@CarlsbergAutumn giggled. “Well, you weren’t so bad yourself,” she said, finally beginning to fully wake up, a process that was sent spiralling into confusion as she looked across the room at the other bed. More specifically, the thing laying ON the bed. “Is that a breach loading potato cannon?” she asked, sounding perplexed.
It looked like a potato cannon, but the barrel was currently open in the centre, as if ready to accept something into it. It was also way too big to be a muzzle loading Thunderlock Rifle (not to mention the fact projectile weapons making use of chemical or magical propulsion were highly illegal for anypony outside Spec Ops guard members expecting enemy engagement). She shook her head, as if to bring herself back to the topic at hoof. “So, what are you planning to do with your free day? There are no presentations or things you
need to get done today for the Convention, right?” she asked.
On that day, there was nothing that any of the attendees had to get done that was not requiring maintenance of experiments or equipment that they’d brought along for the various presentations. Ley’s day was more or less free if she didn’t have any equipment or experiment maintenance. Set up for presentations would occur in the half hour before the presentation was set to take place (done through Convention staff help), so Ley didn’t even need to worry about that.
[OOC: Please read the most recent OOC post. I’m going to be adding a quick thing in there for quick references back to various bits of lore and headcanons that affect the RP. I’ll let you know whenever I add something relevant.]
“Definitely see you around,” Sky Runner said to Quartz with a grin, closing the balcony door and exiting the room by simple process of tossing himself off the balcony so he could do a morning flight and find a cloud to rinse off with before he went looking for breakfast.
[Sky Runner and Quartz Exit scene (and RP for the time being). We'll talk on Discord about Quartz. :P I might just have reason for him to go from NPC to PC. :D ]