Drawn by me
Name: Justina Mana Abrams
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Mana is very absent-minded and would forget to feed herself if she didn't have a daily schedule. She is a sweetheart and loves to help those who need any sort of help. She hates it when people try to look into her art studio without her permission.
Backstory (Optional):
They say that sometimes the worst things happen to the best of people. That saying goes for Mana. Mana's birth was an accident, completely unwanted by her parents who were only interested in drinking alcohol and smoking weed, day in and day out. Mana, despite her parents uncaring, even violent nature, went on with her childhood, acting naive to every question about each bruise and cut on her body. As a small child all kids avoided her, calling her a monster due to her Heterochromia. As time went on she started wearing sunglasses, which did stop the name calling, but never stopped the violence. By the time she was in middle school Mana wasn't just being physically harmed by her parents, but also her classmates, who called her stupid, or a freak of nature. She almost seemed to have a protective casing from their words, never taking them to heart. As years passed the torture got worse until the last week of her senior year when she was put into the hospital due to internal bleeding caused by her parents and their brutal fists and deeds. Mana spent a month, fight for her life, before she finally recovered to the point she could graduate high school. She later learned that her parents had been arrested, but she didn't care what happened to them. She moved into a small cottage by herself at the edge of town, just being barely eighteen. The moment she had internet connection she signed up for online college to become a translator. She had even managed to get a job at a small resteraunt in town and with the money she earned from her job, plus selling some of the painting she did (she always loved art through all of her years, finding it an escape from her life) she earned enough money to buy and run a small bakery of her own that she called, Forever Bakes. She turned her life from being nothing into being something independent and uncaring about what people thought of her.
No way I'm typing this up. Let's just say it's very depressing.
-Cruel People
Other Facts:
Working on getting her license as a certified Translator. Can speak English, German, some Spanish, some French, and ASL (American Sign Language). Tends to just use English and ASL.

Kaia Hadlee-Mavis Farren
Kaia is very quiet and timid, she tends to be skittish when meeting new people, not fully trusting of them since she cannot see. Once she get's used to a person she'll open up and become slightly less tense but is still very quiet.
Backstory (Optional):
Kaia refuses to speak about it.
-Quiet Areas
-Nature Sounds
-Busy streets
Other Facts:
She knows some Braille.