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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The World of One Piece. One with many seas, and many adventures. After the greatest of all pirates, the Pirate King, had stated the existence and location of One Piece, many pirates set out to sea to find it, heading straight for the Grand Line. Many people from the four seas ; West Blue, East Blue, South Blue and North Blue came from far and wide, into the Grand Line. All with the same dream; To become the ONE and ONLY Pirate King!

This is the adventure of one of those crews. Those who lived in the Grand Line had also heard the news of the Pirate King, and began to make preparations to find the One Piece as well. This would often occur on the island Arlen, one of many islands in the First Part of the Grand Line. This island was reknown across all of the Grand Line as one of the main islands for trading.

It's main city was rather large, covering most of the island. There were many ships at the docks, with some Navy ships scattered around the island here and there. People were wandering all over the town square, in a rather chaotic manner. Despite all the chaos, the Navy still managed to keep order at the main square.

Due to the large amount of people that passed through each day however, the Navy had a hard time to keep the entire island secure. There were often pirates hidden among the traders, some smuggling some shady wares, while others attempted to start their own crew. And as such, a captain was sitting in a bar, within a small alley-way that branched off from the main town square, to gather up some people to join up with him in the quest to find the One Piece.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Arlen's Bar, Morning

Lenwood sank into a chair and sighed with relief. He managed to pass through several obstacles that could endanger his very own existence such as the marines who were scattered along the island. Of course, Pirate would be caught in sight so Lenwood had no choice. He dressed like a trader while carrying an empty bag. When asked, he would tell the person that he finished all his goods and now he wanted to spend time on the bar. However, the true meaning behind this was that he wanted to start his own crew. Why? Obviously, everyone wanted to conquer the whole seas and of course, an amazing reward waited at the end of the line. One Piece, a treasure left by the late Pirate King, no one ever set an eye on the treasure and live to tell it. Lenwood wanted a piece for himself, it wouldn't hurt, right?. What he needed was a crew, he bought a ship and without a crew, he couldn't set sail. He bet everything on Arlen, a town known as the starting point for several pirate crews.

Lenwood scanned the bar, searching for potential crew mates. He wasn't picky regarding crew mates but at least the future crew mates should remain faithful to the crew. He raised his glass of bear and took a sip of it. Lenwood thought to himself how to recruit members without attracting attention from the unwanted. So, he distributed flyers to every table in the bar stealthy without being noticed by the recipients. They wouldn't able to tell who gave them the flyers because when they noticed there was a flyer on their table, Lenwood would return to his table already."It's gonna be a long day." Lenwood sighed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Asus had paid his way to Arlen all the way from West Blue by working as (assistant)navigator on several ships heading into the Grand Line's direction, all while keeping his Devil Fruit powers a secret though most ships he was on got plagued by an infestation of hornets. However he has gotten as far as he believed he could, without relying on both his powers and strong crewmates.

For strong crew mates he could either join the Marines or a pirate crew, since the Marines were too big on rules for his liking that left pirates. However he had no idea where to find a crew, so he decided to calmly think things through over a beer. He randomly walked into a bar and took an empty seat while he waited for someone to take his order.

Before he could place his order though something much more interesting happened a flyer recruiting members for a pirate crew appeared on his table out of nowhere. "Lets see if I can't find out who gave this to me." He sent out a single hornet to check if anyone in the bar had either no flyers at all or stack of them, sure it had rather simple orders but it was still a hornet after all.

After a while the hornet returned, it's hyperactive motions indicating it had found the person most likely responsible for the flyer. Asus followed the hornet to a dark haired man. He casually ordered his spy to return back into his body and took a seat next to his target. "So you need a navigator on that crew of yours?"

Total number of hornets in Asus's body 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50. hornets currently in use 0/50 dead hornets 0/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zypha Celtus looked across the table at her remaining opponent. In the middle was a small, but decently priced, pot in their little game of poker. The other three contenders had already folded and were now watching with mild interest at the game between the two. Zypha studied her opponent carefully while lazily looking at her own cards. It was a bloody awful hand really, with only a pair of queens there was a high chance her opponent had the better of her but her sly poker face made it appear like she was in a good position.

She had arrived in Arlen a few days ago but had gotten stuck when she ran out of cash. Thankfully she was the resourceful sort and so a little work, and a small bounty catch had given her some money to work with. That money was now being put to use in this small wagering game to gain enough money for her next move. If she could just win this last round she would have quite a few options open to her. Arlen was not exactly a prized island to work on due to the high population of marines so she needed a way off and the money would ensure that, if she could win it.

Zypha made sure to give a small knowing smile as she studied her opponent, a slightly balding mercenary type who was trying to look as deadpan as possible. People that tried to hard with their poker faces could be the easiest to read. "Ahh, its so hard to tell what you're thinking with that dead-fish look." She gave a slight yawn, knowing exactly what the man was thinking. He had a mediocre hand at best and was desperately trying to decide if her demeaner meant she was confident in her hand or was just bluffing her way.

"Better hurry up and decide before your two remaining brain cells shrivel up and die." She joked nastily making her opponent's forehead veins start to pop in anger.

"Shut up woman! I won't let you patronize me!"

"Eh, already did so too late for that, are you gonna shut me up with that hand or not?" She goaded on, seriously messing with the other player. While he cursed she noticed a flyer tucked away at the corner of the table, something about looking for crew or whatever, but now wasn't the time for that, she had to manipulate this guy into believing she was trying to get him to stay in the game. Her immediate future was somewhat dependent on it after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It had been quite an interesting day for Satoru. He had never actually tried to sneak around like he had this day. But he hadn't been sneaking around in an attempt to get around the Marines for fear of being arrested. Rather, he had been trying to avoid detection by the Marines for fear of being recognized by one. His mother was a rather well-known Commander while his father had been a Junior Lieutenant in her unit. Needless to say, he was somewhat well-known among the Marines on this island as well. And if they saw him hanging around the area, they may attempt to strike up a conversation with him or perhaps even ask him why he was all the way out here. Sure, he was confident enough in his linguistic abilities to talk his way out of such a scene, but he would much rather not take the risk if he could avoid it.

After all, the last thing he needed was for his secret about planning to become a pirate was blown before he wanted it to be.

A couple of days ago, he had told his parents that he was taking a trip with some friends to this island so that they could all see the Marines at work in an island so widely known for seeing the creation of pirate crews. His dad had been rather reluctant to let him go with just his friends, but his mother assured him that he could take care of himself if he needed it. But little did they know, he hadn't planned on coming back for a long time. He regretted lying to their faces like that, but to him, it was all going to be worth it in the end.

Besides, it wasn't like he was never going to say good-bye. In truth, he planned on sending a message to them through the Marines themselves just before he left the town on a pirate crew. He already had the letter written out; it was sitting folded in his back pocket right now, explaining everything.

With that comfort in mind, Satoru had ducked inside the tavern. And here he was, sitting at a table, looking at one across from him with an amused expression. At the other table, there appeared to be a card game going on at the moment. A woman seemed to be really stringing her opponent in the game along the entire time. She had gotten into her opponent's head some time ago and it was rather fun to watch. In fact, he had to stifle a laugh into a small chuckle when he heard the man exclaim "I won't let you patronize me!"

Satoru turned his attention away from the game for a moment to take a drink of the water he'd received and paused when he realized that there was something now resting on the table not far from where his elbow was resting. He set his water aside and reached out, pulling the flyer toward him and across the table. He looked down at it, quickly realizing what this was...and that this was his best opportunity.

He quickly looked up and scanned the room for a moment, looking for any sign of whoever might have left this at the table. he noticed several more flyers on other tables, but no sign of whoever was leaving them. Was it a Devil's Fruit power of some kind, or was he really just that stealthy about it? Whatever the explanation, whoever it was would probably be rather skilled...and most likely in need of his services. After all, pirates with medical knowledge like his were rather few and far between.

