Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Name: Shizue

Bending ability if any: Waterbending, Healing

Birthplace: Northern Water Tribe

Age: 22

Backstory: Shizue spent her younger years in the Northern water tribe, learning from the best on how to heal and fight when she showed potential at waterbending. It seemed all was practically perfect, that is until her mother got really sick and no matter how much anyone tried it just wasn't getting better. Shizue even tried herself once when her mother was sleeping, hoping that maybe she could do it but it hadn't done anything. Her mother still faded away, smiling even in her last moments and telling her daughter to stay the strong smiling girl she loved. Asking her to watch out for her father since he would need his little girl more than ever. It left an empty feeling in her heart but she didn't let it get her down, fighting to stay happy and strong for her dad. Her father on the other hand felt like they needed to get away, away from the place where he could see his wife in every person and every turn. He thought about joining his sister in the Southern Water Tribe but decided against it, having a feeling even their he would be haunted with the memory so instead he went to Republic City to start a new life. He opened up a little tea shop called 'Panda Lily' and it seemed that they could get along now.
Shizue kept up her waterbending on her own when ever she could, only waiting till she was in her teen years to explore other regions of the world and working as a Hunteress (Selling whatever she caught) to live. It took her all over but she always came back to visit her father, telling him stories of her travels. It sadly became a perminate stay when her father was murdered, the shop and the place above it suddenly becoming her own. Shizue couldn't bring herself to get rid of the place he worked so hard to make and the only home she mostly remembered. The business thrived under her care, some even giving her silly nicknames like 'Tea Goddess' thanks to her special secret brews. It seemed she always had something for the right occasion

Items/weapons on person: Bow/Arrows and Daggers, Backpack (Filled with essential items), Water pouch

Physical Attributes and Abilities:
Waterbending/Healing (III)
Carried Weapons (II)
Acrobatics (I)


Shizue found this little guy in kind of a horrible way. She was hunting, trying to practice a better aim along with the fact she was tired of having fish everyday since she wasn't having much luck with anything else. It was the first time out on her own and there was no way she was going back so soon. She would be a failure in her eyes. It was then that she saw it,a large Addapard, it being occupied by what she assumed was a fresh kill or maybe even grazing so she took her shoot. Shizue rushed over in excitement but then felt her heart drop at what the beasts attention had been on. A small cub, its eyes not even open. Shizue felt like she might be sick, not even being able to look at the kill she had just made and not feeling right about eating the creature now. She carefully scooped up the cub, taking it with her and taking care of the poor boy by being its mother. Mitsuru is now her only companion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 2b3heart

2b3heart Keyblade Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 6 days ago


Age: 21

Bending ability if any: Firebending

Birthplace: Republic City


Backstory (Optional): Kavi has never known his parents, as he was for some reason abandoned on the outskirts of one of the spirit swamps that loiter the city, and was thankfully taken in by the spirts living there. It was here that he grew up, surrounded by a form of nature and with many odd friends, though he couldn't help but grow curious of the outside world. He eventually began to take on excursions into the city, finding himself fascinated with the technologic wonders it housed, even f he had no idea how they worked half the time. However, for every wonder he discovered, a horror lay just beyond the corner, as he was introduced to the poverty and criminal element very early on in his endeavors.

By the age of 13, he had been impressed into one of the numerous gangs as a pickpocket, as well as one of their benders, as his ability to firebend was immediately made apparent. They trained him on how to use, so as to get more use out of him, but he was always hesitant to do so, as he hated cause others pain and by extension, hated his bending because it seemed to do nothing but that, which caused him to weaken in it's use. However, one day, the gang had him try and pick pocket and elderly air nomad passing down the street, only for him to be quite literally swept off his feet in the attempt. The members who had been standing by were quick to interfere, but they were quickly overwhelmed and scared off as the airbender flowed around their attacks with easy and struck back with powerful, but controlled blast of air.

