Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Time: 6:30 - 7:15 A.M.
Location: The Saunders Residence & Beverly Hills High.
Interacting With: Analise -@Aewin | Audrey -@Dirty Pretty Lies
It was a nice fall day and not a cloud dreaded the blue sky above with its presence. It is California, after all. The weather was hardly ever bad here but you did get the occasional rain, here or there. It was the perfect day to be out and about and not stuck in a building all day unless you were a student of the local high school, Beverly Hills High. Today was not a normal school day though as it was just an assembly day to welcome the students back to school, give them papers for their parents or guardians to sign for the school and among other things - Especially a boring talk about the rules and what to expect for the upcoming school year. You had your Senior and Junior assembly first then it was the Sophomore and Freshmen assembly though most sneak into the early morning ones with the Seniors and Juniors just so they can have the rest of the day off. It was bad, really but it's not like anyone were really going to know.

A bright pair of eyes fluttered opened just as a soft, gentle knock came over the door and a light skinned woman opened the door slightly, speaking sweetly. "Dominique, it's time to get up, sweetie." It was her mother, whom she loved, of course. "Yes, Ma'am." Dominique returned the level of sweetness while sitting up in her bed, her back pressing against her the array of pillows behind her. Her mother smiled as she closed the door, exiting the room. Dominique removed herself from the bed and opened up the curtains to her room, letting the sun rays dance around her skin and the walls of her room. She smiled while placing her hands upon her hips, muttering to herself. "Today's going to be a great day." At least, she hoped. It was a new school year approaching and she was ruling the halls along with Sterling this year - So, things should be a little interesting this year.

Another knock came over her room and she noticed it. It was a Tristan knock. Instead of offering him the pleasure of coming in, she walked to her door and cracked it open, looking at him as he held up two shirts: one plain blue and another striped blue and white. "Which one, fashion guru?" He asked her as she opened the door further, stepping closer to him and looking between the shirts then up at him. "Neither." She said. "Neither?" He remarked questionably. As she pressed her back against the door frame and folded her arms over her chest. "Yes, neither. Hm, why don't you put on that yellow shirt with those black pants with those black and yellow Sperry's?" She insisted as he rolled his eyes. "That was so last year though." Tristan spoke as Dominique scoffed. "Fine, just put on whatever but don't put on something silly and embarrass me." With those words said, she walked back into her room and closed the door behind her.

Speaking of clothing options, she didn't even know what she was going to wear herself. She walked over to her walk-in closet and stared at many options before her. She could've went with something to stake her reign as this year's Queen Bee but she decided to wear something that would make all the guys stare, hell even some girls. She snickered to herself at the thought then went to shower, brush her teeth and comb her long, raven colored locks of hair before sitting down at her vanity area, applying on a little bit of makeup and a red lipstick that complimented her face very much. Dominique wondered what everyone else was doing after the assembly. Were they going to hit the beach? Movie premiere? A party thrown by whoever? Dominique didn't know but the beach did sound like a great idea since it was nice and beautiful outside.

After changing and grabbing her clutch purse with her cell phone, she waltzed out of her room and down the stairs. She saw her brother standing there with a blue vest on over a nice white, buttoned up collared up shirt with a nice pair of khaki slacks and blue, polo shoes. "Oh, my god. Why are you dressed like a nerd?" Dominique exclaimed as Tristan scoffed and her mother slapped her arm. "Sorry." She muttered as Tristan looked at her. "Must forget that I am a nerd and I don't fit in with your caliber of people at school." He said as she quickly turned her head towards him. "That's because you try too hard and remember that I hate people like that." She muttered then looked at their chef. "Oh, Chef Emilio, did you make those muffins like I asked?" Chef Emilio nodded as he handed her a basket of freshly baked muffins. "Thanks, sweets." She offered him a wink as she turned back towards her mother. "Well, off to school we go." She sang as he brother kissed their mother on the cheek then followed his sister out of the house.

"So, are you riding with me or taking the bus?" She asked as Tristan raised a brow at her. "What? No gasped after the bus this year?" He remarked while nudging her as she unlocked her 2016 white, Mercedes Benz and opened up the driver side, looking at him with a slight glare. "I have my own ride, thank you." Her eyes trailed Tristan as she saw a guy in a bright, red Mustang drive up then skid off into the distance. She'd definitely need to make a mental note to ask him about that later until then off to school she goes. Before she drove off though, she'd pull out her iPhone6 Plus and shoot a text to her clique.

To: Analise & Audrey
I am getting ready 2 head 2 school. 1 of u better b at our spot. :*

She sent the message then made the drive to school. Dominique was blasting her music as she danced and sang along to the lyrics. "What you know 'bout me, what you know? Except my lip gloss is poppin', my lip gloss is cool. All the boys be jockin' when I be at school. What you know 'bout me, what you know?" She continued to rap as she was a bit terrible at it. Just a little bit though. She came across a red light and at Beverly Hills, they usually stayed red for awhile so she decided to take out her phone and snap a quick selfie of herself then posting it on Instagram, receiving likes and comments with the first five minutes.

Her fingers then went to tip-tapping away at her keyboard as she posted on her Twitter: Beach 2day or nah? She then took another pic for her Snapchat and posted basically the same thing as her Twitter. She wondered if people wanted to hit up the beach and do whatever there. Finally the light had turned green and she was once again on her destination towards the beautiful local high school of Beverly Hills. When she arrived, she parked her car in her new parking space then grabbed her muffins, getting out of car with a pair of shades. She held the basket of muffins in her hand while walking to her spot, well, her clique spot to see if anyone of them were.

Dominique saw her brother standing with the nerds and geeks then offered him a small wave even though she saw him that morning already. A couple of girls and guys stared at her and even a few dared to approach her and compliment her on her outfit; which was nothing more than a black, sleeveless blouse with a black and white, polka dotted skirt. Upon her feet were a pair of open toed, black heels. Dominique wasn't the one to ignore compliments even from the norm. She stood there and smiled. "Thanks." That's was all they get and that was really enough for them. She peered around the corner and went to the spot, which was in front of the school at a table, where everyone was anyone walked by.

She took the plastic wrap off of her muffins and the smell of them lingered in the air. All of them were different from blueberry to banana and from chocolate to walnut, some even had a mixture of both. She hated plain muffins as there were none in her basket. Her brother came by and snagged one, biting into it. "Yum. Chef Emilio is amazing." He said as she looked at her brother, shaking her head. Soon, either Analise or Audrey had better been the next person to come by or else she was not going to be happy. She'd wait a little bit longer or she'd was going to walk in with her brother, arm and arm or maybe if the King Bee made an appearance, she'd walk in with him but she needed her clique by her side, in all honesty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 16 days ago

Troy Blake

Time: 6:30 AM - 7:15 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting with: Audrey - @Dirty Pretty Lies

It wasn’t even entirely necessary that he went today, but he had to power through it. He’d thought it might be end up being a good decision, though. He might miss something important if he didn’t attend; like a form his parents needed to sign; if that happened his educational integrity might be left in jeopardy, heaven forbid. Rolling his eyes, Troy stuffed his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, leaning against the wall of the high school. Aside from that, there was someone very important that he wanted to see. He was early; which was more than normal for him, he so naturally rose with the sun, that he almost always ended up at the school before the others. He was standing around the courtyard in front of the school as the teachers began to roll up, messing around on his phone. By the time the students began to roll up, Troy had taken the standard spot for his early morning watchdog routine, leaning against a wall a short distance from from Dominique and her clique’s spot. From here, Troy had long since learned he could watch everything, and step in if a situation got to a point that warranted it.

When he had first started this, there were many, many situations that warranted it, but by now people understood that Troy was there, and that his protection extended to all the younger students, and outcasts that were so easily victimized. Since day one in the high school, Troy had been simply unwilling to stand for it, and after he'd administered a few harsh beatings, bullying had gone way down at the school--at least as long as Troy was there to watch over things, though there were a few people that continued to bully. He was a little worried about what would happen when he graduated, but he never focused on that too much; it was too far in the future for him to even consider it.

For now, he was focused on the present. There were three major things flowing through his mind today: firstly, the fact that he had been asked by his aunt to look after his younger cousin, Sebastian, a new freshman in Beverly Hills High; Troy was admittedly frustrated and annoyed that he was expected to babysit, and not Bash’s brother, Davy, but Troy would fulfill the request nonetheless. Maybe, she’d asked him because his reputation preceded him, or maybe it was because she thought Davy was too focused on ’The pursuit of happiness,’ or whatever it was David always said, which was another legitimate possibility.

Secondly, Troy was on the lookout for the new faces. People that he would quickly realize he needed to protect and people that he would just as quickly realize that he needed to teach, if you could call what he does ‘teaching.’ The beginning of the school year was always an entertaining debacle for Troy, with newbies coming up from middle school and sophomores and juniors thinking they’d gotten big and bad enough over the summer to fight him. Shaking his head, Troy moved his mind forward, and away from thinking of how many fights he’d end up in the weeks following this assembly--which he still thought was entirely pointless--and forward to the third and most important thing of the day.

Reaching a hand into his jacket’s inner pocket, Troy touched the poorly wrapped(Troy had tried, but found that wrapping things wasn’t something he excelled at) package, inwardly patting himself on the back again. He had managed to remember his and Audrey’s three-month anniversary. Not three months since their first date, or anything like that; it had just been three months since they’d first slept together. But, he’d decided that their relationship had enough affection to acknowledge their anniversary. And so, he’d managed to work more overtime than he’d wanted to, and he’d purchased her a pair of overly expensive white gold and diamond earrings. One hundred percent real, he had made absolutely sure of that. While his wealthy parents would have happily paid for the gift, Troy hadn’t even told them about it. Instead, he’d saved and purchased it himself; he thought it’d be more special that way.

Plus, the earrings were diamond, so she’d basically have to.

Troy was smiling now, a rare sight for anyone who might look up and notice it, as he slid his phone out of his pants pocket and pulled up Audrey’s contact, punching out a text:

To: ♥My Princess♥

Are you going to get here anytime soon? Dominique is all by herself. Less you count her nerdy brother, but you probably wouldn’t, would ya? Hurry up

Passive aggressive? Yes. But Troy didn’t think Audrey would rather have it any other way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Time: 6:55 A.M. - 7:30 A.M.
Location: Richards Household -> School
Interacting With: Sly @McHaggis

Buzz buzz

Darkness, silence, rest. A messy bedroom turned dark by blackout curtains remained quiet, still, housing a softly sleeping teen that barely stirred at the faint sound of her phone going off. Hunter was curled tightly into a cocoon of blankets and pillows, covered from head to toe in a draping of patchwork quilts and sheets and coverless feathered cushions, and her gentle, sleeping face showed no signs of waking any time soon.

Buzz buzz buzz

The cracked iphone continued to cry out, vibrating harshly against an oak-wood nightstand, reverberating in a flurry of echoed noises around the quiet room. The ringing continued, surely and with growing sound until Hunter finally cracked an eye open and sent a chilling glare towards the source. The screen was lit vibrantly, gleaming up to coat the poster-covered ceiling in a faint light, and the phone itself rocked dangerously towards the edge of the stand, threatening to tip and shatter more on the hardwood floor below. Hunter shifted within her blanket burrito, moving her hand out to close loosely around the cell and pull it into her haven of warmth and comfort. Blinking quickly against the sudden harsh reality of light, Hunter slowly read out the text she received, unable to stop a slightly smile from spreading across her face.

From: *~Slyer~*
eyyyyy i nade us cake every1 can have it aND ITS RAINBOW

A rumble from her stomach notified Hunter of her current state of hunger, and she slowly sat up, fingers moving fast over the illuminated keyboard as a sense of awakeness soon filled her.

To: *~Slyer~*
rainbow? holy shit dude ill eat the hell outta that cake

Sending out the quick message, Hunter threw her phone down to her feet and stretched high, groaning slightly as her back gave an audible crack. The blankets around her fell from her shoulders, landing in heaps among her waist, and she kicked them away with sore legs before turning to ground herself on the messy floor below. Hunter stumbled through the darkness, reaching towards the small sliver of light that escaped from behind her curtains, and she turned away briefly as the curtains fell open and her room was filled with morning sunlight. Paints, canvases, clothes, and ruined books covered the floor, forming a maze of mess that would have been near impossible to navigate in the darkness before, and Hunter kept her eyes low and narrowed as she rounded each disastrous corner until she reached the hall. The sounds of her father’s snores still curled noisily from his room, and Hunter suppressed a smile as she turned and disappeared into the bathroom next door.

Hunter stepped out a mere twenty minutes later washed and makeupless, she felt no need for it today after all, and she quickly returned to her room in search of something to wear. Feeling a bit too… Blue for breasts, basically, Hunter quickly located and slipped on her flesh-colored binder before turning towards the floor to pick out the least wrinkled thing she could find. Once satisfied with her morning decisions, she reached around for her phone and nearly blanched when she realized what time it was. Seven-twenty already?! Rising fast, Hunter slipped back out into the hallway and barely missed slamming into the tall form of her father.

“You’re gonna be late.” He pointed out groggily, smiling down at her with his usual homely grin. Hunter smirked back up at him, standing on her toes to give him a peck on the cheek before rounding behind him and vanishing towards the kitchen.

”Don’t worry about it, dad! I drive fast, you know that~!” Hunter smiled when she heard him laugh nervously, and when she heard his footsteps vanish back into his room she gathered her bag and turned towards the front door.

The Richards family made their homestead in an open air apartment complex just a few blocks away from Hunter’s school. It was a nice place, though they didn’t have much of a view due to only being on the second floor of the building, and Hunter winced briefly against the California morning before sucking in a deep breath of warm air. Nice, peaceful. She flicked her keys around an outstretched finger slowly, smiling thoughtfully at the sky above, and then she turned and made her way down towards the shared garage with haste. The roads wouldn’t be too busy this early, and Hunter needed to get to school before other people were put in danger by her reckless morning drive.

The beat up pickup truck pulled into the Beverly Hills HS parking lot with a sputter and a clank. Hunter was grinning wildly by the time she made it to her spot, adding a flush of red to her white face, and with quick motions she pulled the keys from the ignition and kicked open the driver side door with excitement. She had made it with a lot of time to spare, surprisingly, spending only about five minutes on the road due to her quick, stupidly asshole-ish driving. Her father often complained about her road ethics, but really Hunter only cared about getting from one place to another as quickly as possible.

Around and beyond the lot groups of teens had formed, chatterers and gossipers alike who passed curious glanced her way briefly before returning to their words. Hunter waved to a few, eyes glowing mischievously under the yellow sun, but her pace quickened to a slight jog when she saw a familiar figure standing near the doors. Sly, of course, standing in wait for someone to chat with, holding plastic containers full of what Hunter assumed to be the promised cake. A devious smirked painted her face, and, before Sylvester was aware of her even approaching, Hunter moved in close and planted a light kiss on his lips.

”Hey, lamb chop~.” She greeted, angular face tilting downwards towards the boxes of cakes in his arms, ”I hope those are all for me, ‘cause I’m starved!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Undine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 6:30 am - 7:20 am
Location: Arnette Residence & Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Domi @HushedWhispers

Breathe in.

Analise blinked, trying to keep herself awake by breathing into the nebuliser carefully. Breathing in the cocktail of antibiotics, pain suppressors and God-knows what else was never the best way to wake up. She sat on her bed, darkness covering each corner of her room as the blinds did it's best to shut out any sunlight.

Breathe out.

She breathed in the misty cocktail, feeling the medication travel from her mouth and directly down to her lungs, working on the mucus that had built up while she was sleeping last night. A gentle knock on her door made Analise turn ever so slightly, the girl wishing she could smile as her mother opened the door and slipped inside, as if she were creeping in like a thief while Winston followed behind her. Georgina greeted her daughter with a charming smile, running her hand gently over her head.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Georgina knew that Analise wasn't in a position to respond, instead went over to her window to slide the curtains open. Analise winced as the bright light filled the once dark room, the girl's eyes immediately shutting before she could feel the sudden light burn her eyes. Analise heard her mother chuckle from her left, feeling the bed dip beside her as Georgina sat down.

"My baby girl is growing up! It's her first day of senior year!"

Anna looked at her mother from the corner of her eyes, blinking twice. The peaceful morning now broken by her mother's excited comment. 'Really? Why are you more excited for the first day than me?' The girl thought.

Her mother waved her hand, continuing on as if Analise had responded. "Why can't I be excited? You're growing up." If Analise could sigh, she would've done so. She understood what her mother's words meant. Analise should've succumbed to her condition at the age of seventeen. Now here she was, sitting on her bed on the first day of senior year, age eighteen. Analise leaned into her mother, nudging her mother slightly before Georgina hummed and moved to turn off the machine. With the machine off, Anna carefully moved the tube out of her mouth, inhaling deeply before letting out a sharp cough.

'Now comes the disgusting part.' The girl rushed to her on-suite, hovering over the sink as she coughed out the built up mucus. Once done, Analise bent down to wash her face with cold water, waking her up instantly. She brushed her teeth before leaving the bathroom, still dabbing her face with a towel, returning to a now empty bedroom.

She walked over to her armchair, that already had clothes laid out for her. Analise had picked out her clothes last night, packing her bag and anything that she needed in preparation for the first day of school. Slipping on her clothes, Analise slipped her phone inside her bag before heading towards the vanity table, where she applied the usual makeup: heavily defined eyes with a light coating of pink lipstick. She brushed her already curly hair, satisfied by her slightly 'ruffled' look. Analise grinned at herself in the mirror, pulling her bag behind her as she left her bedroom.

Sometime around seven, Analise's phone buzzed inside her bag, forcing the girl to fish it out to check the message.

From: Domi

I am getting ready 2 head 2 school. 1 of u better b at our spot. :*

Analise smiled, quickly typing out a response.

To: Domi

I'm leaving now, be there in 20 ^^

Nodding to herself, the girl grabbed her car keys from the bowl beside the front door. "I'm going to school, love you!" Analise yelled, letting her voice echo through the halls as she quickly opened the door and slipped outside. She slid into her car, throwing her bag and phone to the passenger-side before starting up the car.

As promised, twenty minutes later, Analise arrived at the school. She parked her car at the allocated spot, before sliding out of the car with her bag dangling dangerously from her elbow. Analise could see Dominique already standing at their usual clique spot, waiting with a basket of muffins. She pushed her bag up higher over her shoulder, raising her other hand up into the air as she waved towards the waiting Queen Bee. "Good morning Domi!" The girl called, jogging towards Domi. "Were you waiting long?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time:6:30 - 7:15 A.M.
Location: The Road to Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Dominic — @HushedWhispers
Analise — @Aewin

Beverly Hills was, in a lot of ways, like New York City. It was always booming with the latest trends, everyone of different classes were moving about. Though, to be fair, it was mainly the upper-middle class that controlled Beverly Hills, and Hollywood by extension. It didn’t matter on what race they were, or what gender they were. The only thing that mattered in this surprisingly small town(people always running into each other) was how much money you had. It also helped that you had connections, and dipped into the latest trends. If you think you’re going to wear last month’s line, then you might find yourself isolated in this two-faced city of Beverly Hills. Thankfully, there were a few of those that always had the latest fashions.

There was one in specific that comes from a family that, more often than not, are on top of everything that Beverly Hills has to offer: fashion shows, latest car releases, big charitable events. Pretty much if it involves the A-listers of Beverly Hills and Hollywood, then you can consider the Mossos family in on everything. This family are one of the most wealthiest families in the entire country. Forbes Magazine ranked them number 3 on the list of the wealthiest families in the United States of America. Just above them, The Trumps and The Hiltons. So, one could safely assume that they have a lot of money in not only their American accounts, but their off-shore, Cayman Islands accounts. Added to that, they are rumored to have ties not only to the Greek Mafia, but the Italian Mafia as well, though that has never been proven.

Residing not far from Beverly Hills High, The Mossos family live in a goliath of a house. Well, that’s not accurate. Calling where they live a house would be like calling an ocean just a body of water. It would be like calling God a guy with building skills. Sure, it’s true, but there’s so much more in-between the lines. The Mossos estate is by far one of the largest houses ever built. According to the original blueprints and city property papers, The Mossos Estate is around 80k Square Feet. It holds one of the largest real estate values at 400 million. The estate is so large that it can take up to a few days just going through every inch of the place. It puts most mansions to shame.

Alexandros, the oldest of two children to has lived in his home for about five years now. At the start, he was amazed by its size and how his father could afford such a spacious mansion. However, when Alexandros entered the ripe age of fourteen — a year after turning into a teenager — he soon began to grow bored with it. Sure, he had a large home to live in, and probably more money in his trust fund than he knew what to do with. Hell, he even had any kind of car at his disposal. All Alexandros had to do was simply ask his father, and the car would be his by the end of the week. Truthfully, he shouldn’t have any reason to complain, but being around so many materialistic things, Alexandros can’t help but feel unsatisfied by the serenity that his life supposedly has. He needs excitement. He needs reasons to think that - perhaps I won’t get out of this alive - that’s the kind of thing he lives for.

And thus why he lives the way he does.

Alexandros liked to play close to what was allowed and what wasn’t. He has a respectable reputation in Beverly Hills’ street racing scene. He is the leader of the Moreno Drive Mafia, a Street Racing Crew composed of himself, and six others. They are all the children of parents with rumored ties to Greek and Italian Mafia. All of them drive luxury cars. Alexandros himself drives the most expensive of them all, a 2015 Red Ferrari 458. It’s one of his most prized possessions. Well, that and all of the drugs that he sells at Beverly High School. Combined with that, the street racing, and his reputation as an all-around bad boy, it’s a surprise that Alexandros wasn’t thrown in jail, especially considering what got him kicked out of West Beverly…

Oh well, who needs to know the details?

As he always did, Alexandros pulled up to his usual spot in the senior parking lot. Everyone knew when he did because that beautiful purr of his Red Ferrari sounded off. Everyone knew that it was Alexandros because there was always additional floring of the engine. You see, Alexandros liked things in excess. As such, he would announce when he had arrived by sounding off his engine, and what a sound it was.

Usually — though not always — his Ferrari going off like always brought the attention to him. Of course, if there was one person who he couldn’t take the attention away from was Dominique Saunders, the supposed Queen Bee of Beverly High. Alexandros calls her supposed because he doesn’t truly believe her to be the true Queen Bee; but Alexandros doesn’t dare tell her that. It wasn’t out of fear for his social popularity — that’s pretty much cemented due to his connections with various paraphernalia. No, it’s definitely not that. The reason he doesn’t speak his mind about what he really thinks about Domi’s supposed queen bee status was that he didn’t want to hear her go on and on about it. She literally, though not always, shuts up about it. Perhaps Alexandros was odd for thinking that, but even ask her nerdy brother. Ask anyone close to Dominique; they all will say the same thing in that Dominique could get a tad annoying if no one interrupted her. It must be all of that self-entitled persona she puts on. Or maybe it’s the fact that no one dared speak against her. Regardless, that’s just one thing that Alexandros doesn’t really care for about her.

Among the students at Beverly Hills High, Alexandros could be ranked in with the A-listers like Dominique, Lupe, and Audrey. He holds a favorable opinion within that specific clique. Well, actually that’s probably not entirely true. He has a pretty bad rap of being the kind of guy that would date a girl for a few weeks — three weeks was usually the cap — and throwing them away like yesterday’s garbage. Among the women he had dated, Audrey Huntsberg was the one that he probable hurt the most. It wasn’t like Alexandros really had any deep feelings of love for her. When it all came down to it, they had really great sex, and a lot of fun — but that was it. Regardless how she felt when they ended things, the fact of the matter was that Alexandros wasn’t’ the type to stick to just one girl. He’s Alexandros Mossos, after all. He just doesn’t do relationships. If he were to get into a relationship, it would have to be one hell of a woman for him to stop and think—you know what, I think I might actually stick to one this time around—however, he hasn’t thus far.

And that’s when he had made his way to the usual table. The usual suspects were around: Dominique of course. The queen bee was always early so her subjects could join her. That reserved, but surprisingly hot blonde, Analise. Alexandros liked those types. “Don’t mind if I do,” Alexandros said, snatching one of Dominique’s Muffins — relax, it wasn’t that kind of muffin. It was blueberry, which was fine with Alexandros. He liked blueberry muffins. “So, your majesty, what’s this about a beach party? You know I’m always down for a kickback, especially if you need some favors,” Alexandros winked.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jackson Aurum

Time: 6:30 - 7:20 A.M.
Location: The Aurum House & Beverly Hills High.
Interacting With: N/A

Jackson woke up to a loud alarm blaring in his ear. Sleepily he groaned, blindly slapping around to hit the snooze button. Lifting his head off his pillow he grabbed the phone of the nightstand and turned it off. He sat there for a minute, debating whether school was worth getting up for. For a second he nearly fell asleep again before jerking himself upright. Dragging himself off his bed he heard a slight slosh as the water in the bed realigned itself. Best decision he had ever made. He always got a good night of sleep on that thing and the ladies loved it.

Stumbling into the bathroom, Jackson looked at himself in the mirror, grinning at himself slightly before stepping into the shower. The hot water flowed down his back, releasing a lot of the tension and relaxing his muscles. They were so sore from yesterday, but the shower worked his magic. Stepping out of the shower, Jack fixed his hair perfectly. It was getting pretty long, maybe he needed a haircut. Maybe.

Shaking his head at the mirror he thudded downstairs, calling out for his dad. As he stepped into the kitchen he noticed a note on the fridge. "Gone for the week on business. Good luck with school. Behave." Jackson stared a the note for a moment before ripping it off and tossing it in the garbage. "Classic move Dad. Classic." He was angry at his father for leaving, and on his first day of his last year of school too. He really deserved the father of the year award, Jackson thought sarcastically. Clearing the thoughts from his head he started to make breakfast. Four scrambled eggs, toast, a smoothie that looked like it rose from the Black Lagoon, and an apple for the road. Gotta eat healthy for practice. It might not have been lacrosse season, but there was always practice and pre-games. Coach held no mercy during off-season. He probably enjoyed torturing them with sprints and runs.

As Jackson finished the last bite of his eggs he glanced up and saw the time on the clock. He was gunna be so late. Shoving back the chair fast he grabbed the apple before sprinting out the front door. He didn't even bother to clean up the dishes. Jackson jumped over the door into his sports car. For once his dad being the owner of a high tech business did pay off. Backing out of the driveway he glanced towards his house. It was a really beautiful house. Three stories, white, with beautiful trim. Much too big for just him and and his dad. But absolutely perfect for a back to school party. Forming plans in his head, Jackson roared off towards the school. Arriving in the parking lot, he claimed his spot, even going over the line into the next spot. Who cared. He looked around for someone to hang out with through the boring day. It wasn't even like there was school. Just some assembly or something. Considering leaving, he shook his head. He hadn't seen a lot of his friends for the entire summer. He absolutely had to grace them with his presence.

Lilith Storm

Time: 7:00 - 7:20 A.M.
Location: The Storm House & Beverly Hills High.
Interacting With: Dominique and Tristen - @HushedWhispers and Analise - @Aewin

Lil was having an absolutely terrible morning. Her dad came in to tell her to wake up, as he usually did on school days. Immediately she slammed her head into the low hanging ceiling above the bunk bed. She was never really sure why she wanted one, it's not like people ever came over to visit. Following the giant throbbing headache she fell off the unprotected side and landed on the ground. The only thing there to catch her fall was the messy pile of clothes that was everywhere covering her room.

Lying in the floor of clothes she grabbed the nearest thing to her and struggled it on over her bra. Of course the hoodie was being unforgiving and somehow she managed to stick one hand through the head and her head through the arm slot. Sitting there for a moment to revel in her apparent idiocy she slumped with a sigh. She was stuck. "Dad! I need help." Blindly she stumbled to her feet. She moved about the room trying to find the door before slamming right into it, falling straight back on her butt. "DAD!" He came rushing in before the yell had even finished. "What the... What are you doing like that?" She attempted a shrug looking at him through the hole in the arm. "Oh you know, it the new look nowadays. Hadn't you heard." Rolling his eyes he pulled it off her and helped her get it back on correctly.

"Come on now Lilith. You might want to be going. There is like ten minutes until school starts." Lil's head snapped in his direction. "Ten minutes! Jesus dad, I'm going to be late!" She ran back to her room, not looking at the clock to see she had plenty of time, grabbing her shoulder bag with her computer and rushing towards the door. Her dad just stood there looking at her expectantly. "Oops sorry!" She ran back planting a kiss on his cheek before jumping into her old jeep and speeding off down the road. Pulling into school she immediately saw that some jerk had parked over the line into another space. Shaking her head she muttered a few unpleasant words before pulling in the next spot down. Knowing she was forgetting something she glanced into the rearview mirror and realized she didn't have her glasses on. Scrambling through her bag she found them and quickly grabbed them onto her face, in the process jabbing herself in the eye.

Feeling like an idiot with one eye watering she glanced around for someone she knew. Seeing Tristan she immediately ran up to him, bubbly and full of energy. Nudging him with an elbow she looked up to him. God he was so tall. "Hey T, miss me much?" For the first time she realized he wasn't alone. "Oh hey Analise." She smiled at the king blonde girl. Glancing towards Dominique she nodded, "Dominique." Not her favorite person in the world. Like, who cared if you were Queen Bee of the school. Lil could beat her any day of the week in any class without even trying. Well... maybe not gym class.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HalfOfLancelot
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HalfOfLancelot What's worse: being heartbroke or roachbit?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 5:30am
Location: Backyard Sunrises
Interactions: Domi & Tristan@HushedWhispers; Alex @Altered Tundra; Lil@Wintergrey; Slyvester@McHaggis; Blair@Undine; Hunter@Liriia

"The deal was, darling," Diana Rochester, in all her glory in the rising sunlight, said with as much smugness and pomp as she could muster in her upturned expression, "that when you lost, we would do yoga in the morning for three weeks straight. And you lost, like I said you would. Now up. Up, sweetheart. Sterling Errol Rochester, don't make me use my mom voice."

"You're gonna make me cry," Sterling, still bundled in his pile of covers and pillows, buried himself ever further in his hidey hole, "I'll cry and then you'll cry, like you always do, and where will we be thirty minutes from now?"

"You'll be late for school."

"That's 6:00, mother."

"We both know you need at least an hour and a half to get ready," Diana retorted, fixing her glasses and adjusting her yoga pants. Her words had a modicum of truth, only a modicum that Sterling would admit to. Regardless, she was the parent he got his stubbornness from, so it was highly unlikely that she'd just up and leave. And if she did just up and leave, that didn't mean well. Sterling grumbled back, lacking coherent words, and shoved the fort of blankets and pillows off the bed to stare at his mother with half opened eyes.

With the straightest face Diana could muster, she shoved a pair of clean sweatpants in her son's arms and marched out, "I should have shipped you to boarding school the minute you hit puberty; you smell like fish and a prison shower.

"Then you'd have no one to curb your gambling addiction," Sterling called out, satisfied with the thump and subsequent stumbling and cursing that hit his door.

The deal was, if Sterling didn't beat his drunken father at Texas Hold 'Em within a set time limit, he'd accompany his mother to what the doctor actually ordered: yoga. Nothing wrong with helping one's flexible, certainly, it was just slightly emasculating and it hurt his back. And his mother had a penchant for pointing out everything wrong he did when she thought the moment called for it.

That moment, Sterling found out the moment he set foot by their pool and to limber up, entailed the entirety of the exercise. "Don't forget your leg muscles, Chester," Diana called from her mat, looking up at him from her 'downward dog pose'. She nearly rocked herself into the pool, which would have wiped that smirk clean off her face. Unfortunately, she had the mind to move her things away from the danger zone.

Once he got into position beside her, following her pose with as much tact as Sterling could muster, Diana gave him a sidelong look. "Ready to start your last year?"

"Please, don't remind me," Sterling mumbled, rising to his feet to stretch again.

"But, Chester, you're gonna be the king," Diana burst out in a fit of laughter, this time face planting into her mat. She sputtered and stood back up, "why couldn't you just be a nerd like I was?" Mountain pose came next, and to start Sterling took a deep breath, then gave his mother a look.

He smirked and called out, "Hey," she turned and he chose that moment to smack his hand against her stomach, "don't forget to breathe, mom." In a coughing fit, Diana tipped forward and sputtered, clutching her stomach with a wheeze.

"You little shit. I'll take away your car. I'll do your make up for the next modelling gig you get; you'll look like a clown in front of the whole world," Sterling leaped into a sprint while she regained her breathing and practically screamed, "Sterling, I did not raise you to be an ass. I will not hesitate to kick it right out of you." He took that opportunity to leave Diana to her yoga, and grab himself what breakfast he could eat without spitting it out in laughter.

Time: 7:30am
Location: BHHS Parking Lot

After a thorough lecture from his mother and gathering the required things for class that day, Sterling took what moment he had to sift through his messages. The first brought a smile, bright and genuine.

Your'e not on a model diet right becuase I made cake? No dairy in it

Cake for breakfast sounded great. Second breakfast, he corrected himself. Looking down at his torso, Sterling took a moment to decide before coming to the conclusion that his personal trainer did not need to know and neither did his 'dieting journal'. He still rolled his eyes at every mention of that thing, and so did his mother who had to get two because she 'accidentally' baked hers in a pie. Dad hadn't been too happy about that.

Did you type that with your nose, Slyvester?

Haha, you're a sweetheart, making me an ENTIRE cake. Jk, but do you mind if I nab two? Momll kill me if she finds out i didn't grab her a piece. She loves your cooking <3 morethanyourownmotherbutdon'ttellherisaidthat

A few came from guys he played football with, or otherwise, people he didn't much care for other than they did whatever they could to make him look good out on the field. No qualms with that, though, seeing as most of the guys were boneheads, anyway. If they couldn't spot a guy talking advantage of them, they didn't deserve what recognition they would have gotten without him.

Pulling out, Sterling made for the quickest route to school and parked with minutes to spare, right beside Hunter's junk truck, to boot. Sterling was mostly positive they wouldn't mind making his particular car stand out, even if it didn't mean much to him. Making his way through, he spotted Dominique first, aiming to give her a wave and a wink before nabbing one of her muffins. He took a bite with a smile, "Perfect as always, Domi."

At the sight of Sylvester further off, Sterling immediately dropped the muffin into Lily's hands. "For the starving, right?" he quipped, smiled and departed with a wave behind him and a pat to Alex's shoulder, "Knock 'em dead, conquistador."

Arriving to where the trio positioned by the door. He supposed, if anyone asked, the King was just... making his rounds. Though, really, he just preferred Sly's company possibly the most. "Nice shorts, lamb," Sterling grinned, immediately bypassing Hunter and Blair to get to the cake, "you're gonna kill me one of these days, I swear. Huh, you got something to put an extra slice in?" He finally turned his notice on the other two, with as best a smile he could muster until his eyes fell to the little bracelets wrapped around their wrists.

"Aw, alright, okay," he frowned picking a slice of cake for himself and stuffing a bite in his mouth. He pointed with his dirtied finger at Hunter's charm, "friendship bracelets? Come on, you're killing me here. That's intensely middle scho—" he paused, finally spotting the extra Sly held and took a moment before nabbing it, "Is this for me?" He didn't wait for a response before wiggling it on, "hey, yeah. Oh, hey, there's a four leaf clover on it. I can never find 'em whenever I looked, thanks Rosenberg." Sterling set his eyes on Blair and smiled widely as he flourished his wrist, "How's it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High.
Interacting With: Sterling -@HalfOfLancelot | Analise -@Aewin | Audrey -@Dirty Pretty Lies | Lilith -@Wintergrey | Alexandros -@Altered Tundra
She felt her phone buzzed in her hand as she saw Analise name appear across the screen as she said that she'd be there within the next twenty minutes. She shrugged her shoulders to herself then looked Alexandros as he snatched one of her muffins. Dominique went to slap his hand away but it was too late. Her ears twitched when he inquired about a beach party. "Oh, I think you misunderstood. I just want to hang out there, to be honest. But a beach party does sound good but without your favors." She smiled then returned his wink over towards Alexandros and sent out another message on her Twitter and Snapchat about a beach party thrown by her so of course, people would attend.

As soon as she hit the upload buttons, Analise had made her appearance as an arched brow went up from Dominique. "Luckily for you, I wasn't." She snickered as she hugged her fellow royal member then continued on looking at her. "So, how was your Summer?" Her eyes then followed up to Tristan as she nudged him then waved her hand at Analise. "Oh, hey there." Was all Tristan muttered as Dominique shook her head looking back at Analise, waiting to hear her response.

"Hey, Lilly!" He bent down a little to hug her since she was much shorter than him. "And you know I did. I stayed up all night and cried sometimes." He joked while nudging her playfully. The way she spoke his sister's name, you could feel the tension surrounding the air as Dominique looked Lilith up and down then turned her attention back towards Analise. Who did the hell she think she was? Speaking to her by name - Like, excuse yourself.

Since Lilith was basically irrelevant to her, she looked at the King Bee, Sterling as he came by and waved then winked towards her while grabbing a muffin. Hearing his words made her blush and lower her head. Why was she so flustered over the King Bee? She didn't know but continued looking at him as he walked off. "Why is he so attractive and so god damn cute?" She muttered towards Analise but Tristan looked at her. "On that note, I'm going to the auditorium. Catch you there, sis." He hugged her and she hugged him back then looked at Lilith, extending his arm out. "Shall I escort you, Madam?" Tristan waited before making a trek towards the auditorium alongside Lilith.

Dominique looked at her muffin basket and saw that almost all were gone. She wondered to herself where the fuck Audrey could be and she better have a valid excuse for being late to this function. "I can't wait for Audrey anymore, let's just go ahead and head in." She said while gathering the few muffins she had left, placing one in Analise hand then started her walk towards the auditorium.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lilith Storm

Time: 7:20 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Tristan - @HushedWhispers | Sterling - @HalfOfLancelot

Lil stared in shock at Sterling as he dumped the muffin in her hands. Starving? What the hell was that supposed to mean? She sputtered in the moment, her fantastic brain failing to bring forth any sort of retort to her tongue. At her side her fist clenched in anger, smashing the muffin between her fingers, and her jaw worked itself again and again. It wasn't all that surprising, she had to admit. What did she think would happen when she walked by the 'golden child' of the school, the supposed king. The whole royalty thing was a complete joke, but of course it would go straight to the popular kid's heads. The King had just officially put her in her financial place on the school's hierarchy. If he hadn't walked off she'd probably hit him in the face.

Her anger was doused momentarily by Tristan as he wrapped his long arms around her. His embrace felt nice, awkward, but nice. She really wasn't used to emotional actions like that. The analytical part of her mind saw to that. Hugging him back she replied, "I'd expect nothing less, though I'd be lying if I didn't say the same." Laughing slightly, she felt some of the tension ease out of her back and glancing down saw the crushed blueberry and muffin between her fingers. As much as she hated to do it, she was absolutely starving and the muffin looked delicious. Popping a small piece in her mouth she grabbed onto Tristan's arm, walking into the auditorium. A small smile graced her face. It was nice to have friends like these.

Jackson Aurum

Time: 7:20 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Dominique - @HushedWhispers | Analise - @Aewin

Finally seeing two people he knew, Jackson strode over behind Dominique and Analise. Planting a kiss on Analise's cheek his head tilted slightly to the right as he smiled charmingly at the two girls. "My Lord, it's the Queen everyone!" He raised a hand to his head in mock faint. Laughing he asked, "Should a roll out the red carpet?" with a wink. "How have you been, Domi? I heard you're throwing a beach party, any chance you could fit in someone like me?" Jack honestly didn't need an invitation to show up, he would've come either way, but as it was only the first day back it was smart to be polite. Besides, it was the Queen afterall. If he wanted to her to show up at his party later in the week he'd have to put his best foot forward.

Turning to the Queen's follower a new more genuine smile graced his face. "Hey, Analise. I missed you over the summer. It's too bad we never got to hang out." Jack was a fairly charismatic man, girls were never a problem for him. He had been with plenty ever since Audrey. But with Analise it was different. She was too naive? Corruptible? Either way she made him feel something special. Hitting himself mentally he told himself that was nonsense and that he just hadn't been with anyone for too long. The beach party would be a nice re-introduction to the sex scene.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Venus
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Venus So long, and goodnight. ♡

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 7:02- 7:37 AM
Location: Huntsberg Family Villa, Starbucks Drive-Through, Beverly Hills High School
Interactions: Dominique & Tristan @HushedWhispers, Troy @Universorum, Analise @Aewin (Special Mention: Alexandros @Altered Tundra)


Audrey's eyes flew open and she jumped a little at the vibration of her phone. She lied in bed for a few seconds with her eyes wide, frozen, shocked at the sudden way she was awoken from her deep beauty sleep. Finally, she unlocked her phone and read the message that was guilty of waking her up.

From: Queen Domi
I am getting ready 2 head 2 school. 1 of u better b at our spot. :*

"Shit!" Audrey exclaimed, sitting bolt upright when she saw the time: 7:02 AM. The assembly started at eight, Dominique was already getting ready, Audrey hadn't even gotten out of bed yet, and out of her, Domi and Ana she was the one to take the longest to get ready. Without wasting any more time, Audrey hurried to the bathroom to brush her teeth, take one of the quickest showers of her life and she drenched herself in her signature perfume (YSL's Black Opium) before putting on a set of light blue lace Victoria's Secret underwear. To avoid getting any makeup on her clothes, it was Audrey's custom to do her makeup in just her underwear. So she took a seat in front of her vanity and quickly but efficiently applied a neutral makeup with brown tones that was enough to highlight her features and natural beauty. Even if she didn't seem like the type, Audrey was the kind to meticulously plan everything, and so lucky for her she'd selected the outfit for the assembly the night before: an All Saints beige Aztec Chariot dress with ivory and silver peep-toe heels and a matching handbag. As soon as she was finished getting dressed, Audrey tossed her phone, her lipstick and a travel-sized tube of her perfume into the handbag and rushed downstairs. Once again Audrey was lucky enough to find her car, a red convertible Mercedes Benz that she affectionately called Scarlet, waiting for her right in front of the house, already ignited and ready to go. Audrey quickly placed her handbag in the passenger seat, took her place in the driver's seat and set out to Beverly Hills High School. Along the ride, she took out her phone and connected it to the car's bluetooth so she could enjoy her favorite jams along the way.

In the stoplight right in front of the high school, Audrey turned left and made a detour to the nearby Starbucks. She knew she was already late; so what did it matter if she took a few extra minutes? Her shot of chocolate was a necessary part of the day, and she'd be forgiven for her lateness in Domi's eyes for bringing her a Mocha Latte. As she was waiting for her order, her rose gold iPhone 6 Plus chimed, signaling the arrival of another new text. Audrey's brown eyes lit up with excitement and she was unable to hide the smile that illuminated her face when she read the sender's name: ♥ My Fighter ♥. How adorable was it that the guy she was sleeping with sent her a good morning text, even when they weren't even official? Not that it mattered to Audrey, anyway. He was just a toy, someone to entertain herself with until she eventually got bored of him and tossed him away. But did it mean something that the so-called toy had managed to stay for three months (not that Audrey had been keeping count of the time) without getting bored of her or vice versa? Was it something to think about that she worried sick every time that she saw him with a new bruise on his handsome face that she knew wasn't from his MMA fights or practices? Did it matter that she talked to him every day, cherished his company, counted the days until they would be together, and loved the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her, keeping her close?

Pffffft, not in the slightest. She was Audrey Huntsberg, after all: falling in love just wasn't her thing. The one time she'd caught feelings for a guy (that idiot Alexandros Mossos, of all people) had ended in something she didn't want to think about, and so now she was 100% reluctant to put herself in such a vulnerable position again.

Shaking her head to rid herself of the unwanted thoughts that came to her at her mind's mention of Alexandros, Audrey focused her attention on reading the text she'd received. The excitement she'd felt when she'd read the sender's name was replaced with annoyance when she read the message's text.

From: ♥ My Fighter ♥
Are you going to get here anytime soon? Dominique is all by herself. Less you count her nerdy brother, but you probably wouldn’t, would ya? Hurry up.

Rolling her eyes, Audrey's French manicured thumbs quickly typed up and sent a response.

To: ♥ My Fighter ♥
Good morning to ya too. And my sleep was great, thanks for asking. -_- Anyway, getting my Starbucks fix. Should be there in less than 15.
PS: If you know what's good for you, you'll stop hurrying me, k?

Audrey was putting her phone back on her lap when her order was finished, so she placed the tray containing the hot cups on the passenger seat and carefully drove the rest of the way to the school's parking lot. Just as she was entering the school grounds, Audrey raised the volume of her radio to let everyone know she had arrived: there was no one else in the school whose anthem was "Buttons" by Pussycat Dolls. She knew all eyes were on her, just the way she liked it. Audrey carefully parked in her unofficially assigned parking next to Domi's, threw the handbag on her shoulder, took the trays of coffee from the passenger seat and exited the car. Contrary to what had been Dominique's case earlier, nobody said a word as Audrey confidently strode down the with her usual you're-not-at-my-level smirk plastered on her beautiful face. Instead, they stared in silence, either hating her guts or admiring the girl who seemed to have everything: looks, money, brains and boys.

Audrey's eyes went to her clique's spot, but found there was nobody there. She searched a little until she noticed that Dominique and Analise were heading to the auditorium already. Without her. She would not let this happen!

"Domiiiiiiii! Anaaaaaaaaa!" Audrey called out to her best friends in a loud, sing-song voice, hurrying towards them as fast as her heels and tray of hot cups would let her. "I have Starbuuuuuuuucks!" she announced, hoping that her strategy had worked and stopped them from walking any further. Once she'd reached them, she began to hand out the coffee cups in her hands with a bright smile on her face. "One Caramel Macchiato for Miss Anna-" she began, handing Annalise her cup and planting a kiss on her pink-tinted, chubby cheek. "And one Mocha Latte with extra whipped cream for my be-you-tiful queen Domi," she finished, handing Domi her cup and also planting a kiss on her dark-skinned cheek. "I hope that my usual lateness has been forgiven with this token of redemption, My Queen," she told Dominique, taking a teasing bow.

Audrey took a sip of her own cup, which contained some hot chocolate with shots of espresso and hazelnut, and her brown eyes fell on the near-empty basket of muffins on Dominique's hand. "Oh my God! Is that a Cinnamon, Brown Sugar and Walnut muffin?!" she exclaimed, recognizing the familiar light-brown tint in one of them. Audrey grabbed the suspicious muffin and gave the pastry a dainty bite, and closed her eyes for a moment to completely focus on savoring the yummy deliciousness of the muffin. "These are amazing. Send my compliments to Chef Emilio, Domi. He made them just how I like them: with lots of walnuts. You know how much I like them nuts, though," Audrey teased, wiggling her eyebrows up and down suggestively and letting out a tinkling laugh.

While Audrey stood in the hall sipping on her chocolate, eating her muffin and waiting for Dominique and Analise's next move, her eyes wondered around her fellow students until they fell on none other than Troy Blake: her brave and sexy fighter. A knowing smile spread on her neutral-colored lips when she noticed he was wearing that black leather jacket of his that drove her crazy, and she hoped he'd noticed that she had been thinking along the same lines when he saw her outfit choice for today. Though she wouldn't be the one to tell him, a cup of hot White Chocolate Mocha was waiting for him in her car, which she'd left there to avoid suspicions and would give to him when everyone was busy with the Assembly. Knowing that he'd approach her if he caught her looking, Audrey quickly looked back to her friends and prayed he hadn't noticed her checking him out. Secretly, she wanted to rush over to Troy and give him a big hug, tell him just how much she missed him (even if, she was embarrassed to admit, it had only been a week since they'd last seen each other). But, again: she was Audrey Huntsberg. She had a reputation and an image to maintain, and what would it say about her that she was sleeping with the head Rebel? Alexandros would have a field day with that, and Audrey wouldn't be the one to give him the satisfaction of having something else to torment her with.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 7:20 am - 7:40 am
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Domi and Tris @HushedWhispers, Lilith and Jackson @Wintergrey, Audrey @Dirty Pretty Lies, Sterling @HalfOfLancelot and Alex @Altered Tundra

Panting slightly from the jog, Analise hugged her best friend tightly with a large welcoming grin. "My summer was great, as you may well know." The girl couldn't help but slip in, "hello to you too, Tris, I see you're still as nerdy as ever." The girl quipped, in good humour. She didn't mean what she said in a bad way, and her grin showed as much. Analise quickly slipped her hand in Domi's basket of muffins, grabbing one that caught her eye from the start. A double chocolate chip muffin, delicious. Analise didn't have much of a chance to have breakfast earlier, so the muffin looked like heaven to her. Plus, she knew how good Chef Emilio was already, so she was sure she was in for a treat. Analise delicately unwrapped the muffin, breaking off a small piece as she greeted the other member of the A-list squad, Alex.

"Good morning, Alex." Analise gave him a smaller smile, but still friendly nonetheless. She was just a bit hesitant to interact with the male, with all the rumours and stuff going around about him - plus with how he played with Audrey was something that she didn't like. But it didn't mean she wouldn't be friendly, she just couldn't help it. The girl bit into her muffin piece, sighing in pleasure at the delicious taste of the baked heaven. She turned to face the Queen again, "this is delicious, one day I'm going to steal Chef Emilio away from you." Analise joked, taking another bite.

Noticing Sterling's arrival, she gave him a quick wave, too busy devouring the muffin in her hands to actually greet him - she figured that she could just do it properly later. She quickly smiled at Lilith, swallowing her piece before speaking. "Hey Lilith! Did you have a good summer?" Analise greeted, giving her a nod. She just hummed in response to Domi, not quite listening to her gushing about Sterling. Instead she was focusing on greeting yet another person. Seriously, can't a girl eat her muffin in peace?

The next one was Jackson, who greeted her with a surprise kiss on the cheek. She didn't know whether her cheeks were tinted from the embrarrasment, or from the slight cold air. Either way, the girl smiled warmly at Jackson, "Good morning to you too, Jackson," the girl paused, taking one more bite of her muffin before continuing. "I was... busy over the summer, so I wasn't in town for too long." Analise explained. Most of her summer was spent in different clinics in a different city, her parents wanting her to be checked up even though her birthday had already passed.

Before Analise could ask about Jackson's summer, she heard Domi gather her stuff, getting ready to enter the auditorium. The girl felt concern for her other best friend. Analise knew that Audrey loved dressing up - to the point of taking her sweet time while doing so - but what exactly was she wearing that would take her so long to get to school? She sighed, just hoping that Audrey wouldn't be too late as she also grabbed her bag, scrunching up the wrapper so she could throw it away when she got the chance. And just as Domi and Anna were ready to leave...

"Domiiiiiiii! Anaaaaaaaaa!"

Analise laughed, turning around to see Audrey running towards their direction in heels - how she does that, Anna has no idea - and with a tray full of hot Starbucks drinks. "Audrey!" The girl called out in greeting. She gladly took the steaming cup into her hands, giving Audrey a quick hug before she moved on to handing out Dominique's drink. "You took your time today. Did you wake up late or did you spend your entire morning choosing what to wear?" Anna quipped, grinning.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Komo
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Komo Chill vibes MKII

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Time: 7:10am - 7:50am
Location: Hansen Mansion -> Beverly Hills High
Interacting with: Dominique & Tristan@HushedWhispers, Analise @Aewin, Audrey @Dirty Pretty Lies Alexandros @Altered Tundra

The sharp noise pierced the stillness of the air as Victoria woke up with a start, nearly falling off her bed in shock as Walter, their family butler had seen fit to wake her up with an airhorn beside her bed. Looking up in confusion before realising that that roof wasn't collapsing or anything, she heard him say "Ms. Hansen, you're going to be late for school. It's 7.10 now, and assembly starts at 8." Still rubbing the vestiges of sleep from her eyes, she muttered sleepily "It's what?" -before realisation dawned onto her "It's WHAT?! Oh fu-I'm late!" the girl yelled as she scampered out of bed, rushing into her adjoining bathroom to wash-up and get ready for school. She was running out of time and was going to be really late at this rate. Brushing her teeth as quickly as she could, Vicki then move on to her vanity, putting on a basic layer of make-up, which included black eyeliner, and a simple application of peach lip gloss.

She was never one to put on a full make-up anyway, unless she was in a performance of some sort. Today was mostly just assembly day. The outfit she wore today was a simple one, a simple white blouse paired with a pastel peach skirt that sank down to the mid of her thighs. The Hansen family was rich. Enormously wealthy in fact. With her parents both being the chief executives of two large multinational corporations both in the finance and pharmaceutical business respectively, they were considered on of the richest families in the country, putting their net worth just behind the Mossos at fourth place. And the Mossos were pretty damn rich. Yeah, they had money indeed.

As she rushed out of the room, she grabbed the paper bag that was meant for her breakfast, just like always. They had an army of staff for just a family of three living in the expansive gorgeous mansion. Most of the maids and servants were just day staff with the exception of Walter. Walter did everything. He fixed the leaks on their pipes, changed the light bulbs, prepared their meals, and ensured that they got where they needed to be on time, well in most cases. Victoria ran out of the door, her actions so unladylike, yet there was no one there to see. She thanked god once more for not making her a fan of heels. Her parents were overseas, and all the girl had was the day staff and Walter for company. The ageing man had seen her grown up since she was a little girl, and he was more a father, than her father ever was.

He saw to her needs, took care of when she was down, and accompanied her whenever she was bored during her younger days. Unlocking the door, and swinging the door upwards of her tangerine orange coloured Lamborghini Aventador, the blonde dumped her handbag into the passenger seat, before closing back the door, and firing up the engines. The supercar growled to life, before roaring as it sped away from the Hansen mansion and into the streets of Beverly Hills. The iconic roar of a speeding Lamborghini could be heard as Vicki tried her best to not be late for the first day of school. That would be horribly bad form. She thanked god once more, for the relatively clear streets this morning.

The clock just turned 7:30 as the luxurious supercar made its way into the parking lot of the school grounds, its powerful engines making its arrival known to the rest of the people gathered in the vicinity. Eventually managing to find an empty lot, the blonde expertly slid the sleek car into place, parking the car in a single move. She killed the engines, and silence once more returned to the air that had been dominated by that of the powerful motor engine. Locking the car with a beep, Victoria grabbed her belonging and made her way to the school. Students were already beginning to filter into the assembly hall as the time slowly made its way into eight o'clock. Entering the hall, the blonde kept an eye out for the people she knew. Vicki saw Dominique and gang, and made her way over to give her greetings to the Queen Bee.

She was on friendly terms with the Queen and her friend, Ana, but that was where it stopped. She was no fan of the other one, and the blonde was pretty sure the feeling was mutual. As she passed the Queen Bee and her brother, followed by the other blonde, Victoria said "Morning Domi & Tristan! and morning to you too, Ana!" A cold look was all Audrey got, as the blonde made her way over to the last one she recognised, which was none other than the man, Alexandros Mossos himself. The pretty blonde sat on the unoccupied seat next to him, and as she past him, she deliberately bumped into him flirtatiously as she leaned over and whispered into his ear "Morning handsome."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 16 days ago

Troy Blake

Time: 6:30 AM - 7:15 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting with: Audrey - @Dirty Pretty Lies, Analise - @Aewin, Dominique - [@Hushed Whispers] directly, the rest of their group by proxy

Troy was confident in many things, very secure in most of his opinions. One of his more controversial opinions--at least around the high school--was that cliques, at their core, were stupid. The very idea that people needed to be separated into groups of people that liked the same things, or had the same things, or were equally rich and snobby… That wasn’t even the worst part. What really, truly annoyed Troy about cliques, at least ever since he had gotten with Audrey, was the invisible wall put up between them. She never looked at him longer than a few fleeting seconds in the hall, never came up to for a hug and a kiss, though he more than deserved it at this point.

Without moving from his spot, he watched in mild amusement as Audrey ran up to her friends. The girl would be caught dead before she entered a school event without her beloved partners, which Troy found endlessly amusing. ‘Probably the only good thing about cliques,” Troy mused silently to himself. Even in his mind, he thought the word with total and utter disdain. He had long ago found himself relegated to the ‘rebel’ clique, where he became their defacto leader, for god knows what reason.

He hated cliques, simply detested them.

Smiling as he noted the dress that Audrey had chosen to watch, Troy winked at her as she eyed him. Of course he’d noticed, he almost always did, but this time he responded to it. He eyed the tray of cups Audrey had, idly wondering if she had something for him. He snorted when she made the comment about how much she liked nuts. Troy knew exactly how much she liked nuts, and it took all of his self control to not make a snide comment. He watched with great interest as Victoria Hansen, a girl that the light of his life--er, Audrey, the girl he slept with sometimes, was not fond of. Not even in the slightest.

Seeing slight movements and a look in Audrey’s eye that Troy knew almost too well, Troy moved over to the group of people, grabbing Audrey’s arm that held the hot cocoa, smiling politely at Dominique, Anna, and the others. “Sorry, ladies. But I need to borrow this one.” He explained sadly, reaching out with his free hand and snatching a muffin. “Don’t mind if I do. Don’t worry, I’ll deliver her right to you at the assembly. Won’t be more than ten minutes.” Without another word, without giving anyone of the group, even Audrey, time to protest, Troy stalked off, dragging the girl behind him.

Once they were alone in a deserted hallway, no one around to see or hear them, Troy smiled at her, looking her up and down. It always amazed him how incredibly pretty she was, whenever he got a chance to marvel at her in a close distance, which had been too long he thought. Leaning forward, Troy stole a quick kiss from her before she could protest, then spoke. “Hey, Princess. Miss me? I just wanna say… that I know exactly how much you like them nuts.” He teased, smirking. Troy knew he’d be in trouble until he got to explain the real reason that he’d dragged her off, and so Troy waited, getting ready for the argument that would be forthcoming.

He reached his hand into his inner jacket pocket and touched the box.

He’d put the argument to rest pretty quickly this time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 7:20 am - 7:45 am
Location: Home & Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: His aunt

"Have you got everything? Your notebooks, pens-"

"Mausī stop worrying."

"How can I not? You're starting your final year of school in a new environment, of course I'll worry!"

Lakshya sighed, rubbing his forehead slightly. Currently he was leaning against the counter, the cash register right beside him as his aunt tinkered with the machine, mumbling under her breath. The teenaged boy had an apple in his hand, watching his aunt from the corner of his eye as he had his breakfast.

"Aren't you going to get dressed? It's almost seven-thirty." His aunt asked, eyeing his clothes in distaste. Lakshya looked down at his attire, a large sleeveless tank, black basketball shorts and black sneakers.

"First I need to shower, and then get ready. The high school is only ten minutes away, anyway, so relax." Lakshya threw the apple core in the direction of the bin, the apple falling in flawlessly as he moved around the counter. He gave his aunt an one-armed hug, his aunt squirming due to the sweat still on his skin. He laughed and moved away as she began swatting him with a rolled up towel sliding through the back-door towards the stairs that would lead him to his aunt's house.

It didn't really take long to get ready. While he did like to look good, but he didn't like wasting time picking and choosing what he was going to wear. Plus, it wasn't like he had a choice now anyway, now that his funds have been cut off. Lakshya had only arrived to the US two months ago, since then working with his aunt and earning the money he needed to get any extra clothes or supplies to help him settle down to a whole new environment.

Pulling out his clothes from his drawer, Lakshya made his way over to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower to wash off any sweat, before brushing his teeth and fixing his hair with the usual gelled style. Within fifteen minutes, the bronzed boy left the bathroom completely ready for the new day ahead.

As he grabbed his rucksack, hoisting it over his shoulder, Lakshya spared a single glance at a framed picture, sitting on the desk beside a few books. Pressing a kiss to his finger, he touched the frame, a small smile on his face before leaving the room.

"Mausī, main jaraha hun." Lucky raised an arm, as he squeezed past his aunt and another worker before heading out the door, headed towards his new high school.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Silent Whispers ❝𝖰𝗎𝖾𝖾𝗇 𝗈𝖿 𝖶𝗁𝗂𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗋𝗌.❞

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High.
Interacting With:Jackson -@Wintergrey | Analise -@Aewin | Audrey -@Dirty Pretty Lies | Troy -@Universorum
Just as her and Anna were fixing to make their way into the auditorium, Jackson had made himself known. She glared at him and his remarks but decided to have a little fun with him. "Yeah, there should be a red carpet. Why don't you go to hell and find me one?" She remarked towards him then looked at him as he inquired about the beach party. She laughed then looked at him again. "Oh, you were serious." Dominique stared at Jackson while handing him a muffin. "There's your invitation." She left it at that then continued on walking towards the auditorium.

Upon getting to the door, she heard a familiar ring and chimed voice as she turned with a scowled look upon her face, arms folded. Dominique grabbed her coffee drink then eyed Audrey while raising it up. "Don't think that this is going to take away from your lateness." She smirked while taking a sip and tasting the extra whipped cream. "The extra whipped cream might though." She winked towards her then watched as she reached and grabbed her favorite one. "I'll be sure to tell him. He know he misses you or the way you dress. Whichever one you prefer." She said with the wave of her hand as Troy came up to the trio now.

"Who in the hell do you think you are? Whatever you have to say to Audrey, you can say to all of us." She remarked with a smile then snickered as she looked at Analise then back at Audrey. "Go and handle your business, girl." She nudged her while walking into the auditorium now, scoping out her brother and that thing he was probably sitting with. "Come on, Analise." She whispered while sitting beside her brother, whispering in his ear. "You and that are a thing?" Tristan looked at her. "Shouldn't you be sitting with your court?" He snipped then shook his head. "No, we're not a thing." Dominique held her hand over her heart. "Oh, thank goodness. I thought I had an idiot for a brother." She remarked as Tristan pointed to the royal area. "Your people await, your highness."

Dominique stood up and flung her hair from over her shoulder then strutted off, away from her brother and the nerds. "Remind me later I must take that girl, Lilith down." She made a small note towards Analise as they walked over towards the royal, sitting down. Of course, the assembly was the same and boring as always. Don't do this at school, don't do that at school, let's everyone get along and some other crap that nobody cared about. They received some papers for their parents to sign as when the assembly was over, she stood up and looked at Analise.

"I propose a shopping spree for my party later?" It wasn't even suppose to be a party but since everybody seemingly wanted one, she thought, why not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Time: 7:20 - 7:35 A.M.
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Analise @Aewin, everyone else nearby

Such fun, exciting toys were arriving. The most exciting one that always peaked Alexandros’ interest was that rather naïve, almost innocent, Analise. Alexandros didn’t know much about her, but just the way her flowing blonde hair went down her back each time she would unknowingly show it to Alexandros, his interest in this one was peaked. It was probably almost to the point of him completely ignoring Victoria. Even when that saucy little minx would sit next to him, he didn’t even notice. When she would whisper into his ear almost like some kind of succubus of some kind, Alexandros paid no mind to it. Whatever interest he had at the moment was completely on Analise Arnette. For whatever reason, he was more intrigued by her naiveté than he was with the obvious attraction that

“Oh, hey.” Alexandros absentmindedly acknowledged Victoria, his eyes briefly falling on her. He gave her a satisfactory — albeit obviously fake to anyone with half of a brain.

As he stood there eating the rest of the muffin that he had nabbed from Dominique’s basket, Alexandros’ eyes would never leave Analise. He wasn’t making it subtle either. Anyone who would look at him, or at Analise, would definitely see Alexandros eye her as if she was the most important thing in the room. Or in the current situation’s case, the general vicinity. Even with everything going on with Domi and her brother(and that cute redhead with him), Audrey and her little boy toy, Troy(Alexandros did pay mind to them, but not enough to warrant any kind of looks from those two), and then those who were arriving late, Alexandros had his attention solely on Analise Arnette.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Alexandros said to Victoria, leaving her to approach Analise.

Alexandros walked as he always did: with style, grace, and always — yes, always — did he get noticed by anyone around him. It was mostly, though not always the case, that Alexandros would make it his intention to get the attention of the person that has it. As it stood currently, Analise Arnette was the object of his unscrupulous eyes. He completely ignored pretty much everyone who may or may not‘ve been talking to Analise. Even if he came off as rude, he didn‘t care. He would interject himself into their conversation whether they liked it or not. “Please, call me Alexandros,” a calm, façade of a smile, formed upon Alexandros’ face, his eyes shifting from his true unmoral nature to a more deceiving, falsely genuine feeling. “I suddenly find myself without company for the assembly today. How would you like to fill that void, Analise?” Alexandros, as smooth and suave as ever, held out his hand, as if expecting her to take it.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Time: 7:20 AM - 7:35 AM
Location: Beverly Hills High
Interacting With: Domi @HushedWhispers & Alexandros @Altered Tundra

Taking a sip of her offered drink, Analise followed behind Audrey and Dominique towards the auditorium, scrolling through her phone as she checked her new messages.

From: Birth-giver

Had to drop Winnie at the sitter, pick him up on your way back AND don't forget your medication!!!

Analise guessed that her mother must've been called in to meet her agent on short notice. Her father was still in Canada promoting his new book, so now nobody was home to take care of little Winston. Analise tucked her phone back into her skirt pocket, adjusting her grip on the hot cup as Troy sauntered over, his eyes on Audrey before snatching her away without giving her or Domi a chance to even blink. It was weird, but Anna wasn't going to pry.

Analise sat on the other side of Dominique, taking the spare seat and tucking her bag under her legs - only to find Dominique being shooed away by her brother. There was a tense glare from the Queen beside her, Analise just patting her arm with a small comforting smile as they moved over to the royal area next. "Why do you hate Lilith so much? I feel like I missed something." Analise asked as they headed over towards the other royals, taking her place beside Domi - like usual. Analise couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching her, goosebumps raising on her flesh in response. 'Strange, I'll have to ask Domi later if she noticed anythi--'

“Please, call me Alexandros,”

Blinking twice, Analise looked up at the towering figure of the Greek transfer student beside her, slightly surprised. She and Alexandros never really talked much before, the girl somewhat hesitant to start up a conversation with the intimidating transfer. It didn't really help that he and Audrey have history, something which Anna prefers to steer clear from.

"Well, um, if you'd like, you can join us here." The blonde offered politely, gesturing at the empty seat on the other side of her. Still unsure of his intentions, Analise had no choice but to remain friendly, flashing the Greek with a small, friendly smile.

The assembly was quick, but boring. If Audrey hadn't had bought the coffee over to the blonde prep, she knew she would've fallen asleep within the first ten - no, five - minutes of the assembly. By the end of the assembly, Analise could only stretch her upper body tiredly, her now cold and empty cup still in her hands as they got ready to leave.

"I really would go shopping, but I need to pick up Winston once I'm done here. Do you mind if I bring him with me, by the way?" Analise asked. It was no secret that the girl loved her dog, a lot. Wherever she went, she would bring her puppy along with her. The dog would provide some sort of comfort whenever Anna felt like she was in way over her head during social situations.

Plus, a dog always helped with breaking the ice.
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