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Age: Over 6,000 Years
Species: Human / Umbra Witch
Gender: Female
Personality: Bayonetta is a character whose approach to her deal with Inferno is one of casual disregard. Often treating her weapons as mere tools to get the job done, save for her favorite set of guns, she appears to enjoy her situation as a way to vent her hidden sadistic nature. She rather enjoys fighting angels in a playful yet brutal manner and she maintains her cool even when up against powerful angels such as the Audito. Bayonetta tends to operates alone and prefer to do things by herself if going on a mission or adventure and not get encumbered by other people, at least initially until being assigned to the Commando Operative. She can also be construed as somewhat impatient, especially towards the more "talkative type" of enemy. She has a high level of determination and can be very protective towards her mates. And when a demon summon goes wrong, she is not slow to turn against her demonic 'pets' if they do not follow her instructions.
Bio: 5 years after the fight with Loptr on Fimbulventr mountain, Bayonetta lived the casual life on the suburbs of New York with Jeanne, Enzo, Rodin and Luka. Considering through all the hell that she and her allies had been, they had indeed needed a long break from battle. However, this peace would obviously not last when surprise surprise, the angels from the Lumen Sage arrive to wreck havoc once again, followed by the demons as well! Yet something was not right with how they both acted. It was as if they were being mind-controlled by an unknown force, with their strategies being unusually different then before. In fact, it seems that there was a new kind of demons that also joined the invasion force!
It appears as if the Reign of Chaos has approached their universe! Leading the attack was one of the old Head Executives, who was infamously known as Shinnok, the fallen Elder God in the Netherrealm (Mortal Kombat). Using his mind control, he was able to control the angels and demons native to this universe at will, allowing full control of this massive army he now has in his possession. Bayonetta and her allies fought bravely, but even they were having trouble getting through this seemingly endless onslaught of minions.
As they struggled to keep them at bay, The Resistance arrived to the battlefield with reinforcements! Prometheus lead the charge, followed by a recruited army of his own, as they began to break through the army of both heaven and hell. While the main forces of Shinnok faced with these new reinforcements, Bayonetta and Jeanne secretly made their way into the fallen Elder God's chambers in which they did battle. During the fight, Jeanne was severely injured and was unable to fight for the rest of the match. With only the former still kicking, she unleashed the demon Gammora as her final finishing climax and ultimately defeated the mighty Shinnok! While he was severely injured, he was able to escape and ultimately called back his forces to retreat.
After the battle, Bayonetta met up with Prometheus, who happened to be quite impressed with her skills and bravery in battle, especially after he heard her beat the Elder God in battle. Ultimately he recruited the Umbra Witch into The Resistence and assigned her, along with four other powerful allies to form a Special-Ops Division, who are deployed in the tightest and most vital of situations.
- Superhuman Abilities: Bayonetta has superhuman speed and agility, being able to perform numerous acrobatic feats with ease. She also appears to be extremely perceptive, able to evade attacks from all directions through anticipating her enemy movements in battle. She possesses immense superhuman strength and endurance, shown on numerous occasions when she is able to manipulate heavy objects ranging from vehicles to small houses and also spring back up to fight whenever she is hurt.
- Bullet Arts: Bayonetta masters the Bullet Arts, a fighting style utilized by the Umbra Witches which uses a combination of melee attacks and gunfire, particularly from guns used on both hands and feet. It allows the fighter to execute strings of fast paced moves as well as combine them with the use of Wicked Weaves. It also allows the fighter to become efficient at any weapon they happen to come across using the same configuration of hands and feet, explaining Bayonetta's efficiency in being able to execute various attacks with different weapons as well as utilize the Angel Arms she can pick up.
- Wicked Weaves: Wicked Weaves are a type of attack that can be executed by powerful Umbra Witches to summon forth Infernal Demons by using their hair as a conduit. Bayonetta's Wicked Weaves usually summon the massive limbs of Madama Butterfly, the demoness she has made a pact with. It also has a more powerful variant named Infernal Weaves that appear when Bayonetta has powered up into Umbran Climax. In addition to using normal Wicked Weaves for every attack, the end of combos cause Infernal Weaves to fully manifest the Infernal Demons for extreme damage in a large area-of-effect.
- Umbran Climax: Umbran Climax is a Technique that allows every attack performed to be powered up and strengthened for a short duration. When used, the witch glows a distinct purple color and Bayonetta's hair becomes long and flowing with a silver chain pattern laced into it. The strength of Bayonetta's attacks are increased as well as her overall range and area-of-effect thanks to the Wicked Weaves which are called forth with every attack. Each combo also ends with an Infernal Weave, an ability that calls forth an Infernal Demon to release an devastating final attack. If she is not at maximum vitality, activating Umbran Climax will slowly regenerate her health for the entire time it is activated. The demons summoned during Umbran Climax are dependent on which weapons are currently equipped and different combinations create different results depending on the combo and whether the weapon is on hands or feet.
- Witch Time: Witch Time is the name of an ancient art used by powerful Umbra Witches, which speeds up their agility and speed, allowing the user to bypass their opponent's defenses and execute combinations of attacks and other feats that would otherwise be impossible. (Unlike the one used in the games, think of it as Flash Step from Bleach).
- Infernal Demons: The Infernal Demons, also known as Infernals, are the supernatural inhabitants of Inferno that can be summoned by the Umbra Witches as part of their role of maintaining the darkness. These demons bestow witches with great power and wisdom and are mainly used to fight and hunt down the angels. However, this power comes at a high price. If a witch does not sacrifice angels every day or she dies/is killed, she is forced to fulfill the contract to the demon she made a pact with and her soul is dragged down to Inferno for the eternity. Bayonetta has several demons she can call down upon, including: Madama Butterfly, Gomorrah, Malphas, Hekatoncheir, Scolopendra, Phantasmaraneae, Labolas, Mictlantecuhtli, Baal, Hydra, Diomedes, and Carnage.
- Beast Within: Beast Within is a series of transformational techniques that Bayonetta can use that allows her to transform into an animal form and unlock mysterious magical powers. This technique is used by both the Umbra Witches and the Lumen Sages. Bayonetta can transform into a panther, a crow, a bat, and a snake.
Organization: The Resistance - Captain of the Special-Ops Division
Universe of Origin: Bayonetta
Other: Her real name is Cereza, but has now simply adopted her current name Bayonetta
Theme 2:
Age: Unknown
Species: Elder God
Gender: Male
Personality: Shinnok is one of the most evil beings in the Mortal Kombat universe, being a vengeful and a powerful fallen Elder God. Unlike Outworld's leader, Shao Kahn, Shinnok relies less on brute strength and fear-mongering, but more on magical powers, ancient artifacts and manipulation. He is the ruler of the Netherrealm, possessing millions of years' worth of knowledge and power. He can impersonate any other beings of his choosing, as well as to transform into an immense demon. He also possesses extreme cunning, as well as the ability to manipulate events through others. For example, he had Quan Chi convince Shao Kahn to merge Earthrealm with Outworld against the Elder Gods' will. As a result, both realms were severely weakened and left vulnerable to invasion by the Netherrealm. Shinnok demands unwavering faith and loyalty from his followers and will not hesitate to kill anyone who doubts, challenges, or even represents a potential threat to him. He may even be more brutal and heartless than Shao Kahn.
Bio: After his defeat at the hands of Cassie Cage and thunder-god Raiden, even going as far as being decapitated by the latter, Shinnok was taken back down to the Netherrealm, where the fallen Elder God was chained up and locked in a box. It would only take 10 years before someone would find his body again, the said being being Nyx. She found out about the Elder God's existence and was able to free him, along with secretly stealing his own amulet from the other Elder Gods. Once he was free, Shinnok was able to resurrect a new body and get back the amulet.
While he did agree to help Nyx in the conquering of the Multiverse, Shinnok's only offer was to be of high command (Head-Executive) and to be treated respectfully as a God himself. For he warned that if he was to be used as nothing more than a tool, he shall gain revenge on Nyx and ultimately kill her, as he has the power to do so. Despite seeming as she won't agree to this rule, Nyx agreed and gave Shinnok the position of Head-Executive of the Reign Army and as Second Right Hand Man to Nyx.
He has won many battles with the army of demons and other foes, conquering one universe after another. No one could've seemed to stop Shinnok's unquenchable thirst for domination, not even the strongest of opponents. However, there was only one exception to this. When invading the world that housed the legendary Umbra Witch Bayonetta, it would show the multiverse that he can indeed be stopped provided one was indeed strong enough. He was close to winning the fight and could've even eliminated the witch and her allies, if only it wasn't for the Resistance barging in. This allowed for Bayonetta and Jeanne to sneak through enemy lines and combat the Elder God, for they too have defeated gods in the past. Shinnok was able to defeat Jeanne, but unfortunately he couldn't beat an enraged Bayonetta, who ultimately defeated him in one on one combat.
Shinnok was defeated, but not even close to death. He was quite surprised at her dexterity with the Bullet Arts and how incredibly agile she was. He'll get back at her soon enough, but for now, it was time for him to take his leave, knowing that he cannot beat her today. They made a hasty retreat back to their home universe, leaving a universe to live freely another day. This however, was so far, the only defeat Shinnok had experienced in his career and vows to destroy her once the time was right. All he needed... was simply the right time.