Kavi, awed by his skill and power, immediately begged him to train him in how to do what he did. The old airbender, after listening to the boy's story, decided to give it a shot. While the boy might not be able to airbend, he felt that Kavi would have much to benefit spiritually from learning the ways of the air nomads. And so he left with the air nomad to one of the air temples, training the boy in their ancient ways. It was difficult at first, for many reasons, but as time went on, he quickly acclimated to the Air Nomad way of life. He even took some airbending training as far as how they move, becoming much more agile and evasive with his ability. But more than that, he found an acceptance of his bending style, as his teacher taught him how everything in the world could be used for evil, and fire was not just destruction. The airbending master had no knowledge on how to firebend, of course, and recomeneded that his young people find himself a teacher, but the boy instead focused on mixing the firebending techniques he learned while apart of the gang with those of the air nomads, forming a more mobile and evasion based form of fire bending form all his own, and though his fighting skills aren't great, it generally surprises people enough to see a firebender move like an airbender that he can get away from most fights easily enough.

Now a days, Kavi is at a bit of a crossroads, unsure of how he wants to live his life. While he finds the Air Nomad life agreeable, he not sure if he wants to devote himself to it entirely yet, as he doesn't like the idea of completely separating himself from the world. He feels too much of a connection with it, in both his friends in the spirit swamps that he still goes to see every so often and in all of the wonder it has to offer. He's very conflicted on this choice, as he knows that whatever he chooses will define his life from then onward. Not to mention that he still has gang troubles, as members of the gang come around and try to force him back in . . . or worse.

Rasharna, or Rash for short: A spirit that has a particularly close bond with Kavi, he has the ability to shift his size to something around the size of a small cat to the size of a polarbear dog, if not slightly larger. Very talkative and energetic, likes to meet new people, and very protective of Kavi.

Items/weapons on person:
A pair of roller skates that he had made for him by a friend, he can use his fire bending to propel him forward on them, making him very fast and maneuverable both in and out of combat. The rolller wheels can be attached and detached rather quickly, so if he's given sometime to breathe in a fight, he can change up battle styles on the fly.

Carries a modified version of an Airbender's staff, with the flaps that come out the sides being used to make it into more of a hoverboard, expanding the size and helping to channel the flames. It's made of a special metal that isn't very conductive, so as to help control the heat and keep from burning himself. Also makes for decent improvised cover from other bending techniques in mid-battle, though it can only take so much punishment, so it's best used in a fight against other fire-benders.

A pair of goggles to help protect his eyes.

Pack of cigarettes and the only bad habit he picked up from his short stint in a gang. He doesn't do it constantly, only when he feels overly anxious or nervous, which isn't often, but some times the lack of smoking is what causes it. He's trying to kick, but it's hard. Can use it with his firebnding to create a quick smoke screen if need be.

Physical Attributes and Abilities:
Firebending(III): He's a decently powerful firebender on his own, and that only becomes more apparent as he adds his own unique spin on it. He focuses on low heat, non-lethal uses, having gained enough control to use heat-based shockwaves to knock his opponents around, though he'll go to straight fire if sufficiently cornered.
Air Nomad Fighting style(II): His training at the temple make him very agile and evasive, and while he'll never be as skilled as an actually airbender, he's still very slippery, especially when using his
Spiritual Meditation and Breathing(I): Another thing that has helped his firebending as well as his general temperament is his meditation ability. His control over his breathing helps control the intensity of his flames, and since it takes more to anger him, he can keep that more consistently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZeroEnder010
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Virra Lin
Age: 24
Birthplace: Yu Dao (Earth Kingdom)

Born the child of two successful farmers outside of Yu Dao, Virra spent his early years tending to the various animals that his parents breed and sold. As he got older his parents were concerned about his lack of showing any bending abilities. His Mother a Fire Bender, and his Father an Earth Bender, they had hoped that inherit the skill from one of them. Finally they decided that they should enroll him in a martial arts school, where he learned to defend himself, favoring the tonfa. They believed that this was a harsh world and that he would need to learn to defend himself. Most days he would go to the dojo and train, others he would spar with his parents, who taught him the fundamentals of Earth and Fire bending, so that he could be knowledgeable about how to approach a dangerous situation.

As he got older he obtained more and more disgust for those that live outside of the law. People work months, even years at a time, and someone could just come along and take it by force. This was always something he wanted to fight against, but the chain of command and procedure of law enforcement was too much of a turn off. One day he took down a pick pocket who had a bounty on his head, and as such was paid for his effort. It was that day he started taking down criminals on his own term, and earning what he could. After a while the pickings were slim in Yu Dao, so he left home at the age of twenty. Over the next four years he took down an admirable number of bounties, and honed his skills against Benders and Non-Benders alike.

Items/weapons on person:

Physical Attributes and Abilities:
Tonfa Mastery (III)
Acrobatics (I)
Strength Training (I)
Animal Husbandry (I)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Zayric

Age: 24

Bending ability if any: None

Birthplace: Republic City


Backstory (Optional):

Items/weapons on person:
-Jury rigged Mecha suit- A salvaged Mecha suit which is better and worse than the original design. Only a few of the original functions still work such as the obvious defence and strength but it also still has the built in flamethrower. The suit is a lot more agile than the average suit thanks to some actual ingenuity, Zayric managed to upgrade his suit with move advanced machinery in the movement department. On the downside though, the suit has been repaired with more common metals, making parts of it vulnerable to metal-benders. Just for a little pizazz he has an especially viscous looking

Physical Attributes and Abilities:
Engineering(II), Charm(III), Hand-to-hand combat(I)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'm going to go ahead and carry my character over, I probably should have done this a while ago honestly.

Name: Real name unknown, goes by Cricket


Gender: Male

Bending ability if any: None

Birthplace: Somewhere in Republic City

Backstory: As far as anyone knows, Cricket has spent his entire life in the streets. He has been a thief since he was very young, and has learned the tricks of the trade mostly through trial and error. Over the years he's gained somewhat of a reputation for himself throughout Republic City's underworld as a reliable professional.

Items/weapons on person: A dagger, his lock picking equipment, and several bombs.

Physical Attributes and Abilities:

Weapon proficiency: Dagger (II)
Move silently (II)
Infiltration (II)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eodwyn Aether
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Eodwyn Aether God of everything Potatoes

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: “Stalker”

Bending ability if any: Firebending, Electricity Bending

Birthplace: Fire Fountain City


Weight: 84kg

Age: 23

Backstory (Optional): Not much is known about this bounty hunter, except for the fact that he has an incredible amount of skill when bending and was said to have been taught by members of the Sun Warriors. Other than that there is not much information on the man, Except for the fact that he has a Armadillo Tiger and he was once struck by lighting whilst hunting one of his targets leaving him heavily scarred.

Items/weapons on person: N/A

Physical Attributes and Abilities: Firebending/Electricity Bending (IIII),Acrobatics (II)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Tanno Bang

Bending ability if any: Earthbender

Birthplace: Ba Sing Se

Appearance: Tanno is a tall, slim, busty teenage girl with short, dark brown hair that she has styled in a spiky manner and forest green. She wears a juniper colored long sleeve shirt under an olive colored short sleeve shirt with chartreuse and shamrock designs running along the neck, the edge of the sleeve and the bottom and a pine colored line running along the buttons in the front. She also wears crocodile colored pants with a dark green, thin rope used as a belt and leaf green, ankle-high boots.

Age: 15

Backstory: Tanno was born and raised in Ba Sing Se by her mother, Yisa, and her father, Roke, until she was 8. Since her parents owned a bakery, she was often with her best friend, Tae, running around the neighborhood. One day, Tae got sick and couldn't get better. Tanno had stayed by her side the entire time, refusing to return to the bakery until her friend got better. Many doctors had been by to see the girl but none were able to help her. Being only 9 at the time, Tanno wasn't able to handle the loss of her friend and spent 2 weeks in her room, not coming out for anything. During that time, she barely ate and became sick herself. When the doctors came to visit her, she became angry. Many of the stones around the room began lifting around the doctors, proving the girl to be stronger than she seemed. Her parents were able to calm her down and help her get better. Five years later, she left home, looking to train with the best, Through her travels, she found many earthbenders who could give her tips and tricks but none who could truly teach her. While traveling, she had heard of both metalbending, which she had believed to be a myth until she had seen it firsthand, and lavabending, which she had never heard of before. Despite practice with both, she was unable to use either. After a year of traveling, she ended up in Republic City.

Items/Weapons on person: a pack full of food

Physical attributes or abilities: Earthbending I, Physical Strength II, Concentrated Focus I, Defensive Style II

Other: Lesbian man-hater.
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