It was a warm summer evening. The sun had just begun to climb up to its peak, setting the sky a brilliant blush color, and the chirping of cicadas had rose to a loud buzz. Toriel was up and about in her cozy little college, dusting things here and straightening things there in the den. She hummed contentedly, pink-touched nose twitching as the mouth-watering scent of the pie she was baking drifted from the kitchen, and the base of her long ears perked the slightest. It shouldn't be too much longer, she thought with a soft smile, her eyes crinkling happily. She simply could not wait for Frisk to try this one; she'd looked up new recipes on what the child had called the 'internet' and found a rather exquisite-looking chocolate pie. She had been dying to make it for her beloved little human ever since. A childish giddiness arose in the Boss Monster's chest like tiny butterflies, and she couldn't resist giving her hips a little wiggle as she carried on cleaning.