have rulers?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Neodraconis
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Neodraconis Your avatar... I want to hug you.

I get that a lot. ;) No, not really. XD I'm a tv-show addict and House is amazing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@LadyRunic Pair of questions from me:

Could I play a grimalkin? And if so, which court would they be attached to? I would guess Winter, but don't want to assume.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@rechonq Satyrs and Faun would be Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer respectively. Though they would be more common in Fall and Spring Courts.


Vodyanoy is said to appear as a naked old man with a frog-like face, greenish beard, and long hair, with his body covered in algae and muck, usually covered in black fish scales. He has webbed paws instead of hands, a fish's tail, eyes that burn like red-hot coals. He usually rides along his river on a half-sunk log, making loud splashes. Consequently, he is often dubbed "grandfather" or "forefather" by the local people. Local drownings are said to be the work of the vodyanoy (or rusalkas).

When angered, the vodyanoy breaks dams, washes down water mills, and drowns people and animals. (Consequently, fishermen, millers, and also bee-keepers make sacrifices to appease him.) He would drag down people to his underwater dwelling to serve him as slaves.

This is correct for a Vodyanoy, yes? I honestly had never heard of such! One of the reasons I love doing Forums on the Fae, you learn about MORE FAE! Anyways, they would be Spring or Fall. Perhaps a few in Summer but not as much. I would point more towards Fall for their apperance, attitude and demeanor.

As for Court positions, there's the King and his childern (Should he actually have that opportunity and want), Generals, 'Lords' (which are essential heads of groups of Fae, or those Fae old enough/ strong enough to claim territory), Messengers, Knights... Most positions reside at the whim of the Ruler of the particular Court.

As for Seelie and Unseelie. Seelie is Spring and Summer Courts, the 'lighter' side of the Fae. The Unseelie are the Fall and Winter Courts. The 'Darker' side. Sometimes a ruler may get enough power to claim Rulership over the Seelie or Unseelie Court, but to the Fae it's a old grandmother's tale. No one has done it in recent or remembered history.

@Neodraconis I'm re-watching him currently. His antics with Wilson are so funny!

@FateWeaver Could you tell me what that is exactly, please? I can't find a reliable source on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@FateWeaver Could you tell me what that is exactly, please? I can't find a reliable source on it.

Essentially, it's the Cheshire Cat of the Fae realm. Typically a direct servant of the Unseelie queen/king and particularly malicious individual. It's true form resembles a large black cat with bright gold eyes and features akin to small predatory cats like lynxes. The Grimalkin is also called the King of Cats.

The fae cats in general are better known as Cait Sith or Cat Sidhe, but the Grimalkin is generally an older and better-known member of this race. They are generally associated with the Winter Court and are according to legend attracted to warmth. Fabled to steal the souls of the dead, Cait Sith are supposed to be 'distracted' by riddles, catnip, and music.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@FateWeaver They would be able to join any court and are allowed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Necromancy
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Necromancy The Blackest of Arcane Arts

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you.

That describes a fair portion of the lore of the Vodyanoi. The appearance is not always likethat, though. They are water spirits that are somewhat demonic. Usually looking like some combination of human and fish. The definitely have a malicious streak. But they also have mercy at times They seem tough and enterprising in the lore I found. There's even an old Russian charm to win a fist fight by calling on the blessings of the local Vodyanoi (water spirits) and Leshiy (forest spirits).

The Rusalka are sometimes like mermaids or sirens and other times like water harpys.

And Vodniks are water goblins who often have a lot of magic and more amphibian than fishy appearances. These tend to seem more wise and magical than the tough and often hard hearted Vodyanoi.

And then there are Topyeltse (spelled Topielce in polish) or Drowners. These are essentially the ghosts, or occasionally undead corpses, of those who have drowned and now live solely to drown others.

Those are the main Eastern European aquatic spirits insofar as I know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SashaDark
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I'm thinking of either a Swan Maiden or a Siofra.

Swan Maidens are Seelie Fae women that can transform into Swans by wrapping themselves in their special feathered cloaks. I'm not sure which court a Swan Maiden would belong to, either Summer or Spring I imagine.

On the other hand the Siofra are a group of Seelie Wights from Cecilia Dart-Thornton's Crowthistle Chronicles. They are like small elfish creatures who might be found cavorting in the woods or bathing in a small pool or perhaps enjoying a nice feast. Once again I imagine such creatures would gravitate to either Summer or Spring. The Siofra have their own Queen (that would be my character) who may or may not also be Queen of the court to which they belong.

Thoughts from the GM?

Edit: Or maybe Kuma Lisa, though I'm not sure if that figure would fit into whatever lore is already established.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chroma
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Chroma Yet Another Fangirl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


I would love to know where you did your research. I'm trying to write a series about faeries and changelings and all that, but I can't find much about faeries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Any room for a leprechaun?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@SashaDark It's very good, though any Swan Maidens in Fall would have added spell weaving ability. And The Siofra would have to be deemed a Lady if she didn't rule her Court.

@Chroma A crap ton of reading. Various fictional books, legends, lore, movies, stories, folk lore. Though for Falk- The Fall King- I came up with him all on his own, and he's my precious Fae baby... *Ahem* Now before he sticks me in one of his trees. I learned all this over the course of two decades worth of reading and listening to Fae stories. Fantasy fascinates me. Magic, Dragons and Fae most of all.

@The Whacko Yes, and Spring Court.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Oooo I played in this RP last time. If the winter queen position is still open, I would love to bring in my old character again. Marzanna. I want to update her bio a bit but she would still be basically the same.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 1 day ago

So glad this is back, do you mind if I throw my character back into the ring?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, well, lookie at what I've found. Hello LadyRunic, I'm pleased to see this has returned, and just as I've returned back to the Guild as well. If it's all the same to you, I would like to throw my character into here as well, should you allow it.
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