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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"God is not on the side of big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best."
- Voltaire


Alarms blare wildly on both fronts as a major battle was about commence. Resistance spies had managed to located and find the whereabouts of the Reign's base, which was found to be located on the desert world of Eldritch IV. It's there that several of the major leaders of the opposing faction were held up, perhaps planning on a surprise attack of their own, as well as a huge army of various units throughout the Multiverse. If they could win this battle and take out their Executives, then they are simply one step closer into achieving victory and overthrowing the Reign of Chaos. Yet they know that this will be no cakewalk...

The army situated below is comprised of a massive array of demons, aliens, and other nasty warriors. They range from the Angels of both the Lumen Sages and units comprised of the DNA from Angels in the Evangelion Universe, to the might of the alien factions such as the Imperial Empire and the vicious Space Pirates, including an up and operational mecha robot force, as well as other factions from elsewhere. The base is located and built right within a cliff, guarded by massive cannons and turrets, and with massive cruisers ready to launch from the ground. They were already alerted by the Resistance's hyperspace route to this system just over an hour ago and were beginning to mount a massive defense force against them.

Whoever wins this battle, will most certainly turn the tide of the war and get the upper hand. Weather its for the greater good... or for the greater evil...

The Resistance

The Resistance fleet has just came out of hyperspace, formed up by different capital ships, cruisers, frigates, and starships of different universes. From within the Mon Calamari capital ship, Home One, a klaxxon alarm blares loudly soldiers and pilots of the New Republic began scrambling to their fighters and transports, all preparing to go down the planet's surface. Ships began to take off, some escorting the transport ships, those being the LAAT gunships and the much larger GR-75 medium transport ships. Onboard one of the gunships, a female figure draped in white priest-like clothing, stands motionlessly as she appears to be praying to something. Her murmurs cannot be heard thoughtfully as the sound of the gunship begins to enter the atmosphere of the planet. Just then, she hears several rapid clicks coming from her left robe. Slowly she reached in and takes out a comn-link. Once activated, it reveals a holographic figure, which reveals to be the leader of the Resistance, General Leia Organa.

"Bayonetta," she says, revealing the name of the white robed woman, "Looks like you made it here with the fleet. I was afraid that you wouldn't make it to the battle."

"And why wouldn't I?" answers Bayonetta with a small smirk, "I told you that the little mission I had would be done quickly. After all, I would never have the heart to miss such a battle like this."

"Very funny," Leia sarcastically replies, "Either way, I do believe this is your first commando assignment assigned in the field of battle ever since the invasion of your home universe?"

"Indeed. I've ever since been itching for another one of these operations."

"Right. Anyways, you remember the mission you were briefed back at Yavin IV correct?"

"I believe so. You want me to head into their base and take out their head executive?"

"Not take out, but to capture him. If Shinnok is captured, we can get information that can turn the tide of the war. Once we know where Nyx is, we can assemble a fleet and go after her."

"Awww, well that's no fun. I wanted to save him so I can introduce him to Pillow Talk. It hasn't been used in awhile."

"The gunship will land as close to the base as possible. Once your on the ground, you will make your way to the base through the back, which is the least defended part of the base. You'll be able to sneak up on the commander's lounge and you'll be able to take him off guard. Once you capture him, report back to me and I'll send a squad to pick you both up. Understood?"

"Yes mam'."

"Good luck Bayonetta."

And with that, the comnlink phases out. By that time, the gunships had already entered the atmosphere and were already heading into the field of battle. Transports were already landing nearby as troops and artillery began to hustle towards the base. At the same time, the base already began to send troops of its own and so the battle begins. Several Gunships, including the one Bayonetta is on, continue to fly towards the enemy base and over the first wave of troops. Explosions rattled the air and sand as both forces clashed with one another.

The Reign Of Chaos

Meanwhile, from within the depths of the base, Shinnok watches the battle from the command center, where he sees the battle unfolding from the large hologram that represents the map of the battlefield. He was impressed that the Resistance was making the bold move to try and attack one of the largest bases the Reign owns. He figures why they were attacking this particular spot however. It wasn't just to strike back, but also to capture he himself, for they think that they can get some answers from a fallen elder god. This entire charade just simply amused him. Regardless on whoever would win, Shinnok will not be captured to a bunch of these inconsiderate a foolish rebels. As he continues watching, the Space Pirate general, Ridley, was also nearby.

"Those Resistance fools think they can demolish one of the biggest strongholds of the Reign?" the Space Dragon hisses, "Ha! I laugh in their face for such a pathetic attempt!"

"Don't simply underestimate them." Shinnok simply replies as he continues watching, "They may be mostly comprised of mere mortals, but they are gaining powerful allies. It's a shame that they are joining on the loosing side, but alas they too will fall as well."

"And suppose they'll actually win this battle." Ridley then says, "What will happen then?"

"They'll win nothing." the elder god answers bluntly, "Even if they take out all the forces here and take over the planet, it will be worth nothing in the end. They're after me you know, Ridley, I have information on the whereabouts of our actual base is, as well as the leader herself."

"You seem worried about that. Even being called an Elder GOD?"

"Worried? Pfft, not in the slightest. Only fools worry about their position. Even if the Resistance takes over this base, they'll certainly not be catching me. They're going to have to try harder in order to catch me, waste their resources and soldiers, and leaving themselves vulnerable to us."

A small pause filled the room as Ridley growls in agreement.

"Should I head into battle and command the Space Pirates?" he asks.

"Not yet." Shinnok answers, "You are to remain here in the base and keep an eye out for any intruders. I have a feeling that they'll be coming here shortly..."


"This is far as I can go." announces a pilot as he lands the gunship in the battlefield, "Any further and their guns would hit us."

"You've done well enough." the Umbra Witch replies, "Head back behind friendly lines. Your not needed here any longer."

"Yes mam'."

