Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name: KKR-V2(Kodona Kikai Ningyo Version Two), translated as Advanced Machine Doll Version Two. Her given name is Kiko.
  • Alias: Machine Doll Kiko(her identity is not secret)
  • Nickname(s): 'Kii-chan' to friends back home.
  • Age: Physically and mentally, she is a robotic replica of a sixteen-year-old girl. However, she has existed in an operational, completed state for roughly eight months.
  • Gender: Female
  • Powers: As KKR-V2, the second in a line of extremely human-like robots, Kiko's body is composed of an incredibly lightweight durable alloy frame beneath a layer of life-like synthetic skin. Her body replicates a human girl's, to the point where even close observation would render no discrepancies. Well, aside from the exposed joints of her legs and arms. She is incredibly durable, capable of withstanding high heat and pressure. She can continue to function even after losing limbs, though systems in her torso are liable to damage.
    Kiko's AI is contained in a black box inside her head, capable of withstanding even extremely powerful explosives that would obliterate the rest of Kiko's body. Each limb is strong enough to crush concrete and bend solid steel from impact. Using a highly advanced technology, Kiko can summon a protective armor, which also grants her flight capabilities. Finally, Kiko has a module that taps into "emotional output". In essence, the more fired up she becomes, the more powerful she can potentially become, though this can be hazardous to her body.
  • Skills/Abilities: Kiko is programmed with a full understanding of Japanese and English, though she is less used to English. She is also incredibly capable at making all varieties of ramen.
  • Equipment: Kiko is capable of summoning a suit of advanced armor. This armor protects her body further, and grants her flight capabilities. It is equipped with an energy sword capable of inflicting lethal or nonlethal damage depending on the settings. She is also equipped with a beam cannon and a set of small missiles with the armor activated.
    Kiko can trigger different modes of her armor. For now, this is Gear Blue, a ranged form constructing a set of floating cannons that can join into a much larger one, and Gear Red, a melee form focusing all power into her sword and detaching most of her armor to add speed. She can also divert power to various areas of the armor in its base state. Her use of the armor is constantly monitored by the Kimura institute in Japan.
  • Appearance: "What is it?" Kiko is around 5'1. Unseen are her exposed joints. These are the only things that would indicate she is a robot to an observer(hatches in her back are invisible when shut), and exist due to the fact that Kiko's larger joints caught the synthetic skin in them.
  • Costume: "Machine Doll ready for action!", "Machine Doll, AAAAARRRMOR OOOOOON!"
  • Personality: Kiko is a cheerful, friendly girl. As an advanced AI, she has a full emotional range, and her most commonly expressed emotions are happiness and cheer. She loves meeting new people, trying new things, and in general experiencing just about anything pleasant. Kiko also enjoys food(thankfully her body can burn it as fuel) a great deal, and loves making ramen for her friends. All of them. Every time she makes a new friend, she makes them a bowl of ramen. No matter what. Kiko is strongly convinced that she should try talking to anyone, even enemies, to see if she can get them to surrender. Only someone truly evil would ever earn lethal treatment from her, and even then she would try and talk them into reconsidering and surrendering first.
    Kiko is also extremely devoted to justice, holding an incredibly strong desire to protect the innocent and stop those who would harm others for their own sake and do evil. However, Kiko is incredibly naive and unaware of the world around her, and is easily fooled by white lies. However, she can also be remarkably perceptive in a fight and figure out battle strategies and bluffs. She has a tendency to jump into things too quickly, at the same time.
  • History: Kiko is based on a sixteen-year-old girl of the same name, who died tragically in a car accident. Her father, part of the project, modeled the new KKR-V2 on his daughter as a result, and advocated for increasing her firepower. His motivation was, in fact, so that his new "daughter" would never face the same fate. Built as a mechanical hero created to defeat threats to the world, Kiko was completed eight months ago. Her first deployments were as a normal schoolgirl. Her very first deployment ended with her stopping a truck with her bare hands when it threatened to crash into another girl. Roughly two months ago, she confronted and defeated a small group of minor supervillains in Tokyo. She has recently arrived in the US for an exhibition, and to grant her more experience with the world.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Poke
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Poke Unreliable

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Goth Sulkman

Alias: Brooder

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Powers: None. Unless you count infinite budget as a power.

