Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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She did not answer immediately, instead, Jalika selected a spot in the overgrown mothberry and thrust her arm all the way to the shoulder into the thicket. There was a moment of struggle, a slurred and indistinct curse, and when she pulled her hand free she had a traditional airbender's staff. She leaned on it as if she couldn't stand on her own, despite the fact that she had been just fine a moment ago, and then gestured to the Lotus agent. "Le's go."


One journey later, complete with quite dramatically losing her lunch over the side of the ferry, and Jalika was in the right neighborhood. She stumbled through the streets, and seemed to decide on the abandoned she entered entirely at random. She noticed another person on the otherwise empty streets, riding an animal she thought, though all of her assumptions were based on air movement over her skin. Someone inside the meeting place noticed either the other person, or Jalika, and stepped out to ask if they were summoned by the Lotus.

"They did," she said, and slipped past him before she could be questioned further.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 7 days ago

"The name's Zayric. Its nice to meet you Tikanni, Cricket and Siku." Zayric said said with a smile as he looked over the group now inhabiting the temple. By the sounds coming from outside and Cricket's own actions it seemed that others were about to join them but before that happened Zayric put his suit into a sitting position and locked the legs up making it essentially a overcomplicated chair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cricket nodded at Zayric but didn't say anything, he wasn't really much for niceties. After letting the two in, Cricket turned to Jalika. The only reason he hadn't gone straight to the basement yet was because he didn't want to be the first one down the on the chance that this was a setup. "If you're heading down, lead the way." he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Shizue felt a bit awkward as she stepped in, going completely unnoticed except for the male which she caught was named Cricket as he was the one that told her to come in. She didn't feel like interrupting everyone by introducing herself if she had barely been noticed so she stayed silent and hoped that this wasn't some huge trap that they were all being lead to. Shizue took a deep breath, stepping up to the staircase that lead into the basement and stared down into its depths. After all, someone had to be first so why not? She looked to Cricket as he spoke up, smiling a bit before shrugging and heading on down. They could follow if they wanted or if this was a trap than at least they could get out even if she didn't. "Here we go then."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

There were more people here than Jalika had expected. Though, he had nvwr had much to go on to form expectations in the first place. She made no effort to introduce herself, and simply followed behind the girl who took it upon herself to be first to go down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"This city is huge." Tanno said to herself as she walked down the street. All around her, the buildings were large but compact. There was metal everywhere, including on the police force, which she saw chasing a young boy through the streets. With precise aim, Tanno lifted a small brick right in front of the boy's foot, causing him to tumble and roll, allowing the police to catch him. By the time they had noticed the raised brick, Tanno was gone from the scene. "I need to find a hotel." she said with a yawn. "Sleeping on the ground isn't good for me."

Tanno hadn't noticed the man following her from a distance. He had seen her precise bending and knew she was going to be a good addition.

Unable to find a hotel on her own, she began trying to ask people that passed her, though nobody would stop and listen. "Sir, could you-... Ma'am, would you-... Excuse me, sirs-..." It went on for a few minutes before one man finally did stop. "Could you tell me where a hotel is?" Instead of answering, he handed her an envelope. "Is this a map?" she asked, but when she looked up, he was already gone. With a shrug, she opened the envelope, reading the message inside. It told her where to go though she didn't really know where that was.

After a couple more hours of traveling, she arrived at the building and proceeded to enter rather loudly. When questioned about the entrance, she held up the envelope with the White Lotus emblem. The motioned her through to the others, who seemed to be standing in front of a downward staircase.

Tanno eyed the staircase with a frown, moving past everyone to look it over. Despite being very tired, she knew they were a bit afraid of traps. "Hold on." she said, lightly pulling on the shoulder of the girl about to step down. She slammed her fist against the wall, focusing on the vibrations. Through this, she'd be able to tell if there were any traps, of which there were none. "Safe." she said, beginning her descent with a loud yawn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

The basement was revealed to be a narrow hallway, maybe wide enough for the group to go down two-by-two. It was nearly pitch black here, save for a torchlight coming from about fifty feet away. The torch was mounted by a door, apparently leading to the area where the group was actually supposed to meet. Whoever opened the door first would see enter a humble room. The room was small, round, made of brick, and somehow even more bare than the rest of this temple. It was also lit only by some scant torches placed around it. The old man who had contacted some of the people who were now here stood in the center of the room, wearing his White Lotus uniform. Off to the corner, as much as this room had corners, sat a small girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Jalika briefly noted the man, but was more interested in the girl off to the side of the room. Some of those summoned here were quite young, so it didn't seem as far off as it might to others, but she was still curious about her. Jalika crossed the room, leaning slightly on her staff, and sat in a close approximation to a meditative stance next to her, her staff across her knees.

"Hello," she greeted with a simple smile. "I am Jalika. What's your name?"
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