As the gunship takes off, Bayonetta then shreds her priest costume off her body as she fits herself in clothing that is much more her style. Her hair forms the clothing around her body as she prepares to do battle with the enemies at hand! Stormtroopers rapidly approach her, along with the Lumen Sage Angels. It was time for the real battle to begin!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Absolis
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Absolis Quiet king

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


@lmpkio[@whoever else posts in the reign of chaos]

Hazama quickly made his way through the halls of the base. He had just been transferred here, and boy was it lucky they decided to bring him along. His steel tipped shoes clacked along the ground, as he made his way through. An assistant followed behind, holding a file with recently printed documents.

As hazama walked through the halls, he stopped at the door of one of his lesser intelligence officers. No doubt they were already aware of the gigantic fleet coming to attack, so they could wait on the report for just a couple more minutes. He then poked his head in the officers door.

"Oh? I do hope I'm not bothering anything. I know just how busy you can be but, would you be a dear and take some coffee to my office?"

Hazama spoke, accenting his words to grate on the officers nerves. Nothing particularly wrong was said, but she would be annoyed nonetheless. However, him being her superior officer, she wouldn't have much of a choice in the matter.

Hazama would then continue down the halls, before calling back to the officer heading the opposite direction.

"Oh, and not too hot now. You know I hate it when it burns my tongue"

After a few more moments, hazama would find himself at his bosses door. A double door, it would be ornate, though not overly ornate. Just ornate enough to show that it was an important room. It somewhat reminded him of the NOLs doors. But now he was reminiscing. Hazama proceeded to knock on the door. Three times to be exact. After a couple of moments he would call out to the other side of the door.

"knock knock knock! don't want to keep your favorite intelligence head waiting, do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@lmpkio @absolis

Chaos Headquarters

Deep inside the Reign of Chaos' base, in a small 4x4x4 meter room bereft of any furniture save for a videophone lying behind three two meter-thick Durasteel-Adamantium bulkheads, each protected with a capital ship-grade deflector shield and an entire fortress' worth of laser cannons, heavy machine guns, plasma blasters, missile launchers and EMP mines all pointing inwards; contains a single occupant, perhaps one of the most dangerous entities in the entire base barring several of the executives. Yet despite the nigh-overkill levels of escape-prevention for just a single being, the sole occupant had put itself inside the prison willingly and shockingly it was no captive of the tyrannical confederation; but one of its creations, one so powerful and unstable that even the fractious Executives of the Reign had unanimously decided that it needed to be controlled and contained lest it destroy everything they have worked so hard to create.

And yet even with such a major conflict literally on their front door, the Executives had decided to hold their creation in reserve; fearing that unleashing its power too early would do more harm to them than good and that it would be extremely funny to let it loose on the moment the Resistance fools think that they are starting to win their pathetic struggle. Something the occupant understood, but didn't necessarily like...

Given the sheer amount of defenses dedicated to simply dissuade its escape, the prison consumed immense amounts of power and the Resistance spies easily found out about it in their subterfuge but was unsure of what exactly was being protected; so they had assumed it was something very valuable to their hated enemies and promptly marked its location as a point of interest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mon Alliance Headquarters, Mt. Coronet, Sinnoh

It had been controversial to set the Mon Alliance HQ away from Tokyo, but Osamu Akiyama and his allies needed a place away from Tamers!Tokyo's bureaucracy, and furthermore didn't want to endanger innocent civilians should the Reign of Chaos or their internal enemies attack. More to the point, the Pokemon section of the Multiverse had a huge amount of surplus wealth and advanced technology, as well as, of course, the legendary Pokemon Arceus, who was willing to lend the Mountain for the Alliance's use, and even help dig out the tunnels needed to make the base livable. Now, retrofitted into a fortress that can stand even a direct hit with a nuclear weapon, Mt. Coronet was where Osamu can plan in peace.

The command room in the depths of the mountain was an oval-shaped space, lit by two Solrock employees who cast Sunny Day regularly in exchange for Poffins. In said command room were several high-end holographic projectors, which Osamu used to communicate with the other commanders of the Mon Alliance, as well as its multitude of lesser officers. Right now, Osamu was conversing with one of his spies, Meowth (yes, that Meowth), who, along with Jessie and James, had - truly - defected from Team Rocket this time; HYPNOS and Mr. Yamaki had been very...persuasive.

"So, as I was saying, Boss," Meowth spoke, "the Reign of Chaos is being attacked by the Resistance right now in one of the former's major bases; we don't know why, but it's something big."

"Which in turn presents us with further opportunities," the 18-year old boy spoke. "Keep an eye on the situation as much as you can; we need to see what developments result in this." Already, the wheels were turning in Osamu's head; with both Resistance and Reign distracted, he had full initiative now, initiative that he can use to undermine the Reign.

A smile from him, and he spoke:

"Your paycheck, all in pure gold, will be deposited into your account. Also, a mansion will be waiting for you once you get back." Best keep the spies rewarded...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 5 days ago

Light and MC

Looking down from one of the main cruisers, Light pointed to the base. "We're here MC!" Light said in a cheery voice as the ships came into view of one of the RoC bases. "Really? Well, I guess we'll go down and soften them up for the ground forces shall we?" MC said, holding a book upside down to make it seem like he was reading it. After a bit of silence with Light giving a cough, MC put down the book and opened a portal down to the surface using his staff, reaching the ground while the enemy ground forces were busy preparing for the ships coming in.

Stepping out of the portal below, MC began to wind up some spells, Light standing next to him for defense if anyone noticed him. He was able to get off two casts of Raise Dead and spawning a blizzard before he got noticed, more so due to the Blizzard than anything. Finishing up by casting Haste on himself, both Light and MC prepared for an army fight, MC putting on a barrier for protection. While it did cross his mind to cast Meteor Storm, he decided against it as there were ships high above the field of battle.

"This'll be fun." Light said, splitting off from MC by pulling out her portable hole, popping in and out of it to distract and to cause some chaos in the ranks to make the infantry landing easier. MC meanwhile started to float about, tossing Water Water Water Water Earth element wet boulders below to attempt to freeze and damage what was below.

Thankfully the blizzard should disappear by the time the ground forces landed, but the frozen enemies would still be frozen for a good time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saint Girralo

Saint Girralo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Roy Mustang

"Lieutenant" Mustang was on one of the gunships descending toward the surface of Eldritch IV, a planet currently under the control of the Reign of Chaos. He was surprised to say the least when he had seen General Organa and the Special Operations leader, Bayonetta enter a gunship bound for the planet's surface. Important targets on planet surface, got it. As Mustang watched the gunship descend, he couldn't help an uneasiness in his gut from forming, as though this mission, the one to capture or destroy that special target or targets, would be a waste of time, or worse a trap.

"Lieutenant, Sir! Is everything alright?"

Roy sighed at that. It infuriated him to no end that despite his ranking and prestige back home, and his abilities, that he was ranked so lowly. The Amestrian was a Brigadier General back home, and at least wanted to be recognized for his abilities and actions. He finally could understand, in someway how that pip... How Edward felt when people called him short. To his relief, his fellow Alchemist didn't show up when someone called him short in their mind.

"Everything should be fine soldier. How long until we land?"

The pilot laughed, "We just touched down. Just making sure you're okay."

Roy climbed out of the ship quickly and looked ahead and saw the reason there had been so little anti-aircraft fire. Light and MC were already on the ground. His eyes snapped to a group of RoC soldiers attempting to regroup, and he let out a few snaps of his fingers, sending the soldiers either to an early grave, or running for cover as the fireballs engulfed their comrades.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The dream was always the same.

Daisy was frolicking in the fields of Earth, thumping her feet in delight and gnawing on the fresh meadow hay of Spring. Doomguy stood nearby, his back against the tree, looking up at the moon visible in the early evening sky. He'd switch his attention between his pet rabbit and the strong bourbon he held in a hand, just enjoying the peace of the moment.

But things changed quickly, they always did. It would start with the moon transforming into a Hellish fireball, turning the blue sky red. The sun would darken, and the city of Los Angeles in the backdrop would ignite with hellfire. Screams of millions sailed across the open meadows to greet Doomguy.

And then before he knew it, Daisy would shriek - he'd scream in out rage, powerless to get to her, and the next thing he knew, her head was upon a spike. He'd collapse to his knees, swearing bloody vengeance against Daisy's murderers.

And then he awoke, perspiration covering his brow. He became vaguely aware that he was on a moving platform - no - an orbital transport ship. The hard metal of his seat cut into his back, and the safety harness pinning him to it had left a nasty bruise on his chin. The ship rocked, and a muffled explosion rang out from outside the hull.

"Planet fall, thirty seconds," the Pilot yelled through the transport's intercom. "Gods be with you!"

Doomguy's senses were quickly returning to him. Suddenly he wasn't angry, he was calm- a cool passion enveloped him, as it had done on Phobos and in Hell. The legions of the damned awaited him below, and they were going to pay horribly for their transgressions. He'd humbled them before, and now, he was going to tear their spines from their backs and use them as kindling for Daisy's funeral pyre when all was said and done.

Looking about the transport, Doomguy spied his comrades. Many different uniforms inhabited the cargo hold; some of them looked terrified, but others bore looks that reflected his own cool demeanour.

"Ten seconds!" The Pilot called, as the transport shook to another external explosion.

The harness flicked up, much to Doomguy's delight, and the hold turned an eerie red glow. He was up in a flash, and he fumbled to grab his weapons bag. Ten seconds was all he needed to check he was good to go.

"Pistol, shotgun, assault rifle, plasma gun," he muttered, fiddling with the weapons. "Where's the BFG? Ah, yeah, this is what I'm talking about."

Doomguy's comrades scrambled to make themselves ready, as the transport came to an almost sudden standstill, and descended vertically at a rapid pace. At the far end of the hold, the hydraulic doors started to lower with a hiss.

"Into the ass of the beast," Doomguy muttered, flicking down his visor. "And out of its mouth."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Penny Polendina

Eldritch IV - Clandestine Surprise!


Planet Colors

"Oh this is going to be so much fun!"

The little android known as Penny Polendina among the Resistance spoke to herself in a narrow room, tight enough to be a closet. Swiftly she'd cover her mouth with both tiny hands as it became a hait for her to speak her mind, even when alone and supposedly hiding. Luckily for her, the impromptu turbulences and damage taken by the ship somewhat drowned the sounds she'd accidentally make, and even if heard the troops held within the ship was visibly too terrified to mind their immediate environment as of now.

So what was our little robotic friend doing here of all places? After all, she was indeed one of the Special Ops, one of the finest warriors within the Resistance. And yet she had to sneak into some low end ship with the highest rank being a Subordinate. It was simple, like her previous life within the world of Remnant, she was only allowed to join the battle in select circumstances under the authorization of certain people, much like how her 'father' did but with social interactions included. Fortunately for little ol' Penny, she at least had the luxury to get to talk to pretty much anyone she wanted, though in exchange she wouldn't shed a word about her being.

But miss Polendina's curiosity always got the better of her. Added to that a little grain of disconnection from the reality of the battlefield and voila, she's grown fixated to joining the front lines to have some 'fun'. All of this would be innocent, but clearly this kind of ambition could be seen as insulting or even crazy by individuals such as the soldiers preparing to die for this battle.

When they prepared to land and the exit doors opened for the troopers to prepare their assault, Penny would finally manage to unlock the door in the locker she's been staying in for the trip. The clandestine robot emerged from her hiding spot, stumbling clumsily and making a darn big uproar out of it all. She recovered quickly however and used her natural speed of have her eyes be mere centimeters to Doomguy's new concealed eyes behind the visor. Clearly she was already intrigued by something.

"Oh! What beast are you taking about?!"

She'd inquire, eyes wide open and a childish grin on her innocent expression. The little Penny seemed awfully severed from the realities of the battlefield that were occurring right in front of them. To her defense, there were quite a few ugly, angel-like beasts out there they could already see from the half-opened door.

"... And why do you want to go into its butthole?!"

She'd add with a slightly less explosive and overly enthusiastic attitude. She was grossed out at the idea, like how a kid would react to parents talking about sex for the first time. Nonetheless, she kept the awkward stare right at the Subordinate's visor, her emerald eyes reflecting almost perfectly the soldier's image.