Skills/Abilities: - World-class martial artist / hand-to-hand combatant
Exceptional detective skills
Genius-level intellect
Skilled Acrobat
Military Special Forces training
Doctorate-level knowledge in various fields

Equipment: - Main weapon: a retractable metal polearm, about 1.5 ft when retracted, and 5 ft when extended. This pole can be split into two weapons if need be.
Dart Gun
Grapple Gun
Smoke Grenades
Knockout Gas
Taser Pellets
A pill that temporarily grants superhuman strength and durability
Various other small specialty devices
Although he doesn’t carry every device with him, Brooder has a piece of equipment for virtually any situation back in his lair.

Appearance: Stands approximately 6’4”, with a very muscular build. Goth has jet black hair with icy blue eyes.

Goth has a large, wide jaw with a permanent five o’clock shadow. The bridge of his nose is perfectly straight, going off at an almost perfect 45 degree angle in relation to his face, and his mouth is pursed in an eternal frown, his lower lip sticking out ahead of the upper lip. Even after getting plenty of sleep, Goth has dark circles under his eyes. His eye brows are thick, and his eye ridge is always furrowed down as if in deep concentration.

Running diagonally across the middle of his forehead lies a long, straight scar. When any one asks, Goth says he got it in an epic duel with a skilled swordsman. In reality, he got it as a young boy at a friend’s house. He fell into a food coma on the floor next to the kitchen counter, and Goth’s friend accidentally dropped a butter knife on him.

Costume: His costume consists of a black trenchcoat, and a black full-body suit. He has a black mask that completely conceals his facial features. His eyes appear as white slits. The only colored feature of the costume is a dark, silver belt that wraps around his trenchcoat.

Beneath his trenchcoat, Goth wears a black utility built made of reinforced polymer. This belt contains all of the various gadgets and equipment that he carries around.

The trench coat isn’t made for anything special besides appearance. Goth’s bodysuit on the other hand is made of a synthetic weave, making it light enough to wear for long periods of time, but durable enough to withstand bullets and bladed weapons. This classified material also has the interesting property of evenly dispersing kinetic energy from impacts, effectively increasing the wearer’s durability.

On top of that, plates of graphene nanocomposites are layered on top of the suit to protect the vital organs, major limbs, and fingers, all without limiting movement.

Of course, Goth also commissioned a layer of under armor made of the recently discovered Awesomium, giving him resistances to extreme heat and cold, radiation, electricity, and pathogens. This suit if very fragile though, and is easily torn, even from sudden, extreme movements.

Lastly, Goth has a pair of specially made tanks of compressed air strapped to the back of his calves. These tanks are capable of blasting air in a burst powerful enough to propel Goth great distances. The tanks don’t allow flight, only boosts to Goth’s jumps. They automatically refill themselves by cycling in and storing the surrounding air.

Personality: Goth is a stoic, introverted man. He has been hardened by his life experiences, and sees the world only in black and white. His motivations in life are rooted in his emotions, but he makes every decision with his head, always choosing the most logical path over what “feels” right.

Goth is in a perpetual state of brooding, always thinking about why life is full of suffering and why everything that has happened has come to pass. Because of this, he’s usually found staring off into the distance at nothing, and will occasionally speak at random intervals based on what he’s thinking.

When spoken to, he will often respond with some philosophical-sounding nonsense. It may seem to have some deeper meaning, but most people brush it off as incoherent ramblings. (Example: "How does the cricket know when to chirp?" "Crime is like a cookie...it always crumbles." "What does the fox say?" "A thousand Starbucks' cannot drown my sorrow.")

Goth vehemently avoids dairy products, as it reminds him of his dead parents. He especially dislikes chocolate ice cream.

Goth isn’t opposed to killing criminals, but he usually reserves death for criminals that directly threaten or have taken human lives.

History: Goth was born into a family of wealth and privilege, but has experienced a childhood of trauma and heartbreak. His great-great-great grandfather made his fortune from a successful dairy farm, eventually monopolizing the worldwide dairy industry. Goth’s grandfather was born lactose intolerant, so he decided to expand the family business into an area that he thoroughly enjoyed: military weapons development.