- Mimicry: Shinnok has the ability to replicate any character's moves and steals a single ability from his current opponent which he stores for later usage. The only drawback to this is that the powers he mimics must be in his jurisdiction. He is unable to mimic every power due to the fact that he doesn't have his amulet nor his staff.
- Amulet Of Shinnok: Shinnok's Amulet is one of the most powerful weapons in the Mortal Kombat universe. It symbolizes greatness in the magical arts and was the weapon that Shinnok used when he and the other Elder Gods waged war against The One Being. Anyone who wields the accursed amulet of Shinnok will increase their powers drastically. For example; when Shinnok wields the amulet, his main power, immortality, increased to the point of pure immortality, which is the ability to resurrect himself, thus never be vanquished. It also can issue several other powers.
- Teleportation: Shinnok can summon portals using the amulet. These portals may teleport you anywhere in any realm, as long as it is a real environment of course. The amulet possesses the power to trap multiple beings inside itself, and unleash waves of crimson energy that can kill lesser beings instantly. Out of Shinnok's hands, this power harms even the wielder.
- Beam: Shinnok pulls out his amulet that strikes the enemy with magic. If timed correctly, it will also neutralize an enemy projectile.
- Shield: Shinnok uses his amulet to create a protector shield.
- Hell Sparks: Shinnok summons purple magical projectiles to burst out of the ground in a series of three. The enhanced version is called Hell Blast and does more damage. It can also be enhanced after any Hell Spark is fired to cause a small burst that knocks the opponent in the air.
- Bone Scythe: Shinnok carries a bone scythe (also called Scepter) infused with dark magic. It can issue several magic moves.
- Scepter Slam: Shinnok grabs his opponent with his bone scythe to throw them over his head and slam them behind him.
- Scepter Strike: Shinnok slams the bone scythe on the floor to damage the opponent, making them stumble. It will hit at a large radius on the battlefield as long as the enemy is standing on the ground and is unblockable. The enhanced version is called Scepter Quake and has increased damage, also knocking the opponent down if it hits them.
- Summoned Fiend: Shinnok summons a large skeletal hand to grab and throw his opponent.
- Judgment Fist: Shinnok summons a large skeletal hand to crush the opponent from above. It is unblockable, but gives the opponent enough time to evade before the strike happens.
- Devil's Flick: Shinnok summons a large skeletal hand in front of his opponent to knock them away with a flick.
- Corrupted Shinnok: In the events of Mortal Kombat X, when absorbing the Jinsei, he was transformed into a monstrous demon. If he can absorb enough dark energy, he could transform into it again. (Move Info Coming Soon...)
Organization: Reign of Chaos - Head Executive of the Reign Armies and Right Hand Man to Nyx
Universe of Origin: Mortal Kombat

Leia Organa
Age: 53
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Of commanding presence, Leia Organa was a sharp-witted diplomat who was unafraid to speak her mind, even when confronted by powerful figures like Darth Vader and Wilhuff Tarkin. Fierce, outspoken and headstrong, she would accomplish whichever task she imposed on herself, for she would try to put duty before her own personal needs—likely, as a result of her upbringing. Furthermore, she never cared much for being royalty for her priority was to help those who needed her, and not wealth nor recognition. In spite of her self-discipline, Organa had a fiery temper she often struggled to control, and was eager to prove herself, to be recognized for what she could do, and not her title of nobility. Stubborn, brave and smart, she only 'gave as good as she got,' which was one of the reasons why Han Solo had taken a liking to her.
Despite her commitment to Alderaan's values of pacifism, Organa believed in self-defense and in fiercely fighting for the galaxy's freedom. With remarkable leadership qualities, Organa was also known for being able to keep her composure even in humiliating situations to perform daring feats, like diving into a garbage chute or strangling the infamous Jabba the Hutt. A woman of action, eager to get things done and making positive differences in the world, Organa was impatient, a trait she shared with her brother Luke.
Bio: In an alternate timeline taking place 20 after the events of Return of the Jedi, Leia Organa was recently promoted as the Supreme General of the New Republic Army, with the First-Order not even existing in that timeline. She was one of the first choices that Prometheus chose to be part of The Resistance (not to be confused of the SW:TFA's version), for her brilliant strategy skills in battle. While it took some convincing to have Leia and the New Republic join the group to battle against the Reign Of Chaos, she eventually agreed to join after being shown proof that other universes existed and being shown that her universe can indeed be next.
As one of the oldest Head-Executives of The Resistance, serving for already 10 years, she had participated in many battles against the Reign of Conquerers. Her army is the major bulk of the space fleet, as well as the ground troops, especially during the early years of the war. She had participated in battles with many foes, which include the Borg and the Covenant in space, and even in the important burning of a Xenomorph nest found on the planet of Kalgroth, where the Reign planned to weaponize the brutal aliens and send them into combat.