"Oh oh oh! I forgot! Ahem ... Saaaalutations friend! I'm Penny and we should definitely be friends! What's your name?"

And with that asked, a massive explosion caused by one of Fortitudo's clones shook the landing ship's entire construct. She dismissed it completely and maintained the a saluting stance with her right hand up in a waving motion and her face just beaming at Doomguy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kid Flash

The LAAT gunship shook violently as it plunged into Eldritch VI's atmosphere. Wally West tightly gripped the safety harness, his eyes glued to the metal ceiling of the craft. Fear gnawed at the edges of the speedster's sanity. It was all so surreal. He was heading into battle on a spaceship from Star Wars. He'd never imagined something like this would happen; not in a million years. Yet here he was. Wally took a deep breathe through his nostrils. He tried to calm himself down but his nerves would not allow it. He was all alone in a strange universe fighting a war for the liberation of the Multiverse. Despair threatened to set in as the realization of his impending doom slipped into Wally's mind. It wasn't that he feared being shot at. No, Kid Flash could handle bullets. It wasn't even death that he feared. No, he was terrified of the all encompassing loneliness, knowing full well that he might never see his family or Artemis ever again. Wally took in another gulp of the the stagnant air contained in the gunship. The other troopers glanced idly at the mortified young hero and wondered why he'd been assigned to such a high stress mission in the first place.

"Get ready. We'll be landing in approximately five minutes." The pilot informed the squad over the ship's internal com system. "Alright Epsilon Squad. You heard him. Gear up and get ready to drop." A soldier in all black armor carrying what appeared to be a laser rifle ordered. The red stripe on his right shoulder pad denoted his position as Squad Leader. Activity in the compacted space rose. Soldiers checked their weapons and equipment, slinging bags and backpacks onto themselves. They were motley bunch. While their uniforms were all black in color, their choice of dress and armament was drastically different. Some carried conventional firearms while others wielded more exotic weapons. One of them wore armor akin to that of a Medieval knight and held within her hands a massive two handed broadsword. Another was draped in a flowing robe and carried a staff. The strangest of them all was the gigantic blue turtle with a pair of cannons poking out of its shell, who was escorted by a teenage boy in a blue baseball cap.

"Hey, kid." The knight said. Wally looked away from the ceiling and stared blankly at her helmet. "This is supposed to be a stealth ops. What's with the bright spandex?" Kid Flash glanced down at his uniform. He was still wearing the armored version of his costume. The colorful red and yellow suit that had become an iconic part of his superhero career. "Sorry." He muttered. Wally tapped the crimson lightning bolt on his chest and the material shifted and changed until it was mostly black. The woman seemed to notice Kid Flash's frightened manner and moved to his side, taking a seat next to him. "There's nothing to be worried about. I'll have your back the whole time we're out there." Wally offered the stranger a small smile and a nod. "Thanks. I'm Kid Flash, by the way." He offered her his hand, which she shook. Wally winced as she did so; the lady had quite the grip.

"I am called Saint Mary." The knight said. "That is Aquila." She motioned towards the squad leader, who nodded in Wally's direction. "And this is Nahum." She pointed to the wizard, who merely grunted in response. "My name's Gerald." The boy in the blue cap said. "This is my Pokemon, Blastoise." The blue turtle-like creature turned and looked at Kid Flash. "Blastoise!" Wally gave them all a an awkward wave. "Thirty seconds to landing." The pilot informed them. The squad positioned themselves closer to the blast doors. Saint Mary helped pull Kid Flash to his feet and pulled him over to the door next to her. "Where's the-" Wally began, only for one of the grunts to toss a satchel to him. Kid caught it and tossed the strap over his shoulder. "Thanks." He flicked open the flap and looked inside, checking on the explosives held within.

The doors to the LAAT gunship pulled back and revealed the expansive desert environment. Epsilon rushed out of the ship and dropped into the sand below. The squad spread out, forming a defensive perimeter around the landing zone. "Clear!" Aquila called. Two more LAATs appeared over the horizon and landed next to them, spilling their occupants out in a similar manner. Aquila placed a hand on the side of his black, featureless helmet. "Epsilon Squad is in position." He informed them. The leaders of the other two squads (Gamma and Delta squads, respectively) performed the same task. "Kid Flash, scout the ridge for enemy patrols!" Wally slid his ruby goggles over his eyes and dashed up the side of the huge dune, looking out over the ocean of sand. Kid's eyes widened for a moment before he jumped backwards off the ridge. Moments afterward, a huge explosion rocked the formation. "Mech!" Kid Flash shouted.

Suddenly, a towering construct of metal appeared over what remained of the ridge. The monstrosity of steel pointed its long-barreled energy weapon down at the squads and opened fire. One of the LAATs exploded in a ball of fire. The other two tried to take off but were destroyed in quick succession. The squads of infantry scattered in all directions towards any cover they could find. "This is Epsilon leader to fleet! We need heavy fire support on my location immediately! Target will be lase'd." Aquila shouted into his communicator as he, Saint Mary and Gerald dived behind another sand dune for cover. Aquila grabbed a black box from his belt and pointed it toward the rampaging mech, a beam of bright green light landing on its back. "We've got to take the base's power out. The longer its on, the more time we give their AA to shoot down our air wings." Aquila said between gritted teeth. Another explosion rocked the immediate battlefield as the mech let loose a barrage of missiles on Delta squad.

"I'll take care of the power. No one else could make it to the base without being blown up by the Iron Giant over there." Kid Flash informed them. "Go! Blastoise will cover you." The blue skinned turtle turned towards the base and pointed its hydro cannons in that direction. "Blastoise!" It shouted. Wally tightened the satchel's strap before taking off across the desert at just below the speed of sound. Breaking the sound barrier would announce his arrival to anyone without a one mile radius. The speedster looked on as the enemy structure loomed in the distance. He'd be arriving shortly if there were no complications.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Richard Hawk

If there was one thing Richard had never expected to see, stationed as he was on this depressingly empty ball of sand, it was a sudden snowstorm. He smiled at the sweet nostalgia of it. Soldiers running about around his feet, desperate and freezing in a sudden enemy attack, while he say all warm and toasty in his robot sipping tea from a thermos. It reminded him of those cold Arizona nights. It was like going back to childhood. Or getting a preview of Hell, for that matter.

