THE MULTIVERSE. For thousands of years, it was kept in check by an inter-dimensional council, made up of seven of the strongest beings in known fiction, meeting frequently in a pocket dimension to discuss how to go about governing and to discuss other political issues. With their guidance and ultimate decisions, they eventually created what was known as the MULTIVERSAL REPUBLIC, which kept peace, order, and justice throughout the worlds it ruled. It was what many people believe to have been the golden years of the MULTIVERSE, the best of times. However, despite how peaceful it was, it would certainly not last forever...
Under a highly coordinated attack, the MULTIVERSAL COUNCIL was attacked by an unknown enemy alliance, known as the REGIN OF CHAOS. The members tried to protect the Palace and push out the invaders, causing massive casualties on their side. But unfortunately for them, they were eventually overwhelmed by the intense numbers of troops that were invading and were forced to go into hiding. Of the seven members that fought in “The Sacking of the Council”, only four had survived, with the other three, including the head council member, eventually fading into obscurity. Now the MULTIVERSE has fallen into the hands of an evil tyranny and all hope has seemed to be lost.
However, after 40 years of tyrannical oppression, one group manages to stand out where others had ultimately failed. Known simply as THE RESISTANCE, this group of freedom fighters has vowed to take the reins of the remnants of the fallen republic and free the MULTIVERSE from the hands of the evil REGIN OF CHAOS. And slowly, bit by bit, they are gaining more allies towards their cause...

Welcome to Multiverse At War! This is the sister RP to the Multiverse Rising RP originally created by @Punished Homura (which also happens to be now managed by me due to said GM's absence). This RP can be considered to be a remake of the mother RP, with new characters, new factions, a better/simpler plot, and more organized. Both newcomers and old are all welcomed to join, though I do recommend different characters if one comes from the mother RP (you can have 2 returning characters).
Currently, you can join two default factions. The good guys being in The Resistance (yes, its very Star Wars-y Ik) and the bad guys being in the Reign of Chaos. You can always make your own faction if you so want to, weather siding more on the good, the bad, or simply aligning themselves to their own agenda. The choice is yours! For traveling amongst the vast multiverse, members that align themselves to a multiversal faction will receive a beacon that can open a terminal and allow you to escape back to the HQ of said faction. Unfortunately, said button after revealing terminal will ultimately dissipate and the terminal will only be active for 10 seconds until ultimately dissipating. However, those with teleportation powers are excluded from having them, as they already have their means to travel through the multiverse anyways.

The rules are pretty simple, but in case your new or need a refresher, here's the deal:
1). Respect the GM (me), the Co-GMs, and everyone else thats participating in the RP. My word in particular is final. If you have any problems, please contact me in the PM.
2). Be fair. Don't issue any bunny-modding (taking control of one's character), god-modding (having your character do whatever and whenever they want), meta-gaming (have said character know every single thing about their opponent's movements and attacks), autohitting (performing an action without giving the affected players a chance to respond) and the like towards a person's character. This rule doesn't apply to NPCs however.
3). If you want to make a character, PLEASE post it in the OCC for review. If the character is accepted, migrate it to the Characters thread. You can make as many characters as you want, for there's no limit, and OCs are permitted. If your character has been accepted and you want to change something yourself, let me and the Co-Gms' know before implementing it.
4). Limit highly powerful characters and don't create Mary-sues (perfect characters). While I can allow high-tier characters in the RP (such as leaders and in major positions), do not base the whole RP around with like Superman-tier, Apocalypse-tier, and other powerful characters of that magnitude. I can allow nerfs to them, but again, keep it fair. I also don't want any asspulls, which is basically creating characters either poorly made or one made specifically to counter something that's bothering you. If something is bothering you, tell said player or me for suggestions on how to counter it.
5). No one liners. This is a Casual - High-Casual RP, so I'd like to see a minimum of one or two well-made paragraphs. More is much appreciated.
6). If you haven't been around the RP for at least two weeks, we can assume that you've dropped out. If you plan on dropping out, or won't be able to be on for a week or more, please let us know when we should expect you to come back. You are always welcomed to return if you decide to come back.
7). No sexual content. Kissing, hugging, and other romantic stuff like that is fine, but please don't go to the bedroom and go to work! Keep that to the PM and away from the public eye, for your safety and ours. That being said, I'm cool with appropriate levels of swearing and gore, just don't overdo it.
8). While not exactly a rule, just a heads up that not everything should, and perhaps will, be railroaded (basically if you have a plan or plot, don't expect all of it to go your way). Try to be flexible in the way that you RP and expect a few surprises along the way. Find a way to make that event fit if you can.
9). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and everyone around for questions, especially when it comes to catching up. We'll then get you up to snuff.
10). And most importantly my friends, HAVE FUN!

Application Sheets
Here are the sheets that can be used in the RP: