So, to make this fair. Once all Intro's have been made we will take a pause and determine posting order. From what I can see this is at minimum a 3v3. SEED, Ryouko and Tasuke vs Doc, Cruallassar and Gun. So an appropriate order would be as such, for starters:
Ryouko, seeing as he started,
Doc, since he posted second anyways,
Myself, since there needs to be a gap between Cruallassar and Doc.
Cruallassar, since he posted last for his side.
Tasuke, since both her and Gun have yet to post.
Gun, since he is joining last.
Repeat. This will help allow team mates to assist each other instead of instantly 3 people teaming up on one person in a row without anyone to step in. We will expand the posting order list as necessary.