Richard watched through his icy camera as the storm began to fade as the first of the enemy drop ships began to land. The only ones doing any harrying were the angels, and as he scanned the battlefield he found the reason why. Some sort of wizard was here distracting everybody from what was really important. Richard would just have to remind them.

The mech stepped forward, shaking off the layer of ice that had coated it as it raised the two boxes in its hands skyward. "Come on boys, can't you see it's Christmas morning?" came his voice crackling out over the coms. The the front of the boxes burst open, reveling rows of missals. "All the good little boys and girls are rushing down to get their presents. WE DON'T WANT TO DISAPPOINT THEM!"

He pulled the triggers and over two dozen missals leaped into the air, seeking drop ships. They slammed into one, and another, and another, knocking them from the air in bursts of fire. One went tumbling into the landing zone of another, turning both into beautiful blooms of smoke and shrapnel.

Richard smiled when he saw other streaks start to shoot up into the air. More missiles, energy beams, flak cannons. More drop ships started dropping like stones. Having successful redirected the attentions of the men, Richard smiled and let loose another salvo before stowing his launchers in the pods. He swapped them for a pair of chainguns that he began to spin up before flipping on his boost and charging toward the ships that had already made it down. "HERE'S SANTA!" He cried as he he opened fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Battlefield

@Lmpkio @Letter Bee @Saint Girralo @Archmage MC @FacePunch @savato @frengo

As the Bilzzard froze entire regiments of troops and defenders along with Light's shenanigans further causing confusion and disorder, it was foolish to think that the Reign of Chaos would idly stand by as their military forces are made such mockeries of right at the very doorstep of their hearth and home; but the Reign's response to the fiasco before it would be unexpectedly fierce at this point in the battle...

Literally forming out of thin air, a titanic Wyvern made of magical flames suddenly appears without warning amidst the freezing blizzard; its intense heat neutralizing the bitterly cold winds and defrosting everything within several hundred feet of the summoned creature, the now-freed defenders had little time to celebrate their freedom as the heat had gone from lifesaving to life-threatening within literally seconds and they promptly ran as far away from the flame dragon as possible. Unleashing a crackling screech, the fire construct rears its wings back and with a mighty heave; flaps them so hard that it breaks itself apart in the process, becoming a massive gale of flames and superheated air, defrosting everything on its path before smashing against the blizzard with such intensity that it causes a turbulent storm of wind that not only instantly cleared up the blinding snow, but also threatened to send MC flying a good ways away towards some environmental hazards if he fails to utilize one of his spells fast enough along with several Gunships that strayed too close to the epicenter of the storm.

As the dust and remnant snow clears, a single figure confidently strides out of the fog; having come from the exact same place as where the Elemental Wyvern had been: A knight clad in immolated silver armor and wielding a sword of flames. Despite the knight's proud stature and unshaking poise, his deep, heaving breaths indicated that his show of force had winded him quite a bit; making his attempt to challenge MC and potentially Light a heroic but foolish effort, completely out of character for the Reign of Chaos' minions... However, as valiant as the knight seemed; he was still an Agent of Chaos and they were nothing if not crafty and skilled at the arts of war as evidenced by him reciting a spell... A spell that suspiciously sounded like a recall teleportation!

Instead of being spirited away deep into the base, he does just the opposite; instead recalling beings into his location! Out of the magic circle that formed right behind him, quite the group sallies forth! Containing another heavily armored Mage-Knight, two lightly armored hooded figures wielding staves and the other four being... A pair of angelic beings, a bigger, holier angel and some sort of puppet-like wizard?!

This motley collection can only mean one thing... Licht Gruppe is here, meaning that Shinnok isn't far off! Why else would they station one of their most elite and renowned units so far from the front? But before the resistance can redouble their efforts at the realization of having victory at the very edge of their grasp, they are soon reminded that the mission will be far from easy as the very presence of the enemy paladins causes the recently-freed defenders to rally around the elite squad, marching alongside them as they prepare to evict their unruly guests...

"Truppe... ANGRIFF!!!"

At the flame knight's command, battle is soon joined...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cast into the void between universes, Darquesse was adrift in the superposition of realities. An infinite expanse of possible location, placed outside of the limitations of time and space. A realm of quantum reality, where every possibility and probability exists. It was in this state that Darquesse resided, thrown from her own reality, hopefully never to return. And from here she could have ended up anywhere in the multiverse, in any one of countless realities, infinite worlds. Whether it was chance or fate that brought her to Eldritch IV is impossible to know, but it was this simple random act that cast her into this realm. And it was this strange coincidence that would draw her into a series of events that might quite possibly determine the fate of the Multiverse itself.

In an instant Darquesse was in another world, a world of explosions and death. Even as she materialized she could feel the death around her, the bodies of the fallen devoured by the very explosions that had taken their life. She was stunned, as she stared down at the chaos down below, even as the large metal barges flew past her. For a moment she thought she had been trapped in some kind of illusion, but she would have sensed it if this were some fabricated world. No, this was a real universe, and she really had been sent here. And, for some reason beyond her comprehension, everyone here was exploding one another, as if she'd dropped right into Star Wars. It took a moment to process the fact that this was a thing that was real. And then, she saw it....


Holy shit, was that a mech? Those were REAL? Well, here, at least. She laughed out loud, as she revelled in this discovery. It was like discovering magic all over again. But she'd seen for herself the vast amount of possibilities the Multiverse provided. If there was a universe where Mevolent still lived, then why not one with mechs? Of course, most importantly of all, she wanted to kill it. Just to see if she could, to see if it exploded like they did in the movies. With a little mushroom cloud as the core-whatever overloaded. Her laughter turned into a disturbing grin as she shot down, eyes dead set on her prey.

