Quote: "There is only one thing to know everything about you. I am going... to smoke you..."
Name: Sygma
Age: 36
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Sex Preference: Hetero
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180
Physical appearance: i32.photobucket.com/albums/d17/Psycho_..
Apparel: He wears a Agency jumpsuite with its tactical equipment. Vest, bag of necessaries, gun holster, boots and several other minor utilities.
Personality: Laid back. Enjoys death metal. A resourceful individual who is care free but responsible enough to lead a team.
Occupation: Agency Team Leader ATL
Faction: Agency
Exp: His combat training has been completed for several years and he enlisted within the Agency at 23. He now has experienced many battles of the supernatural kind. Although he has no known abilities he is tiered with the highest Agency members. His skills with a dagger and pistol is one of the best in the known world of mankind. As he has needed it to defeat creatures no normal man would be able to defeat. He has suffered many wounds however and is hardened in battle.
Spells: none
Abilities/Powers: none
Hindrances: He has no specific hindrances.
Unknown Weaknesses: He has a weakness to helping others and will risk himself inorder to do so. He has no powers and yet is fearless putting himself in harms way even more so.
Weapons: A medium sized hunting dagger and a Desert eagle.
History: Growing up in Portugal Sygma had a relatively normal life. Immediately after highschool he joined the military and rose in rank over the years. Soon he was recognized and was asked to join the Agency. He first was a front man. Someone to make the Agency seem normal and legitimize its standing. But he later found out about it through his time working with them and was promoted within their ranks. He has led many different teams with varying degrees of success. He has now been assigned this team and the mission of uncovering the portal.
Trivia: He is the only normal human within the Agency who is okay to go on missions of high importance.