And so, he began looking around at the tables nearby for something else this time. This time, he kept his eyes open for any sign of a table that was particularly lacking in flyers. If this captain-to-be was distributing flyers, then there would probably be no need to leave one on his own table, after all. And it would be a ridiculous oversight to imagine that he might leave a stack of leftover flyers on his own table. That would probably make it a bit too obvious.

Satoru reached down, picked up his glass and took a quick drink of water, using this chance to subtly scan the room, without actually looking like he was scanning the room.

'Wonder what this guy's like...?' he couldn't help but think to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

This was new. Abigail wasn't surprised at the fact it felt that way, but she was surprised at just how much it felt that way. The door looked simple enough, she'd been through hundreds of them through her life, but crossing that tiny threshold was like stepping into another world. There was smoking, and shifting eyes everywhere. She hardly had any idea where to start. Not that she would let something like a clear path stop her of course. Swallowing the lump that was stuck in her throat she took a step in and let herself sink into the nearest empty chair she could find. It was harder than she liked, but the shape wasn't bad. That was something, right?

"Okay. Now I need a drink." She looked around but nobody seemed interested in her whims. "Excuse me." She said tot he room in general, which kept on with its general ruckus as a reply. Clearing her throat had the same effect. "Oh god damn it. I'll try the bar." She put her hands on the table to push herself up and stopped when she realized there was something there that hadn't been a second ago. It was a piece of paper. She picked it up for a closer look. "Someone's looking for a crew." She let the words sit on her tongue to see how she liked them. The taste was sweet. "Okay." She turned her attention to the room and scanned the crowd. "Who is it? Whose casting off to see the world?"

Her eyes fell upon a table further into the room. There was a couple sitting together. There wasn't anything about them that stood out except for something that screamed we're new to each other. With a nervous grimace she got to her feet and walked over to take a seat with them. "Mind if I sit here?" She nodded to a chair before taking a seat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lenwood was done in distributing the flyers. It seemed everyone in the bar received it but there were some leftovers on the hand of Lenwood. Thinking that anyone could easily concluded that Lenwood was the distributor since he had a lot of flyers in his hand, he immediately tucked it into his shirt and hid it under it. He tried to sit comfortable while the flyers tickle him a bit by its sharp edges. In just few minutes, a man with brown hair approached Len's table. Len stared at him and was dumbfounded by that man's action, "So you need a navigator on that crew of yours?". The man asked. Lenwood wore a confused face and he replied, "What are you talking about?" He raised his shoulder, signalling that he didn't know anything while he tried his best to hide his true intention. He was a bit nervous and thought to himself how the man knew that he was the one who sent out flyers, was it a coincidental guess or he knew it exactly? But, how? He believed that the man was skilled enough as he could guess it correctly but Len tried his best to negate everything.

On the other side, he had a chance to shift his attention. He heard some rowdy noises from the other side, it seemed a trouble in gambling game. Lenwood would like to watch how the game progress but it wasn't the right time. Just after he tried to avoid a danger, another trouble came. This time, it was a random redhead, "Mind if I sit here?", she asked. Lenwood became more nervous after the appearance of random strangers, but he casually stated with a smile, "Sure, this is everyone's bar anyway.". Lenwood asked, "May I help you, miss?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Asus wasn't too sure if he had the right guy or not, after all maybe he had gotten rid of his flyer before Asus had sent out his hornet or something like that. He decided to trust his his spy though as well as try and bluff the guy, worst case scenario he had made a fool out of himself. "You want to know what I'm talking about? Come on, we both know those flyers are yours."

While Asus managed to sound reasonably certain he couldn't help repeat his question. Luckily for him the conversation got interrupted because of the appearance of a red haired woman, who apparently wanted a seat at their table.

The man Asus believed to be the one to have been distributing the flyers didn't seem to care either way and he felt the same, but still he was gonna try and flirt with her. "Why would anyone mind such a beautiful lady joining them?"

Total number of hornets in Asus's body 75. Number of hornets used for combat 50. hornets currently in use 0/50 dead hornets 0/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail nodded as she folded her hands on the table in front of her. "Uhm." She said. It wasn't the best answer, but there was no other word in the English language which could so completely cover the range of emotions and thoughts she was currently dealing with. "There was a flyer, about someone needing a crew. I'm pretty sure one of you two sent it. I'd like to join. I can cook, and... Well, I can cook. There's other things, but its probably not wise to talk about them here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zypha narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips mockingly at the man. She was trying hard not to make it too overt but at this point it may have already been too late. The man looked ready to charge straight ahead despite any potential consequences out of pure rage. "Crap I might have pushed him a little too far." The man reached for his remaining cash and was about to call the game meaning Zypha had only one course left to take, she quickly ampped up a greedy look on her face. The man caught sight of the utter look of euphoria and thought better of it, taking his Belli back and turning over his cards.

"Damn it fine, I can't afford to lose any more to some dog." The man practically growled at her as he spoke, throwing daggers with his eyes alone.

Zypha breathed an inward sigh of relief as she gathered up the pot. "Thank you for your generous donations to my life funds, much appreciated." The midnight-haired woman chuckled as she gathered the loot. "I guess you losers deserve to see my last hand." Zypha laughed as she lazily tossed on the table her pair of queens. Upon the reveal her opponent's eyes with red with anger.

"Damn you! If I had called you'd have nothing left!"

"But you didn't cause you completely lost sight of the game, like I basically said before you're sooo hard to read. Now I'll take my leave." Zypha got up from the table and turned around but then she felt her arm get caught in the man's grip.

"Now I"m not about to be taken for a fool by some bi-" His sentence was cut short by a powerful fist to his face. Zypha's eyes turned cold as she watched the man stagger back, clutching his now bloody mouth.

"Hands off swine or I'll tenderize you with extreme prejudice." Zypha glared all around her as the other men she had swindled in the game were getting ready to fight as well. Weapons were close to being drawn but thankfully they were in a bar and most did not want to antagonize any dangerous elements in the immediate area. Still a brawl was very close to erupting out over what could be called spilt milk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lenwood was cornered at the moment, he was afraid if the people who approached him were from the marines instead of what he hoped for. He secretly crossed his finger, praying that he could overcome his current obstacle. He wasn't a scaredy-cat in terms of trouble or whatever but he tried his best not to spark some troubles from the get go. He wanted a smooth first sail rather than a hot pursuit action movie-like scenes. However, after some time passed ,he couldn't bear everything. He released a long sigh, and finally confessed, "How do you know it's me who sent out the flyers?". He kept his poker face while talking to the strangers, in case of emergency, his hand hanged freely on the side, the hand would definitely create a chance to escape.

The lady started to talk as well, she mentioned that she could cook. But, the way she acted annoyed Lenwood a bit, "Why being so secretive? Is it that bad?" Lenwood asked. The flyers were about to slip out from his clothes and it meant that he could meet his end at that moment. Nevertheless, a great opportunity appeared in front of him. Lenwood pointed to the other side, a midnight-haired woman finally caught in a soon-to-be brawl and all of it was predicted by Lenwood when he noticed them earlier. The game would turn into a fight, and of course, gambling could easily infuriate one especially when mocks were involved. "Hey, it seems there's a trouble ahead. You might want to check it out. You can fight right? Let me see you fight!" He tried to provoke. Should the brawl erupted, it would obviously tie one's destiny with others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The giant man who was struck by Zypha's quick punch from before, pulled himself away, freeing himself from her grasp. His current anger, combined with Lenwood's calls for fighting, made his rage flare up even more. "Enough of this!...No marines ever come here any way!" The man roared, pulling out a large broad axe from his back, which he had been hiding under his messy brown cloak. "Men! Show them the power of the Rustsilver Pirates!" The half-drunken and riled up crew of the man cheered in unison. About three of them took position in front of the door, while the others began to spread out throughout the bar. "Hey! No fighting inside my-" The bartender shouted, only to be cut short by a fist being rammed in the side of his head. The man was knocked out instantly.

Some of the pirates grabbed their well- hidden blades and flint-lock pistols, while others charged into the fray unarmed.

The Captain of the Rustsilver Pirates rose his giant axe, holding it in both hands, and swung it downward with force, aiming to cut Zypha in half.