To the rest of the world, she was a missile, streaking down from the sky. Anti-air fire filled the air around her, the occasional bullet smashing into her body. She shot down, fire surrounding her, friction tearing at her skin. Her speed was part gravity, part magic. And as Richard looked around for more targets, he'd see what looked like a meteorite headed straight for his face. Still grinning, Darquesse would slam into the side of the large Mech suit with the force of a missile, shattering even her magic-enhanced bones. Of course, it was only a moment before she was back up, bones already knitting back together and skin growing across her burnt form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 5 days ago

Light and MC

@dirty slime@Saint Girralo@Frengo

Their plan working somewhat, a few transports were able to land nearby in the cover of MC's blizzard. As the soldiers marched out, some with high tech weapons, some in powerful looking armor, others being monsters of various origin. Out of the group MC noticed someone with a blazing aura about them. Noticing who it was, MC shifted into being a female, gaining a more pronounced figure. But before she could get Mustang's attention, a wave of heat clashed in the middle of the blizzard. A dragon kind of spell summoned by some sort of knight roared, its heat defrosting a vast majority of the frozen enemy forces, before sending out a shock wave as they dispelled the blizzard.

While MC shielded herself from the shockwave by using Shield energy to erect a barrier in front of herself, the zombies she had summoned smacked into it like flies on a truck's windshield. Light was completely caught in the wave alongside an angel hybrid she was doodling on with an oversized marker, finding herself thrown back quite a few feet and beneath the thing she had just been antagonizing. Grumbling to herself after being squashed flat, Light threw the confused enemy off of herself. Popping herself back to normal, she noticed the group of eliteish soldiers who had just appeared.

MC noticed the newcomers as well, noting that the one who had dispelled her blizzard was already breathing hard. Her forward barrier shattering, MC said. "That was totally unnecessary. Those zombies have feelings too!" MC said, her zombie army having been broken by the blast. Noting the fire that had killed her blizzard, MC cast Shield Fire Steam Lightning Arcane on herself to protect her from the fire and possible lightning or Arcane attacks before following up with casting Plasma towards the new group of knights, the red ball of energy closing in upon them at great speed. She didn't want to use more powerful spells as they tended to have a lot of collateral damage...

Light, noting that MC seemed to be alright on her own, decided to deal with the various enemies around the battlefield. Pulling out her hole, Light continued her playful version of fighting, opting this time to play baseball by using any smaller enemies she could grab as baseball bats and missiles as baseballs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightknight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexandria Skye

Most people preferred drop ships, what with freedom of movement and a false sense of security, but Alexandria, she likes a little bit more faster entrance, one only a drop pod could provide, though what she really wanted was to be a smaller target for anti-air guns. As she was descending from the atmosphere at hundreds of miles per hour, she went over the details of her assignment in her head. She had been assigned to lead a special recon team as squad leader. The squad would be positioned a few miles south of where the majority of the fighting was taking place. She wouldn't be part of the main action, but that suited her just fine. She always did enjoy finger triggered laser messaging to fist to face confrontation anyway. Her job was to survey the battlefield and provide her allies both on the ground and in space with Intel on how the fighting was going. It wasn't a glamorous job, but someone has to do it. Along with the her ODST comrades there was also a drop pod containing a communications relay. She knew she had to defend it at all costs. Without the relay, it would make communicating with the command ship that much more difficult.

After a few minutes of falling, her drop pod smashed into the ground. Thankfully she and the drop pod landed in one piece. Seeing as she was the first to be deployed, she emerged from the pod, waiting for the rest of her squad and the relay to land. One by one the ODSTs landed and emerged from their drop pods. The communication relay fell last. The squad scrambled to secure the drop zone. Alexandria scouted around with her Sniper pulse rifle to see if the coast was clear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Richard was peeved.

As he shot toward enemy landing zone something black streaked right past him before he could react. That stung, but not so much as cresting a dune to find he wasn't the first mech to charge forward heroically. There was already someone mixing it up down there and while Richard loved that sort of gumption he'd really wanted to be first.

Neither of those stung as much, however, as the wave of heat that rolled across the sand at his back. Richard watched in disappointment as his winter wonderland vanished in a wave of steam and heard the rallying cry of that rat bastard thunder stealing Licht Gruppe! Richard considered his personal situation and found it to be the worst. He wasn't the first man in, and neither was he the one leading a rallying charge into the enemy encampment. He the middle child of a whole war.

And then there's the meteor.

Richard quickly redirected his boost, shooting to the side as something man sized and burning came screaming out of the sky. It came within inches of him, close enough for Richard to spot the shadow of some kind of person in there amid all that fire. He swung to follow it, bringing up one of his chainguns and opening fire as it passed. If god saw fit to deliver upon him an object upon which to vent this frustration he was feeling so be it. He'd make sure, whatever this was, it was good and dead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Suddenly, Naoki Kashima's hologram appeared on one of the projectors, his face stern.

"Osamu," there was no honorific, "I have a job for you, Takeru, Hikari, Mewtwo, and Xerneas. And by you, I mean that you will have to personally get out in the field." That last part caused Osamu's face to blanch.

"But, Boss Naoki -" the 18-year old said.

"No buts; your scientific and magical expertise is needed. Besides, you'll like this job. Do you know of one Minato Arisato?"

"Vaguely," Osamu Akiyama spoke, "a valiant hero, sacrificed himself to defeat our Nyx, in a way that erased all evidence of his existence on his Earth, including his friends' memories of him. Are you saying it's finally time to rescue him?" The wheels began turning in Osamu's head; Takeru's Crest of Hope was the perfect counter against Persona!Nyx's enabler, Erebus, aka the human collective wish to die.

It just had to be amplified...

"Aye, aye, sir!" shouted the boy, "I'll get right on it!"

Flash Forward

Osamu Akiyama walked beside Takeru and Hikari Takaishi (now in their late 20s and married), to Tokyo Tower; Mewtwo was also disguised as a human, while Xerneas was in a Poke Ball. Their plan, or rather, Osamu's plan? Modify Tokyo Tower to amplify the power of the Crest of Hope, and, just in case, the Crest of Light, in order to drive back Erebus and keep him away for what Osamu hoped was millenia; enough time for Minato Arisato to live a full life.

Once they got there, Osamu spoke:

"Duo," Mewtwo's fake name, "time stop."

And time stopped, allowing Osamu to take out his Hypercube, aka a box that contained a dimensional pocket, which in turn contained objects larger than the box itself. Basically, a sister technology to Poke Balls, only meant to contain nonliving objects.

From the Hypercube came out what seemed to be a mix of an antenna and a Tesla Coil, a tall, four-meter high monstrosity with a circular knob at the top, and spiky extensions jutting out from the shaft.

"The Hope Amplifier," Osamu said, "Takeru, you and Hikari activate the power of the Crests within your hearts, and focus it on the Antenna. Said Antenna would then extend its signal all over the world. I, Mewtwo, and Xerneas will guard you against Erebus, should he manifest."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Nice to meet you Penny," Doomguy uttered. "Let me bring you up to speed. That out there," he pointed towards the gaping doors of the transport ship, "is a literal beast. It will eat you up, it will chew you to pieces, digest your carcass and shit you out the other end. That's what it'll do!" He cocked his assault rifle, and checked the sights by peering down them. "When we leave that door, we're going to turn things on their head; we're going to reverse this here situation, by throwing ourselves up the literal beast's ass hole, and come out the other end. It's a basic science, and one that I'm an expert in."

With no further adieu, the Marine gave Penny a brief nod, and then turned towards the hatch. The sounds of war echoed, reaching out to greet him; men screaming and dying; women cursing in anger and injury. He'd join them soon enough, but the thought did not trouble him in the slightest. His heart beating in rhythm to the chaos, he quickened his pace into a sprint, and leapt from the transport with practised savagery.

There was indeed chaos all around; a great beast that defied the legions of Hell, swam through the air, laying waste to the frozen ground that had covered the desert basin just a moment before. A knight with flaming attire, a familiar portrait of Hell itself, stood in the background, as troops rushed around him; energised as they were, to beat back the likes of Doomguy.

A demon ran up to him, four limbed and breathing fire; Doomguy darted out of its reach, pasting its skull with hot led. Another such creature came from his side, and he leapt away, blasting its kidneys from its lower abdomen with another flurry of searing rage. Then something not unlike an Angel came for him from above, its gaze terrifying, its being holy and yet unholy - Doomguy's rifle clicked as the magazine ran empty. Throwing the rifle aside, he pulled forth his trusty Super Shotgun, a double barrelled monstrosity.

As the creature came for him, Doomguy responded in kind, unleashing a dual barrage of devastating slugs that tore the "angel" a new mouth right below its neck. It fluttered to the ground, screaming and crowing.

And then Doomguy was struck from behind by another demon, its red flesh hot to the touch, but he was able to launch it several feet backwards with a push of his booted feet. It fell onto the sand, roaring in anger, but before it had time to stand, he threw aside his super shot gun and pulled out his plasma rifle; his back a seemingly endless arsenal.

The beast charged, and Doomguy reduced its face to ash.

And as the legions of Chaos came forth, rounding on him, he could only hold down the trigger, and keep it there, until they all went away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Saint Girralo

Saint Girralo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Light, MC, you started the party without me. I'm hurt. Foxtrot, we need to make sure those cruisers don't get in the air. Take and hold the launch platform until reinforcements were arrive." Mustang ordered as a wave of superheated air pushes him a slight distance. He quickly clapped his hands together and touched the ground, pushing a barrier of ground and sand up to protect him and his squad from the powerful gale. As the winds died down, he lowered the barrier, and stared at the newcomer. A knight coated in molten silver armour and wielding swords of fire. Roy scowled as the knight summoned forth more "abominations", and clapped his hands together and touched the ground. He launched pillars of earth and glass at the beings. His soldiers are scrambling for cover, some falling back to the landing crafts.

"Stand your ground! Stand your ground!"

Roy clapped his hands together and raised a barrier to establish firing positions for his troops.

"Light, MC, get to cover." He told them, as he began picking off RoC soldiers. His troops clamber to the alchemically erected barrier and begin shooting past Light and MC at the newly arrived hostiles. Roy wished he had more competent soldier under his command, like Riza was. He would have even been willing work with Major Armstrong at the moment.

'I actually miss them.' He thought.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab between Letter Bee and Gentlemanvaultboy))

"The Hope Amplifier," Osamu said, "Takeru, you and Hikari activate the power of the Crests within your hearts, and focus it on the Antenna. Said Antenna would then extend its signal all over the world. I, Mewtwo, and Xerneas will guard you against Erebus, should he manifest."

"One last thing..." Takeru interrupted. "Isn't Minato Arisato dead? Won't we need to provide a body for him?"

"Good point," Osamu then smiled. "But I planned for this eventuality." And from his pockets, he brought forth a vial, while the Hypercube unloaded a large amount of soil and earth, dumping it on the floor of Tokyo Tower.

"This vial contains the Tears of Pokemon, Digimon, and Demons; the tears of Pokemon alone are able to restore Ash Ketchum from his' being turned to stone, as Mewtwo can attest." Mewtwo, in his human disguise, turned away a little, not wanting to remember that incident.

"The earth and soil, meanwhile, come from the sacred ground of the Ruins of Michina, where Arceus manifested long ago. With these, I can craft a new body for Minato." Perhaps I should make this 18-years old Thankfully, (Edit: the reasons for that) remained secret.

"Anyway," spoke Osamu as he began mixing the concentrated tears into the earth, "you should start."


Something moved across the collective unconious in a wave. It poured in through the cracks in human hearts, crashed up agaist the cliffs of grief and sadness, overflowed them, and slowly began to erode them away.

She didn't know where this effect was flowing from. It seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. From everyone at once. As if the entire human race had done an abrubt about face to look toward the rising sun. It was extrodinary. It was unreal. It was unnatural.

Elizibeth wasn't complaining.

There was somewhere she had to be.

She had a hunch that the wave would carry her there, so she threw herself into it.