As the child and heir to the world’s largest dairy producer and weapons developer (Sulk Milk & Lead, Intl.), Goth was poised to live out a comfortable life of endless partying. However, on one of his month-long party cruises, Goth’s yacht ran into a storm, throwing him overboard. He washed up on an island in the South China, thinking it was deserted. Thankfully, he happened to meet a fellow stranded survivor, an ex-Special Forces and CIA operative named John Tuffmeister. Tuffmeister trained Goth in everything he knew, from combat, to espionage, to survival techniques, and numerous other fields.

Goth and Tuffmeister lived on the island for 2 years before finally realizing that the island was less than half a mile from the mainland and swam back to civilization. Unfortunately, Goth learned that his parents, trying to drown the sorrow of losing their son, decided to watch a light-hearted musical, only to end up being mugged and killed in an alley after the show. Depressed, Goth turned to alcohol to drown out his own sorrows.

Eventually, Tuffmeister finally located Goth and got him sober, getting him back into shape to rejoin society. Goth offered Tuffmeister a full-time position as a butler in his house, which Tuffmeister surprisingly accepted.

Rather than wasting his life being boozed up, Goth decided to put the skills and knowledge he had acquired to good use, cleaning up the city so that no one else would have to suffer as he had. Gathering together his nearly limitless resources, he commissioned specialized equipment for use in the field, as well as everything a budding vigilante would want in a secret lair.

However, thanks to the spectacular efforts of the Infinite Knights, Archer City was almost crime-free, save for super-villains, the occasional monster/extra-terrestrial attack, and super-secretive criminal organizations. Most days, Goth sits atop one of the city’s many skyscrapers, earning the name “Brooder” from civilians that have claimed to have seen him.

This doesn’t mean Brooder is inexperienced, far from it. There has never been a criminal that has escaped or defeated him (so far), and he has taken down beings with superior physical builds, super powers, and both.

Writer’s Note: Yes. yes, this is meant to be a Batman / Iron Man / (insert billionaire superhero with a tragic backstory here) clone. Not in any serious way, though. Rather, this character is meant to be out of place in a light-hearted setting like Spectacular, taking their levels of grimdark to ridiculous, cheesy, campy levels. Brooder is a parody of the Batman-type superhero.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Simon Strange

Alias: Candy King

Nickname(s): Sweet Stud, Gumbud

Age: 15

Gender: male


Candy Magic: Simon has the ability to create and control all aspects of candy, he can even change their size and power depending on how much energy he puts into it as well as the candy's weight. He normally uses specific kinds of candy for specific situations, if he needs to restrain an enemy then he will create giant licorice or gummy worms to ensnare them or have them stuck by large amounts of gooey chewing gum. For offensive attacks he uses hard candy of varying size depending on how he wants to attack. He can fly by creating a giant floating bubble of gum which he can hang on to as he wills it to where he wants to go. He can also fly by merely manipulating his candy armor to fly him through the air.

Candy Mimicry: This ability allows Simon to alter his body to match those of candy, for example Simon will normally use this power to shift his body into a candy form such as a gummy worm for ensnaring purposes and he also regularly uses this power to make his arm and fist in a hulking chunk of rock candy perfect for power blows.

In terms of weaknesses vegetables are like his kryptonite, although it doesn't physically weaken him it will temporarily take away his powers if he is in close vicinity of for too long. Using his abilities requires energy and if he uses them for too long then he will begin to feel fatigue. The dramatically he has to alter the candy the more energy it uses it up like if he wants to enlarge the candy he summons then it will use up more magical power to do.

Skills/Abilities: He has a excellent knowledge of all candy and is experienced in combat thanks to some training in hand to hand combat specifically boxing. He's also fairly good at technical stuff like computers and has a good know how of chemistry

Equipment: None

Appearance: He is five feet and nine inches tall with bright red hair. He is average in terms of body build and at first glance he doesn't look very impressive, but he knows how defend himself. In terms of fashion he likes to dress in the usual shorts and t-shirts when it is not cold. Most of his shirts have either a candy and superhero design to them.

Costume: His costume is a green long-sleeved shirt and blue pants. He has hard candy plated armor on his upper torso and it is tough enough to withstand a good amount of punishment, but it won't protect him from high powered weapons. on the chest of his armor is the picture of a red lollipop with the letters 'CK' in the circle. Simon also wears a a red cape with the initials 'CK' on it in golden yellow. CK is the initials for Candy King.

Personality: Simon is funny and has a carefree personality. He is full of fun and tries to be nice to people he believes deserve it. Simon hates people who hurt the innocent and will take it to the bad guys hard if they begin killing people. He loves candy and was incredibly happy when he was granted his magical powers and he could create and manipulate candy. Simon is very tenacious and will never give up when a challenge comes before him. He does have a tendency to go a bit overboard with his jokes and it is hard for him to take things seriously unless things have gone totally to shit.

He also is a bit of a show off and likes to impress others with his powers. In terms of fears, Simon is scared of not being powerful enough to help stop a serious crisis and that he will be helpless to prevent a horrible tragedy.

History: Simon Strange was born in the Bronx borough of New York and from the day he could, he always loved candy. His parents tried to get him to eat proper food, but it was hard and he always had a secret stash of candy. Eventually he was in school and a lot of kids thought of his antics are being weird and he would sometimes get picked on. But he always tried to keep a positive personality.

He fell in love with the movie Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, and had dreams of being a candy man in his own right. Simmon also had a love for superheroes and always wanted to become one at some point, but he didn't have the power or resources to do such a thing. This would change when he stopped by a magic shop and unknowingly bought a item that contained the magical ability to create and control candy. With his new power he got the idea to become a superhero. He made his costume and named himself Candy King. His parents then had them move to Archer City in New York and there Simon began his hero career. He was ready to bring sweet justice to the criminal element of the city. He and his family live in the Waterfront District of Archer City.

Ever since he began hero work, Simon trained a bit in boxing to improve his fighting skills and has developed his computer and chemistry knowledge as he has gone through high school. He's one hero who won't let others overshadow him

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Caesar Paladin (Last name made up)

Alias: None

Nicknames: None

Age: 1016 years old (looks 26)

Gender: Male

Powers: Immense Size: In his dragon form, he is 25 feet long from head to tip of his tail

Super Strength: He can pick up and throw cars with ease and can effortlessly smash through concrete walls

Sharp Claws and Fangs: Can shred through solid steel

Shape-shifting: Can change between human and dragon form at will

Silver Scales: His dragon scales are resistant to bullets, automatic fire, and most conventional mundane weapons, as well as weak energy attacks, such as lasers.

Fog Vision: His telescopic vision is not impeded by fogs or clouds

Cloud-walking: He can walk on clouds as if they were solid ground

Graceful Flyer: Has great maneuverability and speed in the air

Appendages: Possesses a tail and a strong pair of wings for flight

Ice Breath: Can breath a cone of cold akin to liquid nitrogen (Can be turned non-lethal)

Super Endurance: Caesar has stronger than average endurance, capable of taking several strong blows before being knocked down

Environmental Adaption: Is immune to even the coldest temperatures or substances and does not suffer from altitude sickness

Weaknesses: Extreme Heat

No Protection from Magic

Skills/Abilities: Caesar is a master of war, combat, and military tactics, having served in decades worth of fighting. He knows how to use many weapons, from modern day firearms to medieval swords and shields.

Equipment: None

Appearance: i160.photobucket.com/albums/t172/Ten-T.. (Human Form standing 6'0) draconika.com/types/images/silver-drag.. (Dragon Form standing 25'0 from head to tail) When in human form, he is a handsome man with short white air with a silvery shine, sky blue eyes with very narrow snake-like pupils that betray his draconian origins. In Dragon form he is a giant with rippling muscles, scales so reflective they act as mirrors, a "beard" of spikes, and orbs of mercury for eyes.

Costume: None

Personality: Caesar is a follower of honor before reason to a fault. He is fiercly loyal to those he calls friend and he's a gentleman, contrary to the usual pride and arrogance found in dragons. Whenever he makes a promise, you can expect him to keep it. He is though very uptight and strict. He is very closed off with his thoughts and emotions despite his courtesies and tends to keep to himself.he is usally very hesistant to engage in silly activities, viewing them as childish and immature.

History: Caesar was born a silver dragon on the swiss Alps in 1000 A.D. He was strange for a dragon in which, instead of viewing humans as food, he viewed them as intriguing specimens with a culture worthy of studying. Something particularly fascinating he found was the notion of Chivalry, the knight's code and fighting for the weak and oppressed. Throughout the centuries he spent on the earth, he mastered the arts of warfare, so he could protect the downtrodden. In various human guises he roamed fighting for whichever side seemed right at the time, though hindsight has left him with many regrets and just a tad bit jaded. Nevertheless he pressed on and fought in many wars against tyranny, including helping the Allies fight against Germany during WWII. Shortly afterward, he tired of fighting and wanted to enjoy a life of peace. That's when he move to Archer city to retire, unfortunately it looks like villainy will not let him stay retired, and thus his heroics continue.

Edit: Oops! Forgot to say Spectacular!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Whitewind
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago


"Welcome to the Bone Zone."

Sparrow Wolfe
"Evil is such a rude word, I just play for myself in this game called Life."
Osteokinesis: Osteo, combining from meaning bone, prefix. plus kinesis: meaning Sparrow has control over bones, usually not in others bodies, but can create them and move them to her will.
Creating skeletons, just throwing them, she can do /mostly/ whatever she wants with them.
Matter Surfing: Using her Osteokinesis, she can create bones to carry her around.
Iron Body: Sparrow's bones have been reinforced through her Osteokinesis, so she can take a couple more hits than most.
Enhanced Dexterity: Sparrow can precisely control her movements and muscles, making her unable to be clumsy or fumbling. She can slip through a network of lasers, reach through dangerous narrow tunnels, keep perfect balance, or juggle effortlessly without ever tripping or wobbling. Sparrow can even move their finger or toes effortlessly, with tendon strain no longer being a problem.
As seen in the picture above, her armor is made out of bone, which makes it easier for her to keep up, as the bones are snapped by those pesky heroes, she can replace them. A barrage of attacks is needed, if against more than one opponent she is not as strong.
Outgoing, social, open, does not like being alone. Easy to read. Warm-hearted and popular. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Interested in serving others. Values relationships and families over intellectual pursuits. Group oriented, affectionate, complimentary, loving, considerate, and altruistic. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Well-developed sense of space and function. Organized. Follows the rules. A planner. Regular, orderly, clean. A finisher. Consults others before acting. Dutiful. Values traditions and security. Thinks life has purpose and meaning. Dislikes science fiction. Content. Positive.
Sparrow's casual attire is mostly just jeans and a t-shirt, she doesn't like anything too attention-attracting, even though her hair is redder than the blood of her enemies. Her figure is slim and small, she's 5'5 standing up straight, and weighs a meager 120 lbs. I guess you could call her all bone.
The night was stormy, the high and fast winds blowing through the air. The murky smell of a swamp filling the air, a scream and sobs were heard as a child was born. The child born, had killed her mother. When she came out of the womb, the powers she had been born with fluctuated, she didn't know any better. The father, who was delivering the baby in their small shack, had sobbed as the contorted bones in his wife's lifeless face. He cradled the baby in his arms, if his wife had died, at least she lived.
He named her Sparrow, after her mothers favorite animal. Their humble shack in the woods was not enough for this child, the father had thought. So, he had looked through New York, finding a safe city to live in. He couldn't stand being the humble man he had once been, he wanted to be wealthy, give his daughter a good life that he had never had.
Sparrow discovered her powers early through temper tantrums. As she got angry, bones just appeared around her. Growing older, this turned into bones being flung at the people she was yelling at. She tried to delve into this, reading books on "bone magic" and trying to strengthen her power as much as possible.
Growing up, Sparrow had issues with the law, nothing too major, bail was always paid by her then wealthy father. She did this as a ploy to get her always-busy-father to get her to pay more attention to her. Nowadays, she couldn't care less. Her father is alive and wealthy, but she mostly leaves him to himself, while he grieves over losing his wife and only child...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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