Meanwhile, one of the pirates charged at Abigail. He thrusted his blade forward, aiming to ram it in between her ribs.

A more eager pirate leaped over several tables to reach Lenwood, slashing his blade wildly at his neck.

The three pirates at the door began to fire their flint-lock pistols, shooting several people down from afar. Eventually, they focused their sights on Asus, and fired at him.

Lastly, a pirate bolted half-drunken towards Satoru, aiming to tackle him to the ground.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The fact that the redheaded woman had approached them because she came to a similar conclusion as he did was enough to completely convince Asus that he was right about his suspicions. Though before he could press the issue a barfight between what seemed to be a pirate captain and some woman who cheated in a game of cards erupted. If possible he preferred to not get involved so that he could get keep his powers a secret for as long as possible, in order to have an edge in future fights as well as in messing with whoever his new crew-mates would turn out to be.

Not getting involved unfortunately didn't seem an option as the Rustsilver pirates seemed to be intent on attacking on anyone in the bar. Things got even worse when Asus noticed that three pirates were preparing to fire at him. They were too far away to blind them with Bachi Bachi no Kamen in time, and Bachi Bachi no Kabe wouldn't help either since a bullet doesn't stop because it might get stung by hornets. The only thing he could do was jump out of the way and hope he was quick enough. While he was lucky enough to dodge to completely dodge two of the bullets, the third grazed his shoulder. It was at that point the he knew he had to get serious about fighting back, He put his hands together and released ten hornets from each hand for a total of twenty. He molded the hornets into a ball which he in the direction the pirates. Bachi Bachi no Tama!

Total number of hornets in Asus's body 55. Number of hornets used for combat 50. Hornets currently in use 20/50, dead hornets 0/50
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Abigail folded her arms across her chest, but decided she didn't like that position so she put both of them on her hips. It made her feel like her mother, but in a good, I can get this done if everyone wouldn't bother with things like facts sort of way. "Of course I can fight!" It wasn't exactly a snap, more of what a snap would've been had there been any amount of confidence behind it. "If I couldn't then why would I be here trying to join a pirate crew."

She wasn't aware of what was going on behind her, tension with the cards, until the noise started. It happened so fast one second everyone was angry, just what you'd expect at a bar, and the next thing she knew people were firing and someone was coming at her with a sword. She wasn't sure what what type of the sword it was, but she wasn't certain the fact wouldn't matter when it made its way into her ribs. So she side stepped int and drew her own sword. "Look see. I'm not dead. That's a start, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Good Lord, the Rustsilver pirates? With a name like that you guys must be about as valuable as tin." Zypha half-smiled as things took a rather drastic turn as the pirates started to attack. Thankfully the pirates had plenty of targets and it seemed like the captain wanted a piece of her himself, actually two pieces if his giant axe had anything to say about it. That axe looked rather large and heavy meaning defending was not a good option, she would have to dodge.

Considering the rather restricting area of the bar Zypha really had only one option, to leap back which she did right before the giant axe smashed into the floorboards, splintering them to kingdom-come. Zypha quickly unwrapped her twin chain-scythe, which she kept around her waist. Grabbing part of the chain she gave one of her scythe plenty of slack as she started to twirl the deadly weapon around. "You know you could use some aiming practice, but don't worry I'll give you a good example."

Having more than enough momentum she hurled the business end at his right arm, hoping to maim his arm so he'd be unable to effectively wield his axe anymore. The blade zinged through the air toward its target. While she watched she kept her other scythe ready in case she needed to defend herself from another attack.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Digizel
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Digizel The Knight of Bui / Challenge me if you dare! >3

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Satoru continued to study the room around him while the card game beside him continued to play out. Apparently, on the other side of the bar, two other people were starting to make their way over to a nearby seat where another lone person was sitting. As if that wasn't enough confirmation, that lonesome man did not seem to have any flyers resting atop his table.

The obviousness of his actions caused Satoru to reconsider joining this guy. He was sneaky, sure, but he had done a terrible job covering it up. Had he still been in allegiance with the Marines, he'd have already started to leave the bar and report it to the Marines.

Then again, he supposed he had his doubts that the Marines would be able to do anything anyway. Most of the Marines on this island were grunt-level workers like Ensigns. There were probably a few higher-ups stationed here, but probably nothing spectacular. If there was a more threatening Marine presence, this place wouldn't be one chosen for pirates to get their beginnings.

Just as he considered rising to his feet and moving over to the table across the room himself, there was some commotion to his side, directing his attention back to the card game again. As expected, it seemed like the girl had bested the larger man in the card game, causing him to respond violently. That was echoed by the lonesome man's call to battle, and soon practically the entire bar was up in arms, even going so far as to have the bartender knocked unconscious.

Satoru let out a small sigh. well, so much for quietly getting aboard a ship and skipping town. It was rather unlikely that he would get out of this mess without getting involved in the war at hand. But, at least there was something to go by.

If anything was clear here, it was that the large man wielding the axe was the leader of this group of "Rustsilver Pirates" as they called themselves. That didn't automatically make him the captain, but it was clear that he was the one in charge. If they were like most pirates, then the choice was obvious. Take out the big guy, and the rest panic or surrender altogether. Then again, these guys were all partially drunken, so they might not even have the sense for that.

Satoru sighed when he realized that there very well be no clean way to settle this. A disappointing thought, to be sure.

His attention was grabbed by another man, larger than himself, half-stumbling, half-charging his way toward him, intent clear as day. He looked boredly at the incoming man. "geez...I didn't even want any part of this to begin with." he muttered before rising to his feet and clutching the glass in his hand with a more firm grip. He scanned the area quickly, ideas popping into his mind instantly:

Option 1: Knock the table over and partially coat it, giving it a spiky surface. This would be in hopes of getting the man to stop his charge altogether where he could convince him to ignore him completely. Alternatively, the charge would continue and he would run into a spiky barrier, which would result in some good damage. But the option was less than optimal, he concluded. After all, this man was drunken and probably wouldn't have the reasoning skills to not run himself into the spikes...at least not quickly enough. On top of that, he would probably break the spikes off, which would give him less to work with. Plus, that would reveal who he really was

And so, he decided to go with his second option. He quickly stepped away from the table, but not before reaching out and grabbing the back side of the small, one-man table and pulling it upright while kicking the leg in front of him forward, hoping to drive the table to all onto it side. This would turn the table, leg-side facing the attacker. Hopefully, the larger man would crash into the table and trip over it in his half-drunken stupor. but his goal was not to inflict damage this way, but to merely cause him to fall.

At the same time, he bit down onto the glove on his left hand and pulled it off using his teeth, quickly shifting to holding the glass in that hand instead of his right.

"Partial Coating," he murmured lowly to himself while leaping backward, closer to the back wall. As he spoke, the hand clutching the glass tightened slightly as his pointer fingertip gained a small amount of shimmery coating. His finger was now partially coated in the same glass that he had been clutching the whole time.

"Shot," Satoru murmured quietly again, thrusting his left arm forward and unleashing a shard of glass like a bladed bullet. His target? It was not the main part of the man's body. He quickly recalled the human anatomy and knew exactly what to do. He shot his shard of glass straight for the man's quadricep muscles in the front of his dominant leg. This would be easy enough to identify if the man began to rise. It would be a simple matter to shoot the leg that he first used to stabilize his upper body. On top of that, striking the quadriceps would make it much harder for the man to move. After all, it was the quadriceps that moved the body's hips and straightened the knee while walking and it also absorbed the shock of each landed foot while, again, stabilizing the knee. Cutting through that particular part of the leg would cause him to feel some strong pain with each step. Especially if the glass shard did not pierce completely through the leg and was still embedded within it.

Of course, this whole thing hinged on the hope that this guy wasn't smart enough at the moment to figure out how to avoid his incoming projectile and that his predictions would be accurate. Heck, even if he couldn't properly identify a dominant leg, he would just shoot the right one. Truthfully, it didn't matter. And for that matter, he could shoot the man in the leg even if he didn't fall over at all. In all likelihood, the unexpected pain would cause him to fall over anyway.

Hopefully, that would be enough to immobilize a mere grunt like him. He certainly didn't want to have to openly use his power if he could avoid it....
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Walnutella
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Walnutella Grand Magus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lenwood was excited, it seemed the people around him would involve in a fight. He was about to make a leave but he noticed everything went boom right away. When a man shouted about Rustsilver showing their true power, sweats streamed down from his forehead and he was a bit nervous. Nevertheless, a leaping man that came towards him tried to slash and separate Lenwood's neck from his place. Lenwood was lucky enough and he prepared for the worse so he basically managed to dodge the attack. Lenwood sighed since he didn't use any weapons for fight but he used his fist. It would be really hard for him to fight this man without using his devil fruit power but he believed that he should try his best.

"Come, old man!" He mocked his opponent, taunting his opponent so his opponent would attack first. The one who charged first would lose, that's one of the principles made by Lenwood. In just a few minutes, Lenwood personality changed. Actually, he tried his best to avoid fights and not to attract attention. But, the fight was inevitable. He began a bit aggressive in fighting as he tried to throw things to block his opponent view. While fighting, he noticed hornets were filling the air and he sighed in disbelief once again. One thing you should know about Lenwood, he hate Insects. The trouble was increasing every second. Nevertheless, should his opponent shifted his attention and was distracted, Lenwood would tackle hum using Lenwood's leg and pinned down his opponent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The captain roared loudly as Zepha's scythe stabbed straight through his left arm. He staggered back for a moment, pulling his left shoulder back to get the scythe out of his arm. His left arm fell limp, causing him to drop the axe which was too heavy to hold with only one hand. "Ragh! You little RAT!" The giant barked, and charged straight at Zypha. He lunged his right arm forward with great speed, aiming to ram his right fist into Zypha's stomach.

The half- drunken pirate, who failed to stab Abigail, ended up tripping over the chair that she was seated upon before, crashing into the ground. He landed straight on his head, knocking him out instantly.

The pirate that assaulted Lenwood turned towards all the commotion as he heard his captain screaming. "Eh..?! Whuzzat?" He muttered, only for Lenwood to tackle him to the ground. The man came down hard, losing grip of his blade which ended up flying and sliding away over the wooden floor. Lenwood successfully managed to pin him to the ground. The man struggled to escape, but failed.

The three pirates with the flint-lock pistols were hit by Asus's hornet ball technique, catching them off-guard as they were stung repeatedly by the hornets and blinded. They ended up running around aimlessly, eventually collapsing on the ground, covered in many wounds. The path to the door was now clear, allowing the people in the bar to escape.

The pirate that assaulted Satoru crashed hard into the table, staggering back and forth to regain his balance. The shard of glass ended up hitting it's mark completely, piercing the man's leg. The man let out a loud cry of pain before falling over on the ground. He held his leg in pain as it bled, not focused on Satoru's presence at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Now that his hornets had taken care of the gunmen Asus ordered them to return in case he needed them again. Of course he should probably get a weapon just in case since probably not all the enemies in the bar were as weak as the three of them. He slowly and as he hoped unnoticed made his way to the collapsed pirate closest to him fully intent on taking his pistol and any extra bullets he had on him.

If he succeeded he would then go after the bullets of the other two, but one thing at a time. Unfortunately for Asus this was the first time he was in a fight with multiple opponents so as he snuck towards his target, he didn't pay as much attention to his surroundings as he should leaving him relatively open for attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by malmshodes
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Uh." Abigail blinked down at her opponent. She'd be taught to be ready for anything in a fight, or just in general when existing in the world of pirates, but this was still kind of a lot to take in. The man who had tried to kill had evidently done the fighting, and total KOing for her. "Are we done?" She said to the man on the floor. "Because it feels like we're done." Slowly she stepped up to him and gently poked his body with the toe of her foot. "But I'll be honest that was a bit of a let down." She frowned and turned her attention to the rest of the bar.

"Well I've already got the sword out. Might as well do something with it. So, Let's see. Who else needs help? "
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