She was brought before the door and could already tell that something was different. The thrashing of the monster sealed behind it had quelled. What once had been it's violent attempts to break the seal had subsided to a weak, parthetic knoking. She looked up upon the great seal and wondered. She hesitated for just a moment, before deciding to take a foolish risk. She reached up, grasped the boys face, and gently pulled.


As Takeru and Hikari poured their Crest Power onto the antenna, Osamu was sculpting Minato's body, clothing and all. As he poured his sorcerous power into the slurry made from mixed soil and Mon Tears, the clay began to transform into flesh and cloth, and Osamu smiled at the results; vivid blue hair and grey eyes, he liked!

And since the body was made to be 18-years old, he was doing nothing illegal. Now, for the final step; the Breath of Life.

Gathering more magical power from the depths of the Multiverse, filling himself with concentrated energy, he filled his mouth with fresh oxygen, holding his breath, then, with a kiss, poured said air, charged with pure magic, into the body; if he managed the spell right, it would drag out Minato's soul from the great seal and into the new body, which was now fully flesh.

A jolt, and Osamu knew that the body was experiencing signs of life now. Although tempted to let the kiss linger, the 18-year old knew that he didn't want to offend Minato or anyone who came to see him, and so he ended the kiss and stood up.

Hopefully, Minato Arisato would be too surprised by his ressurection in order to realize that he got kissed by another young man...

((I hope this doesn't violate the rules against sexual content))

The boys eyes slowly opened up. He didn't look like someone who had just been brought back from the dead. He looked like somethat that had just awaoken form a long, deep sleep. Slowly his eyes flicked around the room as he lay there, looking to each person he could see in turn. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again to think.

He lay there, waiting for someone to say something. The whole room had an awkward air about it. Finally, he cleared his throat. "There was a...robot here?" he asked, unsure of himself.

"You mean Aigis?" Osamu Akiyama, feeling himself in the clear, spoke. "Well, not quite; she's not here right now. However, you are in Tokyo, we devised a way to keep Nyx out that didn't require you, and well, I'm happy to meet you!" The 18-year old boy extended his hand.

"Name's Osamu Akiyama, btw."

He took Osamu's hand and let him pull him to his feet. Tokyo? He slapped himself on the face to try and get his head on straght. It's not often that someone wakes up from a sleep that they fully expected never to awaken from. He groggily wandered away from the group, near a window, as if to confirm that this was real.

He was taking the whole "resurrection" thing a lot more calmly than you would expect.

"The Fall won't happen?"

"No," spoke Osamu calmly, gesturing to an exhausted-looking Takeru and Hikari, as well as the antenna-coil. "Thanks to those two lovebirds and that antenna I invented, Tokyo Tower will continue to emit waves of pure Hope and Light all across the world, decieving Erebus and Nyx into thinking that Humanity had given up on their suicidal impulses. In fact..." he turned to face Mewtwo, who was still in his human disguise.

"Mewtwo, can you please teleport the antenna-coil to the top of Tokyo Tower, then use a Psychic Illusion to hide it, and a Psychic Shield to keep it safe?" A second later, the antenna vanished, and Osamu Akiyama turned to face Minato again.

"Everything's fine now, at least for now." The arrogance faded from his tone, replaced by respectful, mild, kindness. "Your friends might be coming here soon; best meet them before I tell you the other reasons, besides respect for a hero, that we brought you back."

"They're still alive?" He'd thought, in the lead up to his death, that if his soul was ever freed from the Seal than it would have to be hundreds of years in the future. He wasn't even going to commennt on psychic powers, or how he was alive again, or anything. At least not until he'd met them again. That was the important thing. "I'd like that. To see them again."

He looked out the window. The sun was rising.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gun
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Gun Ðℯṧ℘ℯяαḓo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

-The Battlefield-
Kyrie Lennis/Oath Freedom

Around five miles above Eldritch IV's surface, ace mobile suit pilot Kyrie Lennis was dodging two pairs of guided missiles like it was clockwork, the bulky and clunky munitions simply not tailored for the pursuit of of such a small mobile suit being able to skillfully access more oblique planes. Halo's of light were issued around him, halting all of his inertia and speed suddenly before pulling up in a fashion only capable by an in-human beast(for those sudden G-forces to not explode him all over the place) as the gunsteel-grey Freedom's propulsion system redirected bursts of force about his axis of gravity, that in conjunction with his immense motor control skills allowed him to dodge out of their path, and instead direct them into each other.

The Reign of Chaos mechs in chase of him lag pursuit style weren't so easily swayed, however, as they sprayed relatively harmless 30mm caliber bullets that dinked off of the Freedom's thick carapace-like backplate and smoothed aerodynamic helm like rubber. A single glance over his shoulder would be the last thing the fighter pilots would ever see as the black and yellow mobile suit suddenly maneuvered into a Pugachev's Cobra after deactiviating its G-limiter for precision control, causing them to overshoot him completely as his Xiphas cannons unslid from under his arms and lined up perfectly with their tails. A fraction of a second passed between pulling the triggers and the jets being blasted out of the sky into glorified shrapnel.

From within the cockpit, imaginative planes and vector screens of digital techno-bargain flashed forth, feeding information to him as he sped off when suddenly the psi system nudged the back of his mind with an audible pinging, alerting him of various psychospiritual presences nearby, though whether he heeded the warning or not wouldn't matter. The sky bled opulescensce as a great dragon forged out of the ranks from an armored metahuman that fought against the raging blizzard that turned the planet into a recreation of Hoth just a few moments before.

The Freedom landed in the middle of the fray, beside Doomguy specifically, its various remote weapons departing from their appropriated docking panels on the freedoms back. The Fangs soared in complex vectors at hypersonic speeds, firing streams of V particles that blasted through a charging infernal creatures jaw, the slipstream catching several other legions in its path. The foldable hip-mounted Xiphas railcannons unslid and swiftly swiveled into firing position before tearing through another, creating some much needed space. In the moment of reprieve, Kyrie commanded the 13 foot mech to outstretch its hand to the fallen soldier as he scanned over those present.

@dirty slime
@Archmage MC
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