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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Is the summer ruler taken?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Angela Skyler
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Angela Skyler

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I have no idea, but it says its open on the OP. @BlackPanther
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If not taken I would like to snatch up that title :)

If taken...Ill come up with something else

I shall see later in the morning for I need sleep
Sleep is apparently important
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther No it isn't. First come. first serve basis on the rules.

Also if anyone wants to be a ruler but the position is filled, you can ALWAYS contend for the throne, it's not uncommon and very much expected.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Awesome and noted
I will begin working on my CS :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Name:Feoras (FEE-uh-rus)

Race: Summer born (salamander adopted father)

Position (In court if you are a fae, Any fae outsid eof a court will be under

extreme pressure):summer ruler

Age:2000 (looks 20)

Personality (Fae type has effect): Feoras is hot headed with a very small amount of patience and tends to be rather stand offish to people. He is hard to crack with a tendency for people to be met by his wall of coldness instead of his more kind self. He does care he just has become unwilling to do so. He is sarcastic to the point where it takes a few minutes to tell if he is being so with a quick tongue that if it has to can become silver.
He hasn't looked genuinely happy in a very long time.

Natural: he is quite tall at around 6 foot. He has the build of an archer with jet black hair that seems to have some deep red in it. His eyes are like fire with a tendency to change color with his mood. His eyes are usually a good warning for those speaking to him of how he is feeling. Generally they tend to be an orange color. His skin tone is a light olive color and comes from a mix of both sides. He has pointed ears and features that are between feminine and masculine, making him a beautiful fae. He has very faint freckles on his face which is somewhat odd but somehow works on him. He has a thin scar on his neck that looks like it is from a knife or dagger. He also has a tendency to wear a gold heart pendant and a small gold hoop in his left ear. He seems to never remove either. He also wears all black.
His glamour is slightly paler with no pointed ears or freckles. His scar does remain though allowing for other fae to recognize him in this human form.
He also tends to take the form of a large black stallion with a reddish mane and tail.

Fae: Click me

'Human':Click me

Feroas came from a human mother and father. His mother had been in a prior relationship before his real father abandoned her in the woods. His real father was a cruel human whom luckily decided to get rid of the woman through ditching instead of something worse. His mother did not know that she was pregnant when she met the oddly beautiful man that would become Feroas' adopted father and the only parent he ever knew. An odd relationship formed between the human and the fae and she knew happiness and loved him even though he did not seem capable of loving her back. His mother's belly grew and the fae decided to be there for the woman during the pregnancy. He vanished to be with her for the pregnancy and was there for the birth. That was the last time his father would see his mother for she died during child birth and was beyond healing. His father took him home and raised him by himself claiming feroas as his heir. This was a good thing because his father's wife failed to bear him any sons and only bore a daughter who became sickly at a young age and passed on.
Feroas was known for being a trickster with a kind heart. He would feel the urge to play tricks on people some days and other days he would be the kindest one. He tended to be kind more then a trickster as he got older. All was going well with him, he was 'loved' by his father (his wife was iffy) and the summer fae adored him. Seemed like all was going well.
Until he spent one of his days in the human world and fell for a human woman. He was in his horse form running on the beach when he found a human woman walking the same beach. Considering that it was night he found it odd, so he watched her for some time before he was noticed. The woman didn't seem scared rather curious of the horse. They ended up falling for each other after she had taken him to her small house and he had become human. By falling it was more one ended. She fell in love while he became possessive. They had long conversations where Feroas found her fascinating. He started feeling emotions that he never had before and even felt sad when he started going home for weeks at a time and would only see her for a day or two before leaving again. He cared for her deeply in the sense that he wanted her around and wanted to take her home, but she refused. Even after he showed her his true form and told her everything about his home she refused. This has baffled him and he decided he would not force her to go with him. After all she probably would leave him if he tried. It was quite a difficult situation for him since he felt like he needed her around, but only if she kept being happy with him.
At home during this he was more joyous then ever before and often would help anyone who needed it. It was obvious he Had found someone or something he was find of, but he had kept his human well hidden from them all.
Unfortunately that all came to a sudden terrible halt when his love was kidnapped. He was home and unable to get to her before nightfall...and he didn't even know she was in danger. Instead he was excited to present to her a gold heart pendant that she had been eyeing. Feeling that it would tip over her happiness in his favor and he could get her to come with him and be around all the time. Kind of like a pretty bird.
His love had been kidnapped and since she didn't have any large amount of coin on her the two men had decided to keep her tied up downstairs. They were brutal to her, but she stayed strong which made her boring. Bored of her they killed her.
Feoras went to her home and found it empty. Panic raced through him as he darted into the small cobblestoned town. He managed to find her corpse which snapped something within him. When he found the two kidnappers he attempted to do a more human styled fight, giving him a scar from the iron dagger one of the men had. This angered him to the point where he could no longer hold back.
Those who survived say that a black horse with a white fire mane and tail lit two men on fire then proceeded in running through the village burning any and all who were there. He was still angry and in his natural form he was seen going from roof to roof the white of his eyes black and his irises a bright white as he lit any remaining building on fire. There were few survivors, but they watched hidden as he went to the burning remains of the building that had his love. With tears streaming and steam coming from that he picked her up cradling her as he left.
On a grassy hill looking over the beach there is a grave with a large weeping willow. he visits sometimes to mourn his human's death and often is seen with a somber expression.
This has changed him into the fae he is now having found no woman he has fallen for like his human and nothing to get him out of his mourning.
Maybe someday...maybe someone
But right now he is the way he is and is often seen alone at any festival. As if the dancing and music is simply not the same anymore.
He is much like a child with a dead pet, he simply hasn't found a puppy that can pull him out of his slump yet.

He is capable of playing several different instruments, but doesn't pick any of them up anymore. He has no motivation to do so.
He often goes into wooded areas when he is free. Often mindlessly wandering as if to clear his head.
His powers are largely fire related coming from his adopted salamander father
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Whew wall of text
Apologies for the click me links but I haven't figured out how to do the other way and I'm currently on my phone...that was fun

If any tweaking is needed please let me know :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther Need a description of the farralis, with lore to go with it. I can't find anything reliable on my search engines.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Very very short version a dragon
Basically they are an elemental dragon type fae in the same classification as salamders. Just instead of being a salamander it is a dragon. It is one of the two types and basically salamanders farralis and the other all dominate fire. they are usually only in the summer and give off protective energies. They give the idea that with courage and imagination everything can be done. They appear reddish in color.

My character cannot become a dragon. I forgot to plug that in there, but since he is half for some reason the natural dragon form does not come to him. So he has the fire abilities like crazy and is slightly good with other magic but weak in healing to the point where healing is basically useless from him.

I used that type instead of a salamander because the stories I used to read had salamanders as messengers much like crows or doves and they could be of fire or water. They were also very easy to summon and one of the easiest to control in the stories. Also they were small and of it was a fire one could help start fires.

I hope that helps a bit.

Also if you are iffy on the dragon thing...the main thing is I would like him to be half fire fae of some sort so if you have any fire fae you know of I would love to hear about them :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther I'm iffy about High Elf and Dragon. It's too fantasy-like. Fair Folk are folk lore creatures unlike High Elves. What about a Summer-born that once was human made Fae by a Salamander? Picking up Fire's gifts?

Your 'father' takes a eye to (I'm not saying falling in love, because Fae are flick and not fully capable of human emotions. Love is something Human. They may feel something akin but it's not actual love.) the mother, get together, the mother has a issue, has a child with a human man from prior relationship or some accident, Mother dies as you said and the Fae takes the child with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

That works. Again main thing was the fire and I'm sorely lacking in fire fae knowledge >.<
making sure I understand summer borne since I'm not knowledgable on that. They were once human and become fae correct? Would the rest of his story still work basically? And are the descriptions okay?

I am accustomed to midsummer nights dream and other odd lore from different locations so familiar with selfie and changelings and then there's the odd stories here and there on Fae

And I'm typing a lot and rambling and I'm sorry :/ im excited
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther Oh, no matter. I get it. Summerborn Fae are Fae that are either born from another Season-born (Summer, usualy), or made into one by another Fae. Generally the latter are servants, and such. His story would still work (thought I'm not fully behind it) and your description would be fine, however his skill in magic wouldn't be so supurb. Fire would be a specialty of his, I agree. However, Magic is the domain of Spring and even more the domain of Fall. He would have skill in it yes, but not on the level of those rulers.

Healing magic and such leans towards Spring, and Summer would have more flashy and loud dramatics. Winter's is more cold and icy. (Excuse the pun). Fall is more on clever, and darker magics and mysteries.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther Also, you can be on regularly to keep up your ruler, correct?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ah okay
i was definitly leaning toward him basically have fire related power with very very little if any magic. So I agree completly on that.
For his history I could spin it to where it wasn't love but more of a possivenes over her. Or I could have it hint at that.
I can get right on that and tweak him :)

And yes I can most definitly. I actually have not a ton going on currebtly for once so I can be on basically every day.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther OOhhhh I like that possessiveness. A very, very good idea!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Been staring at that CS
Hmm I can definitly add a few things and tweak it :D
I'll get on it..might ask periodically for input to see if the possivenes comes through enough
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

@BlackPanther Go right ahead. I'm here all night....


*Save me! The muses are coming!*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright changed the species added the abilites in the other section and hopefully the history hints at the possivenes that should sound somewhat similar to what his adopted father has for his mother.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

Alrighty. @BlackPanther
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyRunic
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LadyRunic The Laughing Raven

Member Seen 13 days ago

It's up!
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