When not in battle, she's usually behind lines discussing politics with her fellow allies as well as training new soldiers on how to fight and even up-and-coming diplomates. She's an excellent mentor and is very relatable and well-liked by many of her friends and allies. She does miss her home universe at times, but being strong as she is, she brushes it aside and knows that once the war is over, that she'll finally return home. Maybe even retire as well...
- Brilliant Strategist: From the years fighting the Empire in the Galactic Civil War, to fighting the First Order thirty years later, General Organa has always made daring planning when going into battle. Yet somehow, it almost always ends with victory.
- Diplomatic Skills: Organa, renowned for her diplomatic skills, was a capable mediator, and had training in public speaking, being able to give speeches, thanks to her aunts' insistent lessons, as well as in self-defense—including how to resist interrogation.
- Good Accuracy: Competent with weaponry as she was with words, she had great accuracy when using blaster pistols, rarely missing her shots.
- Piloting: She also had years of flight training; indeed, she could pilot a Lambda-class shuttle, and the Millennium Falcon, even admirably by evading TIE/LN starfighters while Solo and Chewbacca hastily tried to repair its hyperdrive during their escape from Hoth. Organa was also able to manually pilot a Naboo N-1 starfighter through Naboo's planet-wide storms without an astromech droid, much like seasoned Rebel pilot Shara Bey, and destroy several climate disruption arrays before saving Bey from a TIE fighter. She rarely used such skills, though, as she was usually provided with, or resorted to, help from pilots to get to her destinations, especially in her old age.
- Force-Sensative: Daughter of the Chosen One, Organa, like her older brother Luke Skywalker, was born Force-sensitive, strong in the Force. She usually uses this sense when indicating her surroundings and where others are, such as her brother, Luke, or other places strong in the force. She never uses it in actual combat, like force pushing and pulling, for she had no desire in learning them.
Organization: The Resistance - General of the New Republic Army Division & Head Resistance Strategist
Universe of Origin: Star Wars

Age: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Gender: Male
Personality: Ridley is nothing short of brutality and cruelty, where his violent disposition and love of death and destruction are made apparent when he orders his entire legion of Space Pirates to annihilate the peaceful inhabitants of K2-L as he looked on. His ability for cruelty is further made concrete, when he attempts to kill a small girl (a young Samus Aran) who tries to befriend him; killing her mother while trying to shield the child. He, like many of his Space Pirate brethren, also believes in the superiority of certain races over others, counting himself among the privileged elite species and seeing the "lower" races as something only to exterminate.
Despite these bloodthirsty tendencies, Ridley has shown to be an intelligent and competent battle tactician, orchestrating a great many successful battles, as well as proving a serious threat on his own. However, his quick temper and his arrogant belief that nothing can defeat him often undermines these qualities, leading to a great many defeats for him as well. Ridley also seems to grudgingly show respect to those that are natural at commanding others. He has also frequently displayed a very sadistic sense of humor, evidenced by his various comments against Samus upon their first meeting since K2-L.
Bio: In an alternate universe taking place in the events of Super Metroid, the Space Pirates had found a way to create rifts into other dimensions and universes. At the depths of the sweltering Norfair, Samus and the Space Pirate commander Ridley, issue their final battle. It was a long and tough brawl, each slugging out their best assets, but eventually Samus won, blasting her arch-nemesis into the said portal, which closed, forever sealing the space pirate away into the multiverse.
Ridley would find himself on an alternate Zebes, where a battle between the Reign of Chaos and The Resistance took place. Taking to the skies, he hides out from the fight for sometime, taking a long look at his surroundings. He eventually decided to join the battle on the side of the Reign and made a small part in driving out the Resistance army back. He then joined the winning faction and received some space pirate troops, who were astonished at his presence. This is because in this universe, Ridley was actually long dead, and that he died long ago while sacrificing himself to destroy their universe's Samus. Regardless, he accepted this fact and commands the Space Pirates once again. He is indeed a ruthless pirate to behold...
- Melee Arsenal: While fighting hand-to-hand, Ridley primarily makes use of his lethal claws, talons, and tail.
- Plasma Breath: Ridley is also capable of breathing plasma in battle, either in the form of large fireballs, or a large stream.
- Flight: Ridley's wings enable him to fly at fast speeds to outrun opponents.
- Enhanced Regeneration: Ridley is also shown to be adept at survival, able to heal himself by consuming others and incorporating their cells into his body.
- Pigmented Skin: Ridley displays the ability to change the pigments of his skin and harden it, making him immune to beam attacks as powerful as Samus'. While in this hardened state, Ridley's attacks also gain greater speed and strength. It's also thanks to his that he can camouflaged or invisible, usually in dark corridors.
Organization: Reign Of Chaos - Executive
Universe of Origin: Metroid
Battle Theme: