Name: Aleksandr “Aleksy” Kulik
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Personality: Aleksandr is reserved and darkly sarcastic. However, his grave sense of humor is never one to take over his external life. Perceived as a relatively serious gentleman, he generally allows the role to fall upon his shoulders. Nevertheless, his serious demeanor can be caught off guard by his passions for the smaller things in life—such as petty theft, the occasional recreational drug usage, and, his all-time favorite, blood lust.
History: Growing up in a small town, Aleksandr took to entertaining himself through the arts. His father and mother were very intent that he learned how to paint iconography for the Church. He was also pushed behind the altar at an early age--much before he could contemplate life, death, and life-after-death. Having a priest for a father meant Church was family; Church was school; Church was work; Church was life.
There was no escaping the inevitability of his being reprimanded at home for his behavior at Church. His mother always seemed to have a way of catching his cease of silent praying in Church during his adolescent years. She had some “Matushka Mind Trick,” or so father and son would joke.
Though, one day, Matushka Theodora was found dead while heading home from her evening walk. She had been brutally mauled; limbs were missing; flesh was torn and gnawed. No suspect was ever found. However, it was rumored some wild beast had eaten her alive. Father Seraphim and Aleksandr were never the same after Matushka Theodora’s murder.
She was the beginning of many heartless murders in the small town. Aside from Matushka Theodora, majority of them were small children.
A couple years past, and Aleksandr graduated Middle School begrudgingly. Again, several more years past, and he barely graduated from High School. However, when it came time for college the poor boy had lost his soul. Many townspeople had left the area over the freight of the murders. His father and he were chained and bound to the Church and were not granted leave. However, two years later, the Bishop gave Father Seraphim a call, a mission, and a new parish.
Upon the move, Father Seraphim encouraged Aleksandr to enroll in a college or university. So, he did, and thus his story begins.
Additional Information: Aleksandr prefers not to be called by his nickname; however, he normally responds better to "Aleksy" as opposed to "Aleksandr." He tends to stay in doors and finds the industrialization of this new, bolder city very intriguing.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Personality: Aleksandr is reserved and darkly sarcastic. However, his grave sense of humor is never one to take over his external life. Perceived as a relatively serious gentleman, he generally allows the role to fall upon his shoulders. Nevertheless, his serious demeanor can be caught off guard by his passions for the smaller things in life—such as petty theft, the occasional recreational drug usage, and, his all-time favorite, blood lust.
History: Growing up in a small town, Aleksandr took to entertaining himself through the arts. His father and mother were very intent that he learned how to paint iconography for the Church. He was also pushed behind the altar at an early age--much before he could contemplate life, death, and life-after-death. Having a priest for a father meant Church was family; Church was school; Church was work; Church was life.
There was no escaping the inevitability of his being reprimanded at home for his behavior at Church. His mother always seemed to have a way of catching his cease of silent praying in Church during his adolescent years. She had some “Matushka Mind Trick,” or so father and son would joke.
Though, one day, Matushka Theodora was found dead while heading home from her evening walk. She had been brutally mauled; limbs were missing; flesh was torn and gnawed. No suspect was ever found. However, it was rumored some wild beast had eaten her alive. Father Seraphim and Aleksandr were never the same after Matushka Theodora’s murder.
She was the beginning of many heartless murders in the small town. Aside from Matushka Theodora, majority of them were small children.
A couple years past, and Aleksandr graduated Middle School begrudgingly. Again, several more years past, and he barely graduated from High School. However, when it came time for college the poor boy had lost his soul. Many townspeople had left the area over the freight of the murders. His father and he were chained and bound to the Church and were not granted leave. However, two years later, the Bishop gave Father Seraphim a call, a mission, and a new parish.
Upon the move, Father Seraphim encouraged Aleksandr to enroll in a college or university. So, he did, and thus his story begins.
Additional Information: Aleksandr prefers not to be called by his nickname; however, he normally responds better to "Aleksy" as opposed to "Aleksandr." He tends to stay in doors and finds the industrialization of this new, bolder city